@porpus99 Сағат бұрын
The thing about Q is that time is meaningless. The first time Picard met Q was the first time for Picard, but might not be the first time for Q. Trelane might be Q's son from Voyager, either after the events of the show or even before his mother disowned him.
@spencer1980 2 сағат бұрын
Star trek needs to update its lore. The federation has cloaking now.
@alfredodedarc 5 сағат бұрын
Trelayne was a Q according to Nutrek.
@hal0justcal865 7 сағат бұрын
Borg win. More ships better technology. Theyd send scout in first learn tactics take losses sure. But if the borg desired to asimilate all of the Dominion? Borg has all the means to take them out. In a long war.
@ianmahoney1215 7 сағат бұрын
If Star Trek was based in reality, the Ferengi would dominate the galaxy.
@jessenowells2920 10 сағат бұрын
Race? You mean species. Species evolve. Race is an idealist notion. A static notion.
@heywoodfloyd9 14 сағат бұрын
Engineering looks like an abandoned waste processing facility. Totally disgusting design & aesthetics.
@stethespaniard2 14 сағат бұрын
I kinda hate this. Like Picard the tone is completely different and it’ll turn a lot of fans off. Turning characters against each other killing others so flippantly just rubs me the wrong way
@Kang003 14 сағат бұрын
Thank you again so much for this
@patricesmith2321 15 сағат бұрын
I’m sorry if the pay wall is too expensive for you. “Star Wars” has the human caucasian face. But, “STAR TREK” was produced in medium of free speech (“viewing by the public without charge”). Truth as entertainment is as free and as merciless as truth itself!
@puensi666 17 сағат бұрын
I watched And when he said the Q fear the Borg, I stop watch cause that’s stupid.
@albertchurchill4845 19 сағат бұрын
Has it been established that Trelane was a Q?
@steventipton5130 22 сағат бұрын
Great thoughst
@giovannip919 Күн бұрын
I believe in a Q novel he calls the GOF “that old donut”.
@RayHorn5128088056 Күн бұрын
Clark wanted power for the sake of power. He was a great Republican and dangerously evil like all Republicans in this era.
@BGRANT777X Күн бұрын
Seriously your best and most thoughtful video Lore.
@aaronmurry6014 Күн бұрын
Q are human. There us in the far future.
@Wolfenstein69924 Күн бұрын
Kirk and Sisko wouldn’t have let that happen. 😊
@ismailabdullatif9426 Күн бұрын
the SG teams have that kinda of mindset, to be the hero to everyone.. to fix all problems is because they’re(we’re) - Earth are practically the Ancients 2.0…. The children of the Ancients, their DNA resides in all humans of Earth…. That’s the reason why Thor said the Tau’ri(humans of Earth) are the 5th race….
@ThePauloVJCastilho 2 күн бұрын
The assimilation is faster when they are connected to the collective, but slower when there are few borgs. They even can lost the connection with the collective in small numbers. Also, they could have taken the Voyager 6 probe and sent it back. V'ger even assimilated Ilia.
@sandal_thong8631 2 күн бұрын
I would say that from the seasons and TV movies, the Babylon project was not a complete failure with regard to peace. Some aliens met others to solve minor disagreements and improve trade. Some of the ambassadors were or become major players in their homeworld governments due to what they did on Babylon 5. The Shadow War was inevitable, but they just missed preventing the assassination of President Santiago and, at first, failed to reveal evidence Clark was responsible. Of course, as she said in the opening, "It became something greater: our last, best hope for victory!" The thing that stands out is that Sheridan was doing double duty: acting as military governor and ambassador. They should have changed that for season 5, such that Lockley would be in a pickle, just being the governor, and not the ambassador nor the president of the Interstellar Alliance. As they said, they didn't need B5 (after season 5) because the Minbari decided to host the Alliance headquarters, and the governments and traders started dealing with each other directly without feeling they needed to be on "neutral ground" or have a place as an intermediary.
@jamieSp69 2 күн бұрын
Echep from Voyager was Borg and he believes that the Q are omnipotent. He directly says this to Qs son so this theory is nonsense. They have other reasons for not wanting to bother the Borg, but it has nothing to do with them being afraid of them.
@adcraziness1501 2 күн бұрын
Am I certain that I wouldn't enjoy life more as a borg?
@gildavis8266 2 күн бұрын
After some thought, I don't believe the Obert class was given enough coverage. It's apparent to me that the class started small and grew in size as time went by. For example, the first examples of this class could have been small, fully automated and not crewed.
@praise_kek340 2 күн бұрын
the death array is pretty good when you want to conquer a planet with all its infrastructure intact so rebuilding can be done easily and quickly.
@rocketeer3667 2 күн бұрын
LR 4:19: The reason that the BSG fleet never encountered any other species has already been definitively stated. EJO said that he would immediately leave the show after fainting on camera if any such thing ever happened. Period. End of story.
@LoreReloaded 2 күн бұрын
The channel looks at in universe canon. Though this video is so old, not sure what I said
@rocketeer3667 2 күн бұрын
@@LoreReloaded Thank you, I was aware of that but thought that it wouldn't hurt to mention the ACTUAL reason.
@hanumanishmael3298 2 күн бұрын
Let's be real, Picard: the apology tour isn't cannon anymore than fan fiction that made it on KZbin. It doesn't follow the laws or precepts of the star trek universe. It's got the title and costumes, but that's about it.
@LoreReloaded 2 күн бұрын
Tos and TNG broke the most rules to established 'trek canon' than any other series.. which is saying something given TOS is the original
@gerardpayne7048 2 күн бұрын
The El-aurians are species 0. Their technology turned them into the original Borg.
@chrisstetsko5020 2 күн бұрын
Fault rests with Dr Crusher and Commander LaForge. Crusher gave Geordi a clean bill of health after her examination. While she's not a mechanical engineer, someone should have looked over the visor. Neither of these things happened. Riker was on the Bridge commanding a Red Alert situation, it was up to the professionals of the Enterprise command officers to step up. But you are right, after being tortured and held captive by the Duras Sisters, Geordi should've been ordered to quarters, Crisis or No Crisis. There are PLENTY top flight engineers who could step in and fill the Chief Engineer roll while Georgi is bed rested. But the real culprit in the loss of the 'D', lies with Jean-Luc Picard. He left his ship in the midst of a crisis. There was a breakdown in Command-in-Control by allowing LaForge to return to duty too soon. Slips in security protocols, combat tactics, and careless ship internal operations. All of this points directly to the Captain himself.
@PK-MegaLolCaT 2 күн бұрын
1:21 Remeber when starcraft wasnt warcraft in space
@worldtraveler930 2 күн бұрын
Just watch how the movie "Idiocracy" went from being a comedy show to an Actual Straight Up Documentary!!! 😳
@11C1P 2 күн бұрын
Just adding seat belts & putting on helmets at red alert would've saved a lot of lives. So many people are found dead, thrown from their chair with something buried in their head.
@nilianstroy 3 күн бұрын
Rape, bigotry, genocide... those three alone make me think whoever loves Dukat also defends a certain Austrian despot back in the 30s/40s...
@blakecrosby5123 3 күн бұрын
Best way to design a fighter in trek would be max shields and engines. Dont bother with phasers. Use that enery for sheilds and speed. Arm them with torpedos. The engage preferably at range. Launch full strike of torpedos and disengage asap and rtb. Give cap ship little.time to strike back. Sticking around and brawling is no good this no phases wich wich would be to weak compaired to cap ship phasers, disrupters
@blakecrosby5123 3 күн бұрын
I think theain drawback of fighters in trek is warp speed. Smaller ships like fighters,shuttle craft ect tend to be a lot slower at warp wich negates the advantage of teal world fighters agienst sea warships. If u send a swarm of fighters after a current tech level ship even a single ship its just going to out run them and maybe even perform high warp torpedo strikes ect. Now u take warp speed physics away and use ftl like in wingcomander for example were u have to use worm holes or what not to enter ftl levels of speed fighters might make more sense
@celdur4635 3 күн бұрын
Cute idea but no. Q just wanted little Q to not fuck up the galaxy by messing with the borg.
@nilianstroy 3 күн бұрын
Could it be because of the awful deal they made that blocked them from using cloaks...?
@nilianstroy 3 күн бұрын
Conservatives watch it for the Cardassian.
@GamesAndRandomFacts 3 күн бұрын
Well man I think the Q's Like they demonstrated during the voyager season, where our favorite Q came back in the continuum, and showed to Janaways crew That are a lot of Qs That are very interested in the past of the universe and some more in the present and some in the future and all of this Q's are stuck with their ideas and intrest on their respective aspect of the universe and continuum but the are just passively interested i all of that.... they don't have any willing to do something but merely watching like spectators on the events that are gonna unfold without intervening and even punishing some of the Q's that trying to intervene or interfering too much on the natural courses of events ! The only 2 (well 3 but the third is the young Q but I don't want to put him on this because is natural even for a Young Q to be so curious and so playful to interfere with the universe...)... do I just think the only 2 Q's that are always shown intrest (REAL intrest) in the universe to the point of intervening so many times are the BELOVED Q of Next generation (appeared even in Deep space 9 and many times in Voyager ...but you know who I'm talking abput) and the other Q was the one who appeared on Voyager and was obsessed with suicide and wanted to finally end his life and Die ! They are the only 2 Q I think they were REALLY intrested I the universe and changing things for the better! Well that's my opinion but to end I hope for all of you to "LONG LIVE AND PROSPER" bye to all my Fellows "Trekies" from an Italian trekie
@jamesread4469 3 күн бұрын
Ireal has tried this for over 20 years. Hamas has never stopped firing missiles into Isreal and has refused peace deal after psace deal. After Hama invaded Isreal in last year October I think any peace deal Isreal makes would be a fools deal, Hama has shown they can not be tusted nor do they truly seek peace.
@user-oj6lu4qj5o 3 күн бұрын
Your question is emotional manipulation meant to disarm rationality & critical thinking & thusly not worth addressing, especially but not exclusively because just as the Minbari or more specifically (& this is why you are incorrect in your position, while still obviously having a right to hold it) those directly controlling & guiding the attempted genocide of humanity, DO NOT innately represent the totality of the Minbari as a people. Creating an indiscriminate bioweapon that could have genocided ALL Minbari for the actions of an insane & vile minority, in authority, would have actually been worse than the in-power minority actively engaging in a conventional genocide because, while both would be horrific & inexcusable, the conventional genocide is easier to halt & even possibly undo while a bioweapon genocide may not even be possible to halt let alone undo. Not all human soldiers (self evidently obviously) & especially not all humans, in general, deserved to die because of the poor actions of one human captains impulsive actions & the deaths that they caused, putting aside the catastrophic & short sighted foolishness of the Minbaris "gunports open" in first contact approach, this was a horrifically tragic scenario & the general was wrong & would only have made an already awful situation worse, while simultaneously removing whatever tiny hope that did remain for an ending of the war that didn't end with one or both races either extinct or going extinct. This is one of those awful scenarios where there are no good choices but in a scenario like that, you can at least choose not to make it even worse than it already is, you are allowed to be wrong but wrong is 100% what you are, in this case.
@DamonCzanik 3 күн бұрын
I always wanted to see a Klingon nerd. I think Torres was the.closest we got but I mean somebody who geeked out over technical schematics, hated combat, and saw his honor in improving the Klingon Empire through improving technology. Surely there are warrior mechqnics who do not fight. I want to see a Klingon doctor who is just as crabby as Bones hating everything about violence and focusing on the preservation of life. I think when you create a "planet of hats" race, it adds far more depth when you introduce the opposite.of that stereotype. A doctor, engineer, a gay Klingon, A slacker, a hippie, lawyer, accountant, architect, poet, etc. Then explore how they exist in this honor bound (rather violent) warrior culture. Create a planet of hats, then try to subvert it. We know Q. But the Q are also a race. Introduce a Q who tries to help everywhere they go. I want to see Ferengi who hates money. When you subvert thetropes you get TNG's "The Defector", or DS9's " Duet". There's gold in the depths if the writer's just explore it.
@CountryLifestyle2023 3 күн бұрын
They should have kept the equipment and exiled the captain. But oh well
@dolly4359 4 күн бұрын
In the books, rather they be cannon or not, there more powerful beings out there. Not to mention the other powerful beings that have been introduced in all the series thus far. The shows writers are careful not to let those other beings take on the Borg to rid the universe of them.
@terence7025 4 күн бұрын
Federation already has procedures for dealing with temporal anomalies, which mean the Borg have them. Which also means its not too far off that the Borg may be able to manipulate time and try to pull a Skynet (Terminator) and try to change the past for a "more perfect future". Q and the time cops may be trying to postpone that event, and minimize things after. But not all Q think the same, thus the civil war. So one of the Q may be pulling an Anubis (Stargate SG1) and whispering secrets to the Borg.
@richardstorm4603 4 күн бұрын
"The Terrifying Secret the Q Don't want you to know." He had a crush on Captain Picard?
@davidkoreck1341 4 күн бұрын
the stiffist story ever
@Thathumanoverthere1701 4 күн бұрын
I appreciate it so very much that you addressed the ENT rape episode
@rienjen 4 күн бұрын
I love this episode, but simply put: if a being, not matter what it is, tells you it's sentient and refuses to comply with its own self-destruction, then take it at its word. If it had the ability, your laptop would not attempt to run away from you if you wanted to take it apart and experiment with it. Data was willing to resign from Starfleet and went to trial to prove he's real. His refusal to comply is clear indication that he is self-aware and intelligent, making a convincing argument of sentience, whether or not he kept medals or slept with Tasha. That being said, I do not believe Maddox was evil, but he's not simply "ignorant." He very clearly, intentionally did not want to get to know Data in any way, because he needed Data for his experiments. He did not want to be proven wrong about his belief that Data was non-sentient because of his own selfish ambitions. This makes Maddox a bad guy and a sleaze, but I like the end where he is forced to realize Data is a person.
@garethspotfur1 4 күн бұрын
sir-ee-tohs. please.