5 Coding Side Hustles for 2024
Why I Can't Move Back to America
Coding is Not Enough Anymore
The Linux Political Spectrum
Why NOT to Learn Python in 2022
@omkardandekar 3 сағат бұрын
Also heard about the grand resignation drive that happened few years back and so employers are now trying to make use of AI as much as possible and keep the headcount low
@jaymartinez311 11 сағат бұрын
Thank you for pointing this stuff out. First person to show something different and not say, “Oh your resume” or any of the other many excuses to this fake jobs market which seems more like 2008/2009 then 2024 numbers of “we are booming in jobs!” 😂. Election year maybe? 🤔
@timgibney5590 11 сағат бұрын
It's more like pre 2019 new college grads including Ste0m folks started at 65k. Not 165K?? Interest rates go up and boom free money to pay people to work 4 hours a day working from home is no longer profitable. I saw the same in 2001 where the Year 2000 bug caused the late 1990s tech stocks and IT jobs EXPLODE. After the upgrade businesses laid off and outsourced to India again as they were done. When remote work hit in demand for FAANG went up. Now it's down. Simple. Things are going back to normal where IT is treated like any other job where experience counts
@jaymartinez311 12 сағат бұрын
I look up the code like before with google then if i feel it can be done better, AI really gets it over the hump. Think Jarvis with Ironman. I’m just gonna build something with this. Even creating an app architecture, AI can help heavily. I’m not even an architect and i’ve done some mock projects and i was like, “ oh 💩 it could work 😮“. If you remember ironmans first suit was trash but it did the job. Once he started using the ai he built, together they built something much better. I don’t listen to any of these companies. Why would i? They won’t even hire me with a bachelors in cs, some experience and a security clearance (ex military). Call me delusional but anybody who reads this just build something, anything!
@stratuspei9405 17 сағат бұрын
It's funny that the first ad fed to me before showing this video is Google Career Certificates
@Surayahti 18 сағат бұрын
Tech job doesn't equal coding job. Tech field is huge. Change the title to dev job market.
@Tetianaoutdoors 19 сағат бұрын
ChatGPT screws up my code more than it helps. Misses obvious errors.
@growthmindest Күн бұрын
When any projects want to scale Java is first option they go for
@CyberFox232 Күн бұрын
Imposing wokeness, DEI, and rampant discrimination against the conservative half of the country. That's what's wrong with google.
@AndrewCannon-vp5cb Күн бұрын
hmm, when I tried using const [el] I was getting an error. I had to remove the [ ] in order to get anything
@Martin-lc1sk Күн бұрын
Windows took my money Linux took my soul 🐧
@garrettl8247 Күн бұрын
Because it is a woke shit hole
@toaster5181 Күн бұрын
So what I’m gathering is that, as a computer science major, learning front end in my free time will make me a great candidate
@slickwilly691 Күн бұрын
100k is nothing these days. Borderline underpaid
@jakestbu8692 Күн бұрын
I can't bring myself to like Julia. Mostly because it uses 1 indexing. Also C++ is the best language.
@MrSzoSs Күн бұрын
Imagine staying at work for extra hours for a dinner. Man they must have Gordon Ramsey as the chef
@MrSzoSs Күн бұрын
When youre already making an insane salary
@SuneelKumar-qp2uv 2 күн бұрын
Dude speaks in lowercase
@ALP427 2 күн бұрын
Linus Torvalds
@EmadAlblueshi 2 күн бұрын
Honestly, Java and .Net are leading in universities, banks, financial institutions, Insurance companies, telecommunication and governments! Enjoy the simplicity of Python 😁
@Ammar_Areqi 3 күн бұрын
Quoting Unitazer Quotation from comments: "Money doesnt matter" - rich people, "looks doesnt plays a role" - beautiful people, "learning new stuff and coding is useless" - 200k/m senior dev (he's getting rid of competition).
@_-6912 3 күн бұрын
why the fuck should anyone reflect Microsfot view? I dont give a shit about it. Teams product and their OS sucks
@albertoarmando6711 3 күн бұрын
javascript is not based on java. It only took the name and added the script at the end. Javascript is prototype based. Old JS code is miles away from java. I love JS and like Java.
@franzbugtong2327 3 күн бұрын
me who fell in love with java coz it was my first oop lanngauge and making a figure selling website with php plain (both are school projects): you- (cries internally)
@eXtremeFX2010 3 күн бұрын
Yah, we are not yet at the Tony Stark / Jarvis A.I. relationship.
@victorolvera6482 3 күн бұрын
umm, yea, the day nobody needs to code is the day everyone can replace NVIDIA's tools. The day I can say, hey, futureGPT develop me a complete replacement for the CUDA platform.
@victorolvera6482 3 күн бұрын
what is the rational behind "section 174" Off the bat I am thinking maybe when gov starts giving out money to hire employees. businesses won't be jumping in at hiring fake tech workers. Cause thats what they did during covid and they don't want a repeat.
@blaisemomin1106 3 күн бұрын
It's not a coding video if php isn't catching strays
@fifim508 3 күн бұрын
@Ndwibird1234 4 күн бұрын
@VuTrinhCatTien 4 күн бұрын
it 8:15 minutes not 5 mintue
@bagas14715 5 күн бұрын
Noob think how to code ... and pros think how program can performing well
@_dev_null_ 5 күн бұрын
I will never switch back. I was terrible with Windows, and always broke it. With Linux, rarely have to reinstall my OS, even on Arch. Can make my machine look and function the exact way I want it to now also.
@oldspammer 5 күн бұрын
8:01 2023 June Neeva is shutting down its search engine, has been acquired by Snowflake, a cloud-based company. That is why advertising / marketing is a thing--I never heard of them until now, and it is too late to try them out. A man early 2023 outlined what actually happened during the tech meltdown of the early 2000s. His name was Glenn Beck. His video was taken down not right a way, but after a couple of months. It claimed that a certain American government branch used front companies to fund all of the high tech companies burn rate cash that happens during their growing pains: Google, Oracle, etc. The list was not that long, but it meant that these deep pockets of your tax dollars at work were directly funding that there would be a lot less competition in the search and database areas. Sun Microsystems produced minicomputers and workstations and the meltdown meant that every single website was selling off its server farms to stop the bleeding of cash, etc. A Sun employee invented Java. To prevent Java's demise, Oracle bought Sun Microsystems. I recall the time with negative emotions because I lost about $300 k on the stock market due to all of these shenanigans and had to pay about a $25 k margin call due to leveraging (borrowing money to invest in stocks), luckily I had enough money in the bank to cover that crappy stuff. I wonder if George W. Bush US President at the time had anything to do with the scheme, and he might well have done. Joe Rogan April 2024 interviewed Tucker Carlson. He said a secret thing to do with alien spacecraft damage done to humans on Earth was causing insurance rates to rise for medical coverage and death benefits. He said that Alex Jones was able to predict the Terrorist Attacks of 2001 months in advance and said who they would blame. The Lone Gunman TV show also predicted that a remote control air plane would target the WTC towers--amazing. Condoleezza Rice claimed that "no one could have predicted it." That was a huge lie. People in the towers who were members of some messaging app were notified not to come into work that day for inexplicable reasons, and as a result, all who heeded the message lived to tell the tale. People internationally placed extremely above average options trades only on the airlines involved in the "event." Fore knowledge, secrecy, and elected officials who are feckless and weak are prone to complying with wacky political movements and secret plans to further their careers. You can't have idiots, fools, or weak people who would willingly take part in profoundly immoral activities. Secret ballots can be secretly miscounted on purpose. A quotation falsely attributed to one of the Soviet leaders post WW2 said he who votes controls nothing, but he who counts the votes controls everything.
@oldspammer 5 күн бұрын
Yup. Who would have known? A congressman Democratic party was going to run for re-election. He was interviewed late march early april 2024 by Jordan B. Peterson. When asked what was needed, he endorsed more free speech and greater competition in the big tech field. Well, given what Glenn Beck had claimed, that's never going to happen.
@jamextech 5 күн бұрын
Imagine if programmers aren't lazy anymore, and using Assembly to program these awesome games, we wouldn't really be needing 4090ti GPU and High-end hardwares to run them, but due to laziness instead if writing it themselves they load the game with so many libraries that slows down the game, which in end would require higher hardware to run.
@SuperNovaxFF 5 күн бұрын
Java isn't cool anymore ? 😂
@abdurrahmanokur5132 5 күн бұрын
Thank you for the class. Why do you speak so fast ? How someone can get benefit ?
@goldenarrow5224 6 күн бұрын
Main rule of programming: Its not a real Programming language if its not *V E R B O S E*
@oteragard8077 6 күн бұрын
I wish my youtube wasn't sharply divided into time wasting videos and insightful career stuff like this. I wish there were some middle ground
@antneybodean 6 күн бұрын
is this satire? lol honestly cant tell
@9Sans7 6 күн бұрын
Prob explained why roblox hackers needs a executer app to execute their scripts
@actsismmljcorrectlyobeyed6190 6 күн бұрын
Alphabet, Google will.fall on their faces before God.
@gmshadowtraders 6 күн бұрын
No more free money. The end.
@MgelikaXevi 7 күн бұрын
state screwing up ppl since forever all over again... Imagine the world, where all those socialist-mindset politicians would have NO access to your money :D
@RCASoft 7 күн бұрын
Being a beginner, I had repeat it several times to understand, but it's worth every minute.
@bayou__ 7 күн бұрын
Banyak negatifnya bro, coba cari positif dong bro. Karyawan biasa nya cuma nyari batu loncatan doang bukan untuk mengabdi 😊
@Ez-xz1cf 7 күн бұрын
More useful than my cs professor in uni thanks
@rodrigoqteixeira 7 күн бұрын
O dont hate java, it is my main language
@rodrigoqteixeira 7 күн бұрын
People who say they will lose time for using java simply dont know the existence of IDEs
@zer0gear 7 күн бұрын
Learning to code is not like learning another language or learning to play piano. Learning the syntax of a coding language is one thing, but learning how to approach and solve coding problems is a whole another discipline.
@ebx 8 күн бұрын
devops work once and never again lmao and they take years to answer you i hate devops.
@mattmccarty72 8 күн бұрын
All of your large tech companies have hiring “teams”, these teams are one end of it, because hiring is not without it’s counterpart, the firing “team”/HR or whatever the company wants to call them. With any tech company, you are either at the top of your game… always or you are gone. Sadly humans don’t increase mental or physical production as they age. All of this is why Ai will replace most tech employees and if you think that is a joke, you may want to open your eyes. Also please don’t look at “career “ as it was so many years ago, those days are far gone. If I had to side hustle to make ends meet, I’m not where I need to be and I would look at leaving the company I so called have a career with. All of these companies suck them in and spit’em out and only the top minds and physically healthy stay. It’s all a bit sickening really.