Why I cringe watching Bald and Bankrupt on geopolitics ...

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Conor Clyne - New Europe Lifestyle

Conor Clyne - New Europe Lifestyle

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@TheVanillatech Жыл бұрын
The 1 million dead citizens in Iraq isn't a "main talking point by people who support Russia". It's a main talking point for people who criticize the mass murder the UK and USA committed against the people of Iraq a few decades ago. It's a talking point for people who view the illegal invasion of Iraq and the subsequent slaughter and destruction there as something that should never have happened, and whose orchestrators should be hanged. NOTHING at all to do with Russia. It wasn't Russia that invaded Iraq.
@ConorClyneTsarExperience Жыл бұрын
It’s a big talking point for apologists for Russian attempts at genocide in Ukraine
@mattattack75 Жыл бұрын
The UK and US never murdered millions of Iragis, millions died as a result of the war. These are not the same
@noco7243 8 ай бұрын
1 million Iraqis didn't even die in the war. The population nearly doubled during the war and the vast majority of Iraqis died due to insurgents infighting. The 1 million number was made up by RT and Al Jezeera. Even the Iraqi government doesn't claim that a million (or hell even 100k) died in the war. Sorry Vladimir, try again.
@noco7243 8 ай бұрын
The 100 trillion children bro!!!
@TheVanillatech 8 ай бұрын
@@noco7243 Is that your dream date list?
@FAMEROB Жыл бұрын
interesting people who don't like Bald and Bankrupt love watching his videos
@pandora8377 Жыл бұрын
Bald is correct. Most countries have good reason to dislike Britain, including your own. 400 years of conflict between Britain and Ireland. Read some history with an open mind instead of a biased superficial view.
@SG-wx8zm 4 ай бұрын
Bald is also a sex offender?
@JovanNoviSad Жыл бұрын
Attacking civilian infrastructure was definitely as systemic in Serbia by NATO as is Russian targeting of Ukraine's civilian infrastructure. To downplay it as hybrid infrastructure is as wrong as it is to downplay Russian bombing which made you have no electricity or heating at the very moment. To state that Kosovo is pretty much recognised as an independent country, as more than half of the world recognise it is also not true. Around a half do, and there have been more countries that have withdrawn their recognitions in the last few years. Oh, and Ukraine also does not recognise Kosovo's independence. And Serbia does not recognise Russia's claims over Ukrainian territory. In fact, in many ways Crimea and Kosovo are similar, as both are populated by people who want to join a neighbouring county (Russia and Albania respectively), but have no legal right to do so, which has led to wars. To say that the NATO bombing of Serbia prevented a genocide IS HEAVILY disputed, as you point out yourself. And you cannot just write it off by saying "oh at least that was their rationale so it's okay", as Russia too has a rationale of "preventing a genocide in the Donbas". Having a rationale does not make things right. Serbia did not impose sanctions on Russia for a series of historical, strategic, political, and economic reasons. But it gave Ukraine a lot of humanitarian aid (given the size of Serbian economy), it backed pro-Ukraine UN resolutions, and has many Ukrainian and Russian refugees (who would otherwise be mobilised and sent to their deaths). So let's keep things in perspective. What Russia is doing is inexcusable. But so was what NATO has done in Serbia, and especially what US, UK (+Poland and Australia as well!) in Iraq. Let's not whitewash the Western history in rightfully criticising Russian invasion. That's how the strength of your argument is decreased rather than increased.
@MAJABMC12 Жыл бұрын
He's living rent free in your head mate
@Anticommunism99 Жыл бұрын
@Mesa Black Saul is in jail
@jonathanrabbitt Жыл бұрын
Unprovoked? I turned off. Geopolitics is much more nuanced than that.
@ConorClyneTsarExperience Жыл бұрын
Sure, believing that Russia was 'provoked' correlates with believing that Ukraine isn't allowed to be independent of Russia ... that's what it boils down to.
@orionalcazar4622 Жыл бұрын
​@@ConorClyneTsarExperience You really just love un-nuanced thinking don't you. Everything has to be black and white. And if people aren't fully on board with what one side of the conflict is saying, or if they see the reason for the conflict occurring as slightly more complex than "there's some evil crazy guy who wants to rebuilt a lost empire", then that means that they've completely bought into the propaganda of the other side. This might be shocking to you and incredibility difficult to understand, but it actually is possible to believe both that Ukraine should have the right to maintain its territorial integrity, and that this conflict was brought on by long standing geo-political issues where there has been irresponsible behavior from the political class of the west, various Ukrainian governments, and the Russian government that bears the ultimate responsibility for this aggression. Settlements that lead to a situation where people aren't being murdered in mass numbers every day, as they have been for the past 10 months, are ultimately borne out of the realization that this isn't a Disney movie.
@ConorClyneTsarExperience Жыл бұрын
@@orionalcazar4622 When did I say that it was only Putin that wants to expand the Russian empire? He obviously has a significant amount of support in Russia for doing so. The 'long standing geo-political issue' is Ukrainian independence for the last 30 years which clearly Russia doesn't respect. Perhaps in defeat in Ukraine, Russia will abandon imperialism?
@orionalcazar4622 Жыл бұрын
@@ConorClyneTsarExperience Your answer almost reads like parody; "Its not just Putin fault, its other Russians too". "Yes there were geo-political issues, like Russia being evil". "The conflict will be resolved, by Russia being defeated and giving up its ways". Great responses to the charge of black and white thinking.
@ConorClyneTsarExperience Жыл бұрын
@@orionalcazar4622 Russia is an empire trying to commit a genocide in Ukraine as it loses a war of aggression … should that not be considered ‘evil’ then? 🤔 Or what other heinous crimes are necessary for that at this stage? 🙄
@LS-Moto Жыл бұрын
16:19 "at the beginning of this war, he had to flee himself". No he did not. He purposely went there, when it was clear the invasion is starting at any moment and when it did start, he streamed live from the city center in Kiev, presenting himself. Then he "fled" by boarding a train which was meant for Ukrainian refugees escaping for dear life, not for a British adventurer who due to his presence there, uses up resources for ukrainians, such as a place on the train. Someone had to wait for another train, because Mr. Bald who shouldn't have been there in the first place, took it. I understand that the things he said are often meant in goofy ways and should be taken with a grain of salt. Johnny even pretended to escape Ukraine twice. Both of them claimed to be refugees, while both of them hold western passports of save countries, something most Ukrainians don't have. As for travelling oe going to Ukraine, if you have no business in Ukraine, then you should not be there at this time. I'll be happy to travel to Ukraine, but when Ukraine is free from war. Right now, the country needs its resources for itself, not for touristic pricks.
@jchase8223 Жыл бұрын
Tourism helps economies, foreign business and investment helps economies. Telling everyone who's not Ukrainian to stay out of Ukraine, actually isn't helpful. I live in Lviv, I never left when the war started. I'm happy to spend all the money I make(from overseas) here on local businesses, for whatever little it helps. Of course Russia wants Ukraine closed and people scared of it and it's economy destroyed, but it's not, and will not stop going on with life. Not every area is extremely dangerous, inconvenient with blackouts, but not necessarily dangerous.
@LS-Moto Жыл бұрын
@@jchase8223 I'm not saying all of Ukraine is in constant chaos. But if all tourists went to Ukraine now, it would, yes bring money, but it would also consume a lot of resources. What is the difference between going to Ukraine to spend money, or donating which I did? I also don't think you should leave as a resident of Ukraine. You can if you want to. But its not a place to be for tourists at the moment. Keep in mind, great amounts of tourists, can in fact give Russia something to focus on.
@Necrovamp101 Жыл бұрын
If you watch Balds video when he was refused entry into Ukraine, he was trying to go there to help Ukranian people.
@posysdogovych2065 Жыл бұрын
@@LS-Moto What if I want to support local restaurants and businesses in Lviv? For example, Kredens, Cukor, Lviv Coffee Manufacturer, and Da Vinci, some of my favorite places when I lived in Lviv? Prove to me that some of the money that I would donate to charity will help pay the salaries of the staff at these establishments.
@OOpSjm Жыл бұрын
@@Necrovamp101 He was going there to create content. He said himself that he was going to attempt to find individuals from his previous videos to ask about life after the invasion, and make it rain a little cash.
@hermanshinn3271 Жыл бұрын
If Bald didn't exist what would u do?
@DJ-jq8if Жыл бұрын
Imagine having no talent or so little to offer you have to ride the coat tails of someone else for a bit of fame.
@typhoontim125 Жыл бұрын
Excellent analysis Conor. Have felt exactly the same about bald n bonkers. Much appreciation from Dublin, ironically a stones throw from the Russian embassy & I've often felt like throwing a large stone as I pass it. The whole area is, Im proud to say, decked in Ukrainian flags & daily protests there continue.
@klabbegustafsson8605 Жыл бұрын
I don't like Bald and his gang and also not that entilted johnny fd guy. But ur not far from the same tree as them, exploiting women.. just another "pickup artist".
@Christian-up2ld Жыл бұрын
It is a club and they are all in it 🤣 They all know each other from Roosh V's "club". Conor even mentioned meeting Roosh V. I wonder how? 🤔🤣 Bald and Bankrupt was Vorkuta on their forum but I don't know if Conor was on the forum.
@klabbegustafsson8605 Жыл бұрын
@@Christian-up2ld Yeah It's sad people can be so desperate just to have sex.. Guess its some kind of a freaky addiction.
@JeanFrancisLeClerc Жыл бұрын
Ah yes, false equivalencies and what aboutisms
@homelessjesse9453 Жыл бұрын
what aboutisms used to be called hypocrisy before the neolibs changed the context. Tell me you're a Zionist without telling me you're a Zionist.
@Mimi-ij8ke Жыл бұрын
Then stop watching him if you don't like him ? Wtf
@floriandanzinger6027 Жыл бұрын
Having learned about the true sex tourist nature of Benjamin Rich Swift I don't think that he is worth a comment.
@floriandanzinger6027 Жыл бұрын
@@TheVanillatech keep looking but stay in Russia, the only place where needy straydogs and Putain apologists of your sort have currently a chance. Your choice will be limited though, because the rare species of female Russians with good looks and brains already have left that wasteland.
@youwot2430 Жыл бұрын
Don't knock it till you try it!
@samdobie6748 Жыл бұрын
If the prostitutes weren't throwing themselves at every guy who walks past, the sex tourists wouldn't go to those countries.
@rodrigo.gibson Жыл бұрын
Haters gonna hate. Very few people have the charisma and balls of Bald. Good luck trying to gain followers by piggybacking on successful youtubers.
@ash3rr Жыл бұрын
pot, meet the kettle.
@tfxreference8562 8 ай бұрын
this fucking guy is the cure for insomnia. What a bore.
@huntergatherer7796 Жыл бұрын
You shouldn't throw stones in a glass house.
@hakangustavsson3538 Жыл бұрын
Excelent exposure of Benjamin's intelectual suicide! He took the jump without a parachute and the human remains ain't pretty.
@penwithoutasword9459 Жыл бұрын
Ben and JohnnyFD went different directions. One found his purpose. The other didn't (yet).
@typhoontim125 Жыл бұрын
I've definitely warmed to Johnny recently & enjoy his videos, well most of them. I can say the opposite of bald ben.
@Bohaha241 Жыл бұрын
@@typhoontim125 I watched a couple of recent videos from Bald in Vietnam and yeah, they are a little cringy and I would even say a bit offensive. Johnny, on the other hand, is of course a quite "simple-minded person" (don't know how to put in without sounding too insulting), but he definitely did choose a good side. And staying in Ukraine through all this is at least admirable.
@burtonguster4395 Жыл бұрын
Bald makes some wacky, sometimes stupid, remarks. I keep watching his videos, though, because I find them entertaining. If I avoided everybody who says thing I disagree with, I'd have nothing left to watch, read, or listen to.
@vladchetvertak3394 Жыл бұрын
A quote from the founder of Ukrainian nationalism Dmytro Dontsov (ironically, ethnic Russian): ""Every time when Russia stands before a new political upheaval, before the change of guard, the change of theirs leading government, a big advertisement of "new Russia" occurs. When in 19th century [emperor Nikolai I] staggered, what a pink colours they've been painting in a "new liberal or revolutionary Russia". [They] suggested it to all of nations that then were controlled by Russia, [they] promised to get us rid (including Ukrainians) of absolutism and reaction, give us a freedom. And so many [Ukrainians] believed in this "free Russia". So many that that person who dared to deny "a big mission of Russia" and didn't admire "the great Russian literature" was treated like a chauvinist and uncultured person. The same event repeats now [in 1950; it was the time when all the world was waiting for the start of World War III]. Bolshevik's world stands before the terrifying clash against the West. Whatever this ended up, it probably will lead to further decadence of bolshevism and chaos in empire. In anticipation of that, all the non-Russian nations are preparing for the liquidation of ugly empire, and "white moskals" [so-called "whites" during the Russian civil war of 1917-22] preparing for its restoration after receiving of "red inheritance" of "unified and indivisible" [one of nicknames of Russia]". So, the history repeats, and Russia starts advertising itself now when its break-up is closer as never before. On many layers: through dumb Kremlin propaganda (Johnny FD once participated in one program at American RT), "good Russian liberals" such as rather Kremlin controlled former head of Echo of Moscow Alexei Venedictov, rather anti-Putin Vladimir Milov from Navalny's crew or blogger and politic Maxim Katz; numerous corrupted pro-russian politics on the West. They all might be completely different in their views, but one thing unites them all: Russia should not fall apart. This "worldwide advertisement", I think, is one of the main reasons why the West haven't decided yet what to do with Russia after the war. And, I guess, Bald became a part of this process, after the meeting with "comrade Major" from FSB somewhere in Siberia when he was detained. He has all the reasons to be afraid for his life even in Britain, considering that so many strange deaths occurs everywhere around the world from Spain to India with former top officials of Gazprom and Russian deputies.
@r.davidpoehner4974 Жыл бұрын
Thanks, Conor for another insightful dialog on our current situation. Not only in Ukraine but on the planet as well. Russia's actions will change and affect all our lives for the foreseeable future. Bald has just lost his perspective in this new reality. But Johnny out of loyalty can't bring himself to abandon him. It's all very sad to see.
@typhoontim125 Жыл бұрын
Its funny that not so long ago, people were telling Bald to drop Johnny, esp after the London video. But now its the opposite...that Johnny should cast off Baldy! ...and I think he should!
@huntergatherer7796 Жыл бұрын
@@typhoontim125 they are both bad apples, it's just johnny sees a angle with helping Ukraine, he also owns property there unlike bald. He is more invested with Ukraine than bald. Bald is a free agent he can call it like he sees it.
@no_soy_rubio Жыл бұрын
Bald is Johnny's cash cow, Johnny would have next to no viewers without Bald's exposure
@typhoontim125 Жыл бұрын
@@no_soy_rubio Not sure thats the case now
@BlaiseMonton Жыл бұрын
In the meantime Johnny FD stopped following Bald and Morally Bankrupt
@bengriffiths89 Жыл бұрын
Conor clyne - a factual content creator but in no way entertaining, but he's not supposed to be and that's OK. Bald - massively entertaining creator in comparison albeit not always factually correct it's not why people watch him for facts but his interactions and banter he has with people he meets.
@ac9202 Жыл бұрын
Conor is not talking about facts either. He is just expressing his nationalist views
@homelessjesse9453 Жыл бұрын
Dude. Even Madeleine Albright admitted and was fine with a million Iraqis dying from 1991 sanctions, years before the 2003 Iraq invasion. Thank you for admitting the neocon take. I'll pass on this channel.
@aj1918 Жыл бұрын
Ben is the “Tankie in Chief”
@MikeOxlong- Жыл бұрын
@ranDOMreSERVEaCCount Жыл бұрын
Then like today he posts photos of far right nazi stickers in budapest and ones saying 'good night left side'... At this point i think the looming cancellation of his person and the hate he received over the years is tipping him over into just being a contrarian, something that can also be observed with many other social media personalities
@matthewmorgan7106 Жыл бұрын
Bald seems to be drinking more than he used to
@Anticommunism99 Жыл бұрын
Not more than dementia Biden
@MikeOxlong- Жыл бұрын
Let’s hope he keeps it up! It’ll be the perfect end to the despot wannabe…
@MikeOxlong- Жыл бұрын
Let’s hope he keeps it up! It’ll be the perfect end to the despot wannabe…
@TheVanillatech Жыл бұрын
He does? How often do you hang about with him? Every week? Every day? Tell us some stories about Bald from the past month, he hasn't uploaded in a while!
@pabis6817 Жыл бұрын
I have been waiting for this video since I watched Bald’s video in England with Johnny and immediately unsubscribed to his channel. It’s beyond odd how quickly he became an outright Putin apologist! I question what else is motivating this bizarre behavior.
@vladchetvertak3394 Жыл бұрын
Comrade Major from FSB making wonders, believe me!
@TheVanillatech Жыл бұрын
BRAINS, probably. And a good dollop of critical perspective.
@jameslewinsky4234 Жыл бұрын
Regarding the iraq war, yes it was illegal , Russia can't use it to justify protecting its security? Putin has never used the West's intervention in Iraq to justify it's actions in Ukraine, Lavrov in particular has commented on that war and other situations (namely Yugoslavia, Syria) to make the entirely fair point that the west rewrite international law for when it suits them and their security issues. I saw how USA interfered in Ukraine, I have 20-years history of living in Ukraine, I've noticed a correlation between smart people and those who really understand the cause of this war, Bald is very intelligent guy, he's running from his dubious past but about Russia he's spot on, it's a great country with great history and Ukraine would not be as it is now if it was not for Russia. The reason why it was full of foreign guys enjoying the country, including Connor, was because of the Communist effect in Ukraine and the legacy of communism, so causality here is because of Russia that Ukraine is like it is now, and the post Soviet revolutionary effects on society and people and the institutions that moulded a nation. This is a Slavic region, only subtle nuances exist between Russian people and Ukrainian people. An artificial divide was created by the West between Ukraine and Russia, a huge leap forward in that agenda occurring in 2014. Connor shows himself as being very jealous of these KZbinrs because they are successful. I kind of believe in a divine justice in this world and bald and bankrupt has some skeletons in his closet and probably doesn't deserve the success he's had on KZbin but I do support his uncensored view on Russia, anything which educates the West that Russian people are not the bad guys, they are not the enemy, the USA with their interference in Ukraine with their NGOs, corrupted OSCE , USA embassy the size of the pentagon and my personal knowledge of their strategy in Ukraine to cause regime change followed up with huge military training and arms supplies into Ukraine is the CAUSE of this war, not Russia. I loved Ukraine for what it was, not for what it became. Ukraine stares into the abyss, unawares it was all the time being groomed and duped into becoming NATO 's pawn in the proxy war of all proxy wars, that can only end in catastrophe for all.
@angeurbain6129 Жыл бұрын
You do not have much credibility regarding everything concerning Ukraine. Basically mister Bald try to avoid politics. And this is his right to do so.
@nrhoofcare7724 Жыл бұрын
Video should be 'soy snob liberal simps for the G7 historical and current imperialist alliance'
@clive_the_fat_cat Жыл бұрын
I saw johnny fd's video walking round london after the queen had died, annoyed that we had a public holiday, clueless to any history or culture.. He said tourists dont care about the history of britian and even the British people dont care about it. He complained relentlessly, i left a comment on his video from the people of the UK asking him politely not to come back
@trancemadmaz Жыл бұрын
But he was your mate?
@kurtkrampmeier4343 Жыл бұрын
Why is your mate Irish Partizan still loyal to Bald? According to Partizan they are planning to work together next year.
@ConorClyneTsarExperience Жыл бұрын
You should ask Niall why in his next livestream …
@oransherf1089 Жыл бұрын
@@ConorClyneTsarExperience go to alamaty and mldova ;;;;
@MrBollocks10 Жыл бұрын
Mr Balds message is, why always us? Who made us the World's Police ?
@noco7243 8 ай бұрын
If you want Nigeria to be the world police then go ahead.
@markemery1353 Жыл бұрын
Genius idea critiquing probably 2 of of the most popular vloggers to obtain viewers
@leeandrew8987 Жыл бұрын
Happy New year everyone 🎉2023
@-The-Darkside Жыл бұрын
He has a daughter in Russia.
@scottlaux6934 Жыл бұрын
Crimea became part of Ukraine because Khruschev took it from Russia and gave it to his native Ukraine in the 1950s. Of course, he thought the Soviet Union would not soon fall apart. I think without that decision, this war would have ever happened.
@ConorClyneTsarExperience Жыл бұрын
That’s simply naive. Russia and Russians are imperial still. If Crimea were not legally part of Ukraine, Russia would have had more forward deployment to attack its neighbors earlier.
@johnroy7784 Жыл бұрын
At the end of the day Bald makes entertaining vids. I mean his channel didn't grow out of thin air. I find your response a bit far fetched. Trolling and sarcasm was/is always an undertone in Bald's vid's and shows his wittiness and should be taken with a grain of salt at times and not as gospel. You haven't nitpicked his older vid's in India which all have the same spice but not trending now so not relevant to spew over I guess, isn''t it? :)
@ConorClyneTsarExperience Жыл бұрын
Is India trying to commit a genocide in a neighboring country at the time of filming? 🤔 All of our channels have had a focus on this region and it’s over 300 days of a Russian imperial war with genocidal undertones against Ukrainians … I don’t get the thought process behind Ben being involved in such a video and his other pro-Russian antics at this time … 🤷🏼‍♂️ Do you?
@johnroy7784 Жыл бұрын
@@ConorClyneTsarExperience I understand where you are coming from. Remember Bald has always made clear that he is in love with Russia and the Russian people, he never shared love songs for Putin's regime like Gonzalo Lira. They even locked Bald up for his content and tone of voice regarding Russia and isn't allowed to go back to my understanding. In which sense do you think he is blindly siding with Putin's war antics?
@williamdeasy7507 Жыл бұрын
@@johnroy7784 Ben is trying to justify murders and rapes of Ukraine people who side do you think he'd taken
@haroonmarikar Жыл бұрын
@@johnroy7784 I am really confused what is purpose of this video . Bald loves many russian people , belarusians and maybe ukrainians . he got in trouble with russia because he is against russian government . Of course he has its way of filming and is a " complex " person . i like him in some aspects but not in others . but what is the purpose of this video rather than some history lesson ??? As an entertainer bald is different league and thats why he has 10 or is it 100 times followers . i am exaggerating :) anyway slava ukraini . slava good russian people and f*** putin
@johnroy7784 Жыл бұрын
@@haroonmarikar this is pure to get viewers of Bald and Bankrupt to this channel because Conor knows that the viewers of Bald have an interest in the same region Conor is focused on as KZbinr and putting Bald in the title and banner with a bit of (nonsensical) banter brings more viewers and subscriptions to this channel. :) it's a trick.
@zenarcade64 Жыл бұрын
20:40 Johnny: "They were so grateful that we finally came in after 7 years of serbs killing Bosnians." Ben: "different war". Actually all the "different wars" of the former Yugoslavia were directed by belgrade and milosevic (with russian support). As for Johnny, I think grateful is the wrong word after 3 years (not 7) of serbs committing genocide against Bosnians and the West pretty much ignoring it until it was too late. 22:15 No, of course russia does not recognize Kosovo, nor does serbia who is trying to start yet another war there. Sick. But anyway I still like Ben, though don't agree with his worldview. Johnny I think has the pro-Western view, and lives in Kyiv with all that that implies. I'm critical of all war; Iraq of course was a terrible war, just like Vietnam, etc....that doesn't exonerate Russia in any way.25:00 The Monica thing is a rightwing talking point--no coincidence that the republicans opposed Clinton finally going in in Bosnia and Kosovo, and that many oppose support for Ukraine now.
@ac9202 Жыл бұрын
First and last: Why wait 3 years? For monica scandal? Whole world knows america only helps if they can get something back. They did not wait half of that long when iraq invaded kuwait in 91:). We all know why. America is an advantage taker and bald is correct and he is better youtuber than this guy lol. Second why kosovo is even a country? They are albanians lived in serbia? Why can't just albania if they hated serbia so much? Do you remember the kodovan guerrillas called UCK? Ambushing serbian military only supposedly? If that was the case against america they would be called only terrorist. Selfishness leads to nationialism then fascism
@FerasMousilli Жыл бұрын
Love your in depth analysis and critical thinking on current geopolitical issues- keep up the good work.
@victoroneill7193 Жыл бұрын
In depth, my hole, Conor is just another bullshit artist......
@midwesttrekker123 Жыл бұрын
Lol, dude! do you have anything against Benjamin? and Johnny fd? Seems that you're just hunkering on their biz...lol dude! move forward...do something nice and creative
@orionvassi Жыл бұрын
The most interesting thing to come from this recent conflict is to see how many people are pro war. These people go bonkers if you suggest a peace treaty and let the people of Donetsk vote on the matter. Some kids organized a peace rally on the university campus and angry liberals trashed all their signs. They don't care about Russians or Ukrainians.
@mattattack75 Жыл бұрын
Because you don't actually want peace. All the people who were pro ukrainian in the donebask are fucking gone because they been occupied for 8 years and now invaded. Do you think the Crimean referendums were ligit too? Also it's about establishing norms so now it's okay to arm rebels in your neighboring country's then hold fake referendums and slowly gobble up their territory. You don't want peace, you want appeasement.
@-2103 Жыл бұрын
So, what were the British doing in Balaclava again?
@joeperkowski Жыл бұрын
Ben leans far right wing from what I saw in his videos - I suspect that is where the pro-Russian views are coming from. I get the impression he likes the Russian strong man idea of its Russian leaders. After getting this pro-Russian vibe Im stopped watching his videos. Its one thing to learn about the culture of the Russian people through Bald's videos, but I can do without his personal politics
@michaelhall7028 Жыл бұрын
It's funny how Johnny FD is the one who's actually finally talking some sense, as he is clearly the less bright one out of the two. As for Bald, I believe he has mixed feelings. He obviously has a love for all things Soviet, as well as a love for the Russian people. His wife(or the woman he has a kid with) is from Belarus and probably an ethnic Russian, he has a child with her according to the most reliable sources. So, I don't think he is banned from Belarus. But the fact that Belarus has very close ties with Russia and because Russia has banned him, I don't think that he wants to say anything that would potentially ban him from entering Belarus as well. As for some of the things he says regarding history, he says a lot of stuff to gain attention, like Viva Taliban (wtf). He obviously doesn't know all the facts about the Crimean War either. As for the 1 million dying in Iraq, I believe this is a true stat, but it was certainly not 1 million people killed by the West. The argument that is made, is that if the West never invaded Iraq in 2003, then 1 million people probably wouldn't have died, because of the chaos that ensued. I do actually remember Bald seriously criticising Putin in one of his videos a year or two ago, when Bald was in Estonia. Now it sounds like I am trying to defend him, I am not, just trying to be fair. But I do agree that he should be condemning the disgusting invasion of Ukraine that took place on the 24th of February this year. I mean even if he's afraid to do so over concern over his family, that's one thing, but to come out and sing that patriotic Russian war song and post it online at this moment in time, is absolutely insane. It's a huge slap in the face to all the innocent Ukrainians who are suffering as a result of this conflict. It's actually quite ironic, as prior to this war, Bald did a lot to promote Russia and Ukraine during his travels, but now he is banned from both countries!
@huntergatherer7796 Жыл бұрын
Balds ex wife remarried to a Russian oligarch. He never see his daughter as he doesn't care about her.
@OOpSjm Жыл бұрын
He isn't banned anymore I don't think. Russian govt had contacted him regarding his status since he had applied for a waiver. He was kicked out previously because he traveled on a UK passport and the govt reciprocated UK govt visa ban on Russian citizens.
@wareagle3651 Жыл бұрын
Wow, your cope with the invasion of Iraq is very interesting. Afghanistan is another very noble cause too, right?? Imagine calling Russia an Empire State when the West has military bases in the thousands, all over the globe. Clearly the propaganda has worked on you.
@michaelhall7028 Жыл бұрын
@@wareagle3651 What are you talking about? I never even agreed with the 2nd Iraq war to begin with. I was merely making a point. The invasion of Iraq in 2003 should not have happened.
@wareagle3651 Жыл бұрын
Dang. I thought I was going to enjoy this take and then you go straight into CNN/MSNBC/EU/NATO talk. Too bad. It’s getting very hard to find cool headed objective people. Sad😢
@ac9202 Жыл бұрын
Stop watching him and stop trying to make money of him. Do your own thing lol
@maciekwr Жыл бұрын
They are both cringy most of the times, though Johnny isn’t bright to say lightly. Bald lacks knowledge and understanding. He just found a way to make life travelling and making videos, though talks nonsense most of the time.
@victoroneill7193 Жыл бұрын
I wouldn't be listening to you about geopolitics either 😂
@brennanando Жыл бұрын
He's clearly run out of ideas, now that he can't abuse women in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.
@Boss_302 Жыл бұрын
the truth can be told .....
@diegomontilla5901 Жыл бұрын
Man you look tired!!!!! cheers up Bro.!!!
@ronbuilds1323 Жыл бұрын
An estimated 151,000 to 1,033,000 Iraqis died in the first three to five years of conflict. Wikipedia
@ronbuilds1323 Жыл бұрын
Not sure how you got 40,000
@ConorClyneTsarExperience Жыл бұрын
Where they killed by Western forces? No.
@seansean2929 Жыл бұрын
Imagine going about your life and an overweight American with a selfie-stick bursts in and starts complaining. Johnny is pure cringe.
@crumb6407 Жыл бұрын
its comedic gold, im subscribed to him
@kevinchristensen880 Жыл бұрын
For Bald and Bankrupt. Should've done more indepth historical research than a glossing over and a personal opinion. Living in a nostalgic, unrealistic past.
@zoundstreetop Жыл бұрын
Best quote; “Johnny FD the voice of reason, ironically.” Let us never forget that fine shopping video when he had a down home discussion with a man who looked like Russian SS.
@nickkl1988 Жыл бұрын
Johnny FD is as brainwashed and delusional as Conor is. These 2 clowns live in fantasyland where AmeriNATO triumphs in their proxy war against Russia in Ukraine.
@alexbleks Жыл бұрын
I understand Ben, he loves Russia and will ofc not make it even worse for him to try to get back to Russia again
@Ickie71 Жыл бұрын
He wont ever get back into Russia,and i wish we would kick him out of the UK too!
@kalez963 Жыл бұрын
Slava Russia
@xxxs8309 Жыл бұрын
I love Ben's videos but Johnny FD is pure cringe
@IzzyChopChop 6 ай бұрын
spot on
@Quantum_Cola Жыл бұрын
I used to have the same opinions as Bald when I was 15 years old. Unfortunately, some people still hold those views even when they grow up lol
@MRCazza71290 Жыл бұрын
I wasn't a fan of your dating/lifestyle videos. These videos though, the ones on Ukraine and Eastern Europe politics are fantastic. Subbed.
@gkhan8765 Жыл бұрын
Love bald, he tells it as it is. Truth hurts doesn’t it.
@solemndivinity8235 Жыл бұрын
You know Benjamin just trolls right? If you take his sarcasm and trolling seriously, then you need to take a chill pill. But then again what he says about the West as I am a man from the West is quite true, I can't deny.
@thefarmer4586 Жыл бұрын
Illegal and unprovoked??? "Kos Omak" like they say in the Middle East
@GaryAJMartin Жыл бұрын
You have to admit he is entertaining 😉
@jamesdodge5508 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for Odessa updates......be safe....and Angelina..?..
@mrraccoon6264 Жыл бұрын
Doesn’t Bald have a kid with a Russian woman.. Not the Alinachik lady. Think that’s why he won’t criticise Russia because of that.
@jameslambe9275 Жыл бұрын
Don’t forget Kalmykia.
@arnobroekhoven9644 Жыл бұрын
First of all, thanks for the thorough explanation and correction of Benjamin Rich video. I was born in the Netherlands and my parents were teenagers during WWII. My dad told me lots of war stories. He always told me that the Russians, or actually at that time the Soviets, were even worse than the Nazi's ever were. What we see what the Russians in Ukraine do against civilians, it's barbaric. It shows my Dad was right. God bless all the people of Ukraine! Stay safe Conor.
@shujatliaquat5237 Жыл бұрын
Dude wtf is that statement. The Soviet people sacrificed the most lives fighting the nazis during the second world war. Knowing that, how can the Russians be worse than the german nazis? 😂 And to my knowledge the Russians didn't send 6 million civilians to death camps like the nazis did. I can't even believe you would make that comparison.
@ВладиславАнтипин-щ4ъ Жыл бұрын
Your dad is a liar, no soviet troops were on the dutch territory during ww2. We have another option for your father to meet with russian - he became member of Vrijwilligerslegioen Nederland. Waffen SS division.
@MCKevin289 Жыл бұрын
Idk man the Nazis were still way worse imo. I had relatives in Germany who lived under Nazi rule. The Soviet Union did not have industrialized genocide like Nazi Germany did. The Nazis were so evil that it was able to cause rapid change in how the western world viewed Jewish people. Antisemitism was the European default due to hundreds of years of institutionalized anti-semitism and it caused it to no longer be the European default setting. It’s still an issue but the evil of the Holocaust has helped quash some of the institutionalized anti-semitism found in European culture. No one has had it. Part of the reason why it’s hard to get genocides recognized nowadays is because it now almost requires it to have industrialized killings due to the definition being changed to absolve the UK, USA, France and USSR of genocides both past and ongoing. See Australia’s stolen generation, Indian residential schools, Bengal famine and the Holodmor.
@jefrolievertinitz7836 Жыл бұрын
Hey, it's me, I have been viewing since the war. Great perspectives. I had said that the channel is OK, even though the dating business was shut down, your political and war coverage is OK. I had mentioned that your channel would be same as playboy magazine, which talks politics as well as show women. But I like Bald, and I think he just wants to get along with people. Just don't take him too seriously. He must think on his feet sometimes, to save his skin. I think he just jests when he appears to be swaying too far. He's not some kind of a radical anti west statesmen. To me he is and will only ever be an entertainer.
@jefrolievertinitz7836 Жыл бұрын
Bald is a good money topic
@MrTravelWriter Жыл бұрын
He's just made some Vietnam videos. Glory to Ho Chi Min's revolution, and all that. And then he said something about the brave American soldiers who fought there. His political statements are shocking and extremely ignorant.
@fontfroide1 Жыл бұрын
The hairless product is maby afraid to be poisoned one day
@Jack-qk3xv Жыл бұрын
Connor, Bald and Johnny all bring different things to the table. Connor is clearly the analytical type (I like your analysis, although it's a bit biased at times). Bald is pure charisma and entertainment, in my view, it's good that he doesn't moralize everything. Johnny... He's the muscle I guess..
@barcannon Жыл бұрын
@ConorClyneTsarExperience Жыл бұрын
Yep, unless you’re the type who believes that Hitler and Stalin were “provoked” into invading Poland …
@barcannon Жыл бұрын
NATO is completely innocent
@lgnfve Жыл бұрын
omg, just watched the video you linked to with music festival in Crimea. looks like fun but I had to think they all thought you were a cop due to being so much older than everyone lol. "hey man, if I ask if you are a cop, you gotta tell me. it's the law." lol.
@Joona.Lukala Жыл бұрын
Intresting video topic, thank you and happy new year! Slava Ukraine
@dianelukeman526 Жыл бұрын
I used to watch him religiously, but now he grates on me and I don’t anymore , I agree with you. I watch Johnny FD at least he is real and supports the Ukraine 🇺🇦
@iKrivetko Жыл бұрын
To be fair, if he has family in Russia I can understand why he wouldn't want to say anything that might be considered as anti-regime even being banned from entry. I wouldn't be surprised if he had to strike some kind of a deal with the, dare I say it, "law enforcement" when he was detained.
@iKrivetko Жыл бұрын
@@thebreezer you sweet summer child
@danielnguyen7713 Жыл бұрын
Trying to get free clout with negativity
@LightHouseChurchThailand Жыл бұрын
This guy is sick 🤢 🤮. We love Bald and Bankrupt so calm down bro
@GaryAJMartin Жыл бұрын
Bald and bonkers….Nice title! Bonkers is a good way to describe what I think people are, who are currently spending time in Ukraine who don’t have to be. But that’s just me. I prefer consistent power, internet and such. To others is isn’t important. And hey, that’s cool. Some people like to go off into the mountains for weeks and months. Not my thing either.
@vahuid Жыл бұрын
Bald, has a child in russia, that's why I think he does what he does. Not saying it's good or bad, just stating the fact. I personally have double views of Bald, but definitely I agree with your points.
@Bobwa2008 Жыл бұрын
Agree with you on bald 💯 But Johnny has changed a lot and has done a lot of good for the people and military in the Ukraine, pretty sure he’s done more than you have. He also finally got his permanent residency card.
@fezbork Жыл бұрын
Tell me about the second Chechen war. Was it because government and/or terrorists controlling Chechnya invaded Dagestan, or was that propaganda along with the false flag bombings of residential buildings in Russia?
@crombelsla9800 Жыл бұрын
Great insight and history lesson stay safe.
@odakyuodakyu6650 Жыл бұрын
i'm a bit disappointed with some of his choices of words, he visits interesting places, he could have read a book or a bit of wikipedia before and quoted a memoir of a well known writer who was there, instead he just makes cringey remarks about 'soviet' nonsense without looking further into the topic.
@TheBTG88 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Conor. Needless to say, these two guys really show off their lack of knowledge in this video.
@shaundgb7367 Жыл бұрын
I've never seen the movie Dumb and Dumber but I assume it was something akin to those two fools in that video.
@markedwarddavis2014 Жыл бұрын
@@shaundgb7367 You sound like a clueless, hypnotized, tv watching Robot!
@molchaniazolotovacommunica9015 Жыл бұрын
Bald and Brezhnev: 50years ago Russia and Ukraine lived in peace and harmony🇷🇺🇺🇦 🏳️‍🌈🇧🇾
@mfcmaster3 Жыл бұрын
hey Connor, weren't you the one who said Russia would never invade Ukraine?
@ConorClyneTsarExperience Жыл бұрын
Nope, I said that they would be 'mad' to do so ... that's clearly turned out to be the case: kzbin.info/www/bejne/a6mYfpqJZ9-fd5o
@Oregon696969 Жыл бұрын
I like your haircut.
@GleeSmee Жыл бұрын
Can men of military age easily leave Ukraine?
@ConorClyneTsarExperience Жыл бұрын
Not so easily at the moment
@GleeSmee Жыл бұрын
That's a problem. Arguably, human rights abuse.
@RandomDudeOne Жыл бұрын
@@GleeSmee The human rights abuse is Russia trying to destroy Ukraine's electric grid and freeze to death its civilian population.
@GleeSmee Жыл бұрын
@@RandomDudeOne That is very likely a war crime. However, forced military service and denial of the right to leave the country is also abuse.
@RandomDudeOne Жыл бұрын
@@GleeSmee Russian/Soviet Union has always had "forced military service".
@zoundstreetop Жыл бұрын
When did bald get arrested? Pre or post Ukraine war?
@ConorClyneTsarExperience Жыл бұрын
See here: kzbin.info/www/bejne/ppqclYiYmqtpiKs
@beyondappalachian8218 Жыл бұрын
Maybe they're queer buddies like a lot of English men 😂
@aussiej2973 Жыл бұрын
he is like David brent character from the office ,you are not seeing bolds comedy .hunter Biden lets cover him next please or Ukraine biggest comedian !
@Jcserve-pr8uc Жыл бұрын
Interesting views 🤔
@markovovchok6767 Жыл бұрын
I am a supporter of the fact that Bald Bankrupt is the artist Benxy. There is a lot of coincidence. Johnny FD showed in his video a ballerina who tanks on the ruins and this ballerina was painted by Banksy ....
@nrhoofcare7724 Жыл бұрын
Your politics are legitimately lobotomised. Worst take.
@markedwarddavis2014 Жыл бұрын
Conor, I would like to know your opinion on the freedom fighter President Zelensky. Mr. Democracy.
@markedwarddavis2014 Жыл бұрын
@@boctunes1853 Zelensky is a stone cold Dictator. Ripping off the American taxpayers. #1. People of the Ukraine are unable to worship God anymore, he closed down the Orthodox Church there. In addition, he outright banned the opposition party, shut down 2 newspapers and 1 TV Station that disagreed with him. Fella, you sound like you're living on another Planet or something! And oh yes, the Ukraine is getting it's ass kicked big time.
@markedwarddavis2014 Жыл бұрын
@@boctunes1853 No hard feelings on my part as well. You're the type of person who turns on the TV News and believes everything they say. There are millions like you. ----Now, over 100 billions of dollars given to a dictator of a Country that is known as 'the most corrupt Country on the Planet. (With no accountability!!) In a War that should never have been started------you can thank America for that. (Oh, and talk about invading other countries and the killing of hundreds of thousands of innocent people, you can thank the USA for that too!)
@max.fleming1045 Жыл бұрын
I do confess I did watch that video of bald & Johnny wandering about London talking bollocks. I've never really understood Bald & really not sure what to make of Johnny ?. Bald is clearly an unrepentant Russia Phoebe & is probably at this very moment trying to find a way back into Russia. Johnny on the other hand seems to have made up his mind on which side of the tracks he wants to stand which is good , but I'm not sure I trust him?. His talking points were very different 10 months ago. I'm not subscribed to either, but because I have randomly watched a few of their vlogs in the past they keep popping up in my feed. Also Johnny is friends with a few people I do follow. Operator Starsky & Brandon Stewart. The later a Canadian volunteer medic in bakhmut. I guess the reason I don't trust Johnny is I think back early on in the war he was faced with a dilemma & a choice . How long would he be welcome in Ukraine making pro Russian vlogs when Russia clearly wasn't winning as quickly as so many predicted ?. I think Johnny chose sides not for ethical reasons , but just simply because events were turning against his preferences. He did it to save his skin and KZbin channel.
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