Narcs In High Places: Chefs
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The Manosphere Fruit Loop
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Why POWER Corrupts The Narcissist
Corporate Cults Review Series: MARATHON
1984 by George Orwell | Complete Audiobook
Narcissists Leave You Speechless
Narcissists Can't Cook
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What Toxic Masculinity Really Is
Narcs Force You To Be Excessive
Bringing The Narcissist To Heel
22 Signs You Might Be A Narcissist
Narcissists Miss The Added Layers
"Soft Langugage"
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WORK & DIE: Part II (mp4)
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Are The Cults Breaking Apart?
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@kathyblanda7212 Күн бұрын
P.S. I do have significant exposure to substance use disorder and could use help how to find a way to really truly use it for good. I feel I’m failing badly for too long.
@kathyblanda7212 Күн бұрын
Thinking of you PTE! Praying you and yours are safe and still standing. 🙏 I’d love to be on your staff to co-create a PTE platform. It’s BIG. You might be the most valued woman I’ve had so far on my journey. A Thank you cannot touch how very much I owe to you. As you know, it’s been a lot even with great faith.
@Unremorsefulchildabusers-yp2yc Күн бұрын
Its understandable however not reasonable hating a species of animals only when a few have harmed you,the same way it is not reasonable being racist only when a few members of a race have harmed you. Even more,animals are more innocent than even children,they dont have moral agency. Trauma is understandable however reasonable people dont allow their trauma to harm innocents,they stay reasonanble plus have the boundaries of knowing who are innocent.
@Lisa-k6s6t Күн бұрын
Trauma is understandable however not reasonable. Trauma needs to be dealt with in a rational way,it is not reasonable to hate a race of humans only when youve been injured by one or a few of them,the same way it is not reasonable to hate a species of animals for that excuse.
@Lisa-k6s6t Күн бұрын
Cats love people who respect boundaries.
@Lucilia-y7w Күн бұрын
Hello, do you see the case of Mrs Pelico and her husband do to her ?? He put sleeping pills in her food and brings men to rape her 50 men … and fim everything He was taken by a vigil in a store filming under the skirts of women……scary…. It’s a big process in France …. Thanks for the videos and for your response at to my question..
@alexisgarcia1344 Күн бұрын
Thank you for this deep dive into how men really think. What's even more disturbing, another youtuber is of the mind that men like the Diddler don't willfully "trap" women. Women "agree" to a certain lifestyle, and when that changes in some way, they go after him legally. "Blaming" him for the abuse and maltreatment of her. However, based on the camellon-like behaviors of many men, it's frightening. It addresses the issue of covert SA and grape in "healthy" relationships. Or that a woman could very well be married to a serial killer and not know what he really does at his "night job." Which happened with the Bayside Killer and how the daughter figured it out before her mother did. (At least, the mother has not come forward discussing her knowledge. It's through the daughter's interviews at how she figured it out, so alleged lack of knowledge) This is happening to women of all age groups, races, religious affiliations, and socio-economic backgrounds. It's really scary to know men operate in such ways.
@EuphemiaWisdom 3 күн бұрын
My ex seemed like the perfect man for me, we had so many things in common and wanted the same things...until i married him. Then he went into direct opposition mode to my values and desires. He said to me at one point "when i relax and be myself we have problems." So, i naturally had to ask the question "who are you??" It was difficult to accept that he was never the man i married he was pretending to be the man i married. When it no longer mattered because he "had" me and the real him came out, we didn't get along. I had not thought of it as coercion gRape, but that is exactly what it was i would not have given the real him a second conversation/date let alone marry him.
@loyaltyb71052 3 күн бұрын
His response is as if it's normal. He said it because most of them operate from the exact place as Nick minus the money. In closing, if Nick didn't have money, he'd definitely be in the incel category!
@emmymckay705 3 күн бұрын
My husbands mother is such a bad hoarder. She has like 20 of the biggest storage units, and 3 + properties of just stuff... Living with her previously, or even if she came over to our place she has stolen things from us claiming we took it from her. Houses filled to the brim with nasty shit,useless shit. She had 4 children, and none of them had a home or their own space befause she would fill their room causing them to get injured by the broke pieces of garbage she had stuffed inside their room. Then add covert narcissistic personality disorder, all the gaslighting and manipulation. Their dad who used to be this bright eyed person is now ... is a shell of a person. She goes out of her way to ruin things and she shines spotlight on everyone else's problems. She is now angry she has multiple 25-30 year old children and not one child can or does clean up after themselves. They all lived in squalor and shes mad that they dont understand that they cant live like that... Shes delusional and irrational beyond belief. She has them all like hypnotized and... she keeps that push and pull constantly with them and they all fall for it. My mother is a sociopath, covert narcissist but she used me as like a slave and the house was always immaculate ... Its like same personality and vindeta but ... absolute polar opposite sides of narc.
@FloppityFlopFlop777 4 күн бұрын
It's ironic that this show aired right after a couple of random males tried to break into my car. Thank God I'd already locked the doors, in large part because I'm keenly aware of the times and watch channels like yours. I just drove off and called the cops, but I never heard back, which is even scarier. I went to the !artillery! store the next weekend. 😂 Needless to say, I've been pretty freaked out and off color ever since. I have a CCW, but wasn't carrying, and even if I had been, how could I have shot from inside without harming myself? To make matters worse, my two (female!) managers are both pod people, completely lacking in empathy or human comprehension about the ordeal and my natural nervousness at work ever since (it happened in our parking lot on my way home). They're stepping on my last nerve to where it's genuinely hard to keep my cool. I haven't felt this alienated at work in a long time. Worst still, it's aggravated my PTSD (from old religious trauma, not especially male-centered, except in terms of BS about gender). It has me edgy and just...not feeling like me. Anyway, sorry for rambling. I'm extraordinarily aware of danger right now, and of male corruption. My thoughts have been scattered. Here's my two cents on the rather spectacularly ugly Mr. Cannon: The devil's children almost always have an unnatural, obscene amount of offspring. The "law of attraction" is also diabolical, but that's another conversation. He mentioned vibrations, though. The children of the devil cannot tell the truth. He's projecting his own evil outward. I'm not sure why women like her feel compelled to talk to creatures like him. I would just get the heck away as soon as I found out what he is. These aren't human beings as God created us to be. They're something else, and I think they're here to spread the image of the devil, his lies, his vileness, etc. I'm very reserved and cautious with almost all males these days because there are so many of these fakes around, loud and proud. Recently, I overheard two male coworkers agreeing that it was fine to look at dark web videos (👶🤜🤛💥) as long as you don't "Act on it." 👀 The incident with my car happened the same day one of the creeps quit. I do wonder if the criminals are connected to him somehow. Birds of a feather and all that. Because he knew I know he's a creep, even though I don't think he knows I heard what he said to the other guy. The other guy didn't seem as weird. It disturbs me that they're both into the same illegal muck. Which reminds me, I think this kind of predatory scam IS illegal, at least in Western countries, but women never sue about this. Not sure why. They could. I do wish you'd spent more time on the crimes you highlighted in part one of this video. They were the most horrific in this series, IMO. Nevertheless, great show. I hope you do more in this series. Women need to be on alert and trust our instincts when we smell a bad guy. So many people around us can gaslight us for the sake of a fantasy. But believing fairy tales can literally k!11 you.
@FloppityFlopFlop777 4 күн бұрын
Thank you for reviving the Sick and Dangerous series! It is much needed right now. I wish I could've made this live. :( I hope I can make the next. Not sure why I didn't get a notification. I could've sworn I signed up and received them previously. Must be KZbin going wonky again.
@FloppityFlopFlop777 4 күн бұрын
This is satanic. There's no two ways about it. The devil's sons are like this. The Bible repeatedly says there are children of God AND children of the devil here below. The obsessive perversion and bizarre, bestial lasciviousness (It's too unnatural even to call lust, it's freakish and demonic) is a clear sign of diabolical origin. This is an old, satanic, spiritual war against God and all that bears the image of God. Jesus said only the pure in heart will see God (make it to heaven).
@Lucilia-y7w 4 күн бұрын
Where I can find the video “Nyhla .. ….please thank you
@PermissionToExist 2 күн бұрын
I believe she took her channel down so the video is no longer available, unfortunately.
@danielledegeorge2129 4 күн бұрын
In the movie The Others with Nicole Kidman her children have a rare disease where they can't be in the sun. Thank you for the plant analogy, it's spot on! God bless!!!!
@Flor-k4p 4 күн бұрын
Psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists rule the world. It must be STOPT. Monsters among us must be in prison not with human beings with empathy. They are PREDATORS WHO PRAY ON HUMANS.
@NelliezTea 4 күн бұрын
37:53 they are shape shifting demons
@Flor-k4p 4 күн бұрын
Psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists RULE THE WORLD. Monsters who have PERSONALITY DISSORDER. They have NO menthaly dissorder, its PERSONALITY dissorder.
@mingo2024 4 күн бұрын
Wow, what a disappointment he is. I can't believe he actually sat down for this. He's got a serious personality disorder.
@Heathermathewhandhearts 4 күн бұрын
The Steve Harvey episode is my favorite! I love your content and I’m so glad I found you again after your break
@ebonyapplepy3906 5 күн бұрын
They're like vampires
@latoriarichardson6754 5 күн бұрын
Thank you for talking about this.
@dorijoe 5 күн бұрын
Do you think that there is a "predatory" gene?
@PermissionToExist 5 күн бұрын
@dorijoe 3 күн бұрын
@@PermissionToExist I came across an Instagram post a few weeks ago that is still disturbing me: a 3 year old (!) girl asked for a birthday cake decor that shows the scene from The Lion King where the father dies at the beginning and his cub becomes an orphan - you must know what I'm talking about, that scene that breaks everyone's heart. Why she asked for that? Because everyone will be so sad that they don't want to eat and she can have the whole cake for herself. What the F? Can you explain this? It's so sickening. She might have that predatory gene. We are not the same! Not everyone has an evil side, f* that bs. Evil people came up with that idea.
@TheExtrovertedHermit 5 күн бұрын
I hope you ladies are listening, he’s telling you how men really are.
@QianaAnderson 5 күн бұрын
The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy: in that order. I think that women are learning.
@lipstickandbooks. 5 күн бұрын
PTE he has the hairstyle of a little girl with the suit color to match, he has no problem "sustaining" relationships with the fellas 👀yet says "who wants to sustain" a relationship when it comes to the women he pursues and discards 👀
@lipstickandbooks. 5 күн бұрын
I love that you do this series... men like NC appear to have a personality disorder, he has the mind of a criminal and they refuse and/or cannot hear anything that goes against what they hold as truth in their core. No matter how dysfunctional and toxic it is. They will hold on to their toxic behavior and have the women in their life on a merry go round of confusion and abuse. It's best for women to focus on self and building strong relationships with other women who see how serious this problem is. The majority of women don't get this yet, but I'm hopeful that every day more are seeing this light.
@MissNancy 5 күн бұрын
Hey PTE, I've heard that the "con" in con man stands for Confidence 🤔
@MrRodQ 5 күн бұрын
"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places." Ephesians 6:12 "And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will." 2 Timothy 2:24-26 Evil spirits use men and women all the time. Unless these people have sought deliverance from God, they'll behave like the demons that inhabit them. Also being influenced by them, deceiving and being deceived.
@earthgoddess4779 5 күн бұрын
Thank you💫🙏🏽. Appreciate and love your work!
@rubberbiscuit99 5 күн бұрын
There is no cure or remedy for the kingbabies unless they figure out they are sick, which is very unlikely. Women must take their time and view men with open eyes. Or we can avoid them altogether, and it is the best option. Cannon is the worst kind of bottom feeder. And you are right PTE, they believe we are as desperate as they are, and in fact that is what guys like him are looking for: desperation. We need laws regarding coercive control, for starters. And Cannon is not wrong, in a sense, about healthy people being alone. Those who are healthy are centered in themselves, which someone like Cannon cannot comprehend. He has no self to center. A healthy person, whether he or she has a partner, is alone in the best way.
@aletheagaddishaw3749 5 күн бұрын
Psychological and manipulative criminal
@aletheagaddishaw3749 5 күн бұрын
Seems like Nick wants to be right all the time, then be happy. Pathetic
@hughmungus6402 5 күн бұрын
Recent claims argue that there may be five times more female psychopaths than previously believed.’ 5 times yall. They fly under the radar because they women and mothers, and we’re too busy staring at men.
@aletheagaddishaw3749 5 күн бұрын
I would rather be alone and by myself than be with men like Nick . Period
@rubberbiscuit99 5 күн бұрын
The US creates so many pathologically insecure men (and women). Anyone who is raised here and does not become pathological is an exception to the norm. It's scary.
@aletheagaddishaw3749 5 күн бұрын
Hit and run relationships
@19katsandcounting 5 күн бұрын
That is literally what a narcissist is, someone with the emotional maturity of a child. Children do what feels good in the moment. He was raised this way, and he’s just a reflection of the problems in the broader society.
@Lucilia-y7w 5 күн бұрын
Ouaou, yes my 2 brothers are the same of my genitor and emotional killer, he kills my mother and now I’m spoiled of my heritage,because I defend my mother .I have a lawyer since 5 years to face this 3 seeks liars…
@wellthatgotweird 5 күн бұрын
PTE. I have found that when you try to talk to these adult impersonators about very important issues they get upset ( visibly), they call you everything under the sun. Leave them alone. They are disabled
@sunnysuney5845 5 күн бұрын
Princella the Queen Maker is making a lot of sense now.
@lipstickandbooks. 5 күн бұрын
She teaches well... too bad she's started hurling manosphere insults and rhetoric, alienating the women who are on board with her message.
@4nthemorning 5 күн бұрын
I never watched the entire interview because Nick is the entire circus, not just a clown. It was very triggering, but an excellent breakdown, nonetheless. Hit the like button for PTE ❤
@alaneofmyown 5 күн бұрын
That goofy laughing at everything is deflection too. I CANNOT STAND a supposedly Grown Man who thinks everything is chuckle worthy. I like to laugh too however, what is so funny? Grown men who play too much are not attractive they’re immature to me
@matifi 6 күн бұрын
People with a long game usually have side games tho
@Emptytopfloor 6 күн бұрын
25:50 right! I’ve heard a man say he took women to vegas to get married. Once the honeymoon period ends, he annuls the marriage agreement saying they both were intoxicated.
@alwayslove456 6 күн бұрын
and he's a lying ass libra (sorry yall), yeah he is definitely insane
@alwayslove456 6 күн бұрын
Love love love this. Not only were there married he had that HUGE mural of her name tattooed on his back!!! Let's not forget that. Another "pretending" moment.
@Emptytopfloor 6 күн бұрын
These are the logical leaders.
@No._1_Karen 6 күн бұрын
Wow!!! The dad who put antifreeze in his baby’s bottle so that he wouldn’t have to pay child support? WTF??? They really do view us as discardable objects, and not humans.
@hughmungus6402 6 күн бұрын
How long would you let a guy run game on you before you disengage. There will always be men like this and women who do the same to men. There will always be women and men predators and always be those who take the bait. Some women are wiser than others. There are many cluster b women who make these choices. This is standard behaviour from a narcissist. Being a narcissist isn’t a crime but not being able to identify one should be. Jodi Arias or Ruby Franke, Bionca Ellis type of women. Can’t be biased.
@Emptytopfloor 6 күн бұрын
Men have a higher chances of being narcissists and ASPD with manipulative behavior. Biases make sense if you look at the numbers.
@No._1_Karen 5 күн бұрын
Not being able to recognize conmen/conwomen should be a crime??
@rubberbiscuit99 5 күн бұрын
Some have very good game, and many women are not raised to recognize the red flags. Many of us have fathers who are also pathological, so we have a high tolerance for "game," and normalize it. What needs to change is education about social predators, so people who are healthy can avoid these predators.
@19katsandcounting 5 күн бұрын
How can being a narcissist not be a crime but not being able to spot one be a crime? That makes absolutely no sense. I think the consequences are pretty steep for anyone getting involved with a narcissist. The awareness doesn’t come until it’s too late. The narcissist knows what they’re doing before day one. You sound like a narcissist so probably no logic will work on you.
@hughmungus6402 5 күн бұрын
@@rubberbiscuit99 word.