Pall wasnt the only one, so many of them had something worthwhile and they gave it away wanting more, ending up with nothing. Especially Vader and Malgus, they both had love and they killed it with their own hands, thinking that would give them more, but they ended up with nothing
@avarycepierce6296 Жыл бұрын
Darth Malgus actually got quite a bit of power after sacrificing his lover. Made himself one with the Dark Side in that moment.
@TY-km8hj Жыл бұрын
Not really true in the case of malgus. He became more powerful than ever before, his wife was his final chain, and her death made him devoted to the dark side
@Jamadron Жыл бұрын
Vader and Malgus are completly different in that regard. Malgus killed his lover because he saw her as his weakpoint. Vader never viewed Padme as a Weakness, its actually quite the opposite. Losing her weakened Vader for quite some time. Just one of the reasons why Siddious was never fully "happy" with Vader.
@ABadassDragon Жыл бұрын
Fat load of good it did to Malgus. Sure, he got more powerfull, but he still either ended in carbonite or was brought back to the Emperor and got brainwashed by the dark council. As far as i understand SWTOR may not have an end yet, but i dont see a 'happily ever after' for Malgus
@leohillmann6717 Жыл бұрын
@@ABadassDragon I don't either but I still see it ending with more aplomb than they Granted Darth Marr.
@romancapulus5577 Жыл бұрын
This makes me remember the interaction between Maul and Vader... "What could you hate so much that gave you such strength?" "Myself."
@angryvaultguy Жыл бұрын
I can relate he's literally me
@himum3429 Жыл бұрын
Wait when was this??
@jagnestormskull3178 Жыл бұрын
@@himum3429 I think in Legends, and I think it was an illusion of Maul.
@LauklynGorena Жыл бұрын
@@jagnestormskull3178it wasn’t an illusion it was a clone but yes it is from legends and its an awesome comic
@scottmccrea18735 ай бұрын
@@angryvaultguyyou've murdered entire planets and Butcher younglings? Kinda weird you're not more famous. Lol
@joerents7902 Жыл бұрын
Ajunta was wise like Plagueis and even seemed to be successful in creating life like Plagueis. Truly masters of the force. Ajunta seeing the error of his ways was something Plagueis did not realize.
@Lobsterwithinternet Жыл бұрын
"I… had a name, once. Ajunta Pall. Yes, that was my name. I was one of many. We were servants of the dark side… Sith Lords, we called ourselves. So proud. In the end we were not so proud. We hid… hid from those we had betrayed. We fell… and I knew it would be so.”
@jwclapp1183 Жыл бұрын
This is exactly why Palpatine became so powerful. The ONLY thing he ever had passion for was himself.
@dianabarnett6886 Жыл бұрын
To a born psychopath, the dark side really doesn't have a downside.
@enthusiasticgrog465 Жыл бұрын
@@dianabarnett6886 No, he was stone cold sober. He was evil, not mentally ill, and plainly miserable.
@johanobesusfatjohn5836 Жыл бұрын
@@enthusiasticgrog465 Psychopathy isn't a mental illness but a personality disorder. It is not psychosis. The psychopath is rational and, usually, perfectly sane for legal purposes in most of the U.S. Many people with severe anti-social personality disorder are what you might call "stone-cold evil." The point Barnett was making is the the psychopath, incapable of empathy or altruistic love, isn't giving up much when embraces the dark side. He already views life as a competition, with other's only mattering in so far as they are of use to him; and he assumes everyone else either feels the same way, or is stupid and weak.
@supernautacus Жыл бұрын
And yet, the delightful irony is this; HE paid for HIS lack of vision on how to GOVERN once the Sith plan worked. He won-and-lost, everything HE valued.
@dezzyjay20 Жыл бұрын
@@johanobesusfatjohn5836Psychopathy is a mental health condition under the umbrella of mental illness of which many such ailments are subcategorized as being. Personality disorders exist within the same grouping as it is a type of mental illness that impairs the functionality of a person within society and in intimate relationships or lack thereof. Psychopathy being generally isolated as a behavioral misfire strictly related to personality, how one carries themselves, and/or the bloated god complexes they have of themselves etc etc doesn't diminish the reality that Psychopathy is indicative to a class or sub category of mental illness as well the fact it is a neuropsychiatric disorder in origin. Palpatine was most definitely born with a sickness that he got down with
@teleportedbreadfor3days Жыл бұрын
What I love the most about Legends stories is that so many of its writers were people who understood the fundamentals and aspects of things George had been wanting to tell through his movies. Not just in Star Wars, but also in public appearances and documentaries, the self-indulgences of pleasure and passions can lead to a dark and corrupting path, that the constant pursuit of such finite things will lead you down a continuously lengthy path of misery and eventual torment. It is George Lucas’s belief that selflessness and helping others in need is the most fulfilling thing one can ever do in life, that it is a true strength which can overtake the darkness any day, and I full-heartedly agree. It is a path not to pleasure but happiness, and nothing brings one happiness better than seeing the joy and care of those around you or that happiness being not spread, but shared with others. It’s unity that brings strength and happiness that gives unity strength in return. Sometimes we must fight for that happiness, which, although unfortunate, is a fight worth taking all the same. Fights don’t need to last, dialogue can save us, and nobody has to die. It’s not a great power that will end pain and suffering, but us, because we already have all the power we need within us. We just need to reach out with it and live above temptation, especially our anger, or we will be in a constant loop nobody should have to endure and such selfishness will prolong the very despair we seek to end.
@es68951 Жыл бұрын
Meanwhile at Disney: "hehe lightsaber go vmmmm kshhh"
@teleportedbreadfor3days Жыл бұрын
@@es68951 Not even, they needlessly changed the sound and visual of Lightsabers (not counting Kylo Ren’s, his Lightsaber’s changes are more intentional).
@avarycepierce6296 Жыл бұрын
I've always preferred Legends over what George created. Just seems like a very limited way of thinking in my opinion since in life there are a myriad of shades of grey.
@jagerdergroe8604 Жыл бұрын
Sounds like a load of sanctimonious holier than thou bullshit to be honest.
@teleportedbreadfor3days Жыл бұрын
@@avarycepierce6296 What George created was the foundation, the roots which Legends stems and stretched from. What you like is the product of the heart of things, because it *is* Star Wars since Legends still carries the fundamentals
@inquisitorgarza312 Жыл бұрын
That the Dark Side makes everyone miserable and pathetic once they died, and that they will never be happy with what they have in their power, but also makes everyone who followed it will be your rivals and enemies.
@1qplayer626 Жыл бұрын
True. Look at vitiate: He was so evil and consuled by darkness that He became darkness itself. He tried to have a family but in the end He tried to destroy it and his family and all others He consumed finally ended him.
@auroraofclanborealis Жыл бұрын
"Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to *suffering*"
@samwilson2250 Жыл бұрын
"Through victory my chains are broken, the force shall set me free." That is the biggest lie the sith tell themselves. The dark side is like a drug giving quick power that doesn't last. So the sith continue to seek this power till they feel like they have it all. Through "breaking their chains" they become shackled to the tightest chains; the chains of the dark side and it's short power trip.
@humanbeing49959 ай бұрын
In a way the grey force users are the only true force users. Balance must exist within. Jedi create Sith. Sith create Jedi. The force struggles to balance itself. True neutrality is the calling of the Force.
@scottmccrea18735 ай бұрын
Also, there's never an endgame. Have to give Palps credit for changing that. Of course, he never had the chance to implement it.
@scottmccrea18735 ай бұрын
@@humanbeing4995the Jedi don't actually create Sith. Though they often _became_ Sith. The Jedi didn't understand that corruption can happen to the Light as well.
@humanbeing49955 ай бұрын
@@scottmccrea1873 they knew. In the beginning either side was sent to a different moon. Leaning either way corrupted the planet. I believe it's still swayed to the dark side in all of these stories. I'm talking pre-lightsaber, straight out the intergalactic pyramid. That's how old this knowledge is.
@scottmccrea18735 ай бұрын
@@humanbeing4995 it doesn't require the Force to understand human nature. People with centuries of unchallenged power become arrogant, corrupt and collective IQ - however smart individuals may be - decline. Without the Sith to keep them on their toes, the Jedi started to rot. and Yoda's only answer was, "Serve the Republic we must." As an individual, Yoda's awesome. As a leader, he's simply the greatest disaster in fiction - or one of them at least. Everything he loved he helped to destroy. No wonder he went to live in a swamp.
@Alec11_43 Жыл бұрын
It’s indeed rather interesting that the leading founder of the Sith came to regret his actions.
@janinejohnstone4684 ай бұрын
The first step towards real growth is admitting one's mistakes to oneself.
@irishpotatothief531 Жыл бұрын
I appreciate how you address the biggest misconception of the dark side I see. The argument that balance is achieved through both dark and light side use, but that the use of the dark side is embracing the destruction of the very things that motivate its use. It is the destruction of the self for the purposes if pursuing selfishness. You cant both serve the will of the force and corrupt it. In the end, the dark side is consumption, and the only power it offers results in one’s own demise
@jaieregilmore9718 ай бұрын
Yeah I agree plus in the mortis arc even if Anakin and the father somehow balance of the light and dark side the son and daughter it doesn’t last long the dark side will be unsatisfied.
@irishpotatothief5318 ай бұрын
@@jaieregilmore971 balance is truly about ensuring the light side isnt used aggressively, because then it morphs into the dark. I like to note in those episodes how the Father never practices “dark side” force, in that he is always patient, restrained, and mindful of his two children and their power. The light side, or the Daughter in that arc, is a “powerful ally indeed” per Yoda, but can still be used in a way that isnt balanced. To be aggressive and to act without patience (ie not out of fear/anger/hate but with a lack of mindfulness) has unbalanced a great many jedi. To control the light side is to control one’s positive impulses. On the other hand, to control the dark side is to restrain one’s negative impulses. To act out of fear, anger, hate, and other negative emotions literally corrupts force users in the Star Wars universe, so the best way that all users of the force, Jedi or not, can control the darkness within each of them is to let those emotions go without feeding into them, or show mastery over them. I see the Son in that arc as a symbolism of how difficult self control is with the dark side. The Father gives him leeway to try and control himself, but when he can’t, he steps in. It really is a SUPER deep arc to analyze and one of my favorites
@jaieregilmore9714 ай бұрын
@@irishpotatothief531Yeah the light is the balance of the force, Mortis arc shows the light will always be with you seeing how the daughter is always serving the father who represents the force. Interesting thing about the arc it shows echoes of 6 movies trilogies of Anakin journey. I will say this the son might had been a victim of the dark side he may be represented to it but he has no control over it but controls him. Seeing how he cares about his family in his own way looking how he reacted to their deaths was there a chance of redemption?
@inductivegrunt94 Жыл бұрын
Ajunta Pall was a sorry story. I feel for him, having everything taken away from him piece by bloody piece as his life dragged on. So I'm glad that he could find redemption in the light, even 3,000 years after his death. The Dark Side is a corruption. It never leads to true peace or happiness, just sorrow and misery, just like how it did for Ajunta Pall.
@_KaraBlack_ Жыл бұрын
Tell that last line to my Sith characters in SWTOR 👀
@cioplasmmajic8327 Жыл бұрын
The biggest problem with the Dark Side is that the Sith are the natural, perhaps inevitable conclusion. And if you do not go as far as them, you lose everything anyway because they will take it. In conclusion, if the Dark Side is a drug, the Sith are the junkies who will kill their dealer.
@Whoopu2 Жыл бұрын
This has always been my takeaway with Dark Side/Sith ideology. What is the point of possessing all the power and everything else you ever wanted if it means sacrificing all the things in life worth having? You can be the perfect Sith Lord. In total control of a galaxy-spanning empire, the absolute master of the Dark Side, capable of bending reality to your whim, and an immortal conqueror of death. What does it matter when you're completely alone, paranoid, and miserable?
@TheWarmachine375 Жыл бұрын
The Senate: "You are wrong. It is Darth Plagueius who was the wisest Sith Lord."
@johnnygyro2295 Жыл бұрын
Me: "This coming from the guy who keeps making planet busters even though they keep getting blown up?"
@MosEisleyCantinaStories Жыл бұрын
Council council in the hall, whose the wisest of them all? Why it is pleaguse the wise!
@lerneanlion Жыл бұрын
I can see a loophole in the Sith Code about how the Sith can used their passion and the desire for freedom to save their loved ones. If the Sith have the freedom to do whatever they pleased, they can also intentionally dropped the hammers on their own feet by giving their loved ones the freedom to run or even fight for themselves or even kill them in self-defense. Of course, they do not have to hold back because by doing so, their loved ones are going to be forced to choose between "drawing the Sith's last breath" or being the ones who died instead. You know, like how Eren Yeager intentionally allowed his friends to stop him by declaring that they have the freedom to stop him and save the world just as much as he has the freedom to destroy the world or turn his friends into Pure Titans. And we all know it all ended for the manga readers.
@maleexile90532 ай бұрын
Season 4 aot is something
@GobPalRosieVT Жыл бұрын
That ending was really heartfelt.
@SCaptian458 Жыл бұрын
Sometimes people learn that when they feel that they have everything, in reality they learn that they have nothing. The first Sith Lord had to learn it the hard way after death spending 3 millennia in his tomb.
@paullafreniere2773 Жыл бұрын
I would like to see a video detailing the character of Darth Vitiate, his origins, his goals and how he ultimately met his end
@1qplayer626 Жыл бұрын
Yeah me too i love darth vitiate. He should do a full Video on him just like He did on ajunta pall ❤❤❤
@1qplayer626 Жыл бұрын
Vitiate has such a deep character. He was Born evil as well but i think that his mother who cheated hört him so much that He developed complexes
@LiliaArmoury Жыл бұрын
The sith do not "purge" themselves of passion. The truth of what they do can be found in Darth Bane: Path of Destruction. Although he would later say the dark side is venom he initially compares it to fire. It is fueled by passion, by emotion and it makes you more sensitive to your own emotions and those of others as it grows. Therefore it is a power that feeds upon itself, growing until it is unleashed or it destroys its wielder. The dark side is, therefore a sacrifice of everything but your goals for power. For Pall, he had no more goals to achieve, nothing more to use his power towards. His final depression came from the fact that he sacrificed all for nothing. Bane would have likely sneered at this and told him to sith up and find a way to resurrect.
@cweb9169 Жыл бұрын
Careful where you point all that edge my boy!
@ryandunham1047 Жыл бұрын
@@cweb9169 Careful of that axe, Eugene
@mingthan7028 Жыл бұрын
But they purged themselves of LOVE and positive passions.
@@mingthan7028 only if they have to
@mingthan7028 Жыл бұрын
@@OMEGATHENIETZCHIAN I wonder if there is a honry dark side abilities
@DanzoTheManzo13 Жыл бұрын
Your pronunciation of sarcophagus made me snort 🤣 No disrespect your videos are amazing, probably why it caught me even more off guard 😂 thank you for all you do! Keep up the great work!
@MrContentment3013 Жыл бұрын
Moral of Ajunta’s story: don’t give in to the dark side. It is passion, anger, pain and nihilism incarnate. Like a parasitic wasp to a sawfly larva it will devour those who embrace it from the inside out in its grub stage (the passion stage) and eventually emerging from them as an adult ready to parasitise someone else (the nihilism stage), as Vader and Ajunta did in life and learned all too late. To the uncommitted, it may be more accurate to treat it as a drug, one which tempts you to use it for short-term gain but can otherwise be renounced for long-term success in the light.
@foxtrot-gamesandwit4475 Жыл бұрын
How do I know I'm here early? Minimal Sith fanboys in the comments talking about how they could totally harness the dark side for good and about the weakness of the Jedi. It's a nice feeling
@dianabarnett6886 Жыл бұрын
A true Sith doesn't believe in good or evil.
@heerosanosyuy1173 Жыл бұрын
This video hits close to home. Being reflective of the current state of America & the world.
@TheLexiconKing Жыл бұрын
Mark. 8 Verses 34 to 38 [36] For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? [37] Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
@janinejohnstone4684 ай бұрын
Indeed! '...through strength I gain victory; the Lord has set me free!' The true battle we need to fight - the true strength we need to develop - is the pain and suffering one endures (not in bartering, but) in keeping one's own soul - and embracing Christ. Even then, He helps us succeed.
@archades115 Жыл бұрын
The Dark Side can be summarized with one word and everything that comes with it: addiction.
@folasade5453 Жыл бұрын
From my own observation, (which I had considered before Geetsly’s released a video concerning exactly this topic, mind) it seems that the “light” as we know it isn’t this polar opposite to the dark, but that the “light side” is just the Force itself. It goes back to that idea of the dark being a cancer, and it’s eradication bringing about balance. I think for the Jedi, as we know them during the Clone Wars era at least, they have made up their own approximation of the way one should interact with the Force, which is why they disavow attachments and passion. They call this approach the “light side,” but the Force itself doesn’t seem to be opposed to passion or emotion. No living thing is driven by nothing, and the Force itself is life. The Jedi, especially during the Clone Wars era, were acting in direct opposition to what they thought they stood for, and, dare I say, were engaging in some very “dark side” leaning tendencies during this time. I would argue that, in going against the Force’s will, guarding themselves against all emotion and passion that further bred their apathy towards the beings of the galaxy, is what brought upon their destruction. The Jedi had fundamentally misunderstood, or perhaps forgotten, the nature of their own beliefs, and deceived themselves into thinking they still worked in the “light.” The Jedi’s concept of the “light” seems to be a kind of fallacy - their understanding of the Force clashing with what the Force actually is. I don’t outright disagree with their no attachments approach; at least, not with the idea of it. I think they approached it sideways because they forgot how to temper emotion and passion for good, to use that passion in alignment with the Force’s will, and instead decided to neglect it completely in exchange for apathy - what they believed the Force, their “light side,” actually is. We know the dark side to be born from passion, of emotion, that eventually turns to nihilism, or at least, ultimate selfishness. But I also think that apathy, the neglect of passion and emotion, deciding to fear it instead of acknowledging and facing it, is it’s own kind of expression of the dark - the kind the Jedi, at least some of them, decided to call “the light.” Instead of being the darks true opposite in selflessness, they instead neglected to be anything at all - became indifferent. In that way, they were just as selfish as the Sith, just in a different manner - refusing even to acknowledge their own emotions and failing to truly empathize with others because of it. They fostered the dark, fed and clothed it, but never claimed it; even though it belonged to them. I believe that their is hope for the Jedi - to me, their philosophy, in its purest approximation, what I believe George was trying the demonstrate through Luke in ROTS, is something worth attaining, protecting, and upholding. I think it was simply subject to some very dangerous, very neglectful misinterpretation of it, and even the Force’s will, that was brought on by arrogance and complacency.
@maksymilianziele283 күн бұрын
The way I imagine how Sith Lords were born, they thought about potential Dark Side had and reasons for it, but in the end I'd like to believe that for all their big talk and plans this line best summarizes all of their legacy from another cosmic movie from MCU: "You didn't want to make things perfect. You just hated things the way they are."
@isaackim7675 Жыл бұрын
Join the Dark side. They have Nacho Wednesday
@treopl Жыл бұрын
But do they have cookies for Darth Baras?
@isaackim7675 Жыл бұрын
@@treopl Sorry. They got burned when they tried to bake them in Mustafar
@ABadassDragon Жыл бұрын
They actually have cookies since mando s3 lol
@wazkangz955 Жыл бұрын
My Neutral Sith Inquisitor: You underestimate my power.
@tomfisher6422 Жыл бұрын
Ultimately, the more success you had, the more you had to fear. There would always be more coming with ambitions to take you out. They would have the advantage of time, waiting to strike until they felt they had the advantage.
@Quirrel Жыл бұрын
Much better than anything from Disney
@MRDLT00 Жыл бұрын
I'm way more fascinated in the Dark Jedi who instigated the 100 Years of Darkness that came before the Sith were made. Their curiosity in the Dark Side and experimentation, but not going so full "Survival of the Fittest, I'll kill everyone I love" Sithy nonsense make them far more interesting in my eyes.
@justinglanton5168 Жыл бұрын
I'd love to see a video answering the question: if accepting the dark side is a rejection of the will of the force, then why were so many sith lords led to certain places and events in a way they saw as "the will of the dark side"? Such as the dark jedi stumbling upon Korriban, or Bane finding Xanna just after he exterminated the rest of the sith and she also just awakened her dark side abilities by killing jedi for the first time. As if the force knew he needed an apprentice to follow his rule of two, and provided one immediately. If there's a video in Geetsly's vast archives for this, let me know!
@internetfasting80085 Жыл бұрын
Interesting hypothesis, rejection of "force will" for "self will"...But inevitably the "force" (god/universe/source) "coincidentally" always provides a "2nd" for the sith to bring a balance to the "will" of the self/sith dark (side) path. Like via contrast the force using or manifests a shadow for its light to being "seen" (perceived, of materially interacted with its "selves" various molecular structures cohesion shifts...which would be the underlying "forces" holding matter/atoms together in the "first" place. Thusly stacking dimensional geometries which faciliates the "inevitable" manifestation of "selves" as planets , lifeforms, clouds, etc.
@justinglanton5168 Жыл бұрын
@@internetfasting80085 Great point, so is eradication of the darkness truly "balance"? Light cannot exist without darkness, so from this point of view, that path is self destructive to the light. Taking it further, if all things are part of the force, rejection of passions that come natural to all beings would be, in part, a rejection of the force. This is what fascinates me about Vapaad, a form that rejects nothing, and yet isn't controlled by anything. It seems to me to be more balanced to allow all parts of the force to flow through you unbidden, rather than place obstacles within you to stop the flow of aspects that you decide (or are taught) that you do not want.
@dianabarnett6886 Жыл бұрын
Well, if you view the dark side as a cancer of the Force, it makes sense that it has developed its own will that is counter to that of the Force.
@internetfasting80085 Жыл бұрын
@@folasade5453 The thing about light, is it has many hues, colo8rs, wavelengths, sp3ctrums, and even names for said colours. And light itself is still just a "thing" , it has atomic structures & quarkian fluxuations, it also has "spaces" between photons, it literally coulsnt "travel" without a lack of molecular interference from itself and other particles. And in order for it to shine on some other "non light" object, requires aaid object to then "block" the light by its very absorbtion/refection/redirection/focusing of said light, changes, bends, folds, etc. Even plants dont let light just "be", they have to use it, and change it for their own purposes. Cant live without it, but by living am by definition, "not it"....The sun for example, life couldnt exist on earth without it, yet both the earth and all within it, are NOT the sun. And the earth itself casts a shadow. Obvious yes, but kinda fun to philosophize about 🤔🤯😂😇🏆✅🆒
@internetfasting80085 Жыл бұрын
@@justinglanton5168 Another quick point about light, without it we would have no food, warmth, or the ability to see....but light can also blind, and warmth can be too hot & burn us, and too much food can make us sick. Eradicting the "dark", would mean we would never get any sleep, and going further, being "too pure" is unsustainable, like if you wiped out your entire microbiome simply because "those are bacteria and bacteria cause infections", well, no bacteria and we lose the ability to digest food, heck, plants would even be able to transform minerals into fertalizer. Even basic biology shows us that in order for the human system to function, its required that most of the cells in our bodies arent even ours, and arent even human. So to wipe out the "dark side" , would be to wipe out existence itself, the same as if you were to try and wipe out the "light side". Or thinking that by eradicating carbon, nitrogen, and all other gases found naturally in the atmospheres, we could somehow survive off of only *pure "oxygen".
@LoremonX Жыл бұрын
Darth Mammon (could be wrong on the name, the canon Sith in the mask that helped Vader build his castle) laughed at Sidious and Vader for their belief that they were Masters of the Force itself. The only way to true power is to know the Dark side is unlimited power and above them. By glorifying it and reveling in the gifts it gives. One finds they are lead to greater glories and ever greater power. Even the power to deny and transcend the Void after death. It all goes back to the Je'daii. Like the Yin-Yang and Qi the Force is based on. We all have both inside us. To deny one is to fight the natural order of things. Both sides turned from nature and the cores of their own beliefs. In that failing, balance was destroyed and the Force set out to bring about that balance. The Force can play the ultimate long game.
@musicwarrior7630 Жыл бұрын
Too much dark and too much light are both bad, a balance of two equal parts is what's needed
@GrimDarkHalfOff Жыл бұрын
Your closing message here was what got me to sub
@jaidenhampton Жыл бұрын
I like the ambition of Sith to gain power and conquering of they enemies.
@crispygamer987 Жыл бұрын
The main issue with this video was the assumption that the Dark Jedi were the first Sith Lords. They weren’t. King Adas was, and he carved out an interstellar empire of the Sith in 28,000 BBY. The Jedi Exiles would arrive thousands of years later in 6,900 BBY and would find Adas’ holocron, and would build on his work. Ajunta Pall was neither the first Sith nor the most powerful.
@sisigs4820 Жыл бұрын
He wasn't the first "Sith" per say, but he founded the first Sith ORDER of dark side users.
@crispygamer987 Жыл бұрын
@@sisigs4820 Again, he built off Adas, so not really no.
@demi-femme4821 Жыл бұрын
The selfish pursuits of power, wealth, status, they all have diminishing returns. Someone who makes a million dollars a year is not much happier than someone who makes forty thousand. Once you have security, wealth really isn't worth that much.
@mariushandl4460 Жыл бұрын
thx a lot for your awesomely made videos(i like the selection of pictures and your voice is ✨) after i encountered you i learned i know nothing about star wars. i hope you enjoy this still and you will go on explaining the real questions in this sw universe. may the clicks be with you, always.
@georgepapatheofilou6118 Жыл бұрын
Nice finish to the monologue . Kudos .
@Bokumetsu_TV Жыл бұрын
3:55 his WHAT? Did you try to say sarcophagus? sar-cough-ah-gus
@supernautacus Жыл бұрын
In the words of Black Sabbath's song, A National Acrobat... Just remember love is life and hate is living death. Treat your life for what it's worth and live for every breath.
@_KaraBlack_ Жыл бұрын
My 2 Sith Warriors and my Sith Inquisitor in SWTOR would beg to differ lol
@Nsinger998 Жыл бұрын
There was a sith lord who used the dark side but was not corrupted by it. He retained control via an unbreakable code of ethics and a lack of ambition. He was well and truly satisfied in being a land magnate with a family.
@kyleslavik6324 Жыл бұрын
The way of the Sith stinks it is a mental prison that sucks the consistent paranoia sucks as well the sith honestly are not really all that free when you think about it.
@kyleslavik6324 Жыл бұрын
Silver makes a great Jedi due to his telekinesis he can fly.
@kyleslavik6324 Жыл бұрын
Would you say the way of the Jedi or Gray Jedi is better than the sith because the dark side ages you like an avocado from Deadpool.
@Ainttrippin4 ай бұрын
Bruh I just discovered this channel. It rocks
@alsimmonshellspawn6021 Жыл бұрын
Disney writers don't understand star wars
@macewindu44423 ай бұрын
This vid is the clue we need to unravel the mystery of the Sith.
@adamd5849 Жыл бұрын
Seeing Nihlus with a cross guard saber is truly magnificent. Something about it feels right
@OllamhDrab Жыл бұрын
Frequent symbolism?
@enthusiasticgrog465 Жыл бұрын
Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hatred leads to suffering. Those are the facts which Dark Siders lie to themselves about.
@johnrandall9968 Жыл бұрын
This explains Malgus so well!!!
@gs-8279 Жыл бұрын
The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural
@hebercluff1665 Жыл бұрын
Me, playing the new Zelda game, finding videos on KZbin which describe useful glitches which will break the game and ruin the intended experience, yet will grant me great power: "The dark side of the software is a path to many abilities......"
@twohooks3533 Жыл бұрын
Love this video. It really goes to show that the empire resembling nazi Germany or even American and British imperialism was no coincidence. Lucas was influenced by the situation at the united states at the time, a country which though defeated fascism in wwii, ended up promoting an ideology of ruthless competition and individualism whose most die hard advocates were pretty much social Darwinists, and all backed by an imperialist machine to crush opposing forces and secure resources. Hence the dark side pretty much being a fantastical representation of fascism and even objectivism, and how those ideologies seem tempting yet leave you miserable.
@davidforehand2761 Жыл бұрын
Great narrative!
@Valkanna.Nublet Жыл бұрын
It's about selfishness, ultimately someone who only cares about themselves runs a high risk of ending up lonely and unfulfilled. If you enter a relationship only caring about you they get out of it, the other person gets little out of it and ends up feeling unfulfilled, which could easily drive them away from you. If the other person is also selfish, either to start with or because you make them like that, then they're probably not even giving you what you want. The only way to have longterm truly fulfilled relationships is to be caring and giving. If everyone gives others what they want, that means everyone in turn is also given what they want. Being selfish just leads to hollow shells of relationships, that are probably acrimonious to some degree. It's the same with wanting things, or power. It you focus is on gaining things, or power, then you'll never be content, there will always be more things to get, more power to gain. People feel like the NEED things/power/people, that without them there's something missing, but there's only a small core of things we really need, most of the things we reach for are just wants.
@skyden24195 Жыл бұрын
The Sith can't form attachments because it contradicts their goals. The Jedi can't form attachments because it contradicts their goals. Reminds me of a song by Ginuwine called, "What's So Different?" 😉
@peteristevski3681 Жыл бұрын
Too long... too long in the cold and the dark. I am disturbed again!
@goldeagle6431 Жыл бұрын
The first Sith Lord taught us that the Senate was inevitable.
@GGBlaster Жыл бұрын
Was this specific to the Sith, or general to all the Dark Side? The nightsisters of Dathomir, assuming they practiced a form of the Dark Side, don’t appear to embody the same exact ideology or problems, as far as I can tell.
@dianabarnett6886 Жыл бұрын
They're the one anomaly I don't understand. The nightsisters are clearly darksiders, but they don't seem to hold the pursuit of power over familial and clan bonds.
@GGBlaster Жыл бұрын
@@dianabarnett6886 it makes me wonder how Grogu is gonna turn out, seeing as the Children of the Watch aren’t entirely light or dark in their practices and beliefs.
@hartfartpoptart10 ай бұрын
I believe their version of the Darkside is filtered through nature, creating a magic that isn't really the Force, but is indirectly fueled by it. Most of their power comes from objects they use and manipulate rather than directly from them. Thus, it's possible that because they use a more indirect version of the Darkside, it might not directly effect their minds like the Sith. This is probably why the Jedi tolerate their existence, as they aren't directly tapping into the Darkside. I think of it like how rain clouds come from the ocean, but they are not apart of the ocean.
@tenebrous-merciless.3962 Жыл бұрын
This is the very reason why most Sith ultimate plan was to seek out immortality so they would not have to go through what Ajunta Pal experienced. 😎
@supernautacus Жыл бұрын
Which is totally against the nature of The Life Force. It requires a constant supply of life and death and new birth. Such irony that such Sith rejected even the Dark Side in the end! And of course - the Force equally rejects THEM in the end.
@UnswimmingFishYT Жыл бұрын
Pall us a perfect example of Lucas' mindset when it comes to villains. He's the exact opposite of all the things Lucas says the hero character should be, and it all goes wrong for him because of it. He probably likes the writing for him a lot. Really, he's better as an example of bad life philosophy than as a villain, which was probably the point.
@sonyblack932 Жыл бұрын
In the end everything you do is in your OWN RESPONIBILITY, even if you're not responsible you can't call it free if not out of own will or property!
@snorlaxmunch8675 Жыл бұрын
Power is only power
@hansmerker5611 Жыл бұрын
I don't want Ajuntas future, I don't want his suffering.
@johnnyfives5416 Жыл бұрын
Can you do a video on the only sith demon from the star wars equivalent of hell dark underlord who was involved with the new sith wars that forever shape the galactic community for a thousand or centuries years that led to the prequel and original trilogy.
@tommyfox854 Жыл бұрын
Alright, this is gonna sound incredibly weird, but has *no* Force sensitive person ever thought about harnessing the power The Force had for good? As in, while The Jedi goes with the flow of the river, and The Sith tries to control where the river flows, has *no one* thought about building a hydroelectric generator on the river to help produce energy for a near by settlement??? I feel like that's just wasted potential of something that can be _so_ beneficial to society, the best of both extremes.
@ArgentWolf95 Жыл бұрын
I believe there was a Sith or two who had a more materialistic view of the force, Darth Tenebrous and I forgot the other one. The latter one didn't really do anything evil.
@tommyfox854 Жыл бұрын
@@ArgentWolf95 Oh, ok, cool. =) Thank you very much for tellin me that. =)
@Vigriff Жыл бұрын
@@ArgentWolf95 Darth Vectivus.
@ArgentWolf95 Жыл бұрын
@@Vigriff thanks!
@Vigriff Жыл бұрын
@@ArgentWolf95 No problem.
@samfordmagnus7774 Жыл бұрын
Pretty sure the sith code was based on Mein Kampf right?
@vgdrent285210 ай бұрын
You are correct. The creator of the Sith Code in real life David Gaider said he based it off of Nazi ideology to ideology to represent why the Sith were so bad.
@neilhannan5112 Жыл бұрын
Darth Sidious: Ironic he can save others but not himself That is the Philosophy of The Sith The Dark Side Those who have a fear of the death and can't Let Go of love ones or Power. that is the selfish But emotional Side of the Force Meanwhile the Jedi Philosophy Teachs Selflesness and letting go of Attach the de emotional of the Force Funny The Sith Try to Fight the tide of the river However the Jedi Flow with the tide instead
@akale2620 Жыл бұрын
Not a single jedi did that. They all had their attachments. They all failed.
@dianabarnett6886 Жыл бұрын
@@akale2620 "attachment" is really the wrong word. It's obsession that the Jedi avoid.
@akale2620 Жыл бұрын
@@dianabarnett6886 should have avoided.
@karmickatastrophe7864 Жыл бұрын
The way of truth lies in living in balance with the Force. Neither the Jedi nor Sith are capable of achieving this; they both missed the point and only deal in their absolutes.
@juliangiangrande73539 ай бұрын
0:11 Kylo nihilis
@SandraOrtmann1976 Жыл бұрын
In order to find true freedom, you have to become what the Bendu is: you have to be in the middle. Of everything. That what it is all about. Anything that is too much - is bad. So the Je'di were right. You have to find the perfect balance.
@RextheRebel Жыл бұрын
There is a big difference between being in the middle and being balanced.
@taramaforhaikido7272 Жыл бұрын
People assume. The code is the code. If you assume what it means then that's your assumption. Kill a loved one? Regret. Regret is not strength. it's weakness. The logic behind this can be faulted quite easily. If you try to "get rid of the problem" instead of "handling it" then you are weak. All it proves is how afraid you are. Fear is not strength. Avoiding and pushing away is not strength. The strong deal with their problems. Not get rid of them. You can have a lover and care about them. They can also be aiive and you can not care about them. Relationships thrive on controlled conflict. You don't have to "share power". Just prove that you're the stronger one in the relationship. There's always a back and forth. A slave can become a dom and vice versa. It's the power play. It's a game. Make a game of it all. If all you think of is destruction then that's your mistake. Just don't default to taking sides when it comes to honesty itself. That's the mistake many people make. Padme might have died by Anakin's hand, but she was a coward thinking of herself talking about leaving him. The mistake isn't "weakness". It's "Cowardice". Jedi tend to discard and push away when they don't approve. Thus the sith learn this. It might not be the intended lesson, but it is what is taught and learned regardless. As a result the sith can fall under the impression of getting rid of the ones you care about. Luke Challenged Vader. But without moral high grounds or blame. That's how it's done. It's not about "Light side and dark side". It's about "fighting yourself".
@phorz85 Жыл бұрын
Though mostly expressed in conquest n fights, the "victory" in the sith code is prolly better described as "achieved goal" because in theory, a sith could b totally uninterested in politics n uses the dark side abilities differently. An example would b the guy who build the asteroid base, where lumya lived. To a degree plaguies allso fits. Tho' working on the "grand design" like the other bane - ites, he seemed to have had his passion elsewhere, in biology n the force's interaction. Given his position, he could've achieved the whole scheme to start the empire just as well with out palps. The networks and recources were there n through banking he could've bought another senate puppet or controlled the war from the cis side. No need to build a successor and his means to suceed him, that he should've figured out himself after taking the helm. I liked that one sith statement in knight's errant, saying that the code is wrong about the last part because "VICTORY IS A CHAIN". Even the greatest victory, the galactic empire, was a lie from the sith point of view. Given the almost non existent number of ppl, who even knew that the emperor is a sith n the fact that the use force was a thing that was either a path to execution or kept secret even by the other side, after they reached total dominance, is a clear sign how right this statement was. In a way darth vader really was a "better" sith even with that spark of good he could not kill. He maybe was less powerful (I think actually he was unable to learn stuff due to his prostetics but not because lack of power, the unability to use his potential explains also his sudden outbursts for smallest things) but unlike sidious, he wasn't at all apologetic or hiding what he was. He was absolutely showing of to b a sith like it should b done if their supriority is true n their victory real, who should oppose 'em 4 that? If one would do so n b victorious than he would've deserved that by their own philosophy. The problem of jedi n sith alike is, they both are extremists who claim their favorized part of reality is the whole truth n each time the ignored part collides with thatn they find excuses to lie about it, that defeats of course utterly the claim. Specially if it is about power n freedom of responsability n consequences. If such freedom would b real there is no need to lie.
@stijnVDA1994 Жыл бұрын
Hey, I have a question not related to this but: do the blaster bolts seen in the vader vr trilogy have the same speed as the bolts in normal star wars? And if they are does that mean that normal beings with a lightsaber can either deflect away or reflect back to the shooter in a defensive situation.
@sedah4562 Жыл бұрын
This is cool and all but I just want to be a edgy cowboy in space.
@mingthan7028 Жыл бұрын
Pall is Gollum??
@ballzackball7170 Жыл бұрын
What if you just desire power itself?
@The_Smelly_Rat Жыл бұрын
Great video but was confused by sacrifagus? Is that a starwars thing or miss spoke and meant sarcophagus?
@geetslys Жыл бұрын
the latter :' )
@JarKai5584 Жыл бұрын
@3:54 -- It's pronounced SAR - CoF - E - Gus
@daviddevlogger Жыл бұрын
I used to trust my dog,till we were chased together by another dog😋
@finn6715 Жыл бұрын
I still rather be a Sith than a Jedi (grey jedi don't really exist so they don't count). Unlike the Jedi Sith are free, it is evident that you become a slave to the dark side but you still have freedom to choose what to do with your life and you also gain the abilities to have what ever you want (basically). Unlike the Jedi where you have to follow a very strict path that keeps you in check of your emotions and forces you to give up attachments whither it being loved ones or personal objects. It is very hard for many people to keep chech of emotions and even harder or almost impossible to not act irrationally if something bad happens. Which means when a Jedi falls to the Dark side they fall harder than any other, likely losing many loved ones and things they hold dear (Anakin Skywalker is a prime example). This is why I would still choose to become a Sith over a jedi if I had the option in my opinion. Plus Sith have the drip.❤
@zexalbrony4799 Жыл бұрын
"Now she is gone. Rayviss is gone. The Jedi Order is gone and I am free!" "You're not free, Dagan. You're alone." ' Selfish desires are not inherently a bad thing. Everyone has them, we all have our own wants and dreams, and as long as we're not really big dicks and don't harm anyone then it's fine. The Jedi understood this, they didn't force everyone to agree with them, because they understood the importance of people having freedom. However, the Sith deal in absolutes, it's all or nothing for them, as they take their selfish desires to the absolute extreme. I mean just look at the Mandalorians, their ideology leans a little toward the Dark Side and many Mandalorians have selfish desires, but despite that many Mandalorians are decent people. Because many Mandalorians and many other species can balance their selfish and selfless desires, not letting either one go to the extreme and cause problems. For all the Sith talk of freedom in their last line, in reality, when it comes to Sith no one is free, not the people conquered, not their allies, not their lesser Sith, not even the Sith Lords themselves, all of them are slaves to Dark Side, ironically, since many choose the Dark Side to be free, but all it does is take that freedom away. The Light lets you keep that freedom because, despite its desire for things to go a certain way(The Will of the Force and all that), it doesn't force people to do things because if it did then it would be no different then the Dark Side which takes away everyone's freedom, it's users especially.
@sisigs4820 Жыл бұрын
What if you're harming yourself?
@michaelandreipalon359 Жыл бұрын
You know you'll always be a disappointing and futile bunch when your arguable first member/prime founder actually regrets what he did on his postmortem state, let alone have (admittedly conflicting, but still) reports of becoming the very thing he once hated via redemption to the Light Side. Why bother being a bloody Sith with this pathetic truth in mind?
@screenname8206 Жыл бұрын
I like the video 🙂
@TheEmpressPalpatine Жыл бұрын
Perhaps a person is attracted to the idea of being a Sith because they are tired of the rules and regulations of most religions. Having grown up in a fundamentalist home, I know the feeling. Many fundamentalists think they have to give up all spirituality in order to be free. The Sith offer spirituality without all the rules, no Talmud, no St. Paul,, no Koran, no Sharia. I get the impression that the Jedi were rather fundamentalist as well. The Force is full of a million "rules." You can't be angry, you can't get married and so on. Much of the problem Anakin had with them was the extreme fundamentalism. His secret marriage was a big sticking point. What if marriage had been allowed and he could be an openly married Jedi? This rule that he could have no contact with his mother is why he was not there to save her. He held it against the Jedi that she died. The freedom of the Sith can be attractive for that reason. There are eastern philosophers that think the path to enlightenment is to experience all emotions. They just say to do it with awareness. They think following strict religious codes builds up the ego and blocks enlightenment. There is nothing more egotistical than a person that thinks they are holier than everyone else. The Spanish Inquisition was done by people who saw themselves as holier than everyone else. There is one thing, though, the Sith path will likely make a person actualize quickly. Since all desires are allowed, the person will dive right in and do what it is their heart desires. Some people may love competition and conquest. They might try to conquer the world. Others may test it out and try a different course because they find they don't like it. Others will just want to be more strongly connected to the Force and feel this works for them. I am saying all this because I think there are actually real people inspired by the Sith and have chosen it as a path. (Some have chosen Jedi.) I ran into quite a few of these online back when the prequel movies were coming out. As to the fictional character, he realized too late he was on the wrong path. It wasn't who he was. Since he was more or less the founder of the Sith, he had options to modify it to something less extreme. Carried to the nth degree, it can be a too extreme path.
@JChaosMaster Жыл бұрын
Have you ever did a video about non sith dark side users.
@TheOmegaAlfa Жыл бұрын
Pall’s story doesn’t click together with lore. If all Sith have affinity to Force then 12 people coming and taking world over is silly. What species would evolve thumbs to grip without having need to grasp things? What am I missing? Except it’s all fantasy. ;)
@DarkKaij11 ай бұрын
The Darkside and the Sith are not the same. Both the extremes are wrong. The Jedi are apathetic and zealous, but never did effort to stop slavery and poverty around the galaxy. The sith are egotistical maniacs who will destroy everything they touch. The Bendu are right, we are not dual in nature, we are complex and must seek to live the best way with passion to change what is needed.
@rbdaviesTB3 Жыл бұрын
So the Sith are hardcore Libertarians? :D
@ThomasJeffersonEdwardsIV5 ай бұрын
Different types of “Sith” there are many, I think… hmm 🤔
@libertariandragon9142 Жыл бұрын
You say extreme individualism but I'd actually call Sith philosophy extreme totalitarianism. From their Zero sum competition for more power. To their my way or die attitude to those they see as below them. These are totalitarian attitudes. Not individualist attitudes. Specifically the Sith are actually collectivists who want to be at the head of the collective. That actually brings up the greatest irony in Star Wars. That being that despite the Jedi being heavily collectivist themselves are actually more indivudualistic then the Sith.
@ArgentWolf95 Жыл бұрын
I agree, they're different levels of authoritarian, and both Jedi and Sith are collectivist. Being a Classical Liberal Individualist, I think the mindset that individualism is "selfish" is flawed.
@michellerahe4853 Жыл бұрын
Probably the most nerdy star wars person I've heard lol
@geetslys Жыл бұрын
We'll take that as a compliment!
@rinokumera5907 Жыл бұрын
@majjegaming5927 Жыл бұрын
@themotorcyclemasswhole Жыл бұрын
You guys are like the FOX news of the light side
@TheKhanofKhans6 ай бұрын
Yeah cuz literally all the say is wrong or twisted
@maximillianschauer14397 ай бұрын
Your guys take on the darkside is absolutely wrong. There can be no balance without each being valid.
@Blaze54845 Жыл бұрын
Why did the jedi believe that "balancing" the force meant eliminating half of its weilders?
@TY-km8hj Жыл бұрын
I'm guessing by half u mean the other dark siders. The reason is cos the dark side is a perversion of the force, an unnaturally state. Darkness I'd within everyone but to have it be drawn upon is not what the force is inherently