Which Chaplain is BEST to lead Death Company? (Astorath or Lemartes)

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BA Commander

BA Commander

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@phillylawyer Күн бұрын
The fact that it’s such a tough decision means GW did a really great job designing these characters.
@ba_commander Күн бұрын
Good point. It’s nice to have meaningful decisions to make.
@tajj7 Күн бұрын
The points costs of the new versions of DC and San Guard are going to make or break BAs melee lists I reckon. If those costs stay at or near the codex points for those two units we will struggle I think. If we see around 40ppm SG and 20ppm DC I think we will be ok. As we can't replicate these jump units any other way now, whereas previously VVs with the priest and 10 man JAIs with the Priest were heavy hitting power units in their own right, that option is gone with the jump priest going, so DC and San Guard being priced effectively is even more important.
@cntipede1000 Күн бұрын
I mean losing 40% of the Damage from DC they are going to have to be cheaper
@johnnymilan6264 Күн бұрын
Friday tactics videos sure make Friday's better!
@andrewcrane5105 Күн бұрын
I been using Asorath with a 5-man squad to hunt down big stuff. Lemartes with a 5-man to harass small stuff.
@spittzzvi 22 сағат бұрын
I wrote a list with 60 death company, 30 with jump packs, 30 in drop pods. It may be silly. The new jump pack death company captain giving the unit sustained 1 is another damage boost, but probably less than either of the chaplains.
@stephenleggett4243 Күн бұрын
Thanks John, always appreciate your efforts for the community and nice to see my conclusions backed up by intelligent analysis, rather than my "well that feels about right" approach.
@jimcarroll5314 Күн бұрын
We are super cp hungry its a real shame Dante doesnt give us cp like the other chapter masters do. Fingers crossed the sang guard go down a lot in the MFM. I wonder how running a couple 5 man DC as missiles would work out with better weapins per model.
@ba_commander Күн бұрын
Aren’t we less hungry now with the removal of Fight on Death?
@jimcarroll5314 Күн бұрын
@ba_commander maybe it's a wash, I hadn't thought about that but we still need to use red rampage and probably armor of contempt almost every turn and then we still want to rapid ingress here and there, advance and charge, throw grenades etc. Just would have been nice to bring Dante more in line with other chapter masters I suppose. I still really like the new detachment though.
@spittzzvi 9 сағат бұрын
@jimcarroll5314 The strategems are only 1 command point but there are so many good ones that you want to use multiple a turn. I only played one game so far with them and it was with the lost brethren detachment. I used rapid ingress the first 2 turns, it was invaluable, advance and charge on a few turns, it was incredible, lost to rage every turn that I could afford it because it is an amazing damage boost, and final retribution once but it was a letdown because I only lost a few lads and picked chainsword models so it wasn't as useful as lost to rage would have been.
@yungtoolshed251 Күн бұрын
I do like how in liberator the Death company can pretty much kill anything you send them at. Most of their melee weapons are strength 6+.
@ba_commander 10 сағат бұрын
I mean, until you run into toughness 13 enemies?
@pathartley1430 Күн бұрын
I wish they would give the option for on foot versions of Lemartes and Astorath to lead the non jump pack dc. Or just let these models have the option to lead them regardless of their own jump packs
@ba_commander Күн бұрын
This sounds cool, but it seems unlikely.
@EdGarnham Күн бұрын
I think they still provide Chaplain aura within 12?
@BloodBuffalo Күн бұрын
I would honestly be very upset. Lemartes lore is he is a jump pack only. I bought the mini because if his book and the amazing line were describes himself as a meteor storm. Lore accuracy above all.
@drebodollaz3504 Күн бұрын
They wouldn’t be Astorath or Lemartes without jumppack
@askewmastermind1629 Күн бұрын
I think they should give the sang priest the chaplain keyword since they took his jump pack away
@Mark.Matthews Күн бұрын
Appreciate your effort and dedication to making us better Sons of sanguinius John. Absolute Gent.
@garthbehrmann3463 Күн бұрын
Thanks John. I find these videos extremely helpful. My opinion (which is worth 0 since I’ve played a total of 0 games) - Lemartes may still be slightly better than Astaroth, because his unit is more survivable, thus if you don’t kill what you charged, or do and get shot/charged in the next round, you’d have a few more models your opponent has to deal with, which could tie them up a turn longer and could add the difference of 2-3 wounds in the next round of combat
In the Armiger example, I’d like to add that if you save at all on the 6++ that means the entire next Armiger wound has to be allocated back to that model and obviously any excess damage is lost. It could be figured out how to calculate it, but that’s beyond my brain and I hope you get it.
Point being, Lemartes shines brighter in this situation. Can’t edit at the moment.
@ba_commander 9 сағат бұрын
Can you elaborate please?
@alexandermacphearson4379 Күн бұрын
Great video! It is nice that one of these characters isn’t far and away better than the other. However, Lamartes model is just cooler looking 😁
@redcovenant Күн бұрын
Both? 🩸
@redcovenant Күн бұрын
I’ve played 2 games with LAG running two full DC units, one with each named chaplain. Found that they’ve behaved similarly to your maths. Lemartes is a better tank for absorbing damage and surviving, especially from shooting. Astorath is a bit more lethal, esp against units with invulns and there are enough of those. I’m hoping they’ll stick to the Codex points, 230 for 10 seems fair. For that or less I’d run 2 or 3 units. If they’re 240+ I’d probably just take 1. Regular chaplains (on foot, jump pack, terminators) are all massively underrated I feel. The +1 to wound really stacks well with the LAG strength buff. Wounding terminators on 2s with chainswords? Yes please 🩸
@TheSharkticon Күн бұрын
I feel you want two units of DC, and both
@Raiderman2023 Күн бұрын
If you could put it together, it would be interesting seeing the comparison between old death company and Astorath led unit with Lance (about as high a damage as that unit can currently get).
@tajj7 Күн бұрын
So around 40% ish less melee power and 6 special pistols as well, not hard to argue that Death Company are about 50% as powerful as they were. Feel this means we are going to need to see 100pts for 5 or lower I reckon for them to be good. A drop from 28ppm to 23ppm is not enough for that loss of power. Though it should be noted that on release they were an absurd 155pts for 5. So if the codex points are based on that, then it is a 40pt drop for 5 models, which on the current cost of 140pts would put them at 100pts for 5, which I think would make them good, maybe not must take and have multiple in every list but good to have 10 led by a character and get decent value from them, maybe even 2 squads of 10.
@franespinosa4686 Күн бұрын
​​@@tajj7 At 100 per 5 I think they would be too strong, since assault intercessors with jump packs are extremely strong right now at 80 points, and death company have quite a lot of extra damage over them, but it's true that they don't scale that great in big units as they used to, but they would be great as cheap, mobile trade pieces
@tajj7 Күн бұрын
@@franespinosa4686 They are T4, 2W marines at the end of day with no OC and no fall back if you don't add at least 75pts of characters to them. Got to remember like BTs are running primaris crusader squads at 14ppm, a squad of 10 of them has a power weapon, 2 power fists, they also re-roll advances and charges. Current DC with every model having a PF and IP is 28ppm, they have lost around 40-45% of the melee power and about 60% of their shooting power, as well as not re-rolling hits in shooting as well. Dropping to 20ppm a model seems logical to me when they have lost 50% of more of their offensive output and their special rule has got a bit worse, that is losing about 30% of their cost for half their offensive power.
@franespinosa4686 Күн бұрын
@@tajj7 I think it's not fair to compare them to the old DC points since they were extremely strong at their cost being a vital part of one of the best armies, they were due for a medium to large points increase, so if you factor that in, the decrease in points while keeping the full durability(a Squad with lemartes is very resilient at their points) is fine, if you compare them to crusader Squads, they have twice the movility and quite a bit extra damage per model, since the DC has both better weapons and natural rerrols to hit
@tajj7 Күн бұрын
@@franespinosa4686 They had already had a points increase, both Lemartes and the DC went up in the dataslate before last, they were left alone in the most recent dataslate which suggest GW didn't think they were OP and the army has done worse since then. Index BAs is like a 51% win rate army in Sons not a 55% plus. That units was 400 pts already, you can't start pushing 2 wound, t4 marines with no invul or 2+ to like over 30ppm, that is absurd. They were already really expensive, sure they had a lot of power but they are complete glass cannons. Plus BAs can't use VVs or JAIs in big blobs anymore because the san priest with JP has gone. Most tournament winning BAs lists that were doing well spring/summer, had like 20 DC with JPs, and usually 2 x 10 VVs with JPs and SPs attached, plus often a 10 man JAIs squad with SP as well. So were rocking like 50+ JP troops, half of which were attacking with S10 PFs and the army was still below the top armies like Sisters, Tsons, etc. Now pretty much all that power has gone, DC are literally HALF the power and VV/JAis blobs are gone. We need DC to appropriately priced along with San Guard for proper BAs list to be any good. If DC are 115pts for 5 they will suck, that is 330 pts for a unit of 10 with Lemartes (if he stays at 100), so a 70pt drop on a unit that is HALF as effective, that is crap and far too expensive. If DC are 115pts for 5 and San Guard are above 45ppm we will be sub 45% win rate faction. Got to remember that half the DC squad now are basically worse Jump intercessors, and jump intercessors are 16ppm. Paying 23ppm when half your squad is a guy with a chainsword and no OC is really bad value.
@sanctdc Күн бұрын
doing the great angels work here my dude, really helpful info cheers.
@ba_commander Күн бұрын
Glad to help!
@stevenburton7725 16 сағат бұрын
As I am running Lost Brethren, I don’t have to choose!
@aheroforfun6401 Күн бұрын
Some of this will depend on points costs, which may get a day 1 Field Manual update from what's in the Codex, who knows. But it seems Lemartes+DC is better defensively, while Astorath+DC is slightly better offensively. It's probably better to use Lemartes for 10-man units (so his -1 Damage buff lasts as many phases as possible), and it's probably better to use Astorath for 5-man units (because DC without defensive buffs are probably short-lived anyway, and also Astorath is a little bit more of a beatstick on his own than Lemartes).
@jamesnigelkunjuro12 Күн бұрын
Thanks for another great video. I have a theoretical I'd like to ask though: in your experience, how many Targets does a 10 man death company and lemartes can't kill in one turn? I imagine stuff like Knights or -1 damage shenanigans units can survive, but the thing I was considering in my head is if Astorath provides a ton of overkill for weaker targets, then lemartes' survivability might be more beneficial after that initial fight phase. Regardless, am keen to try both out for myself!
@mtymus Күн бұрын
I am going for both.
@Turk3YbAstEr 22 сағат бұрын
I'm thinking both.
@ryannelson7719 Күн бұрын
Only in death does duty end
@ProjectKRAKEN Күн бұрын
Our factions heavy hitters are still up in the air. Advance and charge makes some hybrid infantry interesting like aggressors, centurions, and terminators. Your Libby terminator video got me thinking about sustain 1 on a block of ten LC terminators. All melee but that out perform the fists on almost every metric. Was wondering if you were tinkering around with some terminators?
@ba_commander 10 сағат бұрын
I had some great results on 3 assault Centurion last couple of weeks. I do think librarian and it’s a great option for terminators, I just kind of found feeling 10 terminators quite difficult. Maybe try them sooner rather than later.
@NicC49 Күн бұрын
Average 40% decreased damage from before is crazy. I really hope a new squad isn't more than 200 points. Edit: This is because 2 good chaplains make me want to run 2 10man squads)
@ba_commander Күн бұрын
That's before the pistol loss.
@rexvictorhardrada Күн бұрын
I vote for astorath, he and 10 man blob did 22 dev wounds to a stompa😂😂
@DrAculushka Күн бұрын
Best chaplain is one you like the most. Change my mind!
@ToddGrindle Күн бұрын
Completely points dependent... But i wanna run 2 squads, 1 with each of these options
@WarThunder-zt4xw Күн бұрын
John great info Thankyou! I bought this kit and I was thinking about splitting the squad into two 5-man units. One with Astorath attached and one with Lemartes. Do you think that method will pay off strategically as opposed to one 10-man?
@ba_commander Күн бұрын
Hard to say. Usually when I got for 5 man squads I want cheap points leaders, worth testing though!
@WarThunder-zt4xw Күн бұрын
@@ba_commander yes I agree! Maybe add a 10-man DC squad of foot w/ a Primaris chap attached riding a Repulsor? That run up the center objective, place both 5-man with jumps in reserve, round out with 2 impulses w/ assault intercessors and a Ballistus dread
@oscarnygren5851 22 сағат бұрын
What about one 5-man squad with each? Easier to hide since i want to Rapid ingress a 10 man squad with terminators + chaplain :x
@ba_commander 10 сағат бұрын
When I was doing it before the codex, I preferred the cheap chaplains to run with a five man.
@oscarnygren5851 8 сағат бұрын
@@ba_commander mmm fair enough. :) thank you for answer. not as cool though xD
@rlira0908 Күн бұрын
the real question imo is: are Death Company JPs worth running anymore?
@ba_commander Күн бұрын
I think so for the speed and rapid ingress threat, but I’m not running more than 10 personally.
@EdGarnham Күн бұрын
I thought 10 man DC could have 4 power fists total. Am I missing something? For every 5 you get a plasma pistol, 1 power fist and 1 dude with the double option (fist and inferno)
@ba_commander Күн бұрын
It’s super confusing, but unfortunately 10 Man can just take three.
@cognosciento Күн бұрын
How about the codex Chaplain With Jump Pack? +1 to wound is nice, and he brings a chance of mortals every fight phase, not just on the charge. Solid?
@ba_commander 10 сағат бұрын
Yeah, I mean it is solid,, I used it to a GT in July, 2 x 5 man with generic chaplains. I think if you’re doing the fives, it makes sense to use the cheap ones.
@michaeltei4173 14 сағат бұрын
Astorah hits like a truck Lem can take a hit thats how I see it
@sam_r3591 Күн бұрын
Be intresting to know if a standard Chaplin out damages Lemates with the +1 to wound ?
@ba_commander Күн бұрын
You can see it on the slide with the yellow right.
@cognosciento 21 сағат бұрын
@@ba_commander Chaplain with JP may get you some mortals every fight (not just charge) and saves you the CP, which you might need for fall back and charge.
@Syst3m04 Күн бұрын
Can anyone clarify this for me. If you have Lethal hits and Dev Wounds, then your Lethals are just stand lard wounds correct, they do not become Dev Wounds?
@ba_commander Күн бұрын
Correct. So lethal can hurt your potential to get devs.
@Syst3m04 Күн бұрын
@@ba_commander Thanks for clarifying that for me 😁
@delta35thereal 18 сағат бұрын
Isnt taking lance and lethal a bit redundant? You get +1 to wound from lance, but if you get lethals, the damage is automatic on hit and +1 to wounds effect is lost on it
@nomassgoer8350 16 сағат бұрын
It is redundant. How many times have dumped a ton of dice and not one 6? It’s to help mitigate those situations.
@ba_commander 10 сағат бұрын
It has diminishing returns, but I don’t think it’s ever redundant.
@Mark.Matthews Күн бұрын
Do yiu think i should not bother with the dc on foot from the fomo box and just pisnt them as intercessors then? Thanks
@ba_commander Күн бұрын
I am not necessarily the gospel on this, but right now I’m not using them.
@ToddGrindle Күн бұрын
3d print jump packs
@521wallace Күн бұрын
Is the DC Captain that gives Sustained ever worth it?
@ba_commander Күн бұрын
I'm currently not seeing it, I always prefer my DC to have OC and be able to fall back.
@aheroforfun6401 Күн бұрын
@@ba_commander Bingo. Astorath, Lemartes, and a JP Chaplain are all viable choices in one way or another. The DC Captains are kinda cool but not very useful. If they could just give OC but not fall back (or vice versa) I might consider it.
@michelepicano4552 Күн бұрын
Shouldn’t be 12A of powerfist ? You have counted 8
@ba_commander Күн бұрын
Yes got damn the new confusing weapon options!
@Guo1234bob Күн бұрын
Why not both?
@Chasemcloud5745 Күн бұрын
Anyone else who has played LAG: anyone else feel like death company aren’t a great unit anymore? Eviscorators feel weak and missing so Many power fists as well. I wonder whether multiple squads of blade guard are better?
@aheroforfun6401 Күн бұрын
I think SG are gonna be the new meta. DC got directly weakened. VanVets got indirectly weakened (no SangPriest). And JP Intercessors were simply never in the same league. The new SG are looking to be a little too expensive points-wise. But believe there will be a Munitorum Field Manual update early on, possibly Day 1 of the new Codex.
@Chasemcloud5745 Күн бұрын
@@aheroforfun6401 sang guard and Dante have felt very strong in all the games I’ve played so far. DC meanwhile feel quite weak in comparison. Just don’t have the confidence they are going to slaughter much in combat now
@ba_commander 5 сағат бұрын
10 dc with astorath feels ok.
@Chasemcloud5745 5 сағат бұрын
@@ba_commander when he doesn’t fail 5 inch charges 🤣 has happened to me 3 games in a row now
@kevingarnett1255 Күн бұрын
230 for 10 DC, but 180 for 6 bladeguard with a built in invuln, or 240 for 6 aggressors, I feel like either of those squads just have better value. The downsides is the movement, it just changes how you play I think
@ba_commander Күн бұрын
I think you can field 10, that’s what I’ve been doing so far in LAG.
@521wallace Күн бұрын
My new list runs all 3 of those. Bladeguard+Judiciar in an Impulsor, Aggresors+Capt in a Repulsor, DC+Astorath in DS.
Starting Blood Angels in 2024 (using Death Company Box)
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