Why Are Hot Countries Poorer?

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@Xamufam Күн бұрын
heat makes us tired faster
@grzegorzrokita2330 Күн бұрын
Na mrozie z zamarzniętą ziemią ciężko jest pracować w ogóle!
@nitinprasad3842 Күн бұрын
Man come to canada and tell the same .
@timedone8502 Күн бұрын
​@@grzegorzrokita2330Even harder to work when the ground is boiling hot. Trust me, I am from Vietnam.
@Xamufam Күн бұрын
​@@nitinprasad3842I live in Sweden...
@ArawnOfAnnwn Күн бұрын
And cold makes us stay at home to begin with. Also lowers our immunity. And lowers food production, lessening energy available for work. Etc. You can make all sorts of arguments for either side. And they're all highly speculative.
@innosam123 Күн бұрын
Disease is more common in tropical regions, and that is a serious negative.
@drmodestoesq Күн бұрын
Starvation is common in northern climates. Ireland in 1841. Sweden and Finland in 1871. Ukraine in the 1930s.
@nicolaswirtz Күн бұрын
@@drmodestoesq oh definitely this is because of climate, and not the fact that their leaders were good people like Josef Stalin
@tonycatman Күн бұрын
That's only partially true. Don't forget that half of the population of Europe died from the black death. And 'colds' are named as such because they prevail during the colder times of the year. There may have been fewer pathogens, but the incidence of disease might have been higher.
@tonycatman Күн бұрын
@@drmodestoesq Good point. The Irish Potato "Blight" managed to starve an entire country.
@BoonTobias Күн бұрын
Correct answer. Pathogen burden is much much higher in the tropics. Black death and all these other non-tropical diseases pale in comparison to malaria, neglected ropical diseases etc
@Vandelberger Күн бұрын
As someone who went to Djibouti, no one wants to work before 5 pm
@egg174 Күн бұрын
Being hot comes at an expense
@ArawnOfAnnwn Күн бұрын
So does being cold
@SeeNyuOG Күн бұрын
My old opinion is because hotter countries had to plan their lives less because of the basic needs, actually only food out of the three, being easily achievable
@ashutoshpandeyz4508 Күн бұрын
You need resources to cool entire country, it's possible in 21st century , that's possible, the real re son for properties is politico economic policies a country have and also it's come from it's culture. Politics and ecomics shapes a country
@Otto-cz6by Күн бұрын
Not necessarily true. Most tropical regions are dependent on the monsoon rains, which means only one growing season. The heavy rains during the monsoon wash away the dry soil, and reduce soil fertility. In temperate regions, the snow covers the soil, and maintains its fertility over the winter. Water is incredibly more scarce than it is in Europe, for example.
@0matters Күн бұрын
Simple, look at animals in Africa for example, they hide in shade/water during the day and only hunt/eat at night when it's cool. Lions and hippos do that
@tonycatman Күн бұрын
There's a view that long, harsh winters during which nothing grows selected for certain types of civilization. It involves medium-term planning, group collaboration, and a strong government to get over the 'free rider' problem.
@tonycatman Күн бұрын
@@Otto-cz6by How about things like animal protein resources, including fish ? There are parts of Northern Europe where the availability of any food source would have been far more scarce for several months of winter.
@hungo7720 Күн бұрын
The heat often dissuades people from working which in turn dwindles their productivity and hinders the economic growth as a whole. However, this is only true for mostly agrarian poor nations.
@XavierLignieres Күн бұрын
Australia : Hold my cold one mate !
@NoelAryan07 Күн бұрын
Australia have very good weather
@jamesbond4810 Күн бұрын
If that's the case then why indigenous chaps didn't went to the UK first but happened the opposite.
@fabriziocetto502 Күн бұрын
Nah. North Australia is close to the tropics and it's not developed. Sydney is colder so it's more developed. Why do you think the Ozzie's go to Bali in july? Cus it's cold in Sydney in July
@ericchuang7880 5 сағат бұрын
@@fabriziocetto502 Southeastern coastal China is the most developed part of China. The stereotype of Southern Chinese cultural is also more focused on business and making money than Northern Chinese,
@23232323rdurian Күн бұрын
if you go spend some time in an equatorial village (like in Sumatra) you will soon find out that: -the weather makes you feel lethargic, satisfied and happy. No energy. But feeling great, like a lazy cat on a hot day, stretched out long in the shade. Much less inclined to wanna go sweat doing hard physical labor. Much harder to think straight for very long Much friendlier and happier..... No feeling of .... Kinda nice actually, but people work much less for that reason.. It's not the villagers, it's EVERYBODY cuz it's the weather. It will soon happen to YOU too.
@ArawnOfAnnwn Күн бұрын
It doesn't make you feel happy at all. Rather it makes you feel exhausted.
@RTDoh5 Күн бұрын
Jared DIAMOND discussed this in his book: GUNS, GERMS and STEEL (published - 1997)
@ArawnOfAnnwn Күн бұрын
As well as much else besides. This is only a small part of the overall geographical argument. There is no simple answer.
@hououinkyouma1458 Күн бұрын
because high temparature decreases efficiency
@eduwino151 Күн бұрын
that theory is dumb , Iraq, Iran had thriving empires when most of Europe was still in the dark ages
@Africaladyy 13 минут бұрын
What about Nubia and Ancient Egypt.......
@AngkatanNamwaran Күн бұрын
You're talking about a hot country like Egypt not being able to support a city like Rome, when the largest pre-industrial city on Earth is Angkor in Cambodia... The size of Angkor is equivalent to all of New York's five boroughs combined. Granted that Egypt is a desert, while Cambodia is a tropical rainforest, but it doesn't negate from the fact that the regions near the equator could support large cities and populations. There are also many examples of this in the Americas. Nearly all of the largest pre-colonial cities in the Americas are found near the equator.
@schalitz1 Күн бұрын
I can tell you as some who's work is outside during the summer months there are days that are unbearable, temperature and humidity wise, and nothing gets done.
@johnsuazo1747 Күн бұрын
Korea is mentioned multiple times, Japan too. But then these are cold countries. Some regions in Japan recieve more snow than most of Europe, for example.
@Sshodan 16 сағат бұрын
You forgot the "cost of war" - in cold climates you could only go to war in the summer and doing so meant no food for the winter, so the pressure to figure out either how to avoid it or feed people anyway made for more... Calculating cultures.
@butterfingers5404 Күн бұрын
I call BS on this Western Australia is the richest part of Australia and the wealth can be extremely hot.
@tielmiel6069 Күн бұрын
I think that this might be the case because the culture was imported there, it wasn't developed there. Do the aboriginals who grew in these parts have the same culture you speak of?
@TheNicoliyah 23 сағат бұрын
I made the same comment. Also vast swathes of the Middle East are super hot and very wealthy. Much of Eastern Europe is pretty cold and not super rich
@donttreadonme123 21 сағат бұрын
It’s also an Anglo country.
@farrightsocialistatheist845 21 сағат бұрын
Western Australia is not a ngr country
@OntologicalShock777 14 сағат бұрын
@@TheNicoliyah the middle east will not develop if not for the innovation from colder countries.
@andian5541 Күн бұрын
Here in Indonesia, if the weather gets cold, we will nap more😂
@ardi08 9 сағат бұрын
Meanwhile during hot days, we are less want to do something cause sweating
@Africaladyy 12 минут бұрын
​@@ardi08what about Nubia and Ancient Egypt...
@chinesesparrows Күн бұрын
More prepardness is needed to survive colder climate as the default is people freeze, crops dont grow, there is no food (on soil maybe 1 growing cycle per year). Theres a reason colder places have relatively less animals, insects, plants.
@shlomomarkman6374 Күн бұрын
Many warm or hot places are not paradises either and survival there is not trivial. The Mediterranean region for example has severe water shortages. You depend on a short rainy season while almost nothing grows in the dry season. To get water to drink you dig deep wells or maintain expensive irrigation systems for the second growing season while perennial streams are rare and far between.
@chinesesparrows Күн бұрын
​@@shlomomarkman6374 sure and also there are more bugs and possibly more diseases in hotter places. Just saying there is room to move around there regardless. When its frozen lockdown in colder places, historically you're either prepared well in advance and and storage stays safe or its bye bye. Napoleon vacationed in Egypt but lost about 80% of his forces in Russia mainly due to the temperature. Similarly WWII afrika corp was undersupplied away while eastern corp froze away...
@shlomomarkman6374 Күн бұрын
@@chinesesparrows Russian style severe winters are well known to destroy armies but there are several historical stereotypes you mentioned. Egypt is one of the few places in the middle east with a decent water supply but Napoleon tried to invade Ottoman Syria and lost just as badly as in Russia. His army was killed off by diseases like dysentery and Malaria and he couldn't supply his forces in the siege of Acre. The Africa corps was tiny compared to the German armies in Russia. The sides were sensible enough to not deploy more people then their supply lines allowed. BTW, food storage technology was the hallmark of the Middle-Eastern civilization s. The thing that allowed those civilizations in the first place. Without food storage people lived semi-nomadic lifestyles like the biblical patriarchs where their sheep were the food storage. The difference between Egyptian planning ahead and say the German one is that in Egypt the state did the planning, established silos and granaries in their temples and created the scribal class to manage it all. Writing was invented there for this exact purpose while it took more then a millennium until writing was repurposed to write epics.
@chinesesparrows Күн бұрын
@shlomomarkman6374 what is your point? There was not much people could do about diseases in the past but pray and hope, do you think this helps productivity in hotter areas? In contrast R&D and individualism was more fostered in the colder climates, hence the winners were more from colder areas kike the vikings, the mongols, the huns, the European colonizers etc etc
@chinesesparrows 8 сағат бұрын
@@shlomomarkman6374 and that's why it's hard to be productive in hotter places, diseases were only recently curable. There's a reason why hotter places import higher tech things invented and further developed in colder places
@Dominus_Potatus 18 сағат бұрын
My opinion is because "hot countries" were colonized a lot
@josephlombardo1267 Күн бұрын
I totally support the overall point and it was interesting to report the transition during human/civilization history. I'm not sure about individualism in colder area VS collectivism in warmer ones. In Europe, for example, and I'd say in US as well, the south is more individualistic than the north. I actually think that the same logic apply: in cold conditions if people don't collaborate they starve and die, while in warmer ones productivity is lower but people don't die so in a sense there is less selective pressure for cooperation and productivity. So would climate change make northern regions more lazy and less productive and warmer ones that utilize AC more productive and less lazy? Stay tuned! lol
@patrickpeake3935 Күн бұрын
Israel is rich. So is Australia. Both are hot
@baha3alshamari152 4 сағат бұрын
Israel is the most aided entity in the world and yet 90% of the settlers live in the northwestern coastline due to cooler climate while Negev desert is almost empty Australia 95% of the population live in the cooler southeastern side
@userMB1 12 сағат бұрын
Australia and California prove that heat doesn't need to be a problem. You can overcome whatever negative effect heat has with the right technology and also culture of course.
@isaacchai5660 6 сағат бұрын
Thank the inventor of Air-Conditioner.
@alblack9869 3 сағат бұрын
Exactly! Hot counties have on average much much lower human capital, e.g. I Q!
@bbbbdogggg6887 21 сағат бұрын
The problem with this theory is that in Northen countries like Canada and Russia, the richest parts are in the warmer regions, and the colder regions are the poorest.
@williampiel5030 Күн бұрын
The disease argument is weak. There is nothing about the tropics that makes communicable disease worse other than food spoiling faster (but this kind of spoilage doesn’t cause serious disease). Let’s not forget that Cromwell died of malaria that he caught in Ireland. The thing that reduces vectors in temperate countries is windows, curtains, and cleanliness - ie development. Diseases that come through feet (eg schistosomiasis, hookworm, etc) are instantly avoided if you wear shoes. Again, development stops disease. Waterborne diseases (eg cholera, Dracunculiasis, etc) are avoided by sanitation. For many thousands of years African and Indian populations outgrew European populations in part because disease hit Europeans equally (or more) hard. Temperature doesn’t cause disease, but development eliminates disease.
@babayaga6376 Күн бұрын
"There is nothing about the tropics that makes communicable disease worse". Just the number and the severity of the diseases, which is higher.
@williampiel5030 Күн бұрын
@@babayaga6376 ...because tropical countries are less developed, not because the climate is warmer.
@Africaladyy 8 минут бұрын
​​@@williampiel5030 I think Europeans hard more diseases after Europeans came, Africans started be really sick, a lot died of tuberculosis....
@ironheart8374 Күн бұрын
Heat and humidity are the main culprit
@shlomomarkman6374 Күн бұрын
I think that in a sense cold countries had a head start with heavy industry. Before the days of AC and even proper electric fans having a steel mill in tropical or even Mediterranean climate was going to be tough. Same with textile mills and sewing sweatshops. Sweatshops in Ney York were bad, imagine them in Florida. Also, due to diseases the populations of warm and hot countries were relatively small so no excess manpower to send to the factories. Egypt for example barely had 10 million during the industrial revolution, way smaller then any major European country.
@jundi56958 Күн бұрын
UAE , Saudi Arabia and Qatari are very rich. And very hot.
@aamirchaka924 Күн бұрын
Yea, after oil money enabled air conditioned civil infrastructure
@wise5674 Күн бұрын
They are rich because of oil not because of their own inventiveness
@Vandelberger Күн бұрын
Very few people work in Saudi Arabia. The population is paid to not work and also not overthrow the gov.
@doujinflip Күн бұрын
And very dependent on foreigners to do the actual work.
@shauncameron8390 Күн бұрын
Due to oil and foreign migrant labor.
@Jarvisj-n2i Күн бұрын
Hit 200k today. Thank you for all the knowledge and nuggets you had thrown my way over the last months. Started with 14k in last month 2024
@Jacoblolli Күн бұрын
Wow that's huge, how do you make that much monthly?
@MikeGilbert-m4k Күн бұрын
I'm 24 and I have been looking for ways to be successful, please how?
@Jarvisj-n2i Күн бұрын
Woah for real? I'm so excited. Mark Hutchinson strategy has normalised winning trades for me also. and it's a huge milestone for me looking back to how it all started
@krimokrimov6050 Күн бұрын
Cold areas also have very little work in winter This theory needs to be further explored because it is still superficial. There is a Muslim scholar from the fourteenth century who made an observation that is exactly similar to what was said in the video about the inhabitants of cold regions saving more than those in hot regions, and he gave the example of the inhabitants of the cold Atlas Mountains and the inhabitants of Egypt. This theory is old, but it seems superficial to me and needs further exploration
@drmodestoesq Күн бұрын
Ibn Khuldun?
@krimokrimov6050 Күн бұрын
@@drmodestoesq yes
@returo7297 Күн бұрын
hot countries way richer, coz theres no winter nor autumn cost!
@BetterLifeCreations 16 сағат бұрын
I love Singapore 🇸🇬 hard working people greetings to my old and new colleagues 👍❤️
@danielgrayling5032 Күн бұрын
Natural heat sink, if you need to do stuff and you can't dump the heat you do less stuff.
@TouringTony Күн бұрын
Mongolia felt like the poorest country I have visited (or at least on a par with Afghanistan). Neither of these is hot. Not sure about the actual GDP per capita but felt worse than Cambodia, Laos or Myanmar. All of these are tropical
@ducknorris233 Күн бұрын
Back in the 80’s the news reported that British Consulate workers in Texas got one and a half time towards retirement because of the adverse climate conditions in Texas. They said it was a rule made back before air conditioning was so common.
@zico739 Күн бұрын
For most of history, wealthy societies were largely located in hot/warm climates. This video is rather reductive.
@shauncameron8390 Күн бұрын
Due to agriculture.
@WilliamSantos-cv8rr Күн бұрын
Not for the last 800 years.
@zico739 Күн бұрын
@@WilliamSantos-cv8rr The USA and China are not cold countries.
@Aiolosz 23 сағат бұрын
@@zico739 China was a mess up until very recently and tbh they are struggling atm and on avrg they are on an eastern europe lvl of wealth very unevenly distributed But look at Arizona history and the invention of the AC it is worth a few hours of your time.
@zico739 20 сағат бұрын
@@Aiolosz China’s current issues have little to do with the climate. For most of the last one thousand years and up to the late 18th century, China and India were often among the five largest economies in the world. Industrialization is what allowed wealthy cold weather nations to become more common.
@TheNicoliyah 23 сағат бұрын
Australia is a hot country that is wealthy. Also the UAE. There are also cold places that are not wealthy, mainly in Eastern Europe
@isaacchai5660 6 сағат бұрын
Melbourne is so cold.
@rrdgz5355 22 сағат бұрын
Hans Rosling gave a TED talk that compared old statistics from developed countries, when they were still developing their economies, and current developing economies. And his conclusion was that developed economies had a headstart since they were, or became, independent much earlier than developing economies, but developing were, in general, developing at a much faster pace due to technology helping them leapfrog
@juggarinchutikusol2427 Күн бұрын
In my opinion, the non-negligible factor for colder regions is the temperature variation between season to season. I’m Thai, live in Bangkok, the coolest is around 25-30C and the hottest is around 35C rarely goes up to 40. Our summer is not so different compared to summer in central Japan, Northern China or even in some southern Europe countries. While our winter differs greatly. If the temperature is really the case, those cooler countries should have seen some drop on GDP during their summer. Our climate stability has drawbacks on, as you have said, tropical deceases-tropical mindset among population-and more dependent on the rivers to make the land fertile. Most of leafs never fall seasonally, most of species do not hibernate, most of mosquitoes can breed and spread diseases constantly. In my opinion, those factors have some indirect links from our “Climate Stability”.
@pantsgaming759 Күн бұрын
i feel like in hotter places there is food year round so less innovation was needed to survive
@LowOfSolipsism Күн бұрын
Rodesia was successful in very hot climate.
@ibrahimbello5546 23 сағат бұрын
Rhodesia was the poorest place on earth
@COLDoCLINCHER37 23 сағат бұрын
Rhodesia, was actually very poor compared to other countries. They just had a wealthy white elite.
@vintagedigital108 Күн бұрын
There is a reason why shopping malls are alive in South East Asia because it’s a cooler place to walk and gather.
@meta-memes9060 15 сағат бұрын
71F is so cold. My eyeballs nostrils and airways hurt that far from body temperature
@julian5345 Күн бұрын
Its the culture derived from temperature. Australia hot country but still the culture of the English
@Worldaffairslover Күн бұрын
The convicts aren’t used to that heat. So they brought their ugly weather habits. Hope this helps!!! U racist
@elylioney6390 Күн бұрын
Interesting to see how crops n fishing styles can potentially affect culture.
@navajyotichetia8968 Күн бұрын
Send the "air conditioned" Singaporean with his air conditioner else where and he would prove lee quan lew wrong
@BoloBravoSierra Күн бұрын
I live in the US and I don't know anybody that says Alabama is lazy, maybe dumb but not lazy. 🤣😂
@ravinderjitsinghbajwa8584 Күн бұрын
Very good analysis.
@elylioney6390 Күн бұрын
My English teacher in yr 12 had a theory, that you have to be in a cold country to do anything.
@DiegoMarquesBrazil Күн бұрын
You should have mentioned The Spirit of the Laws from Montesquieu, book where the idea arose for the first time in 1750
@BalvinderSingh-uh3my Күн бұрын
I'm sick of these guys and this was the final straw no one asks them to make videos like these either do them correctly or not at all. It's the bell curve everyone knows it, good bye blocked all their channels.
@Lotterboy Күн бұрын
wtf are talking about?
@cheesekunart 23 сағат бұрын
@@Lotterboy My guess is he's probably talking about the book "The Bell Curve" which has entries arguing for the correlation of race and intelligence.
@mogambo4565 4 сағат бұрын
Simple answer is west has moulded the current economic system. They have become a consumer economy while southern regions burden the production side. China has growth in its southern region which is hotter.
@azizchkour6106 Күн бұрын
Middle East Countries: shut up
@piuthemagicman Күн бұрын
hi, this is resource curse calling
@carkawalakhatulistiwa 10 сағат бұрын
@julienboyer Because of the heat they rarely fight to get (living space). They rarely get famine.
@PTS-bu8rv 21 сағат бұрын
The most important are “CHANGES ” . In cold climate human had to work all seasons in different way ) , had to gather and store , had to build warm and wet resistant shelter, produce better tools in winter (when there was nothing to do in buried under snow hut), harvest in summer etc. . Very season different work , different skill set . That encourage creativity and inventions . if not he would die within few hours in winter and few weeks in summer. Nothing pressure so much to changes , creativity and diversity more than vision of sudden death . in hot climate you dont have that much , however some other factors are also important ( like kind of crop mentioned which case specific social behaves and cooperations , diseases etc.) afternoon naps and quick tiredness in tropical weather , but that is 2nd impotent
@snackplissken8192 7 сағат бұрын
Japan and Rome demonstrate that a willingness to reverse engineer the ideas and technologies of stronger foreign cultures can take a poor people to a wealthy people in fairly short order if the people don't buy into notions of inherent inferiority and victimhood. Sure, Japan had bitter internal conflicts over Westernization just like Rome did with Hellenization, but it's hard to argue with the improvements in the lives of the people.
@DinaricWolf Күн бұрын
Colder climates tend to have better water resources.
@tonycatman Күн бұрын
Generally true I guess, but compare Mongolia with the Congo.
@zico739 20 сағат бұрын
@@DinaricWolf Not really, most of the greatest rivers in the world are in tropical (Amazon, Congo, Niger, and Mekong rivers,) subtropical (Mississippi, Indus, Yellow, and Yangtze rivers,) and even arid climates (Nile, Tigris, Euphrates, Colorado rivers.)
@Idkmanihatethis Күн бұрын
Because it's so damn hot we have to work harder to get the same amount of work done. It's absolutely unbearable.
@DarkPrince256 20 сағат бұрын
Name me a cold country richer and more stable than qatar by GDP per capita
@isaacchai5660 5 сағат бұрын
@Laplacesdemonxo Күн бұрын
Do you know solar panels are at historical low prices.the disadvantage is not a disadvantage at all
@ekszentrik Күн бұрын
Mainly because of the IQ difference. As a counter example for any other claim, see also high IQ nations in (sub)tropical climates like Singapore or Hong Kong. IQ has been time and time shown to be the most determining factor of individual success. Countries are made up of individual humans. You cannot disprove this as it's objective fact, and it needs to be discussed.
Күн бұрын
If you kick a tree and fruits fall upon you then you're quite rich, aren't you?
@emc3000 14 сағат бұрын
I'm both hot and poor too, so like, I see the scientific corelation.
@realdreamerschangetheworld7470 Күн бұрын
Subsistence Farming, and Agriculture
@REDnBLACKnRED Күн бұрын
It seems like a whole lot of correlation that does not indicate any causation. Hotter countries are poorer because it just so happened that the Industrial Revolution took place in Europe. It could well have happened in Egypt or Rome or China. We know they were aware of steam engines and mechanisation of labour, they just never had the chance to make it to industrialisation due to political factors, not climate. After Europe industrialised, it extracted resources mainly from the warmer counties, further inhibiting their industrialisation. And not just that, European culture itself became ingrained within the global economic order, which further hindered other societies with different social structures in adapting these standards. It is this same Eurocentric view that is being applied here. There are now plenty of examples of countries in warm regions that are rich. And several others that are fast developing.
@米田正裕 22 сағат бұрын
The colonial exploitation started before the Industrial Revolution, and it became the foundation of the development of European civilization. Before that, they were relatively backward compared to Middle Eastern civilizations. This video ignores this key factor of the history. Indeed this video is too Euro-centered.
@isakxiirey4213 18 сағат бұрын
May be three decades ago but now there is solution and anyone can get but real problem is these countries does't have their own revolution or at least survival mode so they have to realise they need to change and make things work untill then they deserve where they are. NB: I am from that world and also i live there.
@jamesbonander Күн бұрын
there is also more corruption in hot countries. why?
@BrianPatrick-s6b Күн бұрын
The state can save a lot on welfare payments no need subsidies for winter heating, homelessness is not a life or death issue during winter. Ordinary folks can save a ton of monies on winter gear even business attire are pretty casual.
@AngkatanNamwaran Күн бұрын
You are exclusively focusing on temperature, but you forgot to mention that most of these countries got colonized... this factor obviously contributes to their current state. I come from a country that was a former Spanish colony and corruption is rampant because the corruption during the colonial period simply carried on even after our independence. When the colonizers left, there was a power vacuum, and the local politicians simply filled the void, thus continuing this culture of corruption from the colonial period.
@tomasbarrett7517 Күн бұрын
I'm from a country brutally colonised for hundreds of years. But booming now, cool environment.
@米田正裕 22 сағат бұрын
Resources and treasures of your country went to Europe. So, the temperature made them rich?
@tomasbarrett7517 21 сағат бұрын
@米田正裕 no, not what I was suggesting at all. I'm saying that because you were conolised doesn't mean that you will continue to be poor after.
@AngkatanNamwaran 21 сағат бұрын
​@@tomasbarrett7517 This is only possible if the future leaders actively try to root out the corrupt practices of the past colonizers... but unfortunately for a lot of former colonies, the culture of corruption during the colonial period gets learned and picked up by the post-colonial politicians.
@Ryanrobi Күн бұрын
I'll tell you what I'm a dairy farmer in northern New York I work about 65 hours a week most of the year my wife is from the Philippines and when I visit there it is so exhausting I don't know how they work outside or without AC and most definitely do not have AC. I remember being in the city at a pretty high-end hotel in the Philippines all night long I've heard construction work and I was like what is going on who works at night at the time she was my girlfriend And she was like of course because it's the only time that's cool enough to work. Plus on our farm we have lots of workers that milk cows and do other manual work that are from Mexico or Guatemala They have no problem working in the heat either very hard workers especially when you come up here where it's cool most of the year.
@clivedinosaur8407 50 минут бұрын
Why does 30 appear twice on the X-axis on the Cognitive Ability As A Function Of Temperature chart? (@3:28)
@dustysa2000 Күн бұрын
Where ever ive worked, the women in the office set the air-conditioner temperature far too high... and they get their way... just saying...
@Hession0Drasha Күн бұрын
Because water is usefull. You need it for all manufacturing.
@dwyanewade528 Күн бұрын
Graphic in 1:20 is perfect example of rule, that correlation isn't mean causation. The answer for question "why one nation is rich, while other is poor" was given by book "Why nations fail" and authors proofed that climate doesn't have much impact on wealth.
@Nom_AnorVSJedi Күн бұрын
Heat promotes laziness
@grzegorzrokita2330 Күн бұрын
Mieszkam w Polsce nasz sezon wegetacji i uprawy ma tylko 4 miesiące! Zima ma 6 miesięcy przez 3 miesiące są mrozy nawet czasami 25 stopni celcjusza mrozu! Trzeba budować drogie solidne i ocieplone domy! I pomieszczenia dla zwierząt! Ogrzewanie domu to wydatek 1500 $ na sezon! Drogi trzeba odśnieżać i posypywać solą! A mróz rozsadza asfalt i potrzeba setki miliony $ na naprawy! Zimno również zabija!
@looseycanon Күн бұрын
I do have a slightly different angle to it. Just look at what and how we consume! In much simpler economy dominated by agriculture products, hotter areas with large navigable rivers have an advantage. They can trade and reliably grow foodstuffs. The latter part is still very relevant but, because of advances in agricultural technology, the competitive advantage from good soil is lost and then you have to deal with other factors. A farm with worse soil, that knows, how to compensate for the problem by using fertilizers and procedures, that limit pests, will have similar outcomes to a farm in perfect conditions. The new factor that enters the room is iron and steel tools. Capital goods, that those in hotter climate would be harder to use, given until invent of a tractor, you had to use animals like cattle or hroses to power things like plows or carts so large, a human wouldn't even budge with them, and gain fertilizer in the form of manure. The advantage that rises from combination of these factors for colder climate then is, that harvests become equal in volume but more predictable as more and more factors enter the production chain, because each factor other than weather, which is tied to climate, is less and less volatile. In a hotter region, where particularly animals can't be used to power the tools used in agriculture, capital goods have lesser impact on farm productivity and therefore are not so widely adopted, because other options would provide better outcomes, including just not expending the effort. To make things worse, as economies become more complicated, because more kinds of stuff gets traded, the more basic goods become less and less valuable to trade, meaning to maintain income, more and more quantities have to be realized on the market. So here is my argument. Because of how hotter climates interact with capital (eg. how usable that capital is in these regions), these regions get hit by a double whammy. 1) They don't adopt capital based agriculture model until it becomes sustainable under local conditions, which gives them centuries to millennia worth of developmental delay when compared to colder, temperate regions, more suitable for that kind of agriculture. And 2) because they don't adopt the use of capital goods in agriculture, their agriculture sector cannot support a larger population, that could produce more capital and capital goods than otherwise comparatively weaker temperate regions, compounding the problem.
@robertgallagher7734 Күн бұрын
So why did Egypt have such a developed culture so early in recorded history? Egypt wasn't always the basket case it is today. Same is true for SE Asia & various civilizations that rose & fell?
@nicolaswirtz Күн бұрын
Average temperature: Quito, Ecuador = 10°C // Curitiba, Brazil = 14°C // Paris, France = 20°C // Lisbon, Portugal = 22°C // *MAYBE* i think this has something with colonialism and not with temperatures.
@samiru6521 Күн бұрын
don't know about research. But if you just a bit of knowledge about countries around the world, you would find that colder countries are richer than the hot countries. And for myself I feel much more productive in winter. I can just put a blanket or wear warm cloths to keep the body temp at a comfortable level, but in summer it feels like my skin is burning even when Im inside the house. how would you expect me to study or work well in this situation?
@MS-np2nf Күн бұрын
no one discusses the fact that a lot of these hot countries just got horribly and brutally colonized.
@julienboyer Күн бұрын
They were colonized because they were poor, not the other way around.
@innosam123 Күн бұрын
@@julienboyerYeah, ask the Chinese, who mostly live in temperate areas.
@drmodestoesq Күн бұрын
Finland got colonized and ethnically cleansed and extorted from. How is Finland doing today?
@BrightWendigo Күн бұрын
@@innosam123Asia Colonized all of the Americas loo
@buddy1155 Күн бұрын
In hindsight long colonised countries are better off as not or short colonised countries. Colonisers left those countries with harbours, roads, rail network, factories, administrative buildings, language knowledge, education and medical facilities and legal and political frameworks.
@BaRa-cy9uw Күн бұрын
no Egypt was not a hot climate that time when ancient great civilization emerged the global warming happened all time
@HighMojo Күн бұрын
If hot and cold are really the determining factors, then try this thought experiment. Switch the people from the cold regions and hot regions. Will the whites become more indolent and the black/browns more industrious? There are Africans in both the US and Europe. There are/were Caucasians in South America and Zimbabwe. Hot and cold are environmental factors. How people react to them is the determining factor for whether they are poor or rich.
@psikeyhackr6914 Күн бұрын
*Winter is Coming!!!* For how many centuries did people living in northern latitudes know this? For how long did they know that they would have to figure out how to survive the coming winter and prepare? So to what degree did this become an ingrained part of their psychology, culture and social organization? So when Europeans spread around the world, did they take their social psychology with them? .
@M43782 Күн бұрын
@EpilepticHouseplant Күн бұрын
Central Air: Savior of Nations and City-States, or Bane?
@mgithaiga1 Күн бұрын
In a perfect world, every single part of the world would be on the same level of economic development, and we would finally bridge the divide between rich and poor take Los Angeles for example West Hollywood and South Central are only 30 minutes apart but light years apart in development.
@adamgray4768 20 сағат бұрын
Please put your videos on nebula
@Game-dw5gg 23 сағат бұрын
now do a analysis of does more religious countries make economies poor and less educated.
@sebastianprimomija8375 Күн бұрын
Because its hot
@michaelmayhem350 Күн бұрын
Tldr: it's because AC is expensive
@khmerspirit3351 Күн бұрын
Desert regions: middle est, part of africa, part of U.S.A. Tropical regions: South east a Asia, central Africa, all equator regions...all of those tripical are doing OK. Desert regions like middle East and U.S.A are hot but some are riches. Cold region: Antactica, Actic, Green lane....even human couldn't survive there because? Extreme climate. Why rich? I think colder region are more smarter, cunning, more stratergies how to prepare and CONTROL the THE WORLD.😢😢😢
@answerman9933 Күн бұрын
What about Singapore?
@isaacchai5660 5 сағат бұрын
Due to the invention of Air-Conditioner.
@gohengsan1603 5 сағат бұрын
Don't gloat over the success and wealth of Singapore inspite of the hot climate there. They were extremely fortunate to be located right in the middle of the busiest shipping shipping lane of the world and benefitted greatly from the legacy of British rule earlier. If you can transplant the island and all its people together with their air-conditioners to somewhere near Fiji I can bet that they would still be fishing and plucking coconuts for a living today.
@Omer1996E.C Күн бұрын
Thank you VE, as this actually doesn't make enough sense. These explanations to what many people think to be true Hotter regions receive more energy from the sun and have more equal day-night times, which are factors that brings prosperity. But forget about this South africa is poorer than North African nations, despite being cooler, Highlands of Ethiopia, which has similar temperatures as western USA, with a population of +65 million, but is still one of the poorest countries. Russia isn't any better than Australia. Civilizations started in what we consider hot regions. Plus, cooler countries spend more on heating, thus wasting money, so they aren't actually anh better in spending, perhaps even worse costs Saying that cooler nations are richer just because they are cool is a hoax.
@AbhishekSingh-jf7co Күн бұрын
his whole channel is useless, but i love to listen his propaganda and his ridiculous knowledge on economics with popcorn, this channel knows nothing see previous videos u will understand why!
@hououinkyouma1458 Күн бұрын
@@AbhishekSingh-jf7co yeah china could learn a thing or two from this as to how to make propaganda sound so fun.
@ashutoshpandeyz4508 Күн бұрын
This guy is british guy, he is an anglo saxon, he see everything with british lense , don't waste your time on this channel
@themacunion105 Күн бұрын
Answer = Malaria
@jackbrown8735 2 сағат бұрын
because of melanin
@Africaladyy 3 минут бұрын
What has melanin to do with??
@hamzanouali6051 Күн бұрын
Because you can't be white under the sun. It's a joke, don't downvote pls
@alcibiademusumeci828 Күн бұрын
California Is very hot but is likely the richest country in the world in terms of GDP per capita and productivity.
@mbathroom1 Күн бұрын
california was settled very recently by peoples whose origins did not come from there and where air conditioning is abundant
@alcibiademusumeci828 Күн бұрын
@@mbathroom1 air conditioning is spread all over the United States pretty much equally, but Nevada, who is next to California, is one of the worst economic performer in USA. The same if you consider Alabama and Florida. The point you make about people who come from far places is about genes, that of course is bs, or I don't know what your point is. If the hot climate is a relevant variable we would observe people coming from colder places arriving in California and becoming poorer, which is not the case, and also observe the same level of richness in Alabama, Florida, California, north of Mexico and so on, and again is not the case.
@chinesesparrows Күн бұрын
​@@alcibiademusumeci828 California is not "very hot" its generally plesantly warm and humid all year round because its next to a massive ocean. Inland deserts land had large temp differences betwen day and night, and drier. Same as in Africa.
@chinesesparrows Күн бұрын
​@@alcibiademusumeci828 Just look at the population distribution in Africa and the middle east. People generally live close to water than inland.
@alcibiademusumeci828 Күн бұрын
@@chinesesparrows so, what's the point?
@nydydn 15 сағат бұрын
The first time I went to a country in the tropical region, I had the exact same realization. I was there doing business, and I was obviously used to the regular 8 hour work schedule. I noticed that basically nobody was working mid-day. Many would have considered the people there lazy, but I didn't feel like working either, and I knew I wasn't lazy. So, it dawned on me that yeah, they'll never achieve the productivity of a northern country if they work about half as a northerner. On the other hand, I also adapted there, and I have to say, life wasn't bad sipping fruit juices for half a day, every day. I am pretty sure I literally recovered my sanity for the month I've been there. That made me think that the humanity should just declare the tropics the holiday/retirement region, and invest the money made in the Northern to improve that region. Also, people from the tropics should be invited to work in the North, and holiday/retire in the tropics. I am talking about hundreds of years plans, not something that could be achievable during our lifetime, but that's, I believe, the direction we should be striving for.
@mbathroom1 Күн бұрын
Incredible video. Every other video on this topic is super simplistic and only gives one or two reasons while blaming either society or the individual when there is so much
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Kenya Mombasa🤣
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