Water Washable resin sucked | Bad Rant | TNH Tabletop

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@slimjim7411 2 жыл бұрын
I use the water washable just like the normal resin. The only difference is one I don't have to have a cabinet full of isopropyl alcohol to use. However I can see how new people would think water washable means non-toxic and just rinse parts in the sink.
@tnh_group 2 жыл бұрын
Really appreciate your comment and input on this topic. I print a lot with "normal" resin and you don't need a cabinet full of Iso but it is additional cost that is right
@michaelbujaki2462 Жыл бұрын
I did have a hunch that the water based resin might have been safe, but I know how companies like to lie. That's why I checked the SDS. In fact, I always check the SDS on any new chemical.
@emstudio3dprint Жыл бұрын
yeah and you save money, you dont use toxic part liquid
@Hellspawnxxx 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry had to downvote this video, I use water washable resin all the time, it works great. Your video description makes no sense, just because its not properly advertised doesn't mean water washable resin should not be a product. Secondly 3D printers are NOT a consumer product, these things are not found on shelves in Walmart. These are hobbyist and business machines, and I willing to bet that 95% of hobbyist know that water washable resin is not safe and that it's toxic. In fact the comment section in this video kind of proves my point. I think this is a mountain out of a mole hill type video, that could have just been a public service announcement video explaining proper disposal instructions, instead of a click bait feeling title, where like myself and so many other's thought this was gonna be a video based on the validity of the product itself....
@tnh_group 2 жыл бұрын
I thank you for your criticism and will make a follow up video on this topic with a script.
@KitarraChaosWeaver 2 жыл бұрын
I have a severe allergy to alcohol. And by severe, I mean it causes bronchial spasms and my lungs to fill with fluid. Until I heard of water washable resin I pretty much thought that 3d resin printing was never going to be an option for me. The products itself is not to blame, stupid people are stupid people and you can't call a product bad just because people are going to be doing stupid things with it. Very short sighted.
@tnh_group 2 жыл бұрын
I thank you for your comment. I just want to say that IPA or alcohol is not the only washing solution available. You do have to realise that the spec sheet for water washable resin is most of the time worse than most other resins in similar price regions. IMHO manufacturers should educate people more on resin safety and do's and don'ts but they rarely do. There is a follow up video in the making where I explain myself a little more with some more reasoning
@KitarraChaosWeaver 2 жыл бұрын
@@tnh_group I think that is the way of niche interests. You are right the companies SHOULD do more education. But as with a lot of niche hobbies, the problem comes down to individual practitioners. Every hobbyist develops their own processes for disposal and safe handling where there should be proper standards. Those will come with time. As for other washing techniques... If it's not alcohol based washing it still requires chemicals + water. For instance water+simple green. So isn't it better to just use plain water and dispose responsibly?
@tnh_group Жыл бұрын
The question is though if the water is contaminated in any shape or form. Resin is toxic in the end even if the bottle says otherwise. If you don't want to drink it don't pour it down the drain
@KitarraChaosWeaver Жыл бұрын
@@tnh_group That is not the question. Of course it's contaminated. So is the alcohol and the cleaning solution. The question is...what is the proper way to dispose any of it. I would suppose the responsible thing to do would be to print disposal instructions on the bottles.
@Jonas_Fox 2 жыл бұрын
I agree that the marketing is horrible. I was expecting you to tell me why the resin itself wasn't as good of a product compared to standard resins. I use water-based resins which lets me use a half-jug of mean-green to wash my parts for over 3 months in my wash and cure station before needing a change, then I have a small pickle jar of distilled water I use to both water-cure and final rinse my prints, again, I don't need to change that water for months. Nothing ends up down the drain and I recycle everything without having to waste IPA. My parts come out with great detail and very clean. When I'm done I clean my gloves by simply dipping my hand in my mean-green and rubbing my hands up and drying off the excess with a paper shop towel (which also gets hung up and reused over and over.) I'd say that's pretty economically considerate overall and my end product is solid. Maybe the marketing is deceptive or "bad" but I've gotten pretty good results from water-washable resin. From my experience, people getting into the hobby get advice from others, and it's our duty to educate the newer folks on best practices regardless of the product. The product is just a tool. Any tool can be bad or dangerous when mistreated. At least that's my take.
@tnh_group 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment. Water Washable resin is more brittle than "normal" resin but whether that affects you or not is different from person to person. I am happy that you have found a workflow that works for you and that your end product is good. I agree on resin being just a tool and to educate people regardless of the product. I just personally think they could do a better job of telling you not to pour it down the drain. Thank you again for your efforts, I was hoping to get comments like this to further educate myself and others. Good day
@niklaswunsche7186 2 жыл бұрын
Ratio + didn't ask + cringe
@arunoe1 Жыл бұрын
i do the same thing and have had no issues with it
@leichtmeister 2 жыл бұрын
Lo, there is literally no marketing for waterwashable resin being dumbed down the drain. Except for Geeetechs, which is marketed as non-toxic.
@tnh_group 2 жыл бұрын
I am just very nip pickey plus this video was not made with a ton of research
@LeDechaine Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the info. Carima CMYK is also marketed as non-toxic, but harder to find. Haven't even bought a 3D printer yet, but non-toxic resin is an enormous bonus.
@flosa1995 Жыл бұрын
@@LeDechaine Seems like snake oil, the reason the resin cures is also the reason why its toxic Resin cures with UV light, thus its highly reactive, since its highly reactive it also reacts with other things such as enzymes in your body Nature always seeks balance thus the resin wont just say okay I ONLY react to UV light.. but ehh what do I know, just a small salesman
@gavinmillar 7 ай бұрын
Several brands of water washable resin were promoted with images of prints being washed in a sink.
@JordanThreinen 2 жыл бұрын
Should of done this as an educational video on does and dont’s of water washables
@tnh_group 2 жыл бұрын
The thing is that I do not use water washables so I only can provide you with the info that is obvious and that I know. Sorry
@CptnAlpac Жыл бұрын
@@tnh_group Also wenn du dich mit dem Thema nicht auseinander gesetzt hast, dann vllt lieber kein Video machen ^^ Es bietet viele Vorteile ohne die Nachteile. Ipa verliert an wirksamkeit da der Alkohol ja verdampft, das Wasser hingegen verdampft kaum und muss nicht in dem Sinne nachgekauft werden. Außerdem läuft man nicht Gefahr sich selbst zu vergiften oder in die Luft zu jagen. Wenn du einen Unfall mit dem Harz hattest und was abbekommen hast kannst du einfach duschen gehen und musst nicht in ipa baden xD Das Wasser musst du halt genau wie den ipa in die Sonne stellen. Ich weiß aber nicht wo der Eindruck herkommt es sei nicht toxisch.. man ändert schließlich nur das Reinigungsmittel, UV Harz bleibt UV Harz xD Ich denke auch nicht dass man das unbedingt besonders betonen muss, das sollte eigentlich klar sein. Resin printing ist kein Hobby das man auf die leichte Schulter nehmen sollte, aber das ist immer der Fall, egal welcher Drucker oder welches Harz verwendet wird. Bitte nicht als unnützen hate sehen oder so, wollte nur ergänzen ^^
@tnh_group Жыл бұрын
@@CptnAlpac Danke für deine sachliche Kritik. Wie man sich vielleicht denken kann ist das Video nicht mit Recherche usw. entstanden sondern aus eher aus Frust heraus, weil ja das schlechte Marketing hat existiert ist aber weniger geworden. Es wird ein Video folgen, indem ich das ganze Thema einmal aufarbeite und versuche das alles richtig zu stellen. Das Brand- und Explosionsrisiko ist vorhanden, man muss sich aber echt anstrengen das zu schaffen. Ein Nachteil ist leider die schlechteren Materialeigenschaften und man hört ab und zu mal, dass das manchmal mit Wasser nicht so gut gewaschen werden kann. Wenn du willst kannst du mir eine DM oder Mail mit den Sachen, die du benutzt schicken, dann lasse ich das in mein "gutes" Video miteinfließen
@ciovicaalexandru 2 жыл бұрын
Well for some beginners such as myself water washable is the only option cause of the lower odor , i have to use my printer in my room , witch is not ideal i admit and i am well aware of that ( i try to avoid staying in the room while printing and i wear a mask while i do and i ventilate often ) . The lower odor and less material involved make my printer be bearable for my parebts . I have no other remote place to put it , i looked into it and printing in normal resin or tough resins is a no go cause i don t have a ventilation or filter system for my printer and if i print with the window open (witch can only be opened or tilted since i live in Europe ) the ambient temperature drops drastically in winter and spring time . Once i get a dedicated place for the printer i ll try normal resins too but as for now i encountered no problem with water washable elegoo resin .
@tnh_group 2 жыл бұрын
That may be true but in this case I would not have gotten into resin printing. Odors are different from person to person and I print in a 15°C basement so I know how things are here in Europe
@ciovicaalexandru 2 жыл бұрын
@@tnh_group well your points are valid but sometimes hobbies come with sacrifices that need to be made , i like miniature painting so i ll just do what i do till i can improve the circumstances . About the cold temperature however don t you jave problems cause on some resins i see a recomanded ambient temperature of 25° . Do ypu use home kind of heating module for the printer or stock
@tnh_group 2 жыл бұрын
@@ciovicaalexandru totally with you on that. I am currently building a heated enclosure for the resin printers and will show that off in a video once it is ready. Preheating the resin with warm water and the buildplate is also valid
@noway8233 Жыл бұрын
Dont do that ,use yuor printer in yuor room!!!, resin is very tixic ,today yuo gona feel nothing , tomorrow yuo will sick
@ciovicaalexandru Жыл бұрын
@@noway8233 thank you for your concern . I moved the printer a couple of months ago in the cellar with an open window so my contact with it is minimal . I still use carbon filters in it to not stink up the cellar and make sure to use gloves , a respiratory mask and eye protection when i handle and cure the resin/ uncured prints. I also switched to using anycubic bio resin and ethanol as opposed to water washable resin and water ( witch i always brought to a centre for hazzardous waste )
@bronzehighlights9979 Жыл бұрын
I use both and well after a period switched to water washable the quality is perfect... Just easier to wash and u save a lot of time cuz u can wash everything with water lol I strongly reccomend water version
@tnh_group Жыл бұрын
Washing normal resin is easy too an doesn't take that much time either. Also you can recommend what you like I just don't prefer it and there is some marketing gibberish
@omegaomtv 2 жыл бұрын
I got water washable, I am new to this though and it is the first I tried. I figured it would be easier and less cost. I am an environmentalist, so I will not be dumping the water down the drain. I heard some people save the water and dispose of it at a waste management facility. I have been looking for ways to reuse the water by baking it in uv light and filtering out the resin. I do not have a system yet and I am still trying to figure things out. I still have all my water. But I do have a question in regards to alcohol. How do you dispose of that, and or reuse. that?
@tnh_group 2 жыл бұрын
I reuse all my alcohol and just fill it up from time to time because of spills. If you want you can cure the resin inside the alcohol with UV and scoop the goop out that the resin leaves behind. If I would be disposing it I would go to a special disposing facility and ask there. It is also a good thing that you look after the environment thanks for that
@LucaszJazz 2 жыл бұрын
if you leave alcohol in the direct sun for a month or so it should go back to clear and you should be able to reuse it
@tnh_group 2 жыл бұрын
@@LucaszJazz That can work even though it might be really impractical. Ivan Miranda made some tweets about cleaning IPA and how he made it crystal clear again
@Jonas_Fox 2 жыл бұрын
If you need a decent process for water-washable, I laid out my approach above.
@laserclowns8402 2 жыл бұрын
A few days back, I was watching a vid of someone who used an electric water purifier to distill isopropyl for reuse with resin. It's an interesting idea BUT they made no direct mention of the dangers of distilling alcohol (fire, detonation, inhalation -- though they do mention the fumes/smell briefly). Anyway, it should be much safer to distil water but I think, like distilling the alcohol, it will leave resin residue inside the distiller, so there's some clean up involved. Not sure if it's possible to make it easier to clean with maybe a silicon or teflon/PTFE lining -something that would need to be examined in depth. --- As for how I do things, I sit my alcohol on a window sill to cure the resin and run it through a coffee filter for reuse. I still end up with sludge at the bottom eventually, which is later put into a bucket to evaporate into a film.
@krunchy3761 Жыл бұрын
Only downside I've run into with water washable is that the prints seem to be more brittle. Not having to stock alcohol is nice. It's fine if you treat it like any other resin for disposal.
@tnh_group Жыл бұрын
I agree with you but don't mind the alcohol storage personally but the brittleness is a no-no for me
@olivervollmer5950 2 жыл бұрын
The advertising might lead you to think what you just stated. But that only means the advertising is bad - nit the resin. I use water washable resin almost exclusively for the last year and it works perfectly well! And that with the added benefit that I get rid of the whole IPA business with it’s odours and own toxicity. So water washable resin isn‘t bad at all in my book, although the advertising might be misleading.
@tnh_group 2 жыл бұрын
That may be true although I have seen more than 3 posts where the resin itself (or user error) caused some problems
@keithsmodelsandrcs6593 2 жыл бұрын
I agree I don't know how toxic resin can be but once I learned to use my 3D printer as a nube I realised my prints worked out alot better than the normal resin so in fact the smell isn't even half as over powering as the normal non washable resin and I've noticed once i print rinse off jn water then cure piece it does not get all sticky tacky again like normal resin does specially that i mainly only print car pieces like wheels engines
@acespades2171 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with Oliver. I’ve used both water washable and normal Resin, there’s absolutely no discernible differences between the two. The water washable will save you a lot of headache and costs that come with having to use IPA. And regarding the 3 posts that TNH saw, that’s three posts out of possibly hundreds of thousands of uses around the world. I say the margin of error is pretty low
@yourmajesty631 2 жыл бұрын
and what do you do with all the isopropyl alcohol resin mix you are left with?
@tnh_group 2 жыл бұрын
I use a filtering and curing process and then dispose of it as my local hazard disposal person said. I don't have to "throw away" that much alcohol/next to none
@flosa1995 Жыл бұрын
@@tnh_group I dont get why people go with the hassle to go to hazard disposal, any reason to? I just got a 50w 405nm UV LED (12€ from ebay here in germany) and drop that with the contaminated liquid into a container This way I dont even need a heatsink for the LED since the liquid acts as the heatsink and it blasts every bit of uncured resin to the moon and back lol
@tnh_group Жыл бұрын
@@flosa1995 For clarification: I asked there. Haven't cleaned my ethanol in months because it still works just fine
@PaolochazGomez Жыл бұрын
hm.. for me i like the water washable , less spending for Alcohol, plus that Isopropyl Alch. odder is much stronger than the resin, but definitely have to dispose it properly.
@tnh_group Жыл бұрын
You definitely have to dispose of it properly. Just remember that sense of smell is different from person to person as I personally don't mind the smell at all. There is a video in the making that goes over the comments and content of this video explaining everything in greater detail
@d.j.peters 2 жыл бұрын
I got my first resin printer the Elegoo Mars 3 Pro with washable resin in 3 colors all prints I done so fare are perfect and I reduces the layer exposure time down from 2.5 S to 1.8 S !
@tnh_group 2 жыл бұрын
That is good for you. My main point would be that the material strength is not that high compared to other resins that also produce great results. There is a follow up video in the making explaining it all
@Ultimaniacx4 2 жыл бұрын
Horrible logic all around. Most of your problems are with people, not the product, so saying the resin itself is bad doesn't make sense. You say to prove you wrong but you haven't even proven yourself right.
@tnh_group 2 жыл бұрын
I have seen at least a 2 posts of people's water washable resin minis cracking and leaking after a while. Though this might have been user error I have not seen this with standard resin. Opinion does not always follow the best logic and as you might guess: this video was not made after hours of research but in a short while after a brain fart. I will make a follow up video that is better after my break. Thank you for your criticism
@Ultimaniacx4 2 жыл бұрын
@@tnh_group Which part of the video was opinion? At the very beginning you said "We'll be talking about *why they are a ruse and why you shouldn't use them"* then finished with "Prove me wrong". That is not how you frame an opinion, that's how you frame a statement of fact, which requires logic.
@TheLuciano1806 Жыл бұрын
Why did KZbin even recommended it to me while searching for resin printing??? ...
@tnh_group Жыл бұрын
because it is related to resin 3D printing?
@SpriteAndSmite Жыл бұрын
Ich hab das schon richtig verstanden, dass die Qualität nicht das Problem ist, oder?
@tnh_group Жыл бұрын
Ja. Die Druckqualität ist ähnlich bis gleich
@SpriteAndSmite Жыл бұрын
@@tnh_group Okay, vielen Dank!
@luisbustamante5479 Жыл бұрын
I've been a user of water washable for a couple of years now and I gotta say, it is convenient, granted, but mannn are pieces finicky and easy to break, I've ruined prints because of that so many times it made mad and I'm now gonna use ABS like resin.
@tnh_group Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the feedback. I want to do an update on this video and your comment lays out experiences people have. I have my endorsed resin in the video description
@lenniskovgaard8278 Жыл бұрын
May I ask what brands You have used, and what are the best / worst in your opinion?
@luisbustamante5479 Жыл бұрын
@@lenniskovgaard8278 I've only used Elegoo resins
@lenniskovgaard8278 Жыл бұрын
@@luisbustamante5479 😂
@luisbustamante5479 Жыл бұрын
@@lenniskovgaard8278 sorry made a mistake there, just fixed it.
@CptnAlpac Жыл бұрын
Well it's not just "put a mask on and ur fine". This stuff is highly flameable and therefore dangerous. You don't take away the toxicity (and i don't know who said that) but it still takes away the danger of blowing urself up because u wanted to play some tabletop cheap. Sure u still have to get rid of the rest resin properly, but thats the sime with ipa, so i really don't get ur point. Bad advertising, ok maybe but it's still a less dangerous solution with very good results. Btw u can reuse the water after cleaning.
@tnh_group Жыл бұрын
I know of your concerns and you don't have to like this video/opinion (a better one will follow). Yes it is flammable and I know what I'm talking about but I have yet to set flame to the ethanol that I use and you have to put some serious work in to get this stuff to explode. Ethanol/IPA can be reused as well. Just not a big fan of this stuff and some eco resin is advertised as non toxic
@ThomasMasterpiece Жыл бұрын
Just a statement without any facts behind. Also normal resin is toxic and should be cured before puttibg ib the trash. And why should resin which needs to be washed in IPA be better than the water-washable one?
@tnh_group Жыл бұрын
At the time most of the affordable water washable resins had inferior material properties compared to resins that are not water washable
@f8keuser Жыл бұрын
Water Washable resin is bad cause you are not meant to pour the resin water down the sink? Yeah that's the same with normal resin lol.. no matter what resin you use you still need to handle it the correct way.
@tnh_group Жыл бұрын
That is correct. In a lot of advertisements at the time (and I think there are still some) washing under the tap was shown in the pictures of the prodcut pages which is just wrong
@walidkhier Жыл бұрын
So to summarize: water washable resins are bad because some ignorant may think they can drain them in the sink, and because they are expensive? Well, if someone kills himself in a car because he cannot drive is it the manufacturer to blame because he advertised his cars as safe? Water washable resins may be expensive, but did you consider the cost of IPA and the hassle associated with it's use? Frankly, the most superficial review I have ever watched.
@tnh_group Жыл бұрын
First of all: this is not a review and a better more "full" view on that topic will follow. Especially now that I have a partner namely SirayaTech and they make resins. This video is bad. Period.
@walidkhier Жыл бұрын
@@tnh_group This is not a review. This is a bad video. You have a partner..... What are we supposed to get from that?
@tnh_group Жыл бұрын
Why are you angry with people on the internet ?
@walidkhier Жыл бұрын
@@tnh_group Who is angry? Me?? Am I a people hater because I disagreed with your comments?
@nickgerst6483 2 жыл бұрын
baba video. Sehr informativ... denke ich... ich kann kein englisch...
@tnh_group 2 жыл бұрын
Ich auch nicht
@niklaswunsche7186 2 жыл бұрын
Dachte immer Drucker sind nur für papier und so. Aber egal meine Mutter schlägt mich. haha
@yohkodevilhunter8292 Жыл бұрын
2:17 minutes of life wasted.
@tnh_group Жыл бұрын
@mikejones-nd6ni 2 жыл бұрын
Works great for me... i dump it all down the drain no matter what kind it is anyway so that don't matter to me. it all comes down to cost and print quality which are both good
@tnh_group 2 жыл бұрын
Please do not do that, thank you
@mikejones-nd6ni 2 жыл бұрын
@@tnh_group No Thank You
@LeadMuffins Жыл бұрын
Ministry of Resin has some water washable "durable" resin. It's stronger than most normal resins whether water washable or not - and it's reasonably priced - and it prints beautifully. You probably just tried a bad brand or type.
@tnh_group Жыл бұрын
The video I made is bad and uninformed. I'll take a look at the resin you mentioned
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