Warhammer 40k Do we want Pariah Nexus?

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Hyperspace Hobbies

Hyperspace Hobbies

Ай бұрын

Steve and Ian talk the new 40k mission pack, what's the major changes? is it needed?
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@austibon Ай бұрын
Im surprised it wasn't talked about how some armies are currently strong with just their battleline. Tsons and Wardogs for example. They could be massive contenders in the new meta
@hyperspacehobbies Ай бұрын
Ya, the armies' with elite battleine might have the advantage, Until the wardog or Tsons squad HAS to do an action and forgoes shooting and cant charge, then its a negative part of elite infantry. the description on what an "action" means is going to be important.
@SumsieBun Ай бұрын
I think Tyranids would get better slightly here. Unending swarm lists where battleline makes up 80% of your army will be even more stacked above the other detachments
Ай бұрын
​@@SumsieBun There is a chance though that OC zero units can no longer do the new actions and that would effect Tyranids quite a lot.
@godslilbastard Ай бұрын
Still thousand sons though, tzaangors are battleline and we're seeing more 20 man units led by a tzaangor with the umbralefic crystal enhancement for screening and point scoring already, now it might be an auto-include
@SumsieBun Ай бұрын
I agree but that would affect biovore cheese. Battleline buffs might make up for it somewhat. Do you think itll make biovore obsolete? Its shooting is pretty garbo
@catherinedalzell3183 Ай бұрын
The secret missions might work out for weak and beginner players. I (a weak beginner) got into a situation where I was move blocked by a chaff army. I ultimately tabled the guy but still lost to insufficient primary. Getting a character on the opponent's home objective is also the kind of thing that regularly happens with beginners where units just wander all over the place. I'm not saying the secret missions are a good idea, but they could benefit some people.
@hyperspacehobbies Ай бұрын
That's a good point, and I think along with that, in smaller games like 1000 points they might play really differently.
@Adrian-nv8qj Ай бұрын
Steve I just watched your Salamanders match on play on tabletop and you actually won, Adrax Agatone halves the OC and they owe you some victory dice!
@hyperspacehobbies 29 күн бұрын
@legatusnavium7060 Ай бұрын
Secret missions look great. From several youtubers I see people really misunderstand "unbroken wall"- This is really good in my opinion. I have tabled my opponents and still lost the game on several occassions. There are a number of armies that rely on early high pressure to prevent their opponent from moving onto objectives and scoring primaries. You need to beat them down in order to be able to move beyond your deployment zone, but when they can`t uphold the pressure the army collapses. However, if it`s already turn 3 and you don`t have any primary VPs it can be very hard to catch up. Secret missions and "Unbroken Wall" would have given me the game on at leat two of the games I`ve had the last couple of months.
@hyperspacehobbies Ай бұрын
Awesome! this is what we like to hear! sounds like GW has found a decent balance with the secret missions. Making the call on turn 3 is hard to do, especially if your going first turn 3 and have to make the early call.
@mistformsquirrel Ай бұрын
Secret missions are like: "Hey... Have you tried just winning the game instead of losing?" And you, the player who was already losing is like "??? The heck do you think I've been trying to do??"
@hyperspacehobbies Ай бұрын
Hilarious, and I 100% agree, It is possible to do these outlandish quests but its so difficult.
@icholi88 Ай бұрын
I love how many mental gymnastics they have to do to avoid a Force organization chart... Just bring it back guys you can even adjust its power by having different formations make specific units count as troops or extend their Heavy support or Fast attack slots.
@KjaOReilly Ай бұрын
Great as ever gents !
@spacemarinesteve6057 Ай бұрын
Thank you!!
@jprovorse4159 Ай бұрын
Oh shit that name graphic is🔥
@hyperspacehobbies Ай бұрын
YA! it took me forever to make but I had a vision.
@chrisprime7767 Ай бұрын
I remember when in 9th edition, they'd release the new chapter approved every few months, it was such a mess, I hated it. The entire game changed like 3 times a year. I'm glad we had leviathan for a year now, and now we get a new mission deck, to me this is the perfect cycle.
@hyperspacehobbies Ай бұрын
100% agree, just enough time with the old deck to not got bored with it.
@spacemarinesteve6057 Ай бұрын
I 100% agree. This is definitely the right amount of time!
@chrisprime7767 Ай бұрын
I think some factions just have really good battleline units, others have horrible battleline units and that will be a huge problem for some of us. If I think about Intercessors, I would never run more than 1 unit and then there are for example ork Boyz, which are fantastic in certain Detachment. Overall, horde armies I think will shine in the next mission pack.
@hyperspacehobbies Ай бұрын
That might be true, its going to be a big hit if your 20 man ork boyz squad has to forgo shooting and charging just to complete an action. so sometimes having the little battleline units can be better.
@chrisprime7767 Ай бұрын
Yeah, I'm just thinking running like 2 or 3 Intercessor squads, that would be around 200 pts that can literally only do actions and next to no dmg or other things. Boyz are at least a pain to kill now with the rules they got, and they clap in combat if needed. I wish scouts or the phobos Marines were battleline, that would help a bit I believe. I also don't know a whole lot lol, just my 2 cents from playing SM for a while now
@XHobbiesPrime Ай бұрын
6 max units of Heavy Intercessors! 60 chonky battleline. It could finally happen. 60 Heavy Intercessors. 3 Redemptors and 3 Apothecary Biologis! Let's go! 😁
@Tyke-Myson Ай бұрын
I am personally very, very excited for a shake up. Leviathan was fun for the first like, 5 months, and then I was kinda burnt out.
@hyperspacehobbies Ай бұрын
Ya! I wasnt yet bored with this card pack, but a new one sounds great, really going to stir up the meta.
@percymacdonald6657 Ай бұрын
The secret missions seem doable with the right army. Taking your opponents home objective with say, an autarch wayleaper seems very doable.
@hyperspacehobbies Ай бұрын
Ya I think that one can benefit a lot of armies. Plenty of speedy or deep strike Warlords out there.
@Tankshock55 Ай бұрын
The one meme thing I'm thinking about with the battleline units for Space Marines is taking Heavy Intercessors and putting them in strategic reserves since if their points don't changed you can have a brick of 10 come out. While not a lot of firepower, having T6 with 3W can be a bit more of a mid-field thing to shift if your opponent isn't expecting it and especially if they can get on an objective and get the bonus to their save against damage 1 weapons.
@Onkel_Ranger Ай бұрын
Tabling the opponent and capturing all no man's land objectives while still losing could happen, i.e., against Sisters or Tyranids. Very strong in the primary game by trading units so the model count is low at the end. But very matchup-dependent indeed.
@hyperspacehobbies Ай бұрын
Good call, that seems to be the one people are talking about as the most doable, I just think if by turn 4-5 you might have enough to table your opponent, you could just be on the objectives anyways. Get the same amount of points . most turn 5's you can score big on primary if you opponent is tabled, usually 15. and you'd have to make that call on turn 3 which is the real difficult part, and also handicapping your primary score. its hard to wrap my smooth brain head around but i think soon we will have the experience to clarify it all up.
@Onkel_Ranger Ай бұрын
@hyperspacehobbies8400 Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. It's definitely better than the Gambits. 👍 The "take objectives" rule at the end of the game also kind of favors battleline units, while it isn't clearly stated on the card like it is in the mission rule examples. If the opponent gets an early hold on the objectives with their elite units, you could, in theory, gather behind the line of sight with battleline units and drown the objectives with OC2 units on the last turn. Especially if you have the bottom of the turn. :D
@trevorbailey1101 Ай бұрын
With regards to the secret mission to table my opponent. I was in that situation last game. Orks got an early lead. Kept me off the objectives first couple of turns, and some not great secondary cards. However, I was withstanding their attacks and had almost wiped the orks out by end of turn 3. Orks player was up around 10 pts, and again secondaries werent going to help. I could table them by end of turn 5, as by then they were down to some looters and burner boyz. That secret mission would have put me 5 points ahead by the end of the game. Admittedly, it wont be worth doing a lot. That game was hindered by me not being able to drop down on an objective from deepstrike. Also my one fully healthy squad was too far away and couldnt get onto the enemy home objective intime.
@hyperspacehobbies Ай бұрын
Awesome! loving these gambit stories.
@Kal-hg1hi Ай бұрын
This is my take for gambits, after turn three losing player and they have to be losing makes the last effort they select one objective in no man’s land and they have to try to control that objective by the end of the game if they are below 20 points in primary and they have control of the objective at the end of the game they score 25 points 20 points of primary or more than they can only score 20. They get to choose one second for the rest of the game and it has to be a secondary multiple rounds so if you’re tactical, you’re kind of switching over to fixed and if you’re already fixed, then you kinda have a list already cater to that so that’s probably part of your game plan anyways.
@marauder340 Ай бұрын
They could have specified things like Deploy Teleport Homers or Cleanse-type actions as "Mission Actions" instead of just "Actions" for better clarity.
@hyperspacehobbies Ай бұрын
Hmmm I like this "mission action" Idea a lot.
@trentraber6921 Ай бұрын
I'm curious to see what the fixed objectives are. If they are not battleline dependent, then people will just take fixed and continue to play the skew lists that everyone is playing.
@hyperspacehobbies Ай бұрын
ohh that's an interesting point. if there will be a big difference with fix vs tac.
@SonicBoomBmx Ай бұрын
I also had a lot of games where I play against Custodes and he holds the middle for 4 turns but by the end I table him and can hold the middle at the end of the game. I see play in secret missions. Tau doesn’t even have to play primary and just shoot from safety and get the points later.
@seanscanlon2000 Ай бұрын
I am excited for new missions I've always built with troops battleline what ever they wanna call it. So for me it won't be a negative impact I was already fielding those units😅😊
@hyperspacehobbies Ай бұрын
ya same, at least taking a few, in each game I play. I wonder if ill have to take more...
@cameronwoods-reynolds4793 Ай бұрын
Bebop the Great Unclean One!!
@hyperspacehobbies Ай бұрын
@kingoglow2186 Ай бұрын
Will the emphasis on battleline change the list building for armies at all? Will it heavily alter SM Ironstorm lists?
@hyperspacehobbies Ай бұрын
I know i will lean my lists towards battleline, maybe not a lot at first but just to test it out. some armies can get away with loads of quality battle line stuff.
@spacemarinesteve6057 Ай бұрын
I think that it will. Ironstorm Space Marines relies pretty heavily on dealing damage, however that makes sense right now when the primary and secondary missions are fairly passive - you really just need to be standing somewhere. However! If you need to be standing somewhere or doing something with a specific kind of unit, regardless of how violent your list is capable of being, you'll still need to score points. Even if you just include one or two battleline units, it's still probably worth the inclusion
@thecasualwargamer5195 Ай бұрын
I'd have just preferred an update card pack rather than a full new deck. However, if this makes players field more battle line units, I'll be happy. It feels wrong that so many armies on the tabletop don't bring the traditional Troop choices.
@tribaldragonn Ай бұрын
Is 10th edition strong enough to lasts longer than the other ones have? would these mission packs help the life of it? As a very causal play (maybe a game every 2 months) it would be nice to see something that has some legs to it.
@JamboJLB Ай бұрын
You mentioned about allowing units that isn’t typically battleline to become it like the white scars one.. but I don’t see it in the rules for it? I am looking on the app as I don’t have my codex on me, where is that written? You mention it at 2:48
@chrisprime7767 Ай бұрын
It's actually the dark angels, ravenwing Detachment, I don't know what the actual name for it is. They get to turn outriders into battleline
@JamboJLB Ай бұрын
@@chrisprime7767 ah thank you, explains why I couldn’t see it
@SaiBowen Ай бұрын
Chaos Knights are gonna go buckwild. Right now my entire 2k list is Battleline...
@hyperspacehobbies Ай бұрын
OH dang! thats insane! it might not be the best when one of those expensive units has to do an action and forgo shooting/charging (if that is how actions work now) though having the option for a full and effective army to be batte linet is mega strong.
@ThingoftheDeep1 Ай бұрын
I would for sure take bulbasteve as my starter
@hyperspacehobbies Ай бұрын
He just TRASHES the first few gym leaders.
@trevorbailey1101 Ай бұрын
The reason they wont rename Chilling Rain to Sunny Day is because they are based in Nottingham. Sunny Days are very rare 😉
@hyperspacehobbies Ай бұрын
@spacemarinesteve6057 Ай бұрын
Hahahahaha, totally!
@jprovorse4159 Ай бұрын
Welcome to the desk, GU Bebop. Birds aren’t real.
@hyperspacehobbies Ай бұрын
The earth is flat, Birds are Drones.
@kenjacobsen9386 Ай бұрын
Whew! Glad my 6x20 Ork Boyz will be more effective
@hyperspacehobbies Ай бұрын
MORE EFFECTIVE!?! have you had trouble with them being *gulp* ineffective? the new green tide detachment can make regular boys an absolute terror.
@kenjacobsen9386 Ай бұрын
@@hyperspacehobbies Yeah, but my opponents still score Primary sometimes. Can't have that! ;)
@SumsieBun Ай бұрын
I like more battleline support, I hate secret missions
@hyperspacehobbies Ай бұрын
Oh that's an interesting way to do gambits. and the new secret missions will have something around that effect, instead you'll have to hold all the no mans land objectives. Difficult to do but fair, especially if your going second on turn 3.
@piotrjeske4599 Ай бұрын
I wonder how it is going to work for armies that don't have good battle line or can't fit more then one squad of battle line in to a 2000pts. Or what if you play a DW terminator army and GW decided to just not give you battle line terminators for reason.
@hyperspacehobbies Ай бұрын
Well if your playing all DW Terminators you might not have a problem haha. But you may want to bring some rank and file guys just to do silly actions.
@RFischer Ай бұрын
The problem with terrain is not GW's layout. It is what the Grand Tournament Organizers (Not GW Organizers) make up on their own. No where in the core rules or Leviathan Mission Pack will you see a rule that ruins do not have open windows on the first floor. And many TO's use third party terrain that has no windows at all. This skews the game in favor of melee in my humble opinion. I know those organizers think the game is inherently skewed toward shooting. Some armies like Guard have nothing but shooting so they really are impaired in such events.
@Reaver102 Ай бұрын
Not having windows closed skews the game to shooting. You're not going to win either way.
@luckyskaven13 Ай бұрын
Tyranids crying in "my battle line units are all t3 5+ or 6+ save.
@Meako92 Ай бұрын
Tyranids laughing when theres 120 of them though
@luckyskaven13 Ай бұрын
@@Meako92 until you want to pay anything but endless swarm and get tabled anyway, giving up half of the gambits
@hyperspacehobbies Ай бұрын
Nids are in a tough spot for sure, they do have fast moving an disposable battle line which CAN be effective. but the squishiness of those bugs makes them hard to keep around.
@luckyskaven13 Ай бұрын
@@hyperspacehobbies yeah. I'd just figured out a way to be relatively competitive without playing endless swarm. I'm hoping I can do the same in the new pack.
@sweetboygreeny3855 Ай бұрын
I think you probably wanna take the secret missions in certan cases: If there's a mission like take & hold, where you get 5 per point you hold, up to 15 per turn. If you got denied turn 2 and 3 the primary, or even a little bit of it and you only hold 1 objective on the 2nd and 1 on the 3rd battle round, you can only score 40 primary in total anyways. Therefore you can just opt to "just" hold your home objective and satisfy the other condition for the secret mission. That's probably easier than playing the objective game on. 40 points are still a lot.
@hyperspacehobbies Ай бұрын
There are situations where it will come up, and the ability to actually choose the mission, means you can almost tailor your list towards completing some of them.
@SumsieBun Ай бұрын
In certain armies I think secret missions make for an easy uncounterable win. Especially super shooty factions like guard and Tau can just sit back at home, shoot you to death and then aren’t even punished for not playing objectives. They get 40 primary for free
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