Hamza: Imprisoned by Hamas in Gaza
Sarah: A Voice from Pakistan
Iffath: Former Ahmadiyya Muslim
Elise: An American Princess in Saudi
Sara: Survivor of the Iranian Regime
@muhjm1946 3 сағат бұрын
He not talking about Islam, he is referring to culture that he was confronted with. And he doesn’t the difference.
@oussamak7747 7 сағат бұрын
As an ex-muslim, I find the answers at the end of the podcasts dis honest. Anyone who knows Islam and Uthman is knowledgeable, so he is trying to not give direct honest answers and rather turning around ... I left Islam for morality and I am very clear with myself about what I see wrong and immoral. I won't play around, I will answer any question directly
@justinludeman8424 8 сағат бұрын
Not one of us can subvert the transgenerational or ethnoreligious indoctrination of our childhood, we are insufficiently self-aware at those times in our development. However, Dalia has shown transcendence and a higher humanity that should be celebrated despite the Islamist threats/Fatwa which now clouds her existence... Many outspoken Muslims, ex-Muslims, and non-Muslims from Islamic nations are rising to denounce Hamas and all tentacles of the Muslim Brotherhood and its Western Red-Green Alliance. Bravo, and Am Yisrael Chai.
@robinbird777 14 сағат бұрын
Because of the risk of speaking why not wear sunglasses. So that you don't risk continuing to speak. 🙏. May God bless and keep you.
@annegreengables6367 15 сағат бұрын
This sounds just like the art teacher (Erika Lopez Prater) at Hamline University. The dean called her Islamophobic publicly and canceled her teaching contract without even a cursory investigation..
@nancygawlowicz2562 17 сағат бұрын
Time for Dalia to become an ex Muslim
@Catherinetatethefkingliberty 17 сағат бұрын
Genuine question: exactly how many Gazans ( and West Bank Arabs/palestinians) harbour hopes of real reconciliation, and loving peace with their Jewish neighbours, if not for anything then at least for the betterment of their own children's future?
@marlenegoldberg5622 22 сағат бұрын
Christian Arabs value education. They are usually wealthier than the Muslims. Nazareth case in point. The wealthy live in wealthy homes on the heights. Jews and Christians in upper Nazareth. The lower city suffer more from crime.
@kaylandry3142 Күн бұрын
This is so very sad. I am very SORRY. Much LOVE to you both. And to all the women & little girls in Iran.
@binay9499 Күн бұрын
Sorry u make no sense ❤😢🎉 its sad
@binay9499 Күн бұрын
It's so sad u not seen this 😂😢😅 really?
@binay9499 Күн бұрын
Bull sperm 😂❤
@ramabapat Күн бұрын
It’s almost as if Islam = Antisemitism in the present times, but Islam = hate (towards everyone who don’t toe the scriptural line)
@ramabapat Күн бұрын
That’s how Islam holds up - violence inside and violence outside.
@keithwilson5852 Күн бұрын
Please never forget about the israeli hostages everyone forgets the hostages 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢I 😢😢😢😢😢
@ramabapat Күн бұрын
I$l@m is 💩, Uthman - however you spin it. It just gets more and more stinky.
@mandelezra Күн бұрын
Jay Shapiro's errors: 1) The Irgun logo from the Euphrates to the sea: The logo en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irgun shows the territory included in the Mandate for Palestine en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandate_for_Palestine, ie, Transjordan and Cisjordan, hundreds of kilometers away from the Euphrates. 2) Einstein's antizionism: Somewhat similar to Herzl, Einstein changed his mind about establishing a Jewish state after witnessing the horrors caused by antisemitism, and became a supporter of Israel en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_views_of_Albert_Einstein#After_Israeli_independence. In 1952 he was offered the presidency. 3) Iraq bombings: There is no evidence that Israel or Jews were involved en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1950%E2%80%931951_Baghdad_bombings. 4) Israel a colonial enterprise: The British government gave consent to the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, however the immigrants/refugees that settled there were not sent by the British government, didn’t settle on behalf of the British, and were not British subjects for the most part. Israel has never been a British colony, nor was it intended to be one. Just over half of Israeli Jews descend from Jews native to the Middle East and North Africa, while the rest are mostly Ashkenazi (European Jews from Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, etc).
@Sasha.Co1 Күн бұрын
Thank you for this interview 🙏
@noelbensted3389 Күн бұрын
I could listen to Gad all day long . This was amazing and so inspiring .
@Tefeiros Күн бұрын
Thanks God for such a brave woman.
@toddbeamer6131 Күн бұрын
Notice that cult members NEVER discuss sharia. That is the ultimate reference for any discussion over how people are treated in and by the cult, but it is NEVER discussed in public. Why? Because it is written in a clear, legal style and so cannot be lied about. If every debate about islam used sharia as the reference then all discussions would be over in minutes with the cult member having to admit just how bad it all is. The slavery. The child marriage. The second class status of women. The hatred of others. The commands of violence to others. The promised "eternal" rewards for anyone committing acts of violence. And all the other barbarity.
@toddbeamer6131 Күн бұрын
If he was an imam, then he was taught sharia. He knows the codified rules, practices, offences and penalties. He knows just how bad it really is but tries to cover it up. Normal taqiyya. Without lies, and liars, islame dies.
@peeceei7470 Күн бұрын
Poor Uthman. Islam in any form other than an imaginary form is super hard to defend on ethics. Even for those Muslims trying to be good, this goes against Islam and the ideology forces good people to lie to defend it. So sad😢
@halcyon19 Күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing the realities on the ground
@gtr5860 Күн бұрын
do you believe this guy Yasmine? taqiyyah 😂..
@baruchhashem49 Күн бұрын
The Imams and Uluma who carry on actual education always choose the xitan religion. Those Imams and Uluma who study Judaism leave islam every singke time.
@spiritedtruth3490 Күн бұрын
Kudos to you all, ladies. My respect.
@SunnyMeah Күн бұрын
Islam is religion of no freedom, no independence, no logic or common sense. i unfortunately born in a family where all are fanatics. my mother, grandmother, father and also the society.
@Bekindloveis 2 күн бұрын
How do u reform a religion? U either believe everything it teaches or u don’t. & if a religion has abrogations & can be modified or changed then that would change whatever intent of the original creator of the religion dicates. The bible says Jesus came to fulfill the scripture in the old testament not replace it which means that christians have to believe in both the old & new testament & “Hebrews 13:8 NKJ Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Which means Yahweh God never change so Christians either believe in the teachings of the bible or they don’t “Deuteronomy 4:2 NKJ You shall not add to the word which I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.”
@naseerali3500 2 күн бұрын
Left Islam meaning selected hell for himself after death.
@deusvult9372 2 күн бұрын
The rise of islam in the west is a reaction to the woke movement. Two extremes polar opposites. Christ is the balance. The west has removed the boundaries of tradition. Atheism isn't the answer. Jesus is the answer.
@ElitePeeM 2 күн бұрын
Amazing story of a brave escape from a life of oppression. But the ending? Woah. She still has a way to go on her journey to freedom it seems.
@mary-janebelec9082 2 күн бұрын
I heard her say that women participate in more ritual and practices...I would suggest that they are under far more scrutiny than men, & consequences much much more dire.
@barbtki2239 2 күн бұрын
Israel ❤
@mary-janebelec9082 2 күн бұрын
I don't find atheism terrifying - it's relieving. Treat people with kindness & respect. What's terrifying about that?
@epairoyahushua4314 2 күн бұрын
Jesus Christ is the Only way to Heaven ❤
@mary-janebelec9082 2 күн бұрын
Women covering themselves from head to toe constantly is making women responsible for the horrible behaviour of men.
@mary-janebelec9082 2 күн бұрын
There is a global fear & loathing of women & their sexuality & reproductive power. It's patriarchy. The best & kindest thing for the whole of humanity would be the crumbling of patriarchy.
@mary-janebelec9082 2 күн бұрын
Keep speaking, women!!!!
@roni_aust1594 2 күн бұрын
Trinity is not worshipping one God.
@roni_aust1594 2 күн бұрын
Islam is for all human kind. It is about how to live your best life according to Gods instructions. God sent books with all Prophets as instruction for mankind. Quran is the book and Mohammed was the last Prophet
@roni_aust1594 2 күн бұрын
No girl, not so many people will get what happend to him. Now people are smarter and they read and learn themselves. Specially converts. They study the whole thing before they make up their mind to convert. Some born Muslims are studying & learning and answering their own questions.
@raisatsvaygenbaum7394 2 күн бұрын
Dalia’s eyes radiate beauty because of her kindness and generous heart. May Allah always protect her and be bountiful in his blessings towards her
@roni_aust1594 2 күн бұрын
Which country were his parents from. In Islam it is not allowed to follow blindly. You have to use your brain. Quran is a book from God not allowed to be change.
@roni_aust1594 2 күн бұрын
I bet they didnt learn the Arabic language. They probebly just repeated what they were told. Look at him even now at age 40, it seems like he can't make decisions.
@roni_aust1594 2 күн бұрын
WOW that school was definitely not following Islam, the Prophet and his rules on children. What kinda Muslims are they. The Prophet taught how to be kind and protective towards children and beating was not allowed. Some people take their country's culture to where ever they go and then add it to Islam and say its a Muslim thing. These kinds of people who add rubbish to the religion will sufer in the next life when they face God.
@chernojalloh768 2 күн бұрын
You’re fake, ignorant about the Islamic faith. Even what you’re saying about your parents Islamic practice make me question your basic understanding of Islam.
@AnalyseThat 2 күн бұрын
You're sick if you think pro-Palestine means pro-terrorism. Shame on you for not recognising the pain of people living under occupation for over 70 years.
@missohio8548 2 күн бұрын
💙💙💙💙💙you BRAVE fraus
@tadpoles206 3 күн бұрын
This isn't just Islam. Christian preachers do this too.