USTA 4.5 League Match
Ай бұрын
Rematch -  Andrew V.S. Jonathan
UTR 7.7 Andrew V.S. UTR 8.2 Michal
UTR 7.4 Andrew V.S. UTR 7.9 Barry
UTR 7.3 Andrew V.S. UTR 8.1 Dion
@grk2334 10 сағат бұрын
Sorry looks like the ball was out. These guys aren't 5.0 players anyway. 5.0 players would move the ball around better and never make the kind of errors or choices these guys make. More 4.5 and would probable lose to the top players in the men's 50's and 60's.
@sapientbudgie5652 12 сағат бұрын
This nick guy is a disgrace
@alexvague421 3 күн бұрын
why dont replay the point?
@tridentstacking 3 күн бұрын
6:55 he hit the dang ball, wow…what an asshat
@tridentstacking 3 күн бұрын
When in doubt, the ball is in.
@terba4710 3 күн бұрын
this nick guy is such a dick, i hope no one has to play him in a match ever. just gross, repelling stuff. hope someone punches him in the teeth
@ianwalden9865 3 күн бұрын
6:55 it was inside the line. I am sorry this guy was an asshole.
@LowKey-Dee 3 күн бұрын
nick, step into the court!
@pedrox96 3 күн бұрын
It's always good once in a while to play guys like this. It's like a mental check more than anything. The most important thing here is to not let him get in your head (it can be a pretty challenging thing to do!). You gotta keep it cool, ignore him and not play his style of game, just 100% focused on your tennis. I'm sure you will learn a lot from this experience and be mentally stronger the next time. Keep grinding, brother!
@hsad1234 3 күн бұрын
This is 5.0 tennis? just getting back into tennis after playing in the late 70's early 80's and this seem much lower.
@maxinozka 4 күн бұрын
You can beat easily this guy but you need mental experience. Way too many easy faults on your side instead of using your cons!
@Lunchpgap 4 күн бұрын
is this great park?
@leebr2010 4 күн бұрын
Finally real 5.0 tennis, unlike some KZbinrs who aren't nearly as good as this. And your opponent is annoying as hell.
@edwardstilwell9252 4 күн бұрын
Sorry you had to go thru that ... the guy never shut up constantly screaming, seems he has an ego problem!!
@anthonygardner1934 5 күн бұрын
I didn’t see it that way or at least no blatant cheating but hey, you were there so who knows? 🤦🏾‍♂️ but I am familiar with those guys that cheat and getting crazy.
@silviutudorescu8114 5 күн бұрын
I mean its just an activity at this it's not like he's competing for the US Open...what a lame winner
@hingemethod5938 6 күн бұрын
a father once said to his son and team (High school) and I quote " Remember, when in doubt call it out"
@dylanroberts8478 6 күн бұрын
I appreciate you posting a video like this. we all have matches where dudes get into it. I don't think I have seen one like this on YT before, and it's informative. 1. That is a bad call (and an important one in that set) have two set points if the ball is correctly called in. Hindsight is 20/20 of course. Those calls on the baseline that are under your nose can be tricky because you don't have the depth perception someone on the base line would have. I'm convinced the great majority of line-call disagreements are because of that. He should have at least offered to replay the point for fairness sake, and he shouldn't be dismissive about being called out for it, but seems like that is asking too much for Nick in this match. (oh and if you pause at 1:03 you can see the ball in too) 2. I'm actually not bothered by the celebrating early on, but as the match goes on it becomes clear these are just as much celebrations as they are taunts, and the intent becomes clear. Specifically, in the second set we see him shouting across the net directly at you...that is poor (for example, I could give him more benefit of the doubt if he's behind the baseline facing the wall), but that wasn't what I saw. I saw him at least once shouting directly at you. In a professional setting, I'm not sure what a chair umpire would likely do in that circumstance. I do know Nick is at risk for hinderance because he is so quick to celebrate - if he is celebrating before the point is officially over, that is technically a hinderance - and I wish the ref that was called out would have clarified that to Nick - it would have helped to gain control of this match. I'm OK with on-court celebrations, fist pumps and the like, the "c'mons" the "lets go, fine. But this crossed the line. On one end, you can't expect athletes to be silent in moments of frustration or joy...but the other end of that is using the celebration to taunt, get in the head of the opponent, it's the latter that crosses a line, and I'm convinced it's the latter we see from Nick as the match goes on. 3. I think every human being can understand why you didn't shake hands at the end, but I think if you could go back, shaking hands is the best thing to do - even though things got so heated. You may not respect him, but if you shake hands he likely respects YOU. When players don't shake hands, it just continues to escalate the situation. Funny enough, one of the last things we hear is a guy on the other court celebrating. Hope he and Nick played each other the next round! :) Do you have a link to the bracket? What befell Nick in the next rounds?
@rogerrules123 7 күн бұрын
his yelling every time you made an UF (especially when you shanked one onto court 5) was even worse than his line calls
@chrishartman9467 7 күн бұрын
IF ALCARAZ DROP SHOTTED every game score would be 6-0
@clydewmorgan 7 күн бұрын
wanted to watch music made it impossible
@bayrat7060 7 күн бұрын
My biggest piece of advice as a coach is number 1 -> hit the balls in with less chance for bad calls (don’t aim for the lines). 2 -> don’t let 1 or 2 bad calls dictate the entire match. Mental fortitude is very very important in our sport!!!
@devpatel7154 9 күн бұрын
This dudes net play was embarrassing for his ego 😭
@kamerondehart8675 9 күн бұрын
Bro 😂 idk what calls you’re on about. There was a close one on the baseline at 5-4 30-30 but was at least 2-3 inches out. And then the only other call you thought was bad your camera just “died” 😂 Nick gives you a call on a ball you 100% hit out at 3-4 15-30 in the second set. Then you miss a first serve and whine about his calls 😂. You act like 2 close ish calls is the reason you lost the match. You’re gonna have to get a lot tougher if you want to win some matches. Also not shaking his hand is just embarrassing and bad sportsmanship from you
@bruceleto9490 10 күн бұрын
Nonetheless awesome video and really exciting tennis playing to watch. Both of you played incredibly well, and athletically
@Rimblyboo 10 күн бұрын
love your channel, keep grinding !
@orthopraxis235 11 күн бұрын
Amatuer tennis touraments, the most stupid thing is you pay 100.00 to play a tourney and the tournament hasn't invested in computer line calling. There are inexpensive devices out there that can do this. Do people really wanna work all week, practice, then take their time on a tournament weekend to be hassled by bad calls...intentional or not? completely unnecessary. Former top So Cal open player in singles and doubles here. These amateur tournaments can sometimes be a complete waste of time. Neither player benefits, it alll just adds misery to the experience.
@stephen1462 12 күн бұрын
I find line calling in USTA tournaments far worse than in league play. Tournaments charge way more than leagues and people don’t want to pay $50 for a tournament and lose in the first round. Also, in league play, players are local and know each other, you don’t want to get a rep as a cheater or jerk on the court. Tournaments are filled with random players from different areas, and I often run into some guy I don’t know who is clearly trying to play mental games. In one match, my opponent kept hitting the ball away from me after the point was over when I was serving, which meant I had to walk to get the ball for the next point when he could’ve easily given it to me. I asked him on a changeover if he wouldn’t mind hitting or throwing the ball to me after a point as I was doing for him on his serve, but he ignored me. I suppose I could’ve called a ref to complain, but that’s not my nature, and I don’t know if there’s a specific rule on that. I won the match so it worked out in the end, but it’s never fun to play a guy who has no sense of sportsmanship. The yelling on your errors shows this guy is really self-absorbed and classless.
@SummitSeeker546 12 күн бұрын
Saw this a lot through my high school and college days. In fact in high school I got in a fight with a guy on the court next to mine because I saw many bad calls he was making against my teammate. I learned to call these idiots out whenever they make a bad call but not to be the aggressor just let them know you know they are making bad calls then go kick their ass by winning legitimately!
@Ccrow78789 12 күн бұрын
Nick= a Dick
@chrisseanbaldwin 12 күн бұрын
Hopefully he reads all of these comments and realizes what a bad sportsman he was. And cheers to you my friend. Win or lose, we love this game.
@dmitri8938 12 күн бұрын
Lol these guys hate when you match their energy.
@youngsuit 13 күн бұрын
"Who won the second set" is self implication about the first set
@youngsuit 13 күн бұрын
"Who won the second set?" Sounds like someone is admitting something about the first set
@bobmalack481 13 күн бұрын
Anyone who wears a hat backwards looks like a dumbed down dork and does not deserve to win anything. NEVER trust anyone who wears a hat sideways or backwards in sport, buisness, finances, personal relations, in public, etc.. Robert at 69. Solid creedo folks.
@johnm.3279 13 күн бұрын
You get one clearly bad call, the second one brings out an umpire.
@ZenZill 13 күн бұрын
This makes me want to play the sport, great video!
@dackerman123 13 күн бұрын
This Nick dude is a complete tool. Holy shit.
@hobbes4583 14 күн бұрын
If i were you, I would consider sending his hooked calls and unsportsmanlike conduct to someone at usta, and see if you can get the match defaulted back to you retroactively. To me, the evidence is irrefutable, and there is no way he beats you in a fair match. He's a hacker.
@hobbes4583 14 күн бұрын
It's great that this asshole will have his atrocities publicized and made permanent on the internet. He can't volley and his forehand is weak. 4.5 at best, he won't be able to hook in later rounds, hopefully. He's a joke. The tennis gods weep.
@t2dev 14 күн бұрын
That questionable call could have gone either way. I watched it at 0.25x and still couldn't figure out since his racket on the pickup was about a foot from the edge. Granting he was closer to the line than you or the camera, then I'd defer to his call. The takeaway here is to play the current point and stop playing in the past. Move on. Don't let it or him get to your head.
@mintymintygogo 14 күн бұрын
Ive just started tennis and aim to play at this level. How long does it take with no special talent but commitment?
@msudvm99 14 күн бұрын
That’s a 5.0 match? Tons of overhitting and unforced errors. Regional Boys 14’s were more talented than this back in the day.
@MrTechmanj 14 күн бұрын
6:54 looked in...
@mikesonic29 14 күн бұрын
You earned my sub. You won the match with your integrity and sportsmanship. Nice kick serve btw. Fellow 4.0- looking to move into 4.5 next year I think I need to work on the kick this summer.
@jasonwee7580 14 күн бұрын
The line calls should not get to you, those were pretty close even calls you made. If anything focus on getting more margin. Him celebrating and yelling is annoying and tells you a lot about the person. But again, focus on yourself, you’ll come out better by learning how to filter the noise out. Easier said than done of course. Good luck!
@davidpineiro7269 14 күн бұрын
In reality guys like this are really loosers.
@dthorne4602 15 күн бұрын
I didn't see that many bad calls, but the guy does seem like a tool. If you dwell on bad calls by the opponent, you will lose every match you play at this level and higher.
@xband 15 күн бұрын
A line judge will only overrule bad calls correct? I don’t think they will call balls out that you have played? This has been my / observation. It’s tough and a huge mental distraction, definitely feels one sided when out there.
@pierroulechou 15 күн бұрын
the YA come on after stealing a point lol