Drugs and Islam | DPA Lounge Mic
How Ukraine Wins | DPA Lounge Mic
500,000 Dead in Ukraine | OM53
@djinn666 6 сағат бұрын
I'm glad someone corrected you on the Trump billionaire bullshit. He inherited a fortune. We're not sure if he even made any money with his investments. But we do know if he just put his inheritance into a S&P 500 index fund and left it alone, he would be far richer.
@DPAOpenMic 3 сағат бұрын
Go read up more how much he inherited and how much money he made, then he lost, then he made back. There is no point for me to argue with you (or anyone) on this since you just based on your opinion on.... imagination.
@Andy0770 8 сағат бұрын
Please don't put any near 80 or over 80 years old as president, it's a recipe of disaster for nation building. We had that hard lesson in Malaysia, so don't.
@PKay7 11 сағат бұрын
This concept about paying your fair share in NATO isn’t new. While Trump pressured NATO by threatening to leave the alliance. Obama criticized allied ”free riding” during the 2011 NATO intervention into Lybia. Obama’s Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said NATO faced a “dismal” future unless the Europeans did more to protect their own security. I do believe that comment, made 13 years ago, by Robert Gates is still very relevant today.
@dragonknightleader1 10 сағат бұрын
Contributing to mutual defense?! That's not why Europeans signed on for! They expect Americans to fight their wars for them! Seriously, the reason why they didn't contribute is their welfare state. Since their GDP doesn't have a money printer to make it infinite and they have an aging population and no foreseeable war in the last 30 years, they decided to focus on welfare instead of defense. That spending is a trap though, as they still have to pay their constituents (whom are not necessarily citizens) to secure their votes or at least not riot and can no longer pivot to defense.
@emilioesdabes7086 3 күн бұрын
I’m listening this OM whilst painting my fence.. The new Ukraine will be smaller than Singapore and Lvov will be its capital. 💪💪💪💪
@Youth881 4 күн бұрын
Pʜᴜᴄ Bᴏᴇ Jɪᴅᴇɴ
@rolopoba 4 күн бұрын
4:04:43 top tier trolling from jure :D
@j.k.1239 4 күн бұрын
Finally finished watching it.
@Ahmaurnamu 5 күн бұрын
I got gifted in spirit twice!😂 Iranian Putin cooking with the big bucks. ❤ Also legal immigration is not the same as illegal ones. The former are vetted the latter come with an agenda.
@CopingsCorner 5 күн бұрын
Arguably, anyone making any move, have an agenda, legal or not.
@pigdictator4558 5 күн бұрын
The West still thinks they live in the 1990s cold war with Russia as bad guy when they are the ones that forced the Bear into a wall
@j.k.1239 5 күн бұрын
Toby is right.Government wants migration because native population isn't having kids.
@johnconnor2001 6 күн бұрын
Toby. Sounds like you have a typical biased pro-immigration perspective rather than a wholistic one. I feel sorry for Upgrade. He needs a hand-up button next time so he can respond.
@OM839 4 күн бұрын
Im trying my best to interfere but like i said previously i will try to not interrupt others points of view because it goes against what i think is right. First you let speak and after you respond and hopefully they will give me the curtesy back.
@jahinsadman1505 6 күн бұрын
Nah it's finally in shape, western hegemony was an anomaly that ended up lasting too long, any longer and the blowback when they eventually lost it would have been even more severe considering they can't stay still without fkin over other nations they deem a threat to their hegemony
@Shannon-Smith 6 күн бұрын
I actually want to listen to this, but I'm always worried that SOMEONE is going to bring up the DPRK and I am going to go into a trigger rant lols. Love you Wyatt, but I'm going to sit this one out ;)
@CopingsCorner 6 күн бұрын
No DPRK in this, lol
@heinzriemann3213 6 күн бұрын
Let's all start calling him by his actual name, Mileikowsky.
@danilodesnica3821 6 күн бұрын
you've lost the plot, Wyatt, and your Open mike has gone badly out of balance. There are guys on this video who are open xenophobes, and you even have one genocidal maniac in here - and no one to give a balancing view. Some of the things which were said here were horrific, and the rest of you didn't bat an eyelid! 2nd point - you have some guys who talk all the time, and others who aren't allowed to get a word in edgeways. 3rd, the most interesting people, with fresh and interesting opinions, have stopped attending your talk, probably because when they do come, they get insulted (and you don't do anything about it) and are barely allowed to get their turn to say something (and you don't do anything about that either. I recommend that you list the guys who're participating when you post the video, so that the viewers can decide whether there's likely to be a real debate or not, because nobody wants to spend time ploughing through hours of video hoping that there will be good factual arguments worth listening to. Your talk show is turning into a weird version of a monologue - different faces, but identical opinions. I've been coming here to listen to an informed, knowledgeable debate and contrasting reasoned opinions. You had that in the past, but for the past 6 or 7 weeks, you've lost it.
@Alexei1983121212 6 күн бұрын
"xenophobes" someone who uses that word has zero value and should be simply ignored
@jahinsadman1505 6 күн бұрын
Heeeeey whatchu gonna do when they cum fo yo wife
@jahinsadman1505 6 күн бұрын
​@@Alexei1983121212yeah xenomorphs would have been a better word
@CopingsCorner 6 күн бұрын
If you're referring to the immigration part, it's a VERY subjective topic, with no easy answers that would satisfy everyone. Feel free to name-drop those you consider to be open xenophobes, and be reminded that simply not seeing them, won't mean they're not there, or elsewhere. Honestly it went better in that discussion than I'd otherwise expect, with brand new panelists, and relatively nuanced (but here I'm comparing nuance, in that this topic typically becomes a sh1tshow, on pretty much any open forum I've ever seen it pop up). That it went better than I expected, is perhaps telling to your point though, lol. The listing of speakers attending can be helpful I agree, along with the timestamps,,, it's details that typically comes a day or so after stream (because time, and Wyatt needs money to get more time to do stuff),,, ,,, but I hope you also understand that it's not Wyatt calling any shots here, but the audience, which includes you. Pointing out what you'd like to see/hear more of, would also be useful for Wyatt, and some of the Speakers, and likely others in the audience who agree.
@danilodesnica3821 5 күн бұрын
@@Alexei1983121212 Do you know what "xenophobe" means? Perhaps you know what "ad hominem" attack means? If not, do look it up, because that's what you are doing. It's a tactic practiced by people who don't have a rational counter-argument, so they resort to demeaning and insulting the person. If you were able to politely disagree with me and explain why, you would have done so, but you couldn't, so you resort to an "ad hominem" tactic. It fools no one.
@pohe19 6 күн бұрын
cf should let others express their opinions too. Otherwise the show feels like a cf show, and quite frankly not cool. I try to skip but then I miss some more interesting things.
@iljaliasenko143 6 күн бұрын
Lol. It would be interesting to listen to woman's opinion on an open mic as to where the war in ukraine is going. I.e. they have completely different priorities, perspectives and expectations of where for instance they would be o.k. to live and grow kids etc.
@nickgray8072 6 күн бұрын
Iam sorry but that the most low i.q absoultly uniformed outlook on not just geneder but how u think men and women share diffrent prioritys_ maybe all u have seen for an example of men are boys...its a big world out there....and very small bubbles we live in...in war every bodys goal the same...ok.expectations are to make it out? And as for kids....ya know we also have the same does me being a man mean my child comimg out of me and then a women growing it make me now less than...not being rude iam just trying to undsratand how we went from looking to grow a family with women has slowly now become men haveing diffrent veiws .prioritys in war...expectation....i assume would all be to be alive right,defend....the perspective would be u and child go to safty while we fend em off enough for u to get out...i mean...did u think about writting this question before texting or not....wait dont awsner that.....anwser this have u been in and seen war....there is no plan in chaso...its a fight of surviavl...
@danilodesnica3821 5 күн бұрын
I've givem my opinion in one of the replies - I am a woman, and a carer who's allowed to use the computer while I look after my charge. Is it what you expected?
@iljaliasenko143 5 күн бұрын
​@@danilodesnica3821 interesting contribution to the programme in general👏 I was more looking specifically at the ukrainian topic as one of potential discussions within the open mic, in particular the women's view on the war that is unfolding, if that makes sense.
@danilodesnica3821 4 күн бұрын
@@iljaliasenko143 LOL! Women's view? There's no agreed female perspective on war that women agree on. Just like men - there's no consensus Man's view either. A better division is thinking vs. non-thinking people, i.e. those who get their opinions off the shelf, to save them the trouble of having to think for themselves. My view on Ukraine is that it's being depopulated long term. Millions have left, fled for their lives. Hundreds of thousands have been killed and as many have probably been permanently disabled. The ones who survive, will be doing just that - attempting to survive, debt ridden and effectively enslaved. One look at the Ukranian population pyramid says it all:- who's going to be left to father the next generation? Ukranians are disappearing and it ain't the Russians doing it. Ukraine's value to the West isn't the people of Ukraine, it's the territory and the resources. Have they realised it yet? I doubt it.
@lastword8783 4 күн бұрын
Nah its a guy’s space.
@Ofdimaelr 8 күн бұрын
Something really ironic about the west that can't outproduce Russia, are they better at capitalism than us now...
@hamasmillitant1 13 күн бұрын
nah its fathersday in usa and maybe elsewhere but not here unless my kid forgot but shes much better at remembering those pointless dates than me ah u looked tired wyatt. u dealt with the white guys feeling their position of privilege slipping at end with a lot of grace for how tired u obviously where if i was here the chat would of been a mess of badly typed interjections at the end lol
@hamasmillitant1 13 күн бұрын
communism isnt a utopian dream its a stage of government ON THE WAY to a utopian future, btw most ppl arent ready for utopia your kids wont be ready for utopia youve been touched by the capitalist ideology from birth in most cases and it takes till a grandparent's grandchild dies. communism is quite workable, much more workable than our current system, the soviet union decided to dissolve and pursue a linear growth strategy rather than pursuing empire/self destruction from the start of this ppl have warned infinite growth is impossible in a finite universe let alone a single planet
@hamasmillitant1 13 күн бұрын
the EFF the economic freedom party arent a fascist party they are a poor ppls party and ppl that understand the systems rigged party
@hamasmillitant1 13 күн бұрын
yeah they exist gabriel you just have to talk to enough white south africans its still there at least online
@hamasmillitant1 13 күн бұрын
theres actually quite a few pro appartheid groups & lobby groups out there WARD SAFA ext. just because u havnt seen them dosent mean they arent around, the naz!'s kept to themselves for a while there also the ethno nationalists ironically are much better at workign together than the left factions, hence zio's and naz!'s workign together to get around the international council of jewrys sanctions. (only reason germany had the cash to buy prescot bush's oil and build a modern army was the havvara agreement)
@hamasmillitant1 13 күн бұрын
south africa is as strategic as it ever was. its the last gate to asia/europe left
@CopingsCorner 12 күн бұрын
Because it's not subjected to erratic behavior of Jihadis, or is it "last gate" for another reason?
@hamasmillitant1 13 күн бұрын
o palestine will be a 1 state solution that was obvious from the day they released the map of proposed nation of israel but most of the Z's will migrate to america, much like 1/2 the dutch went back to europe when aparthied ended in south africa
@hamasmillitant1 13 күн бұрын
theres plenty of democracy's in my part of world that barely even have a army or police forces and the biggest threat to them is US/australian interference. a level of brutality is only necessary if your extracting more from people than they are willing to give
@hamasmillitant1 13 күн бұрын
lol judaism existed in palestine for 2000 yrs before the european J's showed up quite happily, it was the christians not muslims that do a pogrom every century on J's(they are building for the next one now)
@hamasmillitant1 13 күн бұрын
lol when 1 pop takes another pops land ie steals it yes theirs some disenfranchisement. the irony is that those cultures destroy themselves, romans greeks british americans ext they all died of growth. couldnt call it a day stayed at the growth table 2 long grew past their ability to maintain their energy needs and collapsed, EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM, some are admittedly still collapsing right now but its a mathematical certainty it happens sooner or later if stay on path of empire
@hamasmillitant1 13 күн бұрын
because the bandastans had no actual autonomy or territorial integrity so army ext, they existed at the whims of the south african central gov. they didnt have the rights or enough self rule to qualify as a nation for UN purposes
@hamasmillitant1 13 күн бұрын
the UN considers it apartheid they only rescinded it as part of the isreali demands for oslo peace accords. back in 70s they declared z'ism a enthno supremacist ideology and isnotreal a aparthied state resolution 3332 or some such
@hamasmillitant1 13 күн бұрын
isreal never had a war of independance it was formed by UN mandate in 1948
@dareenking1643 13 күн бұрын
and Vaun is always on the money he should consider being a War Philosopher
@dareenking1643 13 күн бұрын
Wyatt thank you for letting us Express our freedom of speech, it is getting harder and harder to do this in North America, it seems like the world getting more dangerous each month. trust me Wyatt, world Leaders/ Influencers watch your show. right now I feel like I'm in a quagmire in my brain because I am Anti-European-Empires, but I don't trust the Eastern countries enough to just let them take over the world I know I'm not the only Americans who feels like this. thank you
@hamasmillitant1 13 күн бұрын
australia exports a lot of ferts & explosives, u know we have a dock with more than 3x as much nitrates stored in it as that port in lebanon that blew up
@hamasmillitant1 13 күн бұрын
its been mathamaticly proven that empires ALWAYS fail(like cancers always kill host), its why theirs no alien empires out there to look at. its all about what energy form u use and how fast u grow, if you grow linearly you get cultures that exist for 10,000s of yrs, but as soon as they move to exponential growth/cancer/empire phase they face a series of energy crisis's and each time they transition to a higher level of power the window to the next transition is smaller because the energy source is larger and growth curve grows faster what we are living through atm is the wests failure to transition to next order of energy production, china made the window and the world is reordering around the growing empire not the collapsing empire, BUT if china follows the path of empire/exponential growth then in 30 yrs it will be in the position the USA is now but with lithium instead of oil as the milestone around its neck
@hamasmillitant1 13 күн бұрын
vaun why would china tell US when it was going to attak if it was going to attack, i know USA is a aging power but im not sure they would give it such a handicap/advantage even to be fair. but usa is nutz it should have invaded china 2016 or earlier, by 2027 the still running austrlian subs will be 17yrs beyond their extended service life/explosivly decompressing if they go to deep so they wont even have the australian subs to help out by 2027