Vile DnD Player Gets Booted And Calls Mommy | r/rpghorrorstories

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DnD Doge

DnD Doge

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@snekbetch5674 11 ай бұрын
Who even LET that guy in the first story in? What a jerk! Glad the other people had some sense to them.
@ShiKageMaru 11 ай бұрын
Seriously. I think they need to apologize for inviting the spawn of satan to the game.
@shitpostmalone5341 11 ай бұрын
It sounds like a made up story tbh. Like a redditor's fantasy of how a total asshole would behave and how the OP would like to react to it. Reddit is chock full of people who like to tell made up stories where they are the hero. See r/thathappened
@andrewbyrne2173 11 ай бұрын
I’m guessing that he appeared normal, or the inviter missed warning signs.
@qu1253 11 ай бұрын
Part of me feels like this story is fake, or at least highly exaggerated. The guy was so cartoonishly evil that it's hard to take seriously. Not to mention the constant self agrandizing and letting a complete stranger SNUGGLE with you?!? Something is very off about the OP.
@seto_kaiba_ 11 ай бұрын
I get the vibe that story 1 is fake. It just sounds like he was written to be as much of an antisocial ass as possible
@amirreguieg3583 11 ай бұрын
Calling a 40 year old woman a grandma is so wrong on so many levels. 40 isn't that old folks.
@zekedelsken9963 11 ай бұрын
My mom became a grandma at 40 lol
@CooperAATE 11 ай бұрын
I've met 31-year-old grandmas lol
@kou7191 11 ай бұрын
To be fair, a lot of people ARE grandparents at 40 lol That said, yes, it's disrespectful and rude af to call someone grandma out of the blue.
@cmhsky 11 ай бұрын
You can tell when someone's brain isn't fully developed. 40 is the midpoint now. You really wanna be considered "old" for half your life?
@notoriouswhitemoth 11 ай бұрын
If a woman has a daughter at 19 who also has a child at 19, the daughter's child is old enough to talk by the time the first woman is 40. That child should absolutely call that woman grandma because that is in fact their relationship.
@mynameisntpatrick1476 11 ай бұрын
Gotta be honest, the "having multiple periods a month" part really cracked me up.
@siobhanroberts2329 11 ай бұрын
Me too, because it was so many, and also because some of us have 2 a month sometimes and it feels like 12. 12 periods a month was my excuse for spending class in the bathroom in high school, but that's...a lot of periods. Maybe the DM thought it only goes for 1 day at a time?
@fearlessfailure2848 11 ай бұрын
Thats how you know that DM was never with a woman. I'm gay, so safe to say there's plenty of things about women I don't know about, yet even I know that ain't how it works lol
@TheFuriousScribbles 11 ай бұрын
"This is my character's sixth period in a single month... She goes to see a doctor."
@fearlessfailure2848 11 ай бұрын
@@TheFuriousScribbles that seems like a good way of telling the DM "hey, this isn't really how that works" but that's giving him too much curiosity.
@MegaPokefan97 11 ай бұрын
If Tiberius taught me anything, cutting problematic players always makes the DND game better
@eggsoverbreezy6264 10 ай бұрын
God dont remind me of that weirdo
@Severance8859 11 ай бұрын
I've always wanted to play DnD, but grew up in a rural area without a lot of access. Love your work! Thanks for the content, I've been binging a lot lately. Lol, oddly these horror stories makes me long to play it even more...
@gharanohen9460 11 ай бұрын
Depending on which timezone you're in, you should have a good chance of finding a game on Roll20 or D&D Beyond forums. If you are only interested in an in person game, then I'd suggest trying your local game store, college/university, wargaming club etc, if there are any nearby.
@MrGrimjaw 11 ай бұрын
Were i live i have a game place has dnd every Tuesday
@TigerW0lf 11 ай бұрын
Bad kid, WORSE mother! I can see where he got it from. 😤
@situpeutparlemoi 11 ай бұрын
Jesus, that second story. What the fuck with that homophobe. And his assault happy mother?! That's so good that DM punched her and got her arrested. Hope her son also got arrested.
@TigerKirby215 11 ай бұрын
I have what I call "the fox clause" for any D&D campaign I post an ad for. I'll always write down "send me a picture of a fox" (or something similar) somewhere in the campaign ad where it would easily be missed. The idea is that if you can't be bothered to read the campaign ad in full I can't trust you to be a good player. I've started a new campaign and so far I've gotten 6 replies and only 2 of them saw the fox clause.
@Metal_Horror 5 ай бұрын
And if I saw a fox clause in an ad, I'd assume you were a creepy furry and move on to the next one.
@MWH12085 11 ай бұрын
In a situation like that, you fire back with 'What? You jealous?'
@kou7191 11 ай бұрын
Was the guy in the first story 10 or what? that's messed up in so many levels...
@yarraidalg 11 ай бұрын
i've seen 10 year olds more mature than this guy
@schwarzerritter5724 11 ай бұрын
Having an alpha karen as your mother will keep you mentally 10 for a long time.
@bgdowns10171 5 ай бұрын
One of the fakest stories I've seen so far. It sounds unbelievable because it is.
@WTFisTingispingis 11 ай бұрын
I feel like we already covered the mommy one, 'cause I remember Doge laughing out loud at that.
@williek08472 11 ай бұрын
I've definitely heard it on another channel
@marybdrake1472 11 ай бұрын
Okay, that game mom went actual group mom at then there. 😆 That's pretty epic. And of course, an unhinged Karen tries to use the cops once again to get her way, and promptly gets educated in the real world.
@rollanddev 11 ай бұрын
After she gets punched out. And the cops take the punch-er's side. You sure this story actually took place without any sort of embellishments, though...? I'm just surprised random passerbys on the street didn't start applauding OP afterwards.
@ganmerlad 11 ай бұрын
Yeah, the first story is definitely "call the police" once the mother of problem player showed up. Trespassing and harassment. I would also take the time, while waiting for them to arrive, to describe what a disrespectful, hateful, twisted little $%#@ her son was and say she should look at herself to explain why. Awful. Second story sounds like the game was just a mirror of hellish existance of reality. No point playing a game that gives you no escape from the stuff you want to escape from and only compounds the pain. "Bill paying -- the adventure". Story 3 was more than "a bit sexist". DM was ignorant and tried to penalize female characters for existing. I'm surprised he didn't have those characters also roll for cooking dinner when the group was hungry.
@rollanddev 11 ай бұрын
Psssst... story 1 is heavily exaggerated and most of it didn't take place. Like the mother getting punched out and the cops taking OP's side. :)
@SPedneau 11 ай бұрын
That first story is the reason that its always a good idea to screen new players out in public and lay down ground rules before having them over at your residence.
@REfan2002 11 ай бұрын
Have to say, my gaming mom would have done the same thing to vile player's mom.
@Jermbot15 11 ай бұрын
Second story is what happens when your DM hasn't planned anything and can only think to call upon his life experience as an Uber Driver.
@23gameoverlord 11 ай бұрын
.....😮, what the heck was that first story? The moment the new guy stepped foot into the house he starts acting like a grade A+ jerk and just thinks he can do whatever he wants and not get....ugh...... Well on a positive note: that DnD mom is bad@$$ !!!!! You go girl!
@Spikex99 11 ай бұрын
Ok so I’m running a game where earning enough money to keep living is important But that is for two reasons. One is to give some understanding of how the constant struggle for money has affected the locals and made them into what they are so they are encouraged to want to change things and consider if people they are dealing with are out and out evil, which some are, or if they’re desperate and/or broken by the system they’ve been trapped in. While two is to Encourage them to take the dangerous or immoral actions so they always have a reason to do interesting and exciting things instead of just doing boring mundane jobs that keep their heads barely above water. I fully do not understand why the GM in story two would set them up to struggle with money and then force them to stay in those kinds of jobs instead of using it to encourage them to go out and fight that monster so they can afford a better life (and equipment for even more dangerous monster hunting)
@dwaynejackson551 11 ай бұрын
I made a weretiger necromancer back in 3.5 whose periods followed the cycle of the moon. Basically two days before and two days after the full moon where she menstruated. My DM who was a woman said that was stupid and I said "yes, but so is lycanthropy from birth. Dealing with that AND menstrual pains would make anyone want to kill and raise a dumbass who made them angry."
@RequiemWraith 11 ай бұрын
Now i like a crunchy game, with full on resource tracking, date and time tracking etc etc but my word what even was that second 'game'?!
@alanbear6505 11 ай бұрын
Story Two: yes, they would have reached the treasure island but then they would have had to fill out the paperwork for paying taxes on it.
@JSRLPadre 11 ай бұрын
Gamer Mom is the very definition of Glory Story! My one comment about the "dozen periods/month" story: What the actual Pho??? The Dirk tha Jerk story is actual horror. I'm glad OP survived that and moved on.
@sunphoenix26 11 ай бұрын
Can I just say that I love the term “snuggly player”?
@schwarzerritter5724 11 ай бұрын
The party having to take on mundane jobs until the opportunity of going on a treasure hunt presents itself is not a bad premise. Tresure Island, one of the quintessential adventure stories, starts like that. But it is clear to me the dungeon master over designed that part of the game by quite a lot. Instead of having to bother managing every single copper piece, it should have been about getting the right connections.
@nightcitynarstie 11 ай бұрын
God help us all if the DM from Dungeons and Paperwork discovers Cyberpunk RED.
@unluckyone1655 11 ай бұрын
I was thinking that that is how an average Cyberpunk game starts. I had a rockerboy who worked gigs on some nights and was a waiter at a diner during the day lol
@TheMightyBattleSquid 11 ай бұрын
The Online DMing story has been most of my online ttrpg experience as well.
@dragonsontv4412 11 ай бұрын
Comfy kiwi just reminds me of the kiwi bird. Cute little critters.
@mikeyost3672 11 ай бұрын
We love a happy ending.
@ArawnNox 11 ай бұрын
That first story really stretches my credulity.
@TheMightyBattleSquid 11 ай бұрын
Same, the bragging about being a gamer mom, referred to as such, and loved by everyone was just so self-aggrandizing I took everything that followed with a grain of salt.
@starbird3939 11 ай бұрын
@@TheMightyBattleSquid I just thought “this is a groomer”. A 40 year old woman hosting a game in her own home for folks that seems like 20 or younger (one is 15)… and lets one hug and snuggle with her? Un… that is red flags.
@Psycopathicus 11 ай бұрын
I suspect the idea the 'Dungeons And Paperwork' DM had was to make the campaign extra-miserable at first, so that once the players finally did manage to get out from under the yoke of bureaucracy, it would be an exhilarating experience by contrast, and give them a good second start - also, perhaps, to establish that island as a particularly stodgy and repressive place, in order to set them up as a source of possible villainy later. But, that's just my two cents.
@l0stndamned 11 ай бұрын
Not realising different time-zones are a thing is an occurrence I've encountered when I first started to DM online during lockdown. The phrase "UK time" doesn't always click.
@rynowatcher 11 ай бұрын
2nd one; that is really subjective if role playing a menial job is run or not. Games like Pendragon have large sections of play where you are basically managing farmers on your land and Cyberpunk has "side gigs" that are always just things you do between adventures that are menial jobs to earn very little money. Heck, Matt Coville released "Strongholds and Followers" for you to have a way to build, buy, maintain, tax, and pay for the upkeep of a stronghold... which is just fantasy accounting for 5e. I would say the pc's are equally to blame as they are continuing to work a boring job instead of stealing the money they needed, taking out loans to charter a boat to treasure island, going to a bounty board to earn cash, trying to find a patron, trying to negotiate an npc captain in on a cut of the treasure if he lends them his crew and ship, stealing a ship, saying, "this town sucks, hey guys, want to go adventuring," looking for better jobs (it is really hard to starve in d&d and most characters come with the gear you need to live a 0 gp life), or just do anything that would get them to their goal. Yes, the dm did not make a path forward clear, but I do not see them trying to improve their situation so much as holding their breath and waiting for the dm to make their problems go away.
@fleacythesheepgirl 11 ай бұрын
“Snuggly Player” 💀
@robertheinrich2994 11 ай бұрын
second story: how about adding an HOA. the totem bear HOA-leader karkarien and her HOA board minions, the tow truck tortle, code enforcement magistrate, town guards she can summon with a sending stone and of course the lawyers of the HOA.
@robertwildschwein7207 11 ай бұрын
Second story sounds like a fun, silly campaign. Slowly working your way up to get a ship and crew could have been satisfying.
@fred_derf 11 ай бұрын
The second story is a new twist on the very boring Over-Land Travel Adventure, where the DM gives hourly (or [shutter] every ten minutes) descriptions of where you are and what you see (and rolls for random encounters) and has you role play each night of camping...
@imgonnabeastar1242 11 ай бұрын
Casting Financial Oppression on a party is so sick and twisted..... I love it
@TheFuriousScribbles 11 ай бұрын
Oh man. A campaign about paying rent and figuring out budgets for food and making sure you work enough hours to get by? I joke about a "mature campaign" in a "realistic setting" might actually be closer to this, I'm just oddly fascinated that someone actually did it.
@siobhanroberts2329 11 ай бұрын
Dirk Roughly's Crime Emporium.
@cursedalien 7 ай бұрын
"the American who didn't understand time zones" what do you MEAN they didn't understand time zones, we have at least four if them!
@akmi1931 11 ай бұрын
If I could be optimistic of the seafaring DM, he might of been pushing them towards stealing a ship for a pirate hook. But, that’s what I would of done in this situation, as DM or as a player
@RawrRat 11 ай бұрын
The first game has such a "that happened" vibes
@jacksparrowismydaddy 11 ай бұрын
don't mess with game moms
@GodOfPlague 11 ай бұрын
Lol I got an add for a taser after the first story. Its like the universe is speaking through the algorithm.
@Bertranddeghaul 11 ай бұрын
As a dm (although I prefer the term Games Operations Director) I have had terrible things done by and have done terrible things to my players that where beyond the pale of civilized behavior if enacted irl things that would land people locked up and on a register. But we played vampire in a mature mixed group of male and female players with a 18+ rule where everyone knew what they got into and we are European (not sure that matters). I guess playing vampire kinda makes such things... more an option then D&D although to be fair in other systems we also did some really dark things. This kind of behavior as described in story 1 I never witnessed, I don't shy away from the darker or darkest things someone can think off in game. .... including the stuff this player suggested .........BUT it has to be motivated and played out in a good way and never trivialized .... and be totally in character (My games are story narrative/social interaction and intrigue heavy, combat is... well secondary to that) Using themes like this can be done but you have to have the right audience and setting for it and all be stable mature adults that are aware of the game you're running. Also it should be shocking moments, not something that happens every damn session. Fun fact the female players usually got up to way more disturbing stuff then the male players... once they realized they could. I ran a campaign once with 4 girls all (what in the US would be Sorority type) students while in uni and I got to admit those where the most insane/disturbing sessions I've ever run and I was the "tame/nice" one. I've been binging this kinda content recently because I'm about to start a new campaign online (for the first time not around a table but via roll 20) and I'm very much surprised at the stories I'm running into on youtube. Some of it is extremely cringe other stuff I shrug and think "that's tame" But mostly I just realize how lucky I've been with all the players I've had. (I got to say though, as a guy TTRPG with female players changed my view about girls/women...but also makes me wonder what hidden dept of depravity they all hide in their twisted brains) I guess Rudyard Kipling was right when he wrote "of all the animals in the kingdom of nature the female is always the deadlier of the species"
@nicksmith8212 6 ай бұрын
I have a feeling if they had found the treasure he would have had them rp paying their taxes .
@7thsealord888 11 ай бұрын
Story #1 - Wow. Just, wow. The apple didn't fall far from the tree, I guess. Story #2 - No clue where this DM was coming from. Story #4 - Yeah, this DM needed to talk to REAL females. Story #5 - I think the DM rolled at least one critical failure on his 'Set Up New Game Group' die rolls. Story #6 - Should have very openly booted Dirk. People like that thrive on never being brought to account for their actions.
@goodboi6329 7 ай бұрын
The second story could have been made more fun if they stole a boat, I think
@diegorodrigues9528 11 ай бұрын
I see it i click it
@lrrbloss 5 ай бұрын
14:00 one more and he would have hade a bingo😂
@vegetin01 11 ай бұрын
First story was extremely fake, and the OP seemed creepy.
@Sanodi21 11 ай бұрын
The first story is an oldie but no less cringe worthy. The only way to make a cringe edgelord brat worse is if it's a 1-2 combo with a Karen mom.
@rollanddev 11 ай бұрын
"Snuggly player" didn't actually have his mother there though. That was just one of the players.
@BlueTressym 11 ай бұрын
Dungeons and Paperwork: I play TTRPGs to get away from my IRL poverty and boredom, not volunteer for more, thanks. Period: r/nothowgirlswork.
@bodypiercingbytom 11 ай бұрын
It kind of sounds like Dm was making their Pcs get jobs and do menial stuff to get them motivated to get out of that life... Can't afford a ship? Taking too long to save up for one? That's motivation to go into town and round up a crew (pirate, of course!) and STEAL that ship! Maybe the players missed the mark? I found myself questioning "why didn't the players just have their characters ...?" do something unexpected, which the Dm would have to deal with. Great video!!
@Blueoriontiger 11 ай бұрын
14:35 = Up to this day, I still have this happen. I have two days off of work stuff, and plan to run a game either of those two days. I then get messages "I absolutely love your setting and system, but I prefer to play on weekends." or "I'm available that day, but not that time slot; can you start the game two hours later??"
@Thedragonlover95 11 ай бұрын
2nd story, dude if I heard that was what the game was going to be about. I'd nope right on out cause I for the life wouldn't have fun
@JacobL228 11 ай бұрын
What was up with the audio for the period one?
@starbird3939 11 ай бұрын
Story 1 Is it just me or does this story seem fake and the OP is the real bad guy? Like stranger comes in and wants to play a rapist, and then pisses on a car when he does not get his way? Sounds fake. Meanwhile, OP is 40 years old with teenagers alone in her house, some of then snuggling with her, and the husband and son are not around? Gives me groomer vibes.
@lilindecisive 11 ай бұрын
See that’s what I thought too
@rollanddev 11 ай бұрын
Don't forget the punched-out-mother and police siding with OP! I bet the room applauded them, police officers and all, afterwards.
@alanbear6505 11 ай бұрын
Too slow Nipsy! But we love you anyway.
@timelordhero7026 11 ай бұрын
1st story clearly fake it had every RPGHS trope.
@BlackRainRising 11 ай бұрын
I really like this Nipsy... give scritches from us!
@unluckyone1655 11 ай бұрын
I aspire to be just like game mom one day
@Holyduck777 6 ай бұрын
I call major bullshit from that first story. The kid sounds like a literal strawman of every negative thing you can be in nerd culture.
@NEKOEVE 11 ай бұрын
"Game Mom and Snuggly player" *Vomits*
@TailAbNormal 11 ай бұрын
2:13 Damn, getting affection and physical comfort from an older woman is gay now? I didn't realize how horribly out of touch I was. /s
@SinnerChrono 5 ай бұрын
Story 1. You piss on my car? Ok ima record that and call in a police report of exposure and public indecency. The kid can enjoy being on the registration for sex offenders.
@TheRiolumon 11 ай бұрын
I’m trying to find that DM mom but doge didnt link her name or spell out her username so I can’t find her. Is it Comfykiwi or ComfyHuewee? Really wanna watch her since she was such a bad ass.
@lordbreetai 11 ай бұрын
Maybe his DM has a weird spelling. I tried to find ComfyHeely or something like that and I didn’t find anyone like that
@CooperAATE 11 ай бұрын
New doge just dropped, first!
@lasmirandadennsiewillja9435 11 ай бұрын
People saying things we don't like, no matter how stupid and wrong their takes are, is not gaslighting jfc, just like a broken ankle is not necrosis just because both are painful leg injuries. I know it cannot be stopped at this point because people feel far too "thehehe I'm so smört!" about using the term but by god, is this doing the issue and victims of actual gaslighting a disservice. And, actually, it makes people sound like they sigh and moan above having gone through cancer treatment and all the scary feelings that come with it because they got a mole removed. Yeah, the guy is an a-hole in the first story and the others are not but if you twist "Someone said a shitty thing and believes it's funny and that we're stupid because we disagree" to "I was horribly manipulated to the point that I was convinced I lost my sanity and now I feel helpless and insecure, if not scared, about every feeling I have, perception of other people's action, and my own actions and decisions! And now I feel fully dependent on this other person because I need them since I cannot trust myself anymore!", you're somewhat of an attention- and pity-seeking ahole yourself who hopes their victim role gets them an oscar. Not as big and bad as the other guy, certainly not, but there are nuances and shades to a-holishness, it's not just saint vs devil. And yes, redditors taking important terms that have very specific meanings because they're meant to describe very specific circumstances as a means to help the actual victims of those circumstances and turning them into "oh woe is smört me!" buzzwords is getting massively on my nerves. Also, in this case, calling THIS nonsense gaslighting is calling the ahole a master manipulator which sounds kinda silly. TL;DR: gasligthing is not a synonym for non-truth, any type of lie, any type of manipulation, disagreements, bad opinions, horrible opinions, or even "I don't like this person so I'm 100% sure their good take on something is made in bad faith!" and I wish people who get angry for reading this conclusion to have their next sprained ankle to receive the treatment for a necrotic open knee fracture because hey, it's all a leg injury, painful, and just "sprained ankle" sounds soooo lame and unimpressive when you tell others about it.
@sharingheart13 11 ай бұрын
Can't find Comfy Kiwi on Twitch, sadly...
@RadChannel 11 ай бұрын
Yeah, that first story didn't happen, lol
@antoinelambert938 11 ай бұрын
the group mom is an example to follow
@tenshyklonik 11 ай бұрын
Game mom is my f*ckinf hero
@bgdowns10171 5 ай бұрын
First story is one of the fakest I've heard. Sheesh. Full blown anime protagonist moment
@IceLordCryo 11 ай бұрын
Game Mom for the win!!!
@ChaosCounseling 11 ай бұрын
I like, comment, and subscribe
@SnaxTheSnaxolotl 11 ай бұрын
Hi Nipsy
@Wtfzipcode 11 ай бұрын
game mom ftw
@sandymaskell-knight6087 11 ай бұрын
I think it's spelt r*pist not r*p*ist
@rollanddev 11 ай бұрын
You sure it's not rap*st? (Or is that just a regional spelling...?)
@Bladezeromus 11 ай бұрын
The lack of self and situational awareness from some people is just mind-boggling. Like, dang, is it really that difficulty to reign in the invasive thoughts and urges? I realize that to a lot of younger people im an absolute bastard but i can pull back for the sake of my play group (who are all like 10-15 years younger than me). I just tell myself that they're soft little candy-asses who get hurt by words and opinions and that i need to temper my vocabulary accordingly. The worst that it's ever been with a younger group was when someone got so triggered by something that happened before the game that they couldn't play so the session got canceled. I was already in transit and everyone was there by the time i arrived. They wanted to do something else because that player claimed they couldn't handle dnd then. Well, i clear this day specifically to play DnD so my time had been wasted; after that sessions got spotty because I never bothered clearing that day again (this wasnt the first time that a session had been canceled last minute for some reason that i found stupid). I was available whenever i was available. As far as i saw it, if they couldn't be bothered to commit to the game than why should I?
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