@aegorbittersteel2154 21 минут бұрын
Im late but woooooo new video!!!!!!!
@ninacaracol 33 минут бұрын
I love your analysis i want to go back and reread dany's chapters in adwd but i remember liking them a lot
@Ilargizuri 37 минут бұрын
Great Video as always. I do wonder, Daenerys saves the Dwarves in the Pit from the Lion ... is that a smart foreshadowing for Tyrion when he comes back to Westeros? Westeros is the Pit, the Dwarves are Tyrion and Penny (quite Literally as the REader knows) and the Lions are stand-ins for the Lannisters. The question would be, if this Scenario is about Tyrion and his return to Westeros under Daenerys' Protection (I mean the Pits are under Daenerys literally in this Scene) how could we read this Chasing of a Dog? Truth be told, I think it is about the unresolved Problems between the Stark and the Lannisters. Penny is probably a Stand-In in this Foreshadowing for Sansa Stark, who like Penny has a Brother who died because of his Family, the Lannisters. Sansa doesn't want to be married to Tyrion, and Tyrion does want Sansa for her Claim to Winterfell, so Tyrion may fight for his Marriage to be acknowledged to give Daenerys the North and the North and his Wolves will most likely chase him away. As far as I remember the Lions are not mentioned anymore, but I think they died when Drogon landed in the Pit. Tyrion will also be in a Shave Pate Position when he returns to Westeros because some People will want to question him about the Death of his Father and Shae and that could end poorly for him.
@CompanyOfTheCat 31 минут бұрын
Ooooh, that's great foreshadowing for Tyrion! I need to think about it and get back to you!
@sectoralheterochromia 50 минут бұрын
Glad to see this !
@JsHolgersson 59 минут бұрын
Always a sweet Saturday Treat when you post your fantastic videos Cat! 😊 Keep up the good work! Much love 💙🔥🐈‍⬛
@CompanyOfTheCat 55 минут бұрын
Thank you so much!! And have a great weekend💞
@joseysomemore Сағат бұрын
@sinthoras1917 Сағат бұрын
It seems like my comments get deleted by KZbin
@sinthoras1917 Сағат бұрын
I guess I used scary words like rëvölütïön or something
@CompanyOfTheCat Сағат бұрын
Hahahahaha probably, because yes, this is your first comment I see here.
@sinthoras1917 Сағат бұрын
@@CompanyOfTheCat I hate KZbin. I typed a long message, just to have it deleted
@sinthoras1917 35 минут бұрын
​@@CompanyOfTheCatoh, and great video, clear sighted analysis. That was the start of my deleted comments
@CompanyOfTheCat 27 минут бұрын
Aw, thanks! And I'm sorry about your comment. It's the worst when that happens, and I truly don’t understand why they don’t at least let me see it to decide if it's appropriate.
@OfAshesPhoenix 2 сағат бұрын
It's true that this storyline is mad underappreciated. We have everything! Schemes, plots, words behind words, and so much at stake... Every time people say that the Meereenese are one dimensional cartoon villains I'm sighting real hard. Hizdahr and Galazza both are such layered villains. Hizdahr for example representing the violence of the status quo that is nicely concealed beneath the facade of respect to authority and tradition... And if Galazza indeed is the Harpy - which I believe there is a 99% chance to be the case - the confrontation between her and Dany will be delicious. Especially because this is the second older woman in her life that had betrayed her. And I hope that there's more at stake for Skahaz and that he is genuinely devoted to ending slavery as opposed to just being a self-serving douche. And Steven mentioned 🙏 I wasn't going to drink today but man I'm missing him like a mf
@CompanyOfTheCat Сағат бұрын
She has to be the Harpy. It fits too well thematically, in terms of writing, and for the characters involved. It would be a lost opportunity and a poor red herring if the explanation doesn't work. As for why many readers don't like it, I think it's a mix of things. Some people don't enjoy Dany's storyline or her character. The story is also filled with events, and a lot of key information often gets overlooked in discussions. I rarely hear more than 2-3 people even mention the Qartheen blockade. Also, many readers struggle with remembering names. I’ve noticed this issue mostly in English-speaking communities, as the names aren’t necessarily difficult or similar for everyone. The story itself can often read like a history book, very grey, complicated, and not as shiny or glamorous as people might expect from a book of this nature. These are exactly the reasons why you and I love this part of the story, and why many others enjoy it as well, but many might find politics of this depth boring (even when people say they like the politics of ASOIAF, they mostly focus on court politics). Steven was incredible, and I often miss his insights, especially when reading his essays. He did excellent work here, and I believe he deserved to be mentioned.
@OfAshesPhoenix 52 минут бұрын
@@CompanyOfTheCat This arc also serves its purpose - showing that ruling is HARD BUSINESS. Which is why it exhaust me to constantly see how bad of a ruler Dany is - no, she is a ruler who faces realistic and, in this particular context, extremely difficult obstacles. We talk about uprooting a thousand years old exploitative institution on which the economy of the entire continent rests; we speak of a domestic t3rr0r1st organization slaughtering people; we speak of a plague and war and so many other things. Of course she struggles! She's never even had a maester and is fifteen years old. If she was living in Westeros, she would still be ruled by regents. But if you point this out you're accused of 'excusing her' 🤡
@CompanyOfTheCat 33 минут бұрын
@@OfAshesPhoenix That being said, I did excuse her for punishing the slavers. The punishment was consistent with the justice system of that era and region. But honestly, what even is a 'wrong slaver'? Even if the theory about punishing the 'wrong slavers' were true (which it isn't, as several ADWD quotes confirm they were the heads of the most prominent houses), what does a 'wrong slaver' even mean? They may not have agreed with the crucifixions, but they were fine with everything else, so does that make them 'wrong'? The only true innocents here are the children, and again and again, she has gone out of her way to protect them.
@OfAshesPhoenix 26 минут бұрын
​@@CompanyOfTheCat If they were truly opposed, they would have made that opposition clear enough for the others to not proceed with this act. Burning and harvesting everything would've been a warning enough, but they needed to additionally taunt her and her people. None of them are innocent and they should be glad she didn't go harder on them.
@niofalpha 2 сағат бұрын
Amazing video. The Meereen arc is one of the most underrated in ADWD and the discourse around it reflects how low the reading comprehension is in the wider community. The damage that “Meereeneese Knot” and bro’s other “essays” have done to the fandom can not be stated enough.
@CompanyOfTheCat Сағат бұрын
I am gonna piggyback of Steven again like I did in the video, but this is the best thing anyone could say: "So in sum, here is my argument: Dany's crusade in Slaver's Bay is not an Iraq metaphor or a white colonialist suppression of a native and authentic Ghiscari culture. *Indeed, the fact that A Storm of Swords was written in the late 1990s, well in advance of the Iraq War, would seem to disqualify that particular analogy.* Rather, the correct historical parallel is the American Civil War (especially Grant's Mississippi River Valley campaign and Sherman's March to the sea) and Reconstruction. And this change in historical parallels has a powerful influence on the political lessons we should draw from Dany's tenure as Breaker of Chains and Queen of Meereen." - A Laboratory of Politics Part VI By StevenAttewell
@iamkrohn 2 сағат бұрын
Danreys should have John Browned Mereen
@iamkrohn 2 сағат бұрын
I just realized you may not get that reference en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Brown_(abolitionist)
@Ilargizuri Сағат бұрын
@@iamkrohn Wasn't Brown sentenced to death? He organized and lead the Slave revolt during 1859 and in the End was captured and ... shot? Or was he Hanged? I have to read your Link to refresh my Memory.
@sinthoras1917 36 минут бұрын
​@@Ilargizurihe was hanged, yes. Though his soul kept marching on with the end of slavery just a few years later
@Ilargizuri 8 минут бұрын
@@sinthoras1917 Yes I read the Wikipedia article you linked. It was so long ago that I heard of John Brown I needed a reminder. I hope you don't mind that I would prefer Daenerys would not die in her attempt (she isn't successful yet, so atm it is an Attempt) to abolish Slavery and leave Essos for Westeros. Because that's how I understood your Comment, I mean as a non-native-Speaker there is always a possibility that I don't get a Comment in English in the Right Way, because I don't have the background to understand it right. In my School, I learned about John Brown during a Lesson in History when we learned about Historical People who fought for what was right against the Majority or a bigger Force and died for this Cause. John Brown was mentioned there together with Sophie Scholl a Member of the White Rose who fought against the Nazis.
@billberndtson 3 сағат бұрын
Good morning! :D Delighted to see you in my subs!
@jaded9234 18 сағат бұрын
I usually expect the poorer person to end up the hero after having seen it happen in so many stories, that Jon, actually having a birthright, felt refreshing. Jon is a rightful heir to a kingdom who actually knows what it's like to betreated like a bastard. It avoids the frequent "Illegitimate and/or ugly = Good" trope that has showed up in a great many stories over the last several decades, at least. Tbh, it is actually great to see characters actually meet the expectations rather than subvert them again. It seems like, since the 90s, at least" there always has to be some kind of ironic catch to be aware of. As if the writer is deathly afraid of being seen as writing with serious intent. You're either "in on the joke" or not, and I'd like to see that "joke" die.
@1eoso1e Күн бұрын
This was the best analysis of Danny's character I've ever heard! It seems like so many people misinterpret her character so much. I was listening to another KZbinr's video (Hill's Alive) and they give like really thoughtful interpretations usually but they're just so ungenerous to this young abused girl and making her out to be evil incarnate compared to Sansa when they're both young abused girls trying their best and it always struck as so wrong but I could never articulate as well as you have here... bravo!
@booknerdlover3675 6 күн бұрын
I gotta say, your side comment about the wedding had me cracking up. I also live near a church and they do the same thing and it’s so obnoxious and I feel the exact same way you do 😂 It was a great video in general. I am glad I found your channel. You have brought up many topics that I have been curious about but haven’t seen before and I have been watching ASOIAF theory videos since at least 2015.
@CompanyOfTheCat 6 күн бұрын
Glad you like the videos and a virtual pat pat for the church💞
@nicostadler852 7 күн бұрын
I don't think Daario will die he will go with daenerys to westeros
@laurelsilberman5705 9 күн бұрын
“ME?! What am I saying, of COURSE it’s about ME!”😂😂😂😂😂
@sum_ugly_nerd2205 9 күн бұрын
"Small pp" is wild😂
@Oximb 10 күн бұрын
1:54 « The Asshai'i and the followers of R'hllor say the hero's name was Azor Ahai. » No, the Asshai'i doesn't call him Azor Ahai, the Asshai'i legend mentions a (unnamed) hero and that the legend spread west, the R'hllorist claim that this (unnamed) hero is their god's champion, Azor Ahai: - _It is also written that there are annals in Asshai of such a darkness, and of _*_a hero_*_ who fought against it with a red sword. His deeds are said to have been performed before the rise of Valyria, in the earliest age when Old Ghis was first forming its empire. *This legend has spread west from Asshai*, and the followers of R'hllor claim that this hero was named Azor Ahai, and prophesy his return._ That's just their religious interpretation of the Asshai'i legend, it doesn't mean it's true and they aren't the only ones who adopted the legend... 4:46 « We are told that in some other cultures, the warrior is called Hyrkoon the Hero, Yin Tar, Neferion, and Eldric Shadowchaser. But we do not really have any information about whether this is indeed the case, and all these figures were the same person, just with different names. » Well yes... since the previous quote mentions that the Asshai'i legend about the (unnamed) hero spread west, that the R'hllorist sees him as their god's champion and we now see Azor Ahai been in the names of the different interpretation of the Asshai'i legend: - _How long the darkness endured no man can say, but all agree that it was only when a great warrior-*known variously as Hyrkoon the Hero, Azor Ahai, Yin Tar, Neferion, and Eldric Shadowchaser*-arose to give courage to the race of men and lead the virtuous into battle with his blazing sword Lightbringer that the darkness was put to rout, and light and love returned once more to the world._ All the tales agrees because they came from the same source: the Ashai'i legend about the (unnamed) hero fighting the darkness with a red sword. *They are all interpretations of this legend, Azor Ahai being no more true than the other or the origin of the legend*. I'm not sure why the community can't fathom the idea that Azor Ahai was not a real person but just a religious interpretation of someone, the cool name maybe? We can clearly see that the R'hllorist interprets the prophecy of the promised prince through their religion, believing that the prince appearing in the visions is the reincarnation of their god's champion, yet the community doesn't seem to want to question their interpretation of the prophecy, to challenge it as part of the unreliable narrator aspect of the story. 5:01 « It is also unclear whether the legend of the last hero is about the same figure. » In Esssos the tales mentions a hero fighting the darkness with a red sword, leading virtuous people into battle to "put the darkness to rout"... In Westeros the tales mentions the Last Hero fighting the Others with a dragonsteel blade, leading the first men of the Night's Watch during the Battle for the Dawn, the battle that sent the Others fleeing to the icy north. The Last Hero broke his sword and needed a special one to fight the Others. He has somehow acquired a dragonsteel blade and by the name of it, a steel blade that can kill the Others like dragonglass. Azor Ahai needed to make a special sword to face the darkness and fought "demon" with a steel blade that had the same power as dragonglass and the demon melted like an Other. *Could the Asshai'i have had visions of the Last Hero fighting the Others in Westeros, seeing a hero fighting the darkness? Everything seems to point to it*
@sinthoras1917 11 күн бұрын
I am undecided on the issue, especially since currently I don't have the time to dive into it in depth myself
@missourimongoose8858 12 күн бұрын
Its weird to me that the gods of the andals seem to be the only religion without any real magic and yet its followed by the most people in westeros
@missourimongoose8858 12 күн бұрын
I have a theory that dawn was made by these people using water magic, valyrian steel is black, the others weapons are of ice, well wouldn't it fit if the folks who had water magic made special weapons with it? And what would they look like? A blade that looks like milk glass maybe?
@albdamned577 13 күн бұрын
So the whole thing about old town that is getting me to scratch my head is who are the pov characters? If it is just Sam and victarian, it’s gonna be a weird story for sure. Out of the two, Sam would be the primary pov which is just funny to think about euron deciding he wants to do an orgy/sacrifice, and Sam going red with embarrassment.
@CompanyOfTheCat 12 күн бұрын
Dany as well most likely. Victarion is there to bring her specifically for sure she is gonna be there.
@elpsykongroo8308 16 күн бұрын
Really great video....For a better context to these histories and prophecies we need to think of how maybe the current characters would be remembered in myths and stories after thousands of years....eg. maybe Stannis would be remembered as the evil Red King who killed his brother the Green King to steal his throne and gave his seed to a fire witch and sacrificed his daughter (if shireen is burned like on the show) to gain more power and this fire sacrifice melted the ice wall and brought the long night....these things need not actually be connected but could be connected in stories after a thousand years....Cersei the emerald queen who caused the long night by the vile act of killing her husband the king and her three children and then burned her kingdom in emerald green fires....Tyrion a demon with red eyes and a tail who used his magic words and songs to topple kingdoms....Daenerys the purple empress who sacrificed her husband, this act broke the moon into a thousand bleeding comets which then turned into dragons (oh ya, and there were 2 moons at that time and that why now there's only one moon left).
@CompanyOfTheCat 16 күн бұрын
Stannis already has a great song about him, for sure will have another if things escalate as it seems. "The dark lord brooded high in his tower, in a castle as black as the night. Black was his hair and black was his soul, He feasted on bloodlust and envy, and filled his cup full up with spite, My brother once ruled seven kingdoms, he said to his harridan wife. I'll take what was his and make it all mine. Let his son feel the point of my knife. A brave young boy with hair of gold The dark lord assembled his legions, they gathered around him like crows. And thirsty for blood they boarded their ships..." 77 lyrics of this for sure don't paint him in the best light. Thanks for watching, glad you like the video💞
@Void7.4.14 17 күн бұрын
Great video!
@Crick1952 18 күн бұрын
Jamie and Cersie being Targ bastards actually has more appeal to me. Tyrion being his only trueborn son and as a hidden explanation of the twins incest in addition
@mattfox2716 19 күн бұрын
@mattfox2716 19 күн бұрын
Magic doesn’t really seem to be proof of anything. Magic is access to power, just because we don’t understand how that power works or where it comes from doesn’t mean a god is involved. One of my favorite characters if not my favorite is Brienne. She seems mostly moral because she tries to do right by others. She constantly gets beaten down and magic doesn’t really seem to help here at all directly. It’s all by proxy. It feels to me like nuclear power could be a good analogy. It came from unspeakable evil but has an amazing possibility it to do good. There is more to this idea and the analogy isn’t perfect but hopefully it makes sense.
@CompanyOfTheCat 19 күн бұрын
It does! Personally as I said I think magic is magic is power, I will not apply good or evil, because a power is just that, how it is used is up to the user. The fact that magic is real doesn't mean gods are, but just as irl people use things they cannot understand as "proof" for god.
@durrangodsgrief6503 20 күн бұрын
I always wonder does the thee eyed raved do what it does for the benefit of the world or the benefit of it self, does it guide the people for an outcome that benefits all or its own ends
@driftsolstice3685 20 күн бұрын
Company of the Cat's "Stabbing Your Wife Is Not As Bad As All That", the new and exciting sequel to - Company of the Cat's "Cannibalism Is Not As Bad As All That".
@CompanyOfTheCat 20 күн бұрын
I mean Dany killed Drogo, how much did we care? 😂
@driftsolstice3685 20 күн бұрын
@@CompanyOfTheCat The Azor Ahai texts don't explicitly say Nissa Nissa consented to be stabbed, though. How can you be sure it was about heroism?
@CompanyOfTheCat 20 күн бұрын
She did concented, he asked and everytime we hear the myth people comment on the fact that they did not know why but she did the thing and along with other emotions she cried in ecstacy as well. But most importantly (and is gonna be in the next video that is why I didn't included it), the prophecy has been fulfilled in the current timeline, by Dany in book one, before we even knew about the prophecy. The pyre is described verbatim the way lightbringer was forges, with Drogon hatching last from the egg on Drogo's heart, and we know that the reason she killed Drogo, was not to hatch the eggs, but bc the whole situation was crappy. The story is like most stories highly embellished and we do not know what happened. The whole point of heroes is that they do what they have to do, because the situation asks for it, without trying to be the heroes, as opposed to all the other people who do make this sacrifice to become heroes.
@driftsolstice3685 19 күн бұрын
@@CompanyOfTheCat You make a strong case. I look forward to the next video.
@barbiquearea 20 күн бұрын
My guess is Wyman will offer Aurane, Wynafryd's hand in marriage in exchange for his ships and his help. Aurane and Wynafryd and roughly the same age with him being 22 and her being 20. Not to mention with her father Wylis now a prisoner, Wynafryd is set to inherit White Harbor after Wyman passes, which would be a valuable prize for bastard like Aurane. Perhaps this is what Patchface meant when he mentioned seahorses and mermaids.
@CompanyOfTheCat 20 күн бұрын
That is a dope theory!
@OfAshesPhoenix 21 күн бұрын
This may be my Daenerys extremist bias speaking, but to me, who is Azor Ahai/whether that is even a real figure/if he was even good was never something that was meant to be questioned by the readers and it's not some big secret to be uncovered either. We are already given all the necessary clues to get to a certain conclusion. Other candidates are raised not to trick us the readers specifically, but to create ambiguity to the characters in-universe. To us, the answer should serve as a narrative irony - we read of this incredible, magical event that was the birth of dragons and then we see Mel trying to shoe-horn poor Stannis into that figure, when we already should know that she is mistaken. It was always funny to me how in ACOK, everyone believes that the comet is a good omen for them specifically, but we know that the comet appeared for Daenerys and Osha clocks it. And that is doubled down on in "Feast": the language mislead us all for a thousand years. The opposite is assumed, though - that all of ASOIAF is just one big back-and-forth between George and his audience, where his sole goal is to trick us and pull the rug from beneath our feet one last second as he sits in his home at Santa Fe and twirls his moustache. As you've excellently argued in another video, this is not George's modus operandi and never was. All of his major events are well foreshadowed. To quote the man himself: "I’ve been planting all these clues that the butler did it, then you’re halfway through a series and suddenly thousands of people have figured out that the butler did it, and then you say the chambermaid did it? No, you can’t do that." So with that flawed premise in mind, people believe that the person to whom all the signs on heaven and earth point to - Daenerys - is a "red herring" and that the actual hero is either someone to whom nothing points towards or that Azor Ahai is actually evil. And by far the funniest fallacy to come out of this is everyone's insistence that it must be Jon, because he will have a speedrun in TWOW where he gets that sword within minutes, because he mumbled to himself in the crypts of Winterfell or something, I don't know which theory specifically is en vogue now. Jon, who just so happens to be the the most conventional fantasy hero (down to special parentage) and the most archetypal fantasy harchetype in the cast. Some have the gall to call it subversive. And in those predictions, all of the things that he needs to be Azor Ahai are not something he gets himself, but something that is provided to him by other characters. He is not ever predicted to go through trials and errors, embark on a great adventure, have his two failed forgings of Lightbringer. No; he k*lls a teenage girl to forge a flaming sword and also take her dragons in the process and also k*lls his brother so that he isn't a threat to his claim to Winterfell. Damn, this yall's hero? He sounds more like a Bloodstone Emperor to me. I saw someone on Twitter say that Jon became a Stannis to the fandom's Melisandre, where the confirmation bias clouds everyone's judgement and they see what they want to see and don't take into account anything else that may contradict it. Kind of like Javier Bardem in "Dune" yelling "Lisan al-Gaib" whenever Timmy breathes. Speaking of Dune... I'm sure that "AA evil" theories existed before, but that view grew especially prominent ever since Dune part 2 hit the cinemas. Which is funny, since the Dune books came out in 1960s, but it wasn't until everyone went to IMAX, saw that Paul is a false Messiah that people started to project this view onto other stories and those claims that "Dune inspired ASOIAF!!! Daenerys is female Paul!!! Azor Ahai is a false myth like Lisan al-Gaib!!!" sprouted like mushrooms under the rain. Which would George just stealing from other writers with no input on his own. And from the book he doesn't even like. And it's very, very telling that it was the adaptation that made them do that... Daenerys being the one is meant to be a narrative irony, but that narrative irony flies over everyone's head, because they take the wrong assumption that we are in a constant competition with George as to who can outsmart each other. Reddit ahh approach. Even funnier is when people raise up the "prophecy is tricky" issue in Daenerys' arc specifically, when this was never a theme explored in her story (since she fulfilled it without knowing about it and that's why it's so crucial), but precisely in Stannis'. And of course a lot of it relates back to misogyny, but that's a tired topic to me as well. So all those themes - trying to force the prophecy - are applied not where they apply, but where it's convenient to apply to them... even if they very clearly and obviously don't apply.
@CompanyOfTheCat 21 күн бұрын
Daenerys being Azor Ahai is the sure thing, she is the central head, point blank. The question is what is the role of the other two heads. From ACoK this is what we are searching for, Dany woke the dragons, but what's the deal with the three heads. Dune 2 is something that has started a new set of conversations it is true, but I also think that a vast majority of the fans (myself included) never waited between the books. So, they stick with things that have answers. People who read AGOT, waited for years and then read ACOK as well, said "Oh sh*t", but many times I have seen that questions tend to be carried, even though they have been answered in previous books. They were the "D*MN" moment in the past, they are not anymore. A lot of people knew a lot of things about the story before picking up the books, so they need a thrill, they need the wtf moment, not something that is has been known, probably even before they read the books, bc of the tv show etc etc.
@OfAshesPhoenix 21 күн бұрын
@@CompanyOfTheCat the purpose of the other two heads is to be her personal harem ☝️ iktr
@CompanyOfTheCat 20 күн бұрын
Lengi empresses know their stuff
@alpheuswoodley8435 21 күн бұрын
Euron is such a fun villain, I hope he sticks around for the long run
@CompanyOfTheCat 21 күн бұрын
@milcavado6309 21 күн бұрын
@parascopicvision 21 күн бұрын
This channel has just become a smear campaign for David Lightbringer 😂 only for the sake of being contrarian, it’s pathetic