@JamesDouglas-u5z Сағат бұрын
Warren Jeffs (FLDS) "Jesus Christ Message to All Nations" 📖
@JIKOKALOL 2 сағат бұрын
Mormonism has everything figured out. So relieved!
@my2cworth4U 2 сағат бұрын
The veil rent in the temple is the opening of consciousness to the truth that is veiled by religion. It is the tearing of that veil. This can be felt at the moment of excommunication of the elect from the LDS church. The entry into the Church of the Firstborn.
@my2cworth4U 2 сағат бұрын
The hidden knowledge is the memory of your entire existence and that of the Christ. How we all came to be here.
@Lomochenko 3 сағат бұрын
I call BS.
@CrackedCandy 5 сағат бұрын
He is preaching at us. There is no desire to understand. He just wants to understand why the LDS are wrong. When he disected the prophets gc talk, I was done. It wasn't oh, they understand this it was, that is not right, my half understanding of the Bible says this...
@peterblair4448 6 сағат бұрын
Love the video! Great thoughts
@glbrickman 6 сағат бұрын
I love this lesson. However, some criticism. I would have liked to have had a lesson, not a discussion forum.
@jacoblewis2961 7 сағат бұрын
Went on mormon stories and got your lunch eaten.... well done
@wadders11 8 сағат бұрын
Religion = Convince people they are a sinner and 'sell' them the cure.
@polkadotsandpumpkins4328 9 сағат бұрын
You said the atonement, to you, is one of the most beautiful doctrines to exist on planet earth. That you think it’s great that Jesus can redeem you and you can become a new creature. That it gives you the capacity to not only be forgiven but to forgive others. Then you showed a clip of John saying that the atonement is an insidious model. I completely agree with John. The atonement doesn’t feel good or holy to me. My “father” (god) sent his son, my brother (jesus), to earth to suffer in unfathomable and excruciating ways so that we can repent and be forgiven? And then we are to worship jesus after? This doesn’t fill me with good feelings. A parent is knowingly and willingly inflicting torture on a child. For a problem he has created. He created the problem and his solution is to torture his son? To me, this feels like if there is a god he is bad. Maybe even evil. Another thing that really bothers me is worshipping jesus for doing this for me. He’s my brother, right? No matter what a brother has done, why am I worshipping him? It doesn’t feel like his actions were wholly altruistic. Jesus had a broad knowledge of life before earth and celestial ways. He knew he would be raised from the dead. He was only dead for three days. He KNEW he would be raised. So, was what he did really all that neat? I would go through so many horrible things if I knew I’d only be gone for 3 days. And I wouldn’t expect any thanks or worship from anyone. Another thing that feels icky is the church teaching that a lot of sins need to be dealt with in conjunction with a bishop. I believe that things like masturbation, watching watched R movies, going “too far” with your boyfriend or girlfriend, drinking coffee, etc are things that are innocuous. They are not bad. I don’t need to discuss how I touched myself with a middle aged man. That feels so yucky to me. That’s really what god cares about? That I masturbated or that somebody went too far consensually with their boyfriend? I really don’t think he does if he’s real. You said the atonement gives you the capacity to not only be forgiven but to forgive others. I don’t need an atonement for those things. I think it’s a vehicle for a lot of people to deal with guilt and shame. But for me, I don’t need it. I don’t feel bad about masturbating. About drinking coffee. Watching rated R movies. Cursing. I also don’t need it to process forgiveness for others. If you do, great. But not everybody needs an “atonement” to do those and similar things. All my years in the church and now some years out of it, the atonement never felt good or beautiful.
@lesliepaul1302 2 сағат бұрын
Christ chose to do it just like you choose to do the things mentioned above.
@alanbird7781 9 сағат бұрын
You ask what about those who know they are doing wrong and have no wish (in this life of the ‘next’) to repent, Well the doctrine of the atonement does not apply to them. The atonement only applies if they want to repent and turn away from their wrong doing. So John’s analogy applies. A father will forgive their child, without crucifying their other child (even if that child wants to be punished.) The whole doctrine of punishing people who are sorry and want to be forgiven is pernicious. The idea of a person sacrificing them selves to this perverse form of ‘justice’, and of someone begging forgiveness from their father who has killed another child (even a willing one) in order to forgive them, is pernicious. This is not a father - a father does not willingly allow one of his children to die, so that the sacrificed child can earn the father’s forgiveness for his brother or sister. This is not justice, It is perverse!!
@chriscb 9 сағат бұрын
Satan didn't try to "destroy the agency of man". SMH. To destroy the agency of man, all that needed to be done was to leave Adam & Eve alone. Simply let them stay in their innocent ignorance, never eating from the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Yet, oddly enough, Satan does the opposite of this. Had Satan not tempted Eve, then she would not have eaten the fruit. Not eating the fruit would have removed their agency. But yet Satan implanted the thought of eating the fruit. There is no evidence that Eve would have eaten the fruit without Satan first suggesting it to her.
@alanbird7781 9 сағат бұрын
You do not even use your scripture properly. According to your text Satan wants ‘free will’ removed, so that they are unable to do anything wrong. I did not hear John say that. He asked, why does someone have to be punished? Why do you deny forgiveness, by insisting someone must be punished.
@alanbird7781 9 сағат бұрын
When you say “John’s doctrine of the atonement”, John does not have a doctrine of the atonement, you are still thinking within your religious box and trying to squeeze everything into that box. We are not in your box!
@alanbird7781 9 сағат бұрын
You believe that the only way to be forgiven is through a human sacrifice - and you think this is “wonderful.” You sure have bought the Kool Aid. Of course Christianity is going to say anything denying that is false… Any an ideology, religious or otherwise. Is going to to say its opposite is wrong. Blood magic - blood atonement - it is all about human sacrifice with you people. If someone has to die in order to be able to forgive then it is not forgiveness, merely someone else pays the price. In your world real forgiveness simply does not exist - someone has to be punished.
@outof_obscurity 10 сағат бұрын
Ironic how he still puts himself in the position of God in the scenario. The problem he doesn't address is that if the son did punch the sister then so what? In his world view there is no God and no afterlife which means we live to die. So what's wrong with punching his sister? Dad says it's immoral, yet the son felt he was acting morally. Why is his son wrong and why is he right? These guys always use the dumbest soft ball examples to arrive at their conclusions.
@MoreWordsPlease 6 сағат бұрын
God says that slavery is fine, polygamy is essential, divorce is evil, and that a r*pist should marry his victim, but I'm guessing you ignore all of that because you don't believe in it. How do you have a moral code that's different than God's? Could it possibly be that you've evolved (along with the rest of humanity) to be a social creature who is affected by the norms of the culture in which you live? Non-lds people have moral systems too & believe in right and wrong, even atheists. There's no sense arguing against an invisible monster you created yourself.
@GwPoKo 10 сағат бұрын
The thing that I have noticed is that John Dehlin and others have built a cult-like following. Literally anything these people say is worshiped, adopted, adored, and retaught. I'm glad you guys were there to call him out on some key issues. Even Patrick Mason wouldn't have done that. Great job!
@3DFLYLOW 11 сағат бұрын
You guys keep talking about things as if it's just fact. show the truth of it. If you can't show the truth of the thing you claim to know, you're just lying. The truth is what the facts are and Joseph Smith was a criminal con man duping people into believing what he said. After sleeping around with a bunch of women he said God told him to do it. Real smart to believe
@MoreWordsPlease 12 сағат бұрын
11:25 "How do you destroy the agency of man?" You say that John described Lucifer's plan perfectly but that is false. He never once proposed taking away people's agency-whether you're referring to forcing them to make a certain choice or taking away the existence of a "right" and "wrong" altogether. John proposed teaching humans the difference between right and wrong, through love, compassion, and connection. How does that destroy agency? It's literally the most agency you can have, because you're not being threatened with outer darkness or a lesser existence in which you cannot progress and you are separated from your family. (How is it free agency if their are threats and coercion involved?) When you misrepresent someone's position then your response to it looks dishonest. You are fighting an invisible monster that you created.
@thestickofjoseph 10 сағат бұрын
When you take away consequences for actions, you remove agency. When the same outcome will happen no matter the actions of someone, they no longer have the opportunity to choose what ultimate end they want to work towards.
@MoreWordsPlease 9 сағат бұрын
@thestickofjoseph there are consequences to everything. For example, if you drink too much you may hurt your body or make bad decisions while drunk. If you steal from your friends then you'll eventually have no friends and people will lose respect for you. If you hurt a child then your community will ostracize you or incarcerate you for everyone's safety. There absolutely are consequences for every choice. But what you're talking about is external (and eternal) consequences that aren't related to the crime, enacted by a vengeful and jealous God. Different thing. Punishment doesn't teach or fix. There are real-world solutions like prevention, education, protection, and support, that do a much better job. God's judgements don't stop the crime or heal the victims. You say that people have agency but it seems only the perpetrators have agency whereas the victims are forced to submit. And the best thing to heal them is compassion, support, restitution, and lots of therapy. These are real-world solutions that we already have and use (but we could do better). The atonement may give comfort to some but it also provides scapegoat and enables people to do great harm and move on without apology or restitution. The idea that people outside of the lds church (such as John) believe in no consequences or no right/wrong decisions is just silly. You are arguing against a position that was not proffered. Atheists believe in good/bad, right/wrong too-they just don't take that moral code from self-proclaimed prophets or ancient allegorical texts.
@MoreWordsPlease 5 сағат бұрын
​@@thestickofjosephAlso, I've never heard this idea that Lucifer's plan was to take away the meaning of right and wrong so there would be no consequences. I was a member for 33 years, from 1981 to 2015 and I was only ever taught that Lucifer planned to force all humans to comply. And it wouldn't make theological sense for Lucifer to destroy the meaning of right and wrong since those principles are eternal law that even God himself is subject to and also the fact that "no unclean thing can enter the kingdom of heaven". Again, an eternal principal that exists independently of God, according to lds theology. So how could Lucifer's plan be to destroy eternal law? Doesn't that suggest he is more powerful than God? I'm certain that's not part of lds theology! Do you have any evidence that the church ever taught (or even secretly believed) in this explanation of what was proposed prior to the great war in heaven? I think you may be constructing your own unique doctrine because you find it easier to defend than what the church actually believes and has taught for a very long time. I see no problem with you believing your own unique version of lds theology but to use that to defend the church, which has believed and taught something different for many lifetimes, is at best, uninformed, and at worst, dishonest.
@jameswines6589 4 минут бұрын
​@@MoreWordsPleaseDon't you Mormons know that Satan works for ( GOD) Him and all his Angels GOD is the one who created ( Evil not Satan
@MarciAdams-dd3zp 14 сағат бұрын
@livingmombirth4005 15 сағат бұрын
Thanks Jack. Very beautiful!
@TurdleyFerguson 15 сағат бұрын
The Atonement has a major fallacy: that you need forgiveness from anyone but yourself.
@williamwofford2503 16 сағат бұрын
God is all knowing he knew eve would eat of the fruit and Adam would follow ....if he did not want it to be so why would he have put the tree with in their reach ......we keep guns and medications and toxic things out of the reach of children ...are you saying God was not smart enough to do the same ? that does not fit with al all seeing all knowing GOD ......he knew the serpent was in the Garden why did he not cast the serpent out ? man kind had to fall in order to start the journey that is life as we know it .............This is how i explain that to those that that say it was a transgression that should not have happened .......and refuse to understand that... IT HAD TO HAPPEN for us to progress
@sierrainfanger2050 23 сағат бұрын
Jackson, you’re seriously the best. I love these videos ♡
@stevenhenderson9005 23 сағат бұрын
Don't pay tithing on what you make, but pay on what you want to make and the Lord will bless you with that income.
@pv3627 7 сағат бұрын
I want to be retired and have a $0 salary. 10% of that is $0. So I’ll pay that and be a full tithe payer. Yay, loophole!
@keenancummings3714 Күн бұрын
I understand and even deeply feel the beauty in the idea o& atonement. But consider what it requires you to think of yourself and of others: that all are inherently broken and damaged. Consider what redemption requires you to think of the natural process of learning and growth : that it is to satisfy the demands of a vengeful and violent god rather than to become a person that is kind and more capable of compassion. I think his metaphor of teaching kids is not meant to point to a world without justice and consequence, but instead is meant to highlight the absurdity of believing there is a god that NEEDS to punish to be satisfied. If I wrong someone today, their only recourse is for me to repair that damage. If I escape justice, how is justice satisfied for the person I harmed if the ultimate result is god inflicting pain and suffering on me in the next life? I let go of these beliefs a long time ago, precisely because they are so lacking in compassion, love, and an optimistic idea of human nature. I appreciate the comfort these ideas provide to many, but simply ask yourself, does that comforting idea require a great and hidden cost - a view of a broken world full of fallen, broken people.
@keenancummings3714 Күн бұрын
It’s not a doctrine of all mercy, no justice. Justice is a key component of our social system. The price of offense is paid to society and to those that are harmed
@pajabesa2492 Күн бұрын
Why does John care that someone else suffered for the sins of all man kind if John does not believe in Him? Cause it leads people to worship Jesus and not John. Sound familiar?
@jacobdevitry1570 Күн бұрын
No of course once Justin has punched Mya and he knows its wrong, you should ETERNALLY CONDEM him unless he, without any proof of your system of forgiveness or evidence besides the most confusing system EVER of trust in the "feelings" of the spirit repents to his middle age white man in charge of the area, all this in the infinitesimally small window of life according to your doctrine. He definitely deserves to be condemned for ETERNITY and never allowed to progress or learn after that.... not that he could also "bleed from every pore" if once he realized his mistakes...wouldn't you do that for the sake of salvation... do you see how stupid and un consciences your "plan of happiness" is.... you have misreprested Johns idea, probably not intentionally but simply because you lack an understanding of the world. Stop making dumb ass videos to boost your echo chamber world, if ANYONE is going to hell it will surely be the charlatans and mystics who deal in this type of nonsense
@natedawg2020 Күн бұрын
I like hearing good counterarguments against the church, but I don’t think John Dehlin is very interesting. This town deserves a better class of criminal. Many people leave the church for uneducated reasons, and John does a good job of appealing to those people.
@pv3627 7 сағат бұрын
Can you give some examples of uneducated reasons people leave the church for?
@natedawg2020 6 сағат бұрын
@@pv3627 Yeah, and then we could talk about it
@pv3627 6 сағат бұрын
@@natedawg2020 go ahead
@pv3627 4 сағат бұрын
@@natedawg2020 John Dehlin survey of ~3,000 former members. General factors of disbelief: (% Who Rated this as a Major* Factor) * Major issue = rated 3 or 4 on a 4 point scale ((0 = not a factor, 4 = strongest/primary factor). I ceased to believe in the church's doctrine/theology - 74% I studied church history and lost my belief- 70% I lost faith in Joseph Smith - 70% I lost faith in the Book of Mormon - 65% I lost confidence in the general authorities - 50% Church's stance on women - 47% Church's stance on homosexuals / Prop 8 - 48% Church's stance on race issues (blacks, native Americans, etc.) - 43% I did not feel spiritually edified at church - 47% Church's stance on science-related matters - 40% I became bothered by church culture (e.g. politics, etc.) - 33% I re-evaluted what it means to believe/know - 38% I lost confidence in my local church leadership - 24% I lost my faith in God - 27% I lost my faith in Jesus - 26% I did not receive the promised spiritual witness - 21% I received a spiritual witness to leave the church and go elsewhere - 12% Lack of meaningful friendships within the church - 6% I or someone I loved was abused by someone in the church. - 7% I wanted to engage in behaviors viewed as sinful by the church - 4% I was offended by someone in the church. - 4%
@pv3627 4 сағат бұрын
Which of these would you categorize as uneducated, and why?
@coreymcleod2899 Күн бұрын
Maybe it's me, but whenever I hear John Dehlin speak, he's pointing out things that are harmful, insidious, confusing, or "don't make sense." Seldom, if ever, does he point out things that are helpful, supportive, comforting, or uplifting.
@pv3627 7 сағат бұрын
Well, that’s kinda his schtick… to discuss issues with the church
@firecloud77 Күн бұрын
They way John Dehlin bobs his head to emphasize every word he says when he's upset, is cringe to look at. I have to avert my eyes.
@PeterNield-k7s Күн бұрын
great job John is so lost and confused that he trips himself up every time and has no evidence to support any claims just his opinions dressed as facts
@theeight-roadwanderer6286 Күн бұрын
It's wild to me that your mind can't fathom what John was saying about the doctrine of the atonement
@porkyrabbit Күн бұрын
These Mormon apologists are doing mental gymnastics more and more I see
@loveslife Күн бұрын
I was waiting for a mention of hell, which is what Jesus saves us from. Maybe it was in a different segment?
@montypalmer4556 Күн бұрын
Reaching the global level for the church has been a long challenge with most of that effort done by the birthright son (Ephraim). This is as it should be.
@rodneyjamesmcguire Күн бұрын
This is fascinating. If I were still faithful LDS, I'd say you hit it out of the park, except for one thing, the retort about him reading The Book of Mormon. I think that was a mistake that borders on the absurd. Of course, John has read the book and continues to read its passages and interact about it. He likely, given his age, has interacted with the text more than either of you. You could say the same of me. So that part seemed insulting and absurd. No longer being LDS, but understanding completely what was being spoken of, I found your answers extremely evasive, and your portrayal of the LDS faith / doctrine / history as really removed from the facts at hand. John and I are the same age. I can attest that what he was saying about what was taught as doctrine in the church, was in fact taught as such. Anyways, it was very very fascinating to see you guys, kinda the new-gen Apologists speaking freely with one of, if not the oldest LDS Critics of the internet age. Fascinating. I learned a lot.
@Icanonlyimagn7891 3 сағат бұрын
I’m the same age as John as well. We probs went to school together. I was so impressed with these very young men. They were able to have a conversation with a much older man who has spent the last several years immersed in anti-garbage. I would have answered a few questions with John differently. But I was still amazed at their youth and wisdom, and testimony. My heart felt sad for John. He has gotten so caught up in all the anti-that he seems so very empty & dark. The only purpose he seems to have in his life is destroying people’s faith. He says it’s not, but I’ve watched many of his Mormon Stories, and I have also seen him interview on other podcasts. He has gotten so caught up in all the lies and garbage he doesn’t know when he’s telling the truth anymore. He acts so innocent and uses flattery, but it’s empty. Sad🥲 Using deception and lies to “reveal dishonesty” seems ironical. I wish him the best. Hopefully he can find the peace he’s seeking for. He’s put MANY members into faith crisis, and caused many to be hard core anti/atheists… But MANY of them are returning to the church in large numbers with stronger testimonies than ever before! There is also a “Comeback Podcast” with Ashleigh Stone where her guests tell their stories of being like John, faithful members… then leaving, become bitter anti-, and then coming back to church with stronger faith in Christ. There is a purpose God will use for John’s deceit. John is not mightier than his Creator. ❤️☀️
@rodneyjamesmcguire 2 сағат бұрын
@@Icanonlyimagn7891 Direct question, when did he lie in this conversation?
@Icanonlyimagn7891 Сағат бұрын
@@rodneyjamesmcguire I’m not going to go back over the 4.5 hour production to point it all out. He took truth and twisted it into lies, he took truth out of context to fit his narrative, he was disingenuous. He said he was not trying to destroy faith with his channel, but that is a lie. His whole business model is to destroy faith. He has created expensive workshops for people who through his channel loose faith, and those expensive workshops help people deconstruct their faith. He offers couple counseling and individual counseling for people who have lost their faith from his channel and makes good money off of “helping” the doubter navigate their loss of faith in their families. He makes millions off of causing faith crisis, planting doubt and destroying faith. There was a interview where he said members of the church, usually in their older age, after living consecrated to God & faithful, virtuous lives, keeping the commandments and striving to follow the Lord, if they wrote a big enough check to the church, can get their second anointing. Once they have that ordinance they can “harm children” (he used the “p” word) as much as they want, steal, cheat “ANY” sin except murder, and still get their own planets. How absurd! And he said in that interview the church is only about the men, and the women are oppressed. I’m a woman and I feel loved, valued and powerful in my role as a woman in the church. John said in that conversation only the men get planets. He doesn’t understand the new and everlasting covenant. It takes a man and a woman. Equals. He twists truth, takes truth out of context. Is disingenuous. And I feel like he has been so consumed with all the anti, he can’t remember the truth from the lies. But he is VERY well versed in the anti garbage. I have to give that to him. But after absorbing the lies for several years day and night it makes sense he’d loose a grip on the beautiful gospel of Jesus Christ. I will give it to him, he most likely misunderstands a lot as well. And it’s all ok. I’m not worried about it. Some people need to be anti and out of the church to learn valuable life lessons. I believe we all have life plans. ALL mortals are loved dearly by their Creator. And that John is not bigger than God. It just makes me sad to watch him. What a miserable life to spend all your time and career destroying faith. That is Lucifer’s plan. Joy comes from creating, blessing, lifting others. But John makes amazing 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰 So I get his motivation. I will say it’s a great business plan. Once people realize they’ve been duped by him, they come back stronger than ever. Sometime it takes years… but that’s really ok. Lots of growth is a good thing! I believe growth and truth can happen outside of the church as well as inside it. ❤️☀️ Maybe even John will someday come back. You never know… My husband was a rabid anti and taught the lies over the pulpit of his evangelical church for years, and believed the lies to his core. He met some LDS young adults that were different, good, respectful, bright and he wanted to save them from their evil cult. He read the Book of Mormon to prove it wrong, and had a “Saul” experience. He tracked down the missionaries and was baptized a couple weeks later. Isn’t life quite the adventure? God is so good, and never forget, your Creator/Father loves you whether you are LDS or not. He loves you whether you make covenants of break them. He loves you even if you do not love Him back. Nothing can separate you from His love.❤️☀️
@urubu715 Күн бұрын
I loved what he was saying about taking away people's freedom of choice. A common misconception for Latter-day Saints is to assume Satan wanted to force everyone to do good. That's not what the scriptures teach. If there are no laws, no consequences, no opposition, then essentially no one has agency and therefore your agency is destroyed. God is a god of law, order, justice, and mercy.
@TheJanesaw Күн бұрын
Sorry, I don’t believe for a second Dehlin is sincere. Korihor in the scriptures lied until his dying breath, his claim of “began to believe” the lies he told is also a lie,it’s only to get sympathy.
@bubbatilton7282 Күн бұрын
Maybe there is no conflict with animals going in pairs into the ark. The 7 x 7 animals can still enter the ark in pairs.
@crushendobear9272 Күн бұрын
Why would it be strange for the Lord to spread his gifts to all his children? Or, did I misunderstand you?
@1stjohnrocklin Күн бұрын
Saul Saul why persecutest thou me?
@rodhancock3549 Күн бұрын
As soon as you get excommunicated you begin. To preach false doctrine.
@clark9113 Күн бұрын
Elder Christofferson in his Oct 2014 GC talk had some really good insight to this matter, even addressing specifically the concept of "God will save all" and addressing why Justice is essential.
@hannah6353 Күн бұрын
At about the 57:26 where you were talking about the Empty Quarter a thought came to me about the suffering of the Savior. On my temple blog on the post that talks about “that magnificent gesture” and the prayer circle, see here: prayercircles.blogspot.com/2010/01/spreading-hands.html Here’s just one aspect, best to see the whole post and the art: “Suffering is an important theme of the ancient prayer circle. The rite is always related to the crucifixion, which was anticipated by it in the upper room, for "the core of the Lord's Supper is the idea of sacrifice." In the rites "the believer must incur the same sufferings as his god, and therefore he must mourn with him"-hence the peculiar passage in Matthew 11:16-17. Pulver notes that mourning denotes that the initiate is expected to suffer after the manner of the leader. The word for "mourn" in Matthew 11:17 is koptomai, literally, to inflict wounds upon oneself. (Max Pulver, The Round Dance and the Crucifixion.) Even the aspect of mourning is addressed as the mourning of Ismael.
@ahh-2-ahh Күн бұрын
How in the world would Joseph Smith know to put this one small, but significant detail in the BOM???
@RonDoty-i7z Күн бұрын
Easy to view fetching water as a chore not a metaphor. Drawing life, sustaining life, compassionate service, strength, wisdom to return with unbroken waterpots full. Carried on the head. Thank you.