Why I...Tolerate Pirate [For Honor]

  Рет қаралды 4,168

Raven Knight

Raven Knight

4 ай бұрын

Of all the For Honor heroes out there, I think Pirate had the most negativity thrown at her upon release. Not that I don't get it...there were plenty of things that I'm sure frustrated the community about her. But...frankly I don't mind her. Let me explain why I...tolerate...pirate.

Пікірлер: 92
@theonlyMoancore 4 ай бұрын
Something I learned was that knights and guns actually did exist together in history. There's a bigger history difference between the Vikings and everyone else than the factions and a flintlock!
@financialproblems9308 4 ай бұрын
Yes, knights and guns coexisted as guns weren't as advanced back then, then came the advent of more tactics and better guns, allowing them to pierce armour better with less detriment to the user. Cannons became better, so castles advanced to the point they couldn't anymore
@colragonboi3341 4 ай бұрын
Wait what?! Raven is South Carolinian. Camaraderie leveled up. Glad to know a personal favorite ytber is a fellow resident.
@RavenKnightYT 4 ай бұрын
Yup. Born and raised in South Carolina.
@colragonboi3341 4 ай бұрын
@@RavenKnightYT I'm a northern migrant 😅But I wouldn't leave on a bet!
@KrusaderYT 4 ай бұрын
I live in Virginia but I’m close to the border beteeen North Carolina and Virginia. Go down to NC at least once a summer to visit my Pop Pop at his river house
@DestinationDestail 4 ай бұрын
Weirdly the character I hated most when it came out was Centurion simply because he doesn't have his shield. Still bothers me tbh lol
@alienboy5957 4 ай бұрын
Understandable, I wish with every other hero they were more accurate, especially the Black prior, I so want him to look more Norman less like a goth.
@theonlyMoancore 4 ай бұрын
Same, except after a few months, his meaty wallop started to grow on me, now I love watching him wallop across the battlefield.
@SuperflyMiceguy 4 ай бұрын
One thing that might fix the Pirate's semi-auto flintlock pistol situation, is to give an additional animation to have her toss it aside and pull out another gun from her hip.
@Haos51 4 ай бұрын
New problem becomes infinite guns xD
@nerfer200 4 ай бұрын
​@@Haos51Becomes Reaper
@jadensomerville2883 4 ай бұрын
My South Carolinian brother I didn’t learn a gosh darn thing about Blackbeard at school
@RavenKnightYT 4 ай бұрын
What school did you go to? XD I learned about him through middle school and South Carolina history
@jadensomerville2883 4 ай бұрын
@@RavenKnightYT I went to a Christian private school Faith Christian Academy form 5th grade to graduation and before that I went to another private school from kindergarten to fourth grade. Not once Did we ever talk about Blackbeard
@diaz926 3 ай бұрын
@@jadensomerville2883 that explains a lot...
@anakinskywalkerthechosenone316 3 ай бұрын
I grew up in South Carolina. I was born in Seattle Washington
@Haos51 4 ай бұрын
Would be nice if Bou Yin felt as powerful as Zheng Yi was. They had a scene of her rejecting and beating up the Wu Lin Emperoer in the season she came in, but feels hallow when the empire was already fallen by that point. Adding on siding with Astrea in the conflict they at first claimed neutral made me hate her character even though I'm indifferent to pirate as a character. Like it would of been fine if they just had her side from the start but they whatever reason decided to just have her be netural....despite having all the reason to join with Astrea. Add on the lack of a connection to the aftermatch of Bou Yin gathering the relics(beyond a pirate being the hero skin) makes me feel that the whole story was wasted introducing Astrea's personal lapdog. More so when we don't know the story there.
@Blackstonelegion 4 ай бұрын
What bothers me about Pirate is the Hypocrisy around them (well idk if its Hypocrisy necessarily but you probably know what I mean) In the Trailer Pirate is like "Factions? Who needs stinking Factions?" Yet almost as soon as they show up they are just like "ok I'll just join Horkos I guess"
@badgamemaster 4 ай бұрын
Zheng Yi Sao won, Blackbeard lost... simple as...
@LeGabrielMan 4 ай бұрын
* dissapointed scurvy noises *
@financialproblems9308 4 ай бұрын
Yes but you can't deny blackboard has the bigger legend for some reason
@badgamemaster 4 ай бұрын
@@financialproblems9308That is right.. and it is easy to know why... Eddy was from the west... and he did raid around the US.. and I think he got in the new papers
@mal1362 4 ай бұрын
6:45 the pirates are adventurers seeking treasure and artifacts in heathmore. The whole point of year 6. The pirates uncovering heathmores legacy. They are staying In heathmore because it's prime re-estate for piracy heathmore is the divided mess theres no real official government to chase them away. Like the British empire for example. Bou yin agreed to help Horkos under the conditions that she only deals with Astrea personally. Outside of that Bou yin will tell anyone who isnt Astrea from horkos and gryphon and his chimera to piss off. So bou yin only helps Astrea as a personal favor, a well compensated favor, but a favor nonetheless. Its also important to keep in mind that even though bou yin is the pirate queen that dosen't mean she controls the pirates. Every pirate hero is the leader of their own crew and will do whatever they want. majority for the most part respect bou yin. Part of the whole being a pirate. It's not a sign of nobility it's a sign of respect. Like "aye I don't care about what anyone has to say but I'll keep in mind what you have to say bou yin, but no promises mate 😉 "
@RavenKnightYT 4 ай бұрын
And this is why I don't talk lore anymore.
@VixyBri 4 ай бұрын
Nothing will ever beat the trauma of Hitokiri's release, and how LONG it took to put any changes on them. As for lore/appearance, Pirate was kind of confusing but I think Kyoshin was even more frustrating in terms of design and background, etc.
@bionizard5480 4 ай бұрын
Firstly, older players remember launch centurion and shaman, they could and would flat out delete you after one punish. Secondly we should have all heros have dual genders as a whole, to fit pirate being an outlander she should have a Caribbean pirate as a male option and the Chinese one as the female variant. I swear it would lead to less disappointment for having the mandatory one male hero and one female hero a year thing Ubi has going and allows us to have customization. I want to play male warmonger and female warlord. Hell both of these classes had these options.
@deathbringr0005 4 ай бұрын
My biggest gripe with Pirate is her moveset. Her look, her lore, her weapon variety and animations are all spot on, but her moveset is absurdly lacking. No bash, no reliable way to open your opponent up, you can't cancel her dodge heavies other than the forward dodge, her unblockable after an attack doesn't do much considering she can't attack after getting a light blocked, her gun grab after whiffing a heavy/getting it blocked has absurdly poor reach, I could go on. Currently maining her, and for as much as I personally like Pirate I can't say in any good conscience she's fine as is. I'd like to see a bit of a full rework, perhaps give her more means of using her gun, letting her cancel her dodge heavies naturally, giving her more combo potential, something along those lines.
@TechGurl12 4 ай бұрын
I think my one criticism is how do the pirates fit in, like you said. I just feel that she just wants to be part of the group, but I wanna know more of her lore and background, just some comtext.
@GhostRZ5 4 ай бұрын
Exactly fr she need more lore no cap to alittle rework on her kit to wait not little a overhaul lol
@Hiro_Otie 4 ай бұрын
I stopped playing for honor the season before gryphon showed up and only returned when i saw pirate release. Got bummed by what it was but found it unique nonetheless. Love your vids keep it up
@barreldaddy1295 4 ай бұрын
hey raven you think you can do a video about how to make stone the conqueror?
@General-F 4 ай бұрын
I'm open of an idea of an Carolean for outlanders having Musket and rapier.
@total_no_more 4 ай бұрын
Hey you should do a video or 3 if you were to separate them via factions on current whereabouts or last mentions of the story mode characters since the end of the story mode.
@damagedskvll 3 ай бұрын
I always thought she should reload with a hidden stance, like jj with recharging his stamina, but you'd have to complete the animation, but it would do way more damage
@YEYE2313 4 ай бұрын
Personally, i think that the pirate ok not the best, but it's not the worst. All the heroes have their pros and cons and raven knight, i think your problem with for honor is that they dont explain the lore more clearly and add stuff that makes no sense at least that's what it looks like to me
@geoshark12 4 ай бұрын
While i know she isn’t based on Caribbean pirates maybe its a privateer thing where someones paying them to just run amok or since they basically have the pirate fortress island the reason they keep going back to the ashland is because its an area in turmoil, pirates thrive in times of war either someone will pay them to attack another person or the lands forces are elsewhere dealing with an army rather then some lowly pirates So there still there because there still loot and no dedicated effort to get rid of them
@cestlavie5063 4 ай бұрын
On release: my only grump was being snubbed a Wu-Lin. Aside from that, Gun was just dumb fun to blast about. Today: My biggest issue with her is a lore one. During the year of Kiyoshin/Pirate: we went from being pushed into a covenant, to being given the freedom to choose for ourselves, to being given the option to chose neither covenant. That is the personal story I got out of that year's plot. Pirate, despite claiming full disregard for the idea, seems to have just been blanketed as Horkos enforcers. The Kyoshin however seems to have managed to keep some level of independence, as when Jurogumo and the Yokai attacked, people specifically asked them instead of the covenants sending Kyoshin to deal with it.
@knightofarnor2552 4 ай бұрын
Honestly, a For Honor 2 set in a time period where firearms are more proliferated, but people are still mostly using melee could be neat. Mostly I just want to see a Warden with a bandolier of pistols on his chest, or an Orochi with a matchlock musket slung across her back lol
@raventhepunisher5321 4 ай бұрын
In my opinion I think the pirate character is probably an idea that the developers had so they can add other historical characters that travel in massive ships or something like pirate has. I wouldn't be surprised if they were gun smuggling that's another idea why they don't wanna leave, another one could be maybe they came to heath more waiting for whatever heat they caused wherever they were at cause there could be someone with similar fleets as pirate hunting them now I'm not saying the pirate that teamed up with astria and her damn cult that bitch, I'm talking about the character herself not astrias sea dog. But anyways I think it's interesting that they added a hero with not just a sword but a gun that's basically future technology when your in a world of swords and other chivalry weapons but that's my long opinion
@sapiouxs 4 ай бұрын
gg raven we played yesterday in the new game mode I got to fight against your keyoshin
@MovableMosquito 4 ай бұрын
Gryphon was in fact the most hated character release in for honor history, the whole toxic community of for honor literally all came togther for the first time just to collectively show how much hatred they had for gryphon, creating the monkey brain meme and many others leading to gryphon getting the fastest rework of any character ever after its release. It’s weird how most people forgot this
@RavenKnightYT 4 ай бұрын
The difference I see is that Gryphon was mostly hated for his lazy play style, but was reworked quickly into being acceptable. Pirate was hated for: Being female gender locked. Being Chinese. Using a pistol. Having an OP moveset. Not having high tier fashion. etc. While Gryphon received hate for his moveset, Pirate was despised for her existence.
@Just-A-Bit 4 ай бұрын
With the gun a very easy fix to make it realistic is have her drop the gun and just pull out a new one. It’s still goofy that she’s has infinite guns but it makes more sense and has historical precedence
@knightofarnor2552 4 ай бұрын
The character I hate the most is Ocelotl. I hate that he's able to compete with literal Stone Age weapons, I hate that he's canonically 20 guys on a boat who can't die outside Tenochtitlan, I hate the entire premise of his first feat, I hate that the writers whitewashed (in the sense of "cleaning up") Aztec culture in his backstory, and on top of all that he's a popular pick in Dominion, meaning I can't just ignore the stupid premise like with Shaman or Shinobi.
@Blue_Bayou_Hix Ай бұрын
Should have done similar to Henry Morgan since he died in his sleep and was a pretty successful pirate 🏴‍☠️
@jawwer12 4 ай бұрын
About the whole "who was the most hated on release" bit, my nomination goes to gryphon. People both had the issues of balance they had with pirate, but they were also conjoined with the asset reuse drama that was at its hottest with him and warmonger.
@achillesrenegade6392 4 ай бұрын
we are here to drink your beer and steal your rum at the point of a gun! - Edward Kenway probably (i don't like pirate)
@pedroromarhernandez6554 4 ай бұрын
The only thing that pirate has that anoys me a lot IS her ability to doge cancel doge cancels
@dusksalem243 4 ай бұрын
My most hated was between Gladiator or Shamen
@fredikraft7534 4 ай бұрын
Raven I hated that they Nerv Pirat so low I cant do any damage I need to do all the shinobi kombo to get the same high damage
@geoshark12 4 ай бұрын
While not a thing for pistols there are semi auto flint lock rifles
@financialproblems9308 4 ай бұрын
Difference here is that's a rifle, flint lock pistols don't have the mechanism nor space to house multiple shots.
@geoshark12 4 ай бұрын
@@financialproblems9308 hence why i said”while not a pistol” i figured that was implied
@Pierdylionn 4 ай бұрын
Her moveset is frustrating at times because she has in-chain sort of option selects where she can either trade or interrupt seemingly on reaction. I've never had a problem with a gender lock or design but i really think they missed out on an interesting character. The gun should work as some kind of stacks where she has to load it a couple of times (pour powder and put a bullet in and so on) and with each stage her in-chain bash has different properties. Sort of like Geras in MK1 where he can gain stacks and when he gets 3 he can do a powerful move.
@acutegynast3326 4 ай бұрын
i love pirate so munch!! :)
@nije1x 4 ай бұрын
I think Centurion or Shaman were the most hated in the beginning.
@scottgallagher3886 4 ай бұрын
medejay and afeera forsure i lvoe afeera but i wanted a janisary or a arabic sabre weilding warrior
@spartanpiplup6229 4 ай бұрын
Her lights should use the gun as a club and only shoot it with feats. She could even throw it away after the feat and pull out another one. Other than that, love her gameplay. Current lore, not so much.
@ryan_1099 4 ай бұрын
Never really had any thoughts about Pirate aside from thinking her gun was entertaining, but I'm tryin to level her up lately and it's pretty borin
@ZacharyDarkes 4 ай бұрын
I like the pirate never understood the hate she got or gets.
@dmitryferulev4606 4 ай бұрын
I'm fine with pirate as well, but it's because I had lower expectations about Ubi. They couldve done much worse. Agreed about Zheng Yi stuff and yes - it's absolute bullshit they scared showing sexy girls these days. Fkn Bioware literally made me gay in Inquisition cause the only actually attractive and charismatic character was that hot oriental mage so I dated him lol. My only fear was the appearance of the gunpowder, but they handled it well by giving her a tiny ass watergun so it's not op at all. First guns weren't able to penetrate good armor so technically it's ok. kinda. could be much worse again
@Jk_hbngfvg 4 ай бұрын
First, I didn’t know she got all this hate. I was on a break when she came out. And so true about Blackbeard, super overrated. The coolest thing is the beard lighting thing.
@Jk_hbngfvg 4 ай бұрын
Also, it was obvious she was what they were going for. For every reason you said.
@BotijaoPelado 4 ай бұрын
My biggest gripe with Pirate is the moveset, because, in my eyes, its boring but interesting at the same time.
@diaz926 3 ай бұрын
i personaly did not find pirate very annoying, even on release, I just wasn't into the whole Chinese pirate theme, I got to enjoy her more when the hero skin came out
@robzilla8084 4 ай бұрын
3:56 easy. Hardly have to change anything. Make the bash a pistol whip and make the.. you know… GUN. A one shot hito tier 4 and half health tier 3.
@Lxgxcy 4 ай бұрын
The only sensible answer however keep the ricochet tier 3 and make the one shot a tier two
@robzilla8084 4 ай бұрын
@@Lxgxcy that would keep some of her personality I like it. but for a tier 3 and 2 they'd have a huge recovery time
@chaseoliver3978 4 ай бұрын
Cent literally broke the game on release, same with Shaman, BP, and Gryphon
@Hk-ox4bb 2 ай бұрын
Nah, upon release people were dominating on Gryphon while literally blindfolded; he got way more hate than any other hero
@Audios2010 4 ай бұрын
Why haven't they expanded the faction war to the Wu Lin and Outlanders? 🗣🗣🗣
@Footware66 4 ай бұрын
While I appreciate the Chinese pirate representation. I think pirate shouldnt have been genderlock. While it makes sense with characters like warmonger and afreea. Pirates just feel like the same person. She just needs more variety.
@jonathananleu5844 18 күн бұрын
I hated kyoshin the most of release
@Mr.Mammoth3604 4 ай бұрын
Probably the character I hate the most would be highlander.
@alienboy5957 4 ай бұрын
Why Is it his Dummaglass? 😂
@Mr.Mammoth3604 4 ай бұрын
Yes, being cut hurt.
@ZacharyDarkes 4 ай бұрын
Mine is Warlord such a boring character to fight and to fight as.
@liamodahl1205 4 ай бұрын
Release-Hitokiri can smear dog excrement across her face. I HATED Hitokiri more than any other hero at release. Braindead moveset, default 14-year-old edgy lore, interesting design, good weapon choice. At least Black Prior, Jormungandr, and Zhanhu had somewhat engaging lore. I really like YOUR Hitokiri character, as it's genuinely an engaging, dark story. That's all I want from my dark heros.
@roguerex292 4 ай бұрын
Can we talk about all the gender locked females. I feel like there’s lot recently. When was the last time we could switch back and forth
@RavenKnightYT 4 ай бұрын
They've done genderlock since year 4. Since then we've had Warmonger, Pirate, Afeera, and Varangian. However we've had male gender locks too. Gryphon, Kyoshin, Medjay, and Ocelots. So it's been an even number of male and female. If you wanna be more general, there are more male gender locked than female. With 12 males (Lawbringer, Gryphon, Warlord, Highlander, Shugoki, Kyoshin, Aramusha, Shaolin, Jiang Jun, Ocelotl, Medjay) and 9 females (Peacekeeper, Warmonger, Shaman, Valkyrie, Varangian, Nobushi, Nuxia, Afeera, Pirate) So if you wanna put it in general terms, males still outnumber females.
@roguerex292 4 ай бұрын
@@RavenKnightYT I wasnt worried about male versus female more about why can’t I go back and forth? Feel like it would be more variety with customizations and RP. And gender swap characters tend to have a lot a variation with appearance in game. Ik some makes sense like nobushi and Valkyrie. But I wonder why we can’t switch with pirate, medjay and the newest hero. I’m assuming it’s more difficult and more resources to do that?
@RavenKnightYT 4 ай бұрын
@@roguerex292 yes. To create both female and male characters, it requires two different builds, two different voice actors, and more time and money to do these things.
@the_knightcatTTv 4 ай бұрын
I wanted Edward Kenway. Come on Ubi it could've been so good..
@spectre2803 4 ай бұрын
Any Reason you and 2 other rep 70s prowl low level lobbies for kills for gameplay footage?? Just got a match with you shittin on low levels and got pre-game screenshots.
@RavenKnightYT 4 ай бұрын
You have evidently mistaken me for someone else...I'm not a rep 70 on ANY character. And I rarely ever go into matches just to shit on people or get screen shots. I only take screen shots of duel matches where the opponent was toxic. I also rarely play with others. I solo que most of the time, so I'm not 'prowling' with me 'and 2 other rep 70's.' Sorry you had a bad match, but I did not know the people who played with me, and I was not seeking to prowl against anyone. (edit: I think I know the match you're talking about. Was it a dominion match, and was I playing Gryphon? If so, I can assure you my goal was not to shit on anyone and I didn't even record the match in question. So please rest assured I'm not just trying to farm other peoples misery. You can search through my youtube content and see that's not my style)
@spectre2803 4 ай бұрын
No, Centurion on Sentinel. I was a nobushi and you had 2 Rep 70 Teammates Being a Warden and a Rep 70 Lawbringer, your Cent is Rep 31, and as of Screenshots Gear Level 153. Meanwhile on my team max account level was little over 120, and almost none of our heroes above Rep 5 except a Rep 20 Shaolin. Cmon, dude. And the score ended with you getting outshined by your team anyways, as you ended with 225 Renown@@RavenKnightYT
@RavenKnightYT 4 ай бұрын
@spectre2803 Oh yeah! I remember that one. Well kind of the same thing really. I solo qued into that match. I didn't know any of my teammates and I could not control who I was playing with or against. But...what's your issue bro? You come to me crying that you think I'm prowling with my rep 70 buddies to bully low rep lobbies, when: 1.) you have no evidence that those rep 70 players are my friends or that I qued with them (again, I don't know them). 2.) you have no evidence that I was intentionally targetting low rep lobbies (how the hell would I even do that?) 3.) nothing on my channel indicates I do anything of the sort. Go through my channel if you like and find me a video where I purposefully farm footage to harass other players. You will not find any, because that's not how I do things. I try to be respectful and say that I think there's been a confusion here, and I try to make peace, and your response is to then shame me for being outshinned by my teammates? I don't know what your goal here is, man. Were you trying to call me out for being some bully or are you trying to shame me for not being better at the game? Why did you even comment to me except to complain that you lost to me and a bunch of randos I don't even know? If I remember the match correctly, nobody chat spammed or emote spammed that I could see, and the match was played pretty close for a while. You even killed me a few times. In fact I distinctly remember you and that warlord killing me in Zone A RIGHT at the start of the match. I would have even called you a good Nobushi player, had I had the time to message you (or anyone for that matter). Again, I'm sorry you had a bad match and that upset you. But you have the wrong idea about me, and if you have evidence to the contrary, then kindly share it. Otherwise, all that you've thrown at me is petty, conjectural, and frankly...childish.
@Xenith995 4 ай бұрын
Raven, I can agree with you on some points here. But there's one thing I want to say in disagreement. I personally don't like this pirate queen (who's name I won't try to spell because I'll mess it up). It is BECAUSE of how she died. You say, "She lived the dream and died well," and that's where I disagree. I don't think she died well. Blackbeard and most other pirate's died free and died essentially on their terms. They never surrendered. They lived and died by their flags living their lives the way they decreed. In my eyes, this woman isn't inspiring because, eventually, she surrendered and gave up and died pardoned. That's not the dream, though. Because in the end, despite her success, she died as another citizen, not as a pirate. Blackbeard lived and died and is legendary to me because he died a pirate. She just... didn't. My second point being, and I feel this wasn't touched on. I hate pirate specifically because of Ubisoft's failure. They KNEW exactly how to make people happy. They had years and years of requests. The community basically gave Ubisoft everything, EVERYTHING! We wanted a stereotypical pirate, or at the very least, a pirate that was from the Caribbean. Legitimately, all they had to do was Caribbean pirate and the hero would've been the communities most favorite hero, even IF it was genderlocked female. But what ubisoft did was make us a pirate SPECIFICALLY because we asked for a pirate for so long, but didn't give us a pirate, they gave us a K-pop boy band member with a bottomless Pistol. If you went to a restaurant and asked for spaghetti and meatballs, but got fettuccine alfraido, then was told by the server "we know what you wanted, but we decided to give this to you despite your wishes". You'd demand a refund
@RavenKnightYT 4 ай бұрын
...then you know little of Blackbeard. The man took a pardon. He did surrender. But he decided to try his hand at piracy again when his pardon got boring and then died in the process. He didn't fight on until the end...he didn't live the pirates life all the way through. He tried to quit, got bored, and died trying to reclaim his glory years...like a dog, to be frank. And you make it sound like Ching Shih didn't live how she saw fit? She did. For 10 years she sailed the seas, and only when she knew that her time was up did she use the last of her considerable strength to strongarm the Chinese government into pardoning all of her crew and giving her money to settle down with her husband. And then she ended up running a gambling house as well as a spice trading business. She died RICH and PROSPEROUS. She didn't take a pardon because she was offered it...she made it on her own terms. You make it sound like she had no choice...you're wrong. Besides, many of the pirates you praise didn't die in glorious battle with the Navy...many were captured and publically executed. I would wonder what you consider a good death. Don't you think most of these pirates wanted to enjoy the spoils of their trade? No? I guess it was all just so they could die... Your second point is also short sighted. They were making a character that tied well into the world of For Honor. A Chinese pirate fits better thanks to the Wu Lin than a Carribean Pirate who has no connection to any existing faction at all. And you call it a "K-Pop boy band member?" Um...no. You're obviously referring to only one or two of the armor sets where she has shorter hair. The default alone doesn't look like a K-Pop member. I think you're projecting a little. You then use the analogy of going to a resturant and not getting what you want. Okay...let me explain the serious flaw in that analogy: You admitted it yourself: You got what you asked for. You admitted in your second point that Ubisoft gave you pirate because that's what you asked for. You just didn't expect it to be Ching Shih. So a better analogy: You went to a restaurant and ordered spaghetti and meatballs, the server brings you spaghetti and meatballs, but you throw a tantrum because it wasn't the same spaghetti recipe that your mom used to make. You demand to speak to the manager about the issue and they say "but you asked for Spaghetti with Meatballs from us and that's what we gave you." You then declare they don't care about you and then walk out of the restaurnt, post bad reviews on every online forum you can, never once admitting that they gave what you asked for, just not what you expected....and that's a you problem, not their problem. Like I said. I get the disappointment...but I HEAVILY disagree with you on Ching Shih. As one who studied Blackbeard and Ching Shih...there's no question who was more successful, more prosperous, and more accomplished. Even if you want to say Ching Shih took the 'weak way' out by taking a pardon, I'll accept that, as long as you accept Blackbeard did the same thing, but he died like a dog because he got bored and wanted to try and restart his pirate career and couldn't hack it. (Edit: As a slight side note: you say that if they had just given a Western pirate, it would have been the most loved hero by the community even if it was female genderlocked? Varangian Guard proves you 100% wrong. The community begged for a viking hero with good armor and shield and axe....that's what was given...and what was the communities response? "She's a female...she's bad.")
@ihatethatyoutubedisplaysyo8106 4 ай бұрын
Ubi could have easily solved the infinite bullets dilemma by making pirate drop the gun upon use, then pull another from her pocket. Sure, it's still infinite, but at least there is a viable explanation. She carries multiple guns, and it's easier to believe that she has more guns hidden than one gun that never ends. It would also be really cool to see a bunch of spent flintlocks on the ground.
Executions Graded: Pirate
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Рет қаралды 830 М.
For Honor Pirate Translations
Рет қаралды 215 М.
Рет қаралды 52
I Brought Back Serfdom (And it made me rich)
Рет қаралды 291 М.
Which Characters Could DEFEAT Warhammer 40k?
Buster McTunder
Рет қаралды 57 М.
The Heartbreaking Tale of the 'Nemesis System'
Luke Stephens
Рет қаралды 308 М.
Playing Baldur's Gate 3 like it’s Hitman
Marco Yolo
Рет қаралды 1,8 МЛН
Рет қаралды 79 М.
Every Ability DELETED From Overwatch
The WatchOver
Рет қаралды 681 М.
Peacekeeper has the MOST UNIQUE playstyle for the 1v4
Рет қаралды 15 М.