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@chakshunma3758 Жыл бұрын
@Mwy121 Жыл бұрын
@@chakshunma3758settings>Apple ID> subscriptions
@georgeyeung8374 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for recommending "The Bad Sisters". Just watched the first two episodes - rather funny actually. I can relate the dead husband to some real person who has managed to remain the focus of current American politics. Incidently, "The Bad Sisters" is an Irish rather than a Brit comedy. The Dublin accent is really quite refreshing.
@jesskwan5912 Жыл бұрын
多謝steno and faye。 其實聽唔明係好正常,香港人聽香港人講野都有時唔明啦。最緊要唔怕醜,唔好覺得自己好有問題,大膽啲叫人重複一下。我係newcastle, 要重新聽明Geordie口音,學佢地既用語,一啲都唔容易;但係一直local 人都好幫忙。多聽多講就係啦。
Thank you! Your team is really great! My experience is “never stop your learning curve”. I am 63 and got a job working in a HS2 canteen as a kitchen porter which I encountered many people daily, even those it is very busy some of the time but I still very happy to get along.
@yungann3107 Жыл бұрын
Im 60. I really want to move England.But I afraid of job seeking and langusge barrier. I m so despression. Thank you for your sources to learn English.
@siuhungchan8745 Жыл бұрын
@@yungann3107 No need to panic or afraid of anything, just moving forward and you will find something new and interesting. Life is hard but just do the best you can then thing can be sorted out. You don’t know what happened next but as long as you are breathing you need to do something both for yourself and your family. 共勉
好多謝 Stevo 和阿菲時常用心分享不同學英文的方法🤓🙏。睇咗你們較早前條片,我已經將自己手機轉咗做英文模式,有時會睇 English with Lucy,最近也報讀了 online English course,上了幾堂,感覺自己無咁怕講英文,有時會諗吓如何用英文去表達/形容某些東西,例如講這兩天打10號風球。。。我沒有學習語言的天分,學習語言也需要恆心,希望能夠一點點的令自己進步啦😅。 其實我唔太喜歡睇英文電影(怕追字幕),不過我都想睇阿菲介紹嘅 Hijack,謝謝介紹 😊🙏。
Thank you very much for you guys sharing..very encouraging...!🎉😊
@tonypoon7779 Жыл бұрын
😂❤你哋引述comment 同講foot 那一部份已經on point 但之後不知不覺跟主流陣係提議边D好支源 (学英文过程最有趣地方係每個人都came across 不同年代 嘅tv programme 不同嘅ig 或Facebook 嘅啟發 ) 🤭 我係睇 sex and the city 学英文的 what I learnt from every clicking moment 係自己睇和講變得好融和 依家已經去到一路聽人用廣東話讀聖經 而自己卻会用英文去跟住对方讀
@tonypoon7779 Жыл бұрын
請search 廣講聖经呢個 channel
@vvfung0623 Жыл бұрын
Love what you recommend , Elsa apps is good does any free apps like Elsa ?
@pixmation-h3t Жыл бұрын
Slow Horses on Apple TV+ with Gary Oldman, highly recommended.
@JessicaCheung16 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing!
@kayanleung6430 Жыл бұрын
Nice sharing, make me remind 沙灘英文的長短讀法好難分😂
@tonypoon7779 Жыл бұрын
Exactly ,,, 💕👍
@peggychan345 Жыл бұрын
Peaky Blinders! Irish!
@jenwong5494 Жыл бұрын
Peaky Blinders are Brummies, not Irish. Cillian Murphy is Irish though.