Why we're trying to solve racism the wrong way

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Bite Size Psych

Bite Size Psych

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@Spyking18 8 жыл бұрын
I would like to point out one potential bias in this video at 3:23. The percentages are cited as being 86% same-race for whites and 32% of the same for blacks. This figure could easily be skewed in that in America, there are more white people than black people. With this in mind, even if children were 'colorblind" and had the same likelihood to choose any individual of any race to be friends with, children of all races would be more likely to befriend a white person because whites make up the largest part of the population.
@Zephyrzvi 8 жыл бұрын
+Spyking18 was thinknig similar
@arthurdent6783 9 жыл бұрын
Interesting, but it's very US-centric. It would be more interesting if you had for example South African blacks and blacks from other African countries... and from US. Or different kinds of Arabs. Or Asians. God, people divide themselfs to a limitless number of types based on gender, jobs, wealth, health and whatever else. How can you ever fight racist thinking then?
@BiteSizePsych 9 жыл бұрын
Arthur Dent That's a solid point and I had that same feeling too. However, the vast majority of studies done on racism are by American psychologists and they focus on the black vs white. So, since I wanted to stick with what studies have shown, unfortunately, there is a heavy emphasis on that issue. But the general message can be applied to any type of racial conflict.
@TheVariableConstant 8 жыл бұрын
This video makes some vague assumptions and masks them as facts to support their view. The 3 year olds who were in the study might have identified based on race due to training from school, media they watch or parental influence. They might not even understand the ideology but at that stage their mind is fertile for GIGO (garbage in-out) without individualization. In simpler terms, just because a child knows "general relativity" is English and "你叫什么" is not English, doesn't mean the child understands Chinese nor physics. The categorization isn't context dependent. "Race" as frequently used would equate to context based, using this analogy. An example is seen in one of Eminem's songs in which he says [people say he acts black]. Race is a context based and children, even if able to correctly categorize (based on their guardian's influence) don't understand.
@marinradic5357 8 жыл бұрын
Such a elegent way to solve racism. Conclusion is that we humans are inherently racist and we just have to experience some epiphany that makes us conscious of it. Isnt it like a modern version of original sin, but now instead of prayer we have to use somthing best described as psychoanalysis? I imagine that this is what middle class white americans that are "liberal and new age etc" do when they talk to black people; they must discover their inner racist then supress it.
@Zephyrzvi 8 жыл бұрын
+Marin Radic not really cause I'm white middle class and yeah i agree i am subconsciously bias but its not like i have to "Suppress" it. I just recognize its a thought that goes through my head and dont attach to it. nothing i need to hold back you feel
@grantbaugh2773 8 жыл бұрын
There are one or two points that I'm not sure I believe (particularly the sorting one) this video largely reflects my recent beliefs on the matter. I'm a middle class white man, and I've always thought I avoided racial prejudices. But I've noticed behaviors and attitudes my life that can only be explained by racial bias. Ignoring those thoughts wouldn't help anyone, I need to confront those thoughts and emphasize to myself that said thoughts are incorrect.
@grantbaugh2773 8 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure I agree that children grouping people based on race is indicative of racial bias. But looking back I slightly misworded my statement. Basically I agree with most of the video, just not one or two things.
@naturallaw1733 8 жыл бұрын
Thank You for the honesty. =)
@GeorgeMutambuka 8 жыл бұрын
I definitely don't agree with the children's point. Children ARE taught racial discrimination, and it's not in a straight forward way as in they are told "hate blacks", "hate whites". They imitate the day to day things that they observe around them, the subtle discriminatory comments we as adults make, those are the things that count. Children are better imitators than learners.
@peachykeen2764 8 жыл бұрын
how about we start talking about some true cultural stereotypes, not false, outdated racial stereotypes because my thoughts about a black dude I've never met from the Milwaukee ghetto are going to be very different than a black dude from a small town.
@101jir 8 жыл бұрын
These studies need to account for a lot of cultural aspects, though I don't know if it equally accounted for rural and urban. +realrunner2000 Where the subjects are from may be just as important as what the OP mentions about where the target is believed to be from. Idk if the same would be true with race, but while there are sexist assumptions in both rural and urban areas, they are actually different assumptions when it comes to math and science. Rural areas tend to assume that math, science, and the arts are for women, and shop classes (or anything hands on) are for men. Basically, that anything theoretical is for women, anything concrete is for men. After discussing this issue with urban people, it seems that the assumption is that men do "the sciences," and women do "the arts." There are sex-oriented assumptions in both rural and urban communities, but a rural person tested next to an urban person when studying sexism, if they indicated women were better at math and science, might be falsely labeled "not sexist" or "reverse sexist." In fact, the assumptions are just different, and it is possible that something similar exists for race.
@mrroams5812 8 жыл бұрын
Why do you say Milwaukee? I ask since that's where I live currently.
@pero13258 8 жыл бұрын
dont tell where you live on the internet. never. ever.
@mrroams5812 8 жыл бұрын
+sxlvcr x Well, I could be lying. Secondly, what's anybody gonna do with knowing if someone lives in a big city? Pretty sure they could get more information about me on social media than that.
@sada0101 8 жыл бұрын
People who say there are no racists should see this comment section.
@redlethe8679 8 жыл бұрын
***** Do you have any facts or logic as opposed to ad hominemes? I read the comments section, and there is little to no racism.
@redlethe8679 8 жыл бұрын
***** I stated my experience 50 years after the 1960's.. Burden of proof is on you.
@redlethe8679 8 жыл бұрын
***** Yes it is. You said you're curious as to why I hold that mentality when I spelled it out for you in one of the first comments. It's been *50* years since the white supremacists lost. *Everyone* whines about racism. Yet they can never seem to provide proof whenever the burden of proof is on them. Try swimming in a lake and then tell me that water doesn't exist.
@Myu4Lio 8 жыл бұрын
Nah there's still white supremacists living more covertly. Remember Rodney King brutalized by cops who called him the n word? Racists cops and other parts of the govt are very much alive today. They're just a little more conspicuous with wording.
@redlethe8679 8 жыл бұрын
Myu4Lio Do you have any examples that didn't happen two decades ago? I don't know much about Rodney king, and it was so long ago that I frankly don't think it's relevent. And no, racist cops aren't that big an issue in today's society. BLM and their supporters freak out over *_every_* black guy that dies at the hands of police, even if the victim was a scumbag or if the the cop was a POC too. And the statistics show that whites get killed by cops at the same rate anyways. How come no one ever brings up the Dylan Roof shooting? It's the only real example of a modern white racist, yet I'm always the first one to bring it up...
@andrewkwasek1214 8 жыл бұрын
thinking about racism and kids. my nephew is 2.5 years old. I asked him "What color is grand paw" he looked a little stumped and said "red" because my dad gets a bit of a red tan in the summer. i ask "What color is mommy?" he says "brown" i say "what color am i?" and he says "brown". We are all caucasian, but new flash, my actual skin color is not white, its brown. A light brown.
@ResilientME 8 жыл бұрын
We live in an ignorant world where people believe race is simply color. An albino African isn't white.. we really need to go back to scientific names or something new entierly
@naturallaw1733 8 жыл бұрын
Got to Love the Unprejudiced Mind of the Children before they are Brainwashed by all the Ugliness in the World. ^^
@mattlm64 8 жыл бұрын
These studies were done in the USA where this might make more sense.
@ChubbyMonkeys 8 жыл бұрын
I am Asian. When I was a child, I said Happy Thanksgiving to a woman on a subway. I didn't see her race as White; Not until years later when race was made more relevant in everyday life did I "realize" she was White. So, it is possible to not see race in the grand scheme of things if only society did not involve race into everything. If society was not so stubborn about racial bias, I think I would have grown up without the racial bias and see people for who they are. I had Black classmates when I was younger, but it didn't strike me as anything different. Race and color of the skin wasn't even something I had to question or see differently.
@TipoQueTocaelPiano 7 жыл бұрын
I'm surprised by how accurate and well informed these videos are plus they bear their own teaching. Great stuff.
@MrAwawe 8 жыл бұрын
Unconscious bias isn't racism.
@Robert-hi8el 8 жыл бұрын
True but it has the same effect.
@Thehairysoap 8 жыл бұрын
@Khrene 8 жыл бұрын
_"Unconscious bias isn't racism."_ > _"True but it has the same effect."_ A mild flu and a severe cold have the same effects, but they are't the same disease.
@Khrene 8 жыл бұрын
123lowp What does conscious bias have to do with a test for unconscious bias? And for a test for conscious bias to work, the subject can't be a aware that they're being tested.
@PeaceInExile 8 жыл бұрын
I grew up believing that racism had ended. There were almost only white people where I grew up until I was about 15 then I had started meeting people of other races more frequently and started hearing things left and right. From racist words to racial biases that I didn't know still existed. Then I noticed that even though I had never met any black people I was still more quickly afraid of them than white people who looked just as dangerous, the white people I felt that I had an advantage over and could easily take them if it came to violence. It wasn't until watching this just now that I realized I am a little bit prejudiced.
@occoldjosh 8 жыл бұрын
bla bla bla certain cultures embraces certain stereotypes our brains not racist its just trained to notice patterns and create strategies around these patterns. its called intelligence it helps us survive.
@occoldjosh 8 жыл бұрын
ok? i think thats a known strategy when looking after kids... Imagine theres a room full of people dressed in gangster clothes holding baseball bats, or a room with older women baking cakes, where does logic point towards being the safer choice? same thing dipshit
@msannetrophy8542 8 жыл бұрын
Funnily enough, as a 'white' West Indian who grew up with black folk (friendly and not so) around me from childhood, I tend to feel quite at ease with black folk who look dangerous so long as they are from my part of the world. I feel just as scared passing weird looking whites as blacks on the street in the U.S. Both are to be equally avoided to me. I think this is because I understand the West Indian mentality whereas I don't understand the American. I'll easily stand up to a West Indian gunman than an American pickpocket of any ethnicity.
@MrHeavyParty 9 жыл бұрын
With so much social justice warrior hate speech it's hard to even want to listen to any social topics. You, on the other hand, laid it out in a way that really has made me think about how I interact in the world. Because of your non violent communication. I wish the SJW's could figure out non violent communication. Thanks dude.
@BiteSizePsych 9 жыл бұрын
Robert Hunt Wow thanks so much. It definitely is hard to talk about social issues these days and I'm glad that my video gave you a fresh perspective.
@merrickx 8 жыл бұрын
This doesn't say a whole lot about racism or race in general. It goes over bias a bit, but even then, doesn't scrape any deep.
@Jallenbah 9 жыл бұрын
Interesting video, not sure the title really accurately described the content. I was thinking it would be about studies on intelligence of different races or something like that. It was more like "Are we inherently racially prejudiced?"
@BiteSizePsych 9 жыл бұрын
Jallenbah Point taken. Thanks for the support :)
@Arkylie 8 жыл бұрын
+Jallenbah But his point wasn't just "We are inherently prejudiced" (which applies to more than just race, btw), it went further to "And we're trying to solve this by ignoring it, rather than calling attention to it and consciously trying to compensate by being fairer than we would normally be capable of." Reminds me of another video that pointed out that we have two ways of thinking about things, the fast and easy way and the slow and more rational way, and that if you increase the amount of effort needed to parse the data (like writing it in a more difficult font), people are better at seeing true where their fast mind would screw up. Maybe it works a bit like that with prejudice as well: Stop the knee-jerk reaction and move into a more rational viewpoint. BSP, if you remake this video at any point, I hope you'll include the details of the kids who assigned positive qualities to lighter skin, and of the babies who would look longer at people of their own race -- showing that even babies have the "they all look the same to me" effect, it's not a moral failing to have your brain work that way.
@Eddie2P 8 жыл бұрын
[ we're trying to solve racism the wrong way (somehow translates to) the differences in racial intelligence scores ] i assumed he'd would be talking about how we are confronting racism wrong not about how we can divide even further by iq scores.
@Jallenbah 8 жыл бұрын
He very obviously changed the title.
@Eddie2P 8 жыл бұрын
Jallenbah didnt notice till now
@ArchemedesMirror 8 жыл бұрын
I love this series of videos you've presented. I'm sharing some of these with my class, especially the one on fixed/growth mindset. Thanks for making these, Bite Size Psych!
@terradraca 8 жыл бұрын
I'm with Morgan Freeman when asked about how to solve racism. "Stop talking about it"
@mortalpokemon60 8 жыл бұрын
Yeah, let's all see that giant elephant in the room and not say anything. I like Morgan Freeman, and I think he has an interesting perspective having lived through the civil rights movement, but it was extremely irresponsible of him to say what he did. Did you watch the vid?
@terradraca 8 жыл бұрын
Ej Jones Yes and like him, I dont' believe ripping open old wounds is helping.
@mortalpokemon60 8 жыл бұрын
Just like ignoring a problem that still persists even to this day doesn't help.
@SuperRadAttack 8 жыл бұрын
Yeah, ignoring an issue is never going to fix that issue. It's still going to be there, whether you want to talk about it or not UNTIL it's actually been taken care of. With complex issues like racism, one of the BEST things you can do is talk about it.
@terradraca 8 жыл бұрын
Ej Jones Did it ever occur to you that it's only a problem BECAUSE you people keep race baiting rather than let people get on with their lives?
@RadRat1978 7 жыл бұрын
"White named" You mean CHRISTIAN names? Having an "odd" ebonic name in the West simply marks your origin as lower class.
@PunishedFelix 7 жыл бұрын
This is what I've been trying to tell people about disabled people. People really do have actual biases against the disabled regardless of whether or not they want to act like they're "blind" to it; they simply exhibit it differently. In the case of the disabled, the reason why should be obvious, while racism is a lot more vague (and I can't personally speak on, with little experience on the subject). I am someone who builds software for blind people as a hobby, with blind devs. The problem is that the established industry seems to try to play the "disability blind' game. It's frustratingly obvious that a large part of the reason why disability-based bias exists is due to the functional problems that disability comes with - shoving this problem under the table and playing the "we're all friends kombayyah" game avoids the actual problem leading to their high employment rates. In the case of disability, this problem is based heavily in function - *blind people can't do the same thing as people who are not blind.* This puts them at a direct disadvantage and that has massive implications socially. What's particularly frustrating is that this is costing my friends' and co-devs their jobs and independence, even moreso than other groups of people. Nobody wants to talk about the real problems because they think that acting like it doesn't exist or that they don't participate in it is going to change the world. It doesn't work. Even I admit that I see my "blind friends" differently from my "sighted friends", even if that's just a consequence of how my brain works on a base level- by focusing on the technical problems involved and reducing the effect of the disadvantage, I can try to at least help the people after me have that effect reduced. Connecting through technology and music has also very greatly impacted my view of the blind, so personal experience deviates me from the norm. Clearly I am just a single data point, but I think it would be worth looking more into. What are your thoughts? Note: Obviously this post is west-centric, but technological solutions could be used in cultures that could benefit from them.
@thelastcipher9135 8 жыл бұрын
i think if i had to sum up the video in a sentence. i'd say that the first step in rectifying errors is accepting your errors
@256shadesofgrey 8 жыл бұрын
But we don't solve this bias through affirmative action. In fact, I think that that type of legislation takes away the will to even consider the problem.
@Robert-hi8el 8 жыл бұрын
Everybody has something to say on this issue. It's the most juicy topic of the 21st century.
@YohanPenny 8 жыл бұрын
No actually for hundreds of years it's been politics or religion.
@ZetOpal 8 жыл бұрын
On deciding who is more of a threat, it actually varies greatly. It is can more accurately been determined by the aggression, the more aggressive a person is, the more cautious and more likely you will pull the trigger, regardless of race.
@schwarzerritter5724 8 жыл бұрын
It is racist to assume a grout that commits more homicides commits more homicides?
@schwarzerritter5724 8 жыл бұрын
Salty Admiral So what you are saying is that if there is a reason why someone is more likely to shoot you, that means he is not more likely to shoot you?
@IamReatrebil 8 жыл бұрын
The problem with a statement like "blacks commit more crime" is not that you are inevitable racist. But if you let that statement stand alone one can and will assume you say that because you think it's because of their race. If you say: "Blacks commit more crime and there are multiply reasons for that. Mainly economical" Than for me that wouldn't be much a racist statement. The big issue with such a statement is that it many times comes from people who we can be sure don't care about other reasons for such statistics. It's just not a good and well thought through observation.
@schwarzerritter5724 8 жыл бұрын
IamReatrebil Well, yes. Someone in this situation does not care about the economical reasons why the person in front of him is more likely to shoot him,.
@IamReatrebil 8 жыл бұрын
Well, then this could be a reason to be cautious. Nothing more.
@schwarzerritter5724 8 жыл бұрын
IamReatrebil That is what the test subjects who shot did.
@naturallaw1733 8 жыл бұрын
This Video shows thee Powerful affects of our Societal Conditioning. We are basically Influenced to one degree or another from a very early age and on troughout Life. We can try and suppress them all we want but they never really go away because they are constantly being reinforced in us in our everday lives as we interact in all types of Social situations. So I agree with the message that we should be talking about these Racist feelings so that we can deal with them and take the right actions to Reduce as much as possible.
@musthavechannel5262 8 жыл бұрын
0:22, where are them chinese and mexican people. Do you having anything against them??? Kidding. Just discovered your channel, already subscribed and can't stop watching. Thanks for the great content.
@Gepstra 9 жыл бұрын
Are you aware that the resolution/quality of your video sometimes jumps?
@BiteSizePsych 9 жыл бұрын
Gepstra Yes I became aware about 2-3 weeks ago. So in my last 2 videos this shouldn't be an issue. Thanks for telling me though :)
@elisam.r.9960 7 жыл бұрын
Another way we're not discussing racism well: narrowing the discussion between black and white at the exclusion of other racial groups.
@JosephGamacheKD0AHS 8 жыл бұрын
I find it interesting that you looked at studies done about human reactions here, but did not describe studies about the underlying causes. Ex., you detailed a study about job applicants with switched names when talking about intelligence, but you didn't talk about studies that actually measure intelligence. If you had, you would have been discussing the ufortunate stratification of IQ along race lines, rather than some percieved bias about black intelligence. "No one would ever say that black people [on average] are less intelligent than white people [on average], but the experiments show otherwise."
@question545 8 жыл бұрын
But is IQ the best indicator of one's ability/intelligence to do a job? Is it even a reliable indicator of intelligence for a particular job or success in a particular field? Some studies would suggest it is and some would suggest it isn't.That's another question to ask.
@PowerStar004 8 жыл бұрын
I actually played the game the video is talking about, and the game had a few problems which may skew its results. First, the game awarded points for making the correct decision and took points away for incorrect decisions or reacting too slowly. But the game actually took away more points for deciding not to shoot an armed person then reacting too slowly, even though they have the same result (you get shot). Also, shooting an innocent takes away fewer points then getting shot - the game is biased towards shooting an innocent rather than letting yourself get shot. But second of all, the items were biased against the black characters - that is, many of the items (both guns and innocent items like phones and wallets) were black. The black items were much harder to tell apart (in the time they give you to react) if a black person was holding them - black guns and black wallets and black phones look the same in 0.8 seconds. These same items stand out against lighter skin, so white dude with black gun is obviously different from white dude with black wallet. Only the chrome gun and the water bottle had the same effect for white people, but these are only 1/4 of the possible items (while the white/black ratio is 50/50). Yes, if a black guy is holding a water bottle or a chrome gun, you can make a snap decision, but that situation is much rarer than a white guy holding a black wallet, black phone or black gun. In short, you are much more likely to make an incorrect decision about a black character than a white character because of how the game was designed.
@LunaLuckyLight 8 жыл бұрын
I think this is interesting in that I find it really odd that it is considered racist when both races engage in the same behavior towards the same race. I think this would indicate that it was something we associate with race, rather than race itself, which causes us to view people differently. And also, when people say they are colorblind, I think that they mean that they don't spend their time actively thinking about the color of others. I don't think anyone would make the claim that our brains don't register the difference on some level. What I personally find alarming is seeing this subconscious quantified into action. Scarier than racism is the idea that on some level, you do not think what you think you do. It is hard to justify any sort of self-reflection when this is the case.
@pauldrake4295 5 жыл бұрын
I hate the knee-jerk response: " I'm NOT racist!"
@wontpower 8 жыл бұрын
Just to clarify: Are you or are you not in favor of affirmative action? Also, I would just like to point out that implicit bias is not the same as racism because racism implies intent and malevolence. Believing that one race is inferior to another is not the same as unconsciously acting as such.
@mrroams5812 8 жыл бұрын
Affirmative action is just another form of racism.
@naturallaw1733 8 жыл бұрын
Beliefs shape & influence ones Values. Values direct how one will conduct themselves in Society. So I can't see how ones Beliefs won't have any affect on that persons behavior.
@wontpower 8 жыл бұрын
When I talk about unconsciously being prejudice against other races, I talk about the tendency to mistrust black people more than white people, as demonstrated by the study presented in this video. In that situation, you may impulsively shoot more blacks than whites, not necessarily because you believe they are inherently more dangerous, but rather because we unconsciously think it. This is still an unfair bias, but it's not something we can directly control, which is why I wouldn't call it 'racism'.
@wontpower 8 жыл бұрын
I would also agree that affirmative action is form of racism, although the idea is well-intentioned.
@mrroams5812 8 жыл бұрын
+Will Power What's that saying? The road to hell is full of good intentions?
@rayspahn5232 8 жыл бұрын
it too bad only 7300 people watched this, everyone should watch this at least once in their life, I'm glad i did.
@anotherhaloforger 9 жыл бұрын
Hmm .. the title pointed me to Eugenics , as wrong as it sounds . Well , good video , it points out the society's current status and views on racism
@Iwannaween1 8 жыл бұрын
The idea that all races are equal and not saying so is bad or wrong leads to villifying those that quote facts and statistics and championing those that ignore them.
@strez011 7 жыл бұрын
In my opinion the Court of Law has been the same for centruries I believe it should adapt to elivate these biases. The ideal court room I would prefer would have the accuser, defendant, jury and judge all step into a different room with no oportunity of seeing each other, all parties voices would also be altered. This approach allows for the judge and jury to make a better representation of the facts presented by the defendant while completely elminating biases based on race, age, gender and type of crime. A court room is meant to make a judgement on only the facts presented, and not based on the phyiscal characterists of the person which too frequently is involved in the final decision.
@cominatrix 7 жыл бұрын
most important line: "same response among both back and white people". youre last point about the court case was amazing. and then you have other videos on how we can start conversations about controversial issues such as this, though i personally hope for more of those types. i really enjoy your videos
@Zeeboq 7 жыл бұрын
3:31 that could also be hats and no hats.
@bjrnvindabildtrup9337 8 жыл бұрын
the end goal shouldn't be color blindnes / post racialism. The end goal should be a culture where we acknowledge and accept that everyone is more or less racist as a evolutionary biproduct, a culture where it is possible to admit certain racial phobias you may have, it shouldn't be as taboo as it is today. racism is not an absolute, the racists that consciously act on their racism and build an ideology upon it should be judged more harshly by society than the more typical kind of racists that maybe slips in a few micro aggressions from time to time but want to evolve themselves into less racist people over time.
@oulaalia 9 жыл бұрын
I feel that this subject shares some common ground with a person's cognitive processes; intuition and rational thinking (or system 1 and system 2 as Kahneman calls them). The intuition is strong and it is hard to fight against it (as seen in the shooting experiment) but with rational and analytical thinking a person is able to overcome those basic intuitions which may sometimes be false (like in the jury/judging experiment).
@DD-fs7pg 7 жыл бұрын
I keep hearing about that "colorblind" argument but Im honestly not seeing it as often as people seem to make it and I think this is actually hurting the discussion when the offended treat everyone that offends them as ignorant "colorblind" racists.
@omarmartinez7277 8 жыл бұрын
I believe that we need a law that embolishes the classsifacaton and acknowledgement of race or color. there for those that choose to constantly scream racisim and in sighting hestaria can be charged, those that classify a person as black or white or brown and the derigitory words that are used as well, can also be charged. that is the only way to end this craziness. and truthfully all these people screaming racism, really have no clue of what real racism looks like, nor how it really acts.
@Iwannaween1 8 жыл бұрын
You may have assumed incorrectly about me that I think the differences between races is entirely to do with just being that race. It doesn't, higher crime rates and lower education is determined by variety of factors like socioeconomic status and spheres of influence. But ignoring the problem and saying to anyone that addresses it that they're a racist (bad person) is exactly how not to solve said problem.
@Nastgardaren 7 жыл бұрын
The best way to solve racism is to live in separate countries and stay there.
@Lapusso650 8 жыл бұрын
To be fair, those studies showed figures that were literally black or white, not racially so. And black is a provocative color since it's associated with darkness and therefore danger. It would be like using a red man and inferring racism against Indians from people's reactions when red is just provocative
@scorpiss9 8 жыл бұрын
Discovered your channel a few weeks ago and really enjoy your videos but after binge watching all of them that same background music starts to get annoying. Anyway, keep making vids!
@pegasus6724 8 жыл бұрын
Just because we are all human does not mean we are all the same I'm our upbringing our beliefs and our values .
@SailorJenova 8 жыл бұрын
This is the problem I have with the resume test. Why were only white and black names used? If it would have been a tech or sciences field company I'm sure that stereotypical Asian and Indian names would have also gotten a high response rate. Also, Cleetus and Jimbo are stereotypical white names , I'd like to see what would happen if they put those against names like Terrance or Maurice. And don't forget, rich white people are well known for stupid hippie names..like Moon-Fairy-Whatever...if I were reviewing resumes I know for a fact I would pass those over.
@TheMidnightGarnet 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your insight. People now a days want to ignore race but race is not the problem, it’s the negative associations that we attach to them.
@TheMidnightGarnet 7 жыл бұрын
Addressing these associations is how we put and end to this.
@icaass2727 8 жыл бұрын
and nowadays its not just about skin, but religion too!!! how worst our society now.
@vonmoose1 8 жыл бұрын
Maybe it is more primitive brain system explanation than racism if the bias happens to everyone at a unconscious level.
@Kalleosini 8 жыл бұрын
Avenue Q made a song about how everyone is a little racist
@Malik_Hoff 8 жыл бұрын
Humans Are Scarier. That's The Race I'm Scared of.
@doublebrass 8 жыл бұрын
Your fourth source links to a page with only the abstract, I can't find a way to view the paper. I would love to see the experiment done here, an updated link would be appreciated
@DarthVeers2 8 жыл бұрын
It's an evolutionary trait to have racist or unfair assumptions knowingly or unconsciously. It does not serve well today, but in the days when humans were confined to tribes they did not have the luxury to accept unknown individuals or tribes because they may kill and loot. This has stayed with us for thousands of generations and most people become skeptical of outsiders of that group or people who look different. It will never go away in our lif time, however, it is wise to train one's self to be accepting of other cultures and different looking people.
@123lowp 8 жыл бұрын
I'll stick with my evolution
@sanyakhisty8256 8 жыл бұрын
It is true that we cannot ignore races, shutting ourselves about it isn't gonna help either. what we should do is know that there exists the difference and embrace it. It is not wrong to appreciate people of the same race as us, but then we shouldn't do it by demeaning others. Afterall, we all are humans only :)
@matasuki 8 жыл бұрын
I'm curious how many who disagree with video did not read the articles but just the abstracts...please read the full articles before disagreeing
@GOD999MODE 8 жыл бұрын
Racism is so dated and old. It's like some ancient Aryan belief to keep races pure and separate on some false notion that God intended it to be that way. Somehow, that ancestral thought continues to vibrate on the mental plane of the collective human mind today. We need to once and for all, evolve from this malignant past thought form and come to the realization that the experience of life is very similar for all of us and common truth reigns supreme over all falsity.
@123lowp 8 жыл бұрын
@savagetruthercritic8646 8 жыл бұрын
Sht. I'm white but have a black name. I'm clearly doing the whole white privilege thing wrong.
@eferrari96 8 жыл бұрын
about the statistic of children. if you are 3 or 6 years old abd you went to a kindergarten with mostly of the same race then it is most likely to like the one with same race.
@MrJHDK 8 жыл бұрын
I blame Sesame Street. three of these things belong together, three of these things are one and the same. one of these things does not belong here. now it's time to play our game... it's time to play our game.
@jurietaljaard6037 8 жыл бұрын
I feel as if you are forgetting certain factors and important elements such as why. Also you use the word racism when u should have said prejudice several times. Please don't abuse the word. It is losing so much of its value as of late and demeaning the word doesn't help.
@kostastube2010 8 жыл бұрын
If you group the children based on gender, doesn't it make you "gender biased"??
@AeneasGemini 8 жыл бұрын
That's interesting but some conclusions are based upon faulty logic. The instance of the CV's (Resumes for my american friends) assumes racism is the cause. Now I would define racism as either seeing people as inferior or worse due to their race or hating them because of it. It's not necessarily the case with the CV's. It could simply be the case that employers are responding to names that they find more or less familiar, where disregard names that they find harder to understand or pronounce. Not because they hate that racial group or view it as inferior, but that they find it marginally confusing and this makes a small if noticable difference in the selection process. This is a very human flaw but not one based upon racist beliefs. The shooting study is also revealing, but I would include the results of another study to shed some light on it. A similar study conducted on police officers revealed that while they were more likely to shoot a black suspect they were less likely to do so incorrectly (i.e. without cause) than with a white person. Now this does suggest a disproportionate number of black people are involved in crime which could affect people's perception to affect this other study. This is not suggest that black people committ more crime because they are black, but it could be tied to factors such as a disproportionate number of black people living in poverty. People who live in poverty are ultimately more likely to be involved in crime, so perhaps this is the issue which needs to be addressed if you want to alter perceptions. Other than that, a good video
@sizwembokazi1015 7 жыл бұрын
I'm changing my name to Weiner Jorgensen LOL.
@Iwannaween1 8 жыл бұрын
Let us compare racism to countrism (a fictious word meaning all countries are equal, none are superior or inferior). So to think Haiti and Mexico or any other impoverished country is worse or better than any other country is to be countrist. Lots of people are found to be countrist according to our tests, we have a huge problem with countrism! No, we have a stupid definition problem. As Plessy vs Ferguson proved separate is not equal. The only way for two things to be equal is for them to be identical. So you can look at the human race as a whole or you can look at races based on ancestral adaptation but you can not do both at the same time. We can change the definition to suit our needs. New definition of racism: to be discriminatory or prejudice to race(s) based on incorrect beliefs based on their race.
@nilloc93 7 жыл бұрын
unconcious bias tests (what you reference) are known to be inaccurate as stated by the creators of the tests
@TheMindCrushGroup 9 жыл бұрын
I freaking love your channel man :)
@fadzilicious4411 7 жыл бұрын
Why does everyone say white people are racist and we should give black people everything. I feel so oppressed
@GoldFishNL 7 жыл бұрын
Because of manipulation, by the Jews. Research it. "Jewish influence in western media" "Jewish influence in multiculturalism" "Jewish mindcontrol" "White guilt Jews"
@ZetOpal 8 жыл бұрын
But you force the children to choose between with limited options, what if you included Asians, Latino, American Indian, etc the result may have been entirely different.
@pegasus6724 8 жыл бұрын
Racism exists for a reason . it's because you mixed races of people who were different from each other. most races are on a different spiritual level to each other so when you mix a race that feels lesser than another they will get jealous and bully and attack . so the key is for all races to stay in there own countries if there not compatible . racial abuse happens from weak people and weak races . England and America are compatible and are known around the world for there special friendship . this is because they are the two highest evolved and spiritually aware countries in the world and the same as each other on there morals and beliefs and actions . Where countries go wrong is they mix races, slowing other races into there countries and that causes racism which is a natural reaction. then they tell citizens there wrong for being racist and make them feel bad . yet our countries leaders allow things like International football events and you by the rules have to play for your own country not being able to mix races in teams that is racist and shows the whole world we are different .and all see each other as different . So we are all racist and we are right to want to be around our own or races that are compatible to with us . And it's not wrong to feel that way .
@Garium87 8 жыл бұрын
"whether it`s due to biased stereotypes in the media or some natural in group, out group favoritism .." Lets be honest here. Stereotypes aren't coming from nothing. Of course people will tend to see black people as more violent, if the crime-rate among black people is so much higher. And of course people will tend to see black people as less educated, if black people are in general, less successful in the educational system. If people would always see themselves as superior, asians wouldn't be seen as extremely smart. Yet they are, because thats what our experience tells us. So if we want stereotypes to perish, we need to solve the real problems which do exist and which are feeding this stereotypes.
@lambosforusal 8 жыл бұрын
+Alex König finally someone talking sense.
@BinaryHistory 8 жыл бұрын
The stereotypes having a degree of truth to them does not make racism valid or the fight against racism futile. Surely its better people learn the nature of correlation(the end of the video shows these biases can be supressed) than trying to fix every single correlation between traits and ethnicity.
@Garium87 8 жыл бұрын
BinaryHistory Sure, to judge someone based on a stereotype isn't right but how is ignoring a high crimerate among a group better than lowering the crimerate? How should it help black people if teachers ignore that they are doing terrible on the educational level? To ignore problems doesnt make anything better. If you see a problem you should fix it and not look away and tell others to look away as well, pretending it wouldn't exist. Until this correlations aren't fixed, racism will exist.
@Garium87 8 жыл бұрын
Ricardo Hernandez Thank you.
@lambosforusal 8 жыл бұрын
Alex König you're welcome sense talking man.
@satyajh 8 жыл бұрын
4:02 so people were told to see past their biases and they did.. wow isnt that fairy tale land...
@omarmartinez7277 8 жыл бұрын
but yes this vid should be used as a tool to educate people on there own racist "ticks"
@ResilientME 8 жыл бұрын
You can't fight 'racism.' It's instinct, people are stressed and trust each other less when living amongst diversity. Seperation is necessary for comfortable living.. forgot boring crime statistics and IQ. People deserve to feel at home in public in their home countries and we shouldn't guilt people for the instincts we're all born with. That's cruel
@sibadlamini6011 8 жыл бұрын
The background music is so dope what is it
@edi9892 8 жыл бұрын
Is it racist to say that you wouldn't date an afro American woman? Did I get you triggered? -good. While most say that it depends on the character, we should admit that the first selection criteria (dating, hopefully not also the case in hiring!) are visuals and smell. Concious or not, everybody has preferences. For some it might be only generous curves, for others it may be hair colour or the shape of the face...
@Lulluney 8 жыл бұрын
I don't believe so. Within romance, it's alright to have preferences. Whether or not it's racist kind of depends on the reasoning. If you won't date one because you find other races more attractive, that's fine. If you won't date one because you believe all afro american women are promiscuous or unintelligent, then you are racist. Preferences are okay. Wild assumptions about one's character based on bad stereotypes is not okay.
@mryoungvet 8 жыл бұрын
It's as natural to stereotype and be racist as it is breathing. Our brains like to take the easy route and group things including people into categories. I feel the only way around this spins to let generations of interracial breeding to knock down the in group out group barriers you mentioned, but that would take a while
@lanrelogan2468 8 жыл бұрын
That's an interesting solution lol, that would actually make the world a lot better in a way tbh
@matthewk1 8 жыл бұрын
Fuck that That's exactly what the Jews want
@geebee6010 7 жыл бұрын
God made us different for a reason.
@kenupton8623 8 жыл бұрын
I thought this was a pretentious name for a title. It was.
@pegasus6724 8 жыл бұрын
If you can notice that a parent brought there children up different to you and in a worse say less caring and valuing them less then you can notice that in a while race .
@antonioponce6788 8 жыл бұрын
Very informative video!! Great work!!
@hopanoga 8 жыл бұрын
I would just like to poimt out, that genetically, there are no races among humans, so the american way of speaking of races is already wrong. The difference of melanin is dependent of one point mutation in one gene, evolutionary very important for us to be able to adapt and survive in different places on earth, but still by far not a justification for race.
@BuegZ 8 жыл бұрын
+hopanoga Except skin colour isnt the only defining factor. There are many different physical features that change between race.
@hopanoga 8 жыл бұрын
+BuegZ ask any anthropologist, there are no "races" among humans. We havent evolved that far, genetically we are so similar, like the same dog race with different hair colour. You wouldnt call someone with different hair colour than you another race, so why skin colour. Saying "races" when talking about homo sapiens is ignorant.
@gigel99324 7 жыл бұрын
1:20 now correlate the experiment with real life and tell us what happens
@MrLostGravity 8 жыл бұрын
A very, very good video. Thank you!
@MapleBar777 8 жыл бұрын
This is wrong in so many ways
@yokatta-f 6 жыл бұрын
le 56% face
@philipplsgfwpjhac3755 9 жыл бұрын
Great video!
@BiteSizePsych 9 жыл бұрын
Mr. Krabs Thanks Mr. Krabs
@MegaHandoyo 8 жыл бұрын
wow. 1111 likes, and 111 dislike. nice number
@HCl431 8 жыл бұрын
Johnny is just a funny name, Darius is boring lol.
@HCl431 8 жыл бұрын
Also why is Darius a black name?
@SailorJenova 8 жыл бұрын
It's not...neither is Johnny necessarily a white name if you adjust for the fact that white people named Johnny are more common simply because there happens to be more white people by numbers in the US, AU, or UK. A more correct statement is Johnny is more Western sounding than Darius.
@DJ_POOP_IT_OUT_FEAT_LIL_WiiWii 8 жыл бұрын
Leeroy Jenkins :)
@serpentthirty4473 8 жыл бұрын
lol white names and black names
@stevemagic5358 9 жыл бұрын
bahahahahha humans...
@slappy8941 8 жыл бұрын
Damn, I had just subscribed to this channel, and now I have to unsubscribe because of this bullshit.
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