Coaching Session with Aditya
Be Aimless
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Vipassanalize The Meditator
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The Paradox of Liberation
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Energy - Working Through Tiredness
Pleasure in Meditation
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The Watcher
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What about Thoughts?
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Moments of Consciousness Model
Understanding Insight (Vipassana)
The Willingness To Let It All Go
Seeing The Body Clearly
2 жыл бұрын
Restful States Are Useful
2 жыл бұрын
Powerful Noting
2 жыл бұрын
@randomcouchtapes 8 күн бұрын
You shouldn't spend so much time meditating. Keep it short.
@jamesbubak6530 Ай бұрын
What's difference between "do nothing meditation" and vipassana ?
@Glitchrat_YT Ай бұрын
@hansenmarc 2 ай бұрын
4:25 Buddhism therefore embraces the deterministic view in which every effect, without exception, has a cause. The idea of an independent entity with free will violates the Buddhist principle of interdependent co-origination. Nothing in the universe can originate itself as substances allegedly do or the will is said to do. 5:09 For the Buddha free will does not explicitly exist or not exist, but he recognizes the desire for a self-determining and independent self as the deepest and most subtle craving of the mind. 5:56 …we can say that the Buddhist view answers the question of free will on a meta level. It says that there is not even an agent who could have free will in the first place.
@bakkudeku 2 ай бұрын
FUCK: ( ) it ( ) me ( ) you ( ) off ( ) them ( ) this ( ) everybody ( ) everything ( ) the world This thumbnail got me dead 😂💀
@lesitebarnes9765 2 ай бұрын
Looking great 👍 God-bless you
@JaneDauphine 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for posting. that was beautiful! Good to see young people these days who are awake!
@AJ_real 2 ай бұрын
If everybody could understand this video, if everyone could see this video they'd realise what life is.
@MultiPri111 3 ай бұрын
Bist du deutsch are u german
@sketchingwithcolor9480 3 ай бұрын
Hey Lauritz, great to see you posted our conversation (this is my other YT channel). I would love to record another discussion with you.
@turisma_music 3 ай бұрын
I'm struggling with an autoimmune disease that causes my hair to fall slowly in one spot, and I have fought with that for over a decade now - I'm 34. I was curious why Buddhists shave their head and found your video. It was interesting that you mentioned an itchy scalp problem. Did it help you when you shaved it? Thanks!
@ConsciousDevelopment 3 ай бұрын
Yes, it helped with that. Though now I have found other ways of dealing with that. It was mainly about things that I was eating that caused the itching.
@minuchacolburn6238 3 ай бұрын
Jack is so refressingly lovely clear in this expessing how to get free of fear beautiful!!!!
@adityaprasad465 3 ай бұрын
I tried this for years before I realized that I'd been unknowingly absorbed in the subtle feeling of being the one (non)meditating! That's the hardest part to point out, IMHO.
@lesmeditationsdeveil 3 ай бұрын
great instructions! thank you
@seesnap 3 ай бұрын
Great video. Love all your vids. Thank you ❤
@thedreamerisme6275 4 ай бұрын
I have been doing this mediation most mornings for 10 mins over the past 6 months. It is the purest and most direct technique I have experienced. It is not easy though for even a short period of time as the mind is ruthlessly relentless in taking you for a ride. For me, I see most life experience as a perpetual mental loop or circuit: Thoughts arise -> attention grabs-> Feeling ride Repeat. The only part of this circuit you can break is the attention part. You don’t have to pay attention to your thoughts as hard as that is.
@ConsciousDevelopment 4 ай бұрын
Yes, you can train yourself with awareness to break this cycle. One day you will experience this happening automatically when you are in a challenging situation. And that completely changes your involvement in it. You will act with more awareness.
@shanab1298 4 ай бұрын
I'm curious why you chose to grow your hair back out? You look nice bald and it aligns with your values. It seems like you decided to grow it back out though?
@ConsciousDevelopment 3 ай бұрын
Yes, that is correct. I actually feel that short hair is easier to maintain. I don't have to cut it as regularly as I had to shave. So I let it grow for a few weeks and then cut it back quite short again.
@ImmortalHappiness 4 ай бұрын
I have been dealing with trans corn addiction i am going to cut my hair bald before i end up cutting my life
@Shat_Tastic 5 ай бұрын
o wow :) ur back baby !
@jameshetfield5894 5 ай бұрын
Nice to see you again😊 Your hair got shorter! Thank you for the message today
@RedRabbleRouser 5 ай бұрын
Great to hear from you again my friend! It’s been a while! ❤
@Jazzgriot 5 ай бұрын
I think Wilber is crucial for anyone interested in Self Development, Self Actualisation, and the potential for Human Growth in general. He confirmed everything I was realising how different religions, cultures, and the underlying psychology of Human Beings are all travelling in the same direction. A direction of growing self awareness, and an evolution of consciousness. Which as a Sufi, and some one who has studied Raj Yoga, and Zen meditation, and Counselling as a Client Centred Therapist, trained in the Carl Rogers method, also a long time student of Carl Jung etc.etc. I already had ideas about the connection between East and West, but Wilber has mapped it out, and added the 4 Quadrants, and as you say his research is breathtaking, and his comprehension of what he reads is also astounding. I feel humbled, and at the same time inspired, every time I manage to get my head around, any of his insights. I've not read this book so thank you for bringing it to my attention. Nice one.
@kenjones102 6 ай бұрын
In 7 years, nearly every cell is replaced, without or without Awakening.
@mary-wq6vo 6 ай бұрын
Hi, it worked very well for me- thank you for your suggest!
@osaru-yo 3 ай бұрын
Teach me
@user-vq8eh4qz8l 6 ай бұрын
It‘s helpful. I think the key is not to "deny" the thing in perception experience, rather to dissolve the naming and labelling of that part of experience as a "thing"
@sherbahadurtamang3740 8 ай бұрын
These a greats meditation brains rewires consider up thinking feeling wellbeing people's in the world's best
@sherbahadurtamang3740 8 ай бұрын
The greats powers glades
@sherbahadurtamang3740 8 ай бұрын
It's is very 2 efficient in the lives
@bsways 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for this. I've been practising insight meditation for about 12 years and have felt some confusion about what insight actually is and if I have even experienced it. I have felt that I needed to intellectually understand it but knowing that it's not necessary is helpful. I'm wondering how do you know though? I mean I have noticed changes in my life and myself such as previous things I had interest in dropping away and I feel a sense of happiness and inner strength. Things of the world don't interest me as much. I no longer feel lonely even though I feel very connected even though I spend a lot of time alone. Sometimes I feel a little confused because there is so much information and videos and it can feel like one needs to really understand it all but maybe it's enough to just continuing practicing and cultivating metta and keeping good Sila and right view etc.
@collettewhiteman 9 ай бұрын
Fantastic interview 🙏
@Thelivingwordthesword 9 ай бұрын
Let no man fool you into thinking you have the right to murder and kill anyone
@Thelivingwordthesword 9 ай бұрын
God's army is not of army of cowards every person in God's Army has the heart to stand alone Satans army is army of cowards living a delusion although your system of justice e turns a blind eye to you it that delusion that dissipates the moment you find yourselves being judged and sent to hell you thought you were immune instead of operating under the laws of the universe you went operated within the laws of men only to violate twice you defiled universal law and lower laws which only puts you below the people you were supposed bring to justice now you are corrupted
@Thelivingwordthesword 9 ай бұрын
Had to use my arm to block this satanic heathen state at my elbow child of Satan
@Thelivingwordthesword 9 ай бұрын
These fools be catching men nipple attacks like possessed Karen everyone quick to join the gang but cower in the face of adversity that's why they join the satanic is great in numbers and great in numbers they will be cowering in hell only to realize that it was a mistake joining a gang of cowards
@Thelivingwordthesword 9 ай бұрын
These ego posseses heathens sometimes go to great extents just come near me like some weird shaytanicos you are just like your father it's a Maury situation too because he ain't really your daddy Mr ego
@Thelivingwordthesword 9 ай бұрын
I don't really watch sports that much I have time for Games there a war going on where Men like me are actively engaged in warfare against darkness while these ego tripping fools are stuck falling in love with themselves or being Heard I to arenas and stadiums getting drunk acting like fools no where to be found in this battle against darkness
@Thelivingwordthesword 9 ай бұрын
Have to deal with those who inherited that ego from Satan they are seen to be triggered by my presence their satanic egos are so juiced up they become even more ego triggered when I pay them them no mind. Instantly when I enter a subway car or similar situation they bizzaro nature is triggered as if somehow I am in some weird competition that he believes I have joined in on but unbeknownst to him I have not engaged in such a bizzaro competition. The more I ignore the ego shenanigans the more enraged it becomes. I often will position myself in a stance in where they will just the back of my head or I might just use my arm on rail to block the ego creature from trying to lure into it's satanic ego persona. It's boggles my mind I do t really work out that much might do some real shadow boxing I might do some real air swording against dark forces. But what it is with the children of Satan and how they start to act up in my presence
@shaybryant2355 9 ай бұрын
Great video Lauritz! 👊😀👍
@whatsnextexplore 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing
@CaptMang 11 ай бұрын
Who we are is not the result of causes and conditions. We ARE causes and conditions. Loved the vid.
@KcL2058 20 күн бұрын
Those two statements are not mutually exclusive
@stephenadams963 11 ай бұрын
abiding in a state of equanimity is a good answer to what is happiness- but i get the sense that many are resting here due to the difficulty of simultaneously shifting between relative and absolute in daily life. speaking sternly, being serious and invested in an activity is difficult while “abiding” in that state. this is more than “caution” spiritual bypass. look around at most non dual prqctitioners and i dont see them running businesses and being fully engaged in life. they seek and occupy a kind of support role/status. but not a word about service-which is where frank is or is heading. great questions from interviewer re growing up- which is where most stop short.
@KapitalJackGame Жыл бұрын
I'm glad I stumbled across you and Frank. This is such an insightful interview <3
@timelessjazztunes Жыл бұрын
This music is peaceful.. So immensely during stressful times. Thank you for making this video, Excellent work 💐🎼🎻🍀
@MsCankersore Жыл бұрын
I saw your video with Frank Yang, would you consider him enlightened as he believes himself to be? I’ve been questioning awareness and self enquirer after watching that interview because he mentions that the witness isn’t the true self but a slight less version of the ego. I thought that the witness was awareness and the true self. I feel like I have to start all over again. That or his wrong about his definition of what awareness is
@Mountain_Dhamma Жыл бұрын
Liberation is easy:
@richmac6345 Жыл бұрын
Very nicely explained ❤
@AngieF8 Жыл бұрын
I am doing this. I discovered this also. This is my first conscious relationship, the first relationship I entered into after beginning spiritual practice, and because it was new I was able to observe myself clearly because there wasn't any set patterns. I have discovered though that no matter how different they appear, I am choosing people very similar to each other and to my family. It's almost like unconscious attempts to resolve the original wounds. I have a history of a lot of traumatic experiences and had a lot of unresolved triggers and have a family who avoids discussing anything. I made a decision to be radically honest open and transparent from the beginning because I have never been very honest about my feelings in the past, to avoid conflict, I was often dishonest. I have always wanted intimacy but also been very afraid so I was determined to overcome my fear with this one because I had nothing to lose. He is not very transparent, not very emotionally transparent, sometimes withdraws a bit after conflict to reflect and doesn't always discuss afterwards, and does not share his inner states much, but he is open in the way you defined it, he is not on a similar path, but he appreciates my honesty and transparency and has a calm stable energy, which is very supportive for me and he feels similar. I have made exponential growth in this relationship and I have looked within me for the source of any triggers and have been able to examine the source in my past and uncovered things I forgotten. I have apologized and explained to him that it was something from my past I didn't even realize was unresolved, and I have been able to address it and resolve many things. And I have been able to do it knowing that regardless of his behavior it is something within me that caused the upset, so he doesn't feel criticized or blamed and I don't try to change him in any way, which he greatly appreciates. I highly recommend this approach. I am trying to learn to do this in my older relationships that have so much history, that is more challenging because so much has like an automatic dynamic to it.
@NeginYousefi Жыл бұрын
Sorry man, I went half through but theres something about your distance to the mic that didn't let me hold on! I enjoyed the intro however, I was very calm and toward within! Thanks by the way.
@russell3642 Жыл бұрын
1. feel your body, stay awake and conscious. keep going even if it starts getting hard 2. let go
@3william714 Жыл бұрын
So Is unconditioned better than conditioned. Is expansion better than contraction. Or is contraction how the infinite takes form.