You're Eating TOO MUCH Protein!? | What the Fitness | Biolayne

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Dr. Layne Norton

Dr. Layne Norton

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@redbloodedamerican3 10 ай бұрын
The average person isn't over eating protein, they are over eating highly processed hyper palatable foods.
@TheMountainBeyondTheWoods 10 ай бұрын
Both can be true at the same time. The average person IS eating too much protein, but then again, the average person is eating too much of everything, AND the average person is eating a lot of bad food.
@zerrodefex 9 ай бұрын
How is the average person eating too much protein when the average person is eating nowhere near 1.2g per kg of bodyweight?
@libertarianpunk8558 8 ай бұрын
@@zerrodefex everybody has different needs
@andrewmacpherson301 8 ай бұрын
​@@zerrodefexThat 1.2g/kg may maximise muscle growth in the context of resistance training tells us nothing about the health effects of the protein people typically consume, which is red and processed meat
@beingmyself000 8 ай бұрын
@andrewmacphearson301 Where can I find the statistics of what forms of protein people typically consume?
@sebacatana 10 ай бұрын
Need a gif meme with Layne saying HUMAN RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIALS and his eyes shooting p values and confidence intervals! ❤
@senor.organic2585 10 ай бұрын
@tomasexteriors 10 ай бұрын
I need t shirt like that😂
@defeqel6537 10 ай бұрын
@@younglegend8000 the association was at a bit different level there, two orders of magnitude difference to what most nutrition studies show, in fact
@Livinginpeace1 10 ай бұрын
Or at least a tee shirt 😂
@natielgavi 10 ай бұрын
@madhusudan 10 ай бұрын
I recently (within the past 4 months or so) raised the amount of protein I eat by paying attention each meal and adding a bit of supplementation so that I'm getting approx 40g 4x/day. It has made a huge difference in general wellbeing and body comp.
@decathlete2000 9 ай бұрын
how much did u eat before the change ? also, what is you weight ?
@moeabdelhameed 9 ай бұрын
Weight and height and body fat percentage please
@madhusudan 9 ай бұрын
@@moeabdelhameed I'm maybe 5'11" around 200 lbs no idea on bf% but I'm a normal working family man, not an athlete or fitness guru. After losing maybe 20 lbs of fat my weight stabilized while I continue to lose inches on the waist and build muscle (as judged by my mirror). Pants are all loose in the waist now, shoulders, chest give upper body a more powerful appearance. Arms are decent but not big which makes sense bc I do compound movements due to time restraints. Workout 1 hr M-F, 2 heavy days, 2 light days, 1 med day. Weekends I take some walks but mostly it's family time. Hope that helps. Good luck
@madhusudan 9 ай бұрын
@@decathlete2000 Sorry, didn't get a notification of your post. Someone else asked similar question and I replied below if you're still interested.
@moeabdelhameed 9 ай бұрын
@@madhusudan Thanks for taking the time to answer. I get now why you take 40g 4 times a day. That's just about right. I'm the same height but 175 and ever since I increased my protein to around 120-135 a day I got better results too
@euroswilliams7303 10 ай бұрын
I feel many of what Tim Spector says is for social media views/clicks to sell their product. In that podcast he had several points of view that were utter BS as when you break down what their product does, it leads back to what they say is a lie in the fitness/health industry. The diary of a CEO is an awful podcast where the presenter is unable to do anything but agree with the guest, having no knowledge to challenge any statement, thus allowing snake oil salesmen to spread their views further.
@marcdaniels9079 10 ай бұрын
Absolutely 👍 Great observations.
@cheddargriffingriffin9452 10 ай бұрын
Yeah I noticed that listening to this podcast, absolutely crap from someone who should no better.
@yodaa7100 10 ай бұрын
Can you give an example?
@euroswilliams7303 10 ай бұрын
@@yodaa7100 Of course. The most straight froward one is “supplements don’t work” but he uses them. If you’re deficient in something and it can’t be brought into your diet you can supplement it. The major one is “Counting calories doesn’t work”, it does. I can see his point of view but the individual testing that Zoe undertakes is fairly similar to all where nutrient dense and low calorie options fit most people, processed foods are bad. The more of these people eat the healthier option and leave processed food behind, the less calories they digest therefore they’ll probably lose weight. All they have done is take away processed food and replaced them with “healthy” options so for the same volume you will naturally consume less calories. That’s controlling calories in, so calorie counting. You can count calories and get to the same spot. If you do count calories in an app then you’re likely also to be able to track all your micronutrient intake so can judge if you’re deficient in other areas. So does calorie counting not work, or maybe it is actually better as you then know more about your diet?
@texaspete7748 7 ай бұрын
Agreed. Tim Spector has said calories/energy balance is absolute rubbish. Again, just saying that to get the clicks and boost his presence to sell his product.
@shane_rm1025 4 ай бұрын
What I'm hearing is that I should get most calories from alcohol
@alelectric2767 Ай бұрын
@abduraoofpallikkal1895 Ай бұрын
Exactly brother🎉🎉
@nichtsistkostenlos6565 8 ай бұрын
There is a really nuanced discussion that can be had about protein consumption in terms of longevity and I feel like a lot of people in this space are talking past each other (or purposely avoiding the other side's perspective since it complicates things). Specifically trying to limit mTOR activation may have benefits in terms of extending life, so a lower protein diet would be used to try to pull that lever, however, this prevents the building of muscle and likely increases incidence of sarcopenia in older age, which decreases healthspan as well the likelihood of falls and accidental death in old age. I'd like to see if people like Layne or Peter Attia would have this discussion with people like Michael Greger on this subject and hash out the nuances of the different perspectives.
@milycome 8 ай бұрын
Understand that there are two different things that are the issue. 1) For body builders and proper body image the building of muscle mass requires high levels of protein consumption and MTOR activation. This will also help to avoid/ prevent sarcopenia as we age. However, for the purposes of aging and Longevity a different approach is needed. Number 2) For Longevity MTOR activation should be lowered or avoided, a low protein diet consumed resulting in a greater likelihood of sarcopenia occurring as we age, but increasing Lifespan. Some increase in sarcopenia seems to be the penalty paid for increase in Lifespan. Simple observation seems to show this to be the case. Many very aged people seem to be thin, underweight, healthy (except for some muscle atrophy) with long telomere length in their DNA. Not as common to see heavy, muscle bound body builders live beyond 100 years of age. The healthy, but Slender wins the day.
@jakubchrobry3701 7 ай бұрын
Weight training is the primary driver in preventing sarcopenia, not consuming higher levels of protein. Protein loses its anabolic signaling ability (through leucine) as we age. There are studies that show protein supplementation provides no benefit in the elderly. This seems easy to address. Shoot for 1 g/kg/day of protein, weight train, and keep track of your body composition and strength. If your strength and muscle mass are declining too fast, then re-evaluate. With weight training, a person can maintain muscle mass and strength through their mid-70s. In someone's 80s and 90s, people are going to lose mass and strength no matter what. The only exception might be newbie gains. I've seen people in their early 80's obtain newbie gains and some even competing in powerlifting.
@jakubchrobry3701 7 ай бұрын
You've got it all wrong. It's about avoiding disease. When you get a disease as a younger person, you'll likely suffer for a longer period of time. Older people don't last as long once they get a disease such as cancer. You don't have much of a choice of how long you suffer. I used hear this from twenty-somethings that they would rather indulged in unhealthy behavior and die younger, as if they would die in their 50s as a person with no health problems and peacefully pass away in their sleep after a day of playing golf and enjoying their grandkids. This is purely delusional. My mom is 88 and still plays golf and goes to the gym. She's not suffering. She's enjoying life. Have fun suffering and dying in your 60s or 70s. And guess what, we all die of disease. Dying of "old age" is a myth even for centenarians.
@milycome 7 ай бұрын
@@PaulC-xv4zr Longevity research is NOT ONLY concerned with increasing Life Span, but also improving HEALTH SPAN. Glad to educate you. End of Lesson.
@milycome 7 ай бұрын
@@PaulC-xv4zr I'm Not equating muscle mass or muscle strength with Longevity as most body builders and exercise gurus do, but wish to use as a gauge for Health and Longevity what many Other Longevity researchers use as a measure of Health and Longevity : telomere length of the chromosomes. It's Not how strong you are, but how long you live in a healthy, disease free state. Yes, preventing too much muscle atrophy plays a Minor role.
@klocugh12 10 ай бұрын
Turns out our body is actually efficient and it's more efficient to store dietary fat as body fat rather than play with conversions with carbs/protein. Who would've thought?
@LowEnd31st 10 ай бұрын
Really that’s been known for a long long time but humans have a childlike resistance to believing the truth.
@mike393000 9 ай бұрын
So far makes you fat? Wasn't this the Susan powder diet in the early 90s? I thought she was wrong
@klocugh12 9 ай бұрын
@@mike393000 it's the caloric surplus of course. But very few people are in surplus, while eating so much carbs and so little fat that de novo lipogenesis is the dominant pathway. Most people eat significant amount of calories from fat, and when they are in surplus, it's easier for body to use carbs for current needs, and store fat instead.
@RickyVis 7 ай бұрын
@@mike393000 No eating to much food makes you fat and this is usually achieved by eating food that is low in protein and fiber but high in carbohydrates, fat and salt.
@mike393000 7 ай бұрын
@@RickyVis calories in calories out is true however if you eat a lot of fat and carbohydrates at the same time the fat will be stored as fat because it doesn't need to be converted
@realfoodcures 10 ай бұрын
Crude protein is different than amino acids. We need to almost double our crude protein in order to get a minimum healthy level of amino acids.
@leewitt55 10 ай бұрын
More great analysis from Layne! And yes, that water and air diet never ends well!
@jimmyhvy2277 10 ай бұрын
My Dog was on the water and air diet , and he was just getting use to it , But than he Died !
@Ryan-wx1bi 10 ай бұрын
Fun fact, 100% of people who drink water have or will die. It's obviously dangerous
@user-kcrpine 10 ай бұрын
jimmyhvy2277 - doooooche.
@Cracklord666 10 ай бұрын
Ohh, yes it does... for the people we don't need anymore XD aka. natural selection!
@grunt9950 10 ай бұрын
That whole breakdown about how storage function was really nice. Thanks for your videos Layne
@kbkesq 10 ай бұрын
Great video. You could do so much good by highlighting the fiber crisis. I haven’t heard it termed that way but it would be amazing the public to prioritize fiber for a year to get used to the effects. It lowers appetite, strengthens immunity and low calorie nutrients tend to be packaged with fiber.
@NJN23 10 ай бұрын
as far as storing body fat, macros don't matter (besides the relatively small impact the thermal effect of food "TEF" has). It's calories vs calories out. If you eat at maintenance or in a deficit, you won't store any calories as body fat. Even if you ate nothing but dietary fat, there would be no excess calories (energy) available to store as body fat. The opposite is also true. If you are eating in a calorie surplus, even if you ate nothing but protein, once all your energy needs are taken care of (your TDEE Total Daily Energy Expenditure plus TEF plus the small amount of energy needed in the muscle building process) the excess calories (energy) can only be stored as body fat.
@reverendterminator 7 ай бұрын
this is my experience for myself also, when tracking detailed. ... only that high protein high quality food, makes it easier to eat in calorie defeceit, and eating the wrong food, makes me hungry and craving more junk and sugar, so it is almost impossible to stay in a caloric defeceit.
@critterdude311 10 ай бұрын
I am so tired of these ‘the studies show…” debates. Seriously, anyone can present any agenda they want with the right ‘studies show’ bullshit. Listen people: eat primarily whole foods, to satiety. Lift shit up and put it down, 3-5x a week. Move your bodies everyday. Let’s stop over complicating this shit and drop the agendas.
@spacetime3 8 ай бұрын
Interesting view Layne, this is an interesting debate as Dr Spector's information is directly from the Zoe Studies from my understanding, which is from the general population and was a very large study I believe, would love to hear what your thoughts are on Zoe studies. For the General population, I think their argument is that companies ore over-promoting protein.
@Bombsuitsandkilts 10 ай бұрын
As a coach I can say the single best tip for clients weight (in my experience) is to increase your fiber AND protien
@DemitriX. 10 ай бұрын
All hail the overnight oats for breakfast.
@aquamarine99911 10 ай бұрын
@@DemitriX.Oats (and whole grains in general) are overrated sources of fiber. Legumes - e.g. lentils and kidney beans - are the perfect food. They are high in protein AND are about the highest fiber foods you can eat.
@jasonlawlor9599 10 ай бұрын
​​@@aquamarine99911apart from the fact they've repeatedly been proven to be significantly cardio protective.
@famcantor5 10 ай бұрын
Screw your oats..
@EyeSeeYou920 10 ай бұрын
​@@aquamarine99911Avocado has everyone beat. I call them tree bacon.
@sh5810 10 ай бұрын
Tim Spector (and the Zoe crowd) come at this from the perspective of improving health for most people. The argument usually espoused by them and people like Christopher Gardner is that people on Western diets consume more than they need for protein (let's call it 2g/kg of lean mass if you are physically active; probably a fair bit less if you are not). And this seems to me to be true. The question is then what should be the focus of their dietary improvements? I think you will agree that supplementing protein (or eating more protein) is not necessarily the thing that will promote health in these people. Focusing on eating high fiber, whole foods, less ultraprocessed junk, etc., is way better for the vast majority of people than focusing on increasing protein intake. I'm not familiar with this literature, so maybe there are studies that show that focusing on high protein foods rather than on minimising ultraprocessed foods is the way to go.I would find that very surprising, but it's certainly possible. This is obviously a completely different calculus for people who are into fitness and already have the core components of their diets dialed in. I definitely agree with your sentiment that with protein everyone's talking about the minimum amount you can get away with. No one talks about the minimum amount of carbs or fats. Which is blindingly paradoxical, and the agricultural economics perspective is a very interesting one.
@timh-c7186 9 ай бұрын
Agree, that Zoe channel is only relevant to sick/processed food eaters. Absolutely of no use to anyone who eats whole foods. BTW I stopped listening to Zoe when the host said he "couldn't live with his daily croissant" much for sending a health message.
@pineapplethief4418 8 ай бұрын
people on standard american diet are nowhere near close to 1.5 - 1.6 g/kg of protein daily. Protein is highly satiating and has thermogenic effect, which means it will actually help people who are getting of junk food to lose weight. It's also a false "either/either" choice fallacy, you can have your whole grains and vegetables, and, you know, cook chicken breast or get some ground turkey or cook some salmon to up protein intake.
@thedrumknight 10 ай бұрын
Great video Layne.
@realfoodcures 10 ай бұрын
When we talk about fats, we break them down into chain length, cis vs trans, saturated vs unsaturated, rancid vs. fresh. But when we talk about protein, we only talk about crude protein just like they did 100 years ago when they got all excited about nitrogen. We really need to get specific about amino acids, then we can make better recommendations.
@luizfigobr 10 ай бұрын
Theres a limit to what you can eat. You can eat a bag of bread, but not a bag of chicken breasts. If you eat 3g of protein, you are satiated and there's very little room to carbs and fats and end up eating less calories Basically i stick to 1.7g per kg, and i lift a lot. Great results. I have tried more and there were no extra results.
@daysoftheboo 10 ай бұрын
Just from the people in my personal life from what I see they're not eating too much protein but they are eating too big of portions of food and too many carbs and not always from whole foods but protein is not dominant in their diets
@senor.organic2585 10 ай бұрын
🤣 the ending is pure gold..
@crunchy3546 10 ай бұрын
Agreed 😂💯
@patrickdtx3638 10 ай бұрын
Is the guy you're addressing a proponent of a plant-based diet? One of their foundational talking points is protein over consumption, and they love to advocate for the WHO's recommended intake which is literally only intended to prevent frank protein deficiency. I think they settle for that recommendation because it's hard to get much higher than that by just eating plant foods.
@PauIdenino 10 ай бұрын
It's really not hard at all to get much higher than that with just plant foods.
@patrickdtx3638 10 ай бұрын
@@PauIdenino Maybe not if you're using a protein supplement. From just foods though? Not so much.
@tonicktv951 7 ай бұрын
People keep saying it's based off of body weight BUT IT'S BASED OFF OF LEAN BODY WEIGHT. Stop putting out misinformation. It's probably unwittingly, but it has the same negative effect on people trying to learn.
@FrankGarbanzo 8 ай бұрын
So Dr Mcdougal's claim that "THE FAT YOU EAT IS THE FAT YOU WEAR" is basically 100% correct?
@meaningfulmakings 5 ай бұрын
Well that’s not what I think he said. I think he said that if you eat more protein than your body needs there is a point at which it can’t be utilized and will be stored as fat. (Same can be said of carbs - over consume them and again you will lay down more fat). Thing is protein is hard to overeat on, you are much more likely to overeat carbs. If you overeat you will always lay down fat. Regardless of whether the extra calories cabe from protein or carbs.
@blakes9771 2 ай бұрын
He wasn’t a huge protein fan which showed in how frail he was preceding his death.
@LangRieper 10 ай бұрын
RDA is based off the 97th percentile. In this recommendation 8g/p/kg/d would not be enough protein for 3% of people and is plenty enough for the other 97% for maintenance. If you are trying to add muscle an additional 10g/p/d to add 1 pound of muscle per month (which is realistic for most(not all) natural builders). 1.6g/p/kg/d is good for people over 60 or those that have digestion issues or are trying to add muscle mass. The ridiculous part is when I regularly see advice hitting 2-3g per pound of body weight. Even the US military advises the RDA of 8g/p/kg/d (standard MRE has 3975 calories and 125g/p)
@Scruffed 10 ай бұрын
For the next What The Fitness, you could have a field day with Tim Spector's views about calories and calorie-counting.
@BB-ux5wd 10 ай бұрын
This sounds interesting 👍
@sxhrgvs 10 ай бұрын
Great video Layne. I think diary of a ceo is trying to spread useful info but, as someone else said, Steve Bartlett doesn’t have any expertise with which to challenge these charlatans, and that’s why I’ve largely stopped listening. Good to see you debunking Tim Spector. If I see one more ad for his Zoe CGM device I will put my phone through the nearest window. I wish you could click on an ad and then on a button labelled “i will never, ever buy this product”. I’d click on that button for whoop, v shred and Zoe/ Tim Spector straight away. And … true enough, without irony, KZbin feeds me a Zoe / Tim Spector ad right after this video. Seems it doesn’t realise the video I just watched has just labelled this guy as a charlatan. Odd ad placement.
@mlrob85 10 ай бұрын
Anyone else keep getting KZbin adverts for Tim Spector's ZOE diet (will probably get even more after watching this!)? I'd love to see Layne do a full review.
@nanabanana6407 10 ай бұрын
Yes, I’m also getting them.
@uniktbrukernavn 10 ай бұрын
I knew it, that's why he's doing the podcast tour, he had a product he wanted to sell. I'm using uBlock Origin so I don't get ads on youtube so I was out of the loop on that one.
@Magic_beans_ 10 ай бұрын
Public health takes a similar approach to animal science, and for similar reasons. We could make all kinds of recommendations, but they’re useless if people can’t afford to implement them or if government funding won’t support them. We wind up with basically a harm-reduction model: what’s the most cost-effective way to at least reduce the degree of malnutrition in our community?
@HakuCell 10 ай бұрын
thank you for explaining how the different macronutrients affect fat gain. i had been looking for this information.
@colinmurphy3478 10 ай бұрын
Pretty stupid "takedown." So you admit that even for people who lift 1.6g of protein per KG of bodyweight has shown to have good muscle building benefits. Compare that with the bro science among people who lift, who recommend AT LEAST 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight. By your own admission, someone who weighs 80kg, 176lbs, only needs 128g of protein per day to make good gains, while the conventional lifting wisdom recommends at least 176g per day. Then, take into account the doc is giving advice for the average people who don't lift, then the recommendation drops well below 128g per day for someone 80kg. Most normies still judge whether a thing is healthy by how much protein it has, which is completely idiotic because less than 8% of the US population is actually protein deficient. There are way more relevant factors such as fibre, antioxidant content, sat fat, cholesterol, vitamin profile etc.
@Annabelleese1 3 ай бұрын
Totally ignores the China Study (gold standard in epidemiological studies) that definitely demonstrated that excessive animal protein intake highly correlated with all forms of diseases of affluence:cancer, Cardiovascular disease, dementias etc.... If your intake of protein for instance was 20% animals got cancer after cancer exposure to carcinogens...if only 5% they were protected and did not get cancer, for instance. (authors Colin and Thomas Campbell)
@stefal22 8 ай бұрын
Best effing nutritional advice in an ocean of nonsense. So glad I finally came across your channel.
@rachel7550 5 ай бұрын
When I stop making a conscious effort to at least add a protein bar or shake a day I dream about food all day and end up craving carby-sugary stuff at night. It’s people like that guy who scare people away from protein and cause them to become overweight 🙄for me personally whether it’s food fiber or supplement fiber, they don’t fill me up in any way comparable to protein. I eat a massive plate of vegetables every night (love the taste) and still could eat 4 bowls of cereal afterwards if I wanted to (have done before) if I haven’t gotten enough protein that day.
@roamanxo5882 10 ай бұрын
1.5g protein per kg of lean body mass is the sweet spot in terms of price/performance/hassle for the majority of active people. Change my mind.
@magne6049 7 ай бұрын
@elwoodmchugh6860 7 ай бұрын
@sparksdrinker5650 7 ай бұрын
I disagree but I'm not going to bother changing your mind because I don't care
@elwoodmchugh6860 7 ай бұрын
@@sparksdrinker5650 so you think 1.5 is adequate? Maybe if you don’t workout and have a super high metabolism. I’m also allergic to wheat and peanut butter. So I can’t eat pasta, rice, and a bunch other foods that have wheat in them.
@GardenBoat 7 ай бұрын
@@elwoodmchugh6860why can’t you eat rice? No wheat/gluten and no nuts in it…
@mcfarvo 10 ай бұрын
185cm tall 36yo male human about 84kg morning body mass: 160-180g protein per day spread over 4 meals, several dozens of grams of fiber per day from whole veggies and fruit per day as my main carb sources, then fats coming in with my animal sources of protein + my EFA pills. EZPZ
@mcfarvo 10 ай бұрын
Too many charlatans and fear-mongers out there making diet overly complicated for normies to get confused
@colinmurphy3478 10 ай бұрын
your animal sources of protein already have sat fat. i'd recommend making sure you don't eat too much sat fat. ezpz
@datagroup1911 7 ай бұрын
So you’re basically saying that if you eat too much protein, the caloric excess will cause your body to store more fats…. Which basically is exactly the same result. The mechanism by which it happens is not as direct as claimed, but this is really like semantics at this point, is it not?
@KenStoltz 10 ай бұрын
In the clip he later says "If you're a bodybuilder, or trying to lose weight, you may need a protein supplement." The problem is that he never says what is normal. He doesn't say what the amount of protein that he considers normal is, nor does he say what level is too much. The question is so open ended that one can easily talk past someone who could be in full agreement with him but comes at the question from a totally different frame of reference. Until you define the audience for which you're talking about, you can't make comparisons of what is "normal" intake of protein. I expect when Layne and Tim Spector talk, if they do, the differences are probably far narrower, and largely due to their target audiences being way, way different.
@themightymiracleman 6 ай бұрын
Protein isn’t the culprit for being fat… Overconsumption of calories is… yes protein can contribute to calories but seeing as it’s so satiating, probably not the main culprit…
@FitnessOnAutopilot 9 ай бұрын
With respect, I don’t agree with this video. The amount of protein we really need has been over exaggerated. Look at all the blue zones. How much protein do they eat? Not as much as many nutritionist recommend.
@Wangou812 6 ай бұрын
I was hoping Layne did this video. I was watching this guys video as long as I could. My head was about to explode.
@jbldn 10 ай бұрын
The Jim Cramer of nutrition science! Never a boring video.
@1122redbird 10 ай бұрын
Cramer is a clown who advised to buy Bear Stearns. Are you saying Layne is an idiot too?
@ladagspa2008 6 ай бұрын
Christopher Gardner disagrees. Not everyone is a gym bro or a powerlifter. 1-1.2 gm/kg of protein is enough and provides for long life. Reassess protein needs after age 65.
@michaelp5518 10 ай бұрын
Absolutely LOVE your passion!! I’m Italian. Our family interaction is passionate. Love the intellectual discussion.Some individuals can’t deal with our passion!! LOL. Been there done that! Oh, and it’s NOT yelling. :) It’s passionate.
@Olehenry 9 ай бұрын
Agreed! I’m Indian. Our family dynamic is a recipe for passionate violence & love. Well, Indiana to be technically correct, not “India” India 🇮🇳 . And to be forthright, not Native Americas Indian either. Just plain old Indiana Indian. We’re passionate, as a mis-named people. Some, except for the Italians, can’t handle our passion. Yee haw! Passion!
@kimdecker8901 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for the UC Davis shout-out! Go Aggies! Food Sci class of '98!
@BachScholar 10 ай бұрын
Davis is my hometown. I grew up two blocks from UC Davis.
@kimdecker8901 10 ай бұрын
@@BachScholar Sweet! Three cheers for the farmer’s market and Fourth of July criterium! Couldn’t have picked a better school for myself, or a better college town!
@TheNeilBreen 10 ай бұрын
6g of fibre a day?? Damn. I got like 60g when I was still tracking my food
@mcfarvo 10 ай бұрын
Eat plenty of high-fiber carb sources (e.g. mostly whole veg/fruit and whole grains), then it's EZmode
@magicbaby5743 10 ай бұрын
@@mcfarvoyou failed the reading comprehension
@dkDankeyKang 10 ай бұрын
@@mcfarvo Dude, this is such a crazy coincidence. The Steam autumn sale is on and I had to update a game review to get the reward badge. A day later, on a random fintess and health video, I scroll through the comments and find McFarvo. Damn, the ROTMG mumble server days were long ago.
@anteep4900 10 ай бұрын
Damn. That's crazy. I also noticed the Steam autumn sale is on, and then I loaded up KZbin and saw a biolayne vid. Fucking weird world man!@@dkDankeyKang
@aquamarine99911 10 ай бұрын
@@mcfarvo Whole veg/fruit are NOT high fiber sources. No way you're gonna get the 30-40 g of fiber solely with those foods. Legumes - e.g. lentils and kidney beans = that's the ticket. For both protein AND fiber.
@fidorover 10 ай бұрын
The people who fast from breathing seem to seek careers in politics.
@TheFriendlyTroll 10 ай бұрын
@rodolfo9916 2 ай бұрын
Tim Spector was right, you yourself said that what he said is technically true, if you consume too much protein you can gain fat. It's ridiculous to ask "If this is also true for carbs and fat why are you picking up on protein?" The answer is obvious, because he was answering a question about protein supplements, if he were answering a question about a carb or fat supplement he would probably be picking up on carbs or fat.
@Grimmlocked 5 ай бұрын
..... wtf am i supposed to eat..... everything is bad for me
Perfect Mocker and Bully. Layne Norton
@MrPirateBroadcast 10 ай бұрын
I need a meme gif of Layne's eyes glowing red and captioned with SOURCE?
@stevenintexas6947 10 ай бұрын
How does this all fit into daily calorie needs if trying to build muscle? If for example I need 2,400 calories and 30% comes from protein, then that’s 720 calories and 180 grams of protein. More than double the RDA. Then if I do 30% fats that’s 720 calories and 80 grams fat leaving 40% for carbs which is 960 calories and 240 grams. So if I don’t “overeat protein” then I’ll be overeating fats and carbs. Which I believe is worse right?
@mikafoxx2717 3 ай бұрын
Ignore the %, you need a set amount of protein, not more or less depending on daily expenditures.
@Nadia_Milkova 10 ай бұрын
I agree with what you're saying, but I disagree with your shirt. There is no good argument for that shirt.
@ceeemm1901 10 ай бұрын
The average American actually gets less than 15g per day. The RDA is 25-35g+. Paleo poo has turned up over 100g. So contrary to popular belief, the Flintstones didn't eat that many Brontosaurus Burgers....
@saviom8166 4 ай бұрын
Greetings Dr Norton, The Indian Counil of Medical Research (ICMR) has released a dietary guideline 2 days ago that seems to advocate lesser protein, even for athletes, than what I have heard , "Protein powders may also contain added sugars, non-caloric sweeteners and additives such as artificial flavoring, hence, are not advisable to be consumed on a regular basis. Whey protein is rich in branched chain amino acids (BCAAS). Recent evidence suggests that BCAAs may increase the risk of certain non-communicable diseases (NCDs). As mentioned above, adequate non-protein energy from carbohydrate and fat is essential for dietary proteins/AA to be utilized for protein synthesis and for related functions in the body. Consuming high level of protein, especially in the form of protein supplement powders, is therefore not advisable. Many athletes consume very high amounts of protein, often as protein powders. Protein requirements are not as high as commonly perceived. In fact, research findings indicate that dietary protein supplementation is associated with only a small increase in muscle strength and size during prolonged resistance exercise training (RET) in healthy adults:; and protein -1.6g/kg/day do not contribute any further to protein, especially in the form RET-induced gains in muscle mass." This document also talks of an association with kidney disease too. Their full PDF can be downloaded from their website. I was wondering if you might make a video commenting on this.
@Corrans 3 ай бұрын
Thank you again! I appreciate you educating us so much.
@TheMakki 10 ай бұрын
I'm over here waiting for you to have a conversation with Chris Jones.
@soulvids 10 ай бұрын
I’m here cause I didn’t even know who this guy was. Now I see why😂
@christopherbrand5360 4 ай бұрын
Please include citations for the literature on outcomes in high-protein diets! Is there a review and meta analysis that summarizes the current state of the research?
@2twentysix 9 ай бұрын
Thank you, this was very clear and informative 🙏...and your solution at the end to only 'breathe' to sustain life was hilarious!
@UntilWeRich Ай бұрын
I generally feel more energized and better with slightly higher protein, and that's weight training 4x a week. Carbs, fats are all in there too. However I don't go crazy with my protein intake.
@christopherprice2181 8 ай бұрын
Being as the focus was on needing more fibre, the idea that we can cut some protein was in favour of adding more fibre which animal protein is lacking. Also, the recommended amount of protein (0.8g/kg) is already 2 standard deviation higher than what the studies say is the average needed. In effect, that number is more than enough in 97% of people which makes sense given that the recommendation was to ensure that no one would be deficient. All in all it was a great video! Loved the reaction from some of my favourite people in this space. Would have been nice to see @biolayne1 mention that if you're going to eat more protein make sure you're also getting more fibre cause that was the real issue being cited. Still, great video and loved the energy.
@chrislaing8444 10 ай бұрын
I know hardly anyone apart from competitive bodybuilders who eats a lot of protein.
@kakefisk 10 ай бұрын
Do they eat too much protein, tho?
@chrislaing8444 10 ай бұрын
@@kakefisk probably not for their requirements.
@justinw1765 10 ай бұрын
The average US American I know, eats a crap ton of chicken, pork, burgers, and/or steak (at least two meals of a meat centered meal), and a fair amount of these also consume a fair amount of dairy, whether cheese, milk, and/or yogurt (with greek yogurt becoming ever more popular). And believe it or not, but plant foods actually do have measurable protein too, especially if you're eating things like lentils, green peas, certain beans, or certain nuts and seeds--not that these folks are eating much of these though. Point being, if you calculate and add up the protein from it all, it is considerable. The average lifter though, tends to think only in terms of meat, egg whites, and protein powders though, when it comes to protein for some reason. But the point is, the SAD is protein heavy. But it is also carb and fat heavy too. So many are just eating too much of it all i.e. in constant caloric surplus beyond their metabolic expenditure , and too much processed, concentrated, highly palatable foods (and we wonder why obesity and chronic disease is on the rise). I think there is a slow, but slightly growing trend of the SAD moving away from the largely fast food diet, but it has a ways to go before it is fully disengaged from that.
@chrislaing8444 10 ай бұрын
@@justinw1765 definitely an American thing. Most Brits don’t eat like this.
@justinw1765 10 ай бұрын
@@chrislaing8444 Good to hear. I've been to different parts of the British Isles a couple of times, but didn't really pay too much attention to how the folks there ate outside of obvious things like the common love of fish n chips. I don't know if the Scottish for example, still eat a lot of haggis?
@chiyaogeneshen2922 10 ай бұрын
Is there any research on whether body composition affects the most optimal diet for an individual? I found that I was able to go high protein/moderate carbs/low fat when I was not as lean. But the leaner I got, the more I am finding protein just doesn't satiate me at all, it doesn't matter how much I eat, and I still eat 3-4 servings of veggies a day for reference. Now I find I actually need more carbs to get through the day and protein beyond 100g just doesn't serve me in terms of how i feel.
@ZsuzsaKarolySmith 5 ай бұрын
Some people need more protein than others at different stages of their lives - you have to eat an adequate amount depending on your circumstances: age, sex, activity level, etc. Both of these viewpoints can be true at the same time, depending on your perspective.
@jont39 8 ай бұрын
This is the information we need absolute balance not bs
@willbrink 7 ай бұрын
It's damn near impossible to add BF via excess P.
@brucejensen3081 10 ай бұрын
Yeah, but I would think he is on the low fat bandwagon too. I think there is just as many saying people are eating too much fat or carb. I think there is moderation in the amount each macro is attacked
@alexmacleod9727 10 ай бұрын
carbs are cheaper, so if you don't need a lot of protein, that's good
@mattc4266 10 ай бұрын
When the Chris jones debate happening ?
@tommurphy7104 10 ай бұрын
I’ve been intermittent air fasting now for 45 years. I follow the 1:1 method , as in for 1 second I breath in, then the next second I breath out Works for me anyways
@fridayoneoclock 7 ай бұрын
oh yes yes YES. love this. can't WAIT to hear you talking to Zoe / Spector etc. I've been sooooo frustrated hearing their podcasts and how misleading some of the content appears to be.
@eyemallears2647 10 ай бұрын
Yeah I saw his interview and just assumed it was irrelevant.
@oldnatty61 10 ай бұрын
Great points! Well done!
@Miv51miv51 10 ай бұрын
And remember about DIAAS, when it comes to protein. I read a few studies and watched some videos on this recently. If this is even a little true, what type of protein you consume is very important.
@loneranger7573 7 ай бұрын
For sure it makes a difference. We are all so used to consuming animal muscle meat. We need to also consume organ meats, eggs, fat, etc.Sardines if you can stomach them. they are really good for you.
@hellonblades 10 ай бұрын
@alfonso365 10 ай бұрын
In summary, people ARE consuming more protein than needed. They are also consuming more of everything else and exercising way less than needed.
@joshuaesposito5409 10 ай бұрын
Gluconeogenesis anyone?!!!
@user-sd8bz2zr5j 6 ай бұрын
I'm 38 and find if im eating maybe .6 grams of protein per bodyweight as an intermediate/advanced lifter that's enough to grow muscle rapidly. When youre younger, you need less. So maybe someone 18 years old needs .4-.5 grams to add muscle, not sure if going to .7 would be an advantage. Once youre in your 50s an average person might need around .8 grams as an optimal baseline to help preserve more muscle. 1 gram per bodypound is a lot of protein on a daily basis and seems difficult to hit/unnecessary.
@tallesttreeintheforest 10 ай бұрын
we eat too much protein and too little saturated fats
@Mikaeel84 10 ай бұрын
Dr. Anthony Chaffee highly disagrees with humans needing fiber. He says the exact opposite. Crazy how two doctors can say the exact opposite thing.
@vegannomad 7 ай бұрын
Not crazy. He's pushing a carnivore diet so he simply lies to serve his purpose. Real scientists base their conclusions on the data, they don't cherry pick the data to fit their already formed conclusions
@Kaotonix Ай бұрын
ending was gold lmao
@brownshit1 9 ай бұрын
Hey Layne, one thing I think will help your videos if you work on the audio quality a little bit. Not sure where these are shot but maybe you could add some softer surfaces to help reduce the echo?
@excali-b4c 10 ай бұрын
Ending is hilarious 🫨
@teresamoore3671 10 ай бұрын
What’s with all the comments about the shirt. Weird times we are in now that men care about what t-shirt a guy wears.
@agingdoc 9 ай бұрын
+1 😄
@MatthewWorthing 9 ай бұрын
Does Layne have an opinion on Tim Spector’s product ? The micro biome test? I am wondering if these tests are really worth it.
@erikwestre7970 4 ай бұрын
Protein supplements let’s you consume more protein at less calories than if you tried to get it all from food.
@janenuss6 3 күн бұрын
Can a high protein diet cause lab results to be elevated on some metabolic panel tests? And is it dangerous?
@kinmad4it 7 ай бұрын
I've heard loads about too much protein can be harmful to the liver, have I been misinformed?
@Zoe.TheBody360 3 ай бұрын
Spector is just obsessed with flogging his CGM's and making everyone paranoid that by consuming say a banana and having a glucose spike they're heading for diabetes and death. I absolutely do agree about the fibre part, we are indeed in a fibre crisis and perhaps he has said, badly, is that we should consider low glycaemic foods that our fibre rich equally to optimising for protein and it's benefit for muscle retention, and health span.
@martinb5135 10 ай бұрын
I think this was a bit harsh. I think the message that he was trying to get across was that most people in western countries should should stop chasing protein, because we eat plenty of it already, and focus on fiber. He isn't wrong.
@justinw1765 10 ай бұрын
Yes, protein deficiency in the west is not common. But there is some nuance. It does seem that increasing protein some, as people become more elderly, tends to be helpful. But so isn't exercise, so aren't healthy vegetables and fruits, so isn't decreasing caloric consumption, so isn't community and a positive social life, good attitudes, etc. I've noticed that a fair amount of people tend to look at things too myopically (like they have blinders on), and miss the forest for the trees. Health is a very holistic endeavor, and it doesn't make any sense to get so locked in on just one aspect (like protein).
@Trailrunner1978 7 ай бұрын
The most important part of sports nutrition is carbohydrates, preferably from whole foods like oatmeal, fruit, potatoes etc. The protein supplement industry is bullcrap.
@midnight5222 10 ай бұрын
Why is your kindle book $52?
@MindyZielfelderArt Ай бұрын
Question...does overeating protein over-tax your kidneys?
@cheliospanama9786 10 ай бұрын
For the algorithm 🤩🥰💪🫶😁😎👌🥸🤓🥳🫡
@Somebodysomewheresometime 10 ай бұрын
Fiber messes up my stomach. I eat mainly beef, chicken, cheese, cottage cheese and Greek yogurt.. some citrus and berries. I haven’t really eaten veg in well over a year after I realized all the veg was making me bloat, have joint pain and just feel crappy and lethargic. I’m talking good veg- broccoli, spinach, leafy greens- I just can’t - I look 6 mos prego. I poop twice a day, I dons think fiber is necessary imo
@Whiterabbit58 10 ай бұрын
Hi Layne. Love your content. So on point. I would love to see an educational video pertaining to how protein is metabolised after ingestion. I see and read commentary from various sources, mostly in the low carb/keto/carnivore camp espousing how the only real protein source you should consume is from red meat as it has all the essential amino acids , all in the right order and in the right amounts. They will say that protein in plants does not have all those amino acids and the ones they have are in the wrong proportions. I agree with the first part of that argument and understand you need to ingest a variety of different plants to make up the full requirements. I’m assuming that if you eat red meat, all the amino acids are broken off the chain and each of the nine is sent to where it needs to go? Or does the chain remain intact and get sent off as one complete protein? Sounding a bit convoluted here but hoping to get some feedback
@AndresVieyraOficial 9 ай бұрын
Hi Dr. Layne! First of all, thank you for all the great content you share with us! Now, dumb question: why is contractile tissue more energetically expensive?
@yodaa7100 10 ай бұрын
It seems you missed the whole point , which is "stop obsessing with protein, start caring for fibre". He is not sayinf protein is bad, he is only saying people are already consuming more protein than they need, without making any effort.
@andrewzach1921 10 ай бұрын
Commenting on Al Gores Rhythm
@musingmuse9064 7 ай бұрын
I recently came across a vid. about a 93yr old with 80% muscle body mass and the fitness of a 30yr old - he had to increase his protein intake and work out regularly - key take away; avoid injury!
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