Immigration: Social Costs vs. Economic Benefits || Peter Zeihan

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Zeihan on Geopolitics

Zeihan on Geopolitics

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Its easy to sit up in an ivory tower and say immigration is always good because of the economic benefits; however, turning a blind eye to the social implications of immigration would be irresponsible in a well-rounded discussion. Here's what Canada and Germany have going on:
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@Asdf-wf6en 6 сағат бұрын
You’re missing a few economic downsides. Immigration lowers labor costs which is code for it lowers wages. It also increases demand for housing thereby causing house prices to go up. Canada is struggling with this big time.
@him_That_is_me 5 сағат бұрын
It lowers wages in the sector that the immigrants can enter, which is low skill blue collar since they don't have an education and can't speak the language. Since those sectors are either small in many European countries or are traditionally the source of middle class work, yes, it causes massive problems. I think almost 2/3 of the correct unemployment numbers in Sweden are just immigrants.
@NichoTBE 5 сағат бұрын
Elites want lower wages and higher rents because they want a surfdom economy where you will own nothing and be happy.
@joefish4466 5 сағат бұрын
Unemployment in the US is like 4%. Lower wages is not an issue. Like he said, immigration is mostly a positive, which is contrary to what the GOP is pushing. Housing supply is a separate issue and immigration is not the driver for housing shortages.
@sergeant64 5 сағат бұрын
Migrants are often over-generalized, but it’s important to recognize the diversity among them. For instance, a university-educated individual from Ukraine or China is different from someone with a different background from Somalia (stoneage). Some countries receive more highly educated migrants, while others may receive individuals with lower levels of education and skills. Migration is also a form of modern slave trade. Africa needs all educated people themselves, education is expensive.
@IanHobday 5 сағат бұрын
This is why being in favor of large scale immigration has traditionally been a right-wing/conservative stance. The traditional left-wing stance is to restrict mass immigration and promote strong unions. Reagan's amnesty for millions of undocumented immigrants (and his union busting) are examples of the traditional stances of the right wing.
@amitpadgaonkar8830 5 сағат бұрын
An Indian Canadian here. The quality of immigrants that have come in recently is horrifying. Its changing the virtuous fabric of this country. Coupled with "socialist beaurocracy" has caused the house prices to spike making lives of all residents (old & new) unaffordable.
@aryaman05 5 сағат бұрын
Tomahawk or turban ?
@matthewpulizos3444 3 сағат бұрын
@@aryaman05lol you think natives call themselves Indians, come on it’s Canada obviously turban
@EJH783 2 сағат бұрын
I don’t think you understand bro.. they don’t want ANY of you. They will say it’s about low vs high skilled immigrants. But come on… Don’t ally with people that want you gone because you look different
@EJH783 2 сағат бұрын
Don’t think that just because you’re not Muslim that you’re in their good graces. Don’t fall for divide and conquer. Stand up for yourself
@terrie3957 2 сағат бұрын
Also the government is blind to how much Canada's economy is resource based, oil, timber, mining, and wants to believe we compete in white collar skills and jobs so much that the immigrants we attract have actually too much education for the jobs that need to be filled. Like the construction trades needed to build more housing. Red tape prevents internationally trained nurses and doctors from working in their field and being in fast food or janitorial work where native born high school graduates enter the economy. The universities and colleges have become gatekeepers in who gets to work in what field with the huge sticker price on their degrees as a gambler's buy in.
@piotrb4240 6 сағат бұрын
I think it's worth pointing out, that mass immigration to Germany did NOT begin in the 1990s. It began in the 60s, when Germany imported millions of "Gastarbeiter" ("guest workers"), most of all from Turkey. Just that the guest workers stayed for good. There was also a large migration flow from Poland, mainly descendants of German citizens who could get the passport easily, but also Russians with German roots, such as Volga Germans, and from other countries. There were more Polish-born people in Germany than ever in the UK.
@joest.pierre8280 5 сағат бұрын
Great observation. And the Turks they invited in were mostly from the Sea of Marmara area and cities like Izmir. A very different area than central Anatolia.
@Der_Thrombozyt 5 сағат бұрын
Commented the same. Sadly Peter is always weak on his knowledge on Europe.
@45641560456405640563 5 сағат бұрын
I thought of the Turkish migration too. Were the numbers anything like we're seeing now?
@chickenfishhybrid44 4 сағат бұрын
How long of a time frame did "millions" of Turks arrive? Idk, but I suspect it might have been slower than the more recent waves?
@piotrb4240 4 сағат бұрын
@@chickenfishhybrid44 In peak years 1969-1973, annual arrivals to West Germany, a country of 60 million inhabitants at the time, were between 900 thousand and 1 million (Destatis data). Afterwards, up to 1990 it averaged around 600 thousand a year, with large variations. This of course includes all nationalities, also Greeks, Italians, Moroccans etc., who also came as guest workers. I don't have exact numbers for Turks, but nowadays 3 million Germans have a Turkish background, of which 1.3 million have the Turkish passport.
@JCNL871 5 сағат бұрын
Economically speaking, immigration is not a slam dunk at all. According to Danish and Dutch data, immigrants from the Middle East, North Africa and Pakistan (both first and second generation) are a net loss for those states for their entire lives.
@24ackiwi 5 сағат бұрын
In Norway, I have noticed that too. It seems like the Muslim cultures aren’t that interested in assimilating.
@joefish4466 5 сағат бұрын
He never said all immigration was a slam dunk. He notes some caveats. He basically said, immigration by motivated & educated 20-40 year olds was a good thing. Old immigrants who can't work or won't work is not as good. A whole lot of baby immigrants wasn't so good because of the added cost of getting them to working age.
@Alain.Robert 5 сағат бұрын
In very homogenous society with systemic racism (most of the time not voluntarely), it's hard for people from other cultures to thrive
@JCNL871 5 сағат бұрын
@@Alain.Robert Western Europe has the least amount of systemic racism of basically any society in history. What are you talking about…?
@bp8220 5 сағат бұрын
America gets the H1B who are high skilled, as well as undocumented that keep a low profile and are here to work. Europe gets the scraps that cant get a USA visa or run thru the border, since they're kinda extra racist and dont pay as well as the USA
@davedeville6540 6 сағат бұрын
Maybe Sweden is very different from Canada and Germany. Our government data paints a much less rosy picture. When looking at criminal convictions in Sweden, the overrepresentation of first- and second-generation immigrants remains pronounced, but additional nuances emerge. 1. **Conviction Rates**: - **First-generation immigrants** (those born abroad) are convicted of crimes at a higher rate than people born in Sweden to Swedish-born parents. According to Brottsförebyggande rådet (Brå), first-generation immigrants are 2.5 times more likely to be convicted than native Swedes . - **Second-generation immigrants** (born in Sweden to foreign-born parents) exhibit an even higher overrepresentation. They are 3.2 times more likely to be convicted compared to individuals with Swedish-born parents 2. **Types of Crimes**: - Certain types of crimes show even greater disparities. For example, convictions for violent crimes, such as robbery and homicide, show overrepresentation rates up to 11.5 times for second-generation immigrants in some groups. - This contrasts with other offenses, such as vandalism, where the disparity is lower (approximately 1.7 times)
@Bayard1503 6 сағат бұрын
It's a matter of law, in other places immigrants are afraid that if they do something wrong they will be deported... so they are much more careful with how they behave. That's not the case in Sweden so you get more crime with them, mostly because of poverty.
@musthaveacamel2157 6 сағат бұрын
They are more trouble than worth on the whole
@ackwebde 6 сағат бұрын
Germany is the same. Statistics show a significant overrepresentation when it comes to crime and reliance on social benefits.
@svenhaheim 6 сағат бұрын
@@Bayard1503 Has nothing literally nothing to do with poverty but everything to do with culture, religion and general outlook.
@TS-jm7jm 6 сағат бұрын
​@@svenhaheimits racial, face the truth
@unojayc 6 сағат бұрын
Migration equals more health care centres, more teachers, more schools, multi cultureism that being they are not of the same culture and cohesiveness as the original inhabitants. In the UK we have whole communities living parallel lives to the Brits. Also the lack of housing to meet demands driving up house prices.
@t4404 6 сағат бұрын
British people gave so much to the world, but no good deed goes unpunished.
@nephilimninjaofnibiru2907 4 сағат бұрын
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly. I guess she'll....
@oldchicken2 5 сағат бұрын
Peter Peter….mass immigration is far from an economic slam dunk. In Canada it’s led to a massive rise in the cost of housing, strained infrastructure and welfare programs to the breaking point. Not to mention it’s effects on wages, social cohesion and so on. While mass immigration may have generated a net tax surplus, it ultimately requires Canadians to pay more in terms of cost of living. So no, unless you’re a major CEO, mass immigration has not been good for the economy.
@abelardoruiz5544 4 сағат бұрын
In Canda the house price problem is not because immigration per se... is more because of people speculating buying houses in bulk... is just a "coincidence" the majority are rich Chinese.
@kaseyc5078 4 сағат бұрын
Rich people like Peter don’t care as they’re gated off from the negatives of mass immigration
@atikameg73 4 сағат бұрын
The housing crunch is a demographics issue. The boomers left their jobs, but not their homes. Also, if you look at which demographic is putting up the most political roadblocks to building new homes, its the boomers. They are the group that is benefitting the most from insanely high real estate values.
@CBSA13 3 сағат бұрын
Other comments here are absolutely right, we haven't kept up with building housing. Too much NIMBYism, corporate profiteering, red tape and a lack of willingness to invest in mass transit and density in the most in demand areas. Immigration has aggravated the problem but we would be having this crisis with or without it.
@nikitazolotarov593 3 сағат бұрын
Immigrants don't usually go on welfare. They are actually more eager to get employed (most of the time). But there is something to be said about uncontrolled immigration, with fake colleges for student visa etc.
@wisenber 5 сағат бұрын
Why do these people never make the distinction between targeted immigration and asylum seeking economic migrants? Re crime statistics, we're not breaking out recent asylum seeking economic migrants from a Russian physicist here since the 90s or Indian doctor here for 20 years. Re older relatives, the US used to require that sponsoring immediate family agree to be responsible for any costs incurred and show an ability to fund those costs. They didn't qualify for any government assistance. From a purely math perspective, what impact does adding several million people above the statutory limit have on a country with a housing affordability crisis?
@adairjanney7109 3 сағат бұрын
there is no difference
@alanshepherd4304 3 сағат бұрын
Good point!!🙄🇬🇧
@wisenber 3 сағат бұрын
@@adairjanney7109 Did you have a source for that?
@augustaj3952 4 сағат бұрын
Most of these points do not apply in Scandinavia. Immigrant crime is much higher than nationals. Most Middle Eastern and Eastern European immigrants with Muslim beliefs can not be assimilated into North West Europe/Scandinavian values. It's been tried and tested for decades, and the social and economic problems are not solvable.
@TheTroyc1982 Сағат бұрын
They assimilate fine in North America, maybe Swedes are the problem in this situation.
@25Soupy Сағат бұрын
As a Canadian I can tell you Peter doesn't know what he's talking about.
@bryanutility9609 Сағат бұрын
@@25SoupyPeter lives in all white Boulder, CO. Immigrants can’t afford to live there. Disgusting hypocrisy.
@janobrien1936 Сағат бұрын
@@TheTroyc1982no they don’t.
@effexon 42 минут бұрын
scandinavia formed in very differnet mentality , mostly centuries of constant wars. thus "system", culture evolved to take care of people but put also strong cultural requirements for them. unity was paramount. immigration workforce was only needed for highskilled eg cultural, science special cases (some authors, scientists were private teachers of swedish kings; well known in whole europe in their time, invited to king's castle; otherwise no need for lowskill labor as population growth was as big as food available). Religion choices are part of this competition, curiously sweden chose protestantic lutheran so catholic enemies didnt benefit/cant infiltrate and so on + pope cant undermine sovereignty of king and country. Europe has been centuries relatively speaking densely populated continent(competitor is always very closeby), so no more humans were needed + resource scarcity due to this fact has more or less always been present.
@dave9351 6 сағат бұрын
Yes, we cannot assimilate all these people... Folks checkout whats happening in Ireland right now ! Hold the politicians accountable ! “Figures don't lie, but liars figure” Notice how Japan catches no grief from the UN for their "no immigrant migration" policies ?
@Jack-e5t 6 сағат бұрын
95% of the issue is decades of government incompetence but sure blame the migrants, it’s simpler
@ExMuslim-pr5ej 6 сағат бұрын
Resist until you have time
@Bayard1503 6 сағат бұрын
What has UN got to do with immigration? they don't have any saying in it.
@b_ks 6 сағат бұрын
Resist before you are out of time.
@KevinLyda 6 сағат бұрын
I'd far rather have immigrants here in Ireland than the scumbags on the far right.
@kenc9236 6 сағат бұрын
I live in Canada and its almost impossible to own a home. Rent is threw the roof. If you have 5 houses and you have ten people 5 people are homeless. Its basic math stop letting in so many people. There is no places to live here.
@DonJDawson 6 сағат бұрын
Build some houses. You have plenty of natural resources to make them from.
@303fumo 6 сағат бұрын
Your country is massive and largely empty. Build?
@Wile-.E.-Coyote 6 сағат бұрын
​@@DonJDawsonCanada builds homes at three times the rate per capita than the US. We are going flat out on that and still falling behind.
@alburaq3290 6 сағат бұрын
Start constructing houses on a war footing. Pre cast concrete Apartment complex rather than single family detached homes.
@post_eternity 6 сағат бұрын
The problem is people are preventing the building of new houses. So has to raise the value of their own properties
@MichaelH-w6e 5 сағат бұрын
Peter Zeihan, master of confidently telling half the story.
@mathieug6136 5 сағат бұрын
His credibility took a dive with this subject
@roum22 4 сағат бұрын
@@mathieug6136 After watching this I wouldn't trust anything he says..
@odd6554 4 сағат бұрын
Even someone like Zeihan is affected by personal political biases.
@burtonkephart6239 4 сағат бұрын
Yup !!! Bad analysis !! But at least I think he’s genuinely speaking honestly without pressure just being Zeihan
@a_satanic_communist 4 сағат бұрын
Then start a channel and tell the rest of the story, instead of just being a worthless complainer in a comment section.
@winnie796 5 сағат бұрын
Norway's statistics are very clear (average per person): Western migrants (Western Europe, UK, USA, Australia & NZ) contribute very positively to the economy. Eastern Europeans break even, they don't contribute but neither do they cost the economy. Third World migrants cost an absolute fortune for the state over their lifetime. Crime statistics also clearly show that migrants from the Third World are very over represented in nearly all crimes, especially second and third generations of migrant descent.
@joefish4466 5 сағат бұрын
In America, Blacks and Latinos are over represented in US jails. Why? Racism and poverty. It's nice to know that racists live proudly in Norway, Sweden and Netherlands to carry on the work that America started when they failed to fully abolish the consequences of slavery.
@philipjamesparsons 4 сағат бұрын
Third world people = third world problems.
@paulschmitz9175 2 сағат бұрын
An inconvenient truth for Propaganda Peter.
@TheMastaRob Сағат бұрын
Same with Denmark, they publish detailed figures based on country of origin for crime and financial contribution. It's the total inverse of Peters claims. Honestly I'm not sure why I watch Peters videos any more, whenever he strays into a subject I've done prior research on I find him confidently wrong.
@rd0676 Сағат бұрын
Third world is an outdated term. The Cold War ended a long time ago. Ireland and Austria would technically be considered third world countries. If you want to do a racism, just do the racism
@NichoTBE 6 сағат бұрын
I dont know why he lies about immigrants committing crime at lower levels than natives. Sweden has extensive data on this subject. They went from the safest country in europe to the most unsafe country in europe and that wasnt because of natives was it. People deserve to have a say on mass migration, governments dont want to ask the people because they know what the answer would be. We would rather have a shrinking population and GDP than the alternative forced upon us by the elites.
@SeruraRenge11 5 сағат бұрын
Ignoring Ukraine for somewhat obvious reasons, France is far less safe than Sweden is.
@adnan2030 5 сағат бұрын
You are talking about a specific country vs general. Most of the world never even heard of Sweden
@tryagainnoob101 5 сағат бұрын
@@adnan2030 Bro... You are like the prime example of American education.
@Lindsay_Quo_Vadis 5 сағат бұрын
He's not lying. Sweden is contrary to the norm in that, yes, the immigrant population is committing a lot more crime. Young, single Islamic men without their families in a country with a radically different culture and ultra high-trust social attitudes - it's a bad recipe to say the least. But in the US, for example, all the data is the opposite. I live in NYC and can attest both to the huge number of legal and illegal Mexicans and Central Americans in my city, and the undeniable fact that these people are at once incredibly industrious, polite, and unobtrusive. Speaking as a young woman, none of these guys has ever made me feel threatened.
@fguocokgyloeu4817 5 сағат бұрын
Damn, you are speaking for an entire society while saying representatives shouldn't speak for a whole society. Wild.
@73BigMC 5 сағат бұрын
The economic benefits of immigration are massively overstated. Official UK figures show that low-waged immigrants - ie 90%+ of them - cost the nation more in services than they generate in tax.They also suppress wages for the native population. This operates in tandem with a hugely expensive welfare system which keeps natives out of work and thus creates an alleged need for immigration. To top it all, a significant proportion of immigrants end up on benefits too.
@lililululalabooboo 3 сағат бұрын
USA does not have as many benefits and yet it is even more unaffordable there. Everything is relative.
@vulkanofnocturne 3 сағат бұрын
"They also suppress wages for the native population." For everyone. Over-immigration is a problem for immigrants too.
@jonathanpuigvert7468 2 сағат бұрын
Source??? They are not even entitled to any benefits until they become citizens, which takes at least half a decade, as far as I know.
@blackcatdungeonmastersfami5311 2 сағат бұрын
@@jonathanpuigvert7468 In Britain they have access to council housing and the NHS immediately. Asylum seekers are housed in hotels costing over ten billion per year.
@garyshan7239 2 сағат бұрын
the price that a socialist nation pays for immigration but without immigrants where would Britian be with its birth rate-suspect more of those immigrants go on to work in STEM professions than the average Brit too
@Interlocutor67 5 сағат бұрын
Social costs and catastrophic demographic changes far outweigh ‘vibrancy’ and exotic cuisines.
@donaldvanostrand4206 3 сағат бұрын
@thewizardstower2649 2 сағат бұрын
@nullstyle 2 сағат бұрын
"catastrophic demographic changes". you're gross
@666j1 2 сағат бұрын
But what about Jewish landlords ? Their property value might fall. I worry about it daily.
@janus3555 Сағат бұрын
@@donaldvanostrand4206 Yah, absolutely. To claim otherwise is either delusion or ignorance, or worse, a nefarious ideological position bent on this very issue.
@miamithijs3579 6 сағат бұрын
In the Netherlands 70% of the jails are filled wih people with a migration background. Numbers came out last week. Also it seems a lot dont mix with local population. Guess why
@joefish4466 5 сағат бұрын
That sounds like USA where most of the people in jail are black or Latino. Guess why? Because America is racist. So more likely, if you have too many migrants in your jails, then it's probably because you are racists.
@aryaman05 5 сағат бұрын
Same in the UK and pretty much rest of Western EU too !
@dannydxm 4 сағат бұрын
Exactly, where is Peter getting is stats from? Cause they're not matching up with what we see on the ground at all.
@gr7725 4 сағат бұрын
​@@dannydxmHe's deliberately obfuscating. CIA assets cannot tell the truth
@westphalianstallion4293 4 сағат бұрын
@@dannydxm Its Peter talking about europe? Nothing new...infotainment for US boomer mid-witts
@sadd8766 6 сағат бұрын
Canada is going through something similar to Britan now
@Lucas-hb1uq 4 сағат бұрын
What’s that? Can you be specific?
@tomhite3510 5 сағат бұрын
Peter is getting cause and effect reversed. Here is the correct sequence: baby boomers hit the labor market (1970s) -> mass immigration starts (1980s) -> housing costs skyrocket (1960s to 2000s) -> standard of living flatlines (1973-2024) -> young couples can't buy houses -> bad housing begets low birthrates (1980s - 2020s) -> more immigration causes houses to cost more (1980s to 2024) -> immigration CAUSES native populations to stop having children. The house I grew up in cost 1 year's salary in 1969. It cost 4 years salary in 2005.
@joefish4466 5 сағат бұрын
Apparently forgot that there was a pandemic recently. COVID f*ed up the housing market. Made worse by increase in corporate ownership of housing, not immigrants. More scapegoating the new comers.
@dnl043 3 сағат бұрын
You're example is also a one dimensional way of looking at cause and effect. I can come up with a few examples like this as well: ...Work makes you tired > People have less intercourse when they are tired Work CAUSES people to have less children... In practice, it's a system of multiple causes and effects.
@dnl043 3 сағат бұрын
Plus you miss a few of the more important drivers for rising housing costs: Urbanization, Speculation by investors, Rising construction costs, Low interest rates
@delusion2987 3 сағат бұрын
standard of living and house affordability are a distraction when it comes to why people arent having any children.. poor people have just as many (if not more) children than middle class people in any given developed country. the overarching reason why people are consistently having less children in practically every high standard of living developed country is two fold: 1) higher education and 2) women's emancipation. 1) higher education, which is a very common choice these days, has people taking longer to get a job and when they eventually get a job, they have higher aspirations coupled with a demanding professional environment, thus children are put on the backburner until early mid 30s. its almost unfathomable for a young person today to even think of children in their mid 20s. they're barely out of school. meanwhile the previous generations were usually married by then or even before then. 2) women joining the workforce means they are now preoccupied with work. they have the opportunity to move up in life unlike before. children are counterproductive to that end so they're left on the backburner until settling down. now you'll say, well people get more educated and work more because it is economically harder to get by without a good job. there is some truth to this however its not the full story. if someone gets going early at 16-18, they are actually better off financially than someone going to uni, until decades later where the higher paying job pays off. also, you dont need to own a house to raise children. renting is cheaper. it is still possible to raise children with one salary from a regular job if you get started early like our parents did. its just that consumption norms have moved on and people arent satisfied with a relatively barebones life. they want to make money and enjoy life as much as they can for at least their entire 20s, if not well into their 30s.
@garyshan7239 2 сағат бұрын
yeah I think your scenario is more you pushing your anti-immigrant agenda. Migrants from South of the border arent competing for the same house/neighborhood as the young white family number one. The birth rate was already dropping before the 80s. And its more driven by a lower marriage dynamic than immigrant completion for housing. And people will have kids if they are living on the streets or in their cars. SO to claim the birth rate is ridiculous.
@shazmodan 6 сағат бұрын
We have crime statistics about immigrants in Sweden (BRÅ) and the crime statistics from people from MENA countries are way higher than native born.
@mysterioanonymous3206 5 сағат бұрын
I'm shocked 😂
@Mattallla 5 сағат бұрын
Same with the Netherlands
@RamblingOverHillsAndDowns 3 сағат бұрын
KZbin won't allow links but Danish national futures from last year had MENA first generation immigrants at 43 times as likely to be convicted of a crime as a native Dane.
@AlexKaehler-qc8kd 6 сағат бұрын
Immigration is an economic cost [to you] if a bunch of immigrants with similar credentials and skills as you become available. Outsourcing is for tradable sector jobs while immigration depresses the value of labor for non-tradable sector jobs. This is true of an influx of Guatemalan roofers or Indian and Chinese engineers. I've seen both firsthand.
@rockscaler99 6 сағат бұрын
A cost to the individual in those fields but the society benefits from the competition by becoming more economically dynamic then add their consumption that is the fuel of the stage of economy we are in...
@rickm6076 6 сағат бұрын
Suppressing labor value isn't a benefit to society.
@unelectedleader6494 6 сағат бұрын
Depressing labor through immigration and outsourcing is why the US middle clsss is smaller today than it was in the 70s. That's not winning.
@AlexKaehler-qc8kd 6 сағат бұрын
The first culprit were the Boomers. There were too many, and more of the females worked outside the home. Labor started feeling the pinch right on time in the 70s and especially 80s. Reagan's mass amnesty IRCA in '86 and Clinton's outsourcing deals NAFTA and China MFN then PNTR
@rockscaler99 6 сағат бұрын
@@rickm6076 competition isn't suppressing labor, labor needs to organize and manage themselves while competition between companies forces better products and prices to the consumers
@chrisjackson1215 6 сағат бұрын
Correct me if i'm wrong here, but the immigrant based crime is mostly based on the second-generation (for legal migrants) which (last I checked) commits far greater amounts of crime than other people who were born here. (So the kids who come with their parents or are born to immigrant parents are the ones doing all the crime at a much higher rate, it was something like 2.3X the native population last I checked). So saying that immigrants don't bring crime wouldn't be accurate.
@olivesama 4 сағат бұрын
@@chrisjackson1215 From the University of Alberta: *_"Second-generation immigrants typically have higher crime rates than first-generation immigrants. In the US context, however, most second-generation immigrants continue to enjoy lower crime rates than the native-born population. In stark contrast, research findings in European countries indicate that some second-generation immigrant groups have crime rates that drastically exceed those of the native-born population."_*
@chrisjackson1215 4 сағат бұрын
@@olivesama Thanks, I didn't think anyone would actually correct me, but it's always good to be updated. 🤣
@HairyPixels 4 сағат бұрын
​@@olivesama That's all meaningless unless you look at race. What happens after the 3rd generation? They eventually become native and skew the stats right? What you need to do is compare European immigrants to African, Asian etc... to see who are the best immigrants.
@olivesama 4 сағат бұрын
@@HairyPixels I don't at all have reason to believe that the fact is meaningless without race. The empirical evidence applies to everyone.
@HairyPixels 3 сағат бұрын
@@olivesama there are huge disparities between race. Not all immigrants are the same.
@TarlanT 5 сағат бұрын
First large wave of immigration to Germany was Turks in 1960s, then Russian Germans in 1990s.
@mycatspethooman5590 5 сағат бұрын
In the UK figures just out say that migrants are a net cost £150k to the taxpayer
@ForgottenMan2009 2 сағат бұрын
Well, a quick look at the £8m/day to keep our , er... Boat people under a roof and fed is about 50p/day for each employed person alone.... A real 'difficult choice' our 'Dear Leader' could but wont make is to export them from wence thay came and drop the 'black hole' size by about 1/4.
@cliffarroyo9554 6 сағат бұрын
One problem is that not everyone who moves to another country is an immigrant... a lot of those arriving in western Europe are resource seekers (drawn by generous social benefit programs).
@sam.p12345 5 сағат бұрын
I think you’re confusing the terms ‘refugee’ and ‘immigrant’? Surely anyone who immigrates is an immigrant, even if not a refugee?
@ryankc3631 4 сағат бұрын
Over the top confident, but the more I watch this guy, the more I see he's FOS.
@TheMassalorian 4 сағат бұрын
He is parroting his talking points like a good little boy on his hike!
@ENoob 6 сағат бұрын
the crime point doesn't seem to translate across the Atlantic
@christopholivier 6 сағат бұрын
yeah the data speaks like the opposite language
@MikeJones-mf2fw 6 сағат бұрын
There's a reason that it's like that, and it correlates to covid data. AKA North America data is corrupted.
@NA-rj9lk 6 сағат бұрын
He is certainly omitting the danish numbers for some reason, they are pretty specific in their reporting
@Bayard1503 6 сағат бұрын
Of course it does, with small exceptions migrants have much lower crime rates in the US
@gups4963 6 сағат бұрын
He's not counting lllegal migrants
@BuyXRP895 6 сағат бұрын
Love PZ but this is a really overly simplified and really fails to point out that mass illegal migration DOES increase crime. Also- immigrants from India/Pakistan and all other countries in the region DO NOT integrate and create parallel societies within the place they have moved to.
@alburaq3290 6 сағат бұрын
Muslims do that. Never heard of Hindu ghettos.
@FNisargadatta 5 сағат бұрын
yep, 1. it does increase crime 2. most muslim create parallel societies that destroy trust and social cohesion 3. there is NO economical benefit.... we all know this, the mystery is why even great chap like Peter feel they have to lie and lie about this topic
@Paul-cu9lu 5 сағат бұрын
100% of illegal immigrants are criminals, by definition. Peter is only talking about legal immigration, on purpose I suspect. By ignoring the flood of illegals, he intends to paint opponents of unchecked migration as racists and bigots. It's the well-worn leftist tactic on page one of the playbook. It's really not surprising that he is doing this. His paymasters directly benefit from the flood of cheap labor and dependent serfs. He himself will likely not be a victim of illegal alien crime due to his privileged position in the hierarchy. The illegals are being sent everywhere except the homes of the connected and powerful, by design.
@joefish4466 5 сағат бұрын
I think your reading the GOP propaganda on illegal migration and crime. If you look at selected illegal migrants, then certain narrowly selected groups of migrants can commit crimes at a higher level (Cuban jailbirds), but this is not true broadly speaking. Historically, the original immigrants (1st generation) are always slow to integrated. Germans that came to the US during the early days were famous for not learning English. Also people fail to understand that learning a new language as an adult is much harder, compared to learning a language as a child.
@Der_Thrombozyt 5 сағат бұрын
Yeah.. he is drawing the data from the legal migrants making a case for all migrants.
@RVS089 6 сағат бұрын
People rarely talk about the downside... really Peter?
@Chris-es3wf 6 сағат бұрын
The left has made immigration a moral issue, so it's become faux pas to say that ypu don't like illegal immigration. Peter is Uber liberal but even he is willing to admit it's become a problem.
@eurospec 5 сағат бұрын
The news HE watches doesn't talk about the downside
@carmenmccauley585 5 сағат бұрын
In Canada you better not even MENTION it!
@luisdotespinal 4 сағат бұрын
They don’t talk about it objectively. Just look at Springfield.
@evanburrows1697 3 сағат бұрын
They don't discuss it much in the ivory towers Peter hangs out in.
@redMaple_QC 2 сағат бұрын
Family reunification is a big issue here. No matter how selective a country is in choosing its young professional immigrant, when they bring their whole family it is worse.
@evanburrows1697 4 сағат бұрын
Mass immigration is extreme crony capitalism. Corporations want cheap labour and extra customers. -> This requires promoting mass immigration. --> This requires promoting multiculturalism. ---> This requires promoting "diversity" as a moral imperative, and demonizing nativism and localism. We are not human beings to them, just interchangeable economic inputs. People can complain about the "radical left" and "cultural marxists" all they want, but this has virtually nothing to do with any traditional Left-versus-Right polarity. The truth is "Globalism" and "Wokeness" is extreme crony capitalism in a cheap tuxedo.
@EJH783 3 сағат бұрын
Lmfao did you just conflate wokeness with capitalism?😂
@EJH783 3 сағат бұрын
Oh god how education has failed us😅
@EJH783 3 сағат бұрын
Idk if you’re European now, but here in the US the Republicans or conservatives always vote against making it a felony to hire an undocumented worker. It’s because they would lose all of their cheap farm labor…
@EJH783 3 сағат бұрын
Idk if you’re European, but here in the US the Republicans or conservatives always vote against making it a felony to hire an undocumented worker. It’s because they would lose all of their inexpensive farm labor…
@EJH783 3 сағат бұрын
Maybe you should investigate why in the US, Republicans constantly vote against making it a felony to hire an undocumented worker…
@lq4275 3 сағат бұрын
Peter is wrong here. I live in Canada and we used to pick our immigrants mostly highly skilled labor. We still do, but we've let in massive amount of low skilled people and at this point, we're mostly letting in people to work low wage jobs and it's become impossible for 'native' teenagers and young adults to find a low skill job. Here in Quebec it's less bad because of the language barrier, but it's just gotten ridiculous in Ontario, where you have extremely long lines of people applying to a Tim Hortons job, to live crammed up in tiny apartments at high prices because there's just no place to live anymore. We can't build fast enough at this rate and rents have gotten ridiculous. Schools and hopstials are extremely stressed because we can't absorb the number of people coming in fast enough. As for crime, Peter is wrong since in cities, all crime is up, especially violent crimes. That is probably caused by economic factors rather than immigrants, but indirectly, letting in so many people pushes rent up and leaves the bottom 5% people in a rough spot. Now of course you can't say that in Canada because you'll be called a racist but I llive in a very veyr diverse neighborhood basically downtown of a big city and I enjoy diversity but the rate at which we let people in is not sustainable and now racism and xenophobia is rising extremely fast. Thankfully, government officials are starting to slow down a bit but not by very much. Thanks to immigrations our GDP is still rising slighting, but per capita, we have pre-covid gdp so it's not exactly a net win, unless you're a corporation.
@EJH783 2 сағат бұрын
I thought the issue was all of the educated indos clogging up the housing system. So the “skilled labor” myth can’t be real
@BasePuma4007 Сағат бұрын
Part of the reason for crime going up is due to the Trudeau government's decision to relax bail rules, where repeat violent criminals have a pathway to get out of jail on bail, where they go and commit more crime. If you pay attention to any major cities news cycle (Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, Calgary) you will see stories about someone getting brutally assaulted or killed by someone that got out of jail on bail, regularly. The naivety on this issue from the Liberal base in the center of the country is the main reason crime has gone up, coupled with the opioid and drug crisis. It's not really immigration that is the problem there. As much as people are getting sick of so many Indians coming to the country, I highly doubt Indians or other immigrants groups commit crimes to the same extent as other groups in Canada.
@TroyHardingLit 6 сағат бұрын
The gap between the ideal and reality is actually called morality. Ethics would then lead from morality, and politics from ethics.
@cspaliwal_ 5 сағат бұрын
1970 H1B, O type immigration: Engineering, Doctor🌞 2024 haphazard immigration: farm labour, asylum scammer🌑
@gymboy39 4 сағат бұрын
hes talking utter BS about crime. tghe numbers are in from countries like germany and denmark of the few places who release these numbers and the immigrants / people born abroad do a lot more crime then the natives espicially voilent crime.
@markmywords9372 Сағат бұрын
My friend just came back from Toronto, and said the city has lost all identity with Canada. He called it a third world city and was disgusted with what has happened to a once proud city.
@1stLtDavis 6 сағат бұрын
More labor depresses the value of labor. If you dismiss it due to the labor not threatening your job.. yet.. understand that you're just selfish. You probably won't understand future election outcomes.
@KevinLyda 6 сағат бұрын
More people means more labour is needed. More housing, more agriculture, more lots of things. And remember, he's saying in the specific case where the population is ageing. So it's not "more labour" in total. It's replacement labour.
@raquetdude 5 сағат бұрын
Far left is gonna do really really well after these anti foreign worker laws / changes.
@rickm6076 5 сағат бұрын
Then why is the middle class shrinking due to access or labor? Yeah, they also need housing. Who's going to build that? And what's that gonna do the price of your house?
@bp8220 5 сағат бұрын
Lump of labor fallacy that has been proven false time and again. More food, housing, services, and ultimately Capital is created thus creating more economic activity and jobs.
@1stLtDavis 5 сағат бұрын
Right, supply and demand doesn't apply to labor, yet who gets the labor is the object of every trade deal ever done. Lol. The US middle class is smaller today than it was 30 years ago ago, and it was smaller than 94 than it was in 74.
@TurboAutist-sg7lo 3 сағат бұрын
He is literally saying that if you use logic. Europe wont be Europe, Europe will be the middle east.
@switchdiagram 5 сағат бұрын
“Immigrants less likely to commit crime than natives” lmao come to Peter for your daily dose of gaslighting
@Ahmazzan 3 сағат бұрын
Honestly it's like a stand-up routine at this point, I was cackling to myself whilst making lunch and listening to him.
@moontreecollective6718 3 сағат бұрын
It’s unreal, it’s like he’s doing it on purpose, I just can’t believe someone this smart is saying things like this…
@RK-gu2fq 3 сағат бұрын
I assume he was talking about the standard immigration strategy, where (as he mentioned) you're getting the more ambitious and talented of the society they're leaving...then yes.....very low crime rates....but if you're opening the flood gates - like the EU did and the US is doing now - and taking in anyone and everyone....then the data is unabashedly clear - crime goes up. So not trying to speak for him....but trying to put it into context, the what he is saying may be correct based on the context within which he was speaking.
@moontreecollective6718 3 сағат бұрын
@@RK-gu2fq yea the point is someone as smart as him should know that difference, it’s common sense and clear as day, and his effort to ignore it is so wild and brazen that it seems purposeful, hence the gaslighting. “No no, trust me, it’s not what you’re very clearly seeing with your own eyes in multiple cities, I promise, it’s the opposite, trust me bro”
@Halbared 3 сағат бұрын
I've come to realise on some issues, he's ignorant or wilfully misleading people. It makes me doubt the veracity of everything else he says.
@Culture-Marketing 5 сағат бұрын
Peter makes a common mistake to see all migration as the same thing here. There is a difference if you have a visa Programm that you must qualify for and that brings people from lots of different places together and mass migration from countries that we would call unskilled labor without families and without any path to be in the middle class or higher. Yes, education might be too expensive in western countries, but there is a reason for that and there is an astronomic upside to western education vs for instance Syria.
@VincitOmniaVeritas7 6 сағат бұрын
4:12 Honestly, I’m shocked that Peter brought up the cultural problems of immigration
@karlchristoffer1275 3 сағат бұрын
Culture is part of life, what so ever..
@isaicicourel 55 минут бұрын
Notice that whenever someone talks about immigration, they never talk about highly skilled professionals vs asylum seekers/low wage migrants which is a day and night difference.
@jim-es8qk 6 сағат бұрын
Look at what happened to Lebanon. It was a liberal minded Christian nation until recently.
@SacClass650 6 сағат бұрын
That's a gross oversimplification. Alas 🙃
@keystonekabes 6 сағат бұрын
Funny how fighting Israel helps Islamists politically.
@wyattterrell 6 сағат бұрын
@@SacClass650even if oversimplified that still means the underlying fundamental problem is the same 😉
@bp8220 6 сағат бұрын
They were never "liberal". USA/Israel destabilizing and exacerbating the civil war didnt help
@ExMuslim-pr5ej 6 сағат бұрын
​@@SacClass650no it was
@jean-marcfiliatrault266 3 сағат бұрын
Peter, all you mentioned is pretty much true. But, there are many other issues to bring up: Not enough housing for the newcomers, leading to huge rent increases for everyone, including the “Native Canadians”. Lack of teachers for all the newcomers” children. Not enough daycare places for them as well. Maxed out hospital beds… Huge emergency room backlogs. Huge increases in well fare rolls. Finally, as the chief economist of the National Bank of Canada termed: “Canada is now in a population death trap”. For the first time in its history, Canada’s GDP per capita, due to the current massive and ongoing inflow of depend immigrants, has gone down. We are bringing way too many immigrants and the wrong ones. However, PM Tru’dope is a demagogue when it comes to migrants… He will certainly get his butt handed to him within the next year…
@markbernier8434 5 сағат бұрын
On this one Peter, experience tells me you need to look again at the social and crime issues.
@gilfiazon2575 38 минут бұрын
Imagine believing immigrants commit less crime than the locals
@corriemooney9812 4 сағат бұрын
There’s A LOT more to this than just what Peter’s talking about.
@Chris-pq3wp 3 сағат бұрын
In uk the office of budget responsibility has calculated that migrants take 150k per person more than they give in taxes before retirement age
@M31Galaxy1 5 сағат бұрын
It is the worst thing to ever happen to Canada
@burropoco 3 сағат бұрын
Side-eye: Every First Nations person.
@GaudiBear 3 сағат бұрын
Probably most of the immigrants will agree with you too.They got caught in the pyramid scheme.
@nathanaelwiebe7632 3 сағат бұрын
@gilfiazon2575 37 минут бұрын
This is what it sounds like when you try to make immigration sound balanced by ignoring most of the negatives.
@Andy_Pandy2000 4 сағат бұрын
In Vancouver, Canada, I have noticed a huge increase in immigrants from India and Pakistan. I don’t see them in skilled jobs so much as serving coffee in Tim Horton’s ( our own version of Starbucks). The other jobs that are taken are are as taxi drivers and bus drivers- hardly skilled labor.
@loganhoffman5789 2 сағат бұрын
Saying immigrants commit less crime was a boldfaced lie
@jeremyholbrook2094 5 сағат бұрын
My question is based in American (politics). Why is it that America is opening its doors to unskilled labor. Shouldn't this be better tuned towards H1b. The cost of labor is low. The cost of tech is insanely high. Where is the balance?
@TheMassalorian 4 сағат бұрын
Cloward-Piven Strategy
@jeremyholbrook2094 4 сағат бұрын
Fair enough!!
@jeremyholbrook2094 3 сағат бұрын
For the record, I hate bias confirmation. Leaves nothing to argue 😂
@larrymarrs4283 38 минут бұрын
I do not believe his crime statements - the way it is... "more immigrants equals more crime period!"
@kden9772 3 сағат бұрын
I’m tired of being gaslit about this. If it was a net benefit, our GDP per capita would be going up not down
@asterixky 3 сағат бұрын
Couples who don't want any kids should be able to sponsor their quota (2.5 people) of immigrants.
@matthewpulizos3444 3 сағат бұрын
Do they get the taxpayer benefits of the immigrants? Or do people have to pay for them and house them now? One of the more stupid statements I’ve read in a while.
@hkuiper100 6 сағат бұрын
I assume you are talking about legal migrants. Not illegal immigrants. In Australia we had a brave Prime Minister who stopped illegal immigration in 2015. They were coming by boats with people smugglers from Indonesia. We still have a lot migrants, coming legally, and vetted by the government. It's all good now.
@AndrewinAus 6 сағат бұрын
You might possible mean from 2013 if you are talking about Abbott, not sure I would describe 'the Mad Monk' as brave though. Things went on even before that with John Howard and the whole 'children overboard' as a justification for future government actions. As far as all good now, I would debate that as immigration has been used for years now to try and prop up the economy and the associated infrastructure building has been ignored to a fairly significant degree.
@Minchya 6 сағат бұрын
Unfortunately they fly in on a tourist or study visa then claim asylum knowing that they have no chance but because so many are doing it the system is backlogged for years and then they can delay their deportation by years more by going through the appeals process . The whole time they have work rights and access to Medicare and Centrelink at our expense, they all seem to know the system better than we do !!!
@jimgraham6722 5 сағат бұрын
​@@AndrewinAusI think the immigration program has by and large been very successful. I say this as an anglo Australian whose ancestors arrived in the 1840s. My extended family now has folk from United States, Africa, Egypt, Italy, South America and China. I am also well acquainted with Indian, Vietnamese and Lebanese as local business people, friends and neighbours. They are a good bunch of people. It works well. As for infrastructure, I was born in Sydney but have lived in regional Australia for the last fifty years. Something has happened in Sydney, it is unrecognisable to me. Road, rail and metro tunnels criss cross the city like a rabbit warren. You spend half your day underground.
@AndrewinAus 4 сағат бұрын
@@jimgraham6722 Oh I don't question immigration at all and how it has worked for Australia and remarkably so. On paper one of the richest places on Earth and not just monetarily but culturally I think. My own family origins in Australia from England date back to about the 1860's and we have added to the family from places like Japan. New Zealand, Korea, Canada, Venezuala even. I live in the regions myself (northern NSW to be more exact) periodically heading to the city, both are unrecognisable to 30 years ago for sure. I suppose that is just progress, it feels strange at times though. Immigration has become a political football unfortunately in the last 20 years and a cover for governments failure in other areas whether that be infrastructure or even industry policy. We don't build and manufacture things much anymore it seems. We either dig dirt, grow crops or it is a service industry based economy. That is not the fault of the people coming to Australia at all a consequence of policy perhaps.
@evanburrows1697 3 сағат бұрын
@@jimgraham6722 _"As for infrastructure, I was born in Sydney but have lived in regional Australia for the last fifty years"_ So you praise immigration while being protected from its effects by living regionally? And the places that are affected, like Sydney, you openly acknowldge as "unrecognisable", and yet you praise the immigration that caused this? What a confused position.
@philipjamesparsons 4 сағат бұрын
Mass immigration, but falling GDP per capita in the UK. Massive strain on public services and no wage growth. This is not a well thought out video.
@michaelgunn9883 3 сағат бұрын
How come 10 years ago everyone was saying there is a population crisis; but now that it is naturally fixing itself, everyone is afraid of demographic decline? I think you are missing a lot of the picture here, Peter. And as for the statistics that you reference, I'm very confident that the governments can manipulate those to tell whatever story they want. But the reality is that Canada's immigration policy is unsustainable and is leading to a lot of economic problems that the government has swept under the rug for 2 decades. There are housing bubbles, and we are destroying some of our best farmland to put up condos and shopping centres. There are more automobiles burning gasoline. That doesn't align with the values that Canada raised Millennials to believe in back in the 1990s.
@73BigMC 5 сағат бұрын
No nation needs mass immigration. Temporary shortfalls in labour can be met with expats. Come, work, pay taxes and off you go once your contract ends. Works a treat in Singapore.
@joefish4466 5 сағат бұрын
Korea, China and Japan has entered the chat.
@crosswire7777 2 сағат бұрын
You forget the native population cant replace itself. People would rather "live their life" than change diapers and put up with angsty kids for 18 years or longer with more. People are weak
@BasePuma4007 Сағат бұрын
"Labour" Ah, a Brit/Canadian/Australian spotted.
@Rocko130185 6 сағат бұрын
It's a massive net loss and everyone knows it. For instance, the NHS is paid for by National Insurance, the UK imported 6 million people since 2010, all got to use the services they and their families never paid anything in to. Can you imagine an insurance company paying out without a premium ever being paid? They'd go got of business. This is no different. On an other note, now can the UK build enough hospitals and train enough doctors and nurses in that time period? It's impossible, that's why the NHS is falling apart. We'd not even have to import doctors and nurses with questionable qualifications if we didn't import 10 million people in 20 years. They would'nt be needed.
@Bayard1503 6 сағат бұрын
Weren't you listening?? if you bring in people in their 20s they will barely use the health system but they will be working and paying for it, for the rest of the citizens.
@rockscaler99 6 сағат бұрын
Old people need the majority of the care, immigrants are generally much younger. If people stayed home more and lived with parents to care for them in their latter years , immigration of replacement workers or stagnation worse than anything since before industrial era... you'd be worse off than stuck in time like Cuba. Entropy of society
@Rocko130185 6 сағат бұрын
@rockscaler99 you realise the young people we are getting aren't the healthiest bunch out there? For instance the Pakistani community has huge amounts of children born with life long genetic conditions because they predominantly marry cousins. The figures from Birmingham and Bradford clearly proves this.
@BobTheTrueCactus 6 сағат бұрын
What kind of people do you "import"? Children don't pay into the system and still the system has to shoulder them. If well educated adults are newly introduced into the system, there is no reason to believe that they will be a burden to the system. In contrary. They haven't caused any cost during their childhood and only participate in the system when they are able to actually contribute. That's an absolute win from this demographic.
@yad-thaddag 6 сағат бұрын
The problem with the UK isn't that they took in immigrants, the problem is that they took in the wrong immigrants.
@TheHighborn 6 сағат бұрын
Id rather want an example of when it did work outside of the USA, ever.
@ivancho5854 6 сағат бұрын
Antarctica! 😂
@AngelEconomics 6 сағат бұрын
Immigration seems to go well for Israel
@arbywabd8782 5 сағат бұрын
switzerland had lots of immigration from italy / portugal / france over time. but yeah not necessarily generalizable
@VioIetShift 5 сағат бұрын
Didn't he cite Canada, Australia, and New Zealand as other examples of where the same dynamic that the US has is the norm?
@HKim0072 5 сағат бұрын
Anything works if it's in a moderate manner. EVERYTHING starts breaking down if a system gets overloaded.
@WSKRBSCT 5 сағат бұрын
I'm sorry, did you say, "people in the US assimilate very, very quickly"? Come live in my neighborhood. You'll be lucky to hear English no matter what store you're in - or even on your back porch. You live in an ivory tower.
@olivesama 4 сағат бұрын
@@WSKRBSCT That's anecdotal evidence. I could use my personal experience to make the precise opposite argument.
@LambrettaFunk 4 сағат бұрын
@@olivesama do you travel by bus in NY? Only Spainish spoken and on the radio. Quiet extraordinary for a tourist like me.
@HKim0072 4 сағат бұрын
Pew did a survey about 5 years ago. Half of US Muslims believe gay people should be accepted in society. Pretty comical to think that people speaking a different language equals or doesn't equal assimilation.
@olivesama 4 сағат бұрын
@@LambrettaFunk Spanish was essentially the second language of my high school. But that doesn't constitute empirical evidence that assimilation isn't happening quickly.
@HairyPixels 4 сағат бұрын
Peter is the definition of Champagne Liberal.
@MaimTheBrain 4 сағат бұрын
There is no such thing as a generic immigrant. There are different kinds of immigrants. If the US and Europe imported millions of Japanese people then immigration wouldn't be one of the top ten issues. Also, on your point that crime rates among immigrants are lower: That's true for the US, where the ex-slaves are responsible for half of the crime, but in Europe, it's not even close.
@TheTroyc1982 Сағат бұрын
The US did import millions of Japanese and ended up putting in them in concentration camps during ww2
@bertrandrussell894 5 сағат бұрын
id like to hear this analysis for the UK with regard to migrants paying more in than they take out. This is not the case in the UK as far as i can tell. They take considerably more than they contribute. Id like to hear Peter address this for the UK. Crime too.
@TomTomicMic 4 сағат бұрын
Uncontrolled Mass Immigration in the UK has not increased wealth and depleted it, including all infrastructure and services, the rate of crime by migrants is 7 to 8 times that of the indigenous population!?!
@clint120 37 минут бұрын
are you counting the cost of about 15 million illegal immigrants that have crossed our southern border. Most are uneducated and unskilled, and are a heavy burden on our social system. They bring more crime and there’s recent statistics to prove this.. you might be referring to legal immigration of those that have college degrees, and our technical skills. Those people in fact do bring some benefit.
@t4404 6 сағат бұрын
I get why peter is so apprehensive to talk about immigration.. CIA payroll doesn't want you to relay the on-the-ground truth of mass immigration. I don't believe Peter is this wilfully ignorant
@yeow23 5 сағат бұрын
willful ignorance on subjects such as this is a prerequisite to any position of authority in the current economic regime. That's what is so terrifying about our economy.
@akamatt67 3 сағат бұрын
Sorry Peter I call shenanigans on just about everything you said in this video.
@foxtrotunit1269 6 сағат бұрын
In EU: If you count in the cost of the increased crime (vandalism repair, theft, destruction of property, some car accidents) - cost of healthcare from crime related injuries (from victims, cops, even the perps) - cost of police going up (more danger = bigger paycheck, + more officers must be hired so = more paychecks) and the fact most immigrants are brought in to fill *low skill* (lower paycheck) jobs, that means whatever you get from them in taxes is very little, (of ones that even do any work!) ... ... it's not worth it. (unless you have a culture that values work ethic and like the West, such as Vietnamese or Japanese. Those are ok.)
@_winston_smith_ 5 сағат бұрын
Isn’t the alternative population collapse? That would be far worse.
@Rob_F8F 5 сағат бұрын
@foxtrotunit1269 It seems it has been the nativists that have been committing the crime and is low-skilled. Maybe they are no worth it.
@kynikostashasch2218 5 сағат бұрын
@@_winston_smith_ No, migration does not solve demographic problems, it makes the demographic problems for the native population worse by increasing house prices and decreasing wages, making it less affordable to have a family in the first place and within 2 or 3 generations the same demographic issues will hit the new migrant communities too; the solution is policies designed to encourage people to reproduce, not to import new people endlessly.
@foxtrotunit1269 5 сағат бұрын
@@_winston_smith_ If bad migrants add minimal value (which is my point) then it doesn't help prevent collapse (and their birthrate goes down to the same level since they now live in the same environment causing the birthrate decrease) (notice I sad bad migrants, implying there is also good immigration, like from Asia that could help slightly)
@tryagainnoob101 5 сағат бұрын
@@kynikostashasch2218 Finally! Thank you! If you have a hole and all the water you put into it goes away after a few days, you need to make a better hole, not keep pouring water into it. Your are just wasting water.
@Andy_Pandy2000 4 сағат бұрын
In 1968, Enoch Powell, a British politician,warned of the dangers of immigration in his “Rivers of Blood” speech. The UK, particularly London, is now reaping the results of an open immigration policy. Knife crime is rampant in London. Among other social problems such as housing.
@andrewedris2800 Сағат бұрын
Better knives than guns crime
@HairyPixels 4 сағат бұрын
Peter drinks champagne from an ivory tower. He knows not of the common man and his plight.
@mrfrisky6501 4 сағат бұрын
If you represent the common man.... why don't you post your own Vlog on here mate? Easy yo criticise someone else, but seems its too much trouble to do something yourself...
@march8482 3 сағат бұрын
That only means he isn't emotionally biased to pick the negatives over the positives.
@HairyPixels 3 сағат бұрын
@@march8482 The positives for him are abstract and trivial like different food. The negatives are visceral, things like crime, having your white kid become a minority in their school, having your home town changed beyond recognition. Peter is so rich he never has to live with these problems and experience what the lower classes do. Many such cases.
@adairjanney7109 3 сағат бұрын
does anyone buy this crime argument, maybe that argument holds wait in America if you compare them to certain demographics but that is about it. What a joke as always Peter getting all of his information from the "source"
@otibed358 6 сағат бұрын
Tokyo 2050- imagine it with 100,000 new immigrants per year for 25 years (mostly from SE Asia) along with essentially ALL Japanese residents there who are currently age 65 or over gone by then. Tokyo will be a tremendously different place in 2050.
@tomh2121 6 сағат бұрын
Sounds like the best place for food
@BobTheTrueCactus 6 сағат бұрын
Even if they have no immigrants, it will be a very different place.
@HKim0072 5 сағат бұрын
Korea is changing faster than Japan and has a higher base at 5%. Japan is only 2.5% foreigners now. Japan will never change that much / change slower's extremely hard language to learn how to read and write. People can learn Korea's alphabet in a day. I barely learned 500 kanji when I took Japanese for 1 year in college.
@joefish4466 5 сағат бұрын
Sounds like Tokyo will be less racist. FYI, Koreans hate the Japanese, because the Japanese are super racist. Also because of all the war crimes from WW2 and before.
@ranfak 5 сағат бұрын
It’s not just from SEA but they are importing many Indian which is even worst. Japan is doomed
@nicksmith9 3 сағат бұрын
Here in Canada no one can buy a house or get a job... There has been no upside for anyone but the rich who want modern day slaves
@VitaSineLibertatenih 6 сағат бұрын
a country is a house of a nation. Invite wrong people and your house is not yours anymore. How hard is it to understand?
@joefish4466 4 сағат бұрын
So who are the "wrong" people? I assume you're talking about those people from the "shit hole" countries? Right? USA is the greatest economic power in the world because of all the immigrants. Rest of the world hasn't learned that, which is why they will always be second rate. Diversity is good, just like not keeping all your eggs in one basket.
@ericciaramella1984 5 сағат бұрын
He's only talking about legal immigrants which is like 10% of immigrants in the US.
@BobBob-cn1yy 5 сағат бұрын
# England is full # Ireland is full.
@michaelh4227 10 минут бұрын
Immigration is ironically one of the few issues where the right obsesses over the social aspect while the left obsesses over economic one.
@Agislife1960 5 сағат бұрын
You think the criminal gangs from Venezuela are a none issue, bless your heart
@janebishop5885 4 сағат бұрын
Before any grand conclusions can be made about economic impacts of immigration, it's necessary to capture all the inputs to make any kind of assessment of those impacts. First, how do you measure skyrocketing prices of homes that are making paupers of your own people when, overnight, you have demand for thousands of homes? That huge, inflated cost further discourages young people from having kids and thereby continues to adversely affect demographics!!! And on and on the societal impacts mount. So, what i can truthfully say is that all and i mean all of my liberal and conservative friends want immigration ended...not just controlled, in order to absorb what we have now and i agree. ...a guy in his fifties at the hardware store used a common analogy about being sold a bill of goods when he said "I'm tired of seein' em try to put lipstick on a pig".
@EvanViking-x1y 3 сағат бұрын
It is difficult to see/hear Peter Zeihan lie to our faces about crime and immigrants/illegal immigrants. If you cannot be objective about the actual facts Peter please do not cover the subject, it makes you look bad.
@Miriewoud 4 сағат бұрын
Throughout History, there is a natural tendency to defend against the threat of losing the traditional culture and language of any ethnic community; whether it is a nation, a country, state, or whatever geographic segment(s) of the World.
@Zerkzeez 5 сағат бұрын
This video proves what you already suspected about The Zeihan.
@TheMassalorian 4 сағат бұрын
100% I was on the fence for a while with this guy but this take sealed the deal for me..
@zi326 4 сағат бұрын
The problem with making it work even economically is that the more you bring in the further does the birth rate drop so you would have to keep doing it forever, and that means that your country has to be richer and more lucrative to live in than others also forever. Which is impossible and when it's not a place people want to go to anymore the whole system will collapse there.
@dqdq4083 2 сағат бұрын
The U.S. has an open secret that they want to do like dubai and have a second class of non citizens who work for far below the average wage. This keeps many industries thriving in the U.S. europe seems like they are trying the same model since their economy is working but what Europe doesn't realize is that it just doesn't work if youre pulling from countries with a high prevalence of rape, theft and crime, it also doesn't work if you have a very generous welfare benefits program in your country. Another thing is when you are pulling from countries with high birth rates while also seeming to promote low birthrates in your own country, it will make people think you are trying to massively change demographics on purpose
@EJH783 2 сағат бұрын
Republicans always vote against making it a federal or felony crime to hire an undocumented worker. I wonder why.. can’t be due to all of the farms and factories that their donors run🤔
@loganhoffman5789 2 сағат бұрын
You could tell how nervous he was mentioning anything negative about immigration 😂
@jamesaurther1178 4 сағат бұрын
His credibility took a massive dive on this one. Even the Zeihan gets those cold cancellation sweats on the immigration topic 😂
@rokess5053 4 сағат бұрын
"People rarely talk about crime and social identity"....Really? Are you sure about that?
@jameswalker366 4 сағат бұрын
UAE model is best. Locals are essentially given privileges, which reduces resentment of mass immigration. Those coming in are managed very tightly and deported if they misbehave.
@hermaeusmora2945 2 сағат бұрын
The crime stats bs. It's super easy to manipulate statistics. The way it's almost always done is they take the total population number and look at crime committed by immigrants and crime committed by natives and that's how they get "less crime from immigrants". Well that's going to be quite skewed that way when the native population (In America for this example) is in the hundreds of millions and the immigrant population is maybe tens of millions; it's not a fair comparison that way. It has to be done in percentages to be fair. The native population is X, what percentage of these people have committed crime. Same with the immigrant population, it's X, what percentage of these people have committed crime. When the numbers are calculated that way, fairly, that is when the reality comes out that in many many cases immigrants commit way more crime than natives. One has to be very diligent and vigilant when it comes to statistics because they are very easy to manipulate and put political spin on. My personal favorite is Democrats talking about the Dreamers. They are all always doctors and lawyers and never commit crimes the Democrats say, aside from that being wrong and ignoring the data, they are ALL illegal immigrants so by that measure 100% of them are criminals in that they have broken the law.
@philbohr9224 4 сағат бұрын
No distinction between legal vs illegal immigration? And saying immigrant crime is lower than citizen crime?? Another swing and miss!
@lorijane2 34 минут бұрын
Not only is Canada struggling with a housing crisis due to mass immigration, the strain on our healthcare system is extreme. We need a breather for housing, infrastructure and social programs to catch up.
@gerlyno 3 сағат бұрын
In terms of Germany, he has lost his way, is now miles off the trail, wandering cluelessly towards a cliff edge…
@carypeaden4147 Сағат бұрын
One important distinction between types of immigrants is legal vs illegal. My daughter in-law is a legal immigrant from Asia that went to college here, got a masters degree, got a job with a green card, and then went through the required processes to became a US Citizen. Those processes did a lot to insure she understood our country, and integrated well into it (and we love her very much and are very glad she is here with us). She is probably typical of legal immigrants. I doubt that typical illegal immigrants slipping across the border are going to bring the same positive benefits to our country that typical legal immigrants bring. My guess is that Elon Musk did not slip across the border illegally. There is a big difference between legal and illegal immigration.
@Ardenator1 6 сағат бұрын
Another big Zeihan miss. The bit about immigrants committing less crime is outright false and at this point I'm beginning to wonder if he's lying for a political agenda.
@Asdf-wf6en 6 сағат бұрын
You’re just now realizing that?
@snowfox780 6 сағат бұрын
He could have different numbers for legal & illegal immigrants. And also refugees.
@Flutter_Sloth 5 сағат бұрын
since isreal started its genicede his skirt fell and i have relised that evey thing he says is a lie
@AMERICANPATROIT101-y7r 5 сағат бұрын
Yes, I bet Pete just went with the raw numbers. Not taking into account how many more natural citizens there are. Much like our American African population , 12.7% but responsible for 80% of violent crime… per the CDC, FBI and ATF website factual statistics
@AMERICANPATROIT101-y7r 5 сағат бұрын
Yes, I bet Pete just went with the raw numbers. Not taking into account how many more natural citizens there are. Much like our American African population , 12.7% but responsible for 80% of violent crime… per the CDC, FBI and ATF website factual statistics
@climateandculture9526 8 минут бұрын
It seems like most of the people saying how bad immigration is have never traveled the world. They think North America is some great place to be kept to themselves. It amazes me that people are even willing to come to the United States. Our population is aging out. Not enough new workers to fund social security. Healthcare costs in the United States are laughable and make it difficult for our corporations to compete with the world.
@matthewbrook7683 4 сағат бұрын
Yes Peter you said that immigration doesnt necessarily increase crime. Well depends on the immigrants and every western country that has received huge numbers of middle eastern immigrants in the last 20 years have all experienced massive increases in crime. Thnk back 20 years ago how many grenade attacks on police stations were there in Sweden ?? Zero, nada. The fundamental issue with immigration is it taking the best interests of the native population at heart and does the native population want it. In most western countries the answer is no.
@meikala2114 2 сағат бұрын
Crime had dropped since the 70s.
@sam.p12345 Сағат бұрын
It's true. In most major Western cities now every landmark is surrounded by ugly bollards to prevent terrorist attacks. It wasn't like that 20/30 years ago. And the barriers aren't there to stop Joe or Sarah demonstrating their grievances.
@elliottstevens8564 2 сағат бұрын
Peter admits there are costs of mass immigration....?!?? Wow! That's a big step for you guy!! Way to go!!
@elliottstevens8564 2 сағат бұрын
Just finished the video. Nevermind.
@EJH783 2 сағат бұрын
Still generally a benefit despite the racists
@elliottstevens8564 2 сағат бұрын
@@EJH783 your mama
@EJH783 2 сағат бұрын
@@elliottstevens8564 yup she raised me well unlike..
@Detvanliga Сағат бұрын
Hello Peter, from Sweden! Feminism and immigration sucks big time. The costs cannot even be calculated... .
@mark3xZod Сағат бұрын
In Canada, recent years immigration has drastically ramped up for low skill workers and bringing in larger numbers of extended families not just the 25-45yr old worker. Canada’s federal government also hides true costs by giving child credit and goods and services rebates to all low skill/low income folks. Yes they pay a little tax but the footnote is that they get a large chunk of it back in social benefits. Insanely unsustainable!
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