I’m planning my own version of Vs Mouse. Remember, this is only the demo version. The demo will go like this: Disk 1: Welcome (Pumkin Remix) Unsettled (My Own Remix) Dangerous (Remake) Crisis (Rae-Mix) Disk 2: Oxidize (Mendax Song) Interference (Saster Mix) Musophobia (2.1 Mix) Labrat (SansPZSG Mix) Disk 3: (Rookie the Joyful Mouse) Disappointment (My own version) Tragedy (My Own Version) Injection (Suicide TMD Remix) Happy Ride (AYOP-MODS-OFC Remake) Insanity Suicide (Insanity Funny Remake) Disk 4 [Rumored Mouse] Negative Thoughts Delusional Rage Last Sight Minigames: Sky Fallen The End Mascot In The Rap Abandoned Skiposting [Maus] Doggydogus TTS Battle Goodbye [Mickey Mouse]