Watching THE LAST OF US for the first time! ( Episode 3 ) [ BLIND REACTION ] *never played the game*

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Kelsea's Comments

Kelsea's Comments

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#Reaction #Review #Commentary #FirstTimeWatching

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@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
Apparently I didn't word my "my opinion doesn't matter" discussion too well lol. All I meant is that I know what it feels like to have a story you love so much adapted to a new medium and while shows should absolutely be able to stand alone and be enjoyed for what they are separate from the game/source material, I just wanted to make it clear that I wholeheartedly respect people have cared about this story long before I even heard of it and first and foremost I do hope that those who played the game are satisfied by the adaptation in the end. I would rather the established fans of a story be happy with an adaptation than not. But that's because I know how shitty it feels when adaptations aren't done well.
@blairhaffly1777 Жыл бұрын
I prefer the reactions of people who haven't played the game. I don't find the comparisons to the source material interesting and I've played the game. Reactors like you are able to experience the show as a stand alone work. You won't lose immersion because of some deviation from the game. Anyway, I'm enjoying your content, thanks.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
Glad to hear that!!!
@Allyphant2909 Жыл бұрын
I think, if anything, it matters more that someone who isn't invested in the games (yet) is happy with it. The purpose of the show is to introduce this story to people who might not be into games, or into the type of game that TLoU is, or whatever the reason is they haven't played it. For those of us that already know and love the game/s, we have the games. It is great if we also come to love the TV adaptation (and I think it is great but still love the games much more) but the TV adaptation is more about bringing the story to a new audience who may or may not (although I would hope they would) go on to play the games, too.
@chimaxx Жыл бұрын
I played the game, and before it came out, I identified five pivotal moments that make up the spine of the story that they had to get right and stay close to the game narrative in order for it to be the same story. They were the essential spine of the story. I'm writing this comment after the series finished--and they absolutely nailed them. The first was the first 15 minutes of the game--which was essentially the truck journey up to Sarah's death in episode 1. The second was the final night and morning with Henry and Sam (end of episode 5). The third was the argument between Joel and Ellie in Jackson ("Everyone I've ever cared about has either left me, or dies. Except fucking you.")--they moved the location but the scene was the same in episode 6. The fourth was the encounter with the giraffe: That encounter with random natural beauty was such an important late moment in the narrative. Finally, the final conversation between Joel and Ellie as they near the final return to Jackson. My thesis was, if they got those moments right and stayed true to the character relationships, then they had plenty of room to change up story and incident elsewhere. They absolutely did, and I was completely satisfied by this adaptation--actually thrilled.
@dlweiss Жыл бұрын
Your opinion absolutely matters! It's just coming from a different perspective than the opinions of people who know the games. But it's still an opinion informed by emotion, thought, and your experiences with every other story you've consumed in your life. Even if we disagree with your opinion on a piece of art - it's art! It's supposed to garner different reactions from different people! That's what makes it art, and not math. :)
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
Thank you!!
@kylereese4822 Жыл бұрын
@@KelseasComments The kiss is no different to a bite the Cordyceps just need a host to invade/control, Also they can communicate too, Tess`s Fungus was talking to the the guy`s Fungus thus total body control was by the Fungus not the humans...
@ethidian3444 Жыл бұрын
@@KelseasComments Every adaptation is also a singular piece of art. You don't need to read/play/watch some source material to have an opinion on something that you just read/played/watched. At the end of the day, they are two separate works. People who obsess over source material purism are misguided and can't process things healthily.
@ethidian3444 Жыл бұрын
To go further, if someone is a source material purist to the extent that they cannot experience something new, they should just stay away from all remakes. And that's fine. But that's not what happens. They try to dictate their opinion as some kind of objective truth on the matter. They are usually F'd in the head, to be frank.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
@@ethidian3444 ya I should have worded it better but really all I meant was that I truly respect that this adaptation is something that means a LOT to a lot of people.
@redthorne1129 Жыл бұрын
I love the fact that the entire ending to their story isn't tragic, it's just two people being people in a messed up world. You can't argue with their decisions, but that almost makes it hurt worse.
@bayviewr3 Жыл бұрын
Man that letter at the end got me😭Bill asking Joel to keep Tess safe must have felt like a punch in the gut for him to read. It probably reminded of all his past failures. Not just how he failed Tess but also how he failed his daughter all those years ago.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
So true 💔
@Raving Жыл бұрын
What got me was earlier than that. When Bill was wounded and Frank dragged him inside. He asked Frank to contact Joel. That Joel would protect him. By doing so, he was acknowledging that Joel was a friend. Though Bill would never admit it.
@piphead Жыл бұрын
At first I was afraid, I was petrified. Kept thinking I could never live without Bill beside Joel's side. But then I spent so many nights thinkin how I maybe wrong? And I grew strong; And I learned how to get along...
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
So we'll be back! Next week for sure! And we will see how Joel will do what must be done now that Bill's gone! First he lost his only daughter, now his partner and his friends... But he'll survive... HE WILL SURVIVE! HEY HEY!!
@piphead Жыл бұрын
@@KelseasComments encore! encore! 😅😅
@RandomRoger Жыл бұрын
I can clear up the kiss for you. (I think lol) If she had tried to fight or run, that thing would have torn her apart, along with a group of others, not giving her a chance to keep working the lighter. And it wasn't a kiss per se, it was just an infected passing on the fungus through the tendrils. So her just standing there and not fighting was basically her, trying to buy time as she was losing motor function.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
Ok I guess that really does make sense it just didn't translate well on first watch!
@joshgreiner2599 Жыл бұрын
I think it was also/more Tess already being partially being controlled by the fungus.
@RandomRoger Жыл бұрын
@@joshgreiner2599 that as well
@Midna.K Жыл бұрын
@@KelseasComments That infected could sense that Tess was already infected and he "kissed" her to accelerate the process so she could turn faster and join them. That's what happened :)
@Notski Жыл бұрын
It does make logical sense when there's enough thinking behind it. However it doesn't make sense cinematographically, they definitely should've gone with a different approach in my humble opinion. What I mean is that basically any direction they could've gone with could be explained with logic but the "kiss" takes out of the viewing experience by being just a weird out of place spectacle. This is like one of the only things I can think of that I disagree with the showrunners btw :D
@edharlingen75 Жыл бұрын
As a major fan of the game and a new fan of the show, I can say that the game is exactly what it needs to be - GAME PLAY. It wouldn't work for a show. So I love the game for its story and game play but, for the show, THIS was the best thing ever...EVA!!!! I'm in love with the game AND now with the show as well.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
Very very true!! Certain things don't work in both mediums so it makes sense that some things will have to be changed! So far this show has been really enjoyable. I hope they keep it up!
@WEREWOLF707 Жыл бұрын
Of course your opinion matters! As for the kiss, Tess knew she was done, the fungus is reactive, and is always on a mission to spread. Since she didn't move or panic, the fungus (the host/man) didn't have to get violent or aggressive. The whole purpose of the fungus is to spread to as many people as possible and as fast as it possibly can. With that being said, in the first episode, there was a poster in the FEDRA building with the scene of the kid getting euthanized of how fast you turn after being infected in certain parts of the body. The fastest way was through the head (mouth/ears/nose, eyes), which was 15 minutes. That's why in the scene where Sarah walks in the Adlers home, she finds Nana spreading the fungus through her mouth and into Mrs Adlers ear, NOT eating her. When she pulled back you can see the fungus coming out of her mouth (not hair) after she separated from Mrs Adlers ear. So going back to the "kiss", Tess was also on a mission, she knew what she had to do to give Joel and Ellie time to escape and I'm sure she was aware that if she panicked she probably would of got ripped apart. Hopefully this makes more sense lol
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
Makes total sense!! Also I didn't realize Granny wasn't eating her but you're right.. so thanks for pointing that out!
@cherswigmaker Жыл бұрын
TLOU Game player here. Please don’t think your opinion and experience of this story doesn’t matter. I’m more interested and curious to hear the experiences of those who haven’t played the games. Furthermore, this is a tv adaptation of a video game. Cross medium adaptations necessarily need to differ from source material because what works in one medium doesn’t work on the other every time and viceversa. If I were twelve maybe I would’ve wanted the show to be a literal copy and paste of the video game thinking that would please me, but I am over two decades that age and I have realized that no, I don’t want a copy and paste. I only ask that the adaptation doesn’t betray the spirit and core story (at minimum) and hope it enriches my experience of the source material. I think this show and this episode is a perfect example of what I expect from an adaptation. And I say this as someone who came into this episode overjoyed that the previous two episodes had been very faithful and was expecting something similar for this next encounter with Bill, a favorite character of mine from the game. Surprise, surprise. This episode was a mental and emotional twister, so unexpected but exceptionally pleased by how the show creators chose to tell this story.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
That's so exciting that even you guys could get a little surprise out of the story!! And I'm so happy that they're doing such a great job adapting so far!!
@allanasis Жыл бұрын
One thing I love about this version of Bill and Frank's, is they fucking beat the god damn game!
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
@Gabriel_Moline Жыл бұрын
2:27. Bizarre thing to get hung up on. She was infected, was fighting against it to a goal, and when it all came crashing down, she succumbed. With the last function she had, she lit the flame that took her away.
@manic_misfit9722 Жыл бұрын
While I am bummed we didn't get to see an interaction between Ellie and Bill, and that they omitted one of the better sections of the game, trying to pull off that entire sequence within a single episode would have been a near impossible task. Nevertheless, I'm completely satisfied with this beautiful character study of Bill. Excited to see where they take the series next.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
I'm so so happy that even when they've changed something, most people seem to be content or even really happy about the change! Can't wait to see what comes next either!
@WynneL 11 ай бұрын
One of the things that cracked my heart into little pieces was realizing that the song Ellie plays in the car, and Joel reacts to, is the very same one that Bill played on the piano before he and Frank had their first kiss. My vision still gets blurry just remembering the moment it hit me. It's so bittersweetly beautiful. They have no idea of the significance it had...
@KelseasComments 11 ай бұрын
Ya it's such a beautiful call back!!!
@jolieber Жыл бұрын
You could argue that Frank saved Bill just as much, because in reality Bill was not really living. And in came Frank like sent from an angel from above.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
Eh Bill seemed to be thriving. Obviously he was much happier when Frank came but just because he was alone I don't think that qualifies as "not living". I'd certainly not want to live alone for that long but plenty of people could easily be happy on their own and would resent the notion that they're somehow not living. But that aside, I do think Frank showing up was a "I didn't know how much I needed you until I had you" type of thing. Bill may have been happy alone before him but he certainly wouldn't be happy alone without him now. And no matter how content he was before, I do agree that in a big way frank saved Bill. By giving him a purpose as he said. Because no matter how content or happy he was before Frank showed up, he didn't have a purpose driving him like Frank provided.
@jolieber Жыл бұрын
​@@KelseasComments yes, it depends on the individual. Some people genuinely prefer living alone and find it to be a fulfilling lifestyle, while others may initially believe they are content with it, but eventually realize they desire more. As for Bill, he seemed to me like someone of the latter, whom had grown to hate the world out of resentment because he was gay, and wasn't born that way. And even though had become quite apt at making the best out of a shitty situation, reality kicked in hard when he met Frank. But hey, I could be wrong.
@jolieber Жыл бұрын
Also, the fact he decided to join Frank in death shows how little interest he had to live alone again. He was doing "fine" until Frank came there and opened his eyes. Luckily for him.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
Agreed. But, and it may be splitting hairs here, I feel like him not wanting to live alone again is more about not wanting to live without Frank and less about not wanting to be alone. Not sure if I'm making sense there but it makes sense in my head lol. Like I think if we put aside the frank think he still would rather live alone than in one of the communities or something. I don't think Frank changed who he is at his core. Even in his goodbye letter to Joel he says he hates the world and was happy when everyone died. He says Frank gave him ONE person worthy of being fought for and protected. So it really was a "I like Frank but no one else" kinda thing lol! I don't think he loved people in general any more than before Frank. Just, he loved Frank. He was his exception. Anyway, I don't know if any of that made sense but whatever lol!
@jolieber Жыл бұрын
@@KelseasComments Sure, it made sense, absolutely, and I agree because he had a lot of resentment towards the rest of the world because he was different, and felt on the outside, I think. So he built walls against the world until Bill came in and broke himself in. Frank never had the chance to love more people than Bill really, and given another more accepting world for people who are different, he could have been a totally different person. Or not ;)
@raincloud1313 Жыл бұрын
"are they about to become best friends?" yes, bestie 💅🏳️‍🌈
@jonathanross149 Жыл бұрын
At the beginning Ellie was a key for a battery, but he brings her at the end when he has the battery.
@thrummer1953 Жыл бұрын
I noticed.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
@antonykyte8077 Жыл бұрын
Another great episode didn't know this was a game, definitely went in a unexpected direction but Another cracking edit .
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
Ya didn't expect this episode at all but it was so good!!
@rayhutchinson640 Жыл бұрын
Great reaction! It was a bit hard to stay focused on, because I was so busy blowing my own nose! Good thing the cordyceps doesn't spread via tears, or we would keep getting re-infected with every tear-jerking episode!
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
Ya I had a LOT of nasally sniffing and nose blowing to edit out of this video. 🤣😭😭😭😭
@smashbrandiscootch719 Жыл бұрын
Sorry, had to pause a little bit into your intro sooo prewatch comment for the algorithm! Woo! Okay soooo I absolutely adore both The Last Of Us games. Over the past 10 years I have played the first one to completion like 25+ times and the second one 9 times to completion because I love the story so much. I know probably everything there is to know about the games. That being said, your opinion is absolutely valid and matters exactly as much as mine. Does it matter any more or less than mine or anyone else's? Nope. But it does matter the exact same amount. So we have more experience with the subject matter. Pffffft. All That does is make us more annoying in the comments sections. When you watch this, you're still having a whole experience. You're offering a unique perspective. That's why we watch reaction videos. If I just wanted my own perspective again, I'd just play the game again lol. You got this! Okay now I'm back to watch the video lol.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
Thank you!! 🥰🥰🥰
@lisak8492 Жыл бұрын
100% agree, I love seeing people who haven’t played the games with a fresh perspective reacting to the show, and their opinion matters just as much as ours
@ashchbkv6965 Жыл бұрын
it's quite simple imo, tess just wanted to make sure that she stops the hoard of infected from going after joel and ellie, she didn't wanna risk the infected attacking her so she just let them doing their thing instead of resisting because she knew she was already gone. from the infected pov, that's just how they infect and spread the fungus (faster), other than biting obviously, that was simply not a kiss.
@noge_1254 Жыл бұрын
if you liked tess actress' (anna torv) you should definetly check mindhunter out, or fringe, but fringe is longer. she actually has a couple of projects where she play's a saphic if i'm not mistaken.
@iamart8751 Жыл бұрын
I do think that the kissing scene is a foreshadowing of what's going to be revealed later on. My theory is that the infected are sentient. Tess couldn't resist but you can see the great concern in her eyes. She cannot control her body just like ALS patients can't - I also think Frank had ALS.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
Ohhhh ALS ok. I couldn't quite tell! And that's totally fair about Tess! It'll be interesting to see how they tie it in or expand on it!
@Loki_Trickster Жыл бұрын
I think they intentionally used Linda Ronstadt Long Long Time, because she has Parkinson's and has been a vocal Advocate. If you look at his paintings the different ones show a progression in tremors which is more Attributed to Parkinson's over ALS.
@iamart8751 Жыл бұрын
@@Loki_Trickster That would make more sense. But I also think that a part of the reason why they've decided to make Frank that way is that it also has something to do with foreshadowing. I've read from some recent research that the fungi in zombie ants are only affecting the muscles but leaves the brain untouched. In the game, one of the characters asked whether the people are still inside when they get infected.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
@@iamart8751 that's horrifying
@Ladco77 Жыл бұрын
Your opinion matters just as much as anyone else's! I'm really enjoying seeing people's reactions to the show who haven't seen the game. You're coming into it with fresh eyes and not making comparisons to the game. There are a lot of moments put in specifically for the gamers - scenes duplicated shot for shot, word for word - but if the show can enthrall a new audience as much as the game did, that's what's exciting to see. 1:50 About the "kiss," Tess was already starting to have muscle spasms. Her hands were shaking when she was telling Joel to take Ellie to Bill and Frank. I interpreted it as it was taking every bit of her mental focus and self control to concentrate on lighting the lighter as the fungus was taking her over. It really creeped me out as well. 27:42 If you look at the different paintings Frank painted of Bill, you can tell how much his motor function has deteriorated here. Frank decided it was his time to go when he could no longer paint Bill.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
"when he could no longer paint bill." K WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO ME?? 💔😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
@Gabriel_Moline Жыл бұрын
28:24. It’s probably a neurological disorder, like MS. There is a reason why the toilet was in the background when he said it was his last day.
@WorldClassSatanist Жыл бұрын
I love this show
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
@thyagosaints 3 ай бұрын
Your opinion do matter! Great reaction too
@StinkyBuster Жыл бұрын
I totally agree with your opinion on the kiss. The bottom line is that they wouldn't have even thought of doing it if it was a male character dying and I think thats why its weird.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
Totally agree.
@mcfearsun Жыл бұрын
No I agree, the kiss makes sense in retrospect but when I first saw it I was completely thrown off. If the fungus has control of her then she can’t really move but you’re definitely left wondering WHY DID SHE LET HIM DO THAT lol
@JennPaciocco Жыл бұрын
The kiss thing.. I think she let him cuz she didn't want them to freak out and attack her before she got the lighter on
@joshlamont Жыл бұрын
Nah, everyone I know of who's seen that kiss with Tess thinks it was friggin' creepy and weird.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
I'm glad I'm not alone. 🤣
@MultiBlablabla2000 Жыл бұрын
She was bit and instead of infected it was fedra soldiers killed her in a last stand sacrifice.
@0xyc0dwrestling Ай бұрын
yo wtf no, your opinion means so freaking much! Don’t ever think that (but ig i understand)
@matthewcooke3327 Жыл бұрын
I will say I think Tess went down fighting , she was clearly nearly overtaken by the fungus as she didn’t fight back and was following the cordecepts control by letting the othe fungus infect her even faster , however she kept trying to light the place up. That’s how I view it anyway , she was she overrun by this point that she couldn’t stop that but used all her remaining focus to make sure Joel and Ellie survived
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
I get it in theory I just don't think it played out well in the scene at all. Just seemed like they went with a bit of cheap shock factor.
@matthewcooke3327 Жыл бұрын
@@KelseasComments that’s possibly true , I’m not actually sure what would have been a stronger end for Tess , because they could have had her just light the thing when they ran in and end it , which is def reasonable , but we don’t get that final 30 seconds with Tess that shows her determination . In the game it’s very different ending and I don’t wanna spoil it , it may already have been !! But I liked the show better than the game I think , but I think both worked better I. Their own medium , however I do get your point and think the creep factor could have overpowered the moment for Tess as well !! Just watched half your reactions and loved them all btw ! Thanks
@Gabriel_Moline Жыл бұрын
20:43. It’s more like been his entire life to this point.
@blakedsm Жыл бұрын
You and me - same reaction 🤍
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
@doubleexoticokay Жыл бұрын
you have a wonderful laugh (and in the right places).
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
Thank you!!!
@meghanmonroe Жыл бұрын
I always hear reactors say "imagine going 7 years without being touched or having company"...That's not difficult to imagine for me. I haven't had intimate contact, hugs or kisses, in 6 years. I live alone with no friends or family. Sometimes I feel like I'm on the moon. I imagine there are plenty of others like me.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
Oh I'm so sorry! Sending you the biggest virtual hug!!! I know it's not the real thing, but it's all I can do! 🫂
@rop7101 Жыл бұрын
If you could collect everyones tears from this show then you could probably fill a lake lol
@rennijo Жыл бұрын
I think the kiss was just a reminder that these creatures aren't hateful, they're just seeking to survive and reproduce. Also, Tess at that point doesn't have a lot of fine motor control left, she's probably forcing the last of her control to stay on lighting the lighter. I also thought Ellie telling Joel not to blame her for Tess' choices was something Joel needed to hear, because Tess did make her own choices. Tess' choices aren't anymore Ellie's fault than they are Joel's. I think that's why Joel starts being a little more open with her after that, even if he is still fighting his grief and his fear. (Ellie on the other hand, has hardly any fear at all and is mostly rage at this point. No spoilers, but I'm half dreading and half excited for season two.)
@makwabear4078 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. Spot on.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
Ya see that makes total sense!
@kkjhn41 Жыл бұрын
Neil Druckman said just that about the kiss. It was showing that the infected only violently attack when the person is resisting. Think about the timeline for infection, being bitten low on the leg means 12 to 24 hours to turning, the neck and head 5 to 15 minutes. Tess was bitten below the neck on the collar bone, so she probably had 20 to 30 minutes. Which is why after a few seconds on the museum roof to collect herself she was pushing them to get to the statehouse quickly. Once there she was already showing signs that Ellie was picking up on, her actions had become frantic, she was aggressive and angry, totally out of character for the Tess that was the calming reasonable check on Joel's anger. Even Joel noticed this when she snapped at him on the museum roof, but he didn't understand why. When she screamed that home wasn't home and she wasn't leaving Ellie put it all together. Not only did they only have a minute before the runners got there, they only had about that much time left before she turned. Neil also pointed out that she didn't resist the "kiss" because her will was already leaving her. Her attempts to light the lighter were getting slower and she only got it lit as the last of her humanity was draining away.
@sneekz07 Жыл бұрын
In my opinion it was less of a kiss and more like the tendrils probing and speeding up the infection.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
Ya for sure. But it still felt weird for some reason. Idk.
@incantrix1337 Жыл бұрын
@@KelseasComments There was definitely an element of assault and shock value. I felt it was already a solid episode and it didn't really need to go there.
@roleplayer10 Жыл бұрын
I must be the only I person on the planet that doesn't think that the infected kissed Tess. It just looked to me like his mouth got close enough to hers to let the tendril crawl into her
@DanJackson1977 Жыл бұрын
I really dont get the idea that the show should copy the game beat for beat.... what would be the point... you can watch all the cut scenes on KZbin if you want that. This isnt a game, it's a series, It has to change to fight that format. I haven't played the game but I've seen how the Frank story ends up and honestly, they improved it by leaps and bounds here.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
I don't think anyone expects it to be the exact same beat for beat, I just think everyone hopes that the adaptation will do the spirit of the story justice and I get that!! It does sound like they improved this storyline though!! 🙌
@DanJackson1977 Жыл бұрын
@@KelseasComments just based on twitter comments I've seen, theres a vocal minority who are VERY angry that this doesnt replicate the game shot for shot... and it seems to be the same people who scream "WOKE" at anything that threatens their worldview because they dont have a vocabulary beyond the buzzwords they saw on Reddit.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
I'd understand the frustration more if Bill wasn't gay in the game but since he is... Just seems odd. 🤣
@bsharper Жыл бұрын
I played the original TLOU on PS3 (+Left Behind), TLOU Remastered, and TLOU part 1 and 2 . I'm more interested in opinions and reactions from people who haven't played the game and experienced the story. The show is amazing and powerful, and it deserves to be viewed on its own merits.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
That's good to know!!
@that_heretic Жыл бұрын
I'd make the same decision too, but there's no way I'd ask my partner to do that to/with me. If I were able, I'd handle it myself.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
I didn't really see it as him asking Bill to do it with him, more like, can I please spend my last day with you? Which I get. But I also get what you mean when it comes to the holding him while he drifts off part. Like from Frank's perspective I get why he'd want that but also from Bill's I think that's asking A LOT because it would so traumatic for him in some ways. But since Bill decided to go with him it wasn't really an issue. But ya, in theory I would want to give that to my partner but in reality holding someone while they go stiff and cold would just be... A lot. I have very mixed feelings about it all. But if I were frank I would have chosen to go and if I were Bill I would have chosen to go with Frank so I understand both of them.
@that_heretic Жыл бұрын
@@KelseasComments It's a lot to ask indeed. The mixed feeling are no doubt intentional. It was a fantastic episode to a great show so far.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
@jonasking3670 Жыл бұрын
You are not wrong. The kiss was weird.
@YoureMrLebowski Жыл бұрын
0:43 we are ALL just random people on the internet.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
Ain't that the truth.
@IzzyandLuna Жыл бұрын
What do you mean your opinion doesn't matter? It matters as much as anyone else's, gamer or not.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
Ya I didn't word that the best. All I meant is that I know what it feels like to have a story you love so much adapted to a new medium and while shows should absolutely be able to stand alone and be enjoyed for what they are separate from the game, I just wanted to make it clear that I wholeheartedly respect people have cared about this story long before I even heard of it and first and foremost I do hope that those who played the game are satisfied by the adaptation in the end. I would rather the established fans of a story be happy with an adaptation than not. But that's because I know how shitty it feels when adaptations aren't done well.
@MegaHellrasier 8 ай бұрын
14:07 42:41 Nice appearances from the chipmunks i see
@KelseasComments 8 ай бұрын
The true honorary guests of the video.
@Honster6 Жыл бұрын
I dont agree with what you say at the beginning - Opinions of people who didnt play the game matters cause fans are biased with it. Opinions of people that doesnt know game is pure evaluation of how the show is on its own
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
That's totally true! I should have worded it better. All I meant was that I know what it's like to have something you love a lot adapted into a new medium and having to process all the changes made to it while a bunch of new people are all hyped over stuff they don't fully understand yet lol. I just wanted to establish right away that I respect that this is a beloved story and that I do truly want it to be a successful adaptation, which would mean making the existing fans happy I would think. It just makes it more fun to love the show when the people who already loved the story are giving the adaptation a thumbs up ya know? But ya I totally get what you're saying and agree that's a valid perspective.
@coexist617 Жыл бұрын
This episode broke me tbh. Especially the wedding on their last day. I was 13 in 2003 and at the point I honestly felt like a zombie apocalypse was more likely than gay marriage being legalized. I can only imagine how impossible it must have felt for them to find each other after everything. This really was one of the most beautiful episodes of television I've ever seen.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
Wow that's crazy when you put it that way!! But ya, WHAT AN EPISODE. 🙌
@d3monbaby Жыл бұрын
I’m a huge game fan and you are absolutely right about the kiss being weird. It feels very gross to have this happen to only one character and that character is a woman. In the games Tess is extremely capable, brutal and she goes down fighting. It’s my biggest complaint for the show
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
Ya it just felt really fucking gross and weird and didn't even serve the scene well and just... Why??
@BenChanNYC Жыл бұрын
I don't know what the creators of the show said, but after thinking about it, my impression was that the "kiss" was a messed up way of showing us what we might have expected - which is Joel giving Tess a farewell kiss ... or *some* kind of sentimental goodbye and instead highlighted how he didn't do anything. He was closed off and just left, even though there were obviously strong feelings between them.... He said nothing.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
Oh woah. That kinda blew my mind. What an intriguing way to look at it!
@BenChanNYC Жыл бұрын
@@KelseasComments Thanks! This show obviously hits on deeper themes about life and survival and they're not going to spell it out for us. So it's fun to have theories - even if it just enhances my own personal experience of watching it, whether the show intended it or not.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
Totally agree!! And getting comments from you guys that make me see something in a new way is my absolute favorite part about doing this!
@BenChanNYC Жыл бұрын
@@KelseasComments I feel the same about watching reactor channels! I just subbed, so looking forward to watching the rest of this show with you!
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
Honored to have you here and looking forward to it!
@LovelyMagickPegacorn Жыл бұрын
I just have to say, regardless of explanation, especially now that the season is over the kiss was shock value BS. If people wanna believe that it was the fungus, I personally don’t think that’s implied well or much at all. If it was her just not wanting to alert the infected, it was still a choice to have it kiss her instead of anything else
@Nobrr_ Жыл бұрын
You had it bang on, the song at the end of episode 1 signalled a week (ish) after bill and frank passed. Very cool seeing non-gamer perspectives. Really shows that the show can stand on it's own
@jamezguard Жыл бұрын
Lol ignore the gamers and enjoy the show
@ozzell 11 ай бұрын
The infected in the basement and Ellie's reaction is foreshadowing (On many levels. Only some of it revealed this season).
@jonathanross149 Жыл бұрын
I think Frank had MS
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
I've heard stroke, MS, ALS... I have no clue! Luckily they did the story so well it didn't really matter the exact details but I'd be interested to hear if the writers ever confirm anything!
@keithknows1809 Жыл бұрын
It doesn't matter what was in the game, the story should be self-contained without relying on outside information to tell it (this show _did_ do that) and yes, your opinion _does_ matter.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
@Gabriel_Moline Жыл бұрын
8:44. “Don’t mean to be harsh”, and then don’t show her victory……
@chrisberman410 Жыл бұрын
The "kiss of death" was weird to me at first, but listening to the podcast, it made a little more sense. Cordyceps is about harmony and that seemed like the quickest, most non-violent way to spread it to Tess to turn her quicker. It also seemed symbolic because the affection she seemed to be waiting for from Joel as he made his quick exit, she got from that fun guy. Still pretty fucking gross though
@0xyc0dwrestling Ай бұрын
i would say my problem is how they killed tess then mislead New viewers about Infected communicating with each other. First of All Tess was killed by humans, i’m guessing it was a little to early to show human danger in a “Zombie” based show. Second they Didn’t have spores! Leading them to also give us a BS story about how infected communicate. Yet it’s only shown in Episode 2. I guarantee S2 will have spores and not dumb history lessons
@russellpetrie119 Жыл бұрын
one of the better episodes cant believe they made pc game with this story in it must be like 10 hour long game but i am hooked so well done
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
I was so excited to play the PC game!! From what I've heard it isn't really playable yet so that's a bummer but one day I'll experience the game hopefully.
@jerekheadrick3379 Жыл бұрын
The kiss part was super fuckin' weird.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
Ya it hasn't grown on me lol. I still think they fucked up with that.
@davidtestasecca6300 Жыл бұрын
Just be honest. Unfortunately toxic communities are quite popular over this big titles, like in “Harry Potter” or “Lord of the Rings”. They are noisy but we are here for the real you.
@Gabriel_Moline Жыл бұрын
7:29. I don’t like you omitted the tampon joint. That’s a big deal.
@afrodesiac8064 Жыл бұрын
Really the kiss was because it was gross and looked cool on TV lol That's what it boils down to.
@juridico.cirtheus Жыл бұрын
Well, which opinion does matter? I think your does even more then the gamers because you have a pure vision without expectations from other medias, and well you are a person and you matters. I played this game 5 years ago and I remember almost nothing. There is some obcessed people out there who remembers everything but why would their opinion matter more? Nice video, thks 4 sharing.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
Ya that's true! And this is my channel. 🤣 I just know how it feels to have something you love adapted into a new medium and I wanted to establish right off the bat that I respect that this story is beloved to people!
@sweet_misfortune Жыл бұрын
Honestly I just didn't understand why they would choose that as her ending. I felt super uncomfortable watching and couldn't believe they went that route. In the game she is bitten as shown in the show and fights against FEDRA and that's her heroic ending. This ending for her just rubbed me the wrong way and I haven't seen others bothered by it for some reason. Also your opinion is still valid!!
@veera9718 Жыл бұрын
It was weird to me, too! I don't care that they changed it from FEDRA to infected, but I don't know why they needed to give her a gross-out ending with that kiss. I wish instead she had dropped the lighter and reached for one of those grenades before that zombie got to her, and taken them all out that way--no kiss required. Because the other weird thing about that scene was the massive amount of tension they built with the lighter that wouldn't light, when she had just dumped grenades all over the floor.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
Ya it kinda added a layer of assault vibes. I don't know if that sounds crazy or if it's just my trauma talking LOL but it was so GROSS and then adding in the fact that he's just invading her mouth like that.. I don't know it just felt really really gross and weird and I don't think it felt gross and weird in the way that they intended (for me at least.)
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
I totally agree!!! I mean I know the grenades still exploded and helped create that big of an explosion so they weren't totally useless but I would have much preferred her to go out fighting in some way. And I get she was losing function of her limbs.. I GET IT. lol. I just... I don't know. There's so many other options for how that scene could have gone that I personally think would have been more impactful in the way they would want. But oh well. It is what it is now I just am glad I'm not the only one that wasn't totally into that scene.
@grumpyoldman7562 Жыл бұрын
Great reaction! My take on the "kiss of death" was different than yours. It didn't seem anything weird to me. It just seemed that the infected was trying to get the infection into Tess's brain as quickly as possible, and it's a lot faster to go in through the mouth. Disgusting? Yep. Horrific? Yep. But it's a horror show. It didn't seem out of place to me. It wasn't really a "kiss". Overall, I had mixed feelings about this episode. On the one hand, it was a powerful episode, very emotional. And I loved Bill and Frank's bickering. It made their relationship seem very real. On the other hand, the show only has so many episodes, and focusing an entire episode on two characters whose only contribution to the main story was that Joel and Ellie get the truck and some supplies from them seemed like a bit of a waste of an episode. Bill and Frank's story was a good story, but that's an awful lot of time not to focus on Joel and Ellie. I would have preferred half an episode of Bill and Frank and half focusing on our main characters. As for your comment about Joel and Tess living there, I think Frank would have been ok with that, but Bill would have never gone for it. Joel and Tess had constant contact with others, and Bill wanted to be as isolated from the rest of the world as possible. Bill was willing to trade through Joel, but that's it. If Joel and Tess had lived there they would have attracted others to the site. And now that Bill and Frank are gone, I don't think Joel has the technical knowledge required to maintain all of Bill's defensive systems, or his power, hot water, etc.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
I can definitely see your point on a lot of that!! I loved episode 3 but the season did feel pretty rushed overall so ya, seems odd to take an entire episode for side characters pretty much but I still loved it!
@arcticwolf6402 Жыл бұрын
Your opinion matters a lot!
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@Claws_yt Жыл бұрын
In the original game Joel and Ellie do meet up with Bill but Frank is already dead because he got infected and decided to hang himself. This episode added so much more backstory between them. It was a sweet episode but did cause some division. Some people believe they should have kept the original story. I am quite sad they didn't keep Bill alive because in the game he never dies and also Bill and Ellie were a very funny duo in the game, so it was sad not seeing that. I still liked the episode though.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
Ya from what I heard though you don't ever see Bill again in the game anyway though right? So maybe they just thought it was better for him to get to live a happy life with Frank and go out on his terms then make him be heartbroken and lonely since it didn't affect the story either way! I can totally understand having feelings about changes in an adaptation. I really enjoyed this episode though!
@mediamilitia7572 8 ай бұрын
They woke NPC crap!
@KelseasComments 8 ай бұрын
@thrummer1953 Жыл бұрын
This episode was absolutely not true to the Game at all. They threw over a great episode for the sake of gay exposition, and it wasn't necessary. Plus they took away Bill's town, and replaced it with a neighborhood that would have fit in the walking dead better. Weird because episodes 1 and 2 were pretty much spot on.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
Ya sounds like they changed a lot!! I can understand being frustrated about that.
@thrummer1953 Жыл бұрын
@Kelsea's Comments They did. Btw, if You haven't played The Last of Us 1, you really owe it to yourself to do it. You won't be sorry.
@smashbrandiscootch719 Жыл бұрын
Yeah they changed it, but it literally served exactly the same purpose as it did in the game. Joel got guns and a truck. And the show made another section that is mostly gameplay and would have just been another of the million oversaturated zombie chase scenes. And that isn't what The Last Of Us is about. The zombie apocalypse is literally the least important thing in The Last Of Us. It's always just been the backdrop against which they tell real human stories. Just because you're a bigot doesn't make this a bad episode. It is genuinely one of the best episodes of television made in the last fourty years.
@KelseasComments Жыл бұрын
@@thrummer1953 oh I plan on it for sure!! I want to wait until the show is done so the story can be a surprise still but I'll be playing it ASAP once the show wraps lol!
@thrummer1953 Жыл бұрын
@Kelsea's Comments Excellent
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