Who Should You Main In The Support Role - LOL Support Tier List

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7 ай бұрын

In this video I categorize all support champions into different playstyles and tiers and give you tips and pointers on what the champions are all about and what makes them good. This video is made for those who want to expand their league of legends champion pool but wants to fight something similar to their favorite support champion, or for the person who just wants to find themselves a new support main!
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@amergin3305 7 ай бұрын
Oh my days finally someone that doesn't just do a basic tier list video and call it a day. Thank you, I've been looking for something like this for ages now
@ECPlaysLoL 7 ай бұрын
Hope you like it 😊👍
@CuteFunnyAnimalsTV-yk7hb 6 ай бұрын
thx for ur hard work
@Frenchtoastedfruitloops 7 ай бұрын
Lulu is too fun. Her hidden passive is to make the enemy bot lane mald every time they become a cupcake.
@Javier-zw9sx 7 ай бұрын
And the laugh, don't forget the laugh 😂
@DeathBean89 7 ай бұрын
I will never forget that laugh.
@Aircu 7 ай бұрын
Caitlyn is used to it
@ExiledSummoner 7 ай бұрын
For as long as I can remember Sona has always been an extremely squishy and weak character in early game. I always thought based on her kit that she was supposed to be an early game Lane bully that scaled into a really good enchanter. But it's never really worked out that way. I can't tell if the character was never supposed to have that Identity and i assumed wrong or it was but it was deemed too strong so now she's a canon minion.
@AdrianSasquatch 7 ай бұрын
A friend of mine carried himself to diamond with Sona and he used a variety of runes and builds based on the situation- both focusing on laneand late game,so I think she's quite viable for the majority of playerbase
@Frenchtoastedfruitloops 7 ай бұрын
Sona is actually kinda gold hungry for a support. She’s great with 3+ items but is out shined with only 1 or 2 items by lots of other supports. and in high elo games rarely ever reach 3 items on support.
@MatiasDypala 7 ай бұрын
Sona is really bad and mana hungry in the early Game, but is a monster of the late game, she is the support wich scale the most at late game and have a huge impact with barely no CD, the only support that is that good too at late game is Lulu. Sona rarely is mained, bc frustration and lack of patience, but i must say if you main Sona and master her, she can sky rocket any player. Sona is balanced to high elo.
@Khyarro 5 ай бұрын
​@MatiasDypala I can testify here. I main Sona, Rakan and Rell. Sona is a late game monster. She doesn't win laning phase early, but man once she has her 2 items, she's basically the target of the enemy team. At some point in one of my games, even in Mordekaiser's ult, he wasn't able to kill me. People can definitely rank up in higher elo with Sona.
@agama__ 7 ай бұрын
Been a pleasure following this series with you, thanks for the content man!
@ZAXGnight 7 ай бұрын
This aint none of the normal S A B C trash tier i was expecting man, as a generally nub player this gave me so much info on what supports do what and what to pick against others. Amazing video :D
@lorenzoancheselli5930 7 ай бұрын
Really loved this series. Thank you for giving us your huge experience of the game for free and with so much details. I find your sayings and explanations of my mains to be hoghly accurate. Kai'sa, Senna, Garen, Diana, Vi, Yone, Morgana. All that you've said about them is 100% true. You're pretty smart man, im following your content from now on!
@ECPlaysLoL 7 ай бұрын
Thanks, glad you enjoyed them 😊
@lorenzoancheselli5930 7 ай бұрын
@@ECPlaysLoL Thanks to you! Hoping from more content like this. Have a good end of the year friend!
@BigBrothaBloom 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for the video. Brand new to League and a support main here. Thus far Milio and I are like this🤞🏾
@TibbaryZal 6 ай бұрын
As someone who just start playing league for a couple of weeks and really like Nautilus, I didn't know he's this valuable! I guess I will keep maining him while I learn the fundamental of this game. Thank you for your vdos. They are very useful!
@redphantomzx 7 ай бұрын
As a long time support main I'm happy to see the 2 champs I settled with are the 2 champs in highest ROI. I loved these lists so much!!! Seriously appreciate these amazing vids
@ECPlaysLoL 7 ай бұрын
Glad you like them! 😊👍
@supura8098 7 ай бұрын
Very good video as always man
@Ayasa. 7 ай бұрын
I would expect Nautilus and Thresh to be swapped
@Christian-rx3dm 7 ай бұрын
Amazing video...ive been playing for almost 2 years and still dont have a main lol so videos like this help
@SiMeGamer 7 ай бұрын
I know it's a weird one but I love playing Tank/Enchanter Zyra support. Your plants do damage mostly based on your level, so you still do a decent amount, but you open up the options to Flash forward to engage and not be blown up immediately, bait (because who thinks Zyra can survive anything?) and you peel really, really well. Locket or Radiant Virtue as a mythic (not sure how the buulds go next season) and then either slow with Rylai's, Frozen Heart against champs with a lot of AA reliance, even more bait with Gargoyle's, Zeke's is cool and so much more. Runes can vary a lot, but having Guardian and item cooldown is my favorite. Got to Master with it last season and hovering Master this season. Super fun, very surprising. Biggest downside is your team has no clue what's happening and spam emote thimbs up when you save them with Locket. I dont recommend it over standard Zyra because it's the type of thing where you can go outside the box only after you filled the initial box. If Zyra gets to live, it's a much more fun character for me. Final note: This playstyle is impossible against Twitch adc. He just kills you no matter how tanky you are, so your role as Zyra is to blow him up, not slow him down. I always ban that rat if Zac is already out 😎
@LeoSizemore 7 ай бұрын
Love the video ! I have been picking kinda troll picks that could work if you really good with the champ like Riven Xin zhao Garen. Ezreal is hard
@MajonnasPojken 7 ай бұрын
Finally thanks bro!
@Noro666 7 ай бұрын
Very good video, I really enjoyed watching it, Lulu's polymorph can be countered by the wall of Yasuo, Samira, etc., because it shoots a kind of projectile, greetings!
@dergrimmigezwerg333 7 ай бұрын
One Champion that has the potential to be a support and was played as a support in the past, which you are missing here, is Illaoi. In laning phase she pretty much only wants to land an E, to force the enemy back, having your adc being able to damage the enemy from a safe distance is quite nice. I wouldn't play her right now, but if you are including Ekko and Rumble in the "We play for 2v2" category, I would add her as well.
@Lionhart1991 7 ай бұрын
I am gonna give you my 2 cent on some champ that i played Teemo I mean, i see teemo more on the great for counterpick, if the enemy team has at least 2 AA based champ with a build where you can spam the blind you can always counter one target without putting yourself at risk on doing that on the enemy adc (if you find a safe angle good but it's not always possible to do that as teemo), but on top of that, the enemy supp has to be not a poke one that does not rely on AA, he is strong bc he can neutralize the damage of the only dps in the botlane, if there is another one that can outpoke him he will not be able to do his job early (he is also one of the few champs that can make the enemy miss cannons). Also, it is true that with the sweeper his mushrooms are no longer a threat but in the lane you will still be able to make every gank useless and have easy control of the bushes, teemo can also avoid slowpush thanks to mushrooms placed on the lane in which the opponents set in motion (as well as helping in general in vision control) and having AoE a mushroom in the middle the teamfight can still inflict AoE slow & anti-heal and also a champion capable of working with a build that is not necessarily expensive, i love teemo but he is not in my top 5 Chogath I can say he is very strong, nobody expect the amount of damage (100% Ap scaling on Q, he can execute enemy champs, % health damage), utility (He can help on dragons etc with R) and cc (Q, silence, slow, what more do you want) he can dish Nasus For me he is a tanky version of chogath, while cho wants just to stay away and spam cc and damage everywhere until he can close the distance to use E and R, Nasus wants to be in the teamfight, soking damage with his R while also burning and debuffing everything to death, it's pretty fun ngl, that huge space will become a real of burn,slow,anti-heal and armor debuff and the Wither it's also a cool ability to have on a support but having one whole ability wasted it's pretty sad but mid, if you use him mid you can build AP AND get stacks, i prefer to him in the category teemo is in Jarvan (Diana) I used him lethality and i was able to oneshot, he has a clear gameplan with the poke early and then engage to kill, (no aery, first strike all the way, it's why i was able to oneshot and gain the gold to get the powerspikes i needed) i still do not suggest to use him this way or as a pure supp, lethality is not consistent and is risky while pure support is just not worth it, i also used Diana with the same style, AP assassin with first strike and i don't know how, she did better then him in the winrate XD but still not a pick i would suggest Miss Fortune What can i say, i love it, she is one of my fav picks even tho she can't offer much, she is in my top 5 Ezreal No man, don't use him, AP, mix, AD, i used him in all kinda of possible ways, just don't. Orianna Another fav picks on my list, with hell of blade she can poke pretty hard in lane with her passive (you know what they say, every auto count), spamming W with shurelya feels so f good, max E for extra stats and bigger shields to trade in lane with your autos and protect the carry, the R, oh man the R, i just love this champ, in my top 5 i will talk at the end of Seraphine. Shaco Holy f. When i played AP shaco i just destroyed every game i was in, why this champ it's till in game? He is in my top 5 but i swear, i will never use it again, jesus. He is so broken i feel bad while i use it. Now let's talk about the ones you missed Bro where the f is Belveth? She is crazy strong, one of the best if not the best lv1 for starting a fight and harass with pta, she can spam cc, has dmg red, still a form has lategame scale, just by having her in the team you have a stronger win con on baron, a solid build path even if it's not the usual one but...as you know, they nerfed her to the ground BUT i kept pushing with her and i found a way to still feel the power, just don't get R until later. Yeah call me crazy but listen, you need to max asap W and E, they are key for your gameplan, you wanna spam that cc in combination with a high AH build, you wanna be able to absorb the most damage possbile and lower the cd to be able to use it at least 2 times in a long teamfight. Get also a Glave first item, you need damage early on Glave can provide that but also AH and vision control, then evens. and then black cleaver with AH boots and gets all the runes that can give you AH. With boots, Glave and Even you will be at a whooping 73 AH and every major component of black clever will give you 10 more, even with one 83 AH can make you start spamming Q and use E 2 times in a fight (both maxed), if you love her in this position i can say that she still work, stick into your lane, don't even think to go on a herald and don't R, it's not consistent, her real power it's in the rest of her kit, max first W and E, always, she is in my top 5 Where is Anivia? She is pretty solid but you need to use very well the wall, it's a champ like bard, a wrong wall can ruin a teamfight but cc and damage, she has it Cait/kaisa i mean, cait can poke and she can go letality but x2 adc in the botlane unless the kit it's more utility oriented (like ashe)...i do not suggest it. Same with Ap Kaisa, fun to snipe around but not really that good Elise Ok, she has alot, and i mean, a lot of problems. Mana hungry, has parts of the kit that are in conflict with each other (you are an assassin but in the supp role you can't get the gold to be really one, Diana and Jarvan are exeptions with first strike, they can all in with big damage and get alot of money this way with first strike, Elise can't do this) but also has a pretty good poke tool in the form of human form W and has long CD on key spells, how do we solve all of this? I found myself rushing liandry, Mana? good, AH? good (with AH boots), Poke? good, AP? good. Using her as a poke/utility champ it's safer then try to use her as the jun she is meant to be. Afther that rush Rylai and Mandate, max W, it's both your poke tool and fight tool in spider form, take Glacial Augument, why? bc this way you can just put one point in E and leave it this way while you max W, Elise has a strong cc but if she max that, she lose so much damage (Q it's not that good to use for poke) but by taking glacial you actually don't really care if they are cc for less time, when the cc it's over they will still be in the ice field and that can also hit other champs. She can move around pretty well but i don't think that ganking other lanes it's good, if you miss the stun the gank it's over, better to stick in your lane and help the adc, she can do a perfect leash and in big teamfights she can stay safe at distance poking and using her cc until one enemy it's low, she then can join in spider form, Yeet out if the other ones start focusing you, return to human and start all over again, no sense in do close combat if the enemy it's full hp, her Q in spider form it's stronger if they are low, your cc and poke can help to do that. Don't go tank with her, you will not be able to pressure the lane and you will lose, many will say that she has a zonya in the kit, i can say this is not true, every time you use it bc you f up, you are prob dead. You can outplay for sure if you are in control of the the positions and the moments when you wanna use it but in any other case, don't pray that your supp will save you, you are the supp. Sure, you can still outplay sometimes here and there with it but i think it's pretty overrated, who knows how to play around it will not let you troll theme with ease AP Kog'Maw Very risky but he can do damage and has some utility. With Rilay you can have an easy time to hit many R afther the first, in lane you can do decent poke both with your auto range and the E and the slow on it it's nice, the armor/magic debuff it's also cool to hit the enemy frontline, if you don't like Vel/Xerath give it a try, just know that you will explode you even if the stare at you, literally lol Malzahar Just don't, don't let me talk about it lol. Ornn/Kayle They need to gets level asap, they can't really work there Sejuani She can work there but nothing special to say Skarner He is pretty solid and a very good supp in my opinion but...i am not gonna waste your time, he is going to get reworked so until then, all the things you will do on this champ it's a giant (?) we don't know how much his game will change afther Taliya ah, my beloved, why she is not there? She is in my top 5 and she has very high burst damage, she can roam, she can poke, she has utility, you can 100% use her in this role and now, i can talk about Seraphine. If you use her mid/adc and if you build dmg on her, you are wasting your life on the rift. Go all out on AH to spam heals and shields and if there are at least 2 mega fed champs on the opposite side or 1 mega raid boss you will stat check every single f fight. The amount of damage she can mitigate it's just insane. AH boots, Moonstone, Chemtech purtrifer, AH runes and Watchfoul wardstone, you are online and your team really need to be rotten potatos to lose a teamfight, just be srue to spam the buffed shield every time and stay safe. You can leave the stone as it is and rush Redemption, at that point YOU will be a raid boss, i really don't wanna say it but she deserve to be in my top 5
@visitor5451 2 ай бұрын
my favorite recurring element in your videos is your complete contempt for AP malphite lmao.
@shacolin6546 7 ай бұрын
I'd classify Shaco as great for counterpicks. His boxes offer more distruption than most engage supports are equiped to deal with while ranged picks tend to make Shaco struggle. AP Shaco is actually not bad to play from behind since punishing aggression is precisely what he excels at and as long as you can get at least liandry, your damage is relevant. Still sucks against comps that don't dive in. That, of course, unless we're talking about AD support Shaco, who gets Hail of Blades, go Q at level 1 and all in right away with ignite and exhaust. If we're talking about that style, then yes, I can see the classification, but that's the less common style.
@freakltd6361 7 ай бұрын
Goat content.
@queenbowsette9541 7 ай бұрын
Imo Yuumi's placeent is spot on. She kinda has to rely on how good your carry is at the game, you kinda just sit and watch the game go by and maybe have to press a button every couple minutes
@xoxo_azshara 7 ай бұрын
thank you, a really good video :) i am still new to LolL and videos like this help :) where would you put camille support?
@ECPlaysLoL 7 ай бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it😊 Depending on who you are playing with, 2v2 kill lane, or Roaming playstyle👍
@xoxo_azshara 7 ай бұрын
@@ECPlaysLoLThank you for your response ❤
@fireflybbx8630 2 ай бұрын
I wonder why thresh with all his kit is in "just hit one" category but nautilus with a thick hook small shield for himself is in "highest ROI"
@ben.2564 7 ай бұрын
i havntt watched the full video yet so if hes in here and iv been blind apologies but i used to one trick ksante and as a support hes surprisingly good the slows and cc make it very hard for the adc to play (to clarify i one tricked him toplane and played him when i got filled)
@fvb7 7 ай бұрын
Pyke is alright as a roaming support. I'd argue best as a roamer but depends on if your adc just wants to farm please or is down to make numbers happen. Oddly enough Ivern works similar to bard as a roaming support. Non trad poke cc is an odd one. Pretty much any artillery mage, Lux, Caitlyn. Have range and CC.
@ECPlaysLoL 7 ай бұрын
Its mostly that they dont offer much outside of the laning phase. T1 Keria played Caitlyn support for the laning phase, but outside of the laning phase what does it offer? Pyke could arguably be in the roaming playstyle, I agree 😊
@aspookyscaryskeleton5238 7 ай бұрын
As some dude with a door as shield once said... "brundistil" or something like that idk
@markg.3171 7 ай бұрын
Just tried nasus supp, pretty strong
@Pissandra_0.0 7 ай бұрын
What about Ivern support? I see him very rarely but seems pretty decent.
@princessaxel 5 ай бұрын
i agree with ur lulu points but why is her WR so low then? ik this is such a noob sentence but im just curious. im newer to league
@Javier-zw9sx 7 ай бұрын
I think is funny how Blitz is the most banned support 😂 I mean i also ban him but not because he is strong by any means but because having to constantly think about the hook is so annoying to me LOL the moment I don't concentrate I'm already on top of their team 😂
@megitsune714 7 ай бұрын
missing camille with hail of blades
@Contortia 7 ай бұрын
i actually dont think landing a morgana q is all that useful in teamfights. id consider her a counter pick champ. also im shocked janna isnt in the disengage tier but i guess she did just get reworked
@ahmetcvanaydn2320 7 ай бұрын
Amazing video as usual. But isn't anti dive for teamfights just an alternative form of disengage? Since there are only 3 champs in the former tier, I think they should be grouped together.
@ECPlaysLoL 7 ай бұрын
I guess you could, but I find them quite unique so thats why they had different categories 😊
@MatiasDypala 7 ай бұрын
Sona is really bad and mana hungry in the early Game, but is a monster of the late game, she is the support wich scale the most at late game and have a huge impact with barely no CD, the only support that is that good too at late game is Lulu. Sona rarely is mained, bc frustration and lack of patience, but i must say if you main Sona and master her, she can sky rocket any player. Sona is balanced to high elo.
@bryanpritzl5812 7 ай бұрын
I, as the #4 ranked sona in NA right now take offense to this video. Jk keep up the great work dude
@Fiscalettib 7 ай бұрын
I think anivia can support well
@yetti07 7 ай бұрын
Why no pyke and thresh in roi ?
@Bighomer5 7 ай бұрын
Interesting that Thresh isn't where Nautilus is. Maybe Taliyah is missing.
@rhombus636 7 ай бұрын
I was going to mention this, I feel like my girl Taliyah should be in the Roam for Setup category
@ECPlaysLoL 7 ай бұрын
I did miss Taliyah...fck..
@swiftysnail9053 7 ай бұрын
Bard deserves his own tier, bard is bard and simply calling him a roaming support doesn't do him justice
@ECPlaysLoL 7 ай бұрын
Agree in hindsight
@kaitogirldraws 7 ай бұрын
I'm not sure if I would put Soraka in the "Buff a carry" tier? Her abilities don't even offer a buff to her allies at all... but where else could we put her, really
@ECPlaysLoL 7 ай бұрын
She applies the passives and effects from the items she buys on her heals, which all adds up 👍
@kaitogirldraws 7 ай бұрын
@@ECPlaysLoL I guess, but that's a little bit of cheating xD what if you dont buy those items??
@Nitram_xyz 7 ай бұрын
​@@kaitogirldrawsthen ure trolling
@rch5395 7 ай бұрын
If I get filled support I play mundo and poke people out of lane with his totally balanced q (bot lane can't sustain the dmg mode of the time unlike tops). His passive has a hidden part called no u. This has a 25% chance to make a pyke (or other dive hook champs) rage quit if u block the cc with ur MANLY BODY. Mundo is very good with mf since her slow makes ur q unavoidable. + every other champ u normally face bot has mana costs. You don't :)
@mokulectodupa 7 ай бұрын
Ngl im not convinced by stuff like lulu being so strong and sona being called so weak. Sona has some of the highest winrate in high elo support, on the other hand lulu is absolute garbage in terms of solo q at most elos at the moment, being at sub 50% wr, and only works if the carry is auto attack attack speed based champ
@ECPlaysLoL 7 ай бұрын
The reasoning is that Lulu is in a very nerfed state and Sona is on the strong side. Still, Lulu sits at 49% pickrate with over 3 times the pickrate of Sona. We cant just look at winrate to determine whos better. Its every stat combined that tells the full story. Lulu works straight from the get go, Sona takes time to ramp up. Lulu can protect a carry way harder than Sona can, especially in this "everyone deals oneshot damage" meta that we have right now. If Sona was a more popular champion, her winrate would drop for sure.
@Diogo-sg4tj 4 ай бұрын
Elise should have been included here i think
@ECPlaysLoL 4 ай бұрын
@siyenpi8190 7 ай бұрын
Blind/First pick recommends?
@ECPlaysLoL 7 ай бұрын
I find Karma to be a really good blind pick, you have a bit of everything and you should always be able to affect the lane.
@KM-bn6iw 6 ай бұрын
Put chapters pls
@nouzen3354 7 ай бұрын
What about Hwei Support?
@ECPlaysLoL 7 ай бұрын
As of right now it does not appear to be very strong at all, Hwei seems to only really work in the mid lane currently but as more people play him, it might change very soon 👍
@bobbyjohnson5539 7 ай бұрын
lux is my main is it competetive ?
@ECPlaysLoL 7 ай бұрын
Yes it is, but since its the most played pick by far, you will have a lot of games where you play against her.
@vespian2023 Ай бұрын
@metagamer6847 7 ай бұрын
Thresh is not ROI? No way
@luikcastrosilva3175 6 ай бұрын
@Kapanol97 7 ай бұрын
@ECPlaysLoL 7 ай бұрын
Has 400 games as Support, hes picked there in 0.1% out of all league games, not really played there enough to form a valid opinion 🤔
@Kapanol97 7 ай бұрын
@@ECPlaysLoL But what would your personal opinion of him as a support be?
@mrerror8213 7 ай бұрын
Singed support?
@ECPlaysLoL 7 ай бұрын
He has 361 games as a support in Emerald+ this patch, very little 🤔
@dusanpavlovic2201 7 ай бұрын
in what universe are lulu and naut are highest roi since they are stupid easy, but thresh and bared aren't wtf is this tier list
@ECPlaysLoL 7 ай бұрын
Being harder to play does not make a champion better? What kind of logic is that?
@dusanpavlovic2201 7 ай бұрын
@@ECPlaysLoL do u know what roi means
@ECPlaysLoL 7 ай бұрын
They are easier to play and give you more for less effort, that's literally the definition of high return for little investment.. If you think a champion like Akali has higher ROI than Viktor, then your view of the game is heavily skewed towards assassins and flashy plays, rather than functionality and macro.
@sourcandy5512 7 ай бұрын
As supp main I would say that this tier list is the most senseless thing I've ever seen. Gl to these people who go and play lulu after that and get destroyed by pretty much everything - Zyra poke, good Soraka/Nami player poke, Pyke and Nautilus poke and ofc Senna. And talking about zyra as being good if not behind is describing like every mage
@ECPlaysLoL 7 ай бұрын
I think I state at least 3 times in the video that the champions at the top, are not better than everyone else, and are only champions that I value a lot based on their average performances. Lulu has a lot of tools that can help her win the game, its up to the player to use them well. Can it be tough in lane, sure but not impossible..
@sourcandy5512 7 ай бұрын
​​@@ECPlaysLoLI never meant that u stated that lulu was better than others. it's just fricking weird to tell people that lulu is so good of a champion that she straight deserves one tricking when she works ONLY with hyper carries and then you get your autofilled adcs taking samira, ezrael, jhin and so on. She's horrible to play when she has no one to carry just like basically every other enchanter plus she's low range compared to sona, nami and soraka and sona/soraka outscale her eventually. In my opinion she's worth playing only if you have duo twitch.
@MeMyself-iy7lu 7 ай бұрын
I disagree with you needing a twitch to pay lulu. If your ad is autofilled then who gives a shit what they play? You'll be ulting to assist the engage or deny the enemy's on another carry after dragging your ad through laning phase. She also does completely different things than Sona/nami - I can't fathom why you didn't compare her to Janna, who does outscale her while having a worse laning phase. Regardless, if you are playing for late with kog/twitch/jinx why are you concerned about scaling? Your focus should be on getting your carry through laning phase without being too far behind, so a power budget with early game in mind is better, no?
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Рет қаралды 74 М.
Жаңа үйімді ЖЫЛАНДАР басып алды!