why you can't quit elf bars

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Lucy Moon

Lucy Moon

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@lucymoon Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for watching my first video essay! I was so nervous to upload this so all of your kind comments have been greatly appreciated 💕 I've linked all of the sources I used for this video in the description, but I'll pop them here too in case you're looking to do some additional research! docs.google.com/document/d/1fJlpudaC0zAhGX-7w5kmVD_Rsv4DiPyhcMoPRDAgCPA
@charlottejennings Жыл бұрын
I’m not a vaper or smoker but plenty of my family & friends are and I found this so interesting! Love this kind of content
@barelyinuse Жыл бұрын
I absolutely loved this form on content, it's fantastic and I'd love yo see more if that's something that would keep you excited 🥰
@mstly4lg Жыл бұрын
Your channel is such a throwback
@prestonjones8672 Жыл бұрын
Cigarettes do not contain 1 mg of nicotine, the very low end is 8mg and the very high end is 28+ mg of nicotine per cigarette. The average is around 10-14mg of nicotine per cigarette though. When you smoke a cigarette though you typically only absorb 1.1-1.8mg of nicotine so you also just took the very low end of that and said that’s how much nicotine is in a cigarette. Therefore a lot of the math you do in this video makes very little sense. If in a typical cigarette you absorb 1.1-1.8 mg of nicotine then even if you absorbed 100% of the nicotine in a elf bar you still wouldn’t be nearly at 48 cigarettes from 1ml of elf bar juice(aka 20mg in the case you’re talking about). Anyway just thought I’d let you know, it seems like some pretty bad misinformation that would lead people to think vapes are delivering way more nicotine than they actually do, especially in comparison to cigarettes.
@SammehMarley Жыл бұрын
This was your first video essay ever?? That's amazing! I genuinely look forward to seeing more from you!
@webshowMUFFIN Жыл бұрын
I had never heard of Elf Bars and I don't vape, but I gotta say... calling them 'Elf Bars' is brilliant from a marketing perspective. It sounds almost elegant? Very 'cool city girl'. Vaping has a teenage boy image, at least in my perspective, so this marketing feels much more targeted towards me (24yo woman). The word 'bar' makes it so you don't even have to think about vaping or smoking when discussing it. Great video! If someone ever offers me a vape, I'll make sure to think twice!
@lucymoon Жыл бұрын
SO true, I’ve never thought of it like that before!
@qwertydeluxe Жыл бұрын
I had the same reaction-- I had never heard of this brand (I'm in the States & I don't vape) so I assumed an elf bar would be some sort of granola or protein snack. also confusing bc of the elf cosmetics brand!
@amyckan Жыл бұрын
Even from the thumbnail, it looks like a beauty product!!! I had to google what it was because I have a lipstick that literally looks the same lol
@thornprick2645 Жыл бұрын
@@amyckan yep thought the same thing! I thought the thumbnail was to make it look like she was using it as a vape to compare an addiction to elf like, chapstick?, to vaping. I fully assumed this and this thumbnail has been in my feed for days.
@behemothsbaby Жыл бұрын
@@qwertydeluxe , this! I thought this video was about an ELF lipstick or stick blusher!
@woirm Жыл бұрын
A really interesting thing is that Australia recently banned selling nicotine vapes to people unless they have a prescription (eg for use to quit smoking). The government was especially concerned about the available flavours being targeted at children (cotton candy, unicorn sparkles etc. ).
@emmayounger5430 Жыл бұрын
I was just remembering all the discussion about it from a few years ago but I couldn’t remember what ended up happening. I do still know of a few people that use the nicotine ones, I’m going to do more research. After watching this all I can say is thank god Australia took the vaping craze so seriously before they had to battle a hugely addicted population!
@bella-astermoon Жыл бұрын
@@emmayounger5430 True, unfortunately though they’re still sold under the counter everywhere here despite being illegal and kids as young as 13 are calling our smoking quitlines. More needs to be done 😭
@yikes.3239 Жыл бұрын
yup but unfortunately they’re still pretty widespread in more undercover markets. i think our initiatives so far need to be paired w the extensive antismoking education we got as kids but redirected to vaping and hopefully the situation here will get better :(
@tomdavis3038 Жыл бұрын
So the Australian government is “concerned” about its citizens?
@baxterbunch Жыл бұрын
That’s how it should be, I don’t understand why people vape that have never smoked
@FlyKiwi Жыл бұрын
Honestly I was so shocked at how readily vapes & elfbars were just accepted and normalised when there was so little known about them & their safety. I had several friends who are like "I would never smoke, ew gross." but don't leave the house without a vape. The companies really marketed them as a 'safe' alternative to smoking and people just leapt at that.
@teamholmez86 Жыл бұрын
Ecig have been around for 20 years and have been heavily tested in the uk we no exactly what's in them me especially as I make my own eliquid disposables are different but if bought from a vape shop in the UK they have to be highly regulated under the tpd meaning we know the ingredients, also no one markets them as safe they are safer her alternative to smoking around 95% safer to be more precise and that comes from the Royal College of Physicians who update their research every year. So far no one has died from vaping only nicotine compare that to the thousands that died from smoking everyday it speaks for itself
@francescaeve8776 Жыл бұрын
right! I have so many friends that don't smoke and never had but took up vaping. They also fail to see how they've been absolutely marketed to in the exact same way smokers were by Big Tabacco. It's very bizarre to me.
@kevinharriman7125 Жыл бұрын
People act like they don't know anything about them but reality is that it's nothing new. We do know that cigarettes kill tho
@akshayde Жыл бұрын
Umm.. There is plenty of research on nicotine vapes lol
@Jakey4000 Жыл бұрын
All I can say is anecdotal evidence, but when I was smoking I got chest infection after chest infection, now I'm vaping I don't think I've had a chest infection. Though in saying that I don't want non smokers to take up vaping, it's likely still harmful to a reasonable degree and nicotine addiction sucks.
@sarahdaestrela6098 Жыл бұрын
A few more quitting tips, not from personal experience but because I'm writing my dissertation on quitting smoking: ---Delaying can be a good strategy to help you start vaping/smoking less. If you have the urge to vape, try to make yourself wait a little bit before you let yourself. It helps make the habit less automatic, even if you're only delaying by a couple minutes each time. ---Thoughts are just thoughts. Cravings are a little more rooted in physiology than most thoughts, but at the end of the day they are just thoughts. Thoughts never stick around forever, and having cravings doesn't mean you have to listen to them. Notice the fact that cravings eventually go away, even if you don't give into them. ---Try to change the cues/environment in your life that might make you think of vaping. If you vape at home, keep your vape in your car, or at least in a drawer, and put it back immediately after use. Again, it's creating more of a barrier to vape, and also reducing visual cues to vape. ---There's some research that replacement behaviors that occupy your hands and brain can help, like Tetris. So if you're having a really strong craving and don't know what to do with yourself, try playing a phone game for a few minutes. ---If going out and drinking alcohol is a trigger for vaping, avoid that entirely until you're through the withdrawal period. ---Set reminders on your calendar to pop up with reminders of why you want to quit vaping/smoking. Choose something personal and meaningful. Good luck!
@XXXXX8 Жыл бұрын
Or just do acid and have your brain correct itself.
@quinnstyka4042 Жыл бұрын
thanks so so so fucking much. I am hardly vaping now and I was addicted before, like really addicted.
@sarahdaestrela6098 Жыл бұрын
@@quinnstyka4042 that is stellar, good for you!!!
@2010jakeybgoode Жыл бұрын
Good advice, I'm gonna screenshot
@jamsquan9415 Жыл бұрын
have you ever actually smoked/quit a substance? or is this entirely research based?
@annafaitdesvideos247 Жыл бұрын
Really like this type of content PLEASE CONTINUE GIRL
@armourcladzee Жыл бұрын
As somebody who quit vaping cold-turkey, thank you for talking about this! The ability to just, hit a vape in my living room made it so easy to consistently use nicotine without even really thinking about it, but I was sick pretty much the entire time I was smoking those things (I have asthma so it just made it worse but I was so addicted I didn't care that I felt like shit all the time)
@miss.l.1563 Жыл бұрын
Lol @ cold turkey! ...... It's not heroin!! 😂😂.
@harliejaden4781 Жыл бұрын
@@miss.l.1563 it is an addiction isn’t it??? So you can stop cold turkey.
@miss.l.1563 Жыл бұрын
@harlie jaden Yes, of course. My comment was not meant to be rude, I just found it funny as a former addict to hear 'cold turkey' ..... X.
@ajp8025 Жыл бұрын
@@miss.l.1563 that’s just a term that means quitting something addictive entirely straight away. Not exclusive to heroin or any hard drugs.
@Practicalinvestments Жыл бұрын
@@0101-g3qlmaooo video scared you straight huh? XD you still clean?
@octaviabroughton3398 Жыл бұрын
Loved this video, please make more like this! I started vaping Elf Bars end of January and it was scary how quickly it was before I was doing it all the time. I'm quitting now (down to either 1 or 0 puffs a day) and it's going well. I've got a few tips that have helped me. Stop vaping at your desk/in your living room - actively go outside for it. It makes it way more of an active choice and inconvenience than just mindlessly picking it up whilst working or chilling, and stops you associating your space with vaping so you have less cues to do it. Secondly, just sit, close your eyes and take some deep breaths when you get a craving. Also, looking into the devastating environmental impacts and keeping these in mind when you want a vape - this has really put me off when I get a craving. Also try just leaving your vape at home when you go out - fighting through the cravings was hard the first few times but they went away pretty fast and I generally forgot about them when I got distracted by whatever I was out doing.
@xx_somescenecath0lic_xx888 Жыл бұрын
@mercurialmagictrees Жыл бұрын
Good luck it is worth the effort to stop. I also would recommend using a flavor you don't like or using it after eating a food or drink you don't like. The association of a bad flavor and disgust is what helped me quit using juul back in late 2018. I also gradually brought down the nicotine dosage and eventually was disgusted by it that I didn't want it anymore. The withdrawals were still uncomfortable but much more manageable because it was gradual.
@tacoguy210 Жыл бұрын
When did you realize that you had a issue? I picked up an elf bar vape last month and I take it everywhere with me now. I realize that I'm probably addicted to it now but I have no desire to really stop. I'm not sure if it's impacting my health if it's only 40 cigarettes per container and I'm on my first one. Like
@RaferJeffersonIII Жыл бұрын
Good tips but only a compete wimp would sit there thinking about the environmental impacts. Zoomers = Brainwashed.
@helenpearce4810 Жыл бұрын
@@tacoguy210bc it’s not even just the health stuff bro it’s the money, never being able to really be present bc ur thinking abt when u can vape next, always having to sneak off n vape to feel normal… it sucks it might not b bad now but it gets worse n I rlly hope u consider dropping the habit
@jeepersreapers Жыл бұрын
This is such a good video. I quit vaping exactly 4 days and 22 hours ago 😅 And honestly I had no idea how wicked this thing actually is before I started seeing how my mind changed after nicotine left my body. First couple days after quitting were a complete mess, my brain was foggy as hell and I was constantly getting anxiety attacks. But now I can see the benefits of quitting, my head is the clearest it’s ever been and I have zero anxiety. Why did it never occur to me that my chronic anxiety is caused by vaping 3ml of juice a day? I guess as an addict you just refuse to believe it 🤡 Quitting was the best thing I’ve done this year, it wasn’t easy at all and every day is a battle, but it’s just so worth it.
@AuroraAce. Жыл бұрын
how's it going today?
@jeepersreapers Жыл бұрын
@@AuroraAce. pretty great actually. i barely think about vaping throughout my day and i don’t get cravings anymore. overall im definitely happier, calmer and chill about everything, it’s also easier to concentrate now 😌
@ThatsWhtasUp Жыл бұрын
Its only a vape🤣🤣🤣
@COLORMIND.mp4 Жыл бұрын
thanks for sharing this, I also quit vaping about 4 days ago :)
@meggnogg Жыл бұрын
Congratulations on quitting that's such a huge achievement! I hope everything is going well for you and I'm so glad to hear that you're feeling a lot better for it. I quit just a few days ago too. I have chronic pain conditions and I was trying to tell myself that it 'helped the painkillers work better' and 'helped me relax more'. I realised I needed to stop when my chest was physically in pain yet I was still driving round after my late shifts at night frantically trying to find a 24hr petrol station. I had one flavour that tasted disgusting and it made me realise I wasn't doing this because I needed to, I was doing it because I wanted to and I thought "a true smoker wouldn't care about the taste they'd just do it" so why on earth was I vaping. I'd smoked previously socially whilst I was at uni but I never became addicted and didn't even think about cigarettes when I was visiting home. I genuinely have no idea how I became so addicted to vapes at all but giving up is the best thing I've done. My chest still feels strange after I've been lying down some days so I'm really just hoping I haven't done myself some serious damage by doing such a silly thing.
@charlotteconway4141 Жыл бұрын
hey lucy, I was already wanting to quit when I saw your tiktok. since then I haven't bought a single new bar! I still see if some of my old ones have any left (as empty ones can sometimes give an extra puff) but that's not even once a day. really looking forward to this no nicotine journey 🤍🤍
@lucymoon Жыл бұрын
Well done!! Smashing it
@daniellel230 Жыл бұрын
Good job Charlotte! I'm glad you decided to quit
@koals6783 Жыл бұрын
Great video on an important topic that's not talked about enough! I'd like to add two more points that I also heard about: 1. Elfbars contain many ingredients (e.g. aromas) that are approved to be used in food, but there's often no research on whether they are safe to be inhaled. 2. The environmental impact of single use vapes. Every single one of them contains a battery, which take a lot of ressources to produce, and then they just get thrown away, which is nuts imo and such a waste
@babsalabs3984 Жыл бұрын
When I was looking at buying a elf vape (which I ended up doing) they advertised as recyclable, I totally didn't think about the fact they had a battery inside them, which I know is so stupid 😂 but thanks for this comment, definitely going to second guess a purchase again!
@AndyMcBlane Жыл бұрын
So sad the battery can be used over 500 times and being thrown out after just one :( and not even recycled properly.
@ciara1045 Жыл бұрын
@@babsalabs3984 pretty much all plastic which can be classed as recyclable is so hard to recycle that it ends up just going to landfill anyway too :((
@jodie4251 Жыл бұрын
I would’ve loved to see Lucy talk more about the environmental impact too
@teamholmez86 Жыл бұрын
@@AndyMcBlane why do people continue to say there has been no research done into the ingredients in vape liquid when there has!! Vaping in its current form has been around for 20 years just in the UK the Royal College of Physicians research is updated every year and compare to smoking it's night and day so far there has been no chemicals found in Vaping that causes illness as long as you're buying legitimate liquid and not stuff off the black market the whole industry is high regulated in the country I live in which is the UK what's in the liquid and if it's safe to be used some ingredients are no longer allowed in E-Liquid. The environmental Factor you are completely right and I don't necessarily agree with disposables myself I understand the ease of use especially with getting people off deadly tobacco but a rechargeable pod can be just as effective
@lunaleigh6680 Жыл бұрын
Lucy this was BRILLIANT. You made this so easy to follow without being patronising (and got so much info in without it being overwhelming) and I literally gasped at multiple points. Thank you so much for making this ❤❤❤
@bellaruthie Жыл бұрын
I’m a high school teacher. I asked my students throughout the day for an estimate on the percentage of their classmates that vape… Most said between 60-75%. These are 10th graders. So sad.
@thisismyprivateaccount6546 Жыл бұрын
Something has to be done at some point. I know you personally can’t do anything but I’m just saying bc this is getting ridiculous.
@franknchill Жыл бұрын
Blame the parents for not educating their kids correctly,also blame the stores that sell them. Us the adults that NEED vaping so we don't go back to smoking are the ones paying the price for the wrongdoings of the kids,parents and stores that sell the vapes.
@kelly-annmaddox Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this, Lucy! I was just reaching for my Elf bar when your video came up on my feed. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I quit cigarettes almost 7 years ago and was really proud of myself. But my bother died this year in a tragic accident and I have definitely been sliding into daily vape usage after trying a friend's one at a party and instantly finding it comforting and enjoyable during an impossibly difficult time. I know I would NOT have started cigarettes again. But the Elfbar made it easy and thoughtless. So here I am, back in a relationship with Nicotine. I have definitely been telling myself it's a harmless way to go a little 'off the rails' without consequences and I was shocked when a friend told me that they are the equivalent of at least 20 cigarettes. I have been telling myself that with everything going on in my life right now with my heartbroken family, it's not the right time to deal with withdrawal. But this video and the comments underneath have made me feel less alone so I'm going to give up. I hate feeding the big companies, hate thinking of the environmental impact etc, and it is a categorically un-self-loving choice. Thanks for bringing it up. ❤️
@tomdavis3038 Жыл бұрын
As far as environmental impact, look at what’s going on with military activity in Europe. Not amount of throwing things in the trash will offset the carbon and destruction from military activity. The so called “leaders” of the world that are supposedly worried about “climate change” burn kerosene by the ton in their private jets (the US president jet sets around the world in a 747) and their private limousines with motorcades. Really? Yep. Sure, try to be environmentally friendly but just remember that you are fighting a loosing battle. Cheers
@kelly-annmaddox Жыл бұрын
@@tomdavis3038 .... I understand what's happening with the environment, thanks. I just don't personally like the feeling of contributing to plastic waste for something that is unhealthy for my body and for the planet.
@tikusblue Жыл бұрын
Good luck! You will be saving so much money too, maybe you can use some of it to treat yourself in healthier ways :) especially at the beginning of your journey quitting!
@kitty-um8zg Жыл бұрын
losing a family member is always heartbreaking and it’s completely normal to fall back into old bad habits. i’m so sorry for your loss and wishing you a lot of love and luck x
@kelly-annmaddox Жыл бұрын
@@tikusblue Thank you 🥰
@meridith7137 Жыл бұрын
Honestly I haven’t watched many of your videos in the past couple of years because it’s just not the kind of content I’m personally interested in, but I absolutely loved this! Amazing editing (which is evident across your channel but I’m impressed it’s translated to this different format), great research, you just suit this style of video essay so well!
@abee2108 Жыл бұрын
A thing I've found when it comes to vaping here in the UK is that a lot of people have no concern for others when they whip out their elf bars. I've been in clubs where people will be in the crowd and take a puff. I think because it's not cigarette smoke they think it's not as bad despite vapes being mostly being banned from indoor places. The total disregard for others makes me so angry because it could seriously effect someone with health issues such as asthma just because they want a hit of watermelon vapour.
@annekeo.1706 Жыл бұрын
Yes thank you. My doctor told me how bad vaping can be for me
@duck6100 Жыл бұрын
I'm not really suggesting there should be a rule against this one bc I realise I'm just an irritable person but I live in Manchester and people will use them as they're walking down a busy street all the time. They produce so much more smoke than normal cigarettes so even if they do it in public, if I'm anywhere near them I'll breathe in so much of it. Regular smokers, on the other hand, I can very easily avoid and they're no bother at all. I hate walking to work and breathing in some sickly strawberry smoke because I'm walking 5 metres behind someone vaping. My friend has asthma as well so it's more of a big deal for her, it really irritates her chest even if we're outside.
@ellyb.349 Жыл бұрын
Exactly this, it's become so accepted to vape in a lot of places where people wouldn't smoke! I've had to politely speak to a few of my friends who vape to ask them not to around me - I'm very sensitive to smells and some vapes can make me feel really ill, so I ask people to either not vape at all around me (especially inside) or at the very least vape away from me. Thankfully my friends are respectful but people on the street or in clubs will blow out massive clouds of smoke which I can't avoid :(
@lauraw2667 Жыл бұрын
Have seen a lot of people vaping on tubes / trains recently, my friend even vaped on a plane sat in his seat… how have we gone back to the 70s 😂
@mentalcat9529 Жыл бұрын
I saw a guy smoke on the bus. I think vapes should still be prohibited inside public places
@deadeye566 Жыл бұрын
I quit smoking cigarettes in 1972 and did it "cold turkey". I got through quitting by making a game out of it, along the lines of "How long can I go before I HAVE to have a smoke?" I found out that after about four or five days, the urge to smoke wasn't near as strong as it had been at the beginning, and got less and less as time went by. Once I got off of tobacco, I have never been tempted to take it up again. To give you an idea of how long ago this was, when I quit, cigarettes were selling for $0.50 a pack in cigarette machines, even cheaper than that if you bought a carton. I've never heard of "Elf Bars", but it's been years since I was in any kind of bar, and I've never used "vaping". It's just another form of smoking. I have a friend who has always been addicted to tobacco, and on the advice of his doctor, has stopped using tobacco, but he took up vaping instead. To date, he has had four or five heart attacks, and doesn't connect this to smoking or vaping. I don't think he's going to be around much longer, which is sad, but it's his choice.
@Jend_docsellsontelegraam-f5f Жыл бұрын
👆look up that handle, he ships swiftly, and he got shrooms, Dmt, lsd, mmda, psilocybin, adderall, morphine, edibles, fentanyl, cubensis, meth, gummies, SSRI, chocolate bars, he's got a lot.. 🍄 💊🍄🍫💯🔌............
@adrenalinjunkie9682 Жыл бұрын
This is such an interesting and great thing to do with your platform. I love that your content is so diverse :)
@necessarybikes Жыл бұрын
The thing I've found wildest about vaping is that people have no regard for doing it in indoor public places? I've never bought one but definitely will have a puff on a mate's on a night out, in my own house or outside, but I actually can't believe how many people will do it indoors in the pub, restaurants etc when you're going for a drink or on a date? What about literally everyone around us? I find it so inconsiderate and a massive turn off (and I say this as someone who, for her sins, finds cigarette smokers hot)
@sophilia8565 Жыл бұрын
I hate walking behind someone vaping and it blows back into my face with the most disgusting sugary sweet smell 🤢
@ell.100 Жыл бұрын
Omg, hate this too
@Bearnos Жыл бұрын
Second hang vapor is completely safe
@leonchal Жыл бұрын
Yet you will not even think twice when standing next to a fog machine)
@Gigi_Ouija Жыл бұрын
@@Bearnos not the point
@ellelovescats3 Жыл бұрын
I don't use an elf bar but I do vape, I somehow never had looked into what the 3mg marking on a bottle really meant or how much it compared to cigarettes. It turns out it is 3mgs per milliliter. My vape holds 2ml. I refill my pod 2-4 x a day. So I'm smoking 12- 24 cigarettes worth of nicotine a day. It's good to know that and I'm going to buy my flavors in 0 mg and taper down my nicotine. As for the sugar I recently started to try vaping sugar free liquids and it's been quite difficult but I think I'm starting to get a handle on it.
@nootstew6806 Жыл бұрын
I just quit vaping last week. I switched it with the patch, and it seemed to help the cravings quite a bit. Instead of dealing with both withdrawl and vape hitting tendencies, I only have to deal with the one. It's still a process but I'm really proud of doing it. I appreciate this video so much, it's a huge help to those looking to quit.
@starvision4233 Жыл бұрын
Good luck!! You are so strong and you can do it
@simonb2109 Жыл бұрын
i quit vaping 2 years ago as I was constantly on it, couldnt work for 1 hour without it, at the start it was great as it stopped me from smoking but it was far more challenging quitting vape than cigs. I had to use lozengers.
@44Bird Жыл бұрын
@@simonb2109bet imma try bro cuz I’m the same way. I can’t even go an hour 😂
@cosmicray8172 Жыл бұрын
i threw out my vapes a week ago and have been having some pretty bad withdraws, but watching this video helped me stay motivated to keep going! it's nuts because i only vaped for about 6 months and the reliance got this strong already. i don't want this to become a lifetime habit so im quitting now. thanks for the awesome and informative video
@LoanNguyen-dj3yf Жыл бұрын
this is exactly the kind of content I want to watch right now. yt can sometimes feel like a time suck, but walking away learning something is so rewarding, especially when it’s from a creator you already like. I’ve been drifting away from some of your content as I try to minimize my social media consumption, but stuff like this feels so worthwhile. excited to possibly see more of this!
@filibusterfirework74 Жыл бұрын
So important to talk about this. Honestly it is so crazy to me because I feel like smoking nicotine had majorly died down when I was in high school. Then vapes came along when I was in college and they were so clearly targeted towards young people without any warnings as to how potentially harmful they might be. It is so sad to me honestly. McCall Mirabella did an amazing video sharing her journey quitting too I would highly encourage folks to check that out too.
@dlalchannel Жыл бұрын
As someone who has smoked socially since I was 18, but never developed an addiction (often go weeks without touching a fag or thinking about it) - I bought my first disposable vape a few weeks ago, and it scares me. The main problem is that it's far easier to use, you don't have to roll, don't have to light it, can do it inside, don't worry about doing it before going somewhere where you need to smell nice, not affected by rain/wind etc.
@based_mediumchungus1788 Жыл бұрын
I cringe so hard at these self proclaimed "nicotine addicts" acting like they have a real addiction. bro I legit am a 16 year old recreational meth user and I'm not addicted. how you manage to get addicted to nicotine, the second most boring drug on the planet after caffeine
@mattplays8149 Жыл бұрын
@@based_mediumchungus1788oh yeah????? Well I use HEROIN recreationally and I’m 12 AND I DONT EVEN think about heroin EVEN WHEN IM ON IT because of how not addicted I am… ANDDD meth is more boring than caffeine like meth isn’t even a strong stimulant smh
@based_mediumchungus1788 Жыл бұрын
@@mattplays8149 12 years old is too young to be using heroin recreationally. wait until you're like 15-16 at least. should wait until you're a lot older.
@slena Жыл бұрын
@@based_mediumchungus1788 why are you giving them advice? they're making fun of you for talking about meth use like it's a flex. lol.
@based_mediumchungus1788 Жыл бұрын
@@slena I am aware they are making fun of me and it is a parodic statement but, just like greentexts on 4chan, I take it seriously just in case it's not. And just because someone makes fun of me doesn't mean I'm gonna abstain from giving them helpful advice. I ain't a woman 😂 And meth use is absolutely a flex. hardcore rappers flex their meth usage.
@Creatureexotics Жыл бұрын
Had no idea that vapes could mess with your teeth! I started vaping last year and actually had to have my first tooth removed this year! Thank you Lucy - this has given me the prompt I needed to quit
@P4melaMasters Жыл бұрын
When I used to vape years ago, I got halitosis!!
@agnesszajko8600 Жыл бұрын
I thought that the lost of Your teeth ignited the quit.I'd like to know what was you used? Elf bar?
@LynxLuvsU Жыл бұрын
I’m curious about your bones too, since I started vaping 7 years ago, I have lost 30% of the bones holding my teeth in my jaw, this is what has prompted me to stop vaping.
@LeonardPC272 Жыл бұрын
vapes dont chilll me out they make me more anxious thats why I quit vaping and went back to cigarettes like the smart guy that I am(;
@Someone-mi4vt Жыл бұрын
I actually got quite addicted to the hand to mouth motion too. When I was quitting I was eating a lot and applying lots of lip balm etc. I just find that quite interesting.
@chigwom7894 Жыл бұрын
Deadass tho the Hand to mouth motion
@jessieblackery4547 Жыл бұрын
I fully believe I wouldn’t be hooked on nicotine without disposable vapes. I socially smoked cigs (up to 4 a day) from summer 2020, but it’s only in the past 9 months that I started craving nicotine and feeling withdrawals. I got my first disposable vape at the start of this year and after having uni deadline season+ a breakup in the same month I started going through vapes much quicker. Regular geek bars would last me 24hrs after that (but haven’t bought one since august bc of this) and I found the smoke of elf bars too chesty so for six months I’ve been getting the elux (legend pro)... except that’s 3500 puffs and will need replacing in 4-8 days.. it does depend on how stressed I am, but this past month I’ve started to feel withdrawals after only 1-2hrs and it scares me a bit cos I’m not even 23 yet, and I never intended to be addicted to nicotine let alone pretty dependent on it. It’s the first thing I go to do when I wake up now, and god am I ashamed to admit that 😅 the health impacts of having so much of it in my system worry me (I’ve noticed changes in my teeth in the same time), but I’m mid third year of uni and the idea of tolerating withdrawals on top of losing a stress coping mechanism just doesn’t sound manageable :’) I also have adhd so the repetitive behaviour itself is just comforting and ahh I just feel stuck in a corner with this. Thanks for making the video though, as it has given me a bit of a reality check (and more of a sense of urgency that I need to break this habit as soon as I’m able to)
@aliiirxsa4235 Жыл бұрын
so i’m not the only one who goes through them fast asf man i was scared rn 😭💀
@cococock2418 Жыл бұрын
but who cares? nicotine literally is harmless as caffeine. TOBACCO is not the same as nicotine.
@iceb0ng Жыл бұрын
20 mg elf bars actualy contain 40 mg as its 20 mg/ml and there is 2 ml per elf bar
@Jend_docsellsontelegraam-f5f Жыл бұрын
👆look up that handle, he ships swiftly, and he got shrooms, Dmt, lsd, mmda, psilocybin, adderall, morphine, edibles, fentanyl, cubensis, meth, gummies, SSRI, chocolate bars, he's got a lot.. 🍄 💊🍄🍫💯🔌................
@NiamhAllStar21 Жыл бұрын
Love this type of content lucy! Something that bothers me most is that people don’t see it as smoking so they’ll do it anywhere. In pubs and clubs, on public transport, upwind literally anywhere. I work outdoors a lot and my coworkers will blow a puff in my face without even thinking about it
@muneeraaxo Жыл бұрын
I’m 4 months today nicotine free☺️happiest place I’ve ever been since I started and can’t be happier.
@lucymoon Жыл бұрын
Well done!
@rachael3481 Жыл бұрын
Sat here watching this with an elf bar clutched in my hand. Stupidly started vaping a year ago & now can’t go a day without one
@ciarac5439 Жыл бұрын
This is a great video. I am uncomfortable around smoking due to family history but almost all of my friends smoke or vape. I am also prone to addiction due to mental health so am nervous around nicotine. Still, I have been so tempted to try, usually in periods of self destruction but it's terrifying that despite being someone who can't afford to start and finds it upsetting, I have been really tempted. I tried vaping the other day and it's been making me worry I might start, this video is a useful reminder of what vapes actually are and how it's easy for anyone to want to try.
@katehumphreys4641 Жыл бұрын
Love this video essay format! So interesting and well made
@contrasbeatshop Жыл бұрын
when i was 17, i was talking to a girl who had just start vaping & i tried it- im 21 now, and ive been vaping ever since then. ironically enough, i even started smoking cigs at one point (gateway from VAPING). genuinely, please never touch vaping. its not worth it, i wish i never did
@sarahdemartin1183 Жыл бұрын
yeah when I was 13/14 my little boyfriend had a reusable vape that I would hit all the time just cause he did. Then at 15 I was buying my own vapes online or from vape dealers around. Now I’m 17 and have been addicted for two and a half years and I’m one day clean today
@contrasbeatshop Жыл бұрын
@@sarahdemartin1183im proud of you! keep it up, you got this :)
@GoonerC5011 Жыл бұрын
​@Sarah De Martin vape dealers that's so sad ... I have a 14 year old daughter that's scary
@gooogleacc8855 Жыл бұрын
The damage it does to the lungs is so scary!! It's especially upsetting seeing so many young people get into it as well. Considering how the illnesses or diseases that may manifest from this habit won't show up until they're in their adulthood. It is cruel to ruin someone's life like that knowlingy, these businesses are sick in the head. Thank you for spreading this message (:
@quicky82 Жыл бұрын
Vaping doesn't damage the lungs.
@melitajay Жыл бұрын
@@quicky82 "In the UK, e-cigarettes are tightly regulated for safety and quality. Vaping is not completely risk-free, but it poses a small fraction of the risk of smoking cigarettes. The long-term risks of vaping are not yet clear. E-cigarettes do not produce tar or carbon monoxide, two of the most harmful elements in tobacco smoke. The liquid and vapour contain some potentially harmful chemicals also found in cigarette smoke, but at a much lower level." - NHS website
@quicky82 Жыл бұрын
@@melitajay That's all true. Nothing in there about damage to the lungs though, which was the claim in the comment I was responding to. If you google for it you can find a study specifically looking at the lungs of vapers (not ex smoking vapers, which are most vapers) over the course of 3.5 years. No evidence of harm or lung problems found across any of the different tests performed, even in the heaviest users.
@sweettea1193 Жыл бұрын
@@quicky82 *yet
@quicky82 Жыл бұрын
@@sweettea1193 What would be the plausible mechanism by which harm could occur? A 3.5 year study found zero evidence of any reduced lung function or lung damage in ‘never smoker’ vapers, even in the heaviest users.. if long term harm would appear after 3.5 years, how would it manifest and what would it be caused by?
@GoodToAila Жыл бұрын
Fantastic work! ❤ never heard of Elf bars but seen e-cigarettes and there a massive turnoff. The smell is soo artificial, I really don’t understand the appeal but this video is really informative and I’m grateful for it. No to any forms/types of smoking 🎉
@ollieskinner3532 Жыл бұрын
i was in my third year of uni is 2021, and it blows my mind how at the start of third year, nobody had even heard of an elf bar but by the end of the second term, my whole friendship group were hooked. it took hold in literally three months it was insane
@eimearc Жыл бұрын
i spent the last year studying abroad (from august 2021 to june of this year) and when i came back to ireland i was stunned to see how quickly vaping took hold !!! not being here made the change that much more shocking. some of my friends in hs vaped, but they would buy refillables which were kind of pricey and they didn't use them that often. so to now see everyone - my friends, even young teens in the street - buying disposable vapes, seeing the boxes and empty ones just littered outside, seeing them sold in shops, it was really abrupt and shocking for me considering no one knew what they were when i left. fuck the tobacco industry honestly
@VortexStriker Жыл бұрын
Nicotine is a wonderful drug, and vapes are 100x safer than tobacco. Don't start, but if you smoke tobacco please go to vapes.
@claleh5941 Жыл бұрын
It’s interesting that in the UK the widely available nicotine level is 20MG. In the US it’s 50MG. I only realized this recently since I have been trying to quit. It’s almost impossible to find disposable vapes lower than 5% (50MG). What’s even crazier, when disposable vapes were initially introduced they came in 10MG & 20MG options, it seems like when enough people got hooked they kicked the bench on the lower nicotine options and most consumers moved up to the 50MG without even noticing.
@user-en5gu7nf4v Жыл бұрын
A bunch of year 8s in my school (4 girls) were vaping in the bath room cause they thought it was cool and a bunch of my brothers friends (also year 8s) vape too. It’s terrible. Like why would you want to drown yourself and damage you’re cilia to look “cool”? Also the bathrooms now eternally smell like a mixture of three flavours of vapes it’s horrid. Arguably vaping is worse because it’s marketed as “better than smoking” which it somewhat is. FOR PEOPLE GIVING UP SMOKING. You lower the nicotine until you don’t smoke or vape anymore. You don’t start off vaping. You then convince yourself it’s ok because it’s “not smoking so I shouldn’t worry and I’ll look cool anyway” smh
@adamwenham3 Жыл бұрын
its crazy how i got into vaping so quickly, yet i hated smoking. all the flavours make them seem so innocent and fun
@sarapripp5281 Жыл бұрын
yesss Lucy!! been waiting for this video for a long time! Especially as more and more of my friends have turned to elf bars, and I couldn't help but notice their marketing towards young women specifically. It reminds me of a similar marketing tactic of a Swedish tobacco product called "snus", or the non-tobacco version that is simply a nicotine pouch. They went from only being stereotypical male/working class products, to suddenly in every female-identifying influencers instagram photo in a few years, and recent studies show a MASSIVE increase in the use of snus amongst young women. Thank you for a great & well researched video!!
@lucymoon Жыл бұрын
The only people I knew who used snus at uni were women! This is v enlightening
@CrocPit Жыл бұрын
I’m in my 40s, smoked for 25 years until I got chronic bronchitis. Switched to vaping six years ago (which prob saved my life) but now i am losing my teeth! If you’re young, just avoid nicotine, you don’t need it
@hannahj7094 Жыл бұрын
First off, I really like this style of video from you! The “clean” messaging reminds me of that Mad Men episode where they find out cigarettes cause cancer and try to advertise them as “toasted” instead lol. One note about sugar and “sugar addiction”: the science on this is pretty complicated, but recent evidence suggests that sugar is not addictive in the same way that drugs like cocaine and opiates are. Sugar cravings often come from either restriction (whether actual caloric restriction or just “eating clean” and not letting yourself have anything that tastes good) or a need for a quick dopamine hit (more prevalent in folks with ADHD but anyone can experience this). It’s addictive in the way you can be addicted to shopping or gambling - it’s behavioral. The myth that sugar is inherently addictive is damaging for people prone to disordered eating and can lead to orthorexia or other EDs. Yes, it does damage your teeth and too much is not great for you. But “too much” is a lot more than the diet and wellness industry will try to tell you. TL;DR demonizing sugar is an oversimplification at best and a dangerous disordered eating myth at worst. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. (And before anyone asks, I read the linked article and found dozens more that suggest the opposite. Research and stats are easily manipulated.)
@lucymoon Жыл бұрын
Omg this is so helpful, thank you! A lesson to me to look for the most recent research x
@lauraw2667 Жыл бұрын
So many people would benefit from watching this video!! Also have to laugh at elf bar claiming to be eco friendly - how can putting a rechargeable lithium battery into something disposable and covered in plastic be anything close to eco friendly? I would argue the paper from cigarettes is actually less bad. Would love a vid on the environmental impact of elf bars!!
@tomdavis3038 Жыл бұрын
It’s not the paper it’s the filters (butts) that seem to last forever before biodegrading Cheers
@lauraw2667 Жыл бұрын
@@tomdavis3038 good point, not a smoker but I imagine an elf bar is worse than the 20 cigarette butts, although cutting out both would be preferable
@leenanorms Жыл бұрын
SO interesting, 10/10 research, no notes! x
@lucymoon Жыл бұрын
Thank you leena! 💕💕
@DemsW Жыл бұрын
Nicotine addicts, yikes. We gotta stop glamorizing this stuff.
@AP-ds9pj Жыл бұрын
I started smoking earlier this year, but I smoke very very rarely. Maybe 3 cigs a week, rarely more than 1 a day. A big part of it is that the cig can be finished and then I don’t light another one. If I had an elf bar, it won’t be finished until it’s finished! Which means I would be chain smoking throughout the day. There is no natural stop until the 600 puffs of whatever…
@tofu5690 Жыл бұрын
here in italy the're called puffs , everyone has them here nowadays , i hate them , just smoke a good ol cigarette , feel the taste of cancer
@luvbeefy Жыл бұрын
i'm sorry did you just say vapes are 5 bucks where u at????? couldnt be the US.. round 20$ over here
@elliejeanroyden Жыл бұрын
@elliejeanroyden Жыл бұрын
I saw your TikTok and jumped when I saw you have a longer video out on the same topic
@jupiter5238 Жыл бұрын
watching this while charging my elf bar. addiction and mental illness runs in my family and i always hated drinking and stuff like that and i always told myself i would never be like my family members, but alas, when i was 17 i started vaping even though i’ve been seeing them everywhere since i was like 14. i held out this long but i had a really awful depressive episode combined with a huge bout of eating disorder relapse that led me to nicotine as a means to lose weight and destress. elf bars in particular really appealed to my interest in cute and aesthetic things. i’ve tried to quit but i simply can’t.
@nat_halie4511 Жыл бұрын
I CAN RELATE SO HARD. Every time I slide into a depressive episode I go back to vaping. It feels like the only thing that keeps me going sometimes (I know this is bullshit, but when there is nothing that keeps you alive anymore and you can just grab your Elf Bar and you feel a bit better… well) I want to stop but somehow I can’t and I hate everything about it.
@Msrikak87 Жыл бұрын
Hi, I’m in the US I never heard of the elf bars before but I have smoked a ton of other vapes before I quit a couple of months ago. I was so addicted to vaping it felt like my life was consumed by it and I vaped so much that I started to get short of breath and what put the icing on the cake for me is when I started feeling light headed and I almost passed out twice. I quit with the nicotine gum and boy was it a struggle! I think down the line we’re going to find out that vapes may very well cause some type of health issues. What I experienced was scary.
@Seeker0fTruth Жыл бұрын
I thought this was a lipgloss made by ELF
@sealwhiskers3515 Жыл бұрын
I'm so so glad you made this video because I was literally this close to buying my first elf bar recently until my friend told me it was really environmentally unfriendly and then I watched this video. I'm a 24 year old woman who's never smoked a cig, never wanted to, and I wanted to start vaping for ALL the reasons you said - it tastes sweet, the packaging is nice, it's cheap, my friends who rave vape and I really want to make friends who rave, it looks cool, they look cool, that it's really not that bad for you (this was the biggest one overall). Will now not be touching, even though part of me still wants to because ugh the marketing is so good
@viper222 Жыл бұрын
Please don’t. I’m 23 and have been addicted to nicotine since I was 13 and feel like I have sold my soul to this device… like this tiny object controls every aspect of my life where I cant live without it and taking a hit is the first thing I do every morning or I struggle to get out of bed. It’s not a fun way to live. Honestly just smoke a little ganja every now and then, you dont need the vape. I think its okay to vape occasionally too but you need a lot of self control which I dont have with it.
@viper222 Жыл бұрын
@@ariesrosee how are you going with it? I am quitting once mine runs out. No more excuses anymore lol.. I kept trying to convince myself I can do it with moderation but fail every time I try that
@viper222 Жыл бұрын
@@ariesrosee Thank you so much for the tips 💗 doesn’t sound dumb at all, I’ll probably do the same since I’m a bit of a health nut and love all that stuff too. My vape ran out not long ago so I guess I’m starting now lol! 😩
@germieb Жыл бұрын
I cold turkey them twice now, I am a disciplined athlete and yes I do have a lot of willpower but none of these things were needed for me to quit or helped me to quit, what enabled me to cold turkey them is just coming to the realization that "using nicotine causes withdrawls, it doesn't cause relif from withdrawl, its the direct cause" and secondly the realization that because of this I was experiencing withdrawls constantly therefore it was not at all scary. When you make quitting to be a big scary monster that somehow has all these random dynamic complex eliements to it then you are setting yourself up for failure, its very simple: Nicotine causes withdrawl, you experience withdrawal every time you use nicotine so your very experienced with it and its nothing to be afraid of, you couldn't be more prepared, and the process of quitting will be exactly the same as every single day you have used nicotine, exactly, because every day youve used it you have experienced these withdrawls.
@annakapitany9729 Жыл бұрын
Well done Lucy, really loved that video! :) love seeing intelligent women talking facts!! (also the video was really well structured, and as always very aesthetically pleasing)
@elisazouza Жыл бұрын
I’ve never had or tried these but my brother is addicted to these cos of the flavour and how they promote being healthier when they aren’t and the way there’s other ones that look like this too. It confuses people because they think the other kind of vaping like a proper one is not the same as an elf bar thing but i think it’s actually worse and honestly them being branded looking like that and people seeing them all around tiktok makes everyone be like omg I should be doing this
@charlobscura Жыл бұрын
LUCY!! long-time watcher and this video made me so proud! you suit the video essay format so well, i can see this being such an exciting new chapter for you
@gunscratch 5 ай бұрын
Do you ACTUALLY want to know why most smokers fail when trying to quit? It’s because they don’t want to. They enjoy it plain and simple. When you fail it’s an excuse to continue smoking because “it’s soooo hard to quit.” The TRUTH is it’s easy; you just have to WANT to stop. You have to want to break the ritual. Once you know that, and use something like nicotine gum to break the cycle it’s really easy. But I’ll say it again, most smokers are happy with their habit and don’t want to stop. When they actually want to quit, they will.
@Comguzzlah Жыл бұрын
I was unaware of the sugar content in in e cigs. I MUST SAY this makes a lot of sense to me. I quit vaping about a month ago and the I’ve been coughing up things that appear sticky🤢 regrets have been made
@SPF3000 Жыл бұрын
really loving this new video essay format! ❤ I switched to vaping (not elf bars) a few years ago, and I vape far far far more than I ever smoked. I constantly use it at home & it’s become an anxiety crutch when I’m out and about. I use a re-useable vape rather than any of the elf bars mainly because I know how shitty the elf bars are for the planet (all those thrown away lithium batteries and plastics?) but am simultaneously aware how shit me vaping probably is for my body. 😅
@maroondeuter8034 Жыл бұрын
Don’t even vape but I’m here during the countdown. Looking forward to this!
@COEXIST-ny4db Жыл бұрын
LEGIT QUESTION!! Thank you so much for sharing this! I STUPIDLY HAD ZERO CLUE! HOWEVER.... You're using the term "ELF BAR". Is your info true to only Elf Bar only? There are over 100 vape companies that produce a ton of different names vapes. Do these statistics include other manufacturers of Vapes? Or are they JUST for elf Bar, and all other manufacturers are needing a somewhat ok vape?
@caroline2095 Жыл бұрын
I have literally never heard of these before!! Omg
@stephenlamley541 11 ай бұрын
It's addictive but pretty harmless tbh. I am very well versed in addition believe me. Vaping still is massively better for you than smoking. Been doing it harm free since 2014 my lung capacity is greatly improved, I'm a cyclist so I can definitely tell. Just ban disposables for me, Vaping is a great life saving thing. I don't like the fact these are aimed at kids. Get yourself a proper vape, I vape 3mg pretty nonstop tbh. 95% better for you than smoking according to all our royal colleges. I don't use flavours with sugar it's sweetner generally. I don't take issue with 75% of what was said here, but, for the love of God its vaping we don't smoke vapes. Yeah I totally agree disposables are extremely addictive. Normal vaping isn't a issue my lungs are in great condition.
@kaddelicious Жыл бұрын
Great video essay! I have been watching your videos since I was in university. Seven years down the line, I am now working as a psychotherapist and researcher specialising in addiction and I think it's amazing that you are educating peope about this topic! Tobacco and vape companies really are evil on a cartoon super villain level...
@erinmaglietta2484 Жыл бұрын
Read about the "torch of freedom" in Holly Whitaker's book, and boy... big eye opener .
@bodyno3158 Жыл бұрын
Nicotine is addictive, those puff bars contain nicotine salt, which make things worse, nicotine salts are salts formed from nicotine and an acid, this process balances the pH, makes nic salts much more toleratable than freebase nicotine, for freebase juices, 6mg/mL is most people's upper limit, some who got iron throats could handle 12mg/mL, 20mg/mL is for those who probably breath fine in mustard gas, but for nic salt juices, 35mg/mL is almost "the standard", 50mg/mL is still palatable. It's clear that nic salts are "more addictive per draw", but another thing is, when you are not aware about your draw counts, you will draw almost the same amount of draws throughout the day no matter what device or juice you used, if you are vaping a nic salt juice, you will ingest much more nicotine than vaping freebase, or even more than smoking normal tobacco products. For ex-heavy smokers like me, that's probably not a huge problem, at least I'm not inhaling polonium, the tolerance is already there (2 packs per day), but for those who jumped the hype train, that will quickly build a tolerance and dependency, which is... Something you don't need in your life, seriously.
@klara5318 Жыл бұрын
What a great video! And the timing is uncanny. This Saturday, my friends and I realized that only one cigarette smoker was left in our friend group. The rest of the smokers all pulled out elf bars. It was truly a vision seeing that many colorful sticks in one evening. From what I gathered most switched to if in hopes of quitting, but it just stuck. Where I live, smoking cigarettes indoors is prohibited, however, no rule prohibits vaping. And a week before that, my younger sister told me that in their group of 16 to 18-year-old friends, the zero bar is a must on a night out. It feels like such a strange phenomenon. Thank you for your insight on this. :)
@PottersWindowCleaning Жыл бұрын
You are very uninformed. Vape products are heavily regulated by the MHRA. Big Tobacco are also not the most significant part of the market, the vast majority is controlled by independent retailers/manufacturers. 20MG is the main product because that's what people want, you'll find stores that sell 10mg or 0mg products sell barely any of them. Sucralose is also banned within the EU & the UK for use in Eliquid. You are probably reading studies from the USA or just general studies conducted on the subject. This is not the reality for the products found in the EU or the UK. All flavourings are made up of water based artificial flavouring, which is designed to vapourise safely at the temperatures it will be exposed to on the coil. All products in the EU & UK have to go through emissions and toxicology testing to ensure there is not elevated levels of compounds known to cause health issues. That's not to say that they are healthy, ultimately only fresh air should go into your lungs, but compared to Tobacco products it may aswell be pure air. The UK has the most pro stance on Vape products in the world and as a consequence it now has the lowest smoking rate in the EU. A good thing. ASH UK (anti smoking charity) agrees that vape products are far more successful at helping people quit tobacco than NRT drugs. And although visually you may see more people vaping and struggling to quit vaping products. The reality is those people would likely be addicted and be unable to quit smoking tobacco products if vape products did not exist. Overall smoking/vaping rates are down significantly compared to the EU which holds a much more negative stance. Disclaimer, independent business owner involved in the vape market since 2010. I was involved in the lobbying and consultation of EU regulation, have funded independent research by london universities and a founding member of the largest trade body in the world.
@nathanleigh2273 Жыл бұрын
I quit vaping just over 6 weeks ago. Had been smoking/vaping for a couple of years but cigarettes never hooked me as vaping did. The withdrawals were rough, especially the first couple of weeks, it felt as though all the valleys in life got that bit steeper and that it wouldn't stop (interesting to note how temporal dopamine is as a molecule). The withdrawal more or less subsided after a month and I've noticed better mood regulation, increased energy and an overall sense of joy overcoming something that had me by the balls for so long. It's worth giving up. All the endless debating, the half-cocked pros and cons that we do... it just never ends man, and it's all evidence that we don't really want to be slaves to a chemical like this. Best of luck to any and everyone thinking of getting off, your life will probably be slightly better than it is now.
@vincentwarte4435 Жыл бұрын
Nicotine addiction is not really a big deal. If a smoker only had to fight a nicotine addiction, most smoker would probably quit smoking in an "instant". After couple of weeks (or even less), you're free from that, more or less. The biggest issue is the habit of doing a certain thing at a certain time. Having a cig while drinking the morning coffee, having a cig after a meal, having a cig while hanging up with the co-workers during the lunch break, having a cig while having a beer, having a cig while driving. Over the years, you develop this kind of habits, and when you quit smoking, you're suddenly missing a lot of purpose in life. And you have the urge to feel those gaps. That's why a lot of quitters experience a shift in their addiction, begin to drink or eat a lot more than they did before. I welcome the idea of vaping as an "escort" on the way to lose the addiction. And while I know a lot of (ex-)smokers that managed to quit smoking cigs by moving over to vaping and then quitting in general, I know a lot of people that started vaping that never smoked before. We need to find some kind of a middleground where smokers can benefit from vaping while non-smokers can't be harmed by vaping. It's an interestint challenge that we as a society will have to face in the upcoming years.
@davebryan8416 Жыл бұрын
I switched from vaping to nicotine pouches earlier this year and then when I got covid a month ago, I guess because I already felt like shit and had to stay at home in bed, I figured "Why not quit the nicotine as well?" and here I am about 4 weeks later nicotine-free. The pouches definitely don't give the satisfaction of that initial rush you get from vaping but they are also quite addictive in their own right so I wouldn't consider them a good longterm alternative, but they worked for me in getting out of the vaping habit.
@BillRoyMcBill Жыл бұрын
The way that governments and the international 'Karen Community' have come down on, and almost eradicated public and private tobacco use...who's really surprised by a similar 'alternative' product becoming so popular?
@crenmao Жыл бұрын
Thank you for covering this. Vaping an elfbar with nicotine salt is different than vaping liquid with normal nicotine. Other than the latter, elfbars have a very high probability for addiction because of how much faster the nic salt rushes to the receptors. Well researched.
@NaturesPixieArt Жыл бұрын
Elf bars aren’t the problem, it’s nicotine. What about gcores, vice, mr fog, breeze, vuse, ghosts, quizz, etc etc etc
@seaandwave Жыл бұрын
Loooove this style of video, so interesting and well explained. Congrats Lucy! ❤
@caffeineisking8132 Жыл бұрын
Humans just need something , coffee, nicotine , alcohol, weed, sugar. Life without anything bad for you is absolutely shit just enjoy your time whilst you are here you're never promised tomorrow.
@merci5023 Жыл бұрын
Wow thank you for this video. I have bought 2 elf bars in total and have tried about 8 off of other people. However those times were far apart and this video has made me realise how i definitely need to stop before i do get addicted. I have already thrown out the one elf bar i had in my room. I will send this video to people I know are addicted so maybe they can awaken. Great video:)
@BiaNay92 Жыл бұрын
I just found out my 14 year old niece brought an Elfbar home from a school friend, I'm beyond disappointed & angry... Please tell me there's a light at the end of the tunnel? 🙄😔😔
@erica.5620 Жыл бұрын
Quit Elf Bars (and vaping in general) a month ago. Hasn't been too bad outside of the desire to vape being very prominent the first week... dwindling substantially subsequently. I still harbour an incline to purchase another whenever presented the opportunity - such as passing a petrol station - but am trying to keep discipline about me. Stay strong brothers!
@Jxvr25 Жыл бұрын
Well done. Wish I could quit
@erica.5620 Жыл бұрын
@@Jxvr25 You can. You really can. Try agreeing to yourself that you are going to quit first, even if it takes a while. And wait for your vape to run out. Then just don't buy another. DON'T. The first week will be really hard, possibly just do go out and maintain discipline. We're all going to make it bro. You got this.
@Jxvr25 Жыл бұрын
@@erica.5620 This is just what I needed to hear thank you, I’m going to give it my best shot. My vapes about to run out so it’s a great time for me to quit. I’m tired of how it’s making my lungs feel and how it affects my fitness. Good luck with the rest of your journey too bro, stay strong! 💪🏻
@erica.5620 Жыл бұрын
@@Jxvr25 Wishing you all the best mate, you got this!
@MaxAndreas 11 ай бұрын
Just don’t support such a disgusting business model. If you want to stop you have to really decide to stop and go cold turkey. This works for most of the people. I have quit a long weed and nicotine addiction like that and after two weeks everything was great.
@Francelmo23 Жыл бұрын
I first became aware of disposable vapes through litter. Suddenly there were loads of elf bars and disposable vape packaging in the gutters near my house. I was confused because when vape pens first came out they were talking about how much more environmentally friendly they were compared to cigarettes because you could refill them
@MrLaughinggrass Жыл бұрын
You can't smoke an Elf Bar there is no smoke, yet you constantly say smoking! You neglect to consider the fact that 7-8 million people around the world die from smoking cigarettes each year, if the 1.1 billion smokers around the world switched to safer nicotine products such as vaping we could save millions of lives. This is surely the most important thing? Nicotine whilst dependence forming isn't in itself particularly harmful, it carries very similar risk to caffeine. Were you drinking caffeine whilst making this video? People will always use nicotine, take a look at a country like Sweden where they have a very similar use of nicotine to the UK yet the men have the lowest smoking rate in Europe because they use a safe form of nicotine delivery (Swedish Snus and Nicotine Pouches) the result is men there have the lowest smoking related illnesses in Europe and the country as a whole has the second lowest oral cancer rate. The point being is that they still use nicotine but aren't harmed by its use because they don't smoke. Sex can also be dangerous, yet rather than telling people not to have sex at all we educated them about doing it in a safe manner, condoms and PReP etc.
@jeppy6411 Жыл бұрын
Lol I thought these were weird British granola bars or something
@catcomputer Жыл бұрын
Vaping = healthier than smoking Vaping ≠ healthy If you were previously a smoker then vaping is so much better. If you weren’t a smoker, to start vaping is worse for your health than to start smoking, since rather than having one cigarette a day then increasing, you go to having the equivalent of a pack within a couple of days, something your lungs have never experienced
@Leah-gf5yz Жыл бұрын
This kind of format suits you so so well! 💛 so stoked for you for branching out! Absolutely loved this
@gavinbaker7184 Жыл бұрын
Nicotine containing products are heavily regulated under the tpd with a maximum 20mg nicotine content and 2ml liquid capacity. Your video got off to a very poor start.
@Jasmine-vu6pr Жыл бұрын
fwiw: in my master's in public health program we had a lecturer, who was also an m.d. and did a lecture about tobacco. his advice was actually quit cold turkey as weaning off prolongs nicotine withdrawals!
@DhirC35 10 ай бұрын
I honestly think vaping is unhealthier than smoking, but hear me out. Due to its convenience and lack of smell you can hit it anywhere, any place, any time. Meaning youre hitting your vape literally all day. Vapes are easier to inhale than cigs so youll hit it harder and inhale deeper. As youve probably guessed im speaking from mine and maaaannnnyyyy other peoples experiences. Ever misplaced your vape and caught a fit looking for it even though u just hit it and put it down? Well yea. Idk what it is but vaping makes my throat feel worse than just cigs. Something about that residue as she was talking about in the video that decays teeth just coats my throat. Vapes also seem to have WAYYYYYY more nicotine than cigarettes. Whenever i hit a vape vs a cig the difference is monumental. With cigs i honestly feel a few throughout the day is less harmful for you than vaping literally all day. Especially if you do intermittent fasting n shit to mitigate cancer risks. But this is just my take on it as an ex heavy vaper and now occasional smoker.
@rainypath96 Жыл бұрын
The marketing and hype behind these are super impactful. I used to vape normal nic free juice after quitting weed, but after more than a year of not vaping I suddenly felt like picking up an elf bar… i see them everywhere and I hear the flavors are amazing. But I think I’ll just get some cbd juice instead.
@GoonerC5011 Жыл бұрын
That's how I'm going to try and stop I've just got onto the elf bars but I'm quickly being put off after the research How good are the cbd vapes are they worth it do you know and how safe?
@smoozerish Жыл бұрын
The withdrawals symptoms are extremely serious. Felt like i had the flu or covid. Ended up in bed for a week.
@megslloyd1999 Жыл бұрын
Me and my partner really rate the Ripple bars for when we go out as ex smokers ( started at uni). Theyre pretty natural, zero nicotine and taste pretty alright to us. Also moving in to a top floor apartment and refusing to smoke indoors really helps too 😆😆
@megslloyd1999 Жыл бұрын
I think a negative of them is that you can only get them in super drug or online, so if you're popping to the corner shop before a night out you won't be able to get the fix :/
@emartificial Жыл бұрын
dont be fools. i have COPD at 24 started smoking at 13. nothing is worth putting into your lungs.
@mjacwest Жыл бұрын
I've never heard of these and I clicked on the video because I thought Elf made some kind of new lip balm, and people couldn't stop using it because it dried their lips out some time after applying so people would have to use it again and again and become addicted. The chapstick conspiracy at it again.
@emilyr8668 Жыл бұрын
me too lmao
@MechanicalMooCow Жыл бұрын
Elf bars are trash, get an actual mod where you can control what goes into your body
@LauraIsOverstimulated Жыл бұрын
Such a great informative video and you spoke so coherently and made a lot of this easy to digest. I hope it helps someone. Down with big tobacco😤. I love that you use your channel as a balance of fun lifestyle and also important things to talk about. ❤
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