Who Are the D. Clan? The Straw Hat of Fate in One Piece

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Artur - The Library of Ohara

Artur - The Library of Ohara

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@TheLibraryofOhara 2 жыл бұрын
*Watch Episode 6 early on Patreon!* www.patreon.com/thelibraryofohara In this episode, we'll focus on a very interesting subject that I feel isn't talked about enough: FATE! It may seem like a weird concept, but please watch the video until the end to get the full picture!
@tasneemulhasan6507 2 жыл бұрын
Let me tell you what is fate/destiny is : In Islam before Making everything God make a pen and paper (not atual pen or paper it's a way to explain ) and told to pen write everything: what will happen from the start to the end of everything mean(till judgement day) for example my fate/destiny what will happen to me what religion I will follow or d.o.b. and date of death , my sins and what I will say or think etc I mean everything a to z . As per Islam said we came in this world for test (for example :you will ask if it's already written then how it will called as test , everything is but we don't know it for. Ex.if we eat good food we will be healthy or if we eat bad things we will get ill this show we have freedom to do things😊 Some scholar will tell you correctly sorry I am bad in explaining things
@north637 2 жыл бұрын
I’ll explain. The One Piece (all the treasure the world has to offer) is located in the huge hole in the middle of the ocean under Enies Lobby. Enies sounds a lot like.. well, Anus. It’s the Will of (the) D is to enter the “Enies” hole. It’s fate. The entirety of one piece is a joke about anal. You’re welcome.
@undertaker7523 2 жыл бұрын
You should listen to the Joe Rogan podcast with Firas Zahabi. They talk about destiny and free will and how they coincide
@richardthe-boonie9788 2 жыл бұрын
Hello Artur. This is before I watched your video. I had this suggestion about the fate of a D. Clan member. This is my theory: The D. Clan are actually Deities of the first beings or they are the main children of Joyboy or The Devil. Which is not really the devil. It is the name that I'm sam's gave Joyboy after she feared him uniting the world. When a D. dies, they have it directly in their name. Gol. D. Roger. His name is Gol. D. Roger. He was the Goal Deity. He could complete the biggest goal in the world before any man. The fate was giving a message to the world that was heard and understood. The definition of Roger. In ever D. Name their fate lies within it.
@luism.6766 2 жыл бұрын
luffy is the chosen one
@redx589 2 жыл бұрын
I already talked about the Fate Thing when Killer defeated Hawkins so I'll just repeat what I said here: One of the main themes of One Piece are of Destiny, Fate and fighting the Odds. This is something peppered throughout the story at rare moments and it’s something people often confuse for fate or destiny. Especially when looked at in isolation but when you put them all together it paints a very clear picture. The truth is that there is no such thing as “fate” in One Piece. Thats just something a lot of characters believe because it’s an easy “go to” explanation. Whats actually happening is far simpler. One of the reasons the Katakuri fight was so great was because in encapsulated damn near every theme in the story in one single encounter while developing both characters. But the important part here is what it has to say about “fighting the odds”. Oda describes Luffy as a man of action. So in this encounter we have a clash between Katakuri the man who can see the future vs Luffy the man of action. The question asked for us at the start of the fight is “who decides the future?” and in the end the man of action succeeds over the man who could merely “see” the future. What the story is trying to say it made clear through Bege much earlier: “You can only see the future, everyone else has the power to change it.” The ability to take action is what decides the future. Which is why Luffy succeeds where Katakuri fails. The point the story is trying to make is that the most effective way to predict the future is to create it. Your actions effect the outcome. The Odds are NOT static. They are always changing and your actions have the potential to change them. Which is why guys like Killer and The Rooftop 5(wow that sounds like a band name) are on the same wavelength. They believe in their own ability. In Luffy vs Katakuri, the future seeing man thinks that Luffy’s future is decided. Because he’s already seen it. But Luffy persists and takes action against every prediction. To the point where the outcome has completely changed. And by the end of the fight Katakuri can no longer see a future where he defeats Luffy. Because Luffy changed his odds. Through taking action. We have this theme coming up again earlier in the arc with Tama. The Beast Pirates are at a massive advantage over The Alliance during the Raid. But because Tama chose to take action, those Odds have changed. Having literally said: “I’ve come here to change those odds.” Oda has been telling us this long before Wano. You can go back through the series and see this everywhere. This is why Shanks literally says to Coby at Marineford that: “those few seconds of courage you took to take action just changed the future” Again the story is hitting at the idea of people’s actions being what decides the future. Not fate. We see this come up again with Ivankov in Impel down. He tells Mr 2 that “Miracles only happen to those who never give up”. It’s the actions of those who pursued something against all odds that create the miracles. Their actions created that new possibility. Not fate. Which is why you’ll see something like a storm saving Roger in his fight with Shiki. Roger persisted against overwhelming odds and was rewarded with a miracle. Another commonly misunderstood scene that shows us this theme is when Hawkins is checking Luffy’s Odds after Marineford. Hawkins can’t get Luffy’s odds of survival to come out as Zero. A lot of people think this is fate but if you remember the theme then it’s clear that isn’t the case. This isn’t plot, this isn’t fate, the reason Luffy’s odds do not reach zero is because Luffy is still fighting. He hasn’t given up yet. The point the scene is trying to get across is that no matter what the odds are, no matter how often they change as long as you’re still fighting/taking action? They are NOT zero. This idea is even reflected in Luffy’s entire journey. Think of where he started. At the beginning of the series Coby tells Luffy that a guy like him with no Pirate crew had no chance. That the odds against him were so astronomical, that it was impossible for him to be the Pirate King in the Golden Age of Pirates. And you know what? Coby is exactly right. If Luffy faced Emperors as he was back then? He would have stood no chance and died instantly. But because Luffy kept taking action, growing stronger, building his crew, forming connections Luffy has completely flipped that scenario. He’s completely changed his odds to the point where people are now calling him the 5th Emperor on the seas and is one of the most highly talked about Pirate King candidates. That idiot in a barrel who got lost at sea has now earned the respect of Kaido himself, being viewed as a worthy opponent and is now seemingly fighting on par with the World’s Strongest creature. Luffy’s come a long way but if he looked at those odds….and did nothing? He’d be right where he was at the start of the story. Nothing would have changed. To accept the odds is to allow things to remain as they are. When the odds aren’t in your favor you shouldn’t be thinking “Oh theres no way I can win.” You should be thinking “Ok what can I do to change that?” Having the odds stacked against you is indicator of how much action you should be taking. Not a sign for you to take no action.
@BerenElendilAPGaming 2 жыл бұрын
Damn... That was one hell of an explanation.
@jopo6386 2 жыл бұрын
That makes more sens tbh
@17castj 2 жыл бұрын
@jeffj3976 2 жыл бұрын
I truly appreciate your wonderful comment
@vitlaska 2 жыл бұрын
@RmnGnzlz 2 жыл бұрын
*Robin:* I found it, finally. The last poneglyph, it was on the Moon all along. *Golden Poneglyph:* "Well done creature of free will and thirst for the truth. I shall reward your efforts by sharing my greatest secret, the D stands for Deez Nutz. -Grand Sage Con D. Oriano."
@uhuhhuhhh 2 жыл бұрын
anyone else hesitant to keep watching bc arthur is most likely on point with a lot of this
@sandyiman99 2 жыл бұрын
I Felt like being spoiled
@Nohinio 2 жыл бұрын
@KB N wtf are you even saying
@hasniichasnii7671 2 жыл бұрын
@KB N personally the other Ohara is often so outlandish with his theories that I want to stop watching his videos. I still watch just in case. Even his most popular video the big theory, seems so nitty picked crafted and using random logics and personal fantasies that I disagreed the hell out of it. This is my take after reading through so many comments and video reaction to consider both sides. However, this final theory ohara videos Playlist feel so superficial now that it feels like adding nothing much to already discussed ideas. I hope he prove us wrong
@Zelia_Wolf 2 жыл бұрын
Nah, pretty much confirming a lot of my ideas as well. With extra detail. Part of the fun is the journey. And anticipating what's to come. If we're right, we're ecstatic. Of we're wrong, we're happy that oda keeps the mystery alive till the very end. As long g as it all kakes sense with those Aha moments, qnd not.some random BS pulled put his sphincter.
@nicolasrodriguez9709 2 жыл бұрын
the world government’s gonna come looking for him 😩 he knows too much!!
@grizzlyadams8277 2 жыл бұрын
What if Joy Boy’s crew was called the Dawn or Don Pirates? And then the D Clan actually originated from his various crew mates. So Monkey, Gol, Marshall, Portgas, Trafalgar, Rocks, Jaguar, and possibly more. Were all originally the names of Joy Boy’s crew mates who have passed down their will and lineage throughout the centuries.
@ai-tw1zn 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds cool 👍
@epulEA 2 жыл бұрын
What if Joyboy exchange the sake with them and become "Brother". Made D. In their middle name as a Brother and passed it into each generations. They are too powerful and Tenryubito scared to them its like fate D. will always dragged them down
@kevinn8949 2 жыл бұрын
I like this explanation a lot because I think it really highlights how extraordinary Luffy is. It's not that Luffy was meant to be the person to bring the world's dawn, but it's because only someone like Luffy could do it (or Roger but he arrived too early). Someone with not only his determination to impose his will onto fate but also the ability to bring others together to collectively change the fate of the world. Yes there is some element of chance involved, but luck only favors those who are willing to fight the odds in the first place. Like Ivankov said, "Miracles only comes to those who never give up".
@HangGrenade01 2 жыл бұрын
Buggy is the same way in that he can draw people to him. That Buggy can get into and out of some of the craziest situations in the series and somehow gain more followers along the way is pretty amazing.
@tercial 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah buggy has a lot of charisma
@dundandon 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe Buggy has a D in his name, his full name. I think it would be hilarious if he does and someone like Shanks doesn't.
@HangGrenade01 2 жыл бұрын
@@dundandon Buddy D(the) Clown lol
@GuysCupank 2 жыл бұрын
That's a good example ! Of how he has the same power as Luffy, but never trying his best to achive his dream.
@newt2120 2 жыл бұрын
Imagine if buggy is supposed to be the true chosen one, the joy boy of this era. And luffy someone that just helps pave the way for him.
@sophiliamajestign9303 2 жыл бұрын
I'm either slow or weird, but I think the straw hat, itself is meant to be a reference to the sun, just based on how it looks
@kaio-what9497 2 жыл бұрын
Thats actually genius, I’ve never heard that one before. Nice
@nqobanidlamini212 2 жыл бұрын
Why are you acting like you just came up with that yourself 🤣🤣🤣
@snicksandstones 2 жыл бұрын
It's literally a sun hat so, duh 🙄
@andreflores2697 2 жыл бұрын
@KPD_KPD 2 жыл бұрын
Strawhat is also known as beach hat or sunny day hat
@ste.vvv_en 2 жыл бұрын
This is without a doubt my favorite part of the theory so far. I really hope your theory on fate turns out to be true because it clicks so perfectly with the narrative of One Piece. I cannot wait to see how you wrap this theory up. The new year is going to be insane.
@grennbalze 2 жыл бұрын
“A king of destruction, can be a god of creation.” Reign: The Conquerer
@roger07ify 2 жыл бұрын
This is absolutely some god tier content! I started riding this wave since the first part and so far it has been one of the best experiences I've ever had on youtube. Thank you so much for your hard work!
@thevipez8740 2 жыл бұрын
25:28 YESSSS this is what i had been thinking, yes luffy has a lot of luck and fate on his side, but he would have never gotten thereif he gave up, so a central message i think oda is trying to say is that fate exists in one piece, maybe even in real life, but, that it will favour those who never give up. And its actually a really touching message, if everything is fated why even try? well lets say i gave it my all but i was just going to fail anyways thats just how it is, BUT, youll never know if it is really fated untill you try your absolute hardest. If your fated to lose anyways, why not try your hardest? it seems dumb in concept since your going to lose anyways so there wouldnt be a reason, but those with the sheer will to try despite that, those with the will to try to change their own fate, those are the ones that are truly special, and will be favored by fate as sort of an act of acknowledgement. Its really hard to put into words this concept oda is trying to get at, but i would say it isnt lazy writing or anything of that sort, but instead a stroke of genius.
2 жыл бұрын
Magnificent, as always. Can't wait for the next videos 🔥
@abie1295 2 жыл бұрын
I knew he will talk about the D clan and the straw hat. Man, Arthur is really on point on every videos. Maybe he really do found what is one piece. The last episodes of these series will be super lit.
@italotrivisan9767 2 жыл бұрын
It would be really weird if he didn't actually find out what the one piece is after all of this. In the first video of the series, he does not present it as "I have a theory on what it might be". He says something along he lines of "I found out what it is", as he emphasizes his 5 years long journey to do so. Not gonna lie, I'm expecting to feel spoiled when the last video comes, and I'll be kinda disappointed if it doesn't happen. Although I'm already very impressed with the "Luffy's true dream" thing.
@abie1295 2 жыл бұрын
@@italotrivisan9767 You are right. He did say that. I too got hooked on Artur because of that Luffy's true dream theory. It really do make so much sense. He is also the only youtuber i found that came up with that theory first. I also don't mind if these videos will spoiled me. Tbh, it won't be a spoiler because no one really knows what Oda truly have in mind. At the very least, to have knowledge as to what One Piece really is, though just in theory, is what I want to have reading One Piece forward.
@byace7478 2 жыл бұрын
@@abie1295 he is not the first one tho. There are a couple german youtubers who talked about luffys dream. They came to the same conclusion. And i dont think he found out everything. I Think we are missing too much information to find out what one Piece really is. The Sun god was randomly thrown in the stroy. and i think its not ganna be the last one.. The Theorys are good dont understand me wrong but i dont think this is everything
@byace7478 2 жыл бұрын
kzbin.info/www/bejne/fJmoipasfaqJn9U this is the Video
@momoz4427 2 жыл бұрын
@@byace7478 That is funny!😂That One Piece Theoretiker linked his source/Quelle in the description. It is the link to Artur's Theory about Luffy's true dream on Artur's website
@baning23 2 жыл бұрын
I think the ability of the D being to attract people to believe in them is absolutely right, instead of being the chosen one, because you can apply it to so many other Ds. Roger had at least 2 conquerors users who decided to follow him, convinced the hero of the marines to take care of his son, and captivated an entire generation to go to sea. Dragon and Garp are both people who are praised as heros in their respective groups, the revolutionaries and the marines. Rocks had a crew of extraordinarily ambicious people who followed him. Blackbeard acquired half of his crew just by asking in Impel Down. Ace had a whole war happen because of the people who wouldn't give up on him. Law was loved by a celestial dragon, his "natural enemy", that saved his life. Saul was killed by Aokiji, but he still let Robin go and fulfilled Saul's will. I don't have an example for Rouge, but well, we know she at least captivated Roger's D. As long as there are D's who can rally people behind them, the fate of the world can be changed.
@redalalm8006 2 жыл бұрын
LMAO Rouge captivated roger's D. Thats some next level analysis, roger's D is obviosly diffrent than the other Ds, except for luffy who can obviously stretch to surpass him
@baning23 2 жыл бұрын
@@redalalm8006 Thanks, it was my strongest point
@husseinmasri901 2 жыл бұрын
I think you missed Oda's alernate timeline of the One Piece characters in the SBS. He draws optimistic timeline and alternate dark timeline. maybe he is saying that it is not guaranteed by fate that Luffy will win. It will all come to his will against Blackbeard's
@gabriell6519 2 жыл бұрын
you haven't watched the full video have you it is literally said in the end of the Blackbeard part and the begging of the truth of fate no fate is set in stone "it will all come to his will against blackbeard" etc
@husseinmasri901 2 жыл бұрын
@@gabriell6519 i did watch it I am replying to that part actually My point is that the SBS drawings support what he says
@newt2120 2 жыл бұрын
@@husseinmasri901 lol he didnt read your comment right
@trafalgarlaw3220 2 жыл бұрын
my theory is, there are two "D" clans, Dawn who brings light (Luffy), and Dusk who gives darkness (Blackbeard)
@dissocialdolphin8518 2 жыл бұрын
ah yes, your theory that you casually read last year on Artur's Return to the Reverie
@shaneiles5672 2 жыл бұрын
I've always thought the same concept but not the literal names just that there is another d who's will transcends a life and keeps coming back and it started when this d betrayed the ancient kingdom and caused the loss of the war back in the day and that rocks and blackbeard are that will of d Carriers. I also had stupid idea for awhile that whilst being connected by the d they all mean something different based on which family from back in the day your related to. So luffy dawn or dream blackbeard deception law literally doctor lmao could never place one for saul tho delightful maybe haha
@trafalgarlaw3220 2 жыл бұрын
@@dissocialdolphin8518 sorry i never read arthur's return to reverie Mr. Dissocial "who knows everything about me" Dolphin :)
@trafalgarlaw3220 2 жыл бұрын
@@shaneiles5672 yes because blackbeard is very different from other "D" clan
@dissocialdolphin8518 2 жыл бұрын
This theory reminds me a lot of the Wheel of Time books. Everyone there has a sort of predefined role and weight in the fate of the world, but there are always many paths and many possible different outcomes depending on individual actions. I hope Oda gives an explanation as clear as Robert Jordan in that saga, or maybe a better one if we're talking about Goda. Great video Artur, this series of theories is awesome.
@AngeloLombardo777 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly, its like Rand and Matt and Perrin weaving the world around them. Great observation! Its making me think about this whole thing differently
@dissocialdolphin8518 2 жыл бұрын
@@AngeloLombardo777 Yeah it's like that. After starting WoT books a while ago my vision of the whole destiny based plot changed a lot on a lot of series including One PIece
@AngeloLombardo777 2 жыл бұрын
@@dissocialdolphin8518 Im totally following that way of thinking now towards One Piece. It honestly makes a lot of sense and i'll bet there is some truth to it with the D clan members (and maybe Kozuki... offshoot of D or maybe just an ancient supporting force of D?) being the weavers of history and creating their own fate through their on will. I could get deep on this so quick hahaha
@davidricoh 2 жыл бұрын
The whole world is a stage, and all the men and women merely actors… shakespeare… I have noticed that even those who assert that everything is predestined and that we can change nothing about it still look both ways before they cross the street….hawking the word unmei reminds of this quotes..
@lighthouselibrary9461 2 жыл бұрын
Facts, it’s almost like Luffy is a Tavareen 🤔
@hoodiereviews6003 2 жыл бұрын
I’m not worried about Oda taking Luffy down the path of “THE chosen one” so much as Luffy being “A chosen one.” We know that Luffy is carrying on Joyboy’s legacy, but it is safe to assume Roger was, too. And, it’s only a theory as of now, but where Joyboy lived 800-900 years ago, Roger lived only ~20 years ago. So it’s possible that there were even more iterations of Joyboy in between Joyboy and Roger. If that does turn out to be the case, then there were plenty of “chosen ones” over time. Eventually, one of Joyboy’s reincarnations would succeed; it just so happens to be Luffy as opposed to one of the other versions, like say, Roger.
@hoodiereviews6003 2 жыл бұрын
Which I think is far more interesting from a storytelling perspective.
@redalalm8006 2 жыл бұрын
the problem would be that luffy was lucky to be born precisely when "something" made him a better candidate for joyboy instead of roger or perhaps anyone who came before. Because Roger doesnt lack in will power or strenght or anything, he simply was too early. If roger was born 20 years later he would have become what ever luffy is gonna be. And this just sets that luffy atleast is competting against those joyboy candidates of his era atleast so it narrows it downa a bit compared to the 800 years time period. So fate is definetly up there to give luffy an advantage over the others. But ofcourse its up to oda to decide how it will end up.
@Tstarr600 2 жыл бұрын
I think Oda has found a Chosen One loophole. If the One Piece is the power of the Sun God (which i believe is now the most likely answer since Oda said that after Nika was mentioned, we had all the pieces we needed to know what the One Piece is), making Joyboy the one meant to wield it on earth, then that would explain why the rubber fruit is a big deal. And why having Immortality is important, according to Doflamingo. If the D clan member must have a physical form that can stretch or shift to accommodate that Power, then the fruit they eat is crucial. Fate made sure Luffy got the right fruit. But Blackbeards fruit can also absorb power and he's a D, too. So Luffy is The Chosen One by fate, but Blackbeard is positioning himself to steal it. That could explain how the Joyboy before had his Power stolen in the Celestial Dragon's coup. They waited for the Power of god to regenerate on laugh tale, and attacked and stole it in that moment.
@Heizeyeah 2 жыл бұрын
Only change I’d make to this theory is that it’s not reincarnation but inherited will throughout generations and thriving to be free, just as joyboy dreamed. Their will lives on.
@darrenraphael 2 жыл бұрын
@@redalalm8006 The thing that Roger lacks compared to Luffy is the ability to make allies out of living creatures.
@Hecilo 2 жыл бұрын
This made me think - could there maybe even 2 different D. clans? The clan of Dawn and the clan of Dusk as portrayed in your video?
Will of D means: Dawn, Destiny or Devil.
@runte3055 2 жыл бұрын
Then there was Hawkins, who says Fate here Fate there all the time and he once said that "Luffy's chance to die is 0%"
@brettiwejor5936 2 жыл бұрын
He said 1 bro
@xavierortiz1294 2 жыл бұрын
From what i can gather it all comes down to will. The D clans hold the wills so strong they can bend and carve fate for themselves, which would explain why they almost always are standouts in history and Luffys strenght of will being responsible for his strokes of incredible luck. Maybe conquerors haki, the pure manifestation of power of will, on certain individuals, can conquer and bend fate itself to the will of the wielder.
@StarStrellaStar 2 жыл бұрын
I honestly don't think a prophecy has to be a bad thing. Luffy can be the chosen one and still act on his own free will. Since he chose this path he obviously is the chosen one and a good fortune teller would have to see him and not someone else
@ReiseLukas 2 жыл бұрын
People tend to believe you can only have Fate Or Free Will and never consider the possibility of both coexisting without contradiction.
@tanvinpranto8798 2 жыл бұрын
Wowww he is uploading a great video and i am going to work 😑😑😑😑 have to wait another 10 hours 😑
@TheThatwhiteguy 2 жыл бұрын
Pretty sure the lightning was just dragon. Hes been heavily implied to have a DF that controls the weather
@redx589 2 жыл бұрын
He's been heavily implied to have a Wind Logia.
@takivagraham302 2 жыл бұрын
Even so him being there coincidence or fate
@traviswrigg5158 2 жыл бұрын
Covered in the video
@markxxv 2 жыл бұрын
I think the meaning of the straw hat is really simple: you've been speaking a lot about the Dawn, so I think it recalls the uprising sun.
@cesarkopp2 2 жыл бұрын
Sooo.... Like Luffy's hat? :D
@Joe_Silly 2 жыл бұрын
Artur, great video but I UNIRONICALLY got motion sickness from the recap portion of the video. The amount of zoom ins/panning and the speed of them was really hard to watch Keep up the good work
@rockinrom1524 2 жыл бұрын
what if imu is just like luffy. a person with a extremely strong will who connects people together. luffys greatest strength but used by the opposing force. one piece goes for grey meanings rather than black or white. perhaps joy boy lost because imu or his predecessors will was greater.
@MrGhostTheBigRoast 2 жыл бұрын
OP is absolutely a Chosen One story, its after all a children's story. But Luffy isnt handed powers just because he's the MC, he demonstrably shows the power and more importantly the NEED for hard work. Fate might be important, but what will get him through to the top spot will be his own doing, prophecy or no prophecy.
@KNGthepirate 2 жыл бұрын
For the hat, I think thats just a far common acessory on the Ancient Kingdom. Be it by Joy Boy's influence or not. And when the so to be WG wiped out the entire of the Kingdom history and culture, it cease to be. But something with so little meaning, so fragile as a strawhat model continually persevering throught the ages, with Im as a witness, that the D will never extinguished. How romantic it would look like, and how intoxicating it must be to Im to see someone dressing that. An acessory only him knows the actual meaning.
@MrLK979 2 жыл бұрын
In chapter 1015, Sanji says to Chopper: "Don't cry, idiot. After all this time we've been together... How many MIRACLES have you seen?" I guess this must be one more example to show influence of fate in One Piece.
@filipeltsilva 2 жыл бұрын
Could be the storms created after Dragon appeared in Loguetown and before Roger x Shiki an advanced Haki or an elemental skill that only the D. clan can use?
@localangrydad2590 2 жыл бұрын
I like this, to be honest.And I think Oda himself always leaned towards this by how he mentions fate then always goes back to the PERSON. It isn't that Fate being on Luffy's side is what makes him so incredible, it's the fact that Luffy is such an extraordinary person is WHY his fate favors him so much. Everyone has their fate. But at the end it's down to who's great enough to carve it, even through others' own.
@ReiseLukas 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly, there is a balance between Free Will and Fate
@achbj10 2 жыл бұрын
While I am watching this episode I asked one of my friend about the binding of fate with the characters in onepiece, he directly told me "well it's fantasy anime! what do you expect" and i don't have any things to argue!!!!!!!
@chuckle501 2 жыл бұрын
On the topic of the meaning of the D. In terms of fate leaning on either side does this also mean that the D.'s meaning could also change from Dawn to Darkness? If Rocks had won or if Fate chooses Blackbeard's crossroad...
@DGraze 2 жыл бұрын
you mean Dusk. yes, if oda choose Dusk to Win I.e BB win in the series. yes that could happen.
@paarijatsharma9575 2 жыл бұрын
Another example of luffy surving by sheer "luck" is when he fell in the exact spot where there was no ice in Marineford from the SKY.
@igiornogiovannahaveadream649 2 жыл бұрын
He wouldn't die even if he crashed into ice, he is rubbery
@paarijatsharma9575 2 жыл бұрын
@@igiornogiovannahaveadream649 yes but everyone else with him would have died and then he would have died during the war because there aren't as many people to help him
@igiornogiovannahaveadream649 2 жыл бұрын
@@paarijatsharma9575 yes I agree I was just talking specifically
@paarijatsharma9575 2 жыл бұрын
@@igiornogiovannahaveadream649 ohhh, no worries dude ✌️
@Cola-42 2 жыл бұрын
The lightning could have been from Dragon's devil fruit. Even if not, Buggy's sword acted like an iron rod in a high place that attracted the lightning. Fate doesn't happen if you don't make any initial steps. You can't have a successful KZbin channel if you don't upload any videos. Even if fate does exist in the world of One Piece, it doesn't mean Luffy was going to get there without putting his life on the line that he was meant for it anyway. It's not like he had a Kyuubi helping him or reincarnated into another world with limitless magic power.
@MetalB1985 2 жыл бұрын
Just think about it, if Luffy would know, that he is the chosen one ... Wouldn't he reject the prophecy? Being a slave to fate, is the opposite of being free. And Luffy wants to be the man with the most frewdom. Similar like he doesn't want to be a hero, doesn't want to know what the One Piece is or getting a shortcut to Laugh Tale. Maybe at the end Luffy is rejecting fate and will choose his own path ... Which will bring the Dawn of the world on his own terms.
@SoZo 2 жыл бұрын
u only repeated what manga panels said...u didn't answer what teh D clan iz..........
@utsavgupta500 2 жыл бұрын
Well my thought on D is something like something representing laughter, bringing different kinds of laughter together ( also making everyone forget their status and laugh together). Possibility this is what made Roger laugh at laugh tale.
@unstoppableExodia 2 жыл бұрын
One of the things I really like about one piece is that as much as Luffy saves and liberates people he befriends along the way when pushes himself to defeat the ultimate antagonist of each arc and becomes stronger as a result he is also saved by people that become his allies and friends, when he’s in crisis people are compelled to help him. I think the way Oda has managed to utilize what is basically a writer’s conceit and turn it into a valid plot point is masterful. Normally the protagonist of a shounen manga has plot armour. The very design of that type of story means the protagonist will reach their goal in the end meaning they simply can’t die. Goku could not die in the dragonball series, neither could Naruto before he achieved world peace. For a series that runs many years that can create a problem. The audience eventually gets wise to the fact that the main character and their closest allies may experience small setbacks but they’re essentially unkillable and it gets harder to maintain a sense of tension when the audience is well aware. While Oda hasn’t exactly transcended that, in fact an extremely small number of characters die in the present tense to an almost comical degree. But he has managed to make the many many ways Luffy has been saved seem meaningful when they could have otherwise come off feeling cheap. It not only allowed Oda to constantly put Luffy in really severe life threatening situations but the way that Luffy escapes death time and time again reinforces the idea that he’s no ordinary pirate, that he is guided by some kind of fate, that he truly is destined to fulfil his goal. To reach Laughtale and to claim the One Piece. It is at this point that I feel compelled to say that I’m very skeptical that Luffy’s ultimate goal is to throw the biggest party the world has ever seen. I would agree that it is likely something that boils down to world peace but a huge party just seems a bit overly simplistic given that parties happen anyway when the big bad guy of each arc has been defeated. It would logically follow that when Blackbeard and the world government have had their asses kicked there’d be a celebration, it would be strange if there wasn’t. Tbh I’d be kinda disappointed if the whole journey was just for a huge party and not something more substantive. I’d be hoping for something that establishes a new order, something that fulfills Joyboy’s original goals. A huge party is all well and good but what happens when the party is over and people return to their daily lives?
@takivagraham302 2 жыл бұрын
Ah I agree with most of this but I do think the party is a valid idea because of the very fact you said it's simple, this is Luffy a young one at that his goal is to be the man most free and throw a party the world can attend. I whole heated subscribe to this theory, wouldn't you laugh at this as a goal of the newly minted Pirate King. Simplistic and pure of heart that's the dream and our dreamer
@takivagraham302 2 жыл бұрын
Also to have that party he has to change the world
@unstoppableExodia 2 жыл бұрын
@@takivagraham302 the trouble I have with that is that celebratory parties have consistently happened in one piece as a result of ending the rule of some horrible tyrant. Making a big party into the ultimate goal still doesn’t do it for me. It is the kind of theory that can make sense based on what we know already but the thing that makes Oda hard to predict when it comes to the really big things is that he withholds really important info to make sure the audience doesn’t guess before the story gets there. A good example is Doflamingo being a former tenryubiito or him having conquerers haki. They were huge revelations at the time and nobody saw them coming because doffy’s previous appearances did not give any hint of that but there’s also nothing to contradict that in his pre dressrosa appearances either
@takivagraham302 2 жыл бұрын
@@unstoppableExodia I understand where you are coming from but this is Luffys goal after becoming pirate king in the world as it is now the party Luffy wants can not happen all his friends would not be able to attend. Best believe the world system gonna crumble then Luffy will get his wish reme6the wish makes folks laugh because it's childish. But I agree Oda has a way of flipping what we think. So I'm holding on for the ride
@KNGthepirate 2 жыл бұрын
Oda plays the chosen one and fate tropes with maestry. You see, it is a fate to a dam to eventually break and let the river flow. It will happen and you only have to understand how a river and a dam work to understand it. But you see, in OP, those who had access to the world's history know for sure that one day someone will bring the Dawn. The people's will to be free, as the river's will, wont stop to push the dam over and over. So in short, Oda's play to the fate trope is just historical predictability. With the temper that those characters are romantic/poetic as hell. Ofc they are, the manga was called romance dawn for a reason. So you see Rayleigh talking about fate as something embed or Oden predicting that someone will present himself to the world with the only wish to be free. We saw Newgate misplacing his hopes on Ace as Roger's inherited will, we saw the proper Roger fading out before the prophecy. To be the chosen one is to do not be attached by any small nuisances on that world. Ace was truly resentful of the world by just being born as Roger'son. In other hand, Luffy doesnt care about anything else but freedom and he continually will fight for it. A never ending fight. And the History will call by him. The world will call by him.
@jmpv9578 2 жыл бұрын
Something I've always found curious is the repetition of the term DON throughout the series. Word that fonetically resembles the word DAWN. The first example of this that I remember was in water seven when Tom said Franky: Whatever you do, do it with a DON. And also on the Bink's sake lyrics sing with a DON.
@user-gx9my6vn4j 2 жыл бұрын
Question is, why did Roger give up his hat. Did he already knew it wasn't his time and passed it on or did he find out later about joyboy and it was just a styling choice
@Snoop_Dugg 2 жыл бұрын
Shirahoshi was just born and so he knew he couldn't be the one.
@juanfranciscovillarroelthu6876 2 жыл бұрын
More than being the chosen one, he Probably making his own fate, he is following on Roger and Joyboys steps But it's all of his own making
@danielcontos5541 2 жыл бұрын
I think black beard put it correctly. "Those who fear are the loosers" and luffy doesn't fear anything. And never gives up.
@ditorc6237 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, His friends is more important than his hat because he will give the hat back to shanks when he sees him again
@eopej 2 жыл бұрын
Chapter 996 Page ?? - Yamato tells Momonosuke "It is imperative that you must survive!!! You are the one who must guide the world... TO THE DAWN!" which backs up the fact that momonosuke is probably an ancient weapon
@ynwa3573 2 жыл бұрын
I look forward to the whole Theory episodes, I read the manga but never get to see it like this. Fate, Dawn, Party. Those are words that are scattered so casually by Oda across the Manga and I did not even realized the weight and significant of those words in One Piece until watching your videos. Amazing 👏👏👏. Your research needs to be applauded. Upon looking at Rock D Xebec and Blackbeard picture. I am beginning to believe that the God Valley incident will be repeated, with luffy fighting Blackbeard and will be assisted by Coby.
@igor78965412320 11 ай бұрын
i think we as readers are too obsessed to materialize fate as something other than just romance and poetry. coincidences or not, these things happen. and here, they seem to be either the manifestation of will of other or just a symbol to luck. and i mean, luck exists in the real world. not like a force, but as mathematical concept (Vsauce`s video is very elucidative) i think the comparison of luffy to blackbeard, like you said, is what reveals what the will of fate is in OP
@WuvPain 2 жыл бұрын
Everyone needs to like these video, I want this whole series to go off I actually look foward to every new episode I love it
@TwoForFlinchin1 2 жыл бұрын
I always viewed Dracule as complementing Luffys ability to gather powerful allies from all walks of life without force. The odds are against him but he uses the support of others to tilt the scales
@programmersenja Жыл бұрын
The treasure of mariejoa not that strawhat.. : 1. Doflamingo knew about this treasure 2. Doflamingo knew about the D clan 3. Doflamingo is a cunning strategist 4. Doflamingo fears Kaido 5. Then why in this world Doffy facing head to head to 2 D. bearers while one D. bearer also carry the treasure of Mariejoa? at least he could fear a litte to luffy like he fears kaido.. since luffy carrying that straw hat and a D too
@HimanshuSharma-tm2ms 2 жыл бұрын
One thing I realised again is the number of times Luffy has been poisoned. I mean it doesn't make sense ,why to poison him if he can survive it without any side effects.... I could count 3 instances easily when he was poisoned.. I think this is related to One piece , probably one piece is a poison. He has to use his endurance to poison somewhere for sure and I don't think it'll be just for a fight.
@cantaloupegodling352 2 жыл бұрын
For a long time I've believed that the final form of Supreme King Haki is changing fate. A strike of lightning from the heavens could have been an act of God but it could have been the will of a man who will strike down the Gods.
@mathewmena1688 2 жыл бұрын
Yea it really boggled me that people were still saying “nooo Luffy is not special, he’s just a regular dude who ate a below average devil fruit who’s gonna be pirate king through hard work alone” even after they revealed who his family is and that shanks got his hat from Roger lmao
@shaneiles5672 2 жыл бұрын
I know you said not to be ima comment before I listened to the whole thing haha but I see fate as being real in one piece but I think it kinda IS hard work and determination the d clan was just so determined to reach this goal that there will transcends time and has some influence all these years later but even more importantly the literal hard work of planning for the future creating/hiding the ancient weapons and making the poneglyhs to guide someone down the line so sure maybe its fate to happen but only because they made it so. Also I look at it as someone is fated to do these big things it's the modern d with the greatest willpower luffy only fills this slot because he has the strongest will ya know not that he got the will because he was fated to. Stupid analogy time but kinda like me and my buddies all want a sandwich all of us have the potential to get one because our parents hard work left us money and directions to the store with said sandwich cuz they knew someone would be hungry enough for one eventually anyone could be the sandwich king haha but if they dont have the resolve to get up and walk for an hour to get there and I do then I'm the fated chosen one because of my effort
@mrao3124 2 жыл бұрын
Considering how most times Luffy survived by pure ''luck'' or you can consider fate, in Logue Town with Buggy and Smoker, in his battle against Crocodile in Alabasta, escaping Blackbeard in Mock Town, against Eneru in Skypiea, Going Merry saving the starw hats in Enies Lobby and in Sabaondy when Kuma saved the straw hats from Kizaru...etc. The idea of fate interfering to save Luffy has many evidence to back it
@monke278 2 жыл бұрын
I think it should be the Will of Don, or "Dawn". Don has been mentioned in the Binks Sake and Tom-san, the one who built Oro Jackson.
@bballer3712 2 жыл бұрын
That lightening bolt scared the shit out of me 😭 great videos tho, Artur! I look forward to them as much as I look forward to new chapters!
@mateobaratta4596 2 жыл бұрын
*Yea, but i can still say that its all about a "mayor fate or a true fate" and everything will be fine* In the video you presented three types of fate 1. a total fate, or true fate; 2. multiple or individual fates? that can change the future when they clash (lke Kurohige and Ace); 3. The idea that fate doesn´t mean that everything is meaningless (the power to conect*). But i know u´re concious that all of those different forms of fate can be reducted to the first, a true and inescapable fate "Luffy was born to become the king of the pirates". But again, is a big debate, do fate exist or not? We need to go to the basis, One Piece came from japan an its culture; One Piece is about the Tale of a Hero (in a very classical way), and the heroes have their path determined since the begining. And thats where the geniality of Oda is: He knows that, and he play with it a lot (Luffy doesnt want to be a Hero; Luffy wants freedom, but has his fate determined); Oda can introduce us to all of those debates, and still mantain the capacity of giving us the freedom of choose if we want to believe in a fate, or if we want to stay with luffys determination and power to conect; or even if we say that it was all about coincides (Just like in the real world). In the end, i think a FATE is not some sign of a bad writing, it just a part of the plot; and if it is treated the way Oda does, it shows everything but a "bad writing". I hope he can continues like that till the end, but is in those "close to the end" moments when it gets harder. Good video Artur! Good luck in this project !
@sireajeel5009 2 жыл бұрын
i swear im not sobbing just sheddin tears
@SaiyanZ3 2 жыл бұрын
11:28 So glad you noticed this as I have said the same: D's unconsciously or consciously decide the status of the world, and that would be in line with what was said on the Shandoran Poneglyph "We are the ones who weave history". Its exactly why I think Shanks is NOT a D, its not D behavior for him to just casually stroll in to Mariejoa and speak with the Gorosei. Another thing I want to say is: fate doesn't mean you don't work at all. Effort in itself IS a part of one's fate to achieve or not achieve their dreams. Many people have the wrong idea that if you are fated to do something, then you can just sit around, but thats not what it is at all. One Piece, JoJo's, Berserk, The Sopranos and numerous other works all talk about fate and how its something more than just "being lazy and it will come to you".
@ReiseLukas 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly, Fate and Free Will can coexist
@AthulMK10 2 жыл бұрын
If oda sees this his mind probably be like - you have already figured what i was dreaming the story of one oiece so lets change it 🥱😂
@takivagraham302 2 жыл бұрын
I thought of an instance that I don't remember you mentioning Fujitora rolling the die to decide when or if to capture Luffy and crew he left it up to fate
@rawoo9385 2 жыл бұрын
At the end of episode 8 Shanks appears. "I've come to end this theory"
@petrosdabo1056 2 жыл бұрын
Dude this series will Break one piece community Amazing videos so far!!!
@kurokuteakaiyuki 2 жыл бұрын
All of the videos in these series are just so well narrated, the music and visuals, you can just feel how much work went into this and it's just such high quality content and I wanted to say thank you! And the way you structure the arguments is very good too. Somehow this long, multi-part structure really makes you feel like listening to a documentary. And no matter how the true story turns out, this is a wonderful journey you have created for us and at least I am very grateful for it. Looking forward to the rest!!!
@pieceofyash6363 2 жыл бұрын
Luffy tries to make his own fate by making reckless decisions... Like saving robin, saving ace, going against someone bigger than himself... But the end is still not controlled by him... He saved robin but not ace... He chose to punch celestial but lost his crew... If u think abt it every arc end supports his future... Work of fate
@themamat 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly. I second this.
@ReiseLukas 2 жыл бұрын
I third it
@LeyCa4 2 жыл бұрын
there's no such thing as a coincidence
@willooo09 2 жыл бұрын
Advanced conquerer’s haki allows you to impose your will on “destiny”
@Andrea-mm8df 2 жыл бұрын
this video is just straight facts, thanks for uploading, my fav video in the series so far
@sethjulien1271 2 жыл бұрын
There's a thought I never considered. What if fate isn't guiding Luffy at all, what if Luffy is unknowingly manipulating fate to his advantage. I like this idea rather than fate controlling Luffy, as it goes against the theme of freedom.
@kiwibananapeanut5076 2 жыл бұрын
Could the straw hat be connected to farmers? I dont think ive ever seen a farm in one piece
@MrCount987 2 жыл бұрын
Such a great video,everything explained well 10/10 man
@planetbirthday6859 2 жыл бұрын
I was once in the thought process that the D Clan are breakers of fate, because since fate is something of a higher order usually something controlled by gods the D clan breaking fate is what makes them the enemies of the gods they go against the Natural Order that is fate But that was purely head canon it's time I do a re-read & reevaluate everything
@kevinnosaurus793 2 жыл бұрын
You know after all these 4 videos of this series especially after this episode I realized something. The end goal that you explain with the world freed from the oppression and corruption of WG and Celestials Dragon , the connection to One Piece , Poneglyph , The Ancients Weapon , The Destruction of Red Line and Grand Line it seems for fitting for Monkey D. Dragon and his Revolutionary Army goal. I think Dragon is one of the peoples who's knowledgeable about all the Void Century/Joy Boy stuff. And at some point I think he realized that the path to achieve such goal required not only his path. But many paths to cross. And he realized that a certain someone's path is required the most , and that person is Luffy , his son. While for Luffy himself isn't really have the exact goal or ambition to align with the supposed end goal of Joy Boy , and yet Fate guided him to that path. That why his memorable line for me from him is "Our path will be crossed one day" or something like that , as he reffered to Luffy after his reaction to Luffy 300mil bounty. That's why I think Dragon would hold really important role in the endgame of One Piece.
@4amv 2 жыл бұрын
I think the one piece of red band wrapped around the straw hat is the actual "one piece"
@Gybey3270 2 жыл бұрын
SBS 100 and Vivrecard about F6's bounty! When?
@danilobrantsoares1974 2 жыл бұрын
The lightning in Loge Town was Dragon with his Akuma no Mi. A storm akuma no mi or a wind akuma no mi That why when Dragon shows up there wind, or Dragon can create storms or He controls wind, there for, controls clouds and can create storms.
@illuminoeye_gaming 2 жыл бұрын
I love the concept that anyone, with enough willpower, can change fate
@QiiQeBM 2 жыл бұрын
Me encanta ver estos videos, todos tus comentarios están fundamentados en las mismas bases de la historia, yo tengo mi teoría personal que es mega similar a la tuya solo con unas cosas diferentes que ojo, no cambian nada en términos generales pero dan un twist diferente al inicio de la historia, siempre he pensado que al final le digan a Luffy que siempre fué su destino y Luffy siendo Luffy lo rechace y que cambié el propósito de la historia por un bien mayor y personal, al fin y al cabos Luffy no va a cambiar el mundo, para eso existe su papá, Luffy solamente lo va a voltear de cabeza :P
@RipperCyclotron 2 жыл бұрын
Future sight is an established mechanic in the series which makes the providence aspect less contrived.
@Starcat5 2 жыл бұрын
Fate: A thing will happen. Free Will: A thing can be made to happen. Chance: A thing may or may not happen, outside of one's control. Destiny: The point where the above three meet. Mighty Max: A cartoon from the early 90s from which I am pulling this from. 🤪
@Starcat5 2 жыл бұрын
In short, what One Piece calls Fate is what I call Destiny, within which a more Western understanding of the word Fate is only one factor.
@azammunir4837 2 жыл бұрын
This is just a fckn anime man.... *Sob *sob why is it make me cry
@WuvPain 2 жыл бұрын
Getting berserk vibes with the fate talk and it’s making me nervous
@nara-yana 2 жыл бұрын
[30:45] Anyone else coming here after ch. 1044? 🌞
@galaxyvita2045 2 жыл бұрын
I hope that we learn of all the other potential JoyBoy's though out history. That there have been many but all failed for some reason, and part of the great cleaning Im was talking about is that he has deleted these people from history. An other cool thing would be if people who know of the Joyboy legend thought it was someone else. Just like Roger who thought It was ace. Luffy was never supposed to be the next JB but he is just a force of nature and become JB purply via his own will power.
@Ambiguousss 2 жыл бұрын
Both Oda and Artur are beautiful bastards. Made me cry🤩
@andreflores2697 2 жыл бұрын
Es el video con el que más empatice y al que más me le acerqué con mis teorías y analisis de One Piece, estoy muy muy seguro de que más del 97% de lo que dices en el video es verdaderamente lo que Oda pretendía Que maravilloso es One Piece!
@namangoyal303-e3 2 жыл бұрын
I just realised during law speech in punk hazard we were shown certain members of Worst generation and intrestingly these characters were shown in wano in same order So I think that next island will be Blackbeard's and hence the greatest war in anime history begins
@ReiseLukas 2 жыл бұрын
So Blackbeard will be at Elbaf?
@Falgor62 2 жыл бұрын
Let me just tell you that this entire series of videos is making me feel soooo many things! I love One Piece so much and the way you worked on all of this is extremely impressive and the result is incredibly satisfying to watch. You could totally belong to the clan of the D. after all those years of work putting all the pieces together. ;) Also, your choice of background music in these videos is STELLAR. Bravo!
@kamaldeepatkar3081 2 жыл бұрын
I think the one piece is "things" to throw the biggest party in the world after the last battle to unite people. (preparation of party by joyboy)
@seraph4208 2 жыл бұрын
Luffy's true power are the friends he made along the way.
@marineadmiraljunior7904 2 жыл бұрын
Fate guides Luffy. However, Luffy changes fate in order to fulfill his dream. A dream that is considered childish and would make people shocked. Such a dream would never happen unless you take action.
@telite7263 2 жыл бұрын
I’m so excited for the next episode. I hope he goes more into depth about Blackbeard and his inherited will from Xebec
@Unyielding_Vortx 2 жыл бұрын
Love you Arthur these are incredible
@udigal3539 2 жыл бұрын
The will of Dadan. Truly a glorious woman.
@tukibankaiBBS 2 жыл бұрын
Subarashi video arthur sama! Arigatou one more time, I love the edit as always and how you say at the end "no one yet knows about" Subarashi experience, thanks to share with us
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