Clip: "What Woke Me Up"
6 ай бұрын
@robertmanderfield9580 4 сағат бұрын
My moment was just before "covid". It was our last convention my wife and I attended. We watched this older male attendant undress these female teenagers with his eyes. Made me sick. The 2nd was at an assembly and they announced there was a "business meeting" at noon. This was the last time we ever went.
@javiermoreno7746 23 сағат бұрын
Jws god jehovà and especially the "governing body" which are the "gods" of Jws now the 11members of new York city. The wolves that come in sheep's clothing. They called themselves the "anointing ones" Which they are not, l already investigate their story
@DDelrealove 2 күн бұрын
I hope all JW wake up and Sue the GB!!! Make them sell all the property and to all the families with CA cases and suicide cases for shunning.
@DDelrealove 2 күн бұрын
How many Bible studies everyone get? I didn’t get not one with all those hours I did on service. 🤔
@DiffiCULTChildhood 2 күн бұрын
Thankfully, I only had a couple that never made it to the point of attending meetings. Sad thing is, I really thought I was studying "the bible" with them... clueless that it was just man-made teachings & not the Holy Bible 🤷‍♀️ Oops 😬 -Falon
@DDelrealove 2 күн бұрын
Falon, you are so right! I had the same experience and recently ran into an ex JW that I used to study with, and didn’t know I had left. I told her I have such an amazing relationship with Jehovah now than I ever did, when I was a Witness. Hopefully, I planted the seed with her.
@leogolive 3 күн бұрын
This was really great to listen to. Thoroughly enjoyed it. I can relate to a great deal of it as someone who was raised as a JW child.
@leogolive 3 күн бұрын
Not the lemon-lime Shasta!!! I haven’t thought about those in YEARS!!!🤣💀🤣💀
@DiffiCULTChildhood 2 күн бұрын
The Shasta just hit different! 😋 -Falon
@leogolive 2 күн бұрын
@@DiffiCULTChildhood For real! Especially when you needed something to wash down one of those hoagies!🤣
@Biff-c5h 4 күн бұрын
~ Surviving Narcissists at Kingdom Halls ~ • Your relationship is with Jehovah God, not the Elders, Pioneers or Circuit Overseers. • You should study with the Jehovah's Witnesses and at least become an Unbaptized Publisher. . Jesus said If they treat you badly go to another town Matthew 10:22,23 22 And YOU will be objects of hatred by all people on account of my name; but he that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved. 23 When they persecute YOU in one city, flee to another; for truly I say to YOU, YOU will by no means complete the circuit of the cities of Israel until the Son of man arrives. . Jesus' New Commandments Matthew 22:37-40 37 He said to him: “‘You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.’ 38 This is the greatest and first commandment. 39 The second, like it, is this, ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments the whole Law hangs, and the Prophets.” • Preach the Good News and make disciples of men. • Tell the people what they need to do. • Be no part of the world • Live by Jesus' New Commandments • Sanctify Jehovah God's name. Matthew 28:18-20 18 And Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded YOU. And, look! I am with YOU all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.” Mark 16:15: Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone. 2 Timothy 4:2-12: Be ready at all times, and tell people what they need to do. Luke 4:18: The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because He has anointed Me to preach good news to the poor. John 15:19 If you were of the world, it would love you as its own. Instead, the world hates you, because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. There is a lot of dysfunction in the world and at these Kingdom Halls as well. You'll see an Elder on the platform that appears to be loving and kind and then as soon as he leaves the platform he is the opposite. Many Elders are rude, condescending and disrespectful; talking to people like they're fools, that's because they are suffering from a severe case of narcissism. Human behavior is troubling with all the competing egos, narcissism, jealousy and envy, poverty and the ill-educated, it's only natural that differences will arise. Try to be pleasant with one another and work through your differences. Go to your nearest Kingdom Hall and if it works out, fine. If it doesn't, move along. Just never stop learning from the literature and sharing the Good News until you find a Kingdom Hall where you are received well. Keep your Sundays dedicated to honoring Jehovah until you find a new congregation. I spent two years as a Bible Study, I completed the Knowledge Book three times and became an Unbaptized Publisher. Then a year later, I was told I was not ready for Baptism. I could have earned a PhD in that amount of time. The Elder was black, and I was basically told, "No Baptism for Whitey." They want you to ingratiate yourself. Suck up long enough and maybe we can work something out. The negativity and dysfunction is alarming. If you are a woman, there is no delay, you are Baptized right away. If you're a man, well you're gonna have a lot of issues dealing with all these narcissistic Elders who think you might not be right for their women and maybe you should wait for about twenty years to get Baptized. Their egos are out of control - they think they're God on the platform - these are some very wicked people - egomaniacs and control-freaks. For many Elders, their dreams didn't come true, they're not rich, it's back to the ego for some more narcissistic supply. And, they are working on their egos full-time because that's all they have. Many of these Jehovah's Witnesses think they're better than everyone else because of the suits they wear. They are very dysfunctional and they've become delusional being lost in this false reality. Some congregants are snobs, others can be friendly, but what they are mostly concerned about is their status and making sure their suits are not out of place. I have been to many Kingdom Halls and there is a lot of discrimination going on, and a lot of hypocrisy, nepotism, cronyism, favoritism, racism and dysfunction among these narcissistic people - there is no accountability - for the most part. I was shunned at many Kingdom Halls - they're very cliquish. Seven years later, I got tired of being alone and I married a kind, humble woman and they lost their minds. They expected me to live alone forever. No one needs to be around a bunch of haters. As of today, I have been serving Jehovah God for twenty-six years. Many of these Elders are always triangulating, deflecting and projecting because they don't have an education - very conniving people (sleazy is more accurate). They are masking and very critical, just like the world, no difference, condescending, controlling, manipulative, deceitful and very dysfunctional - always deflecting or gaslighting some poor soul - lost in a sea of narcissism. Many of these Elders claim to be no part of the world, yet they display the same negative behaviors as worldly people. Then, when you have a collective group of narcissists in the same room triangulating and gaslighting people to stroke their massive egos, that is the definition of insanity. I contacted Bethel Headquarters and was rerouted to several other people and ended up speaking to the Overseer for California. He told me, "Whatever you do, do not go to a Kingdom Hall." Subsequent to this, I had a narcissistic Elder tell me that I needed to lie when I go to other Kingdom Halls and tell the people that I am in between jobs and on unemployment, as not to offend anyone (basically they wanted me to lie and tell everyone I was a loser so their egos wouldn't get hurt). These people are pathetic - absolutely no standards whatsoever - wickedness beyond belief. These people are sick! I went to the Kingdom Hall to learn the truth and instead, they want to teach me how to lie so their fragile egos wouldn't be crushed. These narcissistic Elders have done a lot of nasty things to me in the past, and this was just another day for them doing their dastardly deeds victimizing members of the congregation. This was the last straw for me. I've had enough of the dysfunction and goofiness and now only visit Kingdom Halls occasionally. I have already received my 100-fold, and I remain always loyal to serving Jehovah, teaching people the truth, when it's appropriate. I will not tolerate a bunch of negativity and dysfunction from a bunch of low-class blue-collar idiots. I retired at 46 years old, and the jealousy and envy is appalling. They've lost their minds - many of them are poor working-class people. Yet, I have met some very kind and loving people at many Kingdom Halls throughout the years. All that is required from Jehovah God is that you apply Bible counsel in your life, be no part of the world, spread the Good News and tell the people what they need to do. He understands that there is imperfection at these Kingdom Halls, and he will hold all of them accountable for their wicked ways. Also, focus on making Jehovah God's name known and respected. When you pray and everything you do, you will honor Jehovah by calling him by his name. Show great reverence for his name and him being the only true God. End your prayers in Jesus' name Amen. Have a nice day!
@Alyse_bell 5 күн бұрын
I am not American so I have a question about learning about government in school there. Could JW Parents prevent their children learning about government since they aren’t meant to be involved in it?
@DiffiCULTChildhood 5 күн бұрын
I don't know if they could prevent them from learning about it since it's usually considered part of core curriculum. But they do ban jw students from participating in any form of student government (student senate, etc)
@Alyse_bell 5 күн бұрын
Thanks, that makes sense
@Duhble07 6 күн бұрын
My wife is STILL in, and she is so condescending and arrogant. Very judgmental.
@DiffiCULTChildhood 6 күн бұрын
I'm sorry to hear that, I'm sure that must put a lot of strain on you both. Praying for her freedom! Thanks for sharing. -Falon
@robbchristopher158 7 күн бұрын
I know I'm enjoying the holidays as a former witness. I went to an Advent service back in December. It was really amazing!! I just went to a church service a couple of weeks ago that had dogs brought to the service. I didn't bring my cats so I just showed the Reverend pictures of my cats. 🦮🐕‍🦺🐈🐈‍⬛🐕
@DianePantig 8 күн бұрын
Come back and experience the guilt,fear,judgement and control all over again.
@DiffiCULTChildhood 7 күн бұрын
@robinkish-miller2990 8 күн бұрын
This is very scarry!
@georgebrown8312 9 күн бұрын
I believe that the Watchtower Society's Governing Body should all be arrested for violating human rights by their unfair shunning policy. They should be forced to see videos of the true effects of shunning, like it or not. I don't really care about their so-called squeaky-clean image. It is all a façade to me. It is sad that the deadly shootings happened at that one Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Hall in Germany, but this is just one of the effects of the Watchtower Society's cruel, unjust shunning policy, which is backward and unscriptural. As for the Watchtower Society's methods of dealing with members who have emotional issues as a result of their wrongful practices, they are a debased joke, which would be funny if they did not result in suicide. Unfortunately, it's not funny. Thank you for pointing out the tragic consequences of the Watchtower Society's unjust shunning policy.
@robotaholic 10 күн бұрын
It is exhausting to combat an international professional cult. TY for being here
@kennyjones5164 10 күн бұрын
Great ending lololololol great vid
@willyb933 10 күн бұрын
Hi Guy's! Checking in from Vancouver BC!
@DiffiCULTChildhood 10 күн бұрын
Hello Northern neighbor!!! Thanks for popping by!! -Falon 😁
@leogolive 11 күн бұрын
Man I really like this channel, so I subscribed!
@DiffiCULTChildhood 11 күн бұрын
Thanks! We're excited to have you join us! 😊 -Falon
@Alex-rv1mj 11 күн бұрын
As an ex JW i cannot believe he just said 'delete' this the borg or something?? Horrendous and so judgemental
@DiffiCULTChildhood 11 күн бұрын
Don't insult the borg that way 😂😂😂 -Falon (Thanks for watching!)
@lalo2641 12 күн бұрын
Watchtower helps you to hide your talents
@lalo2641 12 күн бұрын
The parable of the talents in Matthew 25
@robertmanderfield9580 12 күн бұрын
I so enjoyed your experience, you made me laugh and cry. My wife and I decided together to leave. And we've decided that we are not giving them any kind of satisfaction or power over us to write a letter of disassociation.
@Mercipher21 13 күн бұрын
First time viewer here. What gets me about brothers being "appointed by holy spirit" is like in the ARC case, did the holy spirit appoint her dad as an MS while he was guilty of CSA? I don't think so.
@DiffiCULTChildhood 12 күн бұрын
@Mercipher21 Hi, thanks for joing us! And yes, the times that they choose to be/not to be "directed by Holy Spirit" makes zero sense. Plus, with the CSA cases, the cover-up is SO OBVIOUS, it's clearly just a man-made organization. -Falon
@Mercipher21 12 күн бұрын
@@DiffiCULTChildhood Agreed. Have you seen the letter to elders several months ago with new direction given to elders on handling CSA cases? I have a copy of it and I found it rather disturbing.
@DiffiCULTChildhood 12 күн бұрын
@@Mercipher21 please share to our email if you don’t mind. [email protected]
@complex65 13 күн бұрын
Love the idea of getting more than one perspective, but watch Fox News? A bridge too far. Oh hell no! 😬🤣
@Alisha-zq6vh 13 күн бұрын
If you're in the States and voting for the first time, I'd suggest requesting a mail in ballot, ASAP at this point in time for the 2024 election. Especially if you're PIMO or faded, you might be uncomfortable with voting in person. It is overwhelming to me to vote for the first time, but with the absentee ballot coming in the mail, I feel at ease. It gives you time to research everything and you can track where your ballot is from the time they receive your request, to when they receive your votes.
@complex65 5 күн бұрын
I'm in North Carolina and totally agree. Just mailed in my ballot Monday (had to get two witnesses, no pun intended) and received a text confirming receipt by post office and that it's on its way to the County Board of Elections. I will receive another text soon. I've been voting by mail since 2018, voting in person since 2008.
@ModernDayHeretic-m9j 13 күн бұрын
Meditation is great, Buddhists, Hindus, and even Sufi's and Christian mystics meditate. Meditation and yoga help me with lust and sexual addiction in a way that preyer never could. I would never give up meditation and yoga for anything. It helps with so much with transmuting sexual tension into something more positive.
@exjwconfessions 14 күн бұрын
Deanna, you have such a warm upbeat personality! What you said at 36:00 brought me to tears. We’re the same age. When I was 16 I had a total nervous breakdown from all the watchtower garbage, and my parents put me in a mental hospital. It was such a scary horrible place. I think I got 40 cards from people in the hall. I put them all on the window sills. All the staff were shocked. Those cards probably helped safeguard me from bad treatment there because they knew people were interested in me. It’s a dark irony that the JW upbringing made me sick to get me in there in the first place. The whole dynamic is a bit like Münchausen syndrome.
@JustDeannaJune 13 күн бұрын
Thank you for your kind words and support! What a beautiful person you obviously are despite what you have been put through! My heart breaks when I hear about what so many of us were (and still are) put through as young JW children and teenagers. I hope you are finding some love, comfort and support in life now. Sending lots of love your way! 😘🧡🍂
@timistrue 14 күн бұрын
Voting or not voting is your right, not based on a cult telling you to do what they demand/control. The WT & other cults/religions (aka cults), are all lobbyists.
@Mike-p9n 14 күн бұрын
See the book men on strike. By dr helen smith
@Mike-p9n 14 күн бұрын
See. The book men on strike forget jws. By dr helen smith. Mgtow me are walking away
@Mike-p9n 14 күн бұрын
I'm a jw 30yrs plus my life is fantastic. Going to my grave serving my God friend. ,father,,,,,ps the big stack from good Christian living that I have from god reminds me of how God blessed job/joeb. I'll take all the blessings in my life that all come from JEHOVAH/YAWEH and fully stay away from this dark dead end SYSTEM
@DiffiCULTChildhood 14 күн бұрын
@Mike-p9n Well Mike, I have to be honest. No part if this statement sounds like an actual JW. And if you're just trolling our videos because you have time & energy to spare, thats cool. But I know you're not the real deal because JW's hardly EVER refer to Jehovah as YAWEH unless it's in the context of ancient language transcription. Additionally, while there are many JW's that do indeed have "big stacks" as you mentioned, they wouldn't flaunt it with such crass descriptions. Nice try buddy 😉
@Mike-p9n 14 күн бұрын
@@DiffiCULTChildhood your wrong and you have put jws in your mind frame box. And there's no changing that. The bigstack as I said is God blessing my hands as he did to. JOB/ JOEB,,ps I have always used both jehovah YAWEH
@Mike-p9n 14 күн бұрын
@@DiffiCULTChildhood I'm not trolling I'm giving you my honest opinion as you gu Guys do or does the other opinion hurts the ego???
@Mike-p9n 14 күн бұрын
@@DiffiCULTChildhood I became a jw for many reasons one was they as a world wide group they are the best at showing the world they want to be no part of it as Jesus said. His real disciples would be,,,I love it when the haters are unfair with us and never say anything good about us before I became a jw I would speak of the good and bad of what I saw in any religion, yet when it comes to jws. 90 percent of critics are way of balance,,I saw that years before I became a jw. Ps who where the number one persecuters of jws in the last 100 yrs it was fake Christian of Christiandom,,,,so go fix your own home before you try to fix JWS
@DiffiCULTChildhood 13 күн бұрын
@Mike-p9n Doesn't hurt my ego in any form or fashion 😂 But I also know that current JW's have been warned repeatedly not to look at any type of apostate material, even calling it "spiritual pornography"... so that means one of two things. Either 1. You think the rules don't apply to you & you're allowing yourself to be "ruled by the flesh" & just watch whatever you like. Or, 2. Deep down, you know this organization all man-ruled so you watch KZbin trying to talk yourself out of what you already know. Either way, I hope you find what you're looking for 👍
@theograice8080 15 күн бұрын
Would you please, please, talk more about your journey into sobriety? I'm an exjw struggling w alcoholism, and 12-step programs feel too primed for cultism for me to integrate myself into them comfortably.
@DiffiCULTChildhood 13 күн бұрын
Hey Theo. I feel you on the 12-step program. For many reasons, not the least of which is that making the statement that I am powerless doesn’t to me work as a good solution when trying to do something that’s pretty hard. Plus my atheist POV just doesn’t make it any easier to try to reach out to a god or “the universe,” which is an indifferent place in my opinions. However, I have some things that have helped me a lot. I’m gonna do a video on this later this week with more detail on what’s worked for me. It’s a lot to cover in a comment like this. So here are my top things, and like I said, I will go into more depth with a video. 1. Realizing that the first week of alcohol cravings after quitting are the worst and it doesn’t stay that bad. That isn’t forever. I can get thru 5-7 days of bad cravings. I can’t get thru forever like that. So if I’m having cravings or just a bad day, I try to remember the desire to drink won’t stay this strong for life. I still have waves from time to time, but right now, I just walked past a bar and a martini just sounds like a head and stomachache to me. 2. Talk therapy with a therapist who is also an atheist has been a huge help. She’s helped me figure out why I drank. And the answer was that I was going through divorce and that I was losing all my family and friends and being shunned. AND on top of that, learning how to live outside a high control cult. Things were really awful and stressful. Drinking served me, because it helped me avoid thinking about so much stress and sadness. But since I left the cult and it’s a few years behind me, things have gotten better. I’ve been able to interact with the part of my brain that wants to drink like it’s a person who’s trying to protect me. I’ve been able to reassure that person internally that I appreciate his help, but I don’t need that help right now. I’m not in a cult anymore. I’ve also (instead of trying to push that aspect of my personality down internally) expressed appreciation for it. Treating it like a person and expressing gratitude to it because it was trying to help me even though it was misguided. This is all part of IFS therapy (Internal Family Systems). 3. Finding a partner or a friend to quit drinking with. It helps because it’s something fun that you are doing together to feel better. And when you start feeling better, you realize how much you don’t need it. It’s scary at first. But I haven’t had a hangover. I’ve been losing weight. I remember stuff more clearly. I don’t say and do embarrassing things (as much lol). Also, this book was interesting. I don’t think it’s a complete solution for everyone but I think it is helpful. Allen Carr The Easy Way to Control Alcohol. Listening to that on Audible was great. Also, Self Therapy by Jay Early PHD. 4. Knowing you’re not alone. If you haven’t watched it yet have a look at our episode with Deanna. It’s a two part and also her channel has many more helpful stories. 5. Knowing that many of us have different reasons for drinking. Some have a genetic predisposition toward addiction greater than others. And others are drinking because of stress or other factors. Finding out why you are is important because then you can deal with it. And that takes us back to therapy. 6. If you’re anything like me, the idea of quitting was scary. But now that I’ve stopped I realize it’s not at all. It’s so much easier than drinking. 7. Exercise. Working out particularly cardio has helped me feel so much happier. And as a result, I have relied less on substances like alcohol. Anyway, this is just off the top of my head and obviously I’m no therapist. But I will do a video on my experience and I hope it is of use to you. Much love and support. Jason
@theograice8080 13 күн бұрын
@@DiffiCULTChildhood thank you for taking the time to write your thoughtful message. I look forward to your next video and will take a look at the one you linked in the meantime. :)
@Pleasegoaway2024 15 күн бұрын
If you want to know about the Jehovah's witnesses. Maybe you should check out a person called Owen Morgan
@TeRiFic05 15 күн бұрын
I’m just starting to listen to your channel for the first time. Part of my family is JW, 3 generations. My aunt by marriage, my cousin and her husband, and my cousin’s daughter from her first marriage. I’m trying to understand what their perspective is which seems to be hidden at some levels. I think my cousin over the years thought she might convert me but probably has come to the conclusion that it will never happen. I’m curious if the JW doctrine wants limited contact to non-JW. I grew up Catholic but became agnostic once I left home at 19. I paid my way to get a Bachelors degree. Earlier this year, on a very long drive with my cousin, she asked me what I was most proud of. I said that I was proud that I was able to get my degree and said that education is extremely important to me. Many years ago I went to a district JW meeting I was really surprised when during this meeting it was highly recommended to not get a higher education. Is this gender specific and does no one question this doctrine? Thanks for any insights.
@DiffiCULTChildhood 15 күн бұрын
Hi, thank you for sharing! To answer your question, no, they discourage everyone from attending college. And yes, everyone SHOULD question this practice! But as I've said before, although this is very abnormal, when you are born & raised in the organization, it SEEMS normal to you because you don't have any other experiences to compare it to for perspective. We discuss this in great detail in the video below... thanks again! (And congratulations on your degree!!! That's awesome! )
@TeRiFic05 14 күн бұрын
@@DiffiCULTChildhood thanks so much! I look forward to watching more.
@L-Nicole40 15 күн бұрын
Its so crazy to me, now, how i once believed apostates were terrible people. That's what the gov body/jws taught me to believe. I am so thankful for you guys!❤❤❤ You guys are proof that what they teach are lies.
@vusimngomezulu2500 15 күн бұрын
Isaiah 8:10, 2thimoty 3:7-9, 2Peter 2:1-3.
@DiffiCULTChildhood 15 күн бұрын
I'm so happy you tuned in! We have a deep love for our viewer-friends and for each other and we are excited to share our knowledge & experiences with others in the hopes of saving them some of the struggles & lost years that we went through. It humbles us to know we are dispelling myths about those that have left the organization! Thank you again for joing us, love you!!! -Falon 😊
@Pleasegoaway2024 15 күн бұрын
Silly children God your God is offering to you the money not Satan. You have this whole religious crap totally backwards I'm sorry but you do children and we have been trying to tell you that for over 12,000 years not one of you ever listened you come up with your own conclusions well that's your right you can do whatever you want but you're all freaking wrong
@Pleasegoaway2024 15 күн бұрын
Show me one religion whether it be Christian Jewish Muslim that actually gives a s*** about the people other than war show me one show me some religions somewhere on this planet that I haven't studied that actually isn't in the total war all the damn time
@Pleasegoaway2024 15 күн бұрын
You silly children you're all afraid of this evil called Satan Satan was the one that tried to actually set you free. He tried to teach you about wisdom and knowledge. But you all fell into line with the evil God called Yahweh not Jehovah. And believed in his evil s*** and then we sent Jesus. He came and told you don't believe in the rise of these Pharisees that's simply saying don't believe in the rise of religion what didn't you understand. He told you not to worship money he told you to care about one another what the hell happened what is it that you children didn't get by being told over the years how to be good children
@chroniclesoflucifer 15 күн бұрын
😂😂😂you had me hooked until the last second! Good job!❤
@Pleasegoaway2024 15 күн бұрын
Why don't you answer this question why do you think there's a difference between you white people and a black person why do you think there's a difference between red and blue children you are all Brothers ancestors you are only put here or helped to be here so that you can take care of one another period and together you took care of the planet that takes care of you for free you failed every single person on this planet failed at the two jobs to become a human being
@Pleasegoaway2024 15 күн бұрын
Children if you believe in a delusional God. Do you really think you're going to believe in any type of Truth what the hell do you think Trump is playing on. He's playing on your stupidity and your ignorance for being religious. Silly little children you make something so easy so difficult all the time you never look at the entire situation and actually fix it which you have the ability the knowledge and the wisdom to do. In moments know instead you want to make every goddamn thing on this world difficult give me a freaking break
@Pleasegoaway2024 15 күн бұрын
You do realize that by claiming that your Christian or the body of the government. When you say the body of the government you're talking about the body of God God Jesus no one has anything to do with our government. You are really got to get that crap out of your heads otherwise you'll never fix the broken problems in this country children
@Pleasegoaway2024 15 күн бұрын
The government of the United States my young children my young brothers and sisters doesn't subsidize religion what it does is it creates war. You live in the freest country in the land according to everyone. Let me tell you something about your government the government of the United States is owned and paid for by a handful of scumbag billionaires just like your own and paid for and you're all slaves the only reason you don't know it is because you don't see the bars and chains that bind you
@Pleasegoaway2024 15 күн бұрын
Prove to me show me how you think that the government of the United States subsidizes any religion in this country. Prove it to me show me. This sounds like another conspiracy theory just like the jackasses that think that Trump is a God. I'm serious proved to me that the government of the United States subsidizes any church anywhere. Because children they don't they don't care about your damn religion. All of your cohorts in Congress say God bless America but they don't mean it. There is no part of the government of the United States is subsidizes any damn religion on this country
@Pleasegoaway2024 15 күн бұрын
Well I agree that your taxes shouldn't subsidize some dumbass religion. But you're not that intelligent either sir. On the federal level taxes make no difference no taxes are spent at the federal level. We have a Fiat monetary system. Taxes only zero out books that's all they do. At the county and state level it's a little bit different because you pay to the state or county and then they turn around and usually subsidized police departments not you. There is one thing good about the state and and county levels of taxes they're a little bit different they actually pay for your overfunded Police department that is only there to protect the rich and the famous and your fire department and your EMTs and things like that. But at a federal level you all are wrong you're totally wrong no taxes in this country have ever paid for one damn piece of gum. They just simply zero out bank account. So that we can simply create more money out of nothing and have the Federal reserve spend it into existence
@contemplatingwithamaster 15 күн бұрын
Jehovah’s Witnesses governing body is nothing but a pack of black magic vampires who manipulate Christians into providing for them a four star hotel lifestyle like kings at their expense expense; prove me wrong!
@BianchiRoadshow 15 күн бұрын
"Cool dinner party" -- I LMAO when you said that.
@zanvanrensburg3831 15 күн бұрын
Wheres the morality? What about all the investments in tobacco alcohol and movie trade. Such hypocrisy. Do as we say not as we do.
@zanvanrensburg3831 15 күн бұрын
Yes. Me too. I saw a VIDEO of them at the UN!!! Of course they say ìts all lies and made up. But its actual footage 😅