What Happened At This Furry Convention Is Unacceptable

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@JonasClark Ай бұрын
In 25 years as a furry, I've NEVER seen anything like this happen at a convention by the attendees-- and I was at the (infamous) RainFurrest every year. That con's eventual problems were mostly a cross between the high babyfur numbers drawing attendees who were there just to troll, and convention staff who were afraid of banning attendees lest they upset people. MOST furry cons are, in essence, adult events, in that the dealers' room does offer some porn. But people don't fuck in public spaces, even convention-only ones. This is ridiculous.
@clockwork3494 Ай бұрын
Absolutely, most cons are adult oriented unless otherwise specified with porn banned, and I think most people respect and understand that a majority of cons are 18+, such is just the nature of the fandom with it's inherently sexual origins and large number of LGBT+ members. Screwing in public spaces is just wrong in general, furry or not, idc what your kinks are, do not do it in public. The fact we constantly have to tell and remind people to not involve unwilling participants in their sexual scenarios sucks, because people, as adults, should know better. I'm not one to kink shame but it needs to be understood that there's a time and place, when you're involving other unwilling bystanders in your lewd fantasies, that's when we have a problem.
@JonasClark Ай бұрын
@@clockwork3494 At furry cons, adult though they are, this isn't a normal occurrence. This is one of the only incidents I know of. But yes, involving people in kink without their consent is shitty. Even RainFurrest's handful of visible problems only took place in convention-only spaces.
@AngelOfNoMercy 29 күн бұрын
same granted ive been out of the community for AWHILE but ever since the 90's i've been a furry and this is the first time something like this has happened. [at least that i've heard about.] like yes people have been arrested prior, but i've NEVER seen other furries act like this. like this feels like detractors have been using the furry name to spread hate about us.
I’ve been a fur sense 1994. For the a long time it was fun. Cons where a blast. I’ve been to a LOT of cons. But ever sense MFF 2014 when the chlorine gas attack happened it’s been a long down hill slide. Almost every con it’s been “what stupid crap is going to happen at this con”. And almost without fail something does. MFF, TFF, BLFC, AC, ACFI……… It’s to the point it’s not rely fun anymore. It takes the actions of a few to destroy it for the rest of us. Sex in the pool, parking lot, hallway. Someone strung out on (insert drug of choice here) nearly dies, fires, flooding, bio hazards, rowdy party’s that got out of hand….. the list goes on. It honestly feels like some people don’t know what common sense is and can’t handle being out in public.
@Cindershadow Ай бұрын
I am new to the Scene of the Furry side of conventions, but I have been to plenty of Comic cons and Animethons, which are way different in the modelling around the convention scene. I love the idea of making your own creation and rolling with it, love the idea of meeting with friends, but when the lines are blurring from reality to the animistic, a lot seem to not understand we are still human at the end of the day. It should not take pushing each other to the extreme to have fun. I am having the time of my life right now, exploring the fandom, but I have seen the crap like this and there needs to be some understanding it is unacceptable to go this far.
@common_mergie Ай бұрын
@@BACKFIREFUR I recently went to my first convention under the assumption that awful incidents were few and far between- after all, every furry I have interacted has been very kind to me online... But unfortunately I was very wrong and had been harassed 4 times in the one day I was there, ranging from strangers calling me awful things from them coming up us and blowing kisses with illegal substances while in the con floor... This coupled with my con anxiety had me holding back tears for much of the con and honestly I'm afraid to go back. It's genuinely a shame how often people in these spaces can't just be decent and exercise common sense? You don't think the con stories will happen to you until experience them for yourself and knowing that cons being dangerous is more of a norm just hurts...
@@common_mergie It is just sad what the furry fandom has turned into. If I could give you a hug I would. I’m so sorry that this has happened to you. This is exactly why I only hang out with the couple true friends I have.
@common_mergie Ай бұрын
@@BACKFIREFUR It truly is a shame... and I appreciate you! Hanging out with a couple of friends is much more controlled than a con environment, it's a shame that weeding out these bad actors is difficult for everyone involved and how small meets are literally some folks only options because these bad actors can't get it together...
@dinosaysrawr Ай бұрын
I wonder, to what degree have cons always had hiccups and drama that we didn't always hear about because there was no social media, and to what degree has this problem objectively gotten worse--and if so, why?
@fencingfireferret1188 Ай бұрын
Did the fandom learn NOTHING from RainFurrest?
@toasteronleg Ай бұрын
Apparently not
@timfunnydragon Ай бұрын
​@@toasteronleg And they pretty much never will
@kitsunez Ай бұрын
@@fencingfireferret1188 tbh the new furs dont care about the fandom farther than their own noses. They want to come in feel free, liberated, and get that dopamine hit and they dont care how. Im surprised we havent seen more of this
@DasHeino2010 Ай бұрын
Its like when a certain Church invited the homeless to shelter them.... a small margin of them literally sh** and p***** right there... Some humans are the reason we cant have nice things! They should take responsibillity for that... but they cant even stop themselfes from p******* and sh****** before sitting in it...
@tem2198 Ай бұрын
" the fandom is friendly and accepting"
@jong4tv Ай бұрын
Hearing about this is complete freaking nuts. This is why we can't have nice things. Sounds like turn the place into something you see from original Bioshock in the underwater city of Rapture.
@TenForceFalls Ай бұрын
Fandom got to big and now the bad apples are making themselves known
@ronan5642 Ай бұрын
Finally, someone else who realizes the cause is likely because just how big the fandom is getting
@alexishere252 Ай бұрын
Hi, I understand from the announcement it sounds disgusting, but as someone who was actually there, let me tell you the other side of this story. The venue for 2024 was selected as Sandford Holiday Park. This was the first time it was running here. There were several issues from the start that contributed to this drama. The park had its own code of conduct that was explicitly very family friendly, would not allow such things as all single-gender bookings, parties in general, etc. The Furcation code of conduct was never updated or modified that much to reflect it or the rules that Park Dean would come to start enforcing throughout the weekend. Due to various communication failures from heads of furcation staff into the organisation and so forth, a lot of these issues throughout the course of the weekend became majorly exacerbated. You mention respecting the venues; evidently, throughout the management failures that occurred, there was negligence in this regard. (cont...)
@alexishere252 Ай бұрын
(2/5) Additionally, in the UK we were having a significant storm that was causing part of the park venue to flood and taking its toll on infrastructure with reports of some cabins having leaks and general maintenance issues. This got progressively worse over the weekend. There were reports of damage and issues that were in existence when attendees arrived. As the Saturday rolls around, it's one of the primary main nights for the convention. As with any convention, that means parties. Unbeknownst to attendees, the park had a lot stricter rules on volumes of people who could be present within a given lodge or area that were not communicated in any manner by furcation staff. Just before you mention this '40+' claim, it is extraordinarily bogus and exaggerated. I am not sure whether it was Furcation heads who came up with this figure or it was reported by Parkdean. At one of the example parties they are trying to claim, it couldn't have been more than 30. This was a lodge, which, unlike the caravans in the park, is built into the ground, and generally it didn't seem unreasonable to think having an amount of people in such a location wouldn't be a major issue; obviously this was wrong and against the park's standards, but again, there was very little communication or warning around the party culture that exists both to the park and from management on the park's expectations. Just to go over this again, the past few cons I've been to in the UK, parties have taken place, some with adult themes, where this has never been an issue, having 20 or so people in one hotel room and then some. This happens frequently. By the time the first party they mention in leaks available was visited by security, (which, if you haven't seen, practically every communication within furcation management was being leaked, even to the point where the heads of departments announcement was leaked, which just shows you how well put together their staff team was.) - It was around 10:30 PM; three parties had already been shut down across the con, with the park staff not used to what was unfolding and attendees unaware of the restrictions that were being placed upon them. There was mention of both a noise complaint, and a complaint of 'mass drug use' and 'mass drug dealing' from what is known. There was later an allegation that someone was going around maliciously reporting parties occurring with varying accuracy, but we will gloss over that for now. Was it an adult-themed party? Yes, were some people doing 'adult things' - Yes. Unsurprisingly. However, it was not like a massive pile on orgy, a fair amount of attendees were still clothed or just there to chat and have a good time. (continuted)
@alexishere252 Ай бұрын
(3/5) It was claimed security was ignored upon arrival. In actuality, they stood at the door with it open for what felt like a period of two minutes just staring in at what was going on without announcing their presence. Due to how the lodge was structured, it was not easy to notice this either. After this period had elapsed, the lead owner of the lodge had started talking to them, realising there was a request to shut down the party music. It was cut, and people left. The period elapsed could not have been more than five minutes. Security began to search this lodge for said substances. During the search, a bottle of supplement pills were confiscated for being unmarked. After this, a warning was given by furcation staff, which WAS in line with the code of conduct. Apparently, somewhere at the initial kickout, security had discovered a bag of a white powder, although as this was not tested with no police called it is hard to exactly know what this was. As the party was semi open from a group chat, anyone could have potentially brought anything into this lodge. Unlike the announcement claims, this was not intentional or organised and would have been the result of an individual who attended the party bring such. The announcement generally makes it out like Pablo Escobar was personally there handing out cola packets. Around 30 minutes later, after an escalation to park management, the lodge was booted from the venue at 11PM during a major storm with dangerous weather conditions. While the venue can do as it likes, this was not great help to the situation. The entire lodge was booted, not just those who may have assisted in organising said party but every occupant, even if they were not present. From this point forward, the venue, as described, got a bit 'itchy trigger finger' - and that they did. Attendees, or those who had helped organise the party, were hunted down and had their accommodation turfed out by security. As a culture of fear soon dawned on attendees the fallout was so bad they had to lock the telegram channel to stop people making jokes about how it was being handled. Multiple other parties were shutdown that had no evidence of any drugs, most sfw. A final 'adult' party was shutdown on the day after where there was a reported attendee count of 20 or so, definitely not 40. When security walked in, people were clothed (with some in more kink related gear) - and yes, there was a swing that was present but not being used. Security searched aggressively throughout the entire lodge, and despite finding nothing, booted out this lodge from the site as well. Accelerating, as site security who only dealt with the enforcement of park deans code of conduct and their own strict rules, and had probably never walked into an adult gathering like such before, there was a stereotype now pinned on us - you may argue that was the fault of xyz attendees hosting whatever parties, potentially. However, on socials there has been claims that some of the park staff did not give the most friendly of glances to some individuals, and that if some of this had happened but in a scenario where it was just straight white men, it would have been different. Take of that what you will. There were complaints from the venue that there was adult themed material online related to the convention, shocker. People have AD Twitter accounts.
@alexishere252 Ай бұрын
(4/5) As a result of security now being in the parks hands with a negative pretence set, there are claims security came into some people's caravans and lodges without any warning, searched for drugs, and confiscated all kinds of items and sometimes legitimate medicines. As the severity of this increased, some people were posting about things such as the fire alarms being out of date, allegedly calling the local fire marshals, etc., and so forth. I am unsure about these claims or to what degree it actually happened. I think for most attendees they were posting images of it more out of a meme that was circulating that the labels were outdated. There is slightly more to this story, but to save you an endless read, I will stop here on any other details. All of this could have been avoided by just communicating what was actually expected to the park or just enforcing the park rules. If there was a rule put into place by furcation that: 1. No parties over 12 people 2. Parties of a lewd nature should be 100% Private, or not conducted at all (before you argue against this, I mean that rather than a telegram link being passed around to +1's of members, it should be restricted to that 12). Claims of this group of 60 or so people are, as far as I can tell, completely fabricated as a coping mechanism for the Head (Jasper Foxx) to blame anyone but themself. Was there some great staff that helped put this all together? Yes. Were there some bad actors that could have behaved better? Yes. As there is every con - but to pull this figure out of thin air, attach it to whoever you kicked out (for whatever reason it may be), have some notion that a group of internet trolls are hunting you down and destroying your convention-is complete lunacy. This announcement, btw, was written in haste after a further internal memo leaked talking about not being welcome back the following. It was sloppily written and very unprofessional. The head is now actively going around emailing out to furmeets and conventions across the UK smearing the names of people they think are responsible for what they have exaggerated. Quite frankly, the latter statement of smashed up accommodation sounds very wild to me, I struggle to believe it. There could be a chance the venue may be trying to claim on insurance by it or some other means, or that the storm had damaged some parts of the venue, given that half the roads were flooded. You may ask why you should believe anything I say. I agree; please search over social media for yourself, with not just my side of the story but others. Some people had a great time at furcation, to be honest, I thought it was going great until this disaster unfolded. Some, however, did not, and to imply that somehow it was a group of specific people who conspired to post fake reviews, break property, do every drug under the sun in order to 'darken (your) doorstep' and get it shut down on purpose is madness. I will say that if you ask anyone who knows their business about UK Cons, they will say one thing about Furcation - I don't like the management. Now, given this, I can ruddy well see why.
@alexishere252 Ай бұрын
(5.1/5) As my final comment seems restricted and is not showing, please release them if you can as some of those sources are important for people to find the information of a balanced story.
@Cindershadow Ай бұрын
thank you for your comment, the 5/5 is not even showing for me, which youtube losing another comment to the internet aether. this con does not sour me in anyway, but if what you are saying is true about the staff, than there is more things at play here and this is prob the end of this current con in that region. either way, criminal charges are pending from what it read as. things went down that should of not happened. Things like a leak is tough for a hotel to deal with. As is here the con that is local the hotel hot water went during the event causing a lot of issues, so things out of control do happen. By all means have fun thats the whole point of these cons, but at some point something is going to have to change as the current unruly nature seems to be out of hand at this one. Event staff vs con goers, evenyone has a part in this from what I am reading. yes people want to let go, but this seemed out of control
@onemisi Ай бұрын
This is really interesting. Seeing the polarity of views and opinions. As someone who's seen the responses on the Twitter post, the comments were full of furries justifying their actions with "this was historically an adult event and the organization should've known that". Seeing this video is an interesting take. I personally am a furry but don't engage with the furry fandom due to being busy with work and pursuing education, but I like seeing and studying the different perspectives of the fandom.
@Cindershadow Ай бұрын
I am newer to the fandom myself, but I know when things are going to far, when we are looking at criminal charges, there is no justification for that. without these venues there is no conventions, no party. these few ruin it for everyone.
@onemisi Ай бұрын
@@Cindershadow I've personally been a furry for years. I recently turned 18 and am wanting to go to a convention out of curiousity (now that I don't need an adult to go). I've been curious about the adult stuff that happens there, but it just seems like a lot of people overdo it. It's actually the one thing I dislike so much about the furry fandom. The unnecessary lust that's expressed publicly. As a cis gay male, I also heavily dislike some parts of the LGBTQ community due to the same reasons. It's so disheartening to go to a place that's meant to be an area where people are welcomed and we can bond over mutual interests or issue. People nowadays automatically assume that members of these fandoms are just premiscuous, which makes me personally unwilling to even express myself anymore. I wish we could just "unsuperimpose" this type of expression.
@onemisi Ай бұрын
And before people say "it's the people who say that they're premiscuous and their ignorance that's the issue". Well, yeah, but not really. It's not black and white. But a majority of the media upvoted and praised is sexual media, how could it really be their fault? And unfortunately the premiscuous stereotype is true to an extent. The number of degenerate furries I see online and posted is just unexplainable. I'm fine with expression, but if it's getting past a finite border that reaches other people that aren't fine with this. That will in principle make other people justifiably uncomfortable (me included)! No wonder furries have a negative reputation.
@Cindershadow Ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing. I am Married with a Kid, I have been obsessed with a Phoenix for a long time, and I went to a convention alone and had a blast. Not everything is something for everyone at these spaces. I went in with an opened mind, and really realized I had much more in common with the common furry at that convention. I grew up with a friend that was very similar to those I met. Right now, this has been a positive influence on not only my life but the way I see the world. Yes there is some that seem to be unruly, and those that continue to drag down others is what is ruining it for everyone, they dont care for the community, or the people that run the show. they are the ones that will continue to ruin these spaces for everyone, so dont let them get you down, there is amazing people around, it is just finding the correct ones to vibe with, like in the real world, you wont see eye to eye with everyone, that is compounded by the larger than life attitude of the fandom
@Bloodhoundbone Ай бұрын
I’m so disappointed. As a teen furry, I am hoping to go to cons when I am an adult, but seeing things like this just kinda tears away that dream a bit.
@MintleafCakes Ай бұрын
yeah for real. i used to look forward to going to cons as an adult, but now i am an adult and it feels like every year they get less appealing for different reasons
@calamitytristan Ай бұрын
Yeah unless theres accountability taken, egos are checked, people are called out, and more self awareness then we are doomed. Atp, I don't even associate with the community much anymore
@Bellus-cv8bz Ай бұрын
If they keep behaving like that furcons all over the us could be banned 😢😢😢
@wubzyboi1879 Ай бұрын
I reccomend you to go to better Conventions like JMoF (Japan Meet of Furries) or CONS from other countries.. USA, Mexico and even my country Peru... (have very dark sh!tty people that haves really bad habits) xddd Everything goes to the education and the type of people you are meeting.
@Bellus-cv8bz Ай бұрын
@@wubzyboi1879 there's furcons on Peru? No way here where I live there's none only small meetings and none on my city 😔 I live In Venezuela btw
@IorekByrnison086 Ай бұрын
This sounded like what had happened at RAINFURREST 2015. Hotal trashed, numerous arrests for drug and weapons possessions, etc. That con is now defunct due to these. Ill be at MFF and not drinking. Awesome video and job. The lesson is true to the word.
@sparky6757 Ай бұрын
I listened to about half the video and still don't know what happened beyond the vague "people destroyed it". By way of what I hope to be constructive feedback, maybe you could get to the point a little earlier in the video? I've heard you say all sorts of variations of "this is wrong" but I still don't know what is wrong as of 5:35.
@alexishere252 Ай бұрын
Check my comment on the video for some general context which has more detail apart from this one side post, which the con have now actually apologised for the way it was written.
@Ghost_Hybrid Ай бұрын
Probably if he described what happened he would get demonetized or banned.
@RR-sb8tm Ай бұрын
They have done unspeakable things, the horrific deeds beyond human comprehension. The mere possibility of these things, including all the implications, could drive the mundane mind insane. No words of human language could fully describe the profane evilness of these sacrilegious deeds, and even me, who had a glimpse of this obscure knowledge, spending years studying the forbidden texts, could not find the way to even vaguely hint at the true nature of occured events.
@gothicraver89 Ай бұрын
I was at Furcation, it was wild and some of the reviews made were warranted, not all of them especially the troll reviews, I agree that those responsible should be arrested for damages. 60 furries ruined it for the rest of us.
@princessmarlena1359 Ай бұрын
👨‍🚒 “I’ve had it up to HEEERRRREEEE, with the likes of you people!” I was a furry, once. Not anymore. Too many jerks ruined it for me. One in particular spread lies about me online and tried to ruin my life.
@Maibu-OReiley Ай бұрын
This is why i backed away from the furry fandom. Its not as fun as it used to be. Lots of troublesome new members who have joined it and they give it a major bad image. Either being too sexual, Not respecting boundaries, Causing chaos by destroying things, Causing drama for no reason or even making up shit about people who had a decent reputation only to be ruined by false claims. the drug use has gotten much worse than it was 10 years ago. Hell even friends are turning against each other cause someone they met has a much more cute fursuit or they become a fuck buddy or they listened to false gossip from others just to gain attention. I have been in this fandom since 2002 and it is very much different from what it was years ago. It will never be as fun as it used to be.
@Cindershadow Ай бұрын
I have found myself in the middle of it all as of late, VR has changed the perspective of the Fandom to a place that allows people to connect better. Now I have seen ups and downs, but I have seen way worse people outside the fandom than in it. And yes there is a lot of crap I have already seen in the few short months, but the true friends will stay and be inspired. Everyone can enjoy the things they want from the fandom, not one person is the same, and not everyone needs to see eye to eye. And those that are breaking the law, causing problems like this, need to see their day in court and think about how unacceptable they have become. But when it comes to a convention space, and the misbehaving of adults being children, it needs to be called out, as none of this really represents the fandom as a whole. Remember for one negative it takes at lease 10 positive interactions to changes perceptive. A lot will need to happen over this one.
@awesomeferret 29 күн бұрын
Cool, so you are openly giving bad actors more power. I don't blame you for your choice, but you can't deny, you've done EXACTLY what the toxic people in the fandom want you to do. If all the sane people leave, then it will truly be ruined.
@floofysnow7871 20 күн бұрын
@@awesomeferret That's some awesome good tripping right there 👌 👏 😐 😒 Anywho Besides my sarcasm. They're not responsible nor have Absolutely any control for what these.God forsaken horrendous people do in your awful community If they stuck around, they'd just get stuck up with the crowd over time
@praus Ай бұрын
Whoever destroyed their room, bombarded the venue with negative reviews, got the cops called on them, or just acted a fool, definitely was in the wrong. However, we don’t know from the letter, how many of the 50-60 people did that. It’s possible that only a small minority of them did that. It’s still completely unacceptable but we don’t know everything. As far as using substances. There’s not problem with the responsible use of substances. Obviously some were not using them responsibly.
@uelld.8371 Ай бұрын
New con should really communicate with other veteran con on advice and even a list of troublemakers.
@Q-Artistry Ай бұрын
6:40 Both hospitality & the service industries are experiencing a rise of this behavior. Sucks a handful of people make a usually nice community look bad.
@ReccaWolf Ай бұрын
They turned it into Rainfurrest 2017. The staff should have held those furs responsible, and did their job, but this was like a controversial sex scandal exposed wide open that had very bad consequences. I honestly feel sorry for the attendees that enjoyed, had a great time, and looked forward to the con next year.
@generaldimension9799 Ай бұрын
i swear its trolls who do this to ruin conventions
@InATyzzy Ай бұрын
apparently its from people who attended room parties (or a single one im assuming)
@sufficient4834 Ай бұрын
It never was. Furries do this to themselves
@Furfrouu Ай бұрын
Furries are awful people in general, it's to be expected when you invite sexual deviants who have no boundaries.
@NoxBoxRadio Ай бұрын
@@Furfrouu Found the troll
@Storemotor73 Ай бұрын
@@NoxBoxRadio yeah. Furfrouu can walk off the edge of the flat earth
@KatsyKat Ай бұрын
spooky to see my first convention get cover online 😭the atmosphere felt odd at times, but most of the time i was just in fursuit making new friends and visiting the venue events. Very uncanny Edit: there was 1,500+ attendees and the con's biggest venue yet, it was a good place too accept for a few caravan hygiene issues
@longWriter Ай бұрын
Was it storming during the convention? Trying to corroborate with another commenter's story.
@KatsyKat Ай бұрын
@ yea the whole weekend, but clear skies on Friday and Monday. It was a bit of a walk to the venue for alot of people so some fursuits even had umbrellas or just used the fursuit lounge on-venue if possible. The storm got so bad at times the caravans shook a bit whilst hearing the occasional conifers bang on the roof, cool to sleep to tho. Not sure if it was the cause of the storm but a few lanes away from me, a drain caused a massive flood, reaching caravan stairs, i only saw it once when it died down tho
@longWriter Ай бұрын
@@KatsyKat Thanks for the information!
@bluegold1026 Ай бұрын
This is how furcons get a bad reputation. Look no further than what happened to Rainfurrest.
@alexcat6480 Ай бұрын
I don't believe in bad reputation for furries. People hate furries based on their own emotion, not on anything furries do.
@CaptainBloodsail Ай бұрын
Idk but rainfurrest was pretty bad. As a fellow furry i was apauled when i watched the video talking about it.​@alexcat6480
@timfunnydragon Ай бұрын
@@alexcat6480 no, furries legit have a bad rep. And from what I've seen it's somewhat deserved even though most of the "bad rep" is false
@FemboyKaiSaku Ай бұрын
@@timfunnydragonso youre saying prejudice, and prejudice also based on false bad reputation. Is deserved?
@timfunnydragon Ай бұрын
@@FemboyKaiSaku the prejudice based on falsehoods is not deserved. The prejudice based on truth is.
@SkunkMantraTechnoSkunk Ай бұрын
Was there and it was like 1300 this year. The weather did not help too. Sadly the New venue went back on so much Promises they said would happen then on the weekend they said no you cant do that were not opening that. But yes about 60 Furs out of 1300ish this year so bad. But beiside the awful Snow wind rain and cold i enjoyed me self and meeting up, Plus getting to DJ on monday night was a Highlight.
@Cindershadow Ай бұрын
Thank you for the added context. I am sure people had fun, these events are a lot of fun, but it seems some forget about how to have fun and instead become unhinged
@DarkRaikon Ай бұрын
what was the name? trying to get more info and I cant find it?
@alexishere252 Ай бұрын
Read my comment on the video has all the references you need.
@mountainhusk4382 Ай бұрын
I don't know what's happening with the world right now. Everyone has gone nuts. Not just furries. Everyone.
@PuppyLuvU2 Ай бұрын
people in current era are just getting more and more out of hand....never been to a con myself but this makes me worry for the future of them. :/
@phntmloona2843 Ай бұрын
I have never been to a furry con but this disappoints me. This is not the fandom I knew when I joined. Sure there’s the good people but this is just sad.
@zupperdapupper3888 Ай бұрын
There’s always been drug and alcohol abuse at con’s :( I hate it
@princechippy4151 29 күн бұрын
It seems here we go again appalling behavior by attendee's has wrecked yet another Furry Con it really makes the Furry fandom look bad when in fact a lot of us Furries are not bad we go to Furry Conventions to have fun not to cause drama and it takes some bad apples to mess it up for the rest of us.
@Techno-Universal 23 күн бұрын
Those attendees will likely result in the organisation behind the convention seizing to exist because of not a single venue in the UK being willing to host them. That also means they may of also destroyed the careers of the organisers of the convention who might maybe no longer be able to work anywhere because of everyone knowing about what happened at their convention.
@zupperdapupper3888 Ай бұрын
I want a con with no drug use and no open bars who's with me!😊 I went to rehab and I've turned around but I hate how there's so much alcohol
@Ghost_Hybrid Ай бұрын
I have been an enjoyer and member of this art community for 15 years. Never been to a con because of these issues. The baby fur thing is a good way to make us all look like a danger to society, and the behavior of radicalized members is causing so much damage to our community. If we don't fix these issues internally and clean up our act, we will get shut down.
@endeyfire Ай бұрын
man i feel like i dodged a bullet by being introverted and saying scalies are a separate subfandom. i mean at this point i just warm my hands with this eternal dumpster fire.
@SaruphireWeredragon 29 күн бұрын
Wow it finally happened! They took what used to online drama and made it REAL! I've been worried about this for at least 5 years! And the community at large or least hose higher up keep denying everything that is going on around them! Look where we have arrived at! I am glad they are being FORCED to be ACCOUNITBLE for THIER ACTIONS for once! God I can't even begin to express all my frustrations! All of it because online its sssooo much easier to get away with destroying people's lives! So they went and just had to take it into the real world for once here... wow... There is a lot of good within the furry community, but as time has gone by its getting more and more overshadowed by the bad things making the larger headlines, to the point its making those within the community very uncomfortable or even targeted by its own members. All of it revolving around bring real world issues into furry space and bring furry (fantasy/non casual) activities into the real world. This incident is a poster or bulletin to this, because you having an overlap between what is and isn't real or even the mere association is what it creates, and its something that has been going online for years even within the community, and has here and there had small incidents of furies actively terrorizing non furs. This actual includes having sex in public/public areas, even at the conventions! The point of us and the fandom is to inspire and support each other, but these days I keep seeing nothing but rifts and hurt feelings for even some of the most arbitrary of reasons. All of it because we are supporting and inspire select people without reservation or hesitation, thinking everything they do is right and proper. It leads to a huge egotistical issue. Then what happens when you get these sorts into a place of power? They start gutting everything that gets in their way because "They can do no wrong" without bothering to even understand the issues involved. They will let things escalate out of hand without easing things, then use it as an excuse to go after others, even beyond the scope of where the incident took place, chasing them! Suddenly all that good is getting sliced up! It happens a lot, but it tends to get covered up or forgotten so much. Being a furry is about knowing the difference between reality and fantasy, for yes we in real life are only humans, we cannot go using our fantasy an excuse for real world behavior. We also cannot go using real world behavior as an excuse to insert it into our fantasy (destructively). The insanity comes from thinking rules and realty do not apply just because you in some place that is built around, not of, fantasy, this is no fantasy world you have actually stepped into, all real world logic still applies. A lot of people not being able to take steps back from situations or look at the bigger picture or sequence of events. Being angry is not of my nature, so when I am upset its really bad...
@VeRT-SBNS Ай бұрын
i've on the sidelines of the fandom since 2009; when i took a closer look into it these past couple months, i saw how ugly it was up close. maybe it was better to keep a distance from it
@Cindershadow Ай бұрын
honestly there are great people around, what happened here are people that dont care about you or I. Friends are all around, I am finding what inspires me from all this, and not letting this negative situation from changing who I am.
@Bellus-cv8bz Ай бұрын
If we continue acting like animals please will treat us as such smh 🙄🙄🙄
@kibawolflve124 Ай бұрын
i never understood why people just go to cons just to get dunk or do drugs i chould not read the what they said cause it was really hard for me to read for some reason
@Horseyh Ай бұрын
Just smile and wave boys, smile and wave 😶
@stompstomp8033 29 күн бұрын
People are making out like the convention venue was trashed. This is far from the truth, I was there and I didn't see anything of the sort. I did however hear rumors of some people who were kicked off site trash their accomedations~
@CarbonRobloxide Ай бұрын
I literally need glasses bc I can’t see the text to read it
@Cindershadow Ай бұрын
sorry, can only enlarge so big on a phone, link to the post if it helps x.com/Furcationevent/status/1861828017619701859
@Terranova57821 29 күн бұрын
Someone give a full context, what happened? Had a bad experience from furries.
@commanderlouie8921 Ай бұрын
@Punisher1_1995 Ай бұрын
I've never been to any convention so I dont know what you actually do at those, but I thought your supposed to have fun and socialize without deatroying property and being a general nuisance. As an outsider to the community who watches a few furry creators I'm glad to say that this behavior doesn't defines the entire community. People who do things like this don't seem to realize they make the whole community look bad to the general public.
@DrozGodhammer Ай бұрын
@XJ_Cherokee1988 Ай бұрын
I’ve been out of the loop in the fandom for a few months, And have been in here for 10 years.[13 when I found it, 23 now] I’ve seen my fair share of clusterfucks, from nazis to the chlorine attack not even 6 months of joining the fandom. This is by far the most mind boggling and just shaking my head level malarkey I have ever seen in my life….
@rartolak Ай бұрын
Well wasnt the diaper gang this time
@gothicraver89 Ай бұрын
no if anything the babyfurs were well behaved and respected the convention.
@KebabDonor Ай бұрын
Lmao I kept getting the fuckin teaser bumper in my KZbin feed, this is probably why innit
@anomalousanimates Ай бұрын
i'm going to jail! :D
@bugloverspiderlover8490 Ай бұрын
Just because you’re dressed like animals,doesn’t mean you need to act like animals!
@AutismSurvivor Ай бұрын
Jimmy Fallon is a furry?
@mrtesticlease4638 Ай бұрын
@Alfenium Ай бұрын
It's entertaining every single time! (╹ڡ╹ )
@lemon-40013 Ай бұрын
are you a furry?
@Rain._.Lovergirl Ай бұрын
He is yes
@Furfrouu Ай бұрын
Lol, he literally joined the fandom saying, "Aww, it's so loving and tolerant 🤗🤗"
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