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Is Jesus God? (John 1:1 Exposition)
@MrSeedi76 5 сағат бұрын
But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. 1 Timothy:2:12
@ademuwagunoladipupo1188 18 сағат бұрын
Thanks. I need insight into 11Q13, and Jesus Connection to Michael
@michaeln8287 Күн бұрын
I'll give a short breakdown of the video for everyone else. It's a bunch of invalid nonsense and logical fallacies. There isn't any hard (or even compelling) evidence of the resurrection.
@onlytruth4102 3 күн бұрын
Sorry, but how smart we are if we believe that The Creator The most Powerful is dead for our sins???? Really!!! Why others' previous prophets didn't know the existance of his "unique" SON!!??? Why God will hide this important TRUTH or FACT to his closest prophets??? In a litteral meaning, we can admit we are all sons of God but not biologically!!! Guys, let's think for minutes! This lie was created by Romans at the time to take the control of Christianity. The conceptof son's of gods existed in Roman's culture and to let more romans convert to christianity, it was more convincing to create this concept of son of gos.. There is no son of God... There is only ONE God and Jesus is His Word and Prophet as Abraham and Moses...
@donnalindsay3744 5 күн бұрын
Jesus was a super powerful being, capable of anything… even giving the illusion he was crucified. His work wasn’t done? It would’ve been a waste for him to leave this world so early. What does it mean for someone to die for our sins? Why? It kind of sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it? So this story of his survival makes much more sense! Thank you!
@DaddyKratosOfTheShire 5 күн бұрын
Mike winger Jones
@kevinmcnulty7307 6 күн бұрын
What does "literary device" mean? It makes it sound like it's made up, God orchestrated all this to happen and be written. Does "literary device" just mean how it was written? The events actually happened. Just trying to get clarification. Thanks!
@Chris.A.H 7 күн бұрын
@Chris.A.H 7 күн бұрын
This is brutal brutal misunderstanding of scripture. Revelation 6, 11 and 14 all talk about the second coming to Jesus. Did that happen already? Is that from the book of Joshua? I mean come on. Stop the madness. Just because Revelation 1:1 says these things must shortly come to pass doesn’t mean it was to happen imminently. One day with the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as one day (2 Peter 3:8). The patience of the Lord is incomprehensible. “Shortly” to him is not shortly to us.
@Chris.A.H 7 күн бұрын
That was just one of the silliest explanations I’ve ever heard. Paul is clearly talking about actual clouds and actually meeting the Lord in the air. His language is not symbolic it’s literal. With that being said, the text still doesn’t prove a rapture. The rapture theology is false. But you’re trying to hard to disprove the rapture that you’re doing exactly what you accuse others of, forcing the meaning into the text.
@goldenyearsacres9163 7 күн бұрын
I have been hoping & searching to find a video that coincides with what I'm sharing with a small group of ladies. This content is perfect. Not only does it share the message of the gospel, but it also gives a real-life example of laying down one's life for others. The message is delivered in a captivating, attention-grabbing style that I enjoyed & and I think my friends will as well. I'm sharing this one, thank you!
@adamkarns5455 8 күн бұрын
They went to Rahabs house because God ordained it since before he created the heavens and the earth.
@happycat0411 9 күн бұрын
What does it matter? Those who end up in Hell their souls will ultimately belong to Satan thus Satan can do literally whatever he wants to them! You are created in God's own image and God is an eternal spirit therefore the spirit within the physical body can never ever be destroyed! In other words, those who end up in Hell will continue to live in eternal damnation > enduring torture, torment, and being burned alive (without even the remote possibility of death) endlessly in Hell's Lake of Fire.... What most people do not understand is there is a ongoing battle for souls between God and Satan with Satan's number of damned souls far out numbering God's number of saved souls. According to Jesus (whom according to the book of John is God in the flesh and blood) almost no one will make it through the narrow gate. Does anyone think they have the answer or want to know "Why?" Jesus said this? The ONLY authority on the Bible is Scripture itself.... as God is both omnipotent and there are "NO" mistakes within the Bible whatsoever!
@IsaacNussbaum 7 күн бұрын
The Hebrew and Greek manuscripts do not contain the word "hell" or any word which means hell. Thus, there is no such place as hell.
@happycat0411 6 күн бұрын
@@IsaacNussbaum That is "exactly" why I specifically said the only authority on the Bible is the Bible (Scripture itself)! What other groups think or want to believe is their own choice!
@IsaacNussbaum 6 күн бұрын
@@happycat0411 But you wrote _"those who end up in Hell...."_ Nobody _can_ end up in hell. There is no such place. The Bible does not teach a place of eternal conscious torment.
@NathanRance 10 күн бұрын
Amazing video
@MisterN0b0dy 11 күн бұрын
Those Jesus describes as “lukewarm” in Revelation 3:16 are not saved; they are not Christians. Jesus says they are wretched and naked and tells them to cover their nakedness by buying “garments of white”, a clear biblical reference to salvation. Jesus stands outside the church at Laodicea, not inside. It is a church that needs salvation and needs to invite Jesus inside.
@michaelshackelford566 13 күн бұрын
The word coincidence! Let's God and Satan do what they do. Anonymously
@michaelshackelford566 13 күн бұрын
Just imagine! If the expansion rate was to happen. Just because it happened. What are the odds... That it happened to be the precise rate. Just because it happened. ? Now! The key question is. In the non-believers. They holler!!! How come God does not reveal himself or show himself. In a point blank manner. The answer is very simple. Because if he did... You would bow down and praise him as such. But what good is it. If you're getting praised by fear... It's worthless. Really you know it and I know it. Think about that? He can have that anytime he wants. Which would you rather have. By fear or By choice in Faith of your existence.
@christianmollo3239 13 күн бұрын
So many Christians have accepted false doctrine because in most cases it proclaims they won’t have to die, they won’t have to lay in a grave or even the RC Church that speaks unbiblical lies about “purgatory” where they will get another chance after death. Then the churches that teach eternal burning, suffering and torment without end for trillions upon trillions of years for maybe leading as good a life as the best Christian people only to not accept Jesus as God so they are tossed into the fires of Hell forever to suffer and writhe in unimaginable pain. This created to scare believers to keep giving money and not dare question anything. Or the Calvinist doctrine that is so evil it proclaims God chose trillions of people to burn with not a chance for salvation even before they were born while THEY enjoy Paradise in Heaven because THEY were chosen by God and not YOU ! It goes on and on…. People are evil and the only way to get the real truth is to READ THE NEW TESTAMENT. Don’t translate it. Just Read it. Repent… Trust God thru Christ…. Follow Him, be obedient to the absolute best of your ability and stop listening to demonic nonsense.
@catlee6757 14 күн бұрын
Thank you. Wow, as a preterist I wept for the light you so clearly shed on the culture and context of this powerful display of how the bible interprets itself. I am recommending this to everyone who desires to see the manifold wisdom of God's provision through Christ and his complete redemption plan. Thank you.
@carlloggins9297 15 күн бұрын
The ALPHA and The OMEGA! The beginning of all!
@raffi3dm402 15 күн бұрын
@raffi3dm402 15 күн бұрын
“"..true evangelical contrition, repentance, brokenness, must be preceded be, awakened by delight in God...True remorse says, ‘I have failed to enjoy God.’” John Piper
@irontaylor9992 16 күн бұрын
1. where dose it say paul saw the ressurected jesus As he journeyed he came near Damascus, and suddenly a light shone around him from heaven. 4 Then he fell to the ground, and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?” where dose it say paul saw jesus when jesus rose he phsyically apeared to the women and 2 his deciples
@danielhorack8533 16 күн бұрын
I always though the same. Or when they go on for pages explaing people and there names. It's like.... do you know how long that must have took to record it? They didnt have Alexa, or even pencils and paper. Who would just sit there and make this all up? Or simply read proverbs. Think of when that was written. It's pure gold. I understand that Christianity has been taught by bad people, and used for terrible reasons. It's hard to even say Jesus anymore because people abused, used and mocked his name so much. Jesus was the truth though. The father, Son, and Holy Spirit will teach you, guide you, and give you a confidence, and peace you need to experience. I have experienced so many miracles that I don't even like to tell people because they look at me like I'm crazy. The best thing I can tell people is experience it for yourself. Pretty sure we can all read for 10 mins and pray. Oh and when you pray I suggest talking to God like an understanding father. For some reason the more I express myself the more I feel his presence. Love you all. God bless.
@ΜαρίνοςΛούρος 18 күн бұрын
Morality is totally subjective
@carlloggins9297 14 күн бұрын
18 күн бұрын
Wasn't Paul secretly working for the Flavian Dynasty? Weren't all of the original Roman Catholic Saints' members of the Flavian Dynasty? Weren't all of the original symbols used by the earliest Christians identical to those of the Flavian Dynasty? And isn’t one of the earliest iconographic symbols for Christianity, located in a catacomb, under the city of Rome, which was owned by a Flavian Princess? Weren't all of the original Jesus cult texts produced under the oversight of the Flavian Dynasty? Didn't the Flavian Dynasty posses the only remaining copy of the Hebrew Tanakh other than the Greek Septuagint translation? Isn't there Flavian typology in the Gospels? Weren't the canonical texts all back dated like the historical fiction of Gone With The Wind? Wasn't Emperor Vespasian known as the Jewish Messiah? Wasn’t Pope Clement of Rome a Flavian? Wasn't Josephus a temple whore for the Flavian Dynasty? Weren't the Flavian’s, as well as Paul, descended from King Herod? There was no separation of Church and State in the Roman Empire. And Christianity is clearly a Greco-Roman hybrid form of Judaism created by the Flavian Dynasty. As an attempt to adapt, pacify, and integrate the rebellious and defiant Jews into the rest of the Greco-Roman Empire. Just like the Greeks created Hermes Trismegistus to integrate Egyptian mythology with Greek mythology.Then finally Neo-Flavian Constantine chose the Flavian family religion to be the official religion of the entire Roman Empire. In order to consolidate power in his fractured Empire. And then Eusebius edited and rewrote the history of the previous 3OO years. Destroying all contradictory evidence. It isn't history it is all simply Greco-Roman mythopoetic literature. Today it is known as Historical Fiction. “What profit hath not this fable of Christ brought us.” Pope Leo X 💙
@lematt777 18 күн бұрын
This was awesome! Thank you
@giaanhvu3862 19 күн бұрын
Though with the Gospel-the power of God we can be perfect: Jude 1:24 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, See, Jesus can keep you from falling:>
@Sahih_al-Bukhari_2658 19 күн бұрын
Skip to 3:54 for start
@CREEPER01992 19 күн бұрын
I like listening to you frank it helps me a lot and I show my kids also to help them thank u for all you do for telling the truth about God and also how to treat others in this society a lot of issues I’m struggling with
@AtamMardes 20 күн бұрын
One of the oldest scams is to control & milk the fools by telling them that they're born in sin & there is a better place after this life, but to be saved they must repent & believe the bs story that an invisible magician gave birth to himself via virgin birth and sacrificed himself to forgive all sins.
@ApenisaGonewai-k1u 20 күн бұрын
I'm really interested in this topic..our words our attitude must be in alignment .
@zacharyscott6325 20 күн бұрын
without Christians in politics slavery would still most likely be legal in Europe and America I would say we need more Christians in politics. It would only be a net positive for Christians in or country. and no one under any circumstances can support the Democratic Party and call themselves a Christian that is pure hypocrisy.
@zacharyscott6325 20 күн бұрын
without Christians in politics slavery would still most likely be legal in Europe and America I would say we need more Christians in politics. It would only be a net positive for Christians in or country.
@PumbaaStriking 21 күн бұрын
That does make more sense that hot or cold is good but lukewarm is bad. To say something like cold is bad why would God rather you be easily condemned? He wouldn't
@adventuresoflittlejohnny 21 күн бұрын
If you, or anyone had real evidence, it would be the most important find in human history and every religion would immediately convert and you would have a Nobel Peace Prize to show for it….Do You? Has any other religion changed to yours? I didn’t think so!!
@RodFriesen-s3t 21 күн бұрын
Dr John has helped me so much. Thanks
@grumpyfishes 21 күн бұрын
I salute the sacrifice that Petty Officer Michael A Monsoor did for his comrades, and others like him in times of peace and war. The resurrection (or at least visions of the raised Jesus) are claimed only in the books of the N.T. Therefore, I find it strange (even suspicious) that no contemporary historian (as far as I am aware) investigated or commented on this event, even though it would rank as the most stupendous in human history.
@joesacrifice2832 24 күн бұрын
you must be joking!! do not be deceived
@oldmanjoe6808 25 күн бұрын
What is God like? is a way of saying, "I won't waste my time studying the Bible for the answer, so I'll just ask someone instead, and walk away back to my old life when I've heard enough."
@Bexx33 25 күн бұрын
Glory to the blood of Jesus. Thank you Father for the opportunity to be part of your kingdom 🤲🏽
@mercytreeministries5973 26 күн бұрын
I've watched many biblical teachings, and you two did a great job explaining the content in these passages . Thank you both .
@benjaminjohnson6118 26 күн бұрын
Christian Nationalist Con 2024. Gross.
@gmatsonjr 26 күн бұрын
A primitive farmer in a primitive land suffers two consecutive bad harvests. The following spring, he sacrifices a chicken to the rain god hoping to change his fortunes. That year, the rainfall is steady and just right: not too much and not too little. His crops grow tall and strong. He has an excellent harvest. “The rain god answered my prayers because I offered a chicken sacrifice to him,” the farmer says to himself. For the next four years the farmer offers a chicken sacrifice and each year the rainfall is just right and his harvests are green and bountiful. His life changes dramatically. He is incredibly happy. Once angry and short-tempered, he is now kind and generous. He experiences incredible peace and a profound sense of security knowing that he has pleased his god and is now reaping the benefits of his god’s good favor. Question: Do you believe that the chicken sacrifices had anything to do with this man’s five consecutive good harvests and his change in character and demeanor? Of course you don’t. The five consecutive good harvests were simply a rare but very natural phenomenon. Statistical variation perfectly explains this man’s good fortune. As an evangelical Christian, you believe that a spirit lives inside you; a spirit who has unlimited knowledge and powers; a spirit who answers your prayer requests and performs miracles for you. However, if you can’t see, hear, or touch this spirit how do you know this spirit is really there? How do you know that your perception of a spirit dwelling within you is not just your mind playing tricks on you? Gary Author, Escaping Christian Fundamentalism
@ElephantInTheRoom777 26 күн бұрын
Holy moly Chris, eat something or you’re gonna die from starvation!
@IsaacNussbaum 7 күн бұрын
Are you fat shaming Chris?
@ElephantInTheRoom777 7 күн бұрын
@@IsaacNussbaum are you the pc hr department rep?
@scottgriffin2005 27 күн бұрын
Good thank you
@SpencerCroner-g3w 27 күн бұрын
Thank you Mr. Turek for braking down the evidence in a simplistic way for understanding. I pray that this message reaches all whom it is meant to reach. God bless you!
@reloagentlipps 28 күн бұрын
Preach it brother!! Proud of you!!