Why The Rings Of Power SUCKS Part 4 - A Scene Comparison

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Jedi Brooks

Jedi Brooks

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Like the gift that keeps on giving the rings of power is back as guyladriel continues her quest to be the most unlikeable character ever. So follow me as I compare her mission to Eregion to Aragorn's journey to Rivendale

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@markskrzyniarz3074 Күн бұрын
There is literal fanfiction better-written than The Rings of Power.
@Gokkee Күн бұрын
I bet there is better written pron of lotr than Rop is 😆 Just as star wars acolyte😂
@ScientistCat Күн бұрын
Pretty sure this is some pre-teen's cruddy fanfiction, they just happen to be buddies or a relative of an Amazon executive.
@benjamintherogue2421 23 сағат бұрын
It helps that they were actually written by fans of LotR.
@wolftal1178 20 сағат бұрын
What it was actually written? I thought they just slammed on the keyboard and wrote random letters.
@majkus 19 сағат бұрын
Oh, but there is so much worse than this. "The Fellowship of the King" by 'Demetrious Polychron' is so bad it cannot even manage unintentional comedy. You have not read what I have read.
@Avarn388 Күн бұрын
I saw a comment from a ROP defender who said we shouldn’t expect ROP to be as good as the Jackson films and my response is why shouldn’t we? It’s easy to forget but Peter Jackson and the cast and crew worked incredibly hard to make those movies what they were. Technology wasn’t as sophisticated as it is now and yet they came up with all these creative techniques, bigatures, props etc. to make Middle Earth real. When paired with stellar writing, the rest was history. Yet this sad sack of a series can’t even bother to properly light a nighttime scene yet alone have any depth with its characters. Seriously, it’s insulting this series cost so much and is handled to two showrunners to make Dan and Dave from Game of Thrones look better. At least those two could adapt material decently.
@superspicysoysauce8231 23 сағат бұрын
Somehow Hollywood is creatively bankrupt that they making dumpster fire out of hundred millions.
@majkus 19 сағат бұрын
Because Jackson's LotR was lightning in a bottle, as the saying goes. All the ingredients came together, often by accident, to produce this masterwork. Even Jackson could not duplicate the feat in the Hobbit films-not even close. Few people expected TRoP to be anywhere near as good as Jackson's films. But even those with reduced expectations have been sorely disappointed for the most part.
@reek4062 18 сағат бұрын
Peter Jackson showed contempt for the book. The props, miniatures and cgi of those films are great, but the writing is terrible.
@GholaTleilaxu 15 сағат бұрын
I didn't expect Rings of Power to be as good as Peter Jackson's LoTR trilogy but I also wasn't expecting "dark" elves with modern "from the hood" hair-cuts.
@CanetaErrante 12 сағат бұрын
"You shouldn't wait for it to be as good as one of the films" He just straight up implied that they can't make something half as good with more money than the WHOLE TRILOGY in ONE FUCKING SEASON Edit: Also, isn't like we waited that much, we just waited for them have any MINIMAL CAPABILITY AND BE MID, respecting the OWN RULES AND FONTS
@svetlanaandrasova6086 Күн бұрын
In Lord of the rings, Galadriel didnt need armour or to act like a toxic man. She was feminine and just her presence was so powerful the entire fellowship, 11 grown men,were quiet and bowed their heads down. She didnt need to start naming her titles or punch holes into a wall or be condescending jerk. A very feminine female character was the most powerful character in the movie. If thats patriarchal to woke people, then they must be crazy. Btw. Thank you for another video. I love these comparisions.
@fatalshore5068 23 сағат бұрын
Beautiful and terrible. Honestly her monologue is up there with my favourite moments in the trilogy
@reek4062 18 сағат бұрын
''A very feminine female character'' Tolkien gave her the name Nerwen (= man-maiden) and described her as of Amazonian disposition.
@valtterivalo 16 сағат бұрын
Cate Blanchett's portrayal perfectly captures the kind of woman who leaves men speechless and fumbling when she enters a room. All men know that feeling, and it's one of respect and admiration. Men are, however, absolutely incapable of taking seriously a woman like this iteration of Galadriel by the actress whose name I frankly couldn't care enough about to look up.
@GholaTleilaxu 15 сағат бұрын
In the Lord of The Rings movies Galadriel is the most powerful being on Middle Earth, she can project her power at great distance, unlike the limited AoE wizard Gandalf.
@verindictus3639 14 сағат бұрын
@@reek4062 she was still very feminine. Being strong and tall like a man, doesn't make a woman unfeminine.
@Chickenbowser Күн бұрын
These side by sides really show just how lacking the Amazon fan fiction really is. There was so much love and detail that went into the movie trilogy to where it never feels like you're watching a movie. Where as in Jeff Bozo's Money Pit everything just has this layer of cheapness and disinterest to it. The designs of the world and the characters look like they were made by a group of larpers on a shoe string budget but the character are portrayed without the passion a dedicated larper would give it.
@vit4mint685 Күн бұрын
"They were once men"
@kdris12hihi 19 сағат бұрын
May I also say, as a horseback rider, the DIFFICULTY of riding like that when trying to save Frodo, means they went to the difficulty of hiring an expert double.
@gelchert 21 сағат бұрын
The best part about the _Lord of the Rings_ scene is that in the book, Arwen wasn’t in it at all. Instead, it’s a male elf named Glorfindel. Despite that, Peter Jackson & co. found a way to introduce Arwen earlier in the story, in a way that felt organic and didn’t detract from any of the other characters. I doubt Tolkien would have approved, but it’s a far better adaptational choice than anything the _Rings of Power_ idiots are capable of.
@reek4062 18 сағат бұрын
Sigh. PJ used Arwen literally at the detriment of Frodo. In the book at the Ford of Bruinen Frodo defied the Nine, refusing their summons: the fact that he was able to defy them on his own, while being severely injured for two weeks, showed his resilience. Jackson's Frodo however is near-unconscious and worthless, and his Arwen says a stupid one-liner.
@AbisaiBonOv 15 сағат бұрын
But Arwen does appear in the books. She just doesn’t take big part in the story but it is a meaningful part
@ArthurTorrias 15 сағат бұрын
​@@reek4062 That sounds absolutely riveting and I so wish I read books.
@Dayman98 11 сағат бұрын
@@reek4062in the movie isnt it stated that It has been days since Frodo was stabbed when Arwen arrives? If my memory is true then that solidifies his resilience to the wound. Showing the passage of time when adapting words to a screen is incredibly difficult, and PJ did an extremely good job at it throughout the series. When you looks at RoP, the passage of time is shown very poorly
@murazor007 8 сағат бұрын
@@Dayman98 Some people really don't understand the difference one various types of storytelling methods. That's why most people are complaining about Arwen saving Frodo.
@heIIbIazer Күн бұрын
Damn, so she got force healing too now. Learned that from Rey Palpatine. Writers ripping off not only lotr movies but star wars sequels too
@fatalshore5068 23 сағат бұрын
Lol oh god, if you are ripping off the star wars sequels you know you dun fucked up
@chamuuemura5314 22 сағат бұрын
Even though the Weathertop/Arwen at the river scenes were outside the canon/lore, they did well to adapt the story to screen. Introducing Glorfindel as well as Tom Bombadil would’ve complicated the films. The tv show not only needlessly fills out the cast but adds more non-canonical characters and non-canonical and mostly unpleasant additional characteristics of existing characters. In the end none of the main characters are likable and there are too many of them. The show feels like a giant frat/sorority party that the audience feels like we’re the only ones not invited.
@reek4062 18 сағат бұрын
No they didn't. Frodo is butchered at Weathertop and the Ford of Bruinen; he's stripped off his courage, resilience and inner strength. Of course, Peter Jackson had contempt for Tolkien's story and characters. The Hobbits couldn't be the heroes, so he degraded the Hobbits, Frodo in particular, in favour of Aragorn (who he also butchered).
@CanetaErrante 12 сағат бұрын
@@reek4062 Bro, wtf, have you WATCHED the movies? The Hobbits WERE THE HEROES AND STILL ARE
@since4963 Күн бұрын
Evil is not able to create anything new, it can only distort and destroy what has been invented or made by the forces of good. -J.R.R. tolkien edit: i know this is not actual tolkien qoute sorry.
@majkus 19 сағат бұрын
Commenters cannot say anything new; they can only use the same spurious Tolkien misquote over and over.
@reek4062 18 сағат бұрын
Jackson fans cannot quote Tolkien; they can only use fake quotes from tvtropes.
@isaacsteward6210 18 сағат бұрын
@@majkus True. That's a C.S. Lewis quote fyi
@wulfheort8021 17 сағат бұрын
That is not a quote from Tolkien.
@reek4062 17 сағат бұрын
Jackson fans cannot quote Tolkien correctly, they can only use distorted quotes from tvtropes.
@DoctorWeather Күн бұрын
Love the scene comparisons - I rewatch them in fact. Whether intended this way or not I find them an excellent way to learn, seeing a good example against a bad. The structure of presentation into analysis helps too. I can even see a hoodie / t-shirt / mug in the future: "But why is it well written?" I don't know, maybe :)
@starryeye6511 Күн бұрын
So glad I'm not watching this dumpster fire, keeping my memories of the movies uncorrupted
@reek4062 18 сағат бұрын
The movies themselves are corrupted
@order66dotexe Күн бұрын
It is funny because anytime I see posts anywhere online pointing out the terrible writing of The Rings of Power; the goblins that defend ROP come scurrying along and say "well, the Lord of the Rings films did not completely follow the books and you love them, don't you?" as if that somehow doesn't point out to the fact that if LoTR was badly written, people would dislike that also 😂
@evanko7045 20 сағат бұрын
Read that again but slowly
@Stephen64138 18 сағат бұрын
The fact is that Peter Jackson adapted 95% of the source material and made up about 5% of the movies to make them 'work' (No book can be adapted perfectly faithfully for a ton of reasons) Amazon adapted 5% of the source material (the names, the ... rings.... Orcs I guesss) and made up 95% of the rest. But not only that. What they made up is garbage and written like shit. They have like 1/20th of the audience Got had.
@reek4062 18 сағат бұрын
The PJ movies are badly written and regularly disregarded the books. But most people are movie-only fans and therefore have no standards.
@Stephen64138 18 сағат бұрын
@@reek4062 Blocked. Persist in mistake if you want. I won't engage in it little piece of.
@pepincuatro2865 15 сағат бұрын
@@Stephen64138 It's not just that they made up most of it. It's that what they made up completely destroys fcking everything about the world building and the existing characters, and makes a mockery of Tolkien's work
@shabalova 14 сағат бұрын
"Girl Frodo, girl Sam, Saruman the brown, totally not Gandalf and Sauron the sack of shit" BRAVO 😂😂😂
@moon12349100 22 сағат бұрын
That horse chase was probably the only chase that captured the adrenaline of a car chase Masterful
@pvtmarcos 23 сағат бұрын
Dude nothing about the rings of power show has any fucking weight to it. It's all hollow and vapid. Not a single scene has any narrative theme or overarching emotions it's just so flat with scenes happening
@ParkerCS2 19 сағат бұрын
Imagine if the knights of Ren were portrayed like the Nine in Disney’s sequel trilogy instead of lame extras.
@davidruelas827 13 сағат бұрын
That's what I was thinking about those guys.
@NickGDaniels Күн бұрын
I'm at work and clearly have to take a break as a new Jedi Brooks video finally dropped.
@thomasparsons9866 18 сағат бұрын
I never watched past episode 1 of season 1. How Galadriel was portrayed was just too terrible for me. I only seen reviews and criticisms to see if it improved. Nope. After some thought, I think I figured a good way to describe Galadriel in Rings of Power. Orc-like. She lets her friends get beaten, she fights and threatens allies, she asserts her position with screaming and yelling. She’s like an orc chieftain, nothing like a true leader as Tolkien writes. Actually, does anyone willingly follow her, like 100% have her back? First scene is her soldier’s mutinying, after she let the troll beat them bloody.
@F1fan4eva 23 сағат бұрын
I've never clicked on a video this quick. I'm addicted to these scene comparison. I find you very observant and eloquent in your critique.
@blaquemargin 16 сағат бұрын
That may be so, that Frodo was "useless" in this scene and that Glorfindel was actually here instead of Arwen... ...but you gotta remember Peter Jackson and co. saw the whole script and the whole three movies by their timeline and constraints. I think this was a good choice despite it because it ties everything together throughout the movie series. THE MOVIE SERIES. It's more than just "oh, this needs to be truthful to the books". It's about the whole picture that Jackson and co. saw and had to make work in the favor of the limits and restraints of a MOVIE. I truly understand why, as a book fan myself, why the movies aren't 100% truthful. Imagine if it had been a TV series; can you imagine how AMAZING it would have been in Jackson and co.'s hands back then?? RoP, however, is NOT a movie series. It's a TV series. It is atrocious, ugly, asinine, and insulting as not only a TV show, an adaptation, and as anything remotely related to Tolkien's work, but it made changes that don't make sense throughout its runtime-and let's not even talk about their own lil' fanfic world, the creators' obscene hubris, or the things that pull you out of Arda. It's just....you literally cannot compare the two, LOTR and RoP, when they are two different mediums, for one, made for two different reasons, for two (one being an as-faithful-as-POSSIBLE-considering-the-challenges adaptation and the other being a soulless, nonsensical "DEI" cash grab), and have two completely different mentalities in their make. I really do get why diehard Tolkien fans may (not always) be disappointed in anything Tolkien that's been adapted in the past 40, 50 years because none of them are truly faithful, including the LOTR movies. But there's a difference, I think, between "being faithful scene-for-scene", which is nearly impossible (especially, again, as a movie) and carrying the FEEL of faithfulness, as is what Jackson and co. did. Spiritual faithfulness, so to speak. My favorite book of the trilogy is Two Towers, so I was anxious when the movie came out. But I was blown away by how incredibly moving and true the story, the world, the acting, the sounds, the music, the sets, the FEEL of it all was. It FELT like something Tolkien may have approved of despite everything that was different. It FELT like I was in a new world. It FELT like it was, and was documented TO have been, made with love and care. Sacrifices had to be made, but they managed it and captured it beautifully. Epicly. Sincerely. And timelessly! Rings of Power?? The FUCK outta here. It feels soulless, even down the music and sounds! Listen to the Balrog for instance. One sounds like a furnace, a monster furnace come to life, and the other sounds like...a generic monster roar. Bleh. No imagination. No innovation. Newbie 15-year-old writers can make a better fanfic and be more truthful than this POS. I'm tired of people not understanding, even after all this time, why TLOTR works and RoP doesn't. Gotta remember, first and foremost, they are two different mediums with different constraints. Sheesh. Get over yourselves, die-hards. You're embarrassing us. 😔 Thank you for this amazing video, Jedi!! I agree 1000000% percent.
@GholaTleilaxu 15 сағат бұрын
0:34 Old Isildur and Young Isildur are oceans apart. ;-)
@superspicysoysauce8231 23 сағат бұрын
It would be funny to see a group of 9 tall wraiths and single midget wraith.
@DutchPlanDerLinde 18 сағат бұрын
Rings of Power is about as good as the typical fantasy story written by a high school teen, without any planning.
@Bacchian 16 сағат бұрын
It was always a bad idea to take an otherworldly and mysteriously powerful character like this and dump her into the muck, remove the magic, and make her a stone-faced swashbuckler. They would've been much wiser to reserve her the way she was in the books and Peter Jackson movies, and maybe utilize her in specific moments, like creating a mist to hide an army or show up to magically send something like the proto-Ringwraiths packing.
@tranquilthoughts7233 20 сағат бұрын
I find it hilarious that the writers of rings of power try so hard to deminish every male character and make their galadrrrrrrriel a girlboss slay queen and in doing so strip her of maybe her greatest achievement in the lore only to give that very same achievement to elrond, a man. In the lore Galadriel was the only one that Sauron could never deceive. In rings of power galadrrrrriel is the first one to be deceived by sauron.
@yammt3148 20 сағат бұрын
Imagine this shoe with experienced showrunners like Noah Hawley (Legion), or Jon Spaihts (Dune)... Emmys everywhere.
@pepincuatro2865 15 сағат бұрын
Saying this show sucks is the understatement of the century
@thelonelydragon8768 16 сағат бұрын
Why do I have the strange feeling we'll need Jedi Brooks to do scene comparisons for War of the Rohirrim....
@liamphibia 19 сағат бұрын
The legendary Jedi Brooks has returned once again!
@bastabonnet 17 сағат бұрын
We have Arwen and Eowyn both taking up swords and stand up against the wraiths in LotR. We have the glorious "I am no man" line from Eowyn. While LotR is mainly focused on male characters, it says a lot when the women in the story appear way more badass, strong, yet relatable than young Galadriel. There's so many great examples of badass women in fiction. Ripley comes to mind, among others. How is that modern writers nowadays get this so wrong? I love masculine and strong women in fiction, but any character (man or woman) with stupid overpowered plot armour becomes boring to watch.
@reek4062 17 сағат бұрын
Read the goddamn books. Eowyn is far braver and better-written in them, and Arwen didn't stand up to any wraith.
@JustTooDamnHonest 14 сағат бұрын
Tolkien's masterpiece will never be matched or surpassed especially not by Amazon for his legacy is protected by the massive fandom that he and his son(Christopher) inherited.
@TheQuickSilver101 20 сағат бұрын
What a disaster of a TV show. The scene comparisons are a great way to highlight the idiocy. Thank you!
@OsloTime 20 сағат бұрын
I was so excited when I got your new video notification! I love your comparisons because you really pick some great scenes highlight how the themes, characters, relationships etc. make them so wonderful. Your scene breakdowns are succinct and to the point. 👌 If I still took Film Studies I'd totally share your channel with my old professor so we can watch your videos in class. 😂 Hope you've been well Jedi Brooks! 🌞
@quantumofconscience6538 22 сағат бұрын
Why can't anyone see that it's made bad on purpose? They are TRYING to ruin the lore of Tolkien.
@Thunderfro 16 сағат бұрын
Whenever a new season comes out I get hyped to watch the extended editions again lol.
@רניאופק 23 сағат бұрын
I'm watching this right after watching the trilogy in cinema
@littlearvin1641 19 сағат бұрын
In the timeline of ROP, Galadriel was a rebellious warrior... so naturally we won't see the same character as we did in LOTR.
@nordvestgaming1238 14 сағат бұрын
No she wasn't... in fact by that time herself and Celeborn had ruled a fiefdom under Gil-Galad before moving east and FOUNDING the realm of Eregion and ruling it for ~600 years before Celebrimbor took over ruling Eregion. Galadriel then moved further east to what would become Lothlorien around the time of when ROP takes place, which as we all know Galadriel and Celeborn would eventually become the defacto Lord and Lady of after the War of The Last Alliance though they didn't neccessarily flaunt it. There is effectivley zero evidence that Galadriel ever had a "rebellious warrior" phase. Sure she may have had a rebellious phase (though Tolkiens legendarium was ever changing and he had multiple different ideas about that time of her life) but that was thousands of years before the events of ROP. This version of Galadriel is entirely manufactured to fit a girl boss stereotype and shares nothing in common with the Galadriel of Tolkiens writings besides her name.
@littlearvin1641 8 сағат бұрын
@@nordvestgaming1238 Actually, Galadriel's rebellious streak isn’t out of place in Rings of Power. Early on, she was strong-willed, ambitious, and defied the Valar by leaving Valinor - that’s pretty rebellious. While Tolkien didn't focus much on her being a warrior, there are hints of her strength and independence. Yes, she and Celeborn ruled Eregion and later Lothlórien, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t have a more aggressive, rebellious phase earlier. ROP just leans into that side of her, taking some creative liberties, but it's not totally off.
@ryanrussell6954 23 сағат бұрын
I can't tell if it's virtue signaling to call out the black elf being put in chains two seasons in a row or not. I really didn't even notice that when I watched it. In my mind, this showed the writers weren't thinking too much about the person as much as their designated acting role, which I can appreciate. I think people calling it out are the ones too hyper focused on that. FFS, half the time people complain the show reflects too many real world issues, and the other half of their time they complain about the black elf being put in chains or killed by ghosts first. Make up your minds.
@matheussantinello1177 10 минут бұрын
I also compared this scene with another one in LOTR, when thinking about choices and consequences for the plot. In LOTR Gandalf is fearful of going through Moria and advices against it. Getting there, they are confronted by the Balrog, and Gandalf's fear is confirmed. Gandalf was fearing something truly terrible, something the Fellowship could not fight, and he sacrifices himself to save the team, and they flee. So going through Moria had a real and IMPACTFUL consequence. In ROP, when Elrond and Galadriel are going to Eregion, they find that broke bridge. Galadriel advices against going through the south path. Elrond chooses it anyway, since he doent the trust the ring. Getting there, they are confronted by the Undead, and Galadriel's fear is confirmed. But are they truly terrible? Can't they face it? At first it seems like it. They are unkillable. So what is gonna happen? Will everyone but Elrond and Galadriel die? Will Elrond or Galadriel be mortally wounded? Will this make Elrond rethink about his thrust in Galadriel, as she was right this time? So what happens is thar one undead kills one of the elves. Then 20 undead appear. The elves cant kill them, but then Elrond recalls a way to do it, and then they just destroy all the undead one by one. And it seemed really easy. And the big consequence is that one of the elite elves died. Might seem like a big deal, but is not impactful at all. The audience doesnt even know the elf's name, he was just introduced, how can we care? Not even his teamates seemed to care all. And the whole situation was so easily solved after that, i wonder if it really was that much of a trouble going that path Galadriel adviced against.
@TexanWarEagle Күн бұрын
299 views after 24 min? Your channel is much better than that, KZbin sucks. Keep up the good work Jedi.
@ryanrussell6954 23 сағат бұрын
KZbin displays only a few hundred views when any video first drops. Even on channels with millions of subscribers, it's just how their servers "work".
@jiajiaoioi 20 сағат бұрын
@@ryanrussell6954 that is bullshit
@Will_Parker 10 минут бұрын
There's multiple times in the trilogy where the extras in the background are just waving their arms to look like they're doing something, but it's never obvious. It's insane how obvious it is when amazons extras just stand there never doing anything.
@TheGalacticNerd19 Күн бұрын
Damn I love these videos thank you for doing another one
@njeruArts 19 сағат бұрын
I had really missed the scene comparisons🔥🔥
@jakubmateju3092 23 сағат бұрын
Second season is so bad, im not gonna even finish watching, the pain is ubearable...
@quillanpaulsen3445 21 сағат бұрын
dont forget the part where galadriel is elrhonds mother in law XD
@tomasedasonno2 23 сағат бұрын
he's back bois
@therookie7401 23 сағат бұрын
And here I was just hoping for another scene comparison to be made. This is gonna be good.
@doravee 17 сағат бұрын
They could have been better if they stuck with Celebrimbor and Annatar being the primary focus instead of Galadriel. I mean from the very beginning and not season 2. Halbrand should not have existed as a Sauron disguise. Really, they would have been better off following the canon in the Unfinished Tales/Silmarillion. It’s more heartbreaking though. :/
@seratoninny Сағат бұрын
tolkien is rotating in his grave faster than earth's roatation around the sun
@Greatshadowfighter 23 сағат бұрын
This was a great video like always! The way you speak and present your analysis is really unique which makes me wonder why your channel doesn’t have way more subscribers. Also, could you maybe make a Video to John wick?
@P5kr Күн бұрын
Literally just finished watching the first 3 parts
@TitoVespasianus 23 сағат бұрын
Also, non-white elves...
@danielroberts4850 20 сағат бұрын
Looking forward to Part 5. Good videos. Keep up the good work
@stealthsquirrel4900 7 сағат бұрын
The guy getting randomly one shot by an arrow as his team of crack warriors turns away from him to look is fucking hilarious. The elves were so one with the forest that they could seemingly appear from midair in LotR. Yet here they cant hear or see a rowdy hunting party, until one of them gets accidentally shot? Seems Bezos Bucks cant buy good writing.
@fozy2349 14 сағат бұрын
Latest episode was terrible. Crazy that people enjoyed it
@zohaibjamal876 21 сағат бұрын
Much respect for actually watching Rings of power. Incredibly boring and mundane, no respect for any characters with no team work, plot armour, poorly written, a pathetic Gandalf Saruman Sam and Frodo and not to mention its pitch black for like every action shot. I struggled to watch ep 1 and wont bother watching the rest.
@silverscorpio24 13 сағат бұрын
I just find it funny that the show is explicit in showing that their awesome girlboss Galadrrrriel who don't need no stinky men is the one who doomed Middle Earth for the next Age.
@bengold7942 Сағат бұрын
Omg PLEASE keep making these videos. They’re so entertaining 😂.
@ALROD 23 сағат бұрын
When there are series like Rings of Power out there, I still feel happy Lord of the Rings wasn't made around this decade, but a long time ago. It would've probably been butchered now.
@eiyu-okuroryokan2634 17 сағат бұрын
Well, LOTR made Galandriel seem mystic, great, amazing, powerfull and so on and on. Even The Hobbit did it so, in their own way. Meanwhile here, they make her look annoying, insufferable, and too arrogant and narcissistic. Something I wouldn't expect from a great wise elf, that was amazingly portraid in LOTR. Basically, from a great amazing character, they turned her into one I don't even wanna look at. PS: Also, where is the mysticism of the wise elfs, that make them seem like otherwordly angels on earth. Here they seem like random humans with pointy ears.
@chrisbackhouse5730 12 сағат бұрын
If the creators/scriptwiters/producers wants viewers believing that guyladriel is so powerful, then the whole premise of the fellowship of the ring is pointless. She could have easily gone into war through the trilogy, waging war against the orcs and goblins in each and every conflict. The flaming eye dude has no response to her unilateral strength and powers
@joshreyes4647 19 сағат бұрын
forced diversity, crap writing, woke ideology ruined the show
@TheGoddon 23 сағат бұрын
My fav Jedi after Obi and Luke
@kirstyjerkic4362 13 сағат бұрын
Despite being non canon Eltariel is a better person than Galadriel because like Gal she’s full of herself and cocky but she isn’t perfect her greed overtakes her in the end as she takes the ring offered to her but she doesn’t do it for no reason she believes that the power of Gal and the ring will destroy Sauron but it doesn’t work and unlike Gal she ACTUALLY HELPS PEOPLE she rescues Talion from the wraiths she is an ally and helps him destroy multiple wraiths and orc captains (this is all from shadow of war in case you don’t know what I’m referring to)
@cancerfaceless9108 Күн бұрын
Dude, even if you do 999999999999 videos to prouve how much rop is garbage, it's never be enough just like RDR2 details.
@dogefishron2860 23 сағат бұрын
Love these kinds of videos that you put out!
@blogumlego601 22 сағат бұрын
The ploooot is always right!
@themanipulator1 2 сағат бұрын
Elves are so difficult to turn into effective protagonists. Their ethereal nature works better when they are used sparingly
@jedibrooks7235 59 минут бұрын
@gigis3350 18 сағат бұрын
im so fucking happy to have witnessed the LOTR triology in theaters back in 2001,02,03' I saw 2 episodes of this shit show.. The line where some stupid elf says "Do you know why the boat floats and the rock do not?" LIKE YEA!? PHYSICS!?!? Like they really thought they wrote some tolkien quote right there. So embarrassing and cringe this show is.. im baffled
@WMfin 8 сағат бұрын
"i dOnt undeRstand thE hatE"
@TheCrazedLorry98 2 сағат бұрын
This is a blessing to see in my feed, love these vids, gj.
@FrostyTheTroll 23 сағат бұрын
Your 4 videos on this show are excellent. I had to click on this video.
@steven1813 13 сағат бұрын
I laughed out loud when that elf was shot because the acting was so bad.
@leh2012 22 сағат бұрын
Thank you for these videos, man!
@captainnomekop5056 23 сағат бұрын
I literally just watched the previous three for the first time last night, what magic is this?
@IronDragon-2143 18 сағат бұрын
The only good thing to come out of Amazon's billion dollar failed adaptation is that it reminds everyone how amazing Peter Jackson's Trilogy is. Thank God, Lord of the Rings was made in the early 2000s and was spared from this woke, identity politics trash.
@Solaris_201 Күн бұрын
I watch your videos like you're a 1.2 Million Subscriber channel
@mattcaveat43 22 сағат бұрын
Hopefully you’ve subscribed too. He deserves more.
@YaBoiKrac Күн бұрын
My new favorite series
@ethanbrown7198 9 сағат бұрын
ROP aka Rings of Plot Armor
@GameasaurusRex2 12 минут бұрын
Why did they give the ring of water healing powers?
@archiegrant2063 17 сағат бұрын
This show sucks so much. I am so glad I stopped after season 2 episode 1. I could not take any more. These comparison/reaction videos are way better.
@stizan9185 3 сағат бұрын
It gets worse after ep 1, I am so mad bcs I love LOTR
@archiegrant2063 2 сағат бұрын
@@stizan9185 right! Lord of the rings is such an incredible series.
@CPalanysamy 17 сағат бұрын
I started watching it and done with the first season. It's GOOD. It's a nice fantasy series. It's entertaining. The dwarfs absolutely rock. I was almost not going to watch it because the insane amount of videos in youtube smashing this show.
@nordvestgaming1238 14 сағат бұрын
I mean I guess more power too ya... you're one of the few.
@eldane-1 13 сағат бұрын
From what I've seen of this show, it isn't even good objectively. If you stripped away any reference to Tolkien and took it as just another tv show, it would still be terrible.
@shamrockdragon7634 14 сағат бұрын
Well said!
@nink.4942 8 сағат бұрын
this is exactly what i needed right now
@pj7309 11 сағат бұрын
Sauraman the Brown? That was an awful comment.
@jedibrooks7235 Сағат бұрын
@Jan-zh2hz Сағат бұрын
Why everyone is crying so bad when it comes to this show. It isn't that bad. Dont compare this to a masterpiece of Peter Jackosn movies.
@jedibrooks7235 Сағат бұрын
How is making a video with reasonable points crying? Telling me it isnt that bad is not a great pitch
@Debate_Bot 26 минут бұрын
Pretty good video, earned a sub
@Debate_Bot 25 минут бұрын
Nvm already subbed
@TheItalianiancommenter 20 сағат бұрын
The rings of the power of many lesbian girl bosses
@jurgenparkour9337 19 сағат бұрын
This show is garbage. Pure garbage
@Gokkee Күн бұрын
Yup👌 Just yup to it all..
@ryanmuhm7584 Күн бұрын
@jujubfh27 17 сағат бұрын
La série est une honte à Tolkien et au travail que PJ à effecté avec la trilogie...
@5quepasa 10 сағат бұрын
This is the worst kind of criticism, more like Cinemasins than honestly looking at what the filmmakers are doing and saying. Just a terrible video
@jedibrooks7235 Сағат бұрын
Tell me what the filmmakers are doing or sayinh when they have a group of elves not even notice tgeir teammate almost die. Explain it for me instead of dissing my work
@cheeks7050 23 сағат бұрын
@rollyapostol326 6 сағат бұрын
💩💩💩 Jedi Brooks 💩💩💩
@MarionOtawa 8 сағат бұрын
it is just so bad, really. no hate, no detestation. Just bad TV show.
@NewLife-hh5gy 5 сағат бұрын
Y'all breaking balls don't like it don't watch it
@jedibrooks7235 Сағат бұрын
I have to watch it first to know that. never understand this stupid comment lol
@NewLife-hh5gy 25 минут бұрын
@@jedibrooks7235 are u dumb?
@NewLife-hh5gy 19 минут бұрын
Stop erasing comments
@AlpoeaGD Күн бұрын
23rd yay :)
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