@alexmannen1991 2 күн бұрын
i have no idea how to explain this people just think im stupid and lazu
@RayKinsella34 3 күн бұрын
Thank you for this video!
@Vaginaninja 4 күн бұрын
Almost 1/4 million views and the first thing she did was exclude men for absolutely zero reason
@Vaginaninja 4 күн бұрын
This is sad. This video is like a hug but the first thing you did was exclude men who need hugs the most. White, somewhat attractive women are the most privileged people on this planet. Bonus privilege if you have money and family It disgusts me that she excludes men
@Vaginaninja 4 күн бұрын
00:03 huh, I don't think it's fair to exclude men literally instantly. Resources for adhd are scarce enough. I'm agender myself and don't think you need to make this a gender issue. Men kill themselves in far greater numbers and you wanna exclude them? I've never seen this KZbin before but I hope it gets better than the 8 seconds I've seen so far. Could Americans please stop dividing people and spreading their toxic beliefs around the world? The world was foolish for following USA, who are clearly way behind on gender and race issues because of their weird white christian culture
@bachaplegic 5 күн бұрын
This is exactly the problem I find myself with. I've been like this for a very long time but I have not been diagnosed with ADHD.
@EsaA6540 8 күн бұрын
You are an incredible authentic person which makes it very easy and interesting to listen to you. No extreme titles and intros like "I will show you the perfect and only solution to deal with this problem while no person in the whole world has discovered it so far and oh btw I will teach it to you in 5 minutes". I wish you the best in your way and also to everyone who is reading that.
@youradhdgirl 2 күн бұрын
Thank you so much ❤️ wish you the best too!
@TimTabb 10 күн бұрын
Im 2 years late but your literally described me to a T. So i subscribed to your channel and hopefully get to chat some day :)
@vida9809 11 күн бұрын
I would love it if you made a video on how you created your capture system!
@Laylajes 12 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing. I can relate, the embarrassment and negative thinking on why can't I do things on time like others in my age range. I literally resigned from a basic admin job as I couldn't complete tasks on time that were excel based. However, I would say there is better out there. Please keep up the good work!
@indyd9322 14 күн бұрын
Neat! I've never seen a fear assessment matrix before. Thank you for sharing! Procrastination has been the bane of my existence, lol. So often, I wished I started school assignments earlier. It's sad sometimes. ADHDers are often very intelligent and creative, but having an interest driven brain can often mean putting off the important, but boring thing. Add in past negative feelings and fears, and it can be very tough sometimes.
@WeAreUX 18 күн бұрын
Love this video!
@27fREY 19 күн бұрын
Merci beaucoup, super video. Prenez soin de vous 🙂
@AlienX281 19 күн бұрын
Man it's been months since my ADHD diagnosis but I still can't help tearing up at this video. I've found that I've become really open-minded about how people act and what struggles they might be going through since then.
@BeastMasterNeil 20 күн бұрын
Not fear. Just a lack of dopamine-mediated motivation. The gas pedal doesn't have a connection to the engine without it. That's a bit of internalised NT ableism you have their. We all have some.
@marjcsb8672 24 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing. During my career, the recognition of adult ADHD was not recognized. Even up to and after COVID. COVID was great for me because everyone worked from home and I got to work in an empty office. I excelled. When COVID ended during that job they packed 20 people into 2 rooms and the noise level literally ended my ability to focus in tech sales. That lasted like 3 months. I still had not been diagnosed. I was let go without the ability to defend myself and ask to accommodate my environment. My career was intense, and overall successful, but I’ve been reprimanded and even let go at times due to my ADHD & cPTSD because of lack of knowledge how to inform those I worked with, management, and coworkers, and I didn’t understand what was wrong with me. Now I understand, and it’s a relief. But I’m in the twilight of my career. There’s great hope for future generations.
@youradhdgirl 24 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story 🫶🏼 looking at my work conditions right now, I can see that I’m not applying my own advice - just like you, I’m in an open space with lots of conversations going on around me which make it near impossible to concentrate. I need to make some changes and ask for accommodations too in this new job!
@Theinmy20sDiaries 26 күн бұрын
Great video, but unrelated comment, I love your hair!
@youradhdgirl 24 күн бұрын
Well thank you!!
@MadelineVail 26 күн бұрын
I am 55 and this video helped. So you keep going kiddo!!
@mizzstizzie 26 күн бұрын
I should be working and studying and going to the gym today but instead i took a shower and now im sitting here watching this video.. send help. Lol
@tirunagariuttam Ай бұрын
@youradhdgirl the app owaves you suggested is only on ios appstore, can you recommend something for andriod too please. I do similar apps on andriod, but like to hear from you which is time tested.
@djanejjen Ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing ♥️ I'll give it a try as I'm stuck for a long while now 🙄 it's just chaos and emotions and being late diagnosed with a neurotypical therapist doesn't make things easier 😢 all they suggested was "pushing through" and "organize your basic needs" - but no advice on HOW to do that (surprise, I already tried a ton of planners)
@youradhdgirl 24 күн бұрын
I understand what you’re feeling, and totally relate to people giving you the wrong advice… hope that you can find things that help in my videos 🥰
@meg9953 Ай бұрын
As someone with ADHD who lost her job recently, this video resonates with me to the core. It's so timely and relevant. The KZbin algorithm gods for the win! 😅 Thank you for talking about this topic. This video has both reaffirmed my thoughts and given me a new perspective on what I need to be mindful of while looking for my next opportunity. 😊 😊😊
@youradhdgirl 23 күн бұрын
Thank you Meg! I’m so glad the video found you at the right time 🥰👌🏼
@Onlyme2015 Ай бұрын
this video is all about you. . what r some practical solution to our adhd? u just talk talk talk about your past
@youradhdgirl Ай бұрын
Go check out other content if you don’t like this video :) KZbin is fuuuuull of amazing creators ✨👌🏼
@michelaj5339 Ай бұрын
tu es trop mignonne
@EnTilSeksten Ай бұрын
<Video is longer than 30 seconds> yea im not watching all that..
@T.Green. Ай бұрын
Thank you
@abytamena Ай бұрын
I'm literally in my bed, at 2.27 pm, unable to get up and feeling like poop bc I have so much to do but I can't get up
@alwayscuriousalwayslearnin Ай бұрын
I am an older man and yes I get that way not with my cell phone I tend to keep away from it as much as possibly but on my PCs I get lost in time next thing I know it's hours later, and I haven't gotten many things done , but then I rush through and get everything done hehe. I am actually doing it right now woke up just before 8, turned on the coffee ,shaved waiting for the coffee jumped on my PC its now 09:50 almost two hours later and I still haven't even drank my morning mug of coffee and for that matter haven't even put my cloths on still in my shorts used for sleeping hehe going a little off-topic here personally I think the biggest mistake was the cell phone becoming a computer which is mobile. This can be ok for some times but mostly it is a total distraction of life, it can go with you anywhere, just next time you are out, put the cell away and look at people in public almost everyone has their head in their phone even when with other people, it seems like people cannot think for themselves any more and just keep reading I will get to my point here. People ask the magic cell phone or answers and what they should do in a situation this I think makes many people ADD or ADHD like but they possibly don't have it , if they stopped using their phones the symptoms would probably go away, much like a person that uses drugs but doesn't tell their doc they are using, the doc sees the symptoms of ADD ADHD or some type of Bipolar unipolar but its actually causes from the cell phone addiction. ok I am babbling about cell phone, I will stop
@youradhdgirl Ай бұрын
You’re right in a way about the cell phone and how bad it is for someone who has ADHD. I’ve tried turning off my phone for entire days and the positive effects are mind blowing. I realised that often, this ADHD paralysis is aggravated by the phone because it keeps us stuck into a mindless loop. Without the phone, you’ll realise you’re overthinking and move on quickly to something else because you don’t have that heavy distraction keeping you busy - you’ll just look for stimulation elsewhere !
@laurawells1711 Ай бұрын
I still feel shame when I hear the same canned advice for success from close minded people and it’s the exact opposite of me. I’m inconsistent, disorganized, impulsive, and emotional. I used to be so ashamed of how I was always late for things that if I was late to something more than 2 times and got called out for it I would just stop going. I’ve avoided pursuing 9-5 jobs my entire life bc I am literally incapable of showing up on time every day and I hate being reprimanded.
@laurawells1711 Ай бұрын
Out of all the adhd videos on google I clicked this one bc I saw the cover for this video and my brain thought I was looking at a picture of my younger self for a second😅 but the info in this video was also very useful! Time blocking is hard for me bc I’m too idealistic or I spend too much time obsessing over designing my “perfect day”, and then if I wake up late my plans go out the window.
@asyasarimusic Ай бұрын
Thank you so much for doing these videos. I think I kinda realised today why I was suffering this much for years.
@mildacha8050 Ай бұрын
Thank you for explaining this, including the notes that things will get off the track time to time, and then we can fix our expectations for the next time. You explained in a way where I feel understood, and made me have hope I can organise a little bit.
@johncarter1150 Ай бұрын
It's the phone. Sweetheart !
@tedcruzisthezodiackiller Ай бұрын
I’m in both right now & idk what to do. It’s ruining my life.
@zoso1337 Ай бұрын
Get a cat!!!! ❤️
@sandraemilielr Ай бұрын
Thank u so much for sharing. Now i dosen't feel that much alone.
@kamilwalecki7034 Ай бұрын
Hello. Your site didn't work. "Website Expired"
@MrSuffering_ 2 ай бұрын
The problem in life with ADHD is that you are lonely. No one understands how your brain works so every year of your life you become more and more lonely
@Rayezin 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your experience. What you went through in school sounds exactly like my experiences, and it’s reassuring to hear.
@xxptsdemonxx5971 2 ай бұрын
I’m about to have an assessment this weekend and I’m 99.99% sure I have ADHD at 37 years old.. It certainly would answer a lot of questions about my life and mental health and of course behaviours since I was little
@xxptsdemonxx5971 Ай бұрын
@youradhdgirl it’s confirmed. I do have it
@lorene-de-ratuld 2 ай бұрын
Bonjour et merci pour tes videos instructives et ces partages sur ta façon de trouver des moyens pour obliger le trouble à se faire olus petit ! Le lien vers le tableau ne fonctionne plus, tu pourras nous le donner autrement stp ? Merci et encore bravo 🎉
@youradhdgirl Ай бұрын
Merci bcp pour ton commentaire ! Yes je vais trouver une solution pour le lien !☺️ avec un peu de procrastination impliquée, désolée d’avance !
@lorene-de-ratuld Ай бұрын
😅 Quand tu seras motivée ! Merci d'avoir répondu déjà !
@Yousef8Sultan 2 ай бұрын
@jennyp.9388 2 ай бұрын
thank you very much for this video <3
@LunaGraphics-k8x 2 ай бұрын
Omg, this is so me!
@georgefspicka5483 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing ...
@brianmizway9324 2 ай бұрын
Hi there. I know you posted this 2 yrs ago but I feel like your speaking to me today. I can't thank you enough for this video. The struggle is real. I'm a guy with adhd my whole life but currently as an adult I been feeling the paralysis but didn't know why and didn't have a name for it. The fact you can help identify it is wonderful. I take my Ritalin which gives me the focus, energy, and boost I need but by itself it's not enough with me constantly practicing self awareness and continued therapy. I'm good with menus and moving picking on the fly. My struggle is this. When my life is going fine with work and things are organized I'm at my best. But I just got laid off so it throws my confidence and organization time wide completely off. I get locked into paralysis on my phone when I should be looking for that next job. Cuz of all the overwhelming and emotional energy I would have to put in finding a job again, searching out companies to interview with, having the strength to prove to new companies all over again why I'm worth hiring. So I get stuck mentally and get lazy relaxing at home, on my phone, sleeping in, watching TV. Etc. And it sucks. But I want to thank you so much by helping me understand this and helping me create an awareness as to what I do this or feel this way. I'm strong and organized on my job because of pressure and deadlines but I'm not organized and focused when trying my own business opportunities because I guess there's no pressure of deadlines there. Sounds crazy for someone looking at this without adhd. But in the adhd world this struggle is real. Ugh I like what you said about trying to get out of bed and maybe try exercising. It gave me the thought that somehow I just need to start moving. Moving to break free of that initial morning rut trying to get going and that taking my Ritalin as soon as I wake up that I know I will start feeling better 30 min later. Sorry for the long post but this hit me really strong as this is what I'm dealing with at the moment so I thank you so much for sharing.
@jeffheaven9261 2 ай бұрын
OMG, I totally get it! I am undiagnosed but pretty sure I have ADHD. I have too much going on in my head and it's like everything is fighting for my attention. Start on one thing then something else pops up. My wife says I am a squirrel, jumping from one thing to the next. I am looking for some system to create some calmness at the end of the day. You nailed it when you said your days used to be chaos. I GET IT! Thank you for sharing.
@lukememet 2 ай бұрын
Hey Candice, I’m the founder of a time-blocking mobile app called TimeFinder, and I’d love your thoughts and feedback on it. I built the app out of my own struggles with ADHD and I think your content is great and really aligned with the community I wish to help with my app. Thanks for the consideration!
@niceandgloomy 2 ай бұрын
Time blocking didn't work for me. I never know how long things are going to take, and if I don't get something done within the time assigned to it it doesn't get done at all, but I feel guilty that I didn't do it so I can't move on to the next thing. Like, I have to do x task from 10 until 11, but it takes until 11:30, so the task I had from 11 to 12 doesn't get done, and if that's a really important task that will cause me big problems. Or I have to do x task from 10 until 11 but I can't bring myself to start the task, and then it's 11, but I still have to do task x, but I had something else scheduled for 11. So I feel frozen. Or I'll want to do something else but that's assigned to a different time block, but I can't think of anything else, so instead I do nothing. It's a disaster lol
@Lulu-l 2 ай бұрын
I feel you, sometimes It happens to me aswell.
@AnnaKaus-WireArtist Ай бұрын
Same here. I now try to plan my tasks not by a scheduled time, but by time span. Eg. task x could take 1 hour. But if it took longer, I just correct the estimated time for the next session, if it is a repeating task. Otherwise I duplicate my task and work on the next day for another hour on it. The second thing I do, is to give some tags to my tasks by type e.g. creative, online, banking, call, write... or by place to work on it e.g. woodshop, car, outside... Then I sort it by this tags, so I can bundle for example different calls into one "calling block". Or I can do tasks which require to be done in the woodshop in that time span when I'm in the woodshop. It sounds simple, but it helps a lot to not feeling owerwhelmed or frozen by different tasks or time slots. No matter how long it will take, it's just a "topic block" instead of a "time block". My tool for writing down and sorting tasks is notion. But of course I have to take care of not feeling overwhelmed by the tool itself. 😂