alright you GOT me, I'M INTERESTED
9 сағат бұрын
Best of 2024 w/ the Lush Family
my wife will NEVER recover from this...
bro has LESS rizz than a cold corpse
my poor wife...
Ай бұрын
1000 IQ Hide and Seek
Ай бұрын
Ай бұрын
This dude has me SHOOK
Ай бұрын
it's OK to laugh, it's funny 😄
OK my b-hole is 100% PUCKERED 🫣
Halloween TOO SPOOKY for TV 👻
it's okay when SHE does it...
@ishnifusmeadle 8 минут бұрын
I remeber a handful of times when i was in my teens growing up being asked what i wanted for Christmas. Knowing full well that Christmas is for the kids, for their enjoyment and helping make that time of year special to them for alittle while (until they age and become jaded like the rest of us) . Quite often id respond with, well.....what i actually want is "____insert item____" but theyre very expensive and well outside of everyones price range so ive been hoping anyone that wants to give me something instead just gives me whatever amount theyd like but in cash so that i can get what i really want and it be cheap to everyone. Its far easier to get your family to each chip in 10 bucks and before you know it u can almost afford a playstaion, than it is to get any of them to shell out a few hundred on just ur gift while not being able to afford anyone else gift. It was a win win. Id get 1 awesome gift each year vs the dozen goodwill gifts the rest of the kids would get, and overall each persons share towards my gift often ended up being the cheapest "gift" theyd have to get.
@ishnifusmeadle 41 минут бұрын
People have become so fkin entitled that even the poors forget that a food pantry isnt there to give you everything(side note im in the poverty income range too).....its there to SUPPLEMENT. U hit the pantry, get what they give, then take those fkin ebt benefits your lazy ass gets free (via folks like us who get half out check stole via the government cus theres too many of u pricks) and buy whats missing to complete meals. I know cause i grew up poor, and have had to use the system before too. The difference is i wasnt a lazy turd suckling on the teat of daddy government, paid for my others hard work, sweat,blood, and tears. Yes theres certain folks thar are physically incapacitated and incapable of working and as such NEED assistance from us, and their community, and they deserve it. But there are WAY THE FUCK TO MANY lazy shits with "social anxiety", a "foot injury"(that amounts to a broke toe 10yrs ago), "autism" (again i know thats a legit issue but i see faaaar more people saying their autistic when theyre just weird people, not people who can function), ect ect . Ultimately what im getting at is, you deserve nothing. Not....a....freaking thing. If someone gives you something, say thank you and be grateful. And contribute to society somehow, instead of being a drain. Hell, go pick up road trash for an hour a day even. Fuck ....
@PewPewmuddafukka Сағат бұрын
Uk and Us spell aluminum dif
@roachknightzequ8854 Сағат бұрын
The song was moonlight by xxtension.
@ellerose4626 Сағат бұрын
I have a lot of social anxiety and the thing that helps me is the talk Alexis gives David before his driving test on Schitt's Creek.
@dirtbagzrus Сағат бұрын
Can anyone please buy a ps5 for me? It’s for my kids I swear
@Jeremy-q8r 3 сағат бұрын
I wonder if her bastin accent was haaduh a decade ago
@Jeremy-q8r 3 сағат бұрын
Good god young mrs lush!!!😮😮😮
@newtypelolo 3 сағат бұрын
Fredericton is my city lol! It's the capital of our small Canadian province called New-Brunswick. You should SEE the entitlement that people have here... Young people and the elderly alike... It weirdly feels like we've regressed to a day and age where people EXPECT handouts. Wild stuff I tell ya.
@Lifeofarockstar44 3 сағат бұрын
If I run out of butter, the kitchen might as well shut down 😂
@kimescobar8238 3 сағат бұрын
FYI even giving it away for free on Facebook marketplace can get ridiculous.
@ThisIsMyLife7399 3 сағат бұрын
I mean, just a while ago, on my way to my doctors office, I was stopped at a light where a guy was flying a sign and while I rarely do it anymore, I gave him a $20 and he was so grateful I thought he was going to do cartwheels or break out into a literal happy dance. . . Like I said, I don’t give out money all that often and SPECIALLY that much but the amount of genuine appreciation he showed made it worth it ❤
@robertdavis100 3 сағат бұрын
i'm getting 2nd hand bruises watching this watch the uk version of the office
@papidamuddafucare4699 4 сағат бұрын
the last flight attendant at the end honestly seemed more drunk if you ask me.. idk why, but thats the vibe i got x)
@Blackpheonix99 4 сағат бұрын
Yo... Homie who ate the whole meal. Fuck that guy... Being in the industry myself that's bull shit... Don't like it then don't eat it!
@dexterwaltz8884 5 сағат бұрын
A Costco date? He'll ye
@mikeoxlong777 5 сағат бұрын
"Nobody's asking people to donate" not directly. But that is exactly what is implied with your wish list.
@cmagee14 5 сағат бұрын
Omg tvs on Best Buy open box/clearance can be STUPID cheap for really good smart tvs
@Kat957 5 сағат бұрын
Not gonna lie, with that one it is a bit weird that if there is some system where people pick a list of gifts that kids want and get them those gifts, to then get them a bunch of stuff that's not on that list. If you don't wanna buy the stuff on the list, just don't? I mean, I imagine that list was significantly more expensive than normal, but I don't see the logic in someone getting them a bunch of stuff that's not on the list and nothing that is if they voluntarily took the list.
@lisaa7011 6 сағат бұрын
The iridescent silverware is sold like that, go to Walmart it’s right there…😂
@ICSystem1944 6 сағат бұрын
When you were talking about that girl that had pet roaches, I loved seeing that video. I'm glad she appreciated them. We keep dubia roaches. Captive bred ones don't carry diseases and they're actually sweet wee souls
@1jotun136 6 сағат бұрын
I love the janky truck.
@magpi1300 7 сағат бұрын
I know someone who speaks about himself in third person to people.
@englishrose11 7 сағат бұрын
No juice ? Drink water … it’s free !
@englishrose11 7 сағат бұрын
I really do not understand those who are saying their needs are not being met ? It isn’t the Victorian era anymore. Every western country has a welfare system and no one has nothing . If you are disappointed with the level of benefit then you have a choice . Get a job ! Sell something you own ! Don’t waste money on alcohol/ tobacco/ cosmetics/ nails etc etc . If you can’t because to work then learn to budget the money you are given to live on . These people need to study history to see how the poor used to have to try and survive. We have it easy by comparison. I had to bring up my children alone after their father left . I did whatever I had to do to keep my family well provided for . I never begged , or claimed anything . I had to work some horrible underpaid jobs . I sold my jewellery. I went without myself so they had all they needed . I didn’t go to the hairdressers or gym or nail salon or anything. I looked after myself . I thought giving decent meals and clothing them properly and giving them days out and good birthdays and Christmas was more important than fripperies . Now they are adults I’m proud of myself and of them for turning out to be fantastic human beings . There is satisfaction to be had to know you did it by yourself without scrounging and my kids respect me because they appreciate their childhood and how I struggled . Their mindset is to work for a living and never beg from anyone because of this example. How are today’s children ever going to respect their parents when they saw that they never worked or took care of things themselves . There no shame anymore!
@englishrose11 7 сағат бұрын
I’m think a lot of these ingrates who complain about the free food they are receiving are probably being defensive because deep down they know it’s themselves who should be providing food to put on the table , not total strangers , so what they do is turn out on the hand that feeds them . They know they are losers but it’s easier to attack other people than to admit they have failed their families ! Other people do not owe you and yours a single thing !
@TeacheRuppe 7 сағат бұрын
You and Mrs look like you were meant to be a couple!
@offdabeatz 7 сағат бұрын
Man people need to just get hardened. Had a guy offer me $700 for a truck we agreed for $1k. I told them have a nice day and just walked. They then all of a sudden found the 1k we agreed upon. If they are going to lowball they will make it a hellish transaction.
@Raidei 7 сағат бұрын
People needing a toy drive to get toys for their kids but then being bothered by dollar tree toys probably doesn’t need a console considering the price of video games needed for the console to be worth while.
@jokebone1 8 сағат бұрын
I grew up where my mother made just enough that we did not qualify for any kind of public assistance but not enough to have any type of luxuries whatsoever. We learned to be grateful for anything extra. Extra would have included juice since store brand koolaid was about the only thing to drink beyond water. We barely had enough milk for whatever cereal we might have. That was life, we were fine. Where do these people get this sense of entitlement?
@ahmeenahisreal4461 8 сағат бұрын
I saw this before about people complaining that there was no juice when they had a bag of apples, a couple of bags of whole cranberries, which means they just have Crane, apple juice and they didn't even know it. You take the crab apples and up to 12 cups. The cranberries and up to 12 cups of water, boil it. Strain it, they go to crab barrages. And as far as sleeping there is you take at least 4 apples. Peel them or don't peel them. Cut him up, pick the core out, cut him up. Boil it with the water. Take the water that you boiled and pour some in your cranberry. Juice that she sweetened the other apples. Want to strain the juice of apples? You take the apples, you mash them. And then you gotta have sauce for your children. And I probably got some cinnamon.And now you got some sentiment.Everybody has sentiment is listed 99 cents.Now you have cinnamon apple sauce.Cranberry reduced fotoday is an apple juice if you know how to do it
@Swollen_Goat 8 сағат бұрын
And a good PC Master Race day to you as well Mr. Lush.
@caffeinatedbroccoli 9 сағат бұрын
Most people aren’t ungrateful but dang I know first hand what it’s like collecting and putting together food for people. I’ve helped run a food bank for 13 years now and I know it’s not always easy to have enough for everyone. Like rn my food bank is ALREADY getting things together for the 2025 thanksgiving and it’s January… people who run food banks try their best and are human too. You’d be surprised how many people who have nothing at all volunteer compared to well off people
@chrisandrews6185 9 сағат бұрын
This video has shown me that breeding should be a privilege not a right.
@Ogkush253 9 сағат бұрын
Cowboy Leon is a vibe lmfao 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@eisme_eisme 10 сағат бұрын
Next video: "My Husband does my MakeUp"
@PetThePeeves 10 сағат бұрын
If anyone wants to give but doesn’t want to deal with this, contact your local public schools. We provide food, clothing, hygiene products…anything you can imagine. And that stuff isn’t provided by the state/feds. Most schools rely on teachers, private donations, and churches. You will know 100% that it is going to kids (and trust me, teens can be very grateful for deodorant, especially before they’re able to get a job!) I pretty much exclusively send any of my monetary charity to work. I’ve directly paid electric bills for families before, bought specific clothing, that type of thing. I know for certain it’s going to something that is needed, that it benefits kids, and I deal with none of this crap.
@Ibetyouwillreportmebcursoftaf 11 сағат бұрын
Mrs lush is very closed minded lol
@kiwidogo5316 12 сағат бұрын
Sorry Leon you loose this one, yes a lot of us men will get our wife’s her sanitary products if we are at the store and she needs them
@lethargiclycan1115 13 сағат бұрын
@RobP-rg3te 14 сағат бұрын
Mrs. Lush absolutely should have pulled the covers up on you Leon
@papidamuddafucare4699 14 сағат бұрын
2:18 she said: ..she's being a "see/c u next WEEK" ..? sooo... a "cunw"..? ^.- jk, i know what she meant...
@yehldyehld 16 сағат бұрын
Leon is objectively wrong about KZbin ads lol. There is a difference between accepting ads because you watch for free, and accepting 2 ads at the start, 2 in the middle, one at the end, plus an in-video sponsor by the creator.
@LydiAtheistLady 17 сағат бұрын
Paying to stay in someone’s home and take care of the home and pets is nuts. People pay me to stay in their homes and take care of pets and the home and I make really good money doing it. The idea to pay someone else for my time is wild to me.
@septemberforajedi7701 17 сағат бұрын
I just came back from the food bank and can you believe it? They had no caviar how am I supposed to explain to my child That people are not generous enough to despair some caviar.
@maryclemmer1329 17 сағат бұрын
Include a year's supply of birth control with the free stuff. They're free maybe they'll take them.
@Samasonss 17 сағат бұрын
“SLICE OF LIFE” is the name of Dexters boat….
@lisaa7011 17 сағат бұрын
“If ppl tried harder kids could get what they want” yeah, if by Ppl you mean Their Parents???
@h2owater381 17 сағат бұрын
WHOA WAIT. Leon you HATE the paparazzi (people who take pictures of people they do not personally know for monetary gain) yet YOU are a youtuber whos content revolves around you replaying videos of people that you do not personally know for monetary gain??? This might come as a SHOCK to you and most of the people reading this comment,,, but when you really think about it, content creators are kind of the new "paparazzi", except EVERYONE is fair game to content creators as long as there is a chance of monetary gain and at absolute best a viral video. Would you still make the same content if there was no chance of monetary gain? Same way the paparrazi wouldn't take pictures if there was no chance of monetary gain. Pot calling the kettle black my friend.
@h2owater381 17 сағат бұрын
Paparazzi: "I NEED to get this shot!" Content Creator: "I NEED to get this commentary video to go viral!"
@h2owater381 17 сағат бұрын
Tabloid Magazine" We NEED the cover photo and headline to induce emotions and interest!" Content Creator: "We NEED the thumbnail to induce emotions and interest!"
@h2owater381 17 сағат бұрын
So to the bottom line,, as a person who hates the paparazzi, should you not hate the people who are filming the original videos of "Karens" and "Wokies", etc that you do commentary on? But you will replay the videos taken from these people that you hate and re upload them for your own monetary gain? Your channels are making money the same way the paparazzi do! Don't get me wrong, i LOVE your content! I also loved me some tabloid magazines to numb my brain.
@h2owater381 17 сағат бұрын
Hilary Duff: "Do you know anybody here? If you don't then you can't take pictures of anyone. (as she is taking video of someone she doesn't know and then uploads it to the internet for the world to see,,, and probably made a few bucks depending where it was uploaded to). EVERYONE is the "paparazzi" in 2025 Leon, everybody including you.
@anthonyruffini6730 18 сағат бұрын
I just dropped in to see what situation my situation was in