Unfiltered Take on Medjugorje

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Matt and Thrsdy Give their opinions on the Medjugorje.
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In 1991 the Yugoslavian Bishops found no evidence of the supernatural in the apparitions. They did not find evidence for the first seven as Thrsdy stated in the video. This came in 2017 with the Ruini Report. The full statement of the Yugoslavian Bishop's Conference can be found below. They did say the faithful visiting the site "require[d] attention and pastoral care." The official approval of Medjugorje as a pilgrimage site came in 2017 with the Ruini Report.
-Relevant Canons and Interpretation for Private Revlation:
1983 Code: www.vatican.va...
1917 Code: bit.ly/46xQRFy
Application: ecommons.udayt...
-Bp. Zanic's Letter: www.ewtn.com/c...
-Yugoslavian Bishop's 1991: www.medjugorje...
-Ruini Report Findings: web.archive.or...

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@SensusFidelium Жыл бұрын
The EMJ deep dive on Medju is tremendously good yes
@trnslash Жыл бұрын
Please have him on the Resistance podcast some time
@BryanKirch 3 ай бұрын
Anyone who watches his investigation and still believes is willfully deceiving themselves.
@orionxtc1119 3 ай бұрын
Medjugorje = far too many herecies fo rmy liking....
@brokula1312 Жыл бұрын
It's not approved, nor forbidden. Church allows visits and it might take a while for it to be approved.
@DanyTV79 Жыл бұрын
as it seems, it's more likely that's not going to happen.
@davidmiller3539 6 ай бұрын
"A while" is not supposed to be over 40 years. Especially not with prior precedent with apparitions and the glaring issues surrounding the initial supposed apparitions and even more especially all of the nonsense since that time.
@brokula1312 6 ай бұрын
@@davidmiller3539 It can take 100 years more. God knows when. And if the devil is behind all that I must say, he's doing terrible job with all these conversions, confessions and eucharistic celebrations which are going very strong over there.
@orionxtc1119 3 ай бұрын
Far too many herecies... wouls out Blessed Lady, Mother of God and our Mother promote herecies, saying all religions are teh same etc?
@majapaulic342 Жыл бұрын
Please visit Međugorje, if possible, before making any conclusions. It's not elite, not more than a village, there is not some splendid church, and it's placed in a politically troubled region. The intensity of Grace that descended there is unbelievable. So many people sense it when they visit for the first time, and are drawn there again and again, like myself.
@majapaulic342 Жыл бұрын
It was my intention to share a subjective experience on Međugorje. Thanks for responding to my comment, though.
@ainestewart8775 Жыл бұрын
@@SteubenThursday The letter of the law, Thursday? Yes, please do visit Medj. Surprise yourself!
@SharonFowle Жыл бұрын
You both should go there and talk to Fr Leon, or have him on your show. I and many friends and family went as sceptics but didn't return the same. Regardless of what you think of the apparitions, the promotion of the five stones of Medjugorje - Prayer, Fasting, the Mass, the Bible and Confession is glorious to witness in this holy place. I would even say that the experience of Medjugorje resonates further on ones return home
@jackiescott6862 Жыл бұрын
Amen Shas😊
@halleylujah247 Жыл бұрын
@@ainestewart8775 Are you dismissing Church teaching?
@mickeyhappyface Жыл бұрын
E Micheal Jones documentary is great! I don't know much about him or any controversy, but the film was made when he was younger in the early years of the apparitions. He acts as an objective journalist and doesn't make it about himself.
@ww2hungary827 Жыл бұрын
Been there twice, climbed Križevac barefoot twice, and each time I went I felt an overwhelming sensation of peace. Thats my personal experience. There is also a surprising quantity of exorcisms which happen there. Ive seen one occur 20m away from me during Adoration. The most beautiful thing I see there is the sheer mass of people heading to confession, it brings a tear to your eyes its so beautiful. It must be noted that the controversy is regarding the apportions stance on the local Bishops, their corruption and their behavior, hence why they were unwilling to confirm the apportions.
@gerardk51 Жыл бұрын
800 priestly vocations have come through Medjugorje. "You will know them by their fruits."
@Monkcel14 36 минут бұрын
The original priest at Medjugorje was laicised for sexual misconduct. "You will know them by their fruits."
@CatholicE2112 11 ай бұрын
I saw this old newscast on the visionaries and a reporter was told the visionaries, while having a vision, could not be distracted in any way while they are having a vision. To test this he took his hand and quickly waved it in the face of a visionary and they reacted to it to avoid potentially getting hit. Afterwards the visionary was asked why she moved, and she said because it looked like mother Mary was going to drop baby Jesus. After seeing this report I have quite a bit of doubt about these apparitions.
@anonymouscrank Жыл бұрын
You beat me to it! It was an article by EMJ that I read about 30 years ago that put me off Medjugorje.
@JiII_S Жыл бұрын
Could you kindly point me to the article? Would love to read it... I'm also a sceptic
@maryannstypa4859 Жыл бұрын
Just go and see the fruits fir yourself and the blessings and graces you’ll receive!
@d.v.stuyvesant6944 Жыл бұрын
@@matthewvelazquez2013I’m pretty sure that Donald Foley is the PhD that was on Patrick Coffin’s show. He had EMJ on his show after that.
@leonardcapozzi3318 Жыл бұрын
In my opinion, and based on my one visit, there is something very important and blessed happening in Medjugorje. People gather to pray the rosary. People gather in devotion to the Eucharist. People line up to have their confessions heard. People attend mass. People visit Medjugorje and turn their life over to the message of the Gospel, to the teachings of Jesus the Christ, through prayer, fasting, attendance at mass, the sacrament of confession, and most important of all, through a commitment to loving one's brothers and sisters. This is the message of Medjugorje, delivered by the Holy Mother and revealed through the visionaries. If you find fault with all of that, so be it, but I suggest you first make a visit to Medjugorje in order to experience it for yourself, and then decide.
@iluvlexiful Жыл бұрын
Great comment
@maryannstypa4859 Жыл бұрын
Great response ! I said the same thing- just go and they will know. 👼
@jonsalmonowicz9282 Жыл бұрын
Perhaps the thing that is blessed about the place is the fact that people are gathering to pray the rosary. People are gathering and adoring Jesus in the most Holy Eucharist. People are lining up to go to confession. These are the things that our Church needs not only to survive and to grow, but to thrive. Any place where faithful Catholics are doing these things will be noticeably different. This is not tied to the message of Medjugorje. Faith in action is inspiring. Living the sacramental life is inspiring. The fact remains that the apparitions are unapproved. Where two or three gather in His name, Jesus is in the midst of them (Matthew 18:20). Community and communion are inseparable. The Church is the Body of Christ, and when the Body of Christ comes together and Jesus is in the midst of them, mountains will move, hearts will be converted, wounds will be healed. Praised be Jesus Christ!
@cflack22 Жыл бұрын
I think you guys do a great job approaching many topics and not shying away from topics that seem/or are divisive (pride month, sspx, sedevacantist, Medjugorje etc.). I don't believe you should shy away from EMJ. Keep up the good work!
@paulkenney1596 Жыл бұрын
So true. I really haven’t seen any Catholic podcaster even attempt to rebut dr jones’ claims. The case that he makes concerning the Jews, for instance, is both convincing and unopposed, leading me to think people like Fradd either agree with him but don’t want the heat, or disagree but have no compelling argument.
@nathanpriest9381 Жыл бұрын
100% true. They know he makes solid claims and I'm very excited to hear other people want him on as well
@day1678 8 ай бұрын
Love the Blessed Mother! Never, ever let go of her guiding hand that will lead us to Jesus. Pray as never before - especially the Rosary (daily) for her intentions.
@Beanbag777 Жыл бұрын
Medjugorie was the main reason for my reversion . However I don’t like how it’s become a cult full of sign seeking Charismatics .
@1hart Жыл бұрын
It was always like that from the beginning. My mom was a devotee since 1981.
@jim-baron Ай бұрын
Well, at least you mentioned EMJ. But in a wimpy sort of way. You should really have him on the show to school everyone on a whole lot more of Catholic history.
@Theosis_and_prayer Жыл бұрын
You can't be a good Christian without devotion to the Virgin Mary.
@josephrobi6806 Жыл бұрын
What! Where is that in the Bible.
@halleylujah247 Жыл бұрын
@@josephrobi6806 Luke 1:48-50
@1hart Жыл бұрын
He never said he didn't have devotion to Mary. Did you even listen to the 3 minute video?
@patriciaw4270 Жыл бұрын
@@halleylujah247 "My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior." If only sinners need a Savior then why would Mary say this in Luke 1:46-47?
@CatholicMartin Жыл бұрын
I'm like you...not overly moved by even approved apparitions.
@michaelfrench5373 11 ай бұрын
Perhaps if Our Lady was condemning Vatican II the Novus Ordo, and Pope Francis, then they would be following every word of Medjugorje ?
@theresahall1490 10 ай бұрын
Remember what St. Pope John Paull II said It is good to go to Medugorje......Amen thousands upon thousands of conversions and miracles over the years and You will know them by their fruits - hmm main message - Pray, go to confession once a month at least, go to mass, say the rosary.
@catholicmama1572 Жыл бұрын
Ever since I heard Fr Ripperger talk about this apparition I’ve stayed away from it.
@Mazimni Жыл бұрын
They tend not to approve while apparitions are ongoing… wasn’t that the case with with other apparition sites ? Whilst in Medj, a beautiful French lady was saying how Lourdes is the sunrise, Fatima midday, Medjugorje the sunset … something like that. In the ending of this time and beginning of new era. Anyway, the messages are in line with teachings of church, and if Mary is asking us for more prayers (from the heart) and fasting (Wednesdays and Fridays) for conversion of those who have not yet felt the love of God… as well as our own conversion.. as well as for peace, surely that’s a good thing? Each to their own, but you certainly need to go there to experience its fruits - and then comment? Also if you read the books of some of the visionaries, truly compelling and just so much humility and love from those people, really touching on the essence of what it means to trust God, accept suffering and carry his light in this world. We don’t need to overcomplicate what it means to be a holy and devout Christian or over theologise. Love, humility etc these are the fruits of Holy Spirit and can be learnt in Medjugorje by being close to our Lady and receiving Her Graces, asking her help us open our hearts to our Lord. Just putting my honest 2 pennies of what I myself experienced there.
@Mazimni Жыл бұрын
Ah and I recommend the films “Apparition Hill” and “The Triumph”. So real and raw… this life on earth and the real, spiritual life.
@jamoe4802 Жыл бұрын
The Lord works in mysterious ways. The great news is Mary is the Queen of Heaven and all of earth. So wether apparations happened at Medj or not, we can say Blessed Mother Mary, pray for us! Also, between Fatima, Lourdes and Guadalupe there are plenty of great sites to visit and pray of you wish.
@maryannstypa4859 Жыл бұрын
Father Dan Calloway had his conversion because of Medjugorje as did many other priests.
@mcclellanj424 Жыл бұрын
"We can go on for a while" why didn't you name one or two contradictions to give us some guidance on where to look?
@barbaramazzocca4605 Жыл бұрын
Here is the worst "fruit" of Medjugorje that I have witnessed. Believers ostracize anyone who questions what is happening at Medjugorje.
@blutausbeherit Жыл бұрын
To all the people that are saying Medjugorje is legitimate, can you explain to me why the lady in the apparitions told Franciscan priests to disobey their bishops orders when he told them not to involve themselves in these apparitions? Or why the apparitions in 1983 told us to respect the Muslim religion and keep our religion for ourselves and our children? Or why in 2012 when there was an apparition supposed to happen at Notre Dame, they had to reschedule due to a basketball game and apparently "Mary" was cool with that? Why has the local Bishop judged them as false? Why does Ivan have an 800k house in Massachusetts and sell tickets to see the home where she first appeared? I'm going to need way more evidence than people saying that it personally struck them. Lots of people have been personally struck by the book of mormon or the Koran, so that's not good enough.
@Emanem-mp7oh Жыл бұрын
As for the message you wrote about, it doesn't say you have to keep the faith for yourself in the sense of not professing it in public. She said you have to keep (hold onto) your catholic faith at all cost for yourself and your children. Keep it in the sense of hang on to it.
@blutausbeherit Жыл бұрын
@Emanem-mp7oh why would Mary tell us to respect a religion that denies the divinity of her Son? Or respect schismatic groups that deny the authority of the Church?
@Forester- Жыл бұрын
Thanks for pointing out that last bit about the Mormons, thats precisely how they argue for their faith. They say you have to read the Book of Mormon and feel the "burning in the bosom" that tells you its from God. A Muslim could just as easily say that going to the Dome of the Rock confirmed their faith.
@Emanem-mp7oh Жыл бұрын
@@blutausbeherit This isn't a controversial statement. Respect for other religions it’s not against catholic teaching. It doesn't mean they're right and that every religion is the same it only means you have to respect people from other creeds.
@blutausbeherit Жыл бұрын
​@Emanem-mp7oh it is a controversial statement because the Blessed Virgin Mary would not tell us to respect a religion that denies the divinity of her Son and says that His death on the cross never actually happened. We can be cordial towards Muslims and treat them with respect but error has no rights, especially blasphemy. You also have not addressed why Mary would tell a priest to disobey a legitimate order from his bishop, a successor to the Apostles. I know bishops can be bad people but he wasn't compelling the priest to sin, he was acting fully within his responsibilities and capacities. Should we have public devotion to apparitions deemed false by the local Bishop? Can you provide examples of other Marian apparitions that helped the seers become millionaires and appear at their whims? There is quite literally 0 evidence this is true until the local ordinary gives approval, so I am going to stick with the legitimate magisterium and hierarchy of the Church founded by Jesus Christ rather than some laypeople that seem to be cashing in enormously from all of this.
@roymckenzie8432 Жыл бұрын
When I was in California, we had one of the Medugorje people come to town and tell us if we came that evening, we were guaranteed that the person would have a revelation at that time. It just did not ring true to me that the Mother of God would be able to be scheduled that way.
@seandoherty4236 7 ай бұрын
They have their lady on speed dial and on-call. They get to caress and rub her when she "appears" to them. And they sure got awfully wealthy from this. Yet not one of the eight, despite who they claim to have seen, devoted their lives to the faith via Holy Orders or something even close to it. Can you imagine being visited by whom they claim; are allowed to even "summon" at will... and you DON'T drop everything and dedicate your life to God?
@amstelservice2594 3 ай бұрын
@@seandoherty4236 They did dedicate their live to God , but not by going to a convent. They dont summon our Lady at will. She appears every day at a set time 18.40 . Which is logical, if our Lady would appear at random it would be really disturbing for the live of the seeers . Also our Lady seems to wait till the seeers are ready . That is to say at around 18 h they kneel en start to pray the rosary and then our Lady appears . Sometimes if they are somewhere and it is impossible to start praying our Lady just doesnt appear. Or appears later when they are starting to pray . So, the past 200 years are called the age of Mary because she appears really a lot ( since Rue de Bac 1830) . She is send by our Lord to warn us . In Fatima she warned for a coming war ( WWII ) and the rise of communisme AND said she could stop it , by het intercession. The church didnt listen... What she asked for ( consecration of Russia among other things wasnt preformed ) So the church bears a very big responsibility. Now the world is hurrying to a WW 3 . And church is in huge crisis . In the Netherlands only 100.000 of 4.000.000 catholics go to church on Sunday .. And only 20% of them (the churchgoers) believe 100% in what the church teaches . Such is the situation . That's why our Lady appears so much ( also in Amsterdam) She is send by God to warn us , and to help us . We are in dire straits , the church and world. Our Lady is the answer , only she can,, by her faith and intersession, help us .
@victoriaeinbinder9487 Жыл бұрын
It's just strange. I've never heard of any other genuine apparition that involves the BVM appearing every day for decades, without any apparent purpose other than to say the same things over and over. Definitely some things that seem to contradict the Faith. Even the image is unusual -- Mary always shows her feet when she appears (the feet which trample the serpent).
@1hart Жыл бұрын
And appearing on their birthdays? So stupid! In past legitimate apparitions,it was always on feast days.
@tonciclinardic4478 Жыл бұрын
Perhaps you could write instructions to Our Lady on how to appear? :) Just kidding, don't blame me. Have you ever thought that the essence is not in the messages but in the presence? For 40 years, Our Lady has been sending same messages of conversion, prayer, fasting ... just as a lighthouse sends signals into the dark. And it affected millions of people.
@1hart Жыл бұрын
@tonciclinardic4478 have you ever heard the joke about medjugorje? Up in Heaven, the three Marys -- Mary Magdelene, Mary of Bethany and Mary, the Mother of our Lord -- are sharing a bottle of wine and planning their holidays. Mary of Bethany says, "I fancy largin' it in Ibiza." Mary Magdelene says, "No, let's go to Paris for a bit of culture." Mary, the Mother of our Lord, says, "No, I want to go to Medjugorje. I've never been there."
@1hart Жыл бұрын
@tonciclinardic4478 it is interesting that the apparitions ceased when the pilgrims stopped coming because of covid and stopped spending their $$$$ in medj and only started again when the pikgrims started coming back with their $$$$$$$. I'm sure that's just a coincidence though right? 😉 You really don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that one unless of course you are in the cult of medj where you just don't ask questions and you let your feelers do all the thinking for you.
@tonciclinardic4478 Жыл бұрын
@@1hart He, he, good one. It is interesting how much passion you invest in refuting Medjugorje through all these comments. I would expect someone who does not believe in the truth of Medjugorje to ignore the whole story. But you're really trying to convince everyone that it's a scam. It would almost be best if you wrote instructions to the Lady on how to appear on Earth so that she meets your high standards. :)
@ArchetypeGotoh Жыл бұрын
True facts, not wrong. I have had so many otherwise very charismatic (sort of weird, lets be honest) and faithful Catholics tell me about how excited they are to go to Medjugorje, and how much they loved being there when they were there, and I'm just like "Do I tell them about the controversy and why I'm so "meh" to that particular site, or do I just smile and nod?" if the original and second Bishops of the area have both not approved it, I'm very hesitant to consider it further
@benperry3380 Жыл бұрын
@lorrainepec7577 Жыл бұрын
It would be a sad day after the end of the apparitions to find out it was all true and our Blessed Mother was really present! Perhaps it's not for you!
@ArchetypeGotoh Жыл бұрын
@@lorrainepec7577 It would be a perfectly standard and normal day if it all turned out to be true and I hadn't done anything else with it. First, because Apparitions aren't required to be believed, and Second because Fatima and Guadalupe and Kibeho and Lourdes and Good Help (which actually HAVE been approved) all already exist and have my affection.
@yack7661 8 ай бұрын
@@lorrainepec7577 she is present even in a daily mass! People need to work more in their faith! I do not trust in this apparitions (too loudly too suspicious) and I obey the Church, but even if it’s fake or not, I know the Lord will take the opportunity to bring souls to his arms 🤷🏽‍♂️
@timbiondo4873 Жыл бұрын
30+ years ago, few months after my 7th brain surgery to treat a malignant brain tumor. Upon our return, brain tumor shrunk, it’s gone, and we’ve spent our time since serving God. Measure should be You’ll know them by their fruits, so said Jesus.
@ainestewart8775 Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for witnessing!
@timbiondo4873 Жыл бұрын
@@ainestewart8775 thank you. I’m truly humbled to share. Next time I’ll tell you about our 10 (or so) foster/adopted children (mostly adults now), but that’s another story for another time!
@ainestewart8775 Жыл бұрын
@@timbiondo4873 United in prayer!
@colingomes8446 Жыл бұрын
Good onya, Matt and friend. Unlike Fatima and Lourdes, the bishops in Medjugorje have officially stated that there is nothing supernatural happening here. The point that is being made by Matt and friend is that it is not an approved site, that we shouldn't promote it and that it is better to go on pilgrimage to approved sites. Telling Matt and friend to go there and you'll see is irrelevant as that won't change the Church's decision and therefore their take on the matter. In my opinion, the disobedience to the Church's decision on Medjugorje should itself be a discerning sign as to who is fuelling the fire. And there's a lot of fire where this person comes from.
@jessmo23 Жыл бұрын
Completely agree
@PatrickKniesler Жыл бұрын
I don't feel good about Medjugorje but at this rate I don't know if good bishops are holding back approval or if good bishops are speaking out about limiting attendance, as you said.
@amstelservice2594 3 ай бұрын
The bishops of M. didnt give any good arguments for their disapproval... Only the fact that they thought that our lady was taking sides with the Franciscans. And their point was , that therefore it was false . ( their is old animosity between the Franciscans and the bishops , the Franciscan were in Yugoslavia before there were diocees and bishops ) So furthermore they didnt give any other substantial arguments . Furthermore it is wrong to think that you have to wait till an apparition is approved before you go there . If no people would go to an apparition site , the "church" never would start to look into it. Fatima was approved in 1930 . The apparitions started in 1917 and notably the miracle of the sun witnessed by 70.000 people happened then on october 13 . Suppose all those people would have said: we wait till it is approved , then we go there? A lot of people seem to think that the bishops and/or the Vatican has a "gift"of the Holy Spirit to discern whether an apparition false or not . Well they dont. I wish they had. If we are realistic we have to conclude that a big portion of bishops are heretical nowadays , or lukewarm and paralysed. The deposit of the Faith some of them even attack. Medjugorje can not be false.. 40.000.000 people already went there . Going to confession , praying the rosary , going to adoration ( one of the main points of M.) Our Lady is the answer , she calls us , especially by het apparitions of the past 200 years .
@DaithiDeNogla Жыл бұрын
Medugorje is amazing, I love it. I encourage anyone who wants to go, to go. It’s fully rooted in the Catholic faith.
@hamie7624 Жыл бұрын
...it's clearly fake though, possibly demonic. And bishops have condemned it. Our Lady would never teach heresy, and the Fraciscan spiritual director of the supposed seers impregnated a nun, then abandoned her and his child. The whole affair is rife with sketchy stuff.
@DaithiDeNogla Жыл бұрын
@@hamie7624 think what you wish because you’ve clearly made up your mind, however it isn’t something to be divided about. Strife is not good. God bless you!
@gorgeousrose8734 Жыл бұрын
Never use private revelation. Simple research into it you will find out they’re all lies. Don’t do what I did, I loved these things and so I researched them, found out they are all silly and they almost destroyed my faith.
@hamie7624 Жыл бұрын
@@gorgeousrose8734 it's fine to use Church approved private revelation, it just isnt necessary.
@hamie7624 Жыл бұрын
I dont "think" anything. I simply humbly listen to the actual bishops of the place, who say no apparitions took place there. There is error in the supposed messages, so it is objectively not rooted in the Catholic faith. kzbin.infoaibLXQ-FHh0?feature=share3
@edelmary1131 Жыл бұрын
thank you...initially I believed in Medjugore as a revert but upon reading the Bishop's Letter where the 4 of the children lie on 13 occasions state that the Lady said Fr Vigano was innocent of sexual misconduct ( he later has 2 children by a nun and lives in the region selling 660000 copies of his book) and he could administer the sacraments when Pope JP 2 had forbidden it, that was enough for me...there are so many approved apparitions to devote one's time to....the kids grew up to be very rich...I can remember how the boy stayed at my friends house and ate meat knowing it was Friday, demanded the best cigarettes, had an apparition in his bedroom and then when asked what our Lady said replied "nothing of importance" my poor friend and that country community were absolutely devastated by the behaviour...
@RogerRamos1993 10 ай бұрын
Maybe he thinks it's the Lady. Maybe something appears to them. Have you ever read about St Magdelene of the Cross?
@Dee-xw3iy Жыл бұрын
My conversion and so many i know are as a result of Medugorje.. ive never ever seen a Marion apparition site that has the focus on Confession that Medugorje has. Life changing confessions leading to conversion are happening there. You have to be there to experience it. Its truely amazing to see the priests offering confessions the way they do in Medugorje. There are miracles happening in and around St.James Church, whether the apparitions are happening or not! people are coming back from Medugorje in their faith or stronger in their faith. Not to mention the prayer groups that have popped up around the world as a result of Our Lady Queen of Peace...
@ainestewart8775 Жыл бұрын
Yes, we should rejoice that our mother takes an interest in her wayward children. That's us!
@yack7661 8 ай бұрын
Convertions are not a prove, otherwise all Protestant sects could claim they have the truth bc they bring people to Christ. God will take any opportunity to bring souls to him, that’s for sure, but we as Catholic obey the Church, and we need to be cautious! God is silent not loudly, 37 years of daily apparitions is suspicious and opposite to all the others Virgin advocations.
@snokehusk223 Жыл бұрын
I am a Croat and live a few hours away from it. I was there couple of times and haven't felt anything supernatural as Matt says either but the place feels calming. But what I did hear is that people across the world who have gone came back to faith like the fire inside them lit up again and many were healed also. Maybe people didn't see anything but results of people going are real.
@micheled8764 Жыл бұрын
I am a Minnesotan, from USA, and I've been twice. I experienced a protracted dramatic conversion from my first visit in my mid-20s in 1990 (which I wasn't seeking) and which has held ever since 1993, when my spiritual evolution as a consequence of my visit was complete. Because of that "success", I later (in 2002) took (by arranging and paying for) my 9 year old daughter and husband, and it was a disaster, I would say. Nothing good came of it. Daughter has left the faith and the family, and husband disappeared later (in 2004) also. I don't think it was a trip with any benefit to any of us. However, I truly believe I would be lost without the conversion that God gave me there in 1990. The way I have felt about it is that it seems that God planted a spiritual seed in me there, and I cooperated for it to grow and take hold in me by being open and nourishing it through a receptive heart and mind, and participation in the sacraments. So I think the fruits of Medjugorje are quite compelling, and, as a whole, make it difficult to dismiss Medjugorje as non-authentic. But even me, I am not sure about the total veracity of it. I tell people now to go if they feel compelled to, but to eliminate the idea if they don't feel that God is calling them there.
@josephbrandenburg4373 Жыл бұрын
I'm just curious about Croatia. How do you like living there? Do you like visitors? Do Croatians speak any other languages besides Croatian (e.g. English, French, Italian, German)? I'd love to see Croatia someday, but I doubt I can learn Croatian. Is there anything you love about it that keeps you from ever leaving? Or anything you don't like? Thanks.
@blazenkatkalcevic6374 Жыл бұрын
​@@josephbrandenburg4373 Croatia is the most beautiful place to live! Calm and safe! Crime is rare to see. In my 50 years, I have not seen it with my own eyes. Since Croatia is a tourist country, over 50 percent of people speak English. Many speak German, Italian and some other languages.
@glennlanham6309 Жыл бұрын
@@josephbrandenburg4373 Jeez, dude, the mother of God is appearing and you're worried about geography, I lived there, its nice, but see beginning of my line
@josephbrandenburg4373 Жыл бұрын
@@glennlanham6309 why can't I be interested in the appearance and the country? But the video already answered my questions about that. I just don't know what you would have preferred for me to do. Can't people ask questions on the internet?
@fabiolagarzacreates Жыл бұрын
Matt and I are the same. I prefer to focus on the things the Church requires: dogma, scripture, repentance, prayer, fasting rather than spending my time on a devotion that isn’t even required to have.
@sfrance8036 Жыл бұрын
Our lady of kibeho did not get approved well after the rowandan mascre. She came to prevent it. They weren’t required to believe in her but a whole society was exterminated because they did not believe in her warnings
@ainestewart8775 Жыл бұрын
Many people don't possess your gifts and Gospa wants to give them a chance!
@maryannstypa4859 Жыл бұрын
No one is asked to have a devotion to Medjugorje. Our Lady asks us there to pray , fast on Wednesday and Friday , say three rosaries daily, go to confession monthly and Adoration as often as we are able. She merely points us to Her Son. If you go, you’ll know!
@patriciaw4270 Жыл бұрын
@@maryannstypa4859 why should we fast on Wednesday and Friday? why not on Monday? or Thursday?
@maryannstypa4859 Жыл бұрын
@@patriciaw4270 because in the Old Testament , the Jews fasted on Wednesday and Friday and Our Lady asks this of us . Many priestly orders fast on Wednesday and Fridays.
@Theosis_and_prayer Жыл бұрын
Pints With Aquinas has helped so many Protestants leave their sects and become fully Christian ✝️
@Trad-Cat Жыл бұрын
I was one of them! That interview with Scott Hahn was the nail in the coffin for me. Thanks Matt! Deo Gratias!
@Theosis_and_prayer Жыл бұрын
@ryebread9330 God bless you my friend. Welcome home.
@phillipcummings3518 Жыл бұрын
​@@Trad-Cathave you read Scott Hahn books?
@Forester- Жыл бұрын
I was raised Baptist, became atheist, then Pints and Bishop Barron helped bring me into the Catholic Church.
@CCiPencil Жыл бұрын
“Fully Christian” such a heretical and gnostic belief
@Hope20249 Жыл бұрын
Father Leon, Dominican priest for the English speaking community in Medjagori would be a great guest on your show. His talks are so articulate and full of humour.
@mkatharyng Жыл бұрын
Such a great idea
@harryfrancis3532 Жыл бұрын
Totally agree Matt.
@kristinekohut5257 Жыл бұрын
Yes! He's a hoot and a straight shooter. Get him on!
@Chris-yr8wb Жыл бұрын
He is very busy, probably no time for youtube unfortunately. Might be for the best.
@therese_paula Жыл бұрын
Hi, this got me interested. What is his surname? Fr. Leon...what? So i can search for posted videos of his talks. Thank you!
@keedee3104 Жыл бұрын
I thought it was very sketchy after looking into it and I do not think it is bad as Catholics to questions these things in fact we are called to question these things. It would be imprudent not to.
@magdalena1613 Жыл бұрын
my father's from Medjugorje and we go there about once a year. I believe in the apparitions and i don't think i'd go to hell for believing in them, especially since - as far as i know - the apparitions messages are mainly calling to prayer and fasting.
@ainestewart8775 Жыл бұрын
You will indeed be truly blessed!
@ainestewart8775 Жыл бұрын
@@bethmcmullan7686 Which ones do you speak of?
@Marco-qe5zw 8 ай бұрын
Our Lady doesn't babble for 30 years straight. Nor would she appear to people who disobey their bishop.
@JAEmbers Жыл бұрын
I don't usually comment but this time I have to say, I've always been extremely careful about Medjugorie and the more I investigated and the more I know, the worst my perception of the whole ordeal has become. I'm very apprehensive in regards to this phenomenon and I've noticed that people who go there tend to become obsessed with both the "apparitions" and the "seers". It smells like a cult from a distance to me. Also, to those who bring up conversions and warm fuzzy feelings... Come on. I've converted to catholicism from advanced occultism in my own bedroom and have experienced warm fuzzy feelings of faith in my local parish at a morning mass attended by the total of 5 people including the priest. What does that mean? My bedroom is not a pilgrimage site and yet. God can work in any place and any time, He doesn't need to have a random "chosen one" experiencing supposed apparitions of a feet-less teenage-looking specter for over 40 years to pull hearts of sinners back to Himself. It is honestly alarming how many people actually ommit Him in all of this for the sake of a controversy-spewing bunch of narcissists. And one thing I know about Our Lady is that she never draws attention to Herself and always points to Her Son. Also, she never seemed this talkative to keep on yapping for decades with no end in site and never saying anything of actual value. Thanks, I'm staying out and far away. I'd rather hang on to legitimate and approved messages delivered in Fatima and keep my focus on the Christ.
@Forester- Жыл бұрын
Have you ever heard of "Caritas of Birmingham" in Alabama affiliated with one of the visionaries? Its some strange stuff. I live in the diocese.
@JAEmbers Жыл бұрын
​@@Forester-no i haven't heard of it. I mostly dived pretty deeply into what the local Bishop had to say about the circumstances of the apparations back in the day when they supposedly first began. What shocked me the most was the scandals surrounding the friars, priests and nuns involved. That's some gruesome stuff right there.
@Forester- Жыл бұрын
@@JAEmbersThey basically claim to have had a public apparition on the site and there is a bedroom that they claim has had over 100 apparitions since 1988, they also organize pilgrimages. Marija has stayed there several times and is close with the founder. It’s really strange, the diocese does not allow their priests to say mass there and theres about 40-50 people living there full time.
@JAEmbers Жыл бұрын
​@@Forester-that's just crazy. Thank you for letting me know, I'll be sure to research, God bless :)
@maryannstypa4859 Жыл бұрын
Go see for yourself fellow Christian. She points to Her Son in every way there .
@rhoslynaguirreramirez485 Жыл бұрын
I'm very wary of Medjugorje, especially as (like others have said), its devotees are usually totally obsessed and want you to be obsessed too. Really weird. Am sad to hear Fr Pine thinks well of it in any way as it seems so obviously fake. I stay far away from anything to do with Medjugorje. It's a big alarm bell for me.
@jeffreyfrench6401 9 ай бұрын
I believe Medjugorje was a false apparition. There are many other false modern apparitions such as Akita and Bayside. The message is a reliable way of telling of determining if they are from heaven. Here is what Medjugorje says. "The Madonna always stresses that there is but one God and that people have enforced unnatural separation. One cannot truly believe, be a true Christian, if he does not respect other religions as well." -"Seer" Ivanka Ivankovic "The Madonna said that religions are separated in the earth, but the people of all religions are accepted by her Son." -"Seer" Ivanka Ivankovic Question: "Is the Blessed Mother calling all people to be Catholic? Answer: "No. The Blessed Mother says all religions are dear to her and her Son." -"Seer" Vicka Ivankovic Sister Faustina's divine mercy message gave a similar deceptive message. Divine Mercy in My Soul, page 168, "Jesus" says: "The moment I knelt down to cross out my own will, as the Lord had bid me to do, I heard this voice in my soul: From now on, do not fear God's judgment, for you will not be judged." Page 247, "Jesus" says: "And know this, too, my daughter: All creatures, whether they know it or not, and whether they want to or not, always fulfill my will." So much for saying "Thy will be done" in the Our Father. "Jesus" told Sister Faustina that she was the Eucharist. "Jesus" told Faustina that her own heat magnifies the Lord. No mention of Mary was made. I recommend watching the video "Faustina and the Divine Mercy Deception". It covers many more quotes about Faustina. I hope you find this information interesting. Sincerely
@iemiranda5734 Жыл бұрын
Something just doesn’t seem right about Medugorje. Not one of the seers became a nun or priest as with virtually all the previous seers the Virgin Mary appeared to. Instead they became millionaires, profiting off of pilgrimage visits. The priest and children’s mentor pushing this nonsense in the 80’s was defrocked for conjuring spirits, but not before beginning his own cult and impregnating a nun. The whole thing reeks. Why are good and even intelligent catholics falling for this?
@advantagearomatherapy8291 Жыл бұрын
I was there yesterday. By your fruits, you shall know them. It is a peaceful place with Holy Mass and the rosary and confessions for people of all languages. We heard a fabulous homily, and there are many religious there too. Please don't discredit this place as long as it is serving to bring souls to God. It may not be your path, but it just may be an important part of someone else's journey. God bless ❤️ 🙏
@iluvlexiful Жыл бұрын
Love your comment
@resendecaio Жыл бұрын
What you said was exactly what they mentioned in the video. It is a great place to go but the apparitions are not approved. Just like many people can reconnect with their faith in any church or place, Medjugorje can be a place for conversion and deep connection with your faith.
Yeah exactly, because God already know where exactly your destiny you fit in. And that destiny might be the best for you and shape you as a person through a life where challenges can be overcome.
@charflorida5433 4 ай бұрын
Not discrediting the activities of faith, which can occur on any retreat. Only discrediting that there were/are apparitions. And now, most recently, the Pope has released a document with important information re: these unapproved apparitions.
@conscience333 Ай бұрын
I don't believe in it but ultimately God decides where grace will abound. So fair comment.
@shaunaceypeplinski5508 Жыл бұрын
Yes!! Please bring on Father Pine to chat about this! I would love to hear his take.
@trnslash Жыл бұрын
Yes, Fr Pine and EMJ
@nathanpriest9381 Жыл бұрын
I was very disheartened to hear this guy say they don't want to promote EMJ. He's incredibly intellectual and it's odd he says he's "too controversial"
@trnslash Жыл бұрын
@@nathanpriest9381 I know, what does that even mean you know, the church has hard truths but does that make it too controversial? No one gives him a proper platform to explain his position
@antoniobaricevic2490 Жыл бұрын
I have visited Medjugorje many times. It has played a crucial role in my conversion and decision to live my life as practicing catholic. In Medjugorje people confess often after decades without confession, they fall in love with Eucharist, they discover the beauty of praying rosary. It is approved pilgrimage site by the Church and apostolic visitator Hosier said that it is the spiritual lungs of Europe. And you should experience the Eucharistic adoration in the evening. It is truly out of this world. I have heard many negative comments comming from American catholics about Medjugorje, even the priests. Some people even claiming it is diabolical, and people should be very carefull when they say such things. This is why the Church didn't give its final verdict yet. But if Medjugorje was inspired by devil, you would not have milions of people converting, milions confessing, milions praying daily rosary, hundreds of spiritual vocations. It reminds me of fariseys saying that Jesus has bezelbub and by its power he is excorcising demons. Just because it is easier to sit in a sofa half a world away and say Medjugorje is evil without any idea of what it is, does not mean it is a right thing to do. I will end with solid message that I learned in Medjugorje. Pray rosary every day, confess as often as you need, attend mass and recieve holy communion at least every sunday, go to eucharistic adoration, live your faith and be as Catholic as you can get.
@ainestewart8775 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your witness!
@ftweedy5580 Жыл бұрын
I totally 💯 agree I have been there and I started praying more
@jimlanders166 Жыл бұрын
The devil Will work to deceive and confuse People regards medjugorge. Where our lady is at work and present so is her adversary, the devil
@maryannstypa4859 Жыл бұрын
Right on! You said it all! I’ve been three times and it is heavenly! Adoration is heaven meeting us there! Amazing! Absurd that Satan would lure us there and then tell us to say three rosaries a day, fast on Wednesday and Friday, go to confession monthly and do Adoration. Medji helped me live Jesus more!
@michaelacohen4866 Жыл бұрын
I am from Switzerland and I know so many young people who came back to the church through Medjugorie. Look at the fruits and you will see the big benefits for the catholic church. Mary says pray, fast, go to mass, to confession and adoration. I mayself converted to the catholic church and I am looking foreward to visit Medjugorie soon🙏.
@LinaSis9 Жыл бұрын
For starters I’m a tradition Latin mass catholic. I’ve been to medjugorie, Fatima, Lourdes and even garabandal. The place where I was confirmed in my faith in the Eucharist was medjugorie. It was during holy hour. The church was packed. I could not even see the monstrance but when the priest blessed the people with Jesus I knew at that precise moment that this was Jesus. I have not lost that to this day. I was 18 when it happened and now I’m almost 45. Now I’m not saying that this proves the authenticity of medjugorie. It’s a Catholic parish in Bosnia. My experience could have occurred in any catholic parish in America but God chose to reveal Himself to me there. Why? I don’t know.
@Chris-yr8wb Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing. I had a similar experience there as well.
@VianeIneleo Жыл бұрын
I feel like that's similar to my struggles with the SSPX. It's thanks to the witness of the SSPX that I came to know and really love God and His Church and Her Sacraments. However I realise now that they were only a stepping stone to the fullness of Truth, the same way Atheist's come to know the light of Christ through the Protestant Churches. I would say Medjugorie is just another stepping stone to the fullness of Truth.
@AK_Catholic_Traditional Жыл бұрын
⁠​⁠​⁠@@VianeIneleoAre you really comparing SSPX to Protestants? SSPX is in Communion with Rome, Mass is Valid & everything. How could you compare them to Heretics? I would argue the Ageless Mass > NO. Although NO has also valid Holy Communion (even though sometimes one must shake his head and wonder if that’s true with guitar, clown Masses… if the Consecration is done right, even if the Priest is the worst Sinner on the world, it’s still valid. As a Catholic it’s not necessary to Believe in Medjugorie or Devine Mercy (there are things in both that makes you really go hmmmmmm. Unless you’re a "German NO Catholic", then maybe it sounds good for you. Either way. Gates of hell shall not prevail. Catholic Church still stands & will stand forever & ever.
@conscience333 Ай бұрын
@@LinaSis9 that's a great moment of grace but that's got very little to do with the place, you just happened to be open to grace at that particular moment.
@Kayla-ey7zg Жыл бұрын
I agree w/ Thrsdy. There's plenty of approved apparitions, it's best to wait this one out. Too much conflicting information. God can bring about good from anything he wishes, so while there can be good fruits of Medjugorje, like conversions, that doesn't necessarily mean it's legitimate.
@kahnlives Жыл бұрын
The E Michael Jones documentary about Medjugorje is amazing, highly recommended to all.
@evavanvollenhoven308 Жыл бұрын
In Poland, the Priest leading the Warriors of Mary, had his conversation and a call to Priesthood in Medjugorje
@jojackson1573 Жыл бұрын
So did Fr Don Calloway ... 😊
@truegirl2anna Жыл бұрын
My mom had one of her biggest reversions thanks to going to Medjugorie. She fell back in love with the church because of it so definitely conflicted with all the fruits that came from it but maybe not some of the origins 😊
@annaleahdoherty2325 Жыл бұрын
My mum has the same story too!
@jojackson1573 Жыл бұрын
​@@annaleahdoherty2325So has my friend ..
@evavanvollenhoven308 Жыл бұрын
I think I am like most Catholics... Never been taught about the power of the Rosary, never seen Eucharistic Adoration, never new about Fasting on bread and water, and had a dislike for the Blessed Virgin Mary. I can say in all seriousness, I owe my Life to Our Lady of Medjugorje.
@Dienekes678 Жыл бұрын
Praise God!
@albertusr6178 Жыл бұрын
But it's a false apparitions. What you just described is God gave you actual grace (see St.Thomas Summa Theologia for full explanation) regardless of the false apparitions.
@Dienekes678 Жыл бұрын
@@albertusr6178 If that is so, graces are poured out in more abundance in Medjugorje than arguably anywhere else in the world. People don't visit apparitions, they visit Medjugorje. And the fruits of Medjugorje speak for themselves. God bless.
@albertusr6178 Жыл бұрын
@@Dienekes678 In theology, grace is gratuitously given by God, meaning that you can't do anything to merit grace. So your journey to Medjugorje (time spent, energy, cost) ie, your work or the place itself is not the cause that made you receive actual grace, but the mercy of God itself.
@Dienekes678 Жыл бұрын
@@albertusr6178 God must have more mercy on the good folk in Medjugorje so!
@gabrielgagne2748 Жыл бұрын
The apparition in Fatima wasn’t approved when the miracle of the sun occurred. Imagine if no faithful(and not so faithful) would of showed up at the miracle of the sun!! Nevertheless, Medjugorje cannot be approved as long as the so called apparitions are still happening. But numerous conversions and vocations seems to be happening there. I remain cautiously open.
@jackiedigiovanni3093 Жыл бұрын
This was great. I’d love to hear him with Father Pine, whose family was truly devoted to this site.
@Emanem-mp7oh Жыл бұрын
I can give my positive testimony. Came back to the church because of it. Many conversions in my parish (little town in Italy) and in Italy overall. Here people say without Medjugorje vocations to the priesthood would be almost done. Many miracolous healings also. I also want to testify of an exorcism in front of the statue of our Lady on the top of the hill which I saw directly. A young girl accompanied by a friar kneeled in front of the statue and after seconds she began spitting and speaking with a voice which was horrible and in a language which didn't sound like a language. It was clear to everyone present what that was. There are also many respected catholics who have been devout of Medjugorje and the Queen of peace. Like saint John Paul II, father Amorth and blessed Chiara Corbella Petrillo for example.
@ainestewart8775 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing your experiences!
@mancipiachristi9032 Жыл бұрын
This is evidence of supernatural experience. If it is not approved from the Church then you have no idea whether these supernatural experiences are demonic influence or divine influence therefore the Catholic Church advises that you abstain from such questionable devotions. It could be of grave consequence.
@amstelservice2594 3 ай бұрын
i agree , also Card. Schonborn of Vienna said that more then 50% of the priest in his seminaries received there vocation in Medjugorje
@hopefulforhumanity5625 Жыл бұрын
I love when Matt and Thursday have conversations. Sometimes I like it better than listening to guests.
@Anthny1 Жыл бұрын
I don't mind it too, just as long as Thursday remembers it's not his show.
@melinda123ism Жыл бұрын
Thank you for speaking clearly on Medjugorie.
@gerardk51 Жыл бұрын
I believe in Medjugorje.
@_Pigeondao Жыл бұрын
Garabandal isn't approved either, still prophesied the current events in the church though
@cee-emm Жыл бұрын
Demons still have angelic intellect and can make accurate predictions. Prophecies coming true has no bearing on an apparition being supernatural i.e. from Heaven. The discernment is if they are either supernatural, preternatural, or hoaxes. Garabandal for example, has many hallmarks of the preternatural/demonic, from what I have read about it.
@MikeyJMJ Жыл бұрын
"Prophesying" the current events isn't as impressive as you think it is. There's quite a few approved apparitions preceding it that have done that. La Salette and Fatima come to mind
@_Pigeondao Жыл бұрын
@@MikeyJMJ yeah, and they're approved...
@kzbaby2002 Жыл бұрын
I'm completely into Garabandal.
@cee-emm Жыл бұрын
@@kzbaby2002 Garabandal is the most obviously demonic apparition I have ever learned about and I'm always shocked it has tricked so many genuine Catholics.
@alicemurphy5829 Жыл бұрын
I love Medjugorje, its a little bit of heaven on earth. So many fruits are coming from Medjugorje. The main messages from Medjugorje are the five stones, Eucharist, Confession, Rosary Bible, Fasting. If anyone ever gets the chance to go do so. I have witnessed so many conversions. 🙏
@magaman6353 Жыл бұрын
I've got some swampland in Florida for sale. Interested?
@jojackson1573 Жыл бұрын
I can see the good fruit of those who don't believe in Medjugorje ( NOT!) ignore the jerks 😊 and carry on 🙏❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏
@magaman6353 Жыл бұрын
Frauds come from hell, NOT heaven!
@jojackson1573 Жыл бұрын
@@mateopribyl9218 the first 7 apparitions HAVE been approved .. the context is unusual because the apparitions are still ongoing and usually the commission waits till they are finished .. . As you agree , the fruits are there. One of them being Fr Don Calloway ... It is not necessary to believe in the apparitions , so long as one is adhering to sacraments , fasting , scripture , and prayer and obeying the magisterium. By doing so one is then in effect carrying out the messages ... Because it is about the message , NOT the phenomena ..
@madgiemadgie9128 Жыл бұрын
I have always felt uncomfortable about it for years. I will happily go to Kibeho, Lourdes, Akita, Fatima. All approved. And why hasn’t a single one of the Seers gone into Religious Life?
@tonciclinardic4478 Жыл бұрын
Maybe because the last spiritual battle on Earth is being fought for family? Is family life less valuable than priestly life?
@joeoleary9010 Жыл бұрын
lol, why haven't *you* gone into Religious life?
@madgiemadgie9128 Жыл бұрын
@@tonciclinardic4478 A common pattern in approved apparitions involving young people, is that at least one would become a religious. It happened at Lourdes, Fatima, Kibeho etc. Medjugorje had SIX "seers"...not a single vocation to religious life.
@tonciclinardic4478 Жыл бұрын
@@madgiemadgie9128 I wrote several times in the comments that it is important to know the context of these apparitions, culture, language, history... Each apparition has its own specifics, from those in Western countries to those in Africa, Japan or the Balkans. There is a reason why the people of Medjugorje are attached to the Franciscans, why they are not attached to the diocesans and bishops, and that reason goes back far into history and the Ottoman rule. It is not good to judge others from your own cultural framework.
@josephesquivel4066 Жыл бұрын
@@madgiemadgie9128 Religous life is not an automatic calling however.
@charlesnunno8377 Жыл бұрын
It sounds demonic to me. And I'm not moved by aspiration claims.
@pop6997 Жыл бұрын
I love the apparition at Knock in Ireland. I think it's the only silent apparition & was a once off, but the image seen by the people has deep meaning. St.John, St.Joseph, The Blessed Mother, The Lamb on the Altar and Angels over the Altar. Beautiful, plus Mayo is a gorgeous place to visit with rolling hills & clear open Sky ;)
@TruePT Жыл бұрын
Knock is definitely underrated!
@joeterp5615 Жыл бұрын
I just visited there for half a day a May. I do believe that Christ has sent his Mother to various places throughout the world to help bring souls to him
@mycatholicfaithlivingstone845 Жыл бұрын
So many priests found their vocation in Medjugorje. It took something like 40 years for Lourdes to be approved. Medjugorje won't be approved whilst apparitions are still happening.
@Ellie-zm1jp Жыл бұрын
difference is Fatima was not disproved
@jimmydarm Жыл бұрын
It took 18 years for Lourdes to be approved.
@mycatholicfaithlivingstone845 Жыл бұрын
I think you'll find it was more like 40 years. There were 18 apparitions. A full enquiry won't happen until the apparitions end. Hey, I'm not obsessed with Medjugorje my friend. I have been there though and have been very blessed in my faith through going there. I've seen the good fruit and it speaks for itself. With respect, I'm not going to not believe in it because someone on here tells me not to.. I know how to pray and discern for myself and I encourage anyone to do the same. However you're free not to believe even if they are approved. So, happy days. God bless you
@jimmydarm Жыл бұрын
@@mycatholicfaithlivingstone845 The first approval for Lourdes came 18 years after the initial apparition. People shouldn’t try to spread a devotion to something that isn’t approved, in my personal opinion. But if it helps you in your faith, I guess to each their own haha
@Ellie-zm1jp Жыл бұрын
that's not true, the investigation already happened and the bishop gave a big NO. No means no, just because they're still going does not unjustify a bishops power given by God Himself to approve or disapprove appartitions. You shouldn't try to spread unapproved private revelatation either@@mycatholicfaithlivingstone845
@grasshoffers Жыл бұрын
I went to Medjugorge in the 80s. Something is happening there. I am on the fence on whether the actual issue original apparition, the ‘seers’ or the behaviors of the Franciscans and local church are good and valid from my individual perspective. What I will relate is that the Catholic Mass in every language imaginable were overflowing, the lines to confession, in every language, were endless. Supernatural phenomenon was occurring and oddities that might be tricks, such as miraculous medal images showing up on people’s photos. If the devil was behind it, it may have triggered a need for divine intervention to prevent people from being damaged. Here is one example, supposedly you could stare at the sun and might see an image of our Lord or Our Lady. I should be blind based on staring at the sun for 10 minutes. I saw nothing….what I realized later is just how stupid that is and what an evil thing to convince people to do. Yet people were doing it and, as far as I know, no one was blinded. One day, the large concrete cross on top of the high hill next to town was just gone. You could see people walking around where it should have been. Maybe an optical illusion, maybe it was my own eyes deceiving me, but I thought at the time, a cross disappearing is an evil vision. The people there were wonderful, gracious, faith-filled and Catholic believers …the locals were wonderful. I share this all as just anecdotal experiences. I have visited the Shrine of Our lLady of Guadalupe and other than faith-filled people and the miraculous image and it’s history has much more meaning to me.
@EarlSoC Жыл бұрын
I appreciate videos that make important clarifications like this. I am not devoted Medjugorije, but I am very devoted to a St. Junipero Serra. St. Serra is surrounded by a lot of controversy, but he is confirmed to as a saint by the church, while Medjugorije is not confirmed by the church and yet is so immensely popular. I don't mean to denigrate anyone's devotion to Medjigorije, but I appreciate so much that we have the Holy Church that makes specific rulings on these sorts of things. It keeps our devotional life from being subject to the court of public opinion! Also, Thursday is super well-spoken and really shrewd, and his research skills are on point. I love hearing his opinions and analyses.
@Ellie-zm1jp Жыл бұрын
same thing with La Salette
@patriciaw4270 Жыл бұрын
You should be devoted to Jesus. Jesus died for your sins. Read your Bible.
@davidpacitti8942 Жыл бұрын
I don’t think the Church can render a final verdict until the apparitions have completed. I will wait for the final decision from the Church. What I will say about this is that the fruits are undeniably positive.
@_Pigeondao Жыл бұрын
Visiting Medjugorje back in the 80s and seeing the fruits made my dad convert to Catholicism from being a practicing occultist
@annaknitter Жыл бұрын
I have been to Medju several times. I don’t care if the apparitions are real. I saw so many conversions there. That’s enough for me.
@PauperPeccator Жыл бұрын
@@annaknitter’si se ha de hacer el milagro, que lo haga el diablo’ Lord Have mercy
@hanntonn2 Жыл бұрын
The Church definitely can rule on apparitions before they end. What if an heretic were to start an apparition site and fake it until he dies and then his children pick up his mantle and keep faking it until the end of times? You think the Church would have to let it keep going forever because it's not done? Of course not. The Church can condemn an apparition right from day one. She would definitely wait to give any approval, but condemnation can be quick.
@jeremysmith7176 Жыл бұрын
Sr. Lucia of Fatima continued receiving visions of Mary and Jesus after the local Bishops decision.
@jaqian Жыл бұрын
Isn't there some kind of politics between the local bishop and the Franciscans going back decades?
@valeriasantana3597 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, I have yet to get to Medjugorje. But I can't wait to go! While one can do loads of research, and argue over things, what is the fruit to be right or to be right with God? Overall, it is for an increase of faith in Our Lord, which is what all of the faithful, including the visionaries, share in Medjugorje. As an ancestor of Sister Adele Brise,I have to say not many in this world knew of her until a little over a decade ago when it was, what is now being called the Shrine of Our Lady of Champion, was formally recognized by the Vatican. I would caution us not to allow the devil to cause additional division amongst us. We all need to pray more and actually listen more to Our Lord. Research is good, but be mindful of scrupuloucity.
@ojhn Жыл бұрын
Yes, see for yourself. Don't listen to the cynics.
@spiderdxn2263 10 ай бұрын
@@ojhn listen to the hierarchy that have condemned the Medj fraud.
@viviennedunbar3374 Жыл бұрын
I was baptised and received into the Church in 1988 at Medjugorje, Fr Slavko prepared me. Ivan and Viska are my godparents. I have been happily married to my Catholic husband for 27 years and I am a Novice for the Lay Dominicans. Rome has said it’s fine to go there on pilgrimage as it’s become a huge center of orthodox Catholic spirituality. The fruit is in people giving their lives to Jesus or rededicating their lives to Christ. It’s not necessary to believe Our Lady is appearing. The focus is on Holy Mass, the Bible, prayer, confession and fasting. If you haven’t spent some time there I would not prejudge. A friend of mine from England has been married to a local man since about 1990, they have 6 children and are all very devout. I would connect with someone like her when you go to get a truly balanced view about Medjugorje. Thursday is giving a very unnuanced view, for example where Medjugorje is (Bosnia) was part of Yougoslavia and a Communist country at the time. The local priests were imprisoned for refusing to renounce Our Lady, the communists tried to suppress it aggressively. There was a lot in internal strife in the nation due to different ethnicities, politics, history dating back to WW1 & WW2 resulting in the war in the Balkans in the 1990s. Our Lady asked for peace and to pray for peace from her very first message, I would never have suspected that war would happen in such a peaceful place, no one could have believed that she was literally talking and warning about the potential for war in Yugoslavia. Do not judge Medjugorje until you have been. The atmosphere of prayer and peace is supernatural, it’s like nothing on earth.
@halleylujah247 Жыл бұрын
I hear a lot about the fruits of Medjugorje. If one of the fruits is disobedience to the church or local ordinary that's not a good sign.
@1hart Жыл бұрын
One of the fruits is also apparently priests suspended of their faculties ignoring church orders and continued celebration of invalid sacraments while the "faithful" hail them as living saints. Let's not forget that the priest Our Lady told the children was very holy and chosen by God was in fact carrying on a longtime affair with multiple women and even fathered children. But don't tell medj devotees that.
@MathAdam Жыл бұрын
I miss the day when Matt would end these with “Subscribe or you’re a dingus”
@joeterp5615 Жыл бұрын
The family had rosary miraculously become overlaid with gold while my sister was in Medjugorje. This was a rosary that had been sitting on a table at home, it wasn’t even in Medjugore. Does this mean that others should automatically believe? No. But I don’t think God works these kinds of miracles for no reason. They are to help lead souls to God and to glorify God. This happened back in the late 80s or early 90s.
@kurtgundy Жыл бұрын
It could be demonic.
@jcb3393 Жыл бұрын
Please discuss Medjugorje with the priest who is a devotee. My wife and I went on our honeymoon (20+ years ago), and while it was not necessary for our salvation, it did at least promote our personal prayer lives and put God first in our marriage, (We went to Hawaii a year later and did the typical newlywed vacation stuff then.)
@stephendalessandri Жыл бұрын
Whether or not Medjugorje is a real Marian apparition, God can make use of the events there to inspire faith. He can do that even with a false apparition. Good fruits (conversions, fervor in faith, vocations to celibate life) are very good, but they don't automatically make it an approved apparition site.
@katrinagiovanni891 Жыл бұрын
Listen to Fr. Leon, the head priest in Medjugore. We are not required to belive any personal apparations. The visionaries persoanlly made me uncomfortable but The beauty in Medjugore is the overhwelming adoration for our Lord in the Eucahrist and the veneration and love for our Blessed Mother. The confessional is unlike anything Ive ever seen. ❤🙏
@gerardk51 Жыл бұрын
Hi Katrina. A little correction if I may: Fr Leon is chaplain to english speaking pilgrims. He's not the parish priest. He is wonderful.
@mickeyhappyface Жыл бұрын
I'm curious - Why did they make you uncomfortable?
@katrinagiovanni891 Жыл бұрын
@@mickeyhappyface a few things. I was a brand new convert, I generally lean towards skepticism first, i felt there was an expectation that the Blessed Mother would appear at a specific time every day.
@jlinnintj Жыл бұрын
Several priests I've known whose vocations were inspired by Medjugorje have either left the priesthood or their vocations are so focused on signs, wonders and ' miracles' that they are ill equipped to withstand the evil happening in the Church and suffering.
@KenThaler 19 күн бұрын
❤ I believe in Medjugorje ❤ and all its fruits. So did Pope John Paul Il and he told the people to believe. Mountains of people have converted to The Lord and to Our Lord's Catholic Church teachings. With 73 books not 66 books. How can anyone teach christianity without the book of Wisdom, they all reject it. Give me a break ❤
@rudya.hernandez7238 Жыл бұрын
Fr. Donald Calloway was literally converted after reading a book on Medjugorje. Might want to speak with him.
@KyleWhittington Жыл бұрын
People are also converted after encounters with Protestants. That doesn't make them legitimate.
@lahair5751 Жыл бұрын
They already interviewed him.
@treeckoniusconstantinus Жыл бұрын
Re: EMJ. To my knowledge, he's also written two books on the subject, "Medjugorje: The Untold Story" from 1988, back when he wasn't considered fringe and before his more unsavory opinions came to the forefront, and "The Medjugorje Deception" from 2010, which while written and published after he had become particularly controversial, this specific book to my knowledge doesn't contain his more fringe or unsavory views on prominent display. I'm not saying people should purchase these books, but if you feel the need to, or you want to go library-hunting for them, these are them. EDIT: "The Medjugorje Deception" was published in 1998, and merely republished in 2010, so it is also from before EMJ went off the deep end.
@nathanpriest9381 Жыл бұрын
What exactly did he do to "go off the deep end" ?
@amberschneider880 Жыл бұрын
Would love to hear more! We recently went to the only approved Marian apparition in the USA. Our Lady of Good Help/Champion in New Franken, Wisconsin. Such a beautifully, blessed, and fun family day! Mama Mary, pray for us 💗
@sirtaco2003 Жыл бұрын
I just went there last weekend! Such a peaceful place!
@SaintCharbelMiracleworker Жыл бұрын
I'm undecided but note that thousands visited Fatima and Lourdes BEFORE they were officially recognized by the Church and the seers at Fatima were not believed or supported by the bishop. It took 13 years for Fatima to be recognized and 18years for Lourdes.
@michaelanthony4750 Жыл бұрын
I would really like a podcast clarifying Medjugorje. Most mystics are misunderstood during their time. At the same time there are also many charlatans.
@tonciclinardic4478 Жыл бұрын
The first time I was in Medjugorje in 1982 with my father. And many times after that. I am absolutely sure that the apparitions in Medjugorje are supernatural. Some think they are demonic, but since when do demons bring people to faith and God?! Some think they are a scam for financial gain. Funny. Only someone who has not experienced life in communism can think that. Because of these apparitions, the communist authorities raised the army and the secret services, the Russian KGB intervened.. Claiming that you saw Our Lady meant risking your life and not achieving material benefit. It would actually be great if the story of Medjugorje was told by someone who experienced it personally, and not by those who watched it from the sidelines.
@94jpmcc Жыл бұрын
The how-dare-you-question-etc style comments don't inspire confidence...
@flabiger Жыл бұрын
Exactly, I haven't seen a rational argument but I have seen cult-like responses. (It's kinda concerning honestly.)
@1hart Жыл бұрын
​@@flabigerthat in of itself speaks to the spirit behind it.
@Theosis_and_prayer Жыл бұрын
Stick with Lourdes and Fatima.
@joelwebb7849 Жыл бұрын
Both my parents were deeply moved by Medj, my dad was an atheist and following a couple of experiences first and foremost at Medjugorje…he is now a deacon in the church. Be careful about what you put down, give it a chance.
@Theosis_and_prayer Жыл бұрын
@@joelwebb7849 Stick with Church approved apparitions like Lourdes and Fatima.
@joelwebb7849 Жыл бұрын
@@Theosis_and_prayer no.
@Theosis_and_prayer Жыл бұрын
@joelwebb7849 Is it right to be disobedient to the Church? Or is it sinful, prideful and wicked?
@joelwebb7849 Жыл бұрын
@@Theosis_and_prayer which church is that? Because it’s not the Catholic Church which has authorised pilgrimages to Medj since 2019?…
@gianne4228 3 ай бұрын
I went to Medjugorje as being offered to me by an unknown sponsor, I believe a year after COVID ( and yes, me and my brother got sick there and had covid, we were left and was not able to go home back to US with other pilgrims as scheduled). ..I am torn between if its real or not, but I just went anyway thinking maybe the Bl Mother wants me to come. i tried to be so objective as possible. My gut feeling is telling me that the apparitions are not true and not of God, and the Bl Mother is writing through these crooked lines and making good something out from it . I was also questioning myself, if this is not true or not from God, how would I explain the great fruits of conversion, of the gifts of religous vocations and priests including Fr Calloway's ??? My personal take is what I just stated---- either the Bl Mother is working in this place to bring out something good and fighting against the evil, and falsehood that was already started. Probably, Im coming from a self righteous opinion... but have you considered the history of the place and the seer saying the Bl. Mother dropping baby Jesus(Lord)? Have you thought about their message that all religions are equal??? If so, then our Catholic faith with the Holy Eucharist is of no value...and that is so INCORRECT . Have you any explanations or excuses for their disobediences and building churches without permissions???( the you tube Sensus Fidelium- Discerning Appartitions) somehow has given me light on all of these...I dont know but Im still hesitant to put my guards down( “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.)....a supernatural experience during confession...but could it also be the evil one deceiving? Was it Padre Pio was visited by the enemy in disguise during confession?? For those who are converted, THANKS BE TO GOD ! All glory to Him! Ireally believe the Bl Mother is writing in crooked lines defeating the evil one.Please also watch/listen to Fr Ripperger's discerning apparitions...
@M5guitar1 Жыл бұрын
I am skeptical due to the message of religious indifference in the messages.
@mayjunealone5168 Жыл бұрын
Im also one of many who experienced conversion in Medžugorie.
@sarahhannajo Жыл бұрын
Theres a German physicist that asked an unsolvable physics question of the visionary to ask "Our Lady" and the visionary could have refused to answer it, but they did. Come to find out after more years and more research in the field, they answered the question incorrectly. Now if Our Lady is in heaven, she would be able to know it all and answer it correctly. The reason he asked the question is because his daughter had been faithfully following the visionaries and was developing an eating disorder and no good spiritual fruits.
@anthonywatson4732 Жыл бұрын
Went to Medjugore under, protest in 2018 living in Ireland, so you can say what I thought of the Catholic, Church,,I Went ,Did not want to leave, Since then back to Confession after 4p years,Daily Mass 4 Rosarys A Day Chaplet of Devine, Mercy, Fasting Wed and Friday, So Say What you like But What Ever is Happening, There, I Am a Walking Walking, Miracle 🙏🙏🙏🙏
@Dienekes678 Жыл бұрын
Praise God! Thank you for sharing. Yours is not a rare story either, it brings thousands and thousands of people closer to God.
@MrNU998 Жыл бұрын
People, please read the reports. Catholics are not bound to believe private revelation. I have no ill will toward people who ascribe to it, but it is not approved by the Church. Why not focus our prayers toward those manifestations of Our Lady which are approved? Again, please read the reports.
@stephanieb3626 Жыл бұрын
I agree with your guest. I had always believed that Medjugorje was real, read books on it etc. 4 yrs ago I decided to take a trip to the Holy Land and end with a few days in Medjugorje. I felt something holy and special about the Holy Land, but felt nothing when i got to med.i assumed the devil was trying to keep me from feeling closer to Mary. I was very disturbed by experience there. When i got home I decided to google bad experience in Med and found the book and interviews by some who didn’t believe that Mary was appearing there. There’s so much more to the story about why it hasn’t been approved and probably never will. The Medjugorje machine has suppressed most negative info about what the bishops have said and the seers themselves. I do know people who have converted and gotten their vocations there, but that is not the basis for it being true. The catholic church has set up criteria for determining if an apparition is true so that the faithful do mot get mislead. I know people who are so attached to Medjugorje that they would rather be disobedient to the church than give up their belief. That’s where the devil can get a foothold- through disobedience and that at the heart of all of this. Any apparition that has been approved, the seers were always obedient. Like matt , there are so many approved apparitions, why would you focus on one that is not approved?
@rose-annrumpus5772 Жыл бұрын
I've been to Medjugorje 4 times (just got back) and what I love about it is that it is very CATHOLIC! I have never seen any of the visionaries, nor do we seek them out. My husband and I go there to 1. Climb 'apparition' hill praying the whole rosary; 2. Climb Cross Mountain (higher) praying the Stations of the Cross (in searing heat usually!) Many people do this in bare feet or on their knees; 3. attend confession: at peak times there are literally dozens of priests hearing confessions in all different languages and long queues for confessions. A priest friend of ours just sat down on a bench to chill and a bunch of people started queuing up for confession lol; 4. attend Holy Mass every day. It is one of the few places where hundreds or even thousands of regular Catholics can be found and the norm is to receive Our Lord kneeling and on the tongue. It is literally Catholic town. People stop and talk to you and you know you share the same faith. I know several priests who received their vocation at Medjugorje and lay people who have converted or reverted to the faith. By their fruits ... (also great Catholic jewellery and devotionals :-) )
@telemakhos31 Жыл бұрын
I went to Medjugorje in 2022. I really didn't go to see any miracle, I just wanted to be among catholics because Jesus said He is always among the people who join in their name. On the other hand, I met an old man who told me he once saw the Sun spinning in circles and many people watched that. I also listened to a person saying he fell in the apparition hill, he had a profound hole in his hand and the day after it desappeared completely. Besides, what about those drops of water continously dropping from the knees of that bronze statue of Christ? There could be an explanation for that, maybe, but honestly I never saw water coming out from metal. Could it be holy water? I remembered Longinus being baptized from the water of Christ's wound...
@mrjeffjob Жыл бұрын
Absolutely NONE of anyone’s EXPERIENCES determine Truth. Emotions are accessible to demons and are VERY subject to deception. If I were the devil I’d gladly allow SOME positive fruits to get the masses to swallow poison.
@gabriellabaka Жыл бұрын
True! They shouldn't talk about something they don't know anything about.
@YiriUbic3793 Жыл бұрын
The fruit that you see there is because lots of people are in the state of grace(because of confession) and they pray in that state they are receiving the Holy Eucharist in a state of grace, and all the fast and all the rosaries, it will be good to try to make every town where there is a pretty big Catholic community to do that you will see the same fruits of Medjugorge
@ainestewart8775 Жыл бұрын
Pope Francis gave an official blessing to the youth who would be attending the youth festival in Medjugorje during the pandemic . That's on record and can be checked.
@madamebovarycro Жыл бұрын
I think the fruits of Medjugorje speak for themselves.
@josephology3290 Жыл бұрын
Host a formal debate on the topic. Get an expert from both sides of the table on this. Let's see where the evidence falls.
@isabellfox2915 Жыл бұрын
My knowledge of Medjugorje is limited but from what I hear and see and understand there are issues with this site and honestly of course the other side to anything deemed to be of thi silk is that appararitions can also be produced by spirits not of God so I would be very cautious and the bible tells us that in the last days - which I think are here or close even the elect will be deceived so I agree there needs to be much more research and evidence about this site.
@tonciclinardic4478 Жыл бұрын
Do you really believe that demons would bring people to God? That is a very strange idea to me, as if they are working against themselves.
@jimzeller6862 4 ай бұрын
Have you guys in this video been to Medjugorje? That should be our first question. And what should we make of all of the fabulous testamonies? I have yet to see anyone defending it in a militant, angry way. All I've seen are lovely, docile people who feel like heaven and earth nearly become one in that place.
@annpauley144 3 ай бұрын
Some heretical messages coming out of Medjugore. Our lady says that all faiths are equal? False heresy! Vicka’s eyes blinked during ecstasy . Pleeease!
@danilocatania5700 Жыл бұрын
I ve been to Medjugorje once, Im the same I m not moved by places like this, however it did help me grow in faith. The kid mentions things that go against the other approved sites, what are those? Im not an expert but everything I heard was in direct continuation from the other Marian apparitions approved by the Church. Also the church will never proclaim apparition valid as long as they continue, they always study them and make a judgement after they have finished, so while they cant be approved yet, the Pope has declared ok to pilgrimage there. Ultimately I personally judge things by its fruits, many people convert and go back to the church after going there, my wife had a conversion there, how is that a bad thing?
@Littlemermaid17 Жыл бұрын
It’s a place unlike any other. Truly amazing
@BigPhilly15 Жыл бұрын
Stunned a lot of very orthodox priests-exorcists even-are big on this private revelation site.
@piuspax23 Жыл бұрын
Yup, such as Father Gabriele Amorth
@joecardone4887 Жыл бұрын
Same with Saint Pope John Paul 2 and Saint mother Teresa
@1hart Жыл бұрын
And alot are against it. What's your point?
@BigPhilly15 Жыл бұрын
@@1hart My point is why are conservative, orthodox priests willing to bend the rules and dive into accepting this revelation? I’m very curious. Relax.
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