@Nezkredk Күн бұрын
So I know Mint is able to switch between two personas. Is this merely just them using lots of clothing and techniques?
@Fionapollo 6 сағат бұрын
Usually they'll do those things to present more strongly as a specific gender, but the main indicator will be their hat ^^
@Nezkredk 2 сағат бұрын
@Fionapollo White Pomf vs Black Mini. Very nice. I'm excited to see where this goes.
@sbowesuk981 Күн бұрын
Creative degrees for a long time have had a reputation for accepting far too many admissions and spitting out far too many graduates, than a developed economy can sustain. Either graduates are the absolute best at what they do, or they have to pivot, potentially into non-creative work. Many young creatives don't realise that university are businesses, and money is made by selling spots on courses, regardless of what the job market actually needs. If a course is super popular but job prospects in that area are dire, colleges and universities won't care providing they can fill classes with paying students. As for generative AI, it has definitely made a bad situation worse when it comes to arts degrees, job prospects wise. Most companies categorically will not commission anything from a real artist, when they can get more or less the same thing for a fraction the time and money. If you're focus is 2D drawing and/or animation, you're pretty much screwed. If your focus is more physical like prop making or sculpting, then the impact is lower, but jobs in those areas were probably already quite scarce anyway.
@noobgod6 3 күн бұрын
uhh actually undertale came out in 2015 and UTY is a prequel not an AU☝🤓
@torterratortellini6641 3 күн бұрын
King Of The Hill has entered the room.
@AndieBanandieBell 5 күн бұрын
1:39 A GAAAAAAAAAME THEORY! Thanks for watching! (I’m sorry I had to)
@Lilshroom-d7t 5 күн бұрын
I got soldier!😊
@Derethevil 5 күн бұрын
I'm your average straight cis guy with 34 years on his back in a few days. I've grown up to tolerate anyone that behaves nice. My sister is in the LGBTQ spectrum and i never felt any problem with that. So in other words, my sister would have probably beaten me into a pulp if i would have EVER said anything against it. No i love my sister like any other brother should do. If a friend would ever ask me if i can come to the streets with them if they in that pride month or something, i probably would. But there is one thing i still have to say. It did happen before that people tried to "convert" me. But in all fairness to that, there are even more people not part of the pride crowd who would try to convert those to be "normal" as they probably would say. So i am not really holding it against them if they try. I have simple rules in my life. If you scratch my back, i'll scratch yours. If you behave like a shitstick, i'll treat you like a shitstick. In other words. My respect has to be earned. Everyone gets the basic respect anyone deserves, no matter who they are, but what they do is important. As seeing myself in the middle, trying to be neutral to all this stuff, i can say i can understand BOTH sides to a certain degree. Same as the "normal" people try to attack the pride community, there are also people from the pride community making their mistakes. One of those things for me personally is the whole thing about kids. Kids become of what you teach them. Both from their parents and from public (school, things they see, etc.) So i am not a fan of hearing things getting pulled into school. IMO a kid would decide for itself if it feels a certain connection to the whole LGBTQ spectrum and would explore it eventually. If a kid has questions about it, a good teacher wouldn't have to be in that spectrum to teach it what it is about. A bad teacher would do the opposite. And yes. Even with me saying that everyone is allowed to live their life they way they want, as long as they don't hurt or manipulate someone else, even i still have plenty of people calling me intolerant, JUST because i am a cis straight guy.
@Lovinia1 5 күн бұрын
Idk. I’m not against rule34 in most circumstances but - the owner of the characters has expressed that he doesn’t want his character to be used that way. He should be respected. - Wally is often called “kid” by the neighbors. This doesn’t necessarily mean he’s underage, but considering He didn’t even know what snow was, I doubt he’s mature enough to understand consent. It’s the Edward scissor hands dilemma -obviously he’s not a real person, but it does indicate moral issues on the artists part, drawing such an innocent character that way.
@DTiSthimself 5 күн бұрын
I don’t think that’s it dude… is he trans sorry if I offended anybody😅
@JohnyParuwka 6 күн бұрын
Thanks for this video, loved to learn about Morel Orel's existence and the topics in Tuca & Bertie (I wanted to watch the show for a while now but I'm glad I haven't because I react REALLY badly to SA depiction or even mention if I hadn't mentally prepared beforehand)
@M4DZ_LOL 6 күн бұрын
Huge flirt+shy mess<3
@VincentTehla 7 күн бұрын
Love and respect everyone equally... until they are a feet lover, because we are "part of the wrong crowd". You people are such hypocrites allways preaching about how you should respect and accept others no matter what but the moment it turns out the person likes feet then its compleatly okay to be offensive twoards them, you fucking hypocritical bigots. Us feet lover had been opresed for long enoth, its time we take a stans and rise up!
@Rainbow-Ana993 9 күн бұрын
Off topic but Carlos looks like Leo from PJO
@bookishdelight 9 күн бұрын
Original take incoming--Mint's adorable as heck. I just wanna hug them and tell them it'll be okay ✨Loving the napkin pitch at the end, eager to see what's next.