The Cardassian Fleet Analysis | Star Trek Ships

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Utopian Broadcast

Utopian Broadcast

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@orumusvids8200 2 жыл бұрын
Appreciate the great video but I believe your specs on the Keldon Class are incorrect. My sources say cannon spec for it is 1 x High Power phaser bank 14 x Medium power spiral wave disruptors 4 x Model 2 photon torpedo tube with 225 rounds
@UtopianBroadcast1 2 жыл бұрын
Really, where did you get your information? I will pin your comment so other viewers can see the specs. 😀 🖖
@trekwars5400 2 жыл бұрын
Prior to the Dominion War the ship had the exact same weapons as the Galor-class..... it is a Galor with additional modules like nebula class.
@jamieolberding7731 2 жыл бұрын
@@UtopianBroadcast1 What Alien Fleet Factions are you gonna do for the next video uploads?
@orumusvids8200 2 жыл бұрын
@@UtopianBroadcast1 I have tried to post the link but somehow it keeps getting deleted so. My source is DITL or Daystrom Institute Technical Library. The site is run by a small group of dedicated Trekkies who do both typical research but also visual research based on cannon sources to fill in some blanks. They also theorize some info that can not be found in cannon or visual representations on screen. The specs on the weapons they give are based on firing points on screen seen in DS9.
@UtopianBroadcast1 2 жыл бұрын
@@jamieolberding7731 My next upload will be on the origins of the borg but the week after that I will be uploading a video the Minbari fleet analysis. Let me know if you have any other fanctions you want me to review. :)
@Roddy229X 2 жыл бұрын
Talshiar/Obsidian order fleet hiding in the Orias system when Thomas Riker tried to attack the system. Multiple Keldon class ships decloaked. The cardies had cloaking tech before the war
@UtopianBroadcast1 2 жыл бұрын
It was technology that was loaned to them by the Romulans. They never personally owned and possessed the technology to create their own cloaking device.
@matheuscerqueira7952 Жыл бұрын
If they had or not, no way the peace treaty allows them to make use of it
@nodak81 4 ай бұрын
I always like the layout and color of Cardassian control panels. Usually a soothing aqua color. Easy on the eyes in a darkened room.
@OmegaOrdained 2 жыл бұрын
One of my favorite episodes of Deep Space Nine is when Gaul ducat made that cargo vessel lethal!😎👍
@jamieolberding7731 2 жыл бұрын
Omega Ordained 15 hours ago Oh yeah.................................. I do remember that episode. Gul Dukat used that Cardassian Groumall-type freighter the "Groumall" in order to successfully capture a Klingon Bird of Prey.
@douglasallar9176 2 жыл бұрын
Haven't got to that part yet on Netflix but soon.
@jamieolberding7731 2 жыл бұрын
@@douglasallar9176 I don't go to Netflix because it ain't exactly free.
@douglasallar9176 2 жыл бұрын
@@jamieolberding7731 Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space 9 are on Netflix here in Wisconsin.
@OmegaOrdained 2 жыл бұрын
@@douglasallar9176 that episode is Glorious! 😎👍
@weissblitz100 2 жыл бұрын
This makes me want to figure out how to play Star Trek: Birth of the Federation again... I wish that it would get a remake! I liked being Cardassian very much in that game.
@venomgeekmedia9886 2 жыл бұрын
nice video. glad you showed the beta cannon ships some love. gotta ask, whats your favorite cardassian ship?
@UtopianBroadcast1 2 жыл бұрын
Nice, you reverse uno card me. Lol. I would have to say the Damar class. Its has a completely different design than the original Cardassian ships and is completely OP. I also appreciate that the ship is also named after Damar from Deep Space Nine. Damar has one of my favorite story arcs from the show.
@venomgeekmedia9886 2 жыл бұрын
@@UtopianBroadcast1 yeah it really builds on the art-deco style we see on ds9. my favorite is the hutet, then again i might be a little biased...
@richt.2966 11 ай бұрын
Fyi, Deflectors and Shields are two separate system. Deflectors stop space dust and small debris continuously. Shields are energy intensive systems brought online to stop weapon grade threats.
@larqven0192 2 жыл бұрын
I always liked the Cardassians as antagonistic underdogs. In a weird way they benefitted from the underdog status, it also illustrated how far the Federation would go to NOT prosecute a war and the frustration and ambiguity that Starfleet officers would feel because of it. Villains had to fight Starfleet by being clever and disciplined, and winning for a time over Starfleet's older ships, and a lackadaisical attitude from the Federation who thought they could avoid a full commitment. I've long believed that Starfleet was afflicted from a schizo-policy, that 'war' just didn't happen with the Federation anymore. That the older Miranda and Excelsior variants might be used for such dirty work, and that newer classes were NOT warships, and were armed for defensive purposes. Galaxy designs of that new philosophy being highly advanced, but not as armed or armored as well as they could have been. The Nebula Phoenix got some very good results, but that's the result of a Nebula being a (then) new heavy cruiser, with the captain being very skilled and motivated.
@TheDutchGhost 2 жыл бұрын
I have the same idea as well. Starfleet's design demands on new classes really changed after the 23th century in which ship classes like the old Constitution class, Miranda class, and later Excelsior class (I am not counting starship classes from comics, books, and video games at the moment), and Constellation would have to serve as warships to defend the Federation's worlds from the Klingons, Romulans, and other known aggressive species the moment a conflict with these species was possible. If we take that first contact with the Cardassians happened after TUC Starfleet's tactical assessment team must have considered their existing starships still sufficient to deal with the technological less advanced Cardassians during the Cardassian wars. Other conflicts such as with the Tzenkethi and various pirates also did not create a need for more heavily armed/defense capable vessels. Peace with the Klingons and the Romulans turning isolationist seem to have indeed lulled the Federation into a sense that their territory and borders were in general secure from any significant outside military threat. And this also seemed to have affected Starfleet as you mentioned, moving away from its role as a navy and an army, and seeing itself more as sort of a well armed police force. While I think that Starfleet did not need to be as military ready as was in the 23th century, focusing a lot of resources that could have been used for other programs. The organization letting its military/defense role decline as much as it was during the start of TNG was going too far in the other direction. Even if it did not need more armed/armored vessels at the time, it should have had some development programs and designs ready for when a conflict would arise with militarily more advanced threat such as the Borg and later the Dominion proved to be. It was only after the incident at system J-25 that Starfleet realized that it once again needed more dedicated combat ships, and perhaps also more personnel with more tactical and combat training that would go up against more than just pirates and some planets' small navy or armed forces. Starfleet had not needed to be this ill prepared. Its feeling of security made it forget the lessons it had to learn during the 22th and 23th century when it had to fight against relatively equal opponents. If anything the Cardassian Wars should have made Starfleet aware what an opponent with somewhat inferior technology is capable of if it uses its resources well. Sorry for the rambling. My writing is probably also not that good here and there.
@larqven0192 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheDutchGhost Thanks. Yes, I think that after Khitomer and other events of TUC, the Federation was the uncontested winner. Starfleet retired its older, large vessels as unnecessary. Starfleet would remain powerful with the apparently common Mirandas being built for a long time, and Constellations and the very impressive Excelsior class as the new advanced heavy cruiser. Ultimately, Starfleet building a lot of those as well. The trick, I think, is that Starfleet was not allowed to build anything larger or certainly 'meaner' for maybe two generations. So the old designs kept getting built; with new technological upgrades, but the 'spaceframe platforms' being used remaining much the same. Finally, WELL into the 24th century, newer ships like the Cheyenne class for going to the frontiers and the Ambassador class being built so as Starfleet's heavy cruiser remained on top. But, the 'Ambassador's' name sort of saying it all. It was a colossal ship for its time, very innovative, but had many technological 'bugs' much like the Excelsior presumably did when it rolled out as an experimental heavy cruiser with transwarp. For all this time, Starfleet never had to worry about a serious competitor. The Romulans and probably some other races on the frontier may have compelled the creation of the Ambassador, but only as something to counter whatever the other big bad cruiser out there might have been. I doubt that very many Ambassadors were ever made, probably just to counter whatever big ships the Romulans were building in the lead up to their D'deridex. Given that the Klingon fleet also remained remarkably unchanging, one might wonder if a treaty tied the two fleets together in some parity for a long time? If the Cardassians as we first see them had appeared in TOS, or even the years post TWoK era, they would have been terrifying! Of course, they didn't, they were doubtlessly behind in the past as well. In fact, before the military takeover, I doubt that there was any reason to as they might not have been very aggressively minded. They apparently were a 'wrongly enlightened' race that outstripped their resources and reformed in a dark way. The Cardassian War would indeed admit a problem with Starfleet, even if it was mostly that a starship or a few starships weren't going to intimidate or defuse the Cardassians. The Galaxy designs being made to keep up with the Romulans what with their colossal D'deridex ships. The Cardassian War perhaps encouraging designers towards developing the 'full spread' of multiwarhead launches so as to give the new ships some teeth without adding more launchers and appearing more aggressive. But mostly, the Galaxy-type designs being intended for exploration, diplomacy and utility in an efficient and pleasant package. Starfleet really buying into the idea that they could stop any threat by knocking out the systems of opposing ships via advanced technology more than sheer power. For a long, long time this philosophy worked, in large part because Starfleet was the most advanced fleet around. And the Federation the most enlightened government. There is, as you said, no reason to be overly built up when it isn't necessary. There was a long peace due to Starfleet being just dominant enough to be the policeman, but not so dominant that an arms race was necessary or for opposing races to join to counter the Federation. But 'enlightenment' and a long peace did seem to lead to arrogance. The Borg demonstrating a threat of a malicious foe bigger and more technologically advanced. The Dominion of a rival empire that is as advanced and geared for war and domination. 'Police cars' and 'office buildings in space' aren't going to win battles like that. Trying to cripple the enemy by knocking out systems isn't a good tactic when the enemy can more easily destroy. Or outnumbers Starfleet, and is quite willing to die. The Odyssey vs. the Jem'Hadar scarab ships demonstrating a weakness of Starfleet's best being unable to defeat Dominion 'footsoldiers'.
@therearefourlights6926 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheDutchGhost I'd agree with most of what you said, but having warship designs on paper is not good enough. Ships take years to build in the startrek universe, the war might well be lost before the first ship was finished. Even if you built the ships and then just mothballed them, you wouldn't have crews trained how to use them and how to fight effectively with them. In the end, I think Starfleet needs to be broken into two groups, a science and diplomacy force and a well trained defense force. To have so many worlds relying on a bunch of amatures with pacifistic leanings to defend them is crazy.
@TheDutchGhost 2 жыл бұрын
@@therearefourlights6926 Well that is something you would have to discuss with Starfleet and the Federation, not me. Starfleet of the 23th Century was an in general capable mix of explorer, diplomat, scientist, and soldier. While the focus was on the more peaceful aspects of their mission, Starfleet knew that that they could be called upon to defend the Federation at any moment from most likely the Klingon Empire though the Romulans had also been testing the Federation and Starfleet's strength to determine if they could perhaps continue the Romulan Wars from a century ago. (the Romulans turned to diplomacy so they might have consider a new war not to their interest) There is no canon reference for it, only video games and RPG modules, but those suggested that Starfleet did have starships designed for more offensive/defensive/tactical purposes. Ships with reduced diplomatic and scientific facilities and larger weapons loadout that when not used for military missions operated as patrol vessels, while more fully dedicated warships such as battlecruisers and dreadnoughts were docked at Starbases close to the Klingon and Romulan Neutral zones. And there were Starfleet marines which basically were also the army, not just security guards. There were also the futuristic equivalents of APCs, tanks, anti tank units, artillery, AA platforms, fighter craft that in this case could operate in and outside an atmosphere. Possible surface conflict was not treated as infantry vs infantry like DSN seemed to suggest. In universe Starfleet seemed to diminish its role as a military force after TUC. We know that the real life reasons were that Gene Roddenberry decided that Starfleet was not military/a navy. Who knows, perhaps he found it too aggressive sounding in the utopia he had in mind. Rather a change of the earlier treatment in which Starfleet was definitely military in structure and operating but more focused on peaceful missions and goals, and not a force for expansion. Starfleet in the 24th Century was more like we discussed a security and police force, perhaps growing to confident that its technological advantage to most other known civilizations always gave it an edge. I still question why Starfleet developed this mindset that its military days were behind it as there still relatively recent military conflicts, the Romulan attack on Khitomer and the Tomed incident, the war with the Tzenkethi, the Cardassian wars. And dozens of aggressive species and pirates such as the Nausicans, the Miradorn, the Orions, the Gatherers. Though not canon of course, in a game manual or a some fan technical manual it was suggested that the Cardassians who lacked the resources to build designs up to par with the Ambassador class and later Galaxy class, instead focused on expanding their fleet of Galors and developed such tactics as making Galors operate in groups of three, sort of like the tactics of German U boats during WW2. This way they could overcome the technological superiority of single Starfleet vessels as space battles would not be one-on-one. And Starfleet really seemed to have a small number of their most advanced ship design at the time. (real life reason why we may saw so few Ambassador class ships was because the model was perhaps damaged after its first time use. Personally I think all Excelsiors should have been replaced with Ambassador classes) A less advanced enemy overcoming its tactical weaknesses by adapting their strategies should have been a wake up call to Starfleet that focusing on building bigger and more comfortable starships but lacking in tactical capabilities for their sizes was a faulty decision. I don't know what Starfleet would have needed to experience to realize that the military training of its personnel was woefully lacking as it had started to ignore its military traditions of the 23th century Things could have gotten so worse that Starfleet would have to call on those Federation members that maintained military traditions of their own even during peace time, despite Starfleet now handling most of defense within Federation territory (and absorbing the militaries and navies of its members), such as the Andorians to serve as soldiers, combat instructors, and officers. It is understandable why Starfleet had no plans for a pure combat vessel like the Defiant class, but designs similar to or preceding the Sovereign and Akira class, "explorer-defenders", should have been around even if just in small numbers.
@forickgrimaldus8301 2 жыл бұрын
Oh yeah with all that plastic on their bodies, wait those are the Kardassians sorry never mind.
@Janoha17 2 жыл бұрын
You forgot the Ghemor Carrier that came out of the same design program as the Damar, with a similar focus on intelligence gathering.
@JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 2 жыл бұрын
Damn that "Damar* Class seems *OP* 👀👍
@thnktank1 2 жыл бұрын
Awesome idea for vids, can't wait until you do the Romulans.
@timwright3218 2 жыл бұрын
Gonna be a long video if Star Trek: Online ships are used :-)
@LoveElectronics 2 жыл бұрын
Just discovered your channel. Great into and voice. Subbed! And Belled!
@elcowabungahe-man6156 2 жыл бұрын
Love the look of cardassian ships play a lot using this ships in my PlayStation video games great review my favorite ship is the Galo Type 3
@breacat 2 жыл бұрын
Actually we never saw a Nebula Class vessel destroy a Galor Class. It's reported that they destroyed a Cardassian warship, but the class was never revealed. For all we know it took out a Hideki.
@RA10H56 Жыл бұрын
We know the crew complement was 450, so we know is wasn't a hediki class.
@ExiledPiasa 11 ай бұрын
Good vid. I had came up with some “sub-classes” of Cardassian ships taken as reparations after the Dominion War. The UFP, KDF, and RSE each received 20 Galor Type IIIs. The Bajorans received 10 Galor Type Is. The Cardassians were allowed to keep a small number of Galors, down graded to Type Is to form the core of their Defense Fleet.
@Zagoreni02A 2 жыл бұрын
Strange, on some sites, Damar class is destroyer some 350m in length, although some sources say 440m.
@ignatiuswisnuwidya8547 2 жыл бұрын
I have to say I have to admit that the cardasian vessels are so impressive. My favorite warships are Hideki, Galor, Hutet and Damar class warships, may be Groumall class transport can be interesting...
@bettyswunghole3310 2 жыл бұрын
The Roman rank of Centurion covered a whole range of levels of authority from perhaps the equivalent of a modern sergeant to maybe a colonel. Perhaps the Cardassian rank of Gul is similar...
@manticore4952 Жыл бұрын
I think Dukat just got assigned to cargo running as a punishment.
@ChrisHall-vh4fx 4 ай бұрын
This makes me want to go replay Armada freaking love that game. I miss that whole breed of RTS games actually.
@podemosurss8316 2 жыл бұрын
Keeping up with the Cardassians.
@dragdragon23 2 жыл бұрын
I'm surprised that the Cardassian's would develope advanced vessels after the Dominion war with their society nearly crushed during that time.
@dragdragon23 2 жыл бұрын
Including rebuilding for everything from ships to buildings to crop development!
@OverlordZephyros Жыл бұрын
not all their empire was crushed, the most suffered was the front line and their capital world, plus they got humanitarian help afterwards
@tinynuggins1029 2 жыл бұрын
Anyone remember the good ol days when you could say the word cardassian without people wondering if you were referring to Kim or Kourtney. I'd like to see a Klingon vs. Kardashian war! I mean kim already did a crossover into Lord of the Rings when she played that hobbit. Lol
@naturelass 2 жыл бұрын
i like how you say the obsideon order is on par with the tal shiar when it is clearly stated that the tal shiar is inferior to the obsideon order, even odo comments in DS9 that even the tal shiar pales in comparison to the obsideon order when it comes to intelligence gathering and the fact that the obsideon order were able to assasinate several romulan senators on the romulan homeworld with out being caught i think shows just how much better they are, also your use of the term faction is incorrect factions are internal groups with in a bigger one so the disedent movement would have been a faction, the cardassion union, federation, klingon empires and romulan empires and so on are empires/nations/states and federations.
@freelancenerd4804 2 жыл бұрын
Great episode!!!!
@robertwlester 2 жыл бұрын
I love Cardassian ships.
@tilasole3252 2 жыл бұрын
What is a Cardassian Support Platform Cluster?
@ciscoduncan1490 2 жыл бұрын
Good video and info. Thank you.
@onusgumboot5565 2 жыл бұрын
It's no surprise that while they are a super power the Kardashians are inferior to other major factions.
@UtopianBroadcast1 2 жыл бұрын
@filigrant Ай бұрын
Can I ask, where you got your info about the stats of the Galore... they seem completely different to what I've seen multiple other youtubers have drawn from, so it's a bit confusing
@hisdudeness8328 5 ай бұрын
The Cardassians had the luxury of dealing with a Federation that was both uninterested in major conflict and also naive in dealing with them. In the first couple of space engagements against even 80+ year old Federation model ships, the Cardassians got their teeth kicked in. But they learned from their mistakes. They immediately set about constructing an entirely new fleet that’s armaments would consist solely of the Spiral Wave Disruptor Cannon, the only weapon in the Cardassian arsenal that had caused any damage to Federation shields and ships. A large portion of the Cardassians dragging the Federation into a peace agreement was largely due to the Federation treating the conflict as a peace keeping mission vs the Cardassians committing to total war, the Federation only sending third rate and nearly century old ships to deal with them, and a series of incompetent and pacifist commanders. It’s lucky for the Cardassians the war ended when it did as their Empire’s economy was on the verge of collapse at that point.
@youtubeviewer4472 2 жыл бұрын
Stupid question: What is a support platform cluster?
@togucvinw7 2 жыл бұрын
I ain’t gon lie, I was half asleep when I read the title I was like « when did the Kardashian got themselves a fucking fleet 😳 » 🤣
@ExiledPiasa 11 ай бұрын
Utopian, if you’re interested I can give a description of “modifications “ the Allies did to create my “sub-classes”.
@mrwindsor9082 9 ай бұрын
In their first appearance, TNG, Episode Season 4 episode 2, the Cardassians come across as an unworthy foe for the Federation. In fact Gul Macet's ship poses no real threat to the Enterprise. Captain Maxwell's ship, USS Phoenix, in this episode, seems capable of destroying all Cardassia's warships by herself. Which did not make the Cardassian's appear too dangerous. But for Picard's intervention he probably would have! Later on in TNG and DS9 the Cardassians become more formidable. In the DS9 pilot 'Emissary.' They do seem to be a worthy antagonist and chief recurring villain for the series. In an KZbin video, I believe it may be posted by Lore Reloaded, it is suggested that due to espionage the Cardassians had made a great technological leap forward. This was shown by Dukat knowing where the relevant console buttons were on the Starfleet roundabout in the episode 'The Maquis.' But for the Dominion's undermining of the Alpha Quadrant; I suspect the Cardassians would have become a serious threat in their own right to the Federation.
@trekwars5400 2 жыл бұрын
Cardassian Shield technology is not at par with Klingon or Federation. The Wounded (Star Trek: The Next Generation) Shields on Galor-class go down after only four shots. But this was type 2 ...260,000 Kelton class was Keldon-class shields are 1,733,333 becouse of Defiant 30% of Kelton ships shields down 16 shot from defiant 520,000....sweet video
@toddkes5890 2 жыл бұрын
I've figured that the Cardassians are a second-rate power, i.e. with 1st rate military but third-rate economy. So they have to focus on military strength, as otherwise they would get eaten alive. Smart Cardassians realize this and try to set up trade agreements, while Obsidian Order Cardassians realize that if the trade is too high then they will lose control over various enslaved races in Cardassian space.
@DavidKnowles0 2 жыл бұрын
An yet the Cardassian dreadnaught missiles was able to handle multiple torpedo's hits and phaser fire.
@DavidKnowles0 2 жыл бұрын
I think there main problem was resources. Why Galor classes may all look the same I wouldn't be surprise if there internal systems varies a lot due to lack of resources to equip them all to the same level.
@trekwars5400 2 жыл бұрын
This is true the Kelton class and Galore type 3 it seemed to have shields similar to Federation Galaxy class.. the more common variants are way behind
@fbi805 2 жыл бұрын
Actually the Cardaasians did have cloaking devices prior to the Dominion war. Remember the Romulan/Cardassian fleet that attacked the founders home world.
@UtopianBroadcast1 2 жыл бұрын
True, the cloaking technology given to them from the Romulans. I dont think they actually owned the tech.
@DavidKnowles0 2 жыл бұрын
@@UtopianBroadcast1 You don't think someone like the Obsidian order didn't accidently damage one of those cloaking generators and it some how ending back on Cardassia for reverse engineering.
@AmIsraelChai4Trump 2 жыл бұрын
one interpretation of a GUL is similar to Soviet Navy Capatins... of which there were 3 ranks. Russian LT ranks include 4 diff ranks (unlike Western LT which includes 2nd LT, and LT). OR --- a GUL can be equivalent to GENERAL ... of which there are 4-ranks in most militaries... So GUL could be anywhere between LtCol to Major Gen. Their rank system does not necessarily need to 'fit' into our equivalent structures.
@conorosullivan1347 Жыл бұрын
There are a few others from STO such as the Detepa class escort and the Ghemor class.
@revolcane 2 жыл бұрын
Kulinor, Ekoor, Riselak classes?
@atoll8423 9 ай бұрын
How did they build the dreadnought missile when their ships were so behind tech?
@shanenolan8252 2 жыл бұрын
You know Battlestar Galactica would be a cool subject. Tv show's and game ( Battlestar deadlock) lots of ships. And stats . ( just a thought)
@shanenolan8252 2 жыл бұрын
I imagine after joining the dominion they surpassed or equal the federation in technology terms .
@TheDutchGhost 2 жыл бұрын
Perhaps in some parts, but I do not think the Dominion shared much of its technology with the Cardassians to make sure that the Cardassians would not use it against them should the leadership decide that the treaty with the Dominion was no longer to their liking. I think that if the Dominion had won the war and had been able to get reinforcements from the Gamma Quadrant that it would eventually have started to disarm the Cardassian military as Cardassians would now be citizens of the Dominion.
@DavidKnowles0 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheDutchGhost I imagine Gul Dukat plan was to destroy the wormhole and then to move on to destroying Ketra cell white storage and holding areas, make it look like it was the work of Federation or Klingons rebels for as long as possible. The changelings would be killed by a accident as some point. An then a few weeks later the Jem'Hadar would simply die off. All of Cardassian colonies and the homeworld would be heavily defended by those defence platforms which would limit the damage Jem'Hadar reprisals. Cardassia would be rulers of he Klingon, Federation territories' and biggest player in the Alpha/Beta quadrant. At least until they realise it you can't possible govern all that terrictory from Cardassia and they are fighting a thousand wild fires at once.
@TheDutchGhost 2 жыл бұрын
@@DavidKnowles0 How competent Dukat may sometimes be (he does make his share of mistakes as well), I do not think he would pull such a series of actions off. He is capable but he is not the ultimate strategist and it is very likely that he would be monitored by the Founders. I also don't think it would be that easy to assassinate the present Founders. If they were easily tricked and defeated, there would have been reports and stories about such cases in the Gamma Quadrant. The handful of Founders Starfleet personnel encountered were incredible difficult to defeat as they are master of infiltration and camouflage, sensors have a hard time detecting them. Blood tests would not be required if sensors could accurately detect changeling lifesigns. In combat Founders also have shown to be quite capable, their physiology makes it very hard to destroy them. Bladed or melee weapons are useless against them, projectile weapons are ineffective against them as they have no internal organs, when someone tries to shoot them with an energy weapon they tend to open part of their body to let the beam pass through. They're that fast in altering their body. It can be done of course but it requires quite some effort or a weapon designed to target an area rather than a single target, or some kind of 'spread' particle beam weapon that shoots a wave that is harder to avoid. Dukat might be able to destroy the wormhole as despite it being stable its energy matrix can be disrupted by weapons' fire or any big explosion such as that of a warp core. It would be very hard for the Dominion to protect the anomaly unless they would surround it with thousands of warships and weapons platforms, and forbid any non Dominion ship from approaching it. This would probably the Dominion's biggest weakness, unless they possess a faster-than-warp drive or can manufacture their own wormholes. Should their Ketracel White supplies were destroyed the Jem'Hadar would not just sit by and die off. There would be military reprisals, and if the Founders found out that Dukat was behind the destruction of the Ketracel White supplies and manufacturing centers (do not forget that the Son'a also produce K-White) which they would like do, the vengeance they would take against the Cardassians would be a hundred times worse than what happened at the end of the Dominion War. The Dominion would order the Jem'Hadar to exterminate every Cardassian man, woman, and child in Cardassian space. The Cardassian military does not have the numbers to control such a massive territory. Even if they could train every man, woman, and child as a soldier the military command would still not have enough personnel to patrol the former space of the Federation, the Klingon Empire, and the Romulan Star Empire and oversee/monitor the billions of beings (trillions?) that reside in all of this space, having a military presence on each homeworld and colony. The Cardassians would need to find allies to supplement their army numbers or find another way to increase their own numbers. They actually would have to try to convince humans and other species from the Federation, and Klingons and Romulans and their subject species to side with the Cardassians in order to expand their personnel pool. Most likely the Cardassians would consider sterilizing or eliminating a large percentage of every species/civilization that they now rule over as there are simply too many beings to keep track off. And there are still other galactic powers that may not be as big as the Federation, the Klingon Empire, and the Romulan Star Empire, but that are still significantly powerful such as the Breen, the Gorn, and the Tholians who might decide that an overextended Cardassian Empire makes a very good target. They would know that for the Cardasians to retaliate against any attacks or territorial expansion they undertake, the Cardassians have to pull ships and personnel away from other sectors, something the Cardassians can't afford. So no, I don't think Dukat or any other Cardassian leader with a navy and an army enhanced with Dominion technology and weapons would actually seek to control that much space. The Cardassians would perhaps demand territorial concessions from the Federation, the Klingons, and the Romulans such as resources rich systems and habitable worlds, and that they limit their fleets and weapons. But no direct control.
@descendinguniverse 2 жыл бұрын
Don`t like Cardassian fleet. It isn`t well-thought. In TNG we see their ships are almost harmless to Federation vessels, even though they say there was super bloody war including space battles (maybe they just outmatched with numbers?). Then a bit later Klingons smash their fleet quite easily. And then they`re powerful again, taking down ships like Miranda or the Breen destroyer with 1 shot. Not that consistent. Some say they got better weapons due to their alliance with Dominion but that`s a bit disputable. Also Brinok and Hutet are from games only, I think🙂. Armada and Dominion wars respectively. Nice analysis as always
@larqven0192 2 жыл бұрын
The Cardassians did suffer and benefit more than a little from plot. It doesn't make sense to me either how the Cardassians could so easily recover from the Klingon invasion. If I had to explain it, yeah, the Dominion have some great mega- replicators beyond anyone else. Also, it might be that some ships that were out of range to stop the Klingon invasion were kept out of direct danger to survive to fight in the Dominion War. That's how I would try to explain it. The Federation - Cardassian War is something I just think of the Federation insisting on fighting with one arm behind its back. Not committing sufficient resources towards and Indeed, not even quite acknowledging that an actual war was even taking place. I suspect that a cease fire was going on for quite some time before peace was achieved, for why it was never mentioned in the early seasons of Next Gen. Also, in my head-canon, the Federation refused to commit large numbers of ships to what they thought of as a regional 'conflict', and had never sent their newer (the Galaxy related ships) into the war, with the exception of the New Orleans class. This due to a years long cease fire when the Galaxies and Nebulas were launched before formal peace was signed, and also due to a Federation reluctance to use their new ships for war, as absurd as that might sound. Starfleet losses being due to old ships like Mirandas and some Excelsiors being outmatched due to numbers and good tactics on the Cardassian side, with New Orleans being grudgingly brought in to good effect and forcing a cease fire. I've imagined the provocative weapons pods on the New Orleans being optional, with those spaces able to mount sensors or subspace relays as well. All part of Starfleet not being fond of warships. That era of 'Galaxy design' starships being highly advanced, but relatively lightly armed for their degree of technology. The big jump of martial offensive and defensive force in post Galaxy starships not due so much to some sudden increase of technical development; but due technology and potential designs that Starfleet already possessed but had never developed.
@S1pike 2 жыл бұрын
"Brinok and Hutet are from games only, I think🙂. Armada and Dominion wars" They are from the Game Dominion Wars Schade dass das so verbugt war, und es nicht mehr auf Win 10 läuft, mochte das Spiel. Too bad this was so buggy, and it no longer runs on Win 10 liked the game.
@descendinguniverse 2 жыл бұрын
​@@S1pike I definitely saw Brinok in Armada 2. It was a fun game, also still keeping Bridge Commander on PC.
@descendinguniverse 2 жыл бұрын
@@larqven0192 the Federation-Cardassian war is more or less ok to me, I imagine it quite clearly, much like you said, but later Cardassian ships were like totally unstable in their relations with others
@S1pike 2 жыл бұрын
@@descendinguniverse Ah OK. Es ist zu lange her das ich diese spielen konnte. It's been too long since I was able to play these.
@captainsensiblejr. Ай бұрын
General Martok, Klingon: "The only good Spoonhead is centred in the crosshairs of a targeting scope."
@darthdragonborn1076 2 жыл бұрын
2:38 id like to see the order go up against section 31
@DavidRLentz 2 жыл бұрын
Your front piece thumbnail photo is of Gul Dukat (Marc Alaimo) holding Captain Sisko's (Avery Brooks) baseball as a trophy--a fool who needs his symbolic gestures shows that he has his mind elsewhere than upon his objective.
@warhawk4494 Жыл бұрын
The Galor 2 was a superior version. Thankfully most were destroyed and the ship yards to build them just before the out break of the Dominion war by the klingons I think.
@Connor.SG-1Ring 2 жыл бұрын
Galactic Empire _(Star Wars)_ vs Systems Commonwealth _(Andromeda)_
@shanenolan8252 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks, no notification on this one ( but your poll yes . ( KZbin)
@soulforge3822 10 ай бұрын
You forgot the Norin and the Tonga class.
@Spacefrisian 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe its time to show some fleets and ships from either Farscape and or Gundam?
@jamessullivan7692 10 ай бұрын
Of course, after the dominion war, kardashia was In a wreck. The Demar class demonstrates how the United Federation of Planets and kardashia became heart of civilized space travel. And exploration This ship is a demonstration. Oh what happens when you're friends with the united federation of planets
@ericb4127 2 жыл бұрын
a real shame a star trek franchise is dead.
@jacobstewart1950 2 жыл бұрын
Better to meet a Cardassian than a Kardashian
@racspartan1 Жыл бұрын
@thehillbillygamer2183 2 жыл бұрын
Before the Dominion war the Kardashians technology was about equal to the remain ship was as bad as powerful as saying ambassador class now during the border wars their main ships was equal to say an excelsior that'd be the most powerful ship was equal to an excelsior
@camerons6028 2 жыл бұрын
Cardassian ships might not hold their weight in a fight..... but the Cardassian's Star Bases...........
@brianmcdonald5009 2 жыл бұрын
I don't know what the Cardassian ship's look like in the 22nd century.
@Gothic7876 2 жыл бұрын
The Cardassian Union isn’t a Super Power in the Alpha/Beta Quadrants. More like a Major Power, with the Klingon Empire and Romulan Empire being Great Powers and the Federation being a Super Power.
@watcherzero5256 2 жыл бұрын
The Cardassians were quite powerful and could match any local concentration of military resources the Starfleet was able muster (Fighting the Federation to a standstill 20 years before TNG with Starfleet conceding some colonies) but their influence didnt extend beyond their borders, they didnt have merchants, exploratory and other expeditions exploring space like the other powers did, they had abandoned art and other cultural pursuits and formed a military dictatorship when their civilisation almost collapsed due to resource shortages. Their kind of the Star Trek North Koreans, putting all their resources into their military to the deprivation of their people and science and exploration while their population was always on the verge of starvation.
@naturelass 2 жыл бұрын
the klingon and romulan empires are equal in millitry power to the federation if not stronger as both empires are more millitant and have their vessels more alligned for war where as federation ships while powerful are not warships, the main advantage the the federation has is numbers they have many member worlds and many ships the fact is the klingon's federation and romulans are all equally balanced due to advantages in certain areas over the others it is one of the reasons why the romulans try and either cause a war between the klingons and the federation or at the very least get the klingons stuck in civil wars or allied to them selves because any war between any of them would be a very costly very long winded stalemate that woud leave both sides vulnrable to the third power to just sweep in and dominate.
@JayJayM57 2 жыл бұрын
@@watcherzero5256 that's not much to brag about. Starfleet is a super power in industry and technical skills but they are severely lacking in military strategy. They often rely on superior fire power and refuse to take advantages the would conflict with their moral code. We only got a military capable Starfleet in DS9. The federation also is extremely eager for peace and surrendering a few planets for it is cheap for the federation.
@Slevin-Kelevra 11 ай бұрын
I would say The Kardies are a middle power. Like Canada. The Romulans and Klingons are Great Powers. Like France & England. The fact that a glorified cruise ship science lab in the galaxy class can go toe to toe with a Romulan War Bird and The Klingons should say something. When Starfleet wants to make a warship its death on wheels. Everybody knows that humans can become purified evil when you push them hard enough. Quark mentions it in DS9 more than once. But its the evil you want on your team. Starfleet even knows how to make better clocking tech than the others that can phase thru things. Riker and Admiral Preston. You can be rest assured they kept that. With The Kadie War. It was on the edge of frontier space far from the core worlds. Still the wild wild rest. They only put half an effort into it not really giving a shit. Sisko goes off on Kira about it as to why Staffleet had a DGAF attuide towards it. They only started caring because of the worm hole. Long story short with Starfleet and The Federation: Fuck Around and Find Out. DON'T POKE THE BEAR!!
@alanmike6883 2 жыл бұрын
Ahhh the Kardashians 😊
@sg-24 2 жыл бұрын
That name, every since I started watching Star Trek everyone in my family uses to to make fun of show. But it’s funny other fans use it.
@alanmike6883 2 жыл бұрын
@@sg-24 Even with its flaws I do still love tng. So fans using it is like a gesture of love. In a alternate world dukat is Kim and damar one of the younger sisters 😉😂👍
@michaelkeha Жыл бұрын
The Obsidian order and Talshiar are far better spies than Section 31
@Connor.SG-1Ring 2 жыл бұрын
Do a Vorlon or Shadow Fleet Analysis.
@michaeld.uchiha9084 2 жыл бұрын
I always hear the Kardashian's.😅🤣
@the4thtribe709 2 жыл бұрын
@Marcus51090 2 жыл бұрын
The Klingons used identical cargo chips
@JeanLucCaptain 2 жыл бұрын
Cardassian history is similar a in many ways to the Japanese. Bad starting spot in the galaxy, resource poor local systems not very useful for farming coupled with a lot of bad luck early on all forcing paranoid nationalistic hunta. The major reason for the Cardasssians being fascists is extremely poor resources and tellarites poisoning early cardassian agri worlds leading to starvation being an constant issue.
@haleffect9011 2 жыл бұрын
So, Cardassian anime girls soon?
@HilarityBribo 2 жыл бұрын
Good vids The Cardassians are flip flopping garbage, joined Dominion at the height for a power grab, then swapped when they were on defensive.
@watcherzero5256 2 жыл бұрын
Dont forget when they joined the Dominion their space was still occupied by the Klingons, it wasnt so much as a powergrab as survival.
@wanderer3120 Жыл бұрын
@snafukilljoy204 2 жыл бұрын
Ole spoon 🥄 heads Uhh oh did I do a racism
@ralfhtg1056 2 жыл бұрын
Why do yo many people say erroneously that the Galor is 371m long? This false figure comes from the highly unreliable DS9TM. The Fact Files, that are licensed by Paramount and thus their content is canon, clearly say that the Galor is 481m long, just as the klingon Vor'Cha-Class!!!
@EVILKIRK-i5o 3 ай бұрын
Bottom line Cardassians are Awesome!
@robh316 2 жыл бұрын
Start of your vid is wrong their technology is not inferior to other alpha quadrant species cardassion tech is on par with everyone else's
@UtopianBroadcast1 2 жыл бұрын
You should watch the episode called the wounded from Next Generation.
@robh316 2 жыл бұрын
@@UtopianBroadcast1 you should watch the entire ds9 series 1-9 chief obrien said cardassian tech was on par with federation even in voyager the huge cardassian missle was very advanced
@glennjanot8128 2 жыл бұрын
So, the Hutet is about the length of a Star Destroyer from Star Wars but with only 1.3% of the crew. Talk about automation ^^
@mawasorangutan Жыл бұрын
Kardashian plastic surgery & make up failures --> Cardassian
@chrisedmund335 2 жыл бұрын
All but 3 ships are non cannon
@dukemorran1 2 жыл бұрын
wanabe centauri ................
@cristsan4171 2 жыл бұрын
The Kardashian fleet. Floating invading plastic pollution
@captainsensiblejr. Ай бұрын
Ugliest ships in space, except for the Breen. 😂
@KnowTrentTimoy Жыл бұрын
The Damar class battle cruiser looks like it's more than capable of matching up with anything starfleet may have. Plus it has a cloaking device.
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