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Woman Says Men Who “Pretend” To Be Broke Are Red Flags 🚩

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Priscilla Boye

Priscilla Boye

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@Childfree334 Ай бұрын
Then women should pretend to be abstinent until marriage and see if men pass that test.
@Priscilla_Boye Ай бұрын
Love this 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾🤣🤣🤣
@shalandaclarke2303 Ай бұрын
@paulbartell Ай бұрын
you're already ran through so whats the point in that?
@Childfree334 Ай бұрын
@@paulbartell You've already hit the wall, so what's the point in pretending to be broke?
@UnrealDreamer3598 Ай бұрын
He hit the wall, but the wall hit him back!
@gardnerhill9073 Ай бұрын
There's also a big difference between "living frugally" and "pretending to be broke."
@Dr.GD4 Ай бұрын
Exactly! In medical school, we were taught to live below our means until our debt has been paid. We aren’t pretending to be poor, but we’re not going to live like we are these “rich doctors”. Patients have various opinions and oftentimes respect the doctor more for living a regular life.
@gardnerhill9073 Ай бұрын
@@Dr.GD4 For serious! There's lots of people driving beat-up old cars ("What? It still runs") who'd rather have that money in the bank than to cruise up in something new and flashy with $2.38 in their savings.
@nnn9854 Ай бұрын
Men will do anything but treat women with respect. These mind games are stupid.
This reminds me of the show Two and a Half Men, where Ashton Kutcher played as a broke dude when he met his girlfriend. Months went by and he finally came out with the truth that he was actually rich, thinking that it would make her stay with him. She broke up with him on the spot. He couldn't understand why. She told him that she couldn't trust him because he had proved himself to be a liar, cosplaying as a broke man for the entire duration of their relationship. Their relationship was built on a lie. I didn't understand until I got older. She was 100% correct to leave him where he stood.
@justinebailey5333 Ай бұрын
@o_o8203 Ай бұрын
And who are they doing this for? Other men? Cuz if they're not the ones benefitting from this bait & switch if they're actually rich. Masculine groupthink is sick.
@ohplease6865 Ай бұрын
@cocoace7587 Ай бұрын
Yep & he tried for years to get her back. 😅
@DeannaJacksonDJsDelectables Ай бұрын
💯 💯 💯 💯 💯
@livelife5947 Ай бұрын
A guy did this to me a few years back. The date went well, we had a great connection, he said he didn’t have a car. I said ok because I was happy to take myself home anyway. Next thing you know we leave the restaurant & he’s got his brand new BMW parked outside. He said I passed his sh!t test, I said I wasn’t trying to, also I never spoke to him again lol. That just put me off, lying on the first date is a major red flag 🚩.
@cynthiakila1161 Ай бұрын
That part . It’s cringy asf
@xletragedyx Ай бұрын
So my ex-husband pretended to be broke. He lived really simply and worked intermittently, farm labor and stuff. I asked him what his plan was, he didn't seem super concerned. He was living off a trust fund. A trustafarian. He let me buy him meals and clothes... he let people give him money when he was traveling bc they thought he was homeless. He told me he had money later and I was pissed. I worked hard for barely over minimum wage and he let me look stupid buying HIM things.
@lookatyou5809 Ай бұрын
A blessing in disguise because a man pretending to be broke it CHEAP! That's even worse than a broke man.
@Priscilla_Boye Ай бұрын
Absolutely 💯
@missrain5164 Ай бұрын
@geremymason5936 Ай бұрын
@@lookatyou5809 exactly. He places too much of an importance on money and probably has a very pronounced scarcity mindset.
@nedumnwanze4120 Ай бұрын
​@@geremymason5936 So do
@geremymason5936 Ай бұрын
@@nedumnwanze4120 why would I? I was once cheap in the past. Not saying one should be completely reckless with their money, but you also have to know how to appropriately value money. I’d put my relationship over money any day - money comes and goes. But a good partner, how many shots at a good partner do you get?
@donotme8061 Ай бұрын
The way that first man made his point, no I’m not showing up at the airport. I’m assuming you’re a human trafficker
@haleywalker1640 Ай бұрын
And if it wasn't, you can't just spring a surprise trip on someone like that an expect them to drop everything! They still have a day job and, unless they just so happened to have requested that time off for their own vacation (which could also be another problem in itself) weeks ago, the boss isn't going to let them go and might fire them if they skip work anyway.
@pink1237480 Ай бұрын
They love going to the extreme
@khloekloset3645 Ай бұрын
@missrain5164 Ай бұрын
“ you have been promoted “ 🤢 🤮 to what?
@kellarenna Ай бұрын
Why do all these broke men act like they all are rich suddenly 😂😂😂 what happened to "its only less than 10%" Every man on the internet is a millionaire apparently
@Childfree334 Ай бұрын
Everyone of them are supposedly already happily married too.
@LearnAsYouGo. Ай бұрын
I know a woman whose now husband pretended that he was broke when they started dating. She was paying for their dates or they just didn’t go on dates. She found out about 6 months later that he owned his home & had great financial success. He’s now being financially abusive to her in their marriage. The frog didn’t turn into a prince!
@minachernobog Ай бұрын
If you live long enough, you know that the frog stays a frog no matter how long you kiss it.
@storm_delany894 Ай бұрын
Conclusion: Men love lying. It doesn't matter what it's about. Loool how they defend this dude🤦🏻‍♀️
@flutatious_music4 Ай бұрын
If this is the case, men who can't handle a little introspection and being alone are a red flag. 4B, ladies!
@Priscilla_Boye Ай бұрын
@paulbartell Ай бұрын
yass kween! hurry and age out so we can focus on the next generation of women
@itsmainelyyou5541 Ай бұрын
@@paulbartell Your time has already passed. You'll never see another generation of women that isn't well schooled in the power of their own agency.
@UnrealDreamer3598 Ай бұрын
And let's choose the bears!🐻
@zedekiahking4169 Ай бұрын
@@paulbartell awww, triggered little man all over the comment section, you literally look like my grandpa and *still want to go for children.* so so so so so so sad.
@jayogee913 Ай бұрын
When we get stuck with and abused by a broke dude, they tell us to choose better. When we go ahead and choose better by demanding a rich/high income dude, oh, now THAT makes us gold diggers! Well I have chosen better. I've chosen 4B, and I don't think I'll ever go back now, lol! Three years of peace, safety, and self-focus has shown me how much of my life I wasted on chasing these losers, lol!
@maryjanerx Ай бұрын
@@jayogee913 4B is the way to Be!!
@user-dw1bz1hl6x Ай бұрын
4b is great. Single, celibate (since birth) childfree. Don't want a Goddamn thing to do with men
@pieace775 Ай бұрын
Abused by a “broke” dude doesn’t go find a “rich” man. It means go find a non-abusive man, rich or broke.
@itsmainelyyou5541 Ай бұрын
The red flag is this: you cannot predicate a relationship on a lie. It's not about 'getting anything' out of anyone. It's about building trust. No one is asking these men to bring their investment portfolios with them(and if they don't have an investment portfolio, they have no true wealth in any event). Regardless, coming from a place of asset protection and withholding sets up a dynamic that you cannot overcome. It's not a worthwhile relationship endeavor for you. Don't entertain it, or them. Just don't. This is distraction anyway. What they're really threatened by is that women are self sufficient and they think they can use asset hiding as a bargaining chip and purity test through manufactured scarcity to make themselves seem more desirable. Like it's some prize it no longer is. They have yet to evolve to understand what it is that makes them attractive to women in the first place which is why it is having the opposite effect, clearly.
@flutatious_music4 Ай бұрын
I agree with everything you said. And, I think it’s also valuable to note that romantic relationships are quite similar to platonic relationships or friendships. Both require commitment, communication, intimacy, and trust. The difference is how these connections are approached. Friendships are built around comfort and acceptance while relationships add a layer of romantic intensity and emotional vulnerability. Relationships also involve a deep desire for a future together. Whereas friendships is more about companionship. This is very well written.
@kandi6197 Ай бұрын
These men are embarrassing, why are they so insistent on playing such silly games to catch women out. I'm glad to be single and so turned off by dating atp.
@DB-vt1kk Ай бұрын
A lot of these menz are not playing broke. I’m sorry but as soon as some of them get money they try to flex getting a new car, rims, Nikes and other foolishness with little to no savings. None of them are rolling in dough the way they think they are. Stop 🛑 😅😂
@Wurwa45 Ай бұрын
100% wen you check their finances carefully you will see many of dem don't even have savings and the investments they do have performed badly or failed. Many of them have numerous failed businesses to their name.😂
@Butterfly_Beauty Ай бұрын
😂 Exactly just another game
@cocoace7587 Ай бұрын
Like Peter Thomas . I didn't realize he was using his wife's money for his clubs 😅. That was a big turnoff . 😢😅
@NamasteInYourLane Ай бұрын
The ones who really do have money, don't maintain it. They always seem to do something to sabotage themselves and lose everything.
@MsLove-hb5ud Ай бұрын
I can’t believe that first man equated money to sex. It’s completely different. Being used in any way is a horrible feeling but we are not about to equate money with trusting someone enough to share your body with them🙄
@dearzara._ Ай бұрын
Exactly, what i said. The both are totally and completey different. One is lying and the other is becoming celibate and trying to improve one's self. ugh- these XY chromosomes are so exhausting
@maryannspicher Ай бұрын
Agree 💯 Sex doesn’t pay the bills and keep your stomach full. It’s a dumb comparison lol
@Enriquez2222 Ай бұрын
That’s because they don’t view women as people, we are objects to them
@patriciasmith812 Ай бұрын
Here’s the thing. There’s no benefits in being a girlfriend. That’s why people get married. Boyfriend’s feel entitled to their girlfriend’s body because he paid for a date. Paying for dates don’t pay no bills either. Women can feed themselves. Most of the time women have to pay a lot of money just to get ready to go on dates with men. Our question to men is, what could you do for us that we can’t do for ourselves. Leave sex out of this, because at this point what is y’all purpose? To flex y’all money in front of some men or your boys? Y’all saying y’all don’t need us. Well good, the feeling is Mutual
@Ccl2tb Ай бұрын
If that Mercedes isn't fully paid off, then he's still broke. It doesn't count. Everybody dates for what others can provide for them. Like, how would a man feel if we showed up to every date in a potato sack and bag over our head talking about how it's the connection that matters.
@Childfree334 Ай бұрын
🤣🤣🤣🤣 They wouldn't even stay seated past the first sentence.
@Jana_7 Ай бұрын
🤣🤣 The way that man would run away would look like Road Runner in the Loony Tunes cartoons.
@NicholsKT Ай бұрын
lol, the image you put in my head 😂
@pixiestxNyomouf 23 күн бұрын
I would love to see this acted out because the dusties would be FLOORED
@dyrich6799 Ай бұрын
The male doesn’t make sense as well
@HauntedCadaver Ай бұрын
If they show up broke, match their energy and be that broke woman lmao
@needisaymoore2138 Ай бұрын
I love the false dichotomy fallacy of this discussion. Why does one have to be either rich or poor? Aren't most of us in the middle?
@missrain5164 Ай бұрын
Yes most of us are but I guess it’s because of the topic which is men who supposedly pretend to be poor when they actually rich 🤷🏽‍♀️
@needisaymoore2138 Ай бұрын
@@missrain5164 I'm not criticizing the video but rather the false premise set up by the original question. I don't date men so I don't care if they lie.
@kellarenna Ай бұрын
I just commented the same thing 😂😂 why are these men always having discussions that don't apply to their lives 😂
@needisaymoore2138 Ай бұрын
@@kellarenna imo, debate Bros win by getting women to argue with them. That's why the gaslighting discussions go around and around. They are not even trying to win the discussion. My advice, stop treating these men as though they are honest actors in any given discussion. #4B content is very popular on KZbin now and they might just be trying to stay relevant in the algorithm.
@cocoace7587 Ай бұрын
Right , I just posted the same 😂. I thought I entered # twilight zone 😂
@nannaleifa Ай бұрын
Yeah no, "pretending to be broke" my ass, just say you're cheap! Smh
@flutatious_music4 Ай бұрын
Mr. Cheapskate😂
@Dr.GD4 5 күн бұрын
@@nannaleifa There’s a difference between living frugally and pretending to be broke. I don’t pretend to live broke, but I live frugally. My professors in medical school always lectured to us to live frugally as our patients have perceptions of “rich doctors”. I’m not saying I take the bus to work and live in a studio apartment with my fiancé in the hood, but we drive modest cars (Volkswagen Passat and she drives a Honda accord). I’m only 29 and she’s 26 so our lives are just getting started.
@q-onxy7095 Ай бұрын
Ladies leave these black fools alone At this point y'all can't win every time they hear only a few words they change the story !!!
@geremymason5936 Ай бұрын
A man pretending to be broke has an unhealthy relationship with money. To go so far to not be open and honest of who he really is and what he has is quite unhealthy. Additionally, the man that was comparing women withholding sex was making a false equivalency. Withholding sex does not require you to pretend to be something that you’re not. Pretending to be broke means you live below your means and withhold doing things you normally would do to portray something that you’re not. It’s manipulative.
@gardnerhill9073 Ай бұрын
And equating sex with money as a resource? Red Red Flag.
@thinkinginn7443 Ай бұрын
@@gardnerhill9073Exactly, they constantly use the terms golddigger and hoes but are so quick to equate money to sex themselves. Being discerning with whom you have sex with can literally protect your safety and health. If going on a bad date and spending money can mess up your finances THAT badly, then you should either take a break from dating or also be more discerning about who you date.
@Childfree334 Ай бұрын
The thing that made me angry about CTA is that the Prince got to judge Lisa's looks, personality, family, charm, work ethic, and financial status without her hiding anything from him. He judged her based on ALL factors, but didn't want to extend to a woman the same courtesy. Men don't have to hide their wealth. If that is all a woman is after, it is quickly obvious.
@flutatious_music4 Ай бұрын
@Priscilla_Boye Ай бұрын
Thank you for this ❤️❤️❤️
@BlackEnchantress Ай бұрын
Exactly 💯💯💯
@hotchocolategirl1der Ай бұрын
As much as I love CTA, the premise was not the reason. It was all the funny that happened around the premise. It was a fairytale, like Beauty and the Beast. Men want you to fall in love w/the beast.
@Childfree334 Ай бұрын
@@hotchocolategirl1der But the Price Hakeem character was not a beast though. He was very friendly, thoughtful, and kind. I can get wanting someone to love you for yourself, but the movie was filled with hypocrisy. If he didn't want his wealth to matter to her, then her beauty (or lack thereof) shouldn't matter to HIM, but it did.
@Chileeee271 Ай бұрын
Wealthy men aren’t afraid of spending and being taken advantage of since their money is easily replaced
@frag9575 Ай бұрын
Lol so it's the same if the woman is rich and then taking advantage doesn't matter cause her money can be replaced. I'm not understanding the logic on this one
@Chileeee271 Ай бұрын
@@frag9575 we aren’t talking about rich women. We are talking about rich men. 🙄
@BlackEnchantress Ай бұрын
@@Chileeee271 Wealthy men actually have the upper hand I don't think they would allow no woman to take advantage of them.
@nickj12 Ай бұрын
@@Chileeee271 yeah…no. They very much don’t want to be taken advantage of, and the ones looking for a solid relationship absolutely do fear being taken advantage of. They just aren’t weird enough, immature enough, or desperate enough to lie and say they are “broke” in order to get a woman. That’s pathetic, strange as hell, and something most mature rich men wouldn’t do.
@nickj12 Ай бұрын
@@frag9575 exactly
@Daug555 Ай бұрын
Nah. Quite a few of these men are broke broke. However, they love to flex with that 300$ check acting like they got it. “Just pick the pickmes.” -That part
@DeannaJacksonDJsDelectables Ай бұрын
Playing mind games and starting off your relationship with a lie is the easiest way to end it before it even starts. IJS.
@user-br3ty9rt1m Ай бұрын
I was gonna say something similar. It would be much easier to just come to the table with you are and not with games and manipulation. Those who aren’t for you would weed themselves out naturally.
@rainingblueflowers990 Ай бұрын
They dude who made a poor example about a woman's sexual pass was terrible. Neither the man or the woman are aware each others sexual history/sexualilty, so to make the comparison with money was weird.
@user-lk1ew3gr1d Ай бұрын
That is a red flag how can you date someone you don't trust imagine this types of men lost something they are going to blame on you
@Wurwa45 Ай бұрын
Remember when Bilal did this to Shaheeda on 90 day fiance??😂
@kennyav25 Ай бұрын
GIIIIIIRL!!!!! 🤦🏿‍♀️🤦🏿‍♀️🤦🏿‍♀️ she's a pickmesha anyways🙄
@sabrinaharrington8572 Ай бұрын
I found that horrible but just recently saw they seem to „be happy“ I hope she is truely ok
@PHOENIX980567 Ай бұрын
I have never encountered a male who pretended to be broke. It was always the opposite. I pretend to be broke when the usual people are looking for handouts.
@Mini-ge9sm Ай бұрын
Same here!!! Lmaooo!! It’s usually opposite!! I’ve had almost 100% men I’ve dealt with pretend to have more than what they actually have!! As a woman I can say a man should not be 100% with his finances!! In the dating phase it should be about him courting you. I’m 50/50 on this. As long as he is not asking you for anything and being a gentleman it should be ok. Personally both men and women get used for having money. Anyone with money needs to keep a low key to avoid being used!!!
@el1e869 Ай бұрын
Oh so it’s fine when you do it 😂
@dantayhylton9938 Ай бұрын
Red flag because if he find out you own businesses and you didn't tell him ,he is going to dump you !!! Because alot of men ego is high like that .
@nickj12 Ай бұрын
You asked the right question: how broke are you going to pretend to be? If you being a millionaire doesn’t come up until you decide to surprise me with a gift, that’s fine. Something like income and networth comes out organically anyway, or it’s obvious from the jump if they are the flashy, gaudy type. And if you’re always paying for my meals, outings, and our hotel rooms, no questions ask, I’m not going to care that you drive a modest car like a 2023 Toyota Camry or a 2024 Nissan murano. Not all rich men drive flashy cars. But if you’re a millionaire pretending to work for $25.00/hr, we have a problem. If you’re pretending you only make 45k a year because you call yourself trying to “test” me, then we have a problem. So while I understand what both men said in this video, they have to understand that there is a balance to this. No, don’t tell me about all your assets and properties and your exact networth right away. That ain’t my business in the beginning, and personally, I don’t want to feel like I’m being bought. You need to do more than be rich to be with me any damn way. So sure, keep your assets hush hush if we’re just getting to know each other. But don’t outright lie to me. There’s a difference between keeping things quiet and discreet when it comes to your income, vs lying to me by pretending you’re “broke” or lower middle class.
@nannaleifa Ай бұрын
This, exactly!
@bisi1980 Ай бұрын
Red flag! It puts you in the position of a provider and you are receiving the unnecessary stress of paying for things and having anxiety about future bills. Spending your money unnecessarily. Inconveniences the woman.
@heneverforesakesme4038 Ай бұрын
Yes...this is a good point...thank live and breathe for a plan B. They hoard money and women. In case something falls apart. Always have that in the back of your mind when you are looking at him. Honesty, it's what we should be doing.
@gracefulgardenia7713 Ай бұрын
I like to pass their tests and then let them know they failed mine. Toodaloo.
@TiktokTownhall Ай бұрын
Men that do this don’t like you.. men that like you step with their best foot.. this sounds like a man who just got his taxes
@ccannon1 Ай бұрын
Why does he even have to pretend to be broke, can’t he just pretend to be regular?
@indoora Ай бұрын
Men and women should walk into a relationship with honesty, period.
@biblethumper8088 Ай бұрын
A man who lies about having money is still a liar, and that is not acceptable.
@MiniKitty27 Ай бұрын
my family always told me to never tell people you have money. you don't have to hide it but never be outright with how much you have. in my opinion, if i'm dating someone and they lie about their financial status? immediately breaking up. i don't care if they pretend to be broke or pretend to be rich, finances are a HUGE thing to lie about and to be so casual about said lie? i couldn't trust them anymore
@Dr.GD4 Ай бұрын
As a man, I would agree this is a red flag. I wouldn’t pretend to be poor. There’s a difference between being poor and living below your means, however. I receive similar info from other successful men. They make 200k+ but you couldn’t tell because they drive regular cars and live in regular homes/apartments. There’s plenty of wealthy people that aren’t interested in living a luxury life.🤷🏾‍♂️
@chanayplease Ай бұрын
This didn't happen to me but there was a story I came across on reddit where this woman's bf(now ex) did that. She had to scrap up whatever money she had bc her cat was dying, in pain, and she couldn't afford the treatment; so she put it down. She went through many financial hardships while this man watched her struggle and cry. She found out by accident where he comes from and she got really upset.The stupid man didn't think there was a problem bc "it's just money" and that he knows "she loves him for him", and not the money. It was wild but they did end up breaking up, that being said there aren't many but those type of men exist I feel like I know another example but it's fuzzy, all I know is men who do that are financially abusive too. They want to control finances, even from the very beginning by being deceptive
@catrinacoons390 Ай бұрын
I think the biggest thing that is creating this disconnect between the two genders is this: women's most precious thing is their bodies, safety and their bodily autonomy, and that is what men want. Men's most precious thing is their money and finances, which is what women want (Speaking in very general terms with the appropriate nuance here, obviously). The biggest problem is that men just don't understand that women's autonomy and protection is wayyyyy more important and valuable to a woman than a men's financial status will ever be to a man. And men keep thinking that these two things are equal, and think that their money is worth the same. It is not, and that is where this disconnect is. We see it here and we saw it in the man v. bear debate. The women think about their autonomy and bodily safety first, and the men think about their money first.
@user-br3ty9rt1m Ай бұрын
🔥 sooo true
@cocoace7587 Ай бұрын
Last year this BW with 3 kids & a BM were , a family . The lady worked 2 or 3 jobs & struggled to feed EVERYONE . Then , she found out her husband was getting & hiding HIS food stamps. I can only imagine that type of hurt . 🤬 All she could say was " I am telling your Mom ." 😢 Sis. , his Mom is probably eating off of her sons food stamps . 😡 Ladies, , wake up , plzzzzz . These BM don't care if their own kids starve , so imagine how they feel about you . ATP , any woman who is getting used , is knowingly doing it . 🤷🫣
@iamoverit4905 Ай бұрын
ALL OF THIS!!! I'm not going to lie... when I see ANY woman with a BM I honestly assume that she doesn't care about herself, she's crazy and I think she's also not too bright... there's way too much evidence and information out here PAST and present to be dealing with BM...🤷‍♀️
@MissB69 Ай бұрын
If a relationship starts based on tricks and lies, it will continue to be that way. Also a person looking for true love really doesnt care about superficial BS. It doesn't matter whats in your pocket ive met rich narcissistic jerks as well as poor ones, all bad and good, comes in all shapes in sizes.
@MsLovely802 Ай бұрын
I dont date or deal with bm. Been divested and never looked back. Only bm argue on this topic. Bw that deal with bm and only wants to deal with bm good luck
@Dr.GD4 Ай бұрын
What?! Not at all. I am a black male Anesthesiologist and my fiancé is biracial (white/black). Our medical school professors and friends who attended other medical schools stated the same thing that we are taught to live below our means, not pretend to be poor. There’s a difference between living frugally and pretending to be something you’re not. Many of my colleagues drive regular cars (Honda, VW, Nissan, and maybe an Audi/Lexus here and there) and live in modest homes/apartments. Our patients already think we are “rich doctors that have egos”, so pulling up in a big Mercedes doesn’t look good. This is also an issue with the black community. Very materialistic when we earn the least on average when compared to other races.
@MaisonMargiela-ch9co Ай бұрын
​@Dr.GD4 You are the exception, not the rule. The majority of black people, especially BM, don't know how to act once they get a few bands.
@VendieSolde Ай бұрын
Playing games. Next!!
@loyaltyb71052 Ай бұрын
The ones pretending to have it is an even redder flag!
@MyBlackPumpkinSoup Ай бұрын
This is one of the topics I think Men and Women actually can find Common ground 😂 Its like... You are a chef and you are tired of people who you Go out asking for free dinner, for you to cook for a whole party or to use you as personal cook, so you decide to stop telling people about it and that is okay, but you can't lie to others and pretend that you can't even boil water. The issue is not self-preservation, its lying and creating false narratives and expectations. Its okay for both Man and Women to not disclose info about themselves willy-nilly, its actually safer, but what none of us can do is to lie and play a part, is to decieve and use the other person as 'trust fall test', that is were its messsed up!
@Egg_Apron Ай бұрын
The two enduring Western fairy tales about m3n we need to read and understand (passed down for several centuries) are "Bluebeard" and "The Robber Bridegroom." These tales are direct warnings to women living among Western men.
@melodyvovan9205 Ай бұрын
@shenellwilson3951 Ай бұрын
Lmfaoo this never happened to me but it happened to my friend like at first he was spending money on my friend then after she slept with him he started acting broke 😂😂😂 she left his ass.
@Itsallaboutlove52 Ай бұрын
9:11 this dude is one of those who will proclaim he doesn’t know any man that ill treats a woman. Of course if a woman out of the blue turns freaky after portraying herself as conservative, will leave. Yes he’ll enjoy her body at the time but he won’t stay there. The false equivalency is astonishing. A woman turn a new leaf is more at risk for being judged for past actions than a man. A man pretending to be poor to test a woman isn’t the same. He can lead with his character and not pretend to be something he’s not by being a man with boundaries which is a sign of strength.
@gardnerhill9073 Ай бұрын
Money issues is the single biggest cause of fights in couples.
@nikanikasavina Ай бұрын
I personally know several men who pretended to be poor. Let me tell you, it does not only affect relationships, it also affects his other responsibilities related to mortgage payments, tax payments, bill payments, loan payments, etc. he refuses to pay for important things too. Safe to say, all of them are now running away from debt collectors 😂.
@MissJ619 Ай бұрын
That guy did that to the young lady on 90 day fiancee, took her to his childhood home to see if she was really there for him or the money. Horrible behavior.
@colors4vana293 Ай бұрын
My husband tried that test bull 💩 when we first started dating. I told him if he wanted to continue the relationship he needed to cut the crap because I'm gonna fail every single time be it on purpose or because I don't test well. He can grow up or be single. He got it together. My daddy didn't do any of that test crap and I won't accept it from my partner either.
@kittenkat5244 Ай бұрын
Stop softballing adult males and calling them "immature/childish". These adult males know what they are doing. Their actions are malicious, narcissistic, and done to dominate/control .
@MiniKitty27 Ай бұрын
i made my first comment before even seeing the original stitched video from that woman and the responses to the woman were enraging the fuck out of me (AND SHE WAS CORRECT JESUS CHRIST DID THESE MEN NOT WATCH THE FULL VIDEO???). _acting broke is NOT THE SAME as being quiet about your wealth_
@zero1188 Ай бұрын
Depends. I could see it both ways. Both men and women hold back because they dont want to be used or treated differently
@officiallystacksnetwork Ай бұрын
That’s not the issue …. The issue is people think it’s okay to lie and pretend instead of simply communicating and setting clear boundaries!! Yes, it’s easier said than done but if you’re so called being taken advantage of multiple times that shit is on THEM!! Don’t go start participating in the bullshit just because you couldn’t see who that person truly was…. All of these people but playing “victim” but be knowning ACTUALLY whats happening 🤦🏽‍♀️. If you got money it’s not an issue to spend it … the issue is that whoever you’re spending it on feels ENTITLED to it is a RED flag not telling them makes you not better at the end of the day…. You not only found out sooner than later but you can still enjoy your money 😵‍💫 that’s why I KNOW these niggas ain’t got shit because it wouldn’t be a problem in the first place…. And if he broke and I said let’s start a business together then what? Lmao who tf just goes around and date someone without getting a know them first!? And I’m not talking about “ what is your favorite color” type shit … no ! stop looking at people through rose colored glasses and start looking at people for who they are by their actions and who how they treat you!!! Simple or stop dating!! Damn male and female at this point.
@greywitchwanderer9608 Ай бұрын
Holding back I can understand, but pretending to be broke is way beyond that. Why not just abstain from overspending, just pay what anyone in a relationship would. Take her to a nice restaurant but not something too flashy. Just do what any other stable guy would do. To pretend to be broke entails her spending all her money and coddling the man which is a red flag on its own. Even the average man has enough to pay his own gas, has a job. But if every time it comes up he doesn't have it, it sets a bad precedent. It makes the woman accept taking on that role. Once the man shows he is wealthy, it would just be aggravating. First it shows he is stingy, that he was more focused on his money than being a team player. He essentially lied about his finances to such a degree that you were carrying him in that regard. Then he says he was testing you to make sure you arent a golddigger. But YOU were spending your own money out of kindness when you arent rich at all. He has basically been a gold digger himself, and worse because he did it with the knowledge that he didn't need to and that you didn't have the same means.
@kittenkat5244 Ай бұрын
Its narcissistic. Ladies do not let anyone softball these males. This behavior is malicious.
@archervine8064 Ай бұрын
So glad to have opted out years ago. The mind games are just exhausting, and I have other things to do.
@shaylamcgrady1048 Ай бұрын
😂 y’all are taking this to an extreme. The men in the video explained it perfectly. his character will neverrrrrrr let him get away with it. Because the true men will NEVER ALLOW A WOMAN TO PAY HIS WAY. Believe me, I’ve asked to pay but was told no every time lol! They don’t let me touch doors, drive, pump gas, or carry bags. ❤❤❤❤ Plus! A man with money will never come off as completely BROKE. No matter how hard he tries it’s going to show. He could pick you up in his commuter/work car but his clothes are expensive(not that hood flashy BS, I’m talking corporate/upper class fashion). He can meet up with you in his vans tennis shoes on but his wallet is expensive (if you know you know). He can take you out to Texas Roadhouse but his tastebuds are still expensive, he’s going to get that steak. My ex would dress as casual as possible but he couldn’t hide his expensive eye glasses or his Johnston & Murphys(IYKYK). He could meet up with you at the gym but his running shoes and gym gear is the expensive stuff! Lol. I’m just saying if they got money for real They can’t completely hide it.
@barefoothippies Ай бұрын
Hmmm... interesting perspective. I would have to put more thought into whether it's a red flag or not. None of the wealthy people I know look rich. They drive something like a Toyota or Subaru and never wear designer clothing or accessories. They look like minimum wage types. I guess it would depend on whether the words " I'm poor " or " I'm broke " came out of his mouth. There would have to be a lie of some sort to make it a red flag, but I don't know why it would come up since I don't ask anyone directly about finances.
@kittenkat5244 Ай бұрын
1ying is always a red flag. It's not testing, its mannipulation used to control.
@jeslynlovesyou Ай бұрын
Exactly. So many men pretend to be from the hood and broke but they actually are privileged and live in the suburbs or a nice area. It’s not funny because they can leave the hood whenever they want but real people who live in poverty like myself don’t have the choice to “just leave”
@EverythingisWajo 12 күн бұрын
This is a power move. There’s a huge difference between being humble and not bragging about your wealth and pretending you’re penniless.
@squishymellowowo Ай бұрын
I agree on both sides. Honestly, a man shouldn't pretend to be broke, but he should be financially mature and stable to not spend a lot of money. So he won't feel like he's being taken advantage of he should really see what this woman's true intentions are and I do agree on this woman's part is that you should not pertain. Because revenue. She really is putting in a lot of money in the relationship. And she slowly starts becoming broke, and then all of us. And you come pulling up with Chanel bags and plane tickets. She will get low keen mad because she really struggled to keep things stable, so be a little stingy, but don't pretend to be someone that you're not to deceive somebody. Make sure you're taken care of but just don't lead anybody on
@gracefulgardenia7713 Ай бұрын
Don't spend any money on a man. Sprinkle sprinkle
@kittenkat5244 Ай бұрын
Nope. U match their energy. They broke? Then u broke 2. 1ying is a big red flag. It's not "testing", it's a control and mannipulation tactic.
@tamiausten873 Ай бұрын
9:02 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️ again comparing our actual BODY to dollar bills 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️ you realize money can just disappear or became useless. Just ask Igbos who survived the Biafran war: the legal tender was switched to something else and they only had access to the old one. Something similar happened last year in Nigeria, we were scrambling to get the "new" notes and it got to the point where we all had to buy cash, 10k is worth 3k😮😮 so you need 13k in your account to have 10k cash 🙆🏾‍♀️🙆🏾‍♀️. Think about the Germans after WW2, some rich people found themselves poor real quick. Money means little, but your body is housing your soul.
@ezrabasil2521 Ай бұрын
What ways does someone pretend to be broke
@Priscilla_Boye Ай бұрын
I really want to know that too.
@gracefulgardenia7713 Ай бұрын
Refuses to spend money on you.
@TiannaEss Ай бұрын
These men are so lost. 😂 I’ll still take the Chanel, but he won’t be the only one. 😂
@user-br3ty9rt1m Ай бұрын
Videos like this just remind me why I’m 4️⃣🅱️ for life. I don’t have energy for XYs and their games, tests, and manipulation. It’s peaceful over here baby!
@CPT_Pepper Ай бұрын
GROWN alpha men don't play dating games...😒🙄😑😮‍💨
@kittenkat5244 Ай бұрын
Dont softball adult males by referring to them in "child/immature terms. These are narcissistic malicious dangerous adult males who are using mannipulation tactics. They know what they are doing is evil. It's not coming from a place of immaturity.
@kittenkat5244 Ай бұрын
Dude is trying to gaslight by comparing 1ying to physical intimacy. This is a red flag. 1ying is all about controling another person and not about protecting urself.
@tamiausten873 Ай бұрын
1:02 as for Prince Akeem, we a know the motive, he was actually a prince. But he was also a good person and was hardworking too. While the other sister fell in love with the money and missed the fact that Semi was very lazy and just not on the same moral level as the actual prince. And the girl got angry too, I'd be pissed too and he tried to make it better. That being said, it's a movie 😂😂😂 pure fiction like Aladin (the beggar who became rich through magic), or the Frog prince (a prince who was poor and became a frog🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️).
@biblethumper8088 Ай бұрын
If a man wants to be liked for who he is and not what he provides, then the same applies to women. No woman should be having sex with a man and no man should be asking you for sex. Her personality is not attached to her sex. And if a woman is withholding sex from a man, she isn't lying about it. The man knows shes capable of having sex, so its not tge same thing. A man can still protect himself from being used even if the woman knows he has money. He can simply decide when to provide it. The problem is bm don't have money and its cery hard for THEM to attain it and they know that women want it. So, they don't meet the requirements for a wife.
@angelawilliams5153 Ай бұрын
If you aren’t honest about who you are from the beginning, there’s nothing else to say. It leaves a baseline impression that you’re willing to be dishonest…. Proving yourself not trustworthy is not a good idea. I would rather date an honest man that’s broke or rich. The point is I want him to be honest about who he is and what he’s looking for and if I’m not at great if I am great, but don’t fucking leave people on and grow the fuck up.
@laumay7364 Ай бұрын
My observation is modern men seem vested in making sure you have more money than them, just like moms.
@Deereklops Ай бұрын
Reaaaaal. Real real.
@Violet-Storm 28 күн бұрын
All they have to say is “I don’t discuss finances on the first date.” There is a huge difference between that and pretending to be broke to test or trick someone
@thinkinginn7443 Ай бұрын
I’ve never seen or dated a guy that pretended to be broke. That is wild. Provisions are an attractive asset period and a guy trying to go out with me over managing himself first would be a huge red flag. The most I’ve seen a guy do is downplay the scale of said provisions. But never act like he doesn’t have money. 7:27 She’s so right though because why don’t these no effort men just settle for the pickmeishas?
@gracefulgardenia7713 Ай бұрын
Eventually they have to.
@ayannajenkins6893 Ай бұрын
no no no, instead of trying to understand, make sense, and argue- leave they type all the way ALONEEE
@humanebeing6230 Ай бұрын
50/50 is fine with me. The problem would be that I’d been lied to.
@pink1237480 Ай бұрын
I was seeing a man who acted like he was broke too it was very weird. It's happened twice when I was younger. I was so confused.
@hotchocolategirl1der Ай бұрын
This is why people need to stop generalizing. I don't take money from men, not trying to prove ish to them, but bc I don't want them to think I owe them something and/or throw it up in my face later. I tell men up front I'm not interested in their money. I had a man who kept sending me pics of his pay stub. Why would he do that if I clearly told him I wasn't interested in that? He was trying to manipulate and call me out or w/e tf was in his head. I've had men offer me money and me declining just made them want to do it more. Men don't know wtf they want, and many of them have no role models.
@jessicagerou4132 Ай бұрын
You don’t have to broke to be a broke man! Money doesn’t buy everything a person needs. ❤
@LLove-fi9xp Ай бұрын
It's a shame when all a man has is money. Cause without a lot of people wouldn't be your friend smh
@XXLady Ай бұрын
8:40 they'll justify literally any behavior from men.
@gracefulgardenia7713 Ай бұрын
Priscilla nailed it!
@shaniceokubena4975 Ай бұрын
What is dude at 9:00 talking about a man can be well off and not lead with his finances without lieing. I.e. saying youre financially stable. A woman can be a freak and lead with her other characteristics. The problem is deception.
@maryjanerx Ай бұрын
Being independent isnt being masculine. Its being a strong woman. Its just necessary
@thinkinginn7443 Ай бұрын
I knew a guy that cosplayed being a broke struggle artist but had a 6 figure trust fund I found out about way later. Looking back at the times he’d play that card platonically was sickening. I remember a friend was actually too broke to be able to come with us for a group lunch to a specific restaurant, a place the above mentioned guy would frequent often, and as fellow college students we debated for HOURS on how to cover for this friend because the rest of us were actually broke. This guy legit would shoot down other lunch options because they weren’t up to his standards, while at the same time claiming he only had $5 to help her/us. For the place he wanted to go to, he could’ve fronted her the $20-30 easy. She had a job but an emergency expense, and did pay us back later. Instead he had us all giving options, talking total amounts, debating etc. for.3.hours. because we didn’t want her to feel like she couldn’t hang with us the one time she was strapped. But again, most of us were college students too and had low funds. We’d do the same for eachother, at least most of us would’ve. You can be discerning with how you spend your money, but what he did was cheapskate behavior. Our group found a way to get food for everyone with teamwork and collaboration, no thanks to him. Had the nerve to complain about ‘settling for pizza’ if I can go back in time 👋👋🤬
@jessicagerou4132 Ай бұрын
This behavior is quite deceptive. 🧐❤
@Trinitytruth7 Ай бұрын
Any woman who is even considering believing some dusty who says, “Women hit the wall at 30-35” is failing in dating from the start. You do not need to jump thru hoops to prove who you are. Ladies, do what you need to do to ensure your heart, body and mental health are protected. You are not a new employee in probation; let him trick someone else with the games. Your time is precious.
@coast2coast8306 Ай бұрын
Broke boys are the only ones stitching this video 😂😂😂😂 dust be gone!
@cyrillaayoma5549 Ай бұрын
People don't play enough as children that's why they do as adults.
@KilonovaBurst Ай бұрын
I love how the men responding to sunflowerroot didnt address all her talking points. The biggest one being, men shame women for being with "broke" men and sticking it out with broke men. Then blaming those women for not getting with a man who had his stuff together in the first place. BM gaslight and deny more then acist WP at a klan rally denying they are acist.
@Loaf0fBread Ай бұрын
I think I depends on how long he is testing her and what he is asking for during that test. If he’s going as far as making her pay for all of the rent for years as well as other bills while sitting on a 6 figure income, that man is an abusive pos, and should be thrown away.
@kittenkat5244 Ай бұрын
1ying is not "testing". 1ying is mannipulation to control another person. It's always a big red flag especially in the beginning stages of getting g to know a person.
@DrKrysRacquel Ай бұрын
Be careful! I just made a video about things women should not reveal to a man! Lol I included not explaining if you are doing well financially, not saying if you own your home, not telling if you have a good job title and stating either customer service or healthcare (general) without revealing details. My point was for women to eliminate any man who would see her career, income, or assets as a reason to marry her when he shouldn’t even be too concerned about if he is a provider. I just find it funny that this is coming up for men! Men are really really trying to be women! What’s going on??? If a man is extremely rich I don’t think it’s wrong for him to downplay what he has, but definitely not showing himself to be BROKE! What’s wrong with men!? But the ladies commenting should be careful with what they are saying. They need to make sure they are saying MEN shouldn’t do this, but not making it seem like anyone should t do this because I highly recommend women do this and not share what they have. Men will come to use you otherwise
@EliteSaiyanWarrior Ай бұрын
No there trying to see, if you like them for who they are and not what they have.
@KilonovaBurst Ай бұрын
About start calling all men jigsaw. Cause they stay playing mind games
@CadillacBoss30 21 күн бұрын
11:56 She didnt even react to what the men she edited in said. They made perfect examples.
@WIGAHOLIC14 Ай бұрын
No one can be taken advantage of you say yes or no period. You control your bank account
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