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@leo--4341 Күн бұрын
now u gotta check out elliott smith or alex g
@buzz71544 Күн бұрын
Yes... it is. Caroline No... with the water bottle... dog barking with the train... and haunting melody blows me away. It is pure genius.
@josephgonsalves8579 Күн бұрын
@percey Күн бұрын
Hi Caroline, in my opinion I don't think "Mariachi" is the most accurate association to make with Babe I'm Gonna Leave you. Perhaps Flamenco tinged Folk? I love your videos! I'm in my 50s and most of the music you so deftly anylize is the soundtrack to my life. Thank you.
@jandanielj.hgdahl1780 2 күн бұрын
there is one nirvana album you havent reacted to and that is insecticides.
@josephbradley7216 2 күн бұрын
Here's my question, in the 2nd track "in bloom" he says that "he likes to shoot his gun but he knows not what it means" What could that phrase possibly mean? I just commented about my thoughts on Kurt's death and I really wonder if he knew what he meant and would mean to so many people? "Likes to shoot his gun but he knows not what it means." Then there's come as you are, "I swear that I don't have a gun" was he thinking about his own death way back then? I feel like suicide might have crossed his mind and that's why it was in those lyrics. Did he have that whole thing planned out after a certain point knowing he'd be friggin immortal when it was all said and done? Kurt was much smarter and more savvy than he let on. I've purposefully contradicted myself here and I'd LOVE to hear other people's thoughts on this...
@josephbradley7216 2 күн бұрын
The way Kurt explained it was that their songs were similar to the songs we learned as children. "Very basic" They were soooo much more than that but I'll agree that they were very primal. They also had a "formula" that just worked!! It was soft, loud, soft, loud, and I've literally written songs this way myself and it's a very simple formula that just WORKS! Kurt was so much more important to people than he ever knew and I truly wonder if it ever crossed his mind that his death would create copycats. I feel like he'd have to know that but at the same time he had no clue what he was and what he'd become to so many people! The other variable there is that even if he knew all that, it's very likely that "the pain" was too much to deal with. I've been to that point in my own life and there were 3 attempts on my own life that it's unbelievable that I survived any of the 3 BUT I'VE REALIZED THAT IS A PERMANENT SOLUTION TO A TEMPORARY PROBLEM!! I thank God to be alive today!!!!
@predeterminedmeat5024 3 күн бұрын
I think God Only Knows deserves a great ranking. Beautiful chord progression
@tammyblack2747 3 күн бұрын
They recorded Just a Notion in the 70s but they didn’t think it was too good at the time so they put it on this album.
@JP-vi4ig 4 күн бұрын
The lyrics don't mean anything.
@seanmchugh3476 6 күн бұрын
I've heard it said that, while other drummers play the drums, Ringo would play the song. I agree.
@xsinick3000 6 күн бұрын
Yes it is, but Smile is the greatest.
@fkessler53 6 күн бұрын
A taste of honey was a cover - very popular song outside the Beatles.
@alyrerb 6 күн бұрын
I would say the font of the STH lyrics look Elvenish? Almost like the scribe on 'Precious' the ring?
@dmortwidower 6 күн бұрын
Caroline No was originally named Carol I Know written about a high school gf of Brian’s Carol Amen. Brian is deaf in one ear and when he heard the words Carol I Know it sounded like Caroline No to him. Knowing this makes the lyrics more sensible, at least to me.
@joaoplahinsce1849 6 күн бұрын
Os caras tinham uma vida agitada,usavam isso pra compor,a genialidade tá aí
@lupodelupis3672 7 күн бұрын
The first time i heard this psychedelic masterpiece i've made these faces (i think)😮😯😲😳
@prpwnage9296 7 күн бұрын
Go away pointless
@joaoplahinsce1849 7 күн бұрын
Os quatros evoluíram com o tempo,aí que vem as críticas de quem parou no tempo,imagino se não tivessem as brigas que causaram a separação se continuassem trabalhando juntos
@nasserhafes3021 7 күн бұрын
why the laugh?
@nasserhafes3021 7 күн бұрын
stop singing please...
@ericrose3877 7 күн бұрын
It's not a bass, it's a Duane Eddy inspired nice line.
@thelifeofpie6578 7 күн бұрын
My top 10 ABBA songs: 1. Chiquitita (love the piano beat backing the melody, catchy ending, plus the chorus is incredibly soulful and uplifting) 2. Eagle (love the instrumentation and background sound, makes me feel like I'm soaring through the Grand Canyon, angelic and cinematic feel to it) 3. Move On (Beautiful lyrics with deep meaning, the chorus reminds me of waves and the wind blowing from the ocean) 4. Knowing Me, Knowing You (Favorite part is actually the beginning piano chords - has a very refreshing sound that immediately draws you in, down-to-earth song with sad lyrics but an upbeat melody) 5. Our Last Summer (Romantic and sweet) 6. When All is Set and Done (So sad yet also nostalgic) 7. The Name of the Game (Love the instrumentation, it's a complex song that makes an interesting listen every time so you never get bored of it, intriguing lyrics) 8. One Man, One Woman (Love the guitar intro, Frida's singing very genuine) 9. Soldiers (Underrated, but like the chorus) 10. Gimme, Gimme, Gimme (classic disco song, killer lyrics, makes you want to dance)
@newenglandautomaticdoor7735 8 күн бұрын
I heard that if you listen to Taylor Swift backwards, it actually sounds good.
@newenglandautomaticdoor7735 8 күн бұрын
This is just silly. I've heard different versions of this. First of all, John doesn't say "I buried Paul" at the end of Strawberry Fields. You can hear it clearly in the Anthology version that he says "cranberry sauce". Also, the person who died in the car in A Day in the Life was a member of the Guinness beer family that John knew. This was all started by a DJ. I never understood how anyone could honestly think this was true
@nasserhafes3021 8 күн бұрын
You talking too much....chill!!!
@newenglandautomaticdoor7735 8 күн бұрын
People who say Ringo is a bad drummer probably never played the drums. Also, this is 1963. How complex should the drums be on a pop song back then. People are silly
@dannycolverson6944 8 күн бұрын
It's annoying hear Dave Grohls opinion every 5 minutes. The guys already talked enough for 10 lifetimes. Krist is far more interesting, or even Steve Albini...
@leonardum 9 күн бұрын
Changing the subject a lot, I would really like you to listen to and analyze the album Making Mirrors by the artist Gotye, it is an album of alternative and independent music, which mixes many genres, it is a great album, Gotye has a great voice, I wish I loved seeing your reaction, I love your channel ❤
@yakotako717 10 күн бұрын
Next album - The Meddle or The Division Bell pls
@zacharyspencer8321 10 күн бұрын
Yeah, Bad Boy was originally recorded in 1958 and released January 1959 by Williams. The Beatles recorded and released specifically for "the American market" mid-1965 (and not in the UK until December 1966). This would have been around the time the film Help! was released.
@janetmueller9195 10 күн бұрын
The Beatles music was before there were cassettes! Cassette recorders didn't come out until like the late sixties or early 70s. Their songs were recorded on either LPs ( long playing records) or 45s. The 45s were what most teenagers bought and could afford. They were small records with a large hole in the middle. I still have a lot of them! They sold for like $79 cents or sometimes cheaper. The best thing about buying the Beatles single records was that you got two great songs on both sides. Most hit songs by other artists had an unknown song on the "flip side." But with the Beatles, you got 2 for the price of one! In the mid-sixties, we waited from week to week to hear what new song the Beatles just came out with on the radio! They just kept.coming and coming! 🎶
@marybloomfield2646 10 күн бұрын
A great and imo underrated album.
@janetmueller9195 11 күн бұрын
I love all your reactions especially your facial expressions! Your sweet face takes on a coquettish, almost blushing smile while listening to Paul's romantic lyrics. Also, I enjoy watching you're funny gestures and laughter. Best of all, you give us some of the mechanics of each song and what make them so special! I am a 71 years old woman and first saw the Beatles on TV when I was only ten years old. It's nice to see you, a young lady who could have been my granddaughter finding joy in listening to all the songs of my youth! God bless you! ❤️
@janetmueller9195 12 күн бұрын
Some of my favorite Beatle songs are the ones that never made it to number one, like Follow the Sun, No Reply, and many more. I was 10 years old when the Beatles first came to America. We had never heard of them. But we soon became bigs fans! Their music has well stood the test of time!
@Watchman70 13 күн бұрын
You're are so adorable. ❤
@whydoibother1632 13 күн бұрын
RAM ON ... The branch off
@whydoibother1632 13 күн бұрын
Okay after the Beatles, good Segway
@whydoibother1632 13 күн бұрын
They're not the Beatles. I like some of what they've done though
@whydoibother1632 13 күн бұрын
Okay, on to RAM
@whydoibother1632 13 күн бұрын
Oh this should be fun
@whydoibother1632 13 күн бұрын
Decisions decisions decisions
@whydoibother1632 13 күн бұрын
Okay I just finished all your Beatles albums videos. Great job! And now the finale!
@whydoibother1632 13 күн бұрын
13:00 oh, right, years ago if we had a name, we could look up their number.
@whydoibother1632 13 күн бұрын
Yep, you didn't let us down
@whydoibother1632 13 күн бұрын
Good night. Sleep tight. Sweet dreams. Was a great outro college radio closer
@whydoibother1632 13 күн бұрын
Okay back to the Beatles. Part 2.
@whydoibother1632 13 күн бұрын
Wow. Awesome breakdown
@whydoibother1632 13 күн бұрын
Okay let's see Titanic as a break between the white album part 1 and 2.
@whydoibother1632 13 күн бұрын
Now we're getting into the serious Beatles
@whydoibother1632 13 күн бұрын
Definitely one of the greatest songs of all time. I've seen hundreds of others doing it, some are really awesome renditions