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Utah Schools Ban Bible ✝️

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Emma Thorne

Emma Thorne

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@EmmaThorneVideos Жыл бұрын
Install Raid for Free ✅ IOS/ANDROID/PC: and get a special starter pack with an Epic champion ⚡Tallia⚡ Available only for new players
@GreenToast01 Жыл бұрын
I'm surprised raid shadow legends hasn't gone bankrupt the amount of people they're sponsoring
@alexanderwhite298 Жыл бұрын
To stay cool you can try using a child bottle of water or glass bottle or can of any drink, and place it in-between you're thighs where the arteries are. You could also put them under you're armpits as well. I'm from Florida in the united states, I have experience on this subject.
@Gibon345 Жыл бұрын
You have put way too much effort into their add. Ive seen a guy literally mock them and they kept on working with him because talked about the game and displayed the qr code
@raoulduke7668 Жыл бұрын
@@alexanderwhite298 Also, putting a wet towel around your neck is pretty amazing. And if you live somewhere where humidity is lower, you can also hang wet towels around your room, the evaporation sucks thermal energy from the air, thus cooling it down
@ErthBeer Жыл бұрын
....what does the bible say about love at first sight?...💏
@zechariah22 Жыл бұрын
The widespread book bannings will be looked back on with shame. Though I find it hilarious that this has backfired a little on Christian conservatives
@johndemeritt3460 Жыл бұрын
Well, you know what they say . . . turnabout is foreplay! And that's Republicans scr3w1ng themselves and their communities again!
@AbandonedVoid Жыл бұрын
Humanity isn't going to exist that long. Climate change has passed a tipping point. We're going to go extinct between 2050 and 2100 now and we don't have any realistic way to prevent it. We could have in the 60's, but now all of our more optimistic models are incredibly fantastical.
@idigamstudios7463 Жыл бұрын
Malicious compliance is the bestest
@Spagettigeist Жыл бұрын
I'm also against book banning, but I agree that this is hilarious XD They deserve it. =)
@mertalrooth01 Жыл бұрын
I don't feel bad about the Bible book van because it was religious people that were doing this to ban everything else. AKA sucks when your own rules go against you. maybe you should think about rules you make more so in the future before making them.
@JALaflinOfficial Жыл бұрын
Conservatives need to know that if one book can be banned, then THEIR book can be banned. Also, funnily enough, I had an adult Bible as a kid with graphic depictions of violence... Definitely scarred me for life.
@MusMasi 8 ай бұрын
I learnt what Genocide and rape was from the bible, I also learnt that men can be raped by other men as well, talk about an eye opener.
@4ucmikey 4 ай бұрын
Holy war time? You want to force yourself on me? I can be dangerous.
@leyrua Жыл бұрын
Yeah they totally included the word "pornographic" in the bill just so that anyone who opposed it could be accused of peddling pornography to minors.
@fionatastic0.070 Жыл бұрын
Especially considering porn is not legally defined in the states. It’s a way to muddy the waters. Hence why blanket bans are typically bad and therefore used by fascists to draw in the general public.
@Entomology314 Жыл бұрын
The Bible mentions sex. Quite a bit. By a conservative’s definition of pornography, the Bible is totally porn.
@micksilva6028 Жыл бұрын
Well, they did make a law against school Librarians and teachers in Arkansas who peddle this "pornography", if they are caught distributing banned books, they will do instant prison time for it and have to pay tens of thousands of dollars in fines. This is frightening!!! This is freaking North Korea type tyranny.
@iallso1 Жыл бұрын
I read recently a distinction between art and pornography, following reading an article on a Florida school district banning the image of the statue of David. If you took the definition I read none of these books would be considering pornographic and sculpture and paintings would also be art not porn. I guess if we are looking at the ability of the written word to provoke a sexual stimulus, that very much depends on the reader and perhaps whether the reader wants to feel stimulated at the time.
@leyrua Жыл бұрын
@@iallso1 Oh boy. When stuff is subject to a vague and subjective definition, things can easily get really dangerous and oppressive.
@jkmil4981 Жыл бұрын
The first book burning in Germany targeted the research library of a pioneer research center studying body dismorphia, sexual reassignment and homosexuality. Possibly the first modern facility to examine these subjects clinically and sympathetically
@panqueque445 Жыл бұрын
As a former schoolboy I can confirm that seeing a penis with the word "penis" next to it in a science book is only going to cause the entire class to laugh for 5 minutes. And teach us how to draw better penises on every surface available.
@mckenna_L_ Жыл бұрын
This happened in my county, the same one I went to public school in and practically lived in the school libraries. The book ban has been breaking my heart and I was thrilled to see someone using it against these extremists by targeting their book. I know everyone is talking about how the Bible being banned was retracted but we all knew that would happen. The point was to show how hypocritical these far right legislative moves are
@dbkaggie Жыл бұрын
Oh hey, same background here.
@ninjoshday Жыл бұрын
Same here!
@greyborg3846 Жыл бұрын
The right doesn't care about being hypocritical, even when it is pointed out to them, even when it is publically pointed out. They care about winning. In their mind getting the books they disagree with removed is winning. And when the books they approve of are pointed out to fall outside of the guidelines that they themselves set and they are able to get it to be allowed to not be removed they view that as winning even harder. They have no integrity, no shame, and no self awareness.
@whispermason8052 Жыл бұрын
But in Utah they likely did it to ensure kids were focused on the book of Mormon. It's still indoctrination.
@jessestreet2549 Жыл бұрын
Far Reich. Spell it properly.
@daddystartrek Жыл бұрын
Emma, you have no idea how bad it is to live in the US. My lesbian daughter has fled to Ireland. I’m happy for her, and I wonder if she will ever want to visit this sick country. I was an award winning teacher of human evolution and the works of Darwin. I was let go due to lack of funding in the anthropology department. Desperately I took whatever gig I could find. So I was a tutor at a middle school. Two students asked me what animal we were and I didn’t hesitate to tell them that we are apes. That got me fired and blacklisted in all schools within the district. I loved teaching evolution and when that love of my life was taken from me I had a nervous breakdown. Not a noble end to a career of which I am proud. So this country is truly terrible to live in and I doubt that anyone who doesn’t live here has a grasp of just how terrible it is. I am just glad that my daughter escaped.
@doneestoner9945 Жыл бұрын
I'm ashamed of this country (USA).
@BsKB1000 Жыл бұрын
That was an unfortunate story to read! I hope you keep being an awesome and open minded parent for your daughter and focus on her being happy. If you ever find a way to move/travel to Europe, I think your welcome in a lot of European countries. Take care!
@crocopie Жыл бұрын
Maybe a better wording is "primates"? But yiu are correct that humans are indeed apes.
@RecMike Жыл бұрын
​@@crocopiethey would have had a problem with that, too. Anything short of "We aren't animals. We're divinely created in the image of god as game wardens for creation" would be a sacrilege to these fools.
@user-gl5dq2dg1j Жыл бұрын
This is why we need national teaching standards set by rational minds that haven't been corrupted by theocracy.
@laurencius415 Жыл бұрын
It's a time-honored tradition for boys to draw penises everywhere. Dates back at least to Roman times.
@marionfowler4270 Жыл бұрын
I don't know why we do it, I just know it must be done.
@johnbritain1790 Жыл бұрын
That's true. Boys took the practice over from the adults of pre-Roman times.
@georgesparks7833 Жыл бұрын
It's like a dog marking it's territory by urinating on a tree...
@jorybuechner9775 Жыл бұрын
I have never drawn a penis in my life or even boobs for that matter. I never understood why other boys did that and then they would laugh about it like it was the funniest thing they ever saw
@insouciantFox Жыл бұрын
@@jorybuechner9775 ah finally a kindred spirit
@Uneclipsed Жыл бұрын
For a group that largely promotes purity culture and is all "think of the children!", they seem to always forget just how much banging and inc*st is in the bible
@norikofu509 Жыл бұрын
They love to talk about Sodom and Gamorrah but not about how God himself let Incest and Inbreeding happen between an Old Father who wanted his daughters to be gangraped by the Entire Town to save the Angels sent by God and his Daughters who tricked him with beer to sleep with him
@mattmorehouse9685 Жыл бұрын
They're deluded hypocrites so that's par for the course. That and the Bible has to include the sick bits, otherwise how are the Christians going to argue Jesus was against gun control. "See, God slaughters loads of wicked people. Now he has to rely on us with our rifles to do it, but the principle is the same."
@magister343 Жыл бұрын
The first time the term Apage love is used in the bible (in the Septuagint, a Greek translation of the old testament made in the 3rd century BC, which is the version that the authors of the New testament quoted) it is not talking about the unconditional love god has for us, but the feelings that one of King David's sons had for his sister before he raped her, but no longer felt for her after the rape.
@mattmorehouse9685 Жыл бұрын
@@magister343 Wait they used the term "agape"? Why? I can see how a bunch of misogynistic sexists would say rape counts as erotic love in their twisted hearts, but agape?!
@magister343 Жыл бұрын
@@mattmorehouse9685Because Agape did not really mean what Christians like C.S. Lewis claimed it meant. It was pretty much just a synonym for Philia love, mostly used for love between family members. When Philia was contrasted with Agape, the difference was generally that Philia often implied that the lover and beloved were of equal status (like brothers of similar age) while Agape would include love where there was a more significant power imbalance (as between a father and his children or a husband and his wife). Of course, Philia did not imply equal status all the time, as when the object of love was a horse, and the common epithet "Philopator" used Philia to describe the love one has for his or her father. I 'm not 100% certain that it used the term Apage for the desire that drove him to rape, but it definitely said that he no longer had agape love for her like he did before after he came to regret forcing himself on her. He stopped loving her the way a brother should love his sister.
@mattg6106 Жыл бұрын
Banning the bible in schools is an absolutely fantastic way to point out the fact that book banning is more about promoting a conservative agenda than it is about child safety.
@alexmcgilvery3878 Жыл бұрын
Just to update. The ban has been overturned and the Bible returned to primary schools. (age 4-10ish) It was never removed from middle school or high schools. I am waiting to see whether any other bans have been retracted. As an author, I have a new life goal, which is to write a book that gets banned in Florida or some other book banning state. I think that would look good on my CV
@Yeetusdeletus897 Жыл бұрын
You haven’t wrote it but I’ll take 100 copies when you have
@tudormiller887 Жыл бұрын
But I'll bet they'll ban other religious books in schools, just to keep kids on the right path to Christian Nationalist ideological doctrine.
@InfinityKrompt Жыл бұрын
Being banned or outrage talked about by right wing media is the best publicity you could ever want because it almost certainly means that you've done something good.
@keriannekerr1876 Жыл бұрын
I had that goal as well in 2012. I'll never forget how the outrage over Harry Potter encouraging witchcraft and making any articles remotely connected to magic tie in with HP is how I learned about Noerther Star College of Mystical Studies in my country. The headmistress even had the last name Potter! I wanted to make a book series focusing on each country's interpretation and application of magic. It would have been a lofty goal that would require global participation which made it too intimidating to start to attempt.
@JustaLuni Жыл бұрын
Anatomy and psychology books and christian parents are all "think of the children" but when schools uno reverse it and suddenly that's getting rid of freedoms. Hypocrisy at its finest.
@Soapy-chan_old Жыл бұрын
"think of the children!!!" "oh, we indoctrinate and lie to them and let the preachers touch them? Yeah that's fine."
@CHIEF_420 Жыл бұрын
@jursamaj Жыл бұрын
Yes, it's hypocrisy. But they don't care.
@johnandersons Жыл бұрын
But if it was a book on trans that gets banned the other side is all up in arms.
@dogearflopper7011 Жыл бұрын
They don't care about hypocrisy. They care about power.
@johnandersons Жыл бұрын
That is on both sides. They both are all for what they want until it is used to help the other side.
@alphaHero100 Жыл бұрын
@@johnandersons huh weird how democratic policies help republicans consistently as they don't discriminate.
@erenjaeger1738 Жыл бұрын
​@alphaHero100 fr both sides uses political gain XD
@choczynski Жыл бұрын
Making it so children cannot identify or explain that they're being abused is a substantial part of the goal of this wave of book banning
@Cuffsmaster Жыл бұрын
Well said
@Ozark-nq9uu Жыл бұрын
So abusing children makes it so they can identify the abuse? Make that make sense.....
@choczynski Жыл бұрын
@@Ozark-nq9uu ?
@Cuffsmaster Жыл бұрын
@@Ozark-nq9uu I think you call information for Children abuse if I understand you. Showing them what is child abuse is far different that pushing a dick in them. Would you agree?
@Ozark-nq9uu Жыл бұрын
It's simple these books sexualize children. S Anything sexual related to a child is abuse.
@ClutchSituation Жыл бұрын
As an American, I can tell you that a lot of the "arguments" are now boiling down to "my opinion counts and yours doesn't" from the book banners. We are so beyond logic now. It is almost entirely "I'm afraid of the boogey-man that people tell me I should be afraid of and that's all the justification I need." It's primal fear.
@dakotakae Жыл бұрын
Live in Utah - we just undid this ban 😮‍💨. The bill that allowed it to be banned is still in effect and being used to ban all sorts of LGBTQ books. But the Bible is fine. The book with incest and "grapes" and violence that the bill was supposed to get out of schools.
@merbst Жыл бұрын
"Live in Utah", I'm sorry to hear that! If you ever need a respite, your welcome here in California! I'd even invite you to my house, for a meal or a weekend, occupancy permitting.
@frogblasttheventcore69 Жыл бұрын
I loved that part where all the Sodomites wanted to rape that angel, but that one guy said he'd give up his daughter instead. Happy days.
@private1177 Жыл бұрын
ah damn. should have banned all of those books
@cocobunitacobuni8738 Жыл бұрын
@@frogblasttheventcore69 or the part in the new testament where slaves are told to obey their masters and women are told to shut up in church, not have authority and to serve their husbands. It truly is a religion for an enlightened age.
@dakotakae Жыл бұрын
@@merbst I'm actually a transplant here FROM California 😅. Itty bitty podunk town called Victor(victim)ville 😅. Work and home ownership is keeping me here now.
@knitandcatboodle Жыл бұрын
I'm from a Christian from Utah and I found this hilarious. I know so many people up in arms about this saying "oh look how far we've fallen that the Word of God is to be banned!" Calm down Susan, they're making a point about this absurd law.
@FakingANerve Жыл бұрын
"Calm down, Susan..." Jesus, I owe you a drink for that laugh. 😂 I needed that. Thank ya!
@kentstallard6512 Жыл бұрын
How do you rationalize the genocide, slavery, misogyny, homophobia, infanticide, etc. in the Bible, all mandated and condoned by God?
@MrZaborskii Жыл бұрын
​@@kentstallard6512 She said, "I'm from [sic] a Christian from Utah and I found this hilarious." She did not say, "I'm a Christian: ask me anything." I'm sure you can find plenty of Christians on the internet who will willingly engage with you in defense of their book. This isn't one of them. This is a Christian who believes in secular government, and is only offering her beliefs as a way of saying, "not all Christians want a theocracy." And not all Christians do. Theocracies are bad for everyone. Some Christians know that. Aggressively confronting people like catboodle here is a waste of your time and hers. Especially because non-theocratic Christians aren't the enemy.
@whispermason8052 Жыл бұрын
You are in Utah, do you think the Motivation behind it is to ensure the book of Mormon is the only religious text available?
@Yeetusdeletus897 Жыл бұрын
No offense to you but in the context of comparing lgbt books to the Bible the Bible is way worse when it comes to awful themes that are glorified.there’s a part in the Bible where god justifies men graping (minus the g) women and then takes credit for it after his men do just that
@russellmillar7132 Жыл бұрын
Somebody smart once said: "If someone doesn't want you to learn, that person is not your friend". I agree with your assessment that books should not be banned and that it was funny and ironic that Utah banned the Bible (temporarily). I know there are uneducated folks everywhere, but here in the home of the brave (US) there are millions that seem to consider being uneducated a qualification for in-depth analysis of politics, medicine, history, race relations, and cosmology. There is a loud minority of ultra conservatives (fascists) in our country that push bigoted ideology with the help of wealthy backers. No opportunity to divide the populace, be it racism, homophobia, sexism, and/or anti-intellectualism, will go unexploited. This group is really opposed to teaching children the real history of western civilization. They don't want the veil to be pulled back on how white people of European ancestry came to colonize and dominate so much of the planet's landmasses. They say they don't want white children to "feel bad" for the things that were done in the past. Yet there doesn't seem to be any concern for how it will make black, Native, Hispanic, and Asian, not to mention LGBTQ+, children feel that the origins, contributions, and sufferings of their people's history will never be taught. I often, when I have the golden opportunity to converse with one of these nutters, ask if children should learn about WWII and how Hitler led his country to invade countless countries causing the deaths of millions of people who had not attacked Germany (I purposely leave out the genocide). I also ask if it's okay to include the fact that Hitler was white. I then ask if knowing that Hitler was white, when they learned about WWII in school, made them feel bad for being white. I sometimes use the serial killer/cannibal Jeffery Dahmer, white also, in making this point.
@Michael-D.-Williams Жыл бұрын
Ultra conservatives, technically, are not fascist. Fascists seek to change the world. Conservatives want to conserve their way of life, even if its a nostalgic throwback to their own idyllic childhood that never existed outside their own experience. The modus operandi of these two groups are similar, but you don't have to be a fascist to be a dreadful shithead.
@robertjohnston-mp5im Жыл бұрын
The crazy conservative extremists will of course start screeching that Hitler was a socialist (still don't get how they came to that conclusion since he made it very clear where he stood when he placed socialists in the camps) so therefore Hitler must've been a LiBtRarD pushing the gay agenda lol🤡🤣
@rianmacdonald9454 Жыл бұрын
Although I can agree with some of your points, there are some I can not at all. First, do you know why Hitler invaded Poland? The German people living there, were being ethnically cleansed, and sent request after request for help/protection - as they were facing genocide. Many requests were sent to the UK and France by Germany, to try to sort this out with out war, all requests were ignored, so the invasion took place, UK and France (forcing German hands to war) then declared War on Germany. The truth of WW2 is a lot worse than what is being taught, and starts with the end of WW1 - that war caused WW2, it was always going to happen due to UK and France's terms imposed on Germany. Secondly, regarding Europeans (and although you never mentioned the world, clearly refer to slavery) - who do you think were the slaves prior to the 1500's(there about) when Europeans entered Africa. Add to that, that for a long time it was the Africans selling other conquered Africans to the Europeans, but the first point was white people where the slaves, here in UK the English enslaved the Welsh, the Scottish and the Irish, well before any black person was taken, and well after the American civil war ending slavery. As to taught history, here in Wales UK - we are never taught about Welsh ruler ship, or Scottish rulership or Irish - it is only the English history taught. This issue of history being selective edited to teach a certain perspective while ignoring the truth - goes much much further and deeper than 99.9% of people actually realise. The true history of humanity is F'ing disgusting, no matter how you look it, no matter what standards you want to apply - it is barbaric and disgusting - then it is lied about to make the case of ''good guys vs bad guys'' - like what has been done to Germany over WW2.
@bargainbassist Жыл бұрын
@@rianmacdonald9454 To paraphrase you, "I can agree with some of your points, there are some I can not at all." For instance, the idea of the English enslavement of the Irish, the Scottish, and the Welsh has been proven to be a fallacy that's been promoted by far-right extremists to retroactively justify the enslavement of black Africans.
@Pharasis90 Жыл бұрын
I like this analysis. As a teacher in the school district that banned the Bible, I have an update: our district's school board just overturned the committee decision that banned it. Basically, if the right group of parents complains, the district will give them whatever the f*** they want. Goodbye gay books, but we can't lose our precious bible (which the students don't check out anyway).
@MrSeedi76 Жыл бұрын
I have to admit, the time I spent in a school library is 0 seconds. They didn't have Stephen King.
@Pharasis90 Жыл бұрын
No Stephen King, but I'm sure they had ALL the porn books. 😉😉😉
@popenieafantome9527 Жыл бұрын
@@MrSeedi76My school’s library didn’t seem widely used, but they did have a decent range of books. They did have some Stephen King books and one of the book i read for a book report from there was surprisingly a very mature book. Rape and domestic violence was the major topic of the book from what i remember.
@mattmorehouse9685 Жыл бұрын
That's awful. Then again, from my experience, most Christians are greater or lesser hypocrites and deluded at that. Makes sense the loudest ones would be utterly self absorbed and irony immune.
@BlueBD Жыл бұрын
That's how it should be. The school doesn't run without students in the system and if the parents decide that X should not be taught then X will not be thought in that school. Within Reason of course, as always everything requires a level of compromise and nuance. But these are things that have to be discussed on a smaller level, this is not something that government can properly control nor should it. They can Overwatch it and set the guidelines but overall It would be down to the Families and the schools to decide what Extra courses are offered and taught.
@Nevets1073 Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately here in America one political party has no shame when it comes to hypocrisy. They don't care and when you point out their hypocrisy to them, they think it's funny. They call you "triggered". They call you "woke". They will, in my opinion, simply pass a law out in Utah that will exempt all religious texts from being banned. That's what they've done here in Iowa where I live.
@MusclesandBooks Жыл бұрын
Oooh if they DO exempt all religious texts let's get the Quran in every library! Once again use their laws against them, LOL.
@_Sloppyham 8 ай бұрын
@@MusclesandBookswe should make a truly saucy religious text lol
@Rc3651 Жыл бұрын
As a kid, when we learned about history I always thought we were so advanced. Surely we had learned that book bannings were bad, or that if you knew a social system wasn't working then you should address it. But no, we're still making all of the same mistakes, and correctly pointing out that we're making those mistakes as we make them. It always makes me wonder what future generations will think of us. Heck, forget them, even the kids growing up now are going to think that we're all inept dumbasses
@Zift_Ylrhavic_Resfear Жыл бұрын
Don't worry, you won't have to wait for future generations, here in Europe many of us already consider the US a third world country.
@jursamaj Жыл бұрын
Kids generally think the adults are inept dumbasses anyway…
@TheJasonBorn Жыл бұрын
I literally think "you're an inept dumbass" whenever I hear Republican politicians and collaborators thoughts on most matters.
@nuttysquirrel8816 Жыл бұрын
_" makes me wonder what future generations will think of us..."_ If we stay the course you described, they may not be future generations.
@rianmacdonald9454 Жыл бұрын
there won't be future generations. Humanities time has come to an end, just running out the clock now.
@renatocorvaro6924 Жыл бұрын
Man, it's almost like banning books isn't a great idea. Who could have seen that coming?
@jones1351 Жыл бұрын
When I was a kid (post adolescent) I remember hearing, 'the streets are no place to learn about sex' - we didn't have internet in the stone age. About a month ago I saw a clip of an angry parent (understatement) who was reading from what I assume was a book on sex and sexuality written for young teens. It appears that he picked out the most graphic passage he could find. And began ranting about this 'filth' being taught to 'our children!!' Now, I don't imagine this guy 'having the talk' with his young'uns. And if he gets his way, and this and other books like it, are banned, how will his and other children learn? Well, from 'the streets', of course. Teen pregnancy, STDs, and other horrors to follow. Foot, meet gunshot. P.S. I remember my time in the U.K. and Europe. Seems y'all ain't discovered air conditioning. 😁
@toforgetisagem8797 Жыл бұрын
We have discovered air conditioning in UK. It's expensive to run. It turns warm damp air into freezing damp air. It's not worth getting for the 4 or 5 days of hot weather, we get here, every other decade. Britain is usually a cold, damp dot in an ocean.
@sarah_757 Жыл бұрын
I never had any formal sex education because my parents were abusive authoritarian Christians. They concealed and lied to us about so much of the world, neither I or my siblings were in any way prepared to be a part of society. Again, because my parents abused us *because* they were Christians. At 45 I'm just now starting to unpack some of this stuff. I'm very, very angry at these systemic abuses I suffered and that no one will ever be held to account. I despise how Christians are given special privilege because of their propaganda that they are "good" people. They are not.
@Zift_Ylrhavic_Resfear Жыл бұрын
@@sarah_757 I'm sorry you had to go through that. If you're looking for educational content, i recommend the channels TheraminTrees for information on abuse and indoctrination and how they are tied to religion (i think his video "copying enemies | the after-effects of abuse" should be able to help you); Stated Clearly for simple explanations of scientific concepts; Forrest Valkai and Viced Rhino with their series "The light of evolution" and "the evidence for evolution" respectively (their other materials are also nice); Paulogia on the historicity of the bible; AnticitizenX's series "the psychology of belief" (this one is short, about 11 videos for a total of 1h of watch time, and it's very good); TMM and Venaloid for some replies to apologetics arguments. I heard that AronRa did some informative videos but i haven't really watched him so i'm not sure if he's interesting. Lastly you can also check out Logicked, who replies to fringe, astonishingly baffling or broken arguments and beliefs. To give an example, somebody wrote a book in which he said that math is a lie because (among other examples) when you take an apple and divide it once you get two pieces, so 1 divided by 1 should be equal 2.
@mattmorehouse9685 Жыл бұрын
@@sarah_757 Indeed. Jesus, the supposed perfect guy, invents the idea of an eternal torture chamber where everyone who doesn't love him to his exact specifications will go after they die. At least Yahweh "merely" kills you.
@pineapplepenumbra Жыл бұрын
@@Zift_Ylrhavic_Resfear You watch pretty much the same people I do. Kristi Burke also does videos about the damage christianity has done, and tries to help people who have been traumatised by it.
@Juni_for_short 10 ай бұрын
As a child raised in the christian Church, can confirm they did not in fact shield us from the vulgar, sexual, and extremely violent parts of their good book...
@ojrmk1 Жыл бұрын
I became friends with my Secondary School librarian in the 90's and convinced them to have Ben Elton books added to the school library. They were so on board with this, they read the first chapter of the Ben Elton novel "Popcorn" out loud in assembly. So that's how I got the school librarian to say "Shit Happens", out loud, in front of 500 11-16 year olds. My proudest moment.
@lara-ce2kg Жыл бұрын
I agree book banning are bad. But how else can we point out the hypocrisy in their laws?
@spiderzvow1 Жыл бұрын
sadly the people doing this crap dont learn lessons.
@Natheist Жыл бұрын
Add the Satanic Bible
@GameTimeWhy Жыл бұрын
​@@Natheistadd it to what?
@mizquitl Жыл бұрын
@@GameTimeWhy Add it to the books that have to be banned from libraries so at the point that they overthrow the whole thing it will become legally available.
@krankarvolund7771 Жыл бұрын
She said in the video, it's a good thing the Bible is banned with that law ^^ Personally, I don't feel comfortable letting bibles in school anyway. It's not a question of the content, it's just a symbol, in my country chch and state are separated, students can be punished or expelled for wearing religious signs, and teachers are also forbidden, I think it's a more neutral way to do it than aepting religion in school.
@georgem2334 Жыл бұрын
Judy Blume's famous novel, Are You There God, It's Me Margaret has been banned off and on for the past fifty years and is currently again banned in several southern states. It's essentially about a girl's first period. Book banners have lost all reason and have chosen to give in to mob fear and panic over nothing.
@Mudbutt73 Жыл бұрын
I am very old and very atheist. Nice to see so many young people coming around. Good channel
@MrMontey726 Жыл бұрын
The school's reversal of this decision shows it's not about violence, just as long as the violence is in service of their message.
@rianmacdonald9454 Жыл бұрын
SPOT ON. wondered how long before i saw this comment. As long as it serves what they want it is acceptable.
@Forsworcen Жыл бұрын
Malicious compliance is the best way to combat most stupid laws.
@truthgiver8286 Жыл бұрын
Maybe it should not be banned but definitely placed in the fiction side of the library.
@catsmeow1630 Жыл бұрын
@paganphil100 Жыл бұрын
@truthgiver8286: Yes, in the children's fiction area.
@dogwalker666 Жыл бұрын
X rated, Myth & Magic section.
@ishmael4510 Жыл бұрын
Ban it Ploytheism is more truthful and practical for life then that book unless it's written in classic Hebrew the OG scripts/language.
@Soapy-chan_old Жыл бұрын
​@@ishmael4510lol it's not
@lauraevans2104 Жыл бұрын
I remember in elementary school we read this historical fiction book about the revolutionary war (USA) that had a focus on how split allegiances affected families. It was called “My Brother Sam is Dead”. It was easy to read and understand as a 3rd grader. Anyway along comes my sophomore year of Highschool and what book is in the news about being added to the banned book list? Yep that one, I got to do an interview with the news anchor who was covering the story. The reason why it was banned one of the characters is beheaded for livestock theft “Billy’s head jumped off his body.” Yep that was it. I still don’t get it. There was no gore, a 9/10 year old was able to understand what was happening. Like parents if you have issues with some books then limiting access for age appropriateness and being available to discuss the information in the books is the way to go. Don’t just ban them. Also I own this book as an adult. I would say that in the public school setting, the Bible should be presented literature in the same vein that when doing the religions of the world, the Torá, Qur’an, the Pentateuch and so forth are presented.
@Mavisdundundunnnmanston Жыл бұрын
In 5th grade we had our 1st s*x ed class. Because of this, it became clear one of my classmates was being abused by a family member. My teacher was able to save my classmate by teaching her how to word what was happening, and what was happening was not ok.
@The_real_Arovor Жыл бұрын
I‘m a Christian believer, and I love to see the law backfiring on the hypocrites in the US. If you’re starting to ban books, no matter what political position you take, you’re doing it wrong. Edit: There are some rare exceptions, that may be viable for a ban. But those are like really rare. Edit2: one example that comes to mind is the banning of „Mein Kampf“ in post WW2 Germany. Nowadays it should be legal again though.
@DennisEngelhard Жыл бұрын
"Mein Kampf" being banned in Germany is a widespread misconception. Germany doesn't do any form of censorship, there is an article against that in our constitution. But we have an index of media that is considered unsuitable for children and young people. What that means is, you have to be 18 to buy them and businesses are not allowed to advertise these pieces of media in any way. That means I could order "Mein Kampf" from Amazon in Germany (I just checked, it's there) but it will never show up as an recommended article for anybody, because that would be against the law.
@devforfun5618 Жыл бұрын
here in Brazil historians are thinking about only allowing edited versions of mein kampf with added context, because publishing a book with unfiltered lies isn't very usefull, specially when it is lying about something that happened decades ago on the other hand some conservatives were mad because a childrens book had a drawing of the father spreading butter in toast, instead of the mother, but they vote on senators that want to unban mein kampf
@whispermason8052 Жыл бұрын
What about the anarchists cookbook? Also, Utah probably did it to indoctrinate the book of Mormon , being the only religious book in a school library.
@luislux2859 Жыл бұрын
Actually mein Kampf was never really banned in Germany. It is only forbidden to buy, print or sell new copis of this book. Buying or selling an antiquarian copy isn't vorbiden. Also buying or selling new edited versions is also legal. Still this is something I would not want on my bookshelf.
@AndyMarsh Жыл бұрын
I remember my mum telling about how a copy of Lady Chatterly got passed round her class with the corners of all the juicy pages turned down, despite it being very definately banned!
@Lia-uf1ir Жыл бұрын
7:11 On the Nazi book burnings, connecting them to the book banning on sexual orientation and gender identity, it is important to mention that at the same book burning in 1933, the very first in Nazi Germany btw, the books of the Institute of Sexual Science founded by Magnus Hirschfeld were also burned. The institute researched sexual orientation and gender identity and was very progressive for its time (ironically the terms it used are now considered outdated and insulting). The institute also performed some of the first gender-affirming surgeries such as that of the oldest known case of a trans woman medically transitioning. She was named Dora Richter. In 1933, the nazis raided the institute and destroyed its contents, which also meant their library. The standard of research on trans people was set bet by decades and wouldn't be met again until the 1990s. During the raid, it is speculated that Dora Richter was killed although it is not confirmed. It is unknown what happened to her afterwards.
@sourisvoleur4854 Жыл бұрын
So sad about Dora.
@khanhngo5979 Жыл бұрын
The banning of books is due to fear and insecurities
@foxesofautumn Жыл бұрын
It’s probably more ignorance and entitlement. These are the people with the most power, after all. I’ll add that the church has been co-opted in the US. It’s no longer about faith. It’s about control. It’s about trying to homogenise a diverse society because some people would rather destroy others than move an inch on their understanding. Hmm, maybe it’s is about fear.
@joachimschoder Жыл бұрын
I am actually fine with banning books from schools that openly promote genocide, slavery or rape. The bible checks all of those boxes. And before you come to me with "this is old testament": I would take this a lot more seriously if "Christians" wouldn't constantly cherry pick quotes from the old testament when they want to judge people they don't like.
@vincentcomeau7844 Жыл бұрын
Whenever I hear " that's the old testament " I reply with " remove these pages from your Bible then".
@joachimschoder Жыл бұрын
@@vincentcomeau7844 The funniest part is when they have used the old testament to attack gay people and then turn around and say that the rules in the exact same books don't apply to them because old testament.
@Soapy-chan_old Жыл бұрын
@simongiles9749 Жыл бұрын
​@@joachimschoderThey can always fall back on some stuff in (I think) 1 Corinthians to back up homophobia, although in context this whole Epistle is more a warning to local Christians to avoid "Greek" practices of the general population than a universal set of rules.
@banquetoftheleviathan1404 Жыл бұрын
Just seems redundant, like they probably already have a couple bibles at home. anyone renting a bible from the library is probably a heathen and just using it for research or mockery . Like putting the bible on blast for their oral report or some shit. could be fun
@bargainbassist Жыл бұрын
The Bible is easy prey. On the other hand, banning the *Book of Mormon* in Utah would be a GENUINE act of courage.
@hudsonhaynie1632 Жыл бұрын
As someone who lives in Utah, this gives me infinite joy, and I hope the Book Of Mormon is next.
@danielcameron9857 Жыл бұрын
Although we have had the bible in school libraries while I was growing up (in the USA), there was never a copy of the Torah or Quran (nor any other religious text that I recall). Regardless, we were never forbidden from having our own. I do disagree, based on our constitutional "separation of church and state", that public schools should have any religious text outside of a class that discusses religions and religious history.
@thembill8246 Жыл бұрын
Yeah but that's just like what happened with prayer in schools, and you know how much they bitched about that, flat out lying and saying that you weren't even allowed to do it on your own anymore. That's what they would say on about the Bible too
@CHIEF_420 Жыл бұрын
@jonathanmarth6426 Жыл бұрын
Don't think the separation of church and state applies there. Making a book available to read isn't the same as promoting the ideology depicted therein. However it is ridiculous that a bible would be available while other holy texts aren't.
@johnscaramis2515 Жыл бұрын
@@thembill8246 There's a lot of lying going on when it comes to beliefs and/or beleivers talking about their beliefs. Although lying is against the rules they claim to live according to. The more I take a look and find examples, the more I get the feeling that this is a kind of natural law that every belief necessarily comes along with lying. At least to oneself.
@devforfun5618 Жыл бұрын
@@johnscaramis2515 that is because they lie about the testment that say you cant lie, the correct term is bear false witness, which they also do, but is a more reasonable rule
@redblaze8700 Жыл бұрын
Many Christians don’t read the Bible, except for the selected nice parts, so no wonder why they were shocked by this ban 😂
@nightmarerex2035 Жыл бұрын
its true most "christains" read only the "nice parts" and most "Satanist" read only the "bad parts"
@wyleecoyotee4252 Жыл бұрын
​@@nightmarerex2035 Most realists read the bad parts
@mkuhnactual Жыл бұрын
Yeah had JW's come to my door the other days and at first denied that the bible gives the seal of approval for slavery and beating your slave as long as they don't immediately die, then when I gave them the verse they spent 15 minutes trying to explain to me how that's a a good thing actually.
@Soapy-chan_old Жыл бұрын
​@@nightmarerex2035satanists don't do that
@AnotherCraig Жыл бұрын
And it's a very selective definition of 'nice.' Apparently most of them consider Jesus' "ain't no wealthy people getting into heaven, y'all," a safe-to-ignore part
@RurikDankil Жыл бұрын
I'm just disappointed it's already been lifted. One person interviewed about the ban being lifted I can agree with (her reasoning was that no books should be banned) but it's not going to do anything about the other banned books. Even more unfortunately, it's ban was lifted by unanimous vote.
@nicholaskarako5701 Жыл бұрын
The last time I looked up a list of book that are in US schools it seemed like half of the books on the list were book I had read when I was in school like Catcher and the Rye, Animal farm/ 1984, To kill a Mockingbird, Mice of men, Slaughter house five, Lord of the flies, The Dairy of Anne Frank and Flowers for Algernon.
@airlag Жыл бұрын
These are lots of books that really have important messages. It's a shame they are banned. It's doing no good to the USA.
@hydrofenrir4175 Жыл бұрын
​@@airlagI'm not sure if it's consistent across the entire US. I read most of those in school too. Wouldn't be surprised if certain parts of the US still have it banned in schools still. Glad I lived in one of the parts where it wasn't. Those who didn't get the opportunity to read those books really are missing out
@stylis666 Жыл бұрын
A little chuckle? I LOVE it! :D Laughed my ass of and spent 3 hours sewing it back on! :p I think it's great poetic justice and I've been advocating for banning bibles for quite some time because of its vulgarity and violence, not seriously though, but as a response to the hypocrisy of parents and other idiots trying to ban books from schools for similar reasons and those parents pretty much always religious and they also advocate for public schools teaching christianity as true and praying in class. And teaching faith based religions as true, promoting faith, and praying in class is abusive and normalizes and desensitizes kids to red flags that indicate abuse, so that should be illegal even in christian and islamic schools, but bibles should stay, just as Mein Kampf shouldn't be banned. Sure, neither of those two books should be read to kids in school under the age of 12, but after that just let them read and see anything they and their parents think they can handle. And learning about religions and the holocaust is important for historical awareness. At what ages I'll leave that up to parents, psychologists, and teachers, and such to hash that out - I don't know that much about the development of children's brains and emotions and I don't give a shit about the specifics. I watched horrors and gruesome action movies when I was 8 and since I could handle it just fine my parents were okay with it and my mom even went with me to the cinema to see movies like Batman (she also had a crush on the Joker, so there's that :p). My point is, the bible is a horror and not every child can just handle blood and gore and extreme emotional abuse in stories. If your kid can, that's fine, read the bible to them and watch Alien with them. Every child is different. Even siblings can have massively different responses to things and if my brother would have nightmares over the acid scene in Robocop, I wouldn't have been allowed to watch it. I'm also super sensitive and empathic and I had trouble killing a trout to eat later. Somehow in fiction my empathy just doesn't switch on until I care about a character and it gets unfairly or emotionally hurt. That's something I can't easily handle, so I didn't like the bible because I thought that the god was the bad guy and he should get wrecked and I still think that and instead of getting what he deserved he's glorified and excused, in real life even. That is so fekking twisted. Kids should learn about THAT. So that's why I think the bible shouldn't be banned and Mein Kampf shouldn't be either and they should be used in class to teach about our histories and how our societies got this stupid and messed up and backwards. But if you get your panties in a twist over a boy animal in a kids book falling in love with another boy animal, you deserve to watch your bible get ripped from schools, even if just for a couple of weeks to give people a chance to enjoy the poetic justice and rub in the hypocrisy. Your bible IS actually toxic because real life people take the book way too seriously and that gives the impression that the bible gives good examples and that the god in it is a good person, which it definitely and demonstrably isn't and it normalized the worst examples of how to treat people from the first page to the last with no exceptions.
@telgato711 Жыл бұрын
Emma, yours is the only channel that I watch the whole sponsors part because they are so well done. Love the puppets.
@stefkukla8533 Жыл бұрын
Zola was banned in the UK in the late 19th century because of his portrayal of the working class as being every bit as human and worthwhile as the ruling class. Even the translators of his works were imprisoned.
@PreistofGHAZpork Жыл бұрын
Hot take from someone who use to work in education. Parents are the last ones who should have any say on what subject should and shouldn't be taught.
@SilverMKI Жыл бұрын
I would say everyone should have at least some voice in most things, though certainly not a deciding voice, or even one that should be taken seriously in the face of expert input.
@FateofEllusion Жыл бұрын
@@SilverMKIIf you let one parent dictate what gets taught you have to let all parents have a say… you’d literally get nothing done because everyone is offended by something.
@SilverMKI Жыл бұрын
@FateofEllusion kind of missing the entire point of what I said; everyone should be able to voice their thoughts and concerns because otherwise how do you know what people think? However, the decisions should be made by subject experts; the amount of weight they give to "the voice of the people" in coming to their decisions should be proportional to how sensible the comments are :D
@melindasingleton7359 Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately the hypocrisy is irrelevant to them, because they don't care about being ideologically consistent
@cosgrovemanning7581 Жыл бұрын
I have taught some of these conservative students. The goal of the parents is to "protect" their children from ever being exposed to anything they think is bad or wrong. One of these students was taught to ignore or avoid anything that their father disagreed with for fear that it would infect them with negative or satanic influences. This student was absolutely trained to isolate themselves from any non-christian views or ideas. They truly believe that their children should never be exposed to anything but their church approved ideas, if the world intrudes on their children then their freedom of religion is being intruded upon and the federal government has an obligation to help them maintain this isolation. Weird views, but I have seen it play out more than once in my community. I always wish those families good luck as their children graduate and enter the wider world where most of humanity disagree with their views.
@andrewwenner2781 Жыл бұрын
Emma, ur explaining how kids not knowing about their bodies and how that can be used to cover up abuse should be said a few times very very loud! Ur on to something there! Never thought about it that way but ur exactly right on the nose darling! Had to stop ur video to make sure I got what u were saying right but DAMN girl! Love ya
@lost_in_a_crowd_of_3257 Жыл бұрын
I had a good laugh at the book banners expense about this. The irony over this is just delicious. And I knew the ban of the Bible would be overturned, but it displays how ridiculous their criteria for book banning is. As well as their hypocrisy.
@aislynnmari Жыл бұрын
I only recently discovered this channel (via auto recommended shorts) and I'm so glad the algorithm brought you into my life. Love this channel so far! Good luck with everything Edit: a word
@shauno5888 Жыл бұрын
"A Yorkshireman reads the Bible" was not the comedy bit I was expecting today, but I would honestly love to see it fleshed out.
@moosepocalypse6500 Жыл бұрын
I'm generally opposed to book banning, even the bible. BUT I am chuckling at this because it backfired on them. Hopefully this will in time show the absurdity of these ridiculous laws and get them repealed.
@gratefulot360 Жыл бұрын
Apparently, the ban was just reversed. The Davis school district, north of Salt Lake City, voted unanimously on Tuesday night to accept a recommendation by a subcommittee of three of its members to reinstate the book to middle and elementary school shelves.
@mkuhnactual Жыл бұрын
So the hypocrites predictably revealed themselves as hypocrites.
@82Jaster Жыл бұрын
Yeah, and unsurprisingly members of the Board of Education there celebrated the ruling because they really like Bible and think there's spiritual value in it for children. It really highlights what a joke all the banning of books has been and how it's never been about protecting kids from vulgar material, but rather people using kids as a shield to push their own bigotry. Just like when they went dead quiet in May when the Illinois AG findings came about how nearly 2,000 children had been abused since 1950 by 451 members of the Catholic clergy in Illinois. Not a peep about what to do about protecting kids from that.
@mementomori7825 Жыл бұрын
@@mkuhnactual If conservatives didn't have double standards, they'd have no standards at all.
@johnscaramis2515 Жыл бұрын
I hope that the initiators have a court look over the whole thing. To either reinstate the ban or to find the law illegal. But considering how corrupted the legal system and prone to double standards the legal system in the US seems to be, I don't think anything will change. One can only hope that people will vote with their feet, aka move out of this state, if it's possible. Brain drain never was good for a state or country and with the brain drain along comes companies also moving out of the state/country, as they find no qualified workers.
@ingiford175 Жыл бұрын
@@mementomori7825 If politicians didn't have double standards, they'd have no standards at all. (corrects it for you)
@Tzimisce Жыл бұрын
While I do agree in general with not banning books, I also think it's harmful to indoctrinate children into any religion.
@Wampa842 Жыл бұрын
Correction - indoctrination into any ideology, including nationalism, is harmful on both a personal and a societal scale. Forcing children, who don't even understand what they're saying, to recite the pledge of allegiance every morning is particularly disturbing. At my first school, we had to say a prayer before every meal to thank God for it... and like... I know the people who work in agriculture, and I didn't see the angry sky monster there. I had to switch school because I stayed defiantly silent every time.
@johnandersons Жыл бұрын
@@Wampa842 and I don't want my kids taught about racism or gender issues.
@chopperwhitewolf7050 Жыл бұрын
In the first book of the Bible it explicitly talks about drunken, non-consensual incest. Lot and his daughters
@chopperwhitewolf7050 Жыл бұрын
As if consensual incest would be any better, drunken or otherwise. In the same story it also talks about gang rape.
@HolisticHealthEducation Жыл бұрын
A popular christian doctrine, too be sure. One now advanced by the transphobic minority in the USA.
@AnotherCraig Жыл бұрын
Someone once described the bible as a book from the B.C. era-- Before Consent
@ida6950 Жыл бұрын
⁠@@chopperwhitewolf7050It would definitely be better, though still very bad
@matteoallodi8030 Жыл бұрын
0:59 “a little chuckle”?!?! How dare you Emma! To your information, I just bursted in an evil laugh which would have put Light Yagami to shame.
@MidgetPally521 Жыл бұрын
AC went out today in the southern US. Its miserable. Stay cool and thanks for the vid!
@erikblaas5826 Жыл бұрын
Emma, about banning books... sometimes it's not to harm people, but to protect them... for example; Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf" has been banned in several European countries to discourage people from practicing this ideology.
@theturtlemoves3014 Жыл бұрын
I wonder if the banned books have seen an increase in library loans or Amazon sales?
@RichWoods23 Жыл бұрын
That's usually what happens. Tell kids they can't read something and some of them are going to go look for themselves to see if that's for a reason they'd agree with.
@optillian4182 Жыл бұрын
"It hurt itself in its own confusion!"
@tadwimmer6225 Жыл бұрын
Hello from the (not so) great state of Utah! I found this story absolutely hilarious. When they were younger three of my daughters attended school in Davis County, and my wife’s extended family still live there. This becomes even more ironic when the fact that the headquarters of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is only a short drive to the south. I have to wonder if the Book of Mormon was also banned. It contains a rather gruesome murder very early on. (loved the northern accent, btw. Reminds me of Christopher Eccleston…) keep up the good work.
@AuthorJakeAStrife Жыл бұрын
Seperation of church and state? I dunno... I wasnt doing well in an AP Chemistry class in high school. So they put me in a regular chemistry class. The teacher in the new class, day one, pulled out a bible and said, "If all of you dont pull out your bible at the beginning of class and say (whatever prayer), then I will fail you all." ...and that was public school. Needless to say I stood up at that moment and walked to the counselors and said I was dropping out. They talked me out of it, but I failed Junior year because I would not go back to that class. I did manage to graduate on time, thanks to a different amazing school. But if seperation of church of state had been being enforced, that teacher would NOT have been able to threaten us with a bible.
@liryns Жыл бұрын
Love you for discussing this. States are also requiring adults to input their driver’s license when viewing many pornographic sites… you should do a dive into that as well!
@byrnemeister2008 Жыл бұрын
LoL no wonder there are so many adverts for VPNs!!
@cyanmage1 Жыл бұрын
well looks like its my time to get a vpn lol
@515aleon Жыл бұрын
Might be to prove you're of age??
@timw8398 11 ай бұрын
Well done as usual!
@aaroneidinger Жыл бұрын
"It's not like there's pictures." The household bible we had while I was growing up had a complete set of full-color pictures of the Sistine Chapel and possibly other classical works. I'm sure some would find those images pornographic.
@GoodVolition Жыл бұрын
Bless your heart Emma. But as an American I can tell you this will be undone by tomorrow.
@DenisLoubet Жыл бұрын
Donkeys, horses, and issue, oh my!
@AllThingsFilm1 Жыл бұрын
Excellent video and commentary. While watching the video I discovered that Utah schools banned 52 books back in December 2022. So, I can see why banning the Bible would be a response to that.
@TasTheWatcher Жыл бұрын
_"Care about something important, like Star Wars"_ Oh, these people have *_very_* strong opinions on Star Wars...
@AlatheD Жыл бұрын
Despite living like 5 miles from Utah, I hadn't heard that yet. And in many ways, it tickles me. So thank you for sharing, Emma.
@royferntorp Жыл бұрын
1st time seeing you. I am 60 yo. Kids know so much more than we used to know at their age. Thank the internet. The kids are racially and religiously tolerant.
@augustmadsen5322 Жыл бұрын
NIV Ezekiel 23:20 "There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses." I wonder why the bible could be inappropriate...
@christianbergmann8114 Жыл бұрын
In Vienna main library we put religion at the exact same shelves as esoteric "Religion und Esoterik".
@odinson8761 Жыл бұрын
I'm surprised it took this long for the Bible to get banned at a school in the USA.
@stansburygreg Жыл бұрын
I live in Tooele (pronounced ‘too-illa’) County just southwest of Davis County. Really happy to see you covering this. Mormon land is losing its mind over this. It’s hilarious.
@maximusdarja Жыл бұрын
I may have been projecting, but I expected 14 mins of Emma laughing with an intro and ad pasted in. I mean, I giggled for DAYS.
@cainen6355 Жыл бұрын
POV: Keeping children from learning about themselves and their bodies is medieval and serves only to control and limit their behavior and development to the likes of the parents or the social group.
@CHIEF_420 Жыл бұрын
@jimhelbert Жыл бұрын
Ezekiel 23:20 New International Version 20 There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.
@slicerjohn1897 Жыл бұрын
Banning books these days when we have almost all human knowledge at the tips of our fingers just sounds petty.
@jennahart84 Жыл бұрын
"Grow up! Care about something important. Like Star Wars." 🤣🤣👏👏 Interestingly enough, Star Wars, which focuses heavily on the dangers of ...fascism. Annnd were back to book burning! 😜 Great work, as always 💕
@clarencegboddicker8144 Жыл бұрын
Very interesting. I live in the states and was not aware Utah would actually go to the extreme. That Devil plushie concerns me. New sub!
@CartoonHero1986 Жыл бұрын
Yeah in my Grade School growing up the Bible we had was called The Good News Bible which was in modern English, Included simple illustrations, and only included select gospels that didn't include excessive violence of graphic acts. Side note to this; it was always hilarious watching the grade school teachers try to side step the answer as to why the Moabites and Ammonites where looked down upon by the Israelites until like Grade 11 when it was finally deemed "age appropriate" to explain the biblical account of Lot's Daughters getting dad drunk and jumping his bones to get pregnant.
@Number1ZERO69 Жыл бұрын
They actually announced yesterday that they are keeping the bible in the school library... But they are putting it in the fiction section😂
@zoyonara Жыл бұрын
I hope this is true. I always find it weird that people base their lives on a two thousand year old fantasy novel. It's the most out of control fandom
@Number1ZERO69 Жыл бұрын
​@@zoyonarathe last part was a joke.. But they did say they weren't banning the bible. I live in Utah so I got the news report from local news.
@lockedonlaw 6 ай бұрын
The bible should not be banned but it should be located in the Fiction section.
@4thDan Жыл бұрын
Loved the little caption for Baphie! Well played!
@Dragonborne223 Жыл бұрын
From your resident Yorkshireman, thankyou for that accent, it made my day
@MrRolnicek Жыл бұрын
I'm gonna have to point out that those who are a minority or holding a minority opinion and getting their speech banned are WELL in their right to jump up, wave their hands around and scream "Look, YOUR books are getting banned now as well, can we finally start considering that banning books is bad?"
@erikblaas5826 Жыл бұрын
I have to disagree with you... and have one example to support it... In several European countries the book: "Mein Kampf" by Adolf Hitler is banned, for a good reason. It comes down to the reasons behind the decission for a book ban that makes it good or bad.
@MrRolnicek Жыл бұрын
@@erikblaas5826 For a good reason? What reason, the governments of those countries want people to read that book? Because you can bet that I, much like most people, would actually read that IF it was banned where I live. Or they just want history to be unknown and repeated?
@erikblaas5826 Жыл бұрын
@@MrRolnicek I guess you have never heared the name Adolf Hitler? Please learn some world history, especially about WW2.
@MrRolnicek Жыл бұрын
@@erikblaas5826 I have but I'm starting to think you've never met a human. I haven't read Mein Kampf because I don't really care, what I know about it I've heard that sort of verbal diarhea before and I'm sure it's not going to stop coming out of peoples mouths any time soon. But if the book was banned you can be damn sure that I'd read it cover to cover no matter how bad it was because I, like many other people, despise censors.
@ShintogaDeathAngel 25 күн бұрын
@@erikblaas5826 I see the logic in your comment, and do agree, but sadly I think history will be repeating itself regardless of Mein Kampf being (rightly) banned. Banning books that promote harm to large portions of society unfortunately does nothing to actually change the minds of people who think that way.
@Nickelbag610 Жыл бұрын
My mom was very against banning books. In 3rd grade my mom got me a book about Nazis/World War 2 (I mostly liked it for the pictures I didn't understand a lot of the ideas/ impact behind the book) and it had a swastika on the cover. The teacher took it away and called my mom. My mom freaked out saying the school/ teacher had no right to touch my book or tell her what I can and can't read. So after that she got me books with Hitler and swastikas on them and said even if I don't understand it act like I'm reading it. And the teacher couldn't really do anything otherwise my mom said she'd go to the district.
@bobiboulon Жыл бұрын
I heard the banning law is still there, and so are the bibles. To think that Utah is not even in the bible belt... Gosh, I'm not happy with things going on in my country right now, but at least I don't have to deal with religious extremists in politics. I feel you people of the "land of the free", and I wish you all the strength and stamina in your fight against those who want to impose their religious beliefs on the rest of your country.
@martinmckee5333 Жыл бұрын
While Utah is not in the Bible Belt, it is the center of the Mormon Church, so it might as well be.
@bobiboulon Жыл бұрын
@@martinmckee5333 Ah, that's an important data I missed, indeed!
@talesofunity Жыл бұрын
2:22 - 2:38 smartest ad-read ever all things considered, especially with the adorable animation!
@andrewgarcia6951 Жыл бұрын
Those that can't read and need to go to church to hear stories... Should not be in charge of the books... Look what they did 2000 years ago to all the books
@SiriusMined Жыл бұрын
We need to fund air conditioning for Emma 🙂
@ericdere Жыл бұрын
Tough when your video is overtaken by events happening today. Was this the video you planned for last Saturday?
@EmmaThorneVideos Жыл бұрын
Indeedy ):
@charliemallonee2792 Жыл бұрын
Oh dear. What happened now? My utterly random shot-in-the-dark guess is it’s pride related.
@JP-JustSayin Жыл бұрын
​@@charliemallonee2792Utah un banned the Bible... because hypocracy.
@JP-JustSayin Жыл бұрын
​@@EmmaThorneVideos question about the baphy plush. The link says size 9 inches but the one you hold on camera looks bigger than that. Are the ones for sale the same size as the one you are holding on camera?
@jimmygravitt1048 Жыл бұрын
Banning any book sounds stupid. I think kids can handle more than what a lot of people give them credit for.
@visforvegan8 Жыл бұрын
Just ordered Baphy for my daughter who's going to school in Italy. It'll be waiting for her when she arrives. Thanks
@PerspectiveEngineer Жыл бұрын
Like like like! Thanks journalist. You do just great work. ET... wait what!?!
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