@abeltesfaye_ 4 күн бұрын
Honestly, a great example of a good biopoc that told the truth most of the time (though admittedly lied about a few serious things), was The Temptations miniseries! The actors looked like the legends they were portraying and sang like them, too. Most importantly, the emotions portrayed were raw, vulnerable and real. Also, Leon did an EXCELLENT job playing David Ruffin as did Terron Brooks playing Eddie Kendricks. Hell, even the real-life Smokey Robinson made a cameo and sang in it! There were definitely moments that could have been better, but overall, it's a great biopic and worth the watch ❤❤ I encourage everyone to watch it if you haven't yet.
@mayasl1339 22 күн бұрын
My gosh, I love the analysis and differentiation you were able to draw out. What a HUGE lesson and a jewel in story telling 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
@meatballsportstalk6297 Ай бұрын
Big fan of Cassie
@kristianliljegren7614 Ай бұрын
I think, out of all characters that came to Narnia, she shouldn't have forgotten about it, since she was one of those who spent most time there. It would have made more sense if Polly or Digory - or even Jill Pole, though she was there when Narnia collapsed - had forgotten and stopped beleiving, since they'd spent less time there, than Susan.
@Quintinity Ай бұрын
When I first read Harry Potter as a child, I remember skipping paragraphs of OotP because it contained so much dialogue and not enough action to capture and sustain my attention... Now, rereading it at the age of 20, I find myself actually crying where Harry struggles to cope with his trauma and loneliness. It's a much more mature book that is appreciated by mindful and sensitive readers who relate to very real-world plights.
@coolbeans5911 Ай бұрын
Susan reminds me of Jane from Return to Neverland: logical, realistic though somewhat cynical young girls who are thrown into a fantastical world against their will, and punished for not having the faith of a child (Jane in the first half of the film and Susan in later years). Both girls had to mature too quickly due to their circumstances and thus it makes sense why they wouldn't allow themselves the luxury of belief. Like Jane, we can't blame Susan for her reluctance to believe because the real world just won't allow for childlike wonder to thrive; they had to grow up to survive. They both adopted the role of the parent for their siblings, and thus had to stay grounded in reality and sacrifice their innocence for it. Jane grew throughout the story and truly did accept Neverland in the end though (and it is suggested that she will never lose this faith but who knows) and it's a true shame readers will never get Susan's "i do believe" moment, and i can't imagine her finding it too easily after the tragic death of her siblings and parents. It's rather irresponsible of CS to have left Susan's story in the dark like that. Many of his readers i'm sure have had troubles finding and maintaining their faith, and Susan would've been a fantastic character for exploring these pitfalls and how to overcome them, but instead he just writes her off as a materialistic girl too concerned with the world. Nice
@j.b.5422 Ай бұрын
no its always used chorreclty
@BatgirlFanatic521-md4lq Ай бұрын
Elsa is the hottest woman in animation ever. Her hair, eyes, lips, voice, breasts, body, legs, ass and feet are all perfect
@Luna_lotus. Ай бұрын
Atleast Lexi's play might be a catalyst for Cassie to look into her issues more closely and heal. The way she reacted when she saw her character being acted out on the stage. 😂😂😂Some peoples need this irl to wake up from the delusion they put themselves into.
@AM_film_STUDIOS Ай бұрын
Series: EUPHORIA Lead cast: Zendaya❤
@datraucous3351 Ай бұрын
Iz luvs her 🥰
@billyb6001 Ай бұрын
Ok. Anita sarkeezian
@MackerelCat Ай бұрын
It wasn’t foreshadowing, it is a retcon.
@AmbientOasis2000 Ай бұрын
Kristen stew arts was awful in the movie awful awful awful
@Boleyna1533 2 ай бұрын
I believe Cassie has the same problem as Rue, in our society we see addiction as something not controllable. It seems inevitable that Rue would relapse and therefore is granted forgiveness when she tries to get clean. It’s easier to forgive because she’s trying, you can see it’s not her fault by the physical evidence of drugs being used. However, Cassie is also an addict. Like you showed in the first clip with Maddy and Cassie talking about how she is never single. She is also trying to fill the missing love from her father, she isn’t using drugs she is using men. Addiction is the main point of this show.
@EmilyRafferty 2 ай бұрын
some of the most amazing people are dealers lol i know that sounds crazy but there's a psychology behind it (i think).... like wanting to help someone who is in need... maybe my cali brain is just dumb and/or biased tho lol
@EmilyRafferty 2 ай бұрын
i really d i s l i k e this character.... i know people like her.... maybe i even used to be like her idk... but i just ughhhhhhhhh
@ZackVieira 2 ай бұрын
The original manic pixie dream girl is Audrey Hepburn’s character in Breakfast at Tiffany. If u truly want to know where it comes from, there it is.
@quickpawmaud 2 ай бұрын
This is pretty accurate of what my experience with my family who are Christians and growing up in the Church was. I remember really liking the first Narnia movie as a kid and after watching this video have basically zero desire to read the books. Her family shit talking her as she is left alone with all her loved ones gone and traumatized for life is nothing compared to what Christians accept is just and right that the almighty does in the bible. The good ending would not be Susan repenting and joining them in heaven to me. It would be her never finding out her family never actually loved her and Azlan is a monster who enjoys torturing people. She would live her life thinking she was loved and it was tragedy as the truth is much worse.
@missbelle_elle 2 ай бұрын
Rest In Peace ✌🏻 dear one ❤️
@ML-eq6ll 2 ай бұрын
I have a daddy issues, so i can understand Cassie and her need to have a male figure in her life. I am myself was a really shy and socially awkward person, so i didn't even had a bf, GLADLY, but still was fucked in the head hard
@thesensitiveowl 3 ай бұрын
Why are people whining about her not entering heaven. She wasn't interested in it, she chose to deny it, so why would Aslan force her back there?
@blunderless 3 ай бұрын
but here's my question... would her story have been better in hindsight if she didn't have the madqueen arc? her story was the most boring part of 98% of the show
@DeerBoy736 Ай бұрын
Compare to what we got? Yes, even the most boring ending would been better than this.
@peachy8729 3 ай бұрын
@Scaryspider555 3 ай бұрын
Unpopular opinion: Cassie is horrible character, she treated everyone around her like shit, got with her best friends abusive boyfriend which she KNEW was abusive, and goes batshit crazy when she gets called out, does that mean that Lexi should have done that play? No, she could’ve picked any other thing and she had to choose that? But, that doesn’t make Cassie look like a better person, she’s still obviously in need of help, she just can’t stand to take accountability, I think that the people who are on Cassie’s side see more of themselves in Cassie, and the people on Maddie’s side see more of themselves in Maddie, Maddie was even willing to forget what happened and become friends with Cassie again, she was crying, begging her friend to let her in and try and fix it, Cassie, being Cassie decided that Maddie wasn’t as valuable as a friend then Maddie of Cassie, Maddie actually tried to change, she tries to grow, Cassie just can’t, she’s not trying, is she a victim? Yes, a hundred percent, does that mean that she deserves sympathy for every single bad thing she does? No, but that’s just my take
@theboldandthebeautiful3729 3 ай бұрын
Now do maddi😊
@_xlcovo 3 ай бұрын
skins is more relatable to me because i’m british, although they have similar topics, i notice euphoria has rue going to hospital, guns, addiction to pain medication. and skins is more designer drugs, and parents not giving a shit. you mentioned it was unrealistic that their parents didn’t care but honestly it isn’t! my parents, my friends parents generally gave up with us and don’t really care what we are doing with our lives. sad reality.
@lazybumpkin 3 ай бұрын
@AnonymousAnonposter 3 ай бұрын
This goes to two sides, beautiful characters having less attractive actors playing them, and ugly characters being played by more physically attractive actors. That's why no adaptation has ever really been better so far, at least in terms of casting, when compared to the mental image I create of the characters.
@smananderson09 3 ай бұрын
It's completely dumb how dany changed in the span of 2 episodes
@davidfaw4714 3 ай бұрын
She did deserve so so so so so so much better! I refuse to read the books because she had to bury her entire family, and had to get attached and reattached to narnia. She was the only one who lived she had to live with her family all gone. She had to grow up to be another mother to her brothers and sister. I will never read the books after learning that all of susan's family died and she was left alone. I believe she wanted to believe in narnia but refused to because of being scared to not move on after she left. I wish they could have all gone together I believe she will get into Aslan's country once she heals a bit more. I know Aslan will let her but her journey is a bit longer than her families. Ps sorry this is so long.
@tfh5575 3 ай бұрын
the main problem is they always get the hair wrong. every single time!
@syifams 3 ай бұрын
Clementine and Summer are not Manic Pixie Dream Girls. Period.
@happinesstan 3 ай бұрын
Sigmond Fraud.
@lukasmiller486 3 ай бұрын
I love TCON and always will but I would have no problem with the Netflix miniseries leaving out the Susan problem and having her be with the others at the end. I know Lewis did this to add another layer of complexity to the narrative but it just doesn’t flow well cinematically. When Aslan tells the others they died in the train crash none of them think of poor Susan left behind to deal with the tremendous loss-not even Lucy. That is so messed up.
@sarahthomas8670 3 ай бұрын
Karen is so underrated
@sarahthomas8670 3 ай бұрын
Where can I watch it
@sarahthomas8670 3 ай бұрын
Omg fr it’s very realistic. When I was in secondary. There’s was so many party and sex and heavy makeup even in school. Relationship aswell and friendship omgg it was extreme like that
@ygr6484 3 ай бұрын
They shouldn't change the ending, Susan deserves her fate
@optimisms 3 ай бұрын
tbqh i feel like people who don't like OOTP and caps-lock harry just haven't been through anything traumatic yet in their lives, something that truly shatters your entire world and changes you forever. once you have, i can't imagine disliking this portrayal.
@j.s8686 4 ай бұрын
I think Cassie got borderline personality disorder
@AKM93 4 ай бұрын
Harry Potter movies were made the largest flaws like this and all thr movies are even repulsive.
@CorruptedDivinity 4 ай бұрын
Cassie was still more likeable than most of the characters
@LyraLyraPantsOnFyra 4 ай бұрын
Imagine for a moment, that you lived an impossible thing for half a lifetime only to have it taken from you. And then to go back after a little while in the mundane world only to find out that everyone you knew there is dead and the legacy of peace that you left has shattered. You help fix it again, and you are once again told you must leave, only this time you are told that you will not be allowed back. Then after you decide that there's no point dwelling on the magical world because you can never return there, your other family members are allowed back and even your horrid cousin was allowed in twice (at least he's less horrid now but he now won't stop talking about the magic you wish you could see again). Then all of the people, other than you who know of this magical world are killed, taken from you. If you were to realise that they'd been taken from you by Aslan... would you really want to forgive him? The allegory breaks down a bit with the problem of Susan because... how could she possibly forget that Narnia was real? I don't think she did. I think she just didn't want to hold on to the hope that she might see a place she had been taken from twice before. Susan isn't an allegorical atheist, she's an allegorical pariah. She heard from Gods own mouth that she wasn't going to come back to Narnia. Her "sin" was believing him. I disagree with Lewis' (and by extension the professor's) 'Liar, Lunatic or Lord' analogy because of course Lucy could be lying or mad. You'd just prefer not to think that.
@skull2470 4 ай бұрын
You people are looking at this all wrong susan is the perfect warning to you the people who walked away from the faith God is not punishing her he's shouting "WAKE UP!" you think it's silly she would miss out on the kingdom of heaven for small things. YOU ARE THE ONE MISSING OUT ON HEAVEN FOR SMALL THINGS!! That is what CS Lewis is trying to tell you.
@allisonkuechlesilva3332 4 ай бұрын
I came here expecting to argue the point of the video since I spend a lot of time defending Susan's ending. I think a lot of people who hate on it make claims like saying she was denied heaven (which is never stated. She's not in heaven yet because she isn't dead yet), or that her siblings don't show any empathy for her (they don't know that they're dead until literally the last paragraph of the book). However, I found your analysis very thoughtful and fair. Your point seemed to be that the ending could have been written better to make these things more clear, and I think there's something to that. So thank you for your very thoughtful analysis.
@Annie.747 4 ай бұрын
idk i think its fitting. its a sad reality that many people wont go to heaven. the gate to destruction is wide and the gate to salvation is narrow. it aligns perfectly to his target audience of subliminally telling biblical truths. the only ppl upset by this are the ones that do not share the same understanding. there will be many Susans
@hglundahl 4 ай бұрын
17:08 Unless he made it a priority to leave _that part_ to whoever was going to take up the pen for her! In so far as CSL has any kind of self portrait involved here, he's actually referring to his youth at "Cherbourg" where a certain charming teacher showed up "joie de vivre" as incompatible with faith. Which is obviously false, and one kind of needs some shallowness to believe that.
@hglundahl 4 ай бұрын
16:50 What are your views about Theodicy in this world?
@hglundahl 4 ай бұрын
16:13 We do not all of us make our material existence depend on success with people who would despise one if they really knew one. At least not knowingly.