The hardest time of the year.
My struggles with veganism.
9 ай бұрын
Is pushing veganism offensive?
@Cu-Copper 2 сағат бұрын
This is why i only buy honey from a local beekeeper.
@kaleighandrews7538 4 сағат бұрын
It's just infuriating and upsetting and disheartening that when you try to explain this to anyone the pushback you get on it it's astounding because once you put it in their face whether through words or three documentary it's almost like you're insulting them like you called demo horrific name or some thing. But it's true like how can you celebrate peace on Earth if you don't have peace on your place to begin with
@Ammadeviinshala 4 сағат бұрын
Reason: because they lacked compassion and understanding
@Ammadeviinshala 5 сағат бұрын
It's only okay if the actual cow is a free woman and she says she wants you to
@slowmotion562 5 сағат бұрын
I think I personally would have ended the talk after seeing that we morally agree. For me it feels like he agreed but needed some time to let the new thoughts and moral beliefs soak in before actually considering veganism. At least that is what his body language tells me at the end. But I might be wrong, people are different.
@betlamed 8 сағат бұрын
The main vegan argument is deontological: * There is a rule to not kill sentient beings, unless necessary. * It is not necessary to kill animals for food or fun. * Therefore, you should not kill animals. This is one noble approach to morals, but it has obvious limitations: Who declared that rule? And what about this, that and the other borderline case? There are other forms of meta-ethics (ie., reasoning about morality), such as utilitarianism. I never heard a vegan address those.
@col_grisoatgameclips 9 сағат бұрын
Good god, the amount of sad sad people here. Get lives, live a little.
@Ammadeviinshala 10 сағат бұрын
It's harder for half giants
@Ammadeviinshala 10 сағат бұрын
Cows used to talk before Metatron's distortion
@Ammadeviinshala 10 сағат бұрын
Chickens are dragon clones from the martians in Atlantis
@humanbeing2057 13 сағат бұрын
Non vegans who understands how the industry works and still chose to consume animal products are sick 🤢
@DOLCEKAYEXOTICAL 14 сағат бұрын
Something about you videos is just so soothing
@alexandereugene5269 17 сағат бұрын
thank you so much for the work you do to bring us this information. it makes it so easy to remember why i'm vegan. GO ED!
@Ammadeviinshala 17 сағат бұрын
They don't have faces
@RavenclawFtW3295 20 сағат бұрын
The hatred animal rights activists have for humans runs deeper than their supposed love for animals.
@louisj2256 Күн бұрын
You should have said that there is an inconsistency in saying "by not killing yourself, you are taking resources away from SOMETHING ELSE that could have used them". Okay, so why is that 'something else' more worthy of living than you? Let's suppose that every being had the ability to make this decision, and ultimately all of them decided to kill themselves because it would save up the most resources for 'something else'. Taking this moral logic to its conclusion, we would be left with a planet that is bereft of ANY life where said 'resources' would not be of benefit to ANYONE. There is no reason why human beings are less worthy of existence than any other being, which Joey concedes are all in competition with one another anyway, and if anything our highly developed consciousness and experiential ability makes us MORE worthy of consideration than the majority of life (since a fox or a dragonfly is not going to have friends and family members to grieve and mourn over it once it is gone). This is the very logic upon which veganism is based - that beings who are highly conscious and able to suffer (such as humans and other mammals) should be afforded consideration for those very reasons. Since humans are among the most highly developed in consciousness, and among the most prone to suffering, it makes sense to advocate for their happiness (through veganism, among other things). Doesn't this make sense?
@motouser165 Күн бұрын
Keep going Ed. You're doing good ♥️
@Osc1llateW1ldly Күн бұрын
1:03 - "and what turned you into a vegan?" - I luv ya Ed but, no need to be waffling on - why don't ya just say "I disagree with animal cruelty"? Far more powerful message IMHO don't you think? 🍏🥕🫐
@angiexbreedt9798 Күн бұрын
@YankıkuzeyToros Күн бұрын
Youre right bro thanks
@hehehe5664 Күн бұрын
Elon's ability to say anything confidently without checking whether it's true or not is genuinely impressive. And people fall for that Bullshit. His whole personality is pretending to be a genius.
@zenobikraweznick Күн бұрын
"Misery" in real life...
@LuckyStarhun Күн бұрын
It is funny how antivegans come up with the carnivore diet as the ultimate healthy diet. Humans are omnivores and need à balanced omni diet. Vegans, if only offered two food choices: a balanced omni meal and a junk vegan meal, they would choose the junk food because it is an ethical choice... even if not good for their body. I try to make healthy food choices. If it is vegan it is even better. But hey, junk foodie vegans are discredited for me, regardless of how compassionate they are. Only talk as à vegan if you eat healthy.
@juliemarriott3785 Күн бұрын
I'm glad some people feel remorse because not everyone does. I have never killed an animal. It's hard to imagine how people can kill an innocent animal.But I've seen slaughterhouses where the people just laugh about it so for people to feel empathy and sadness over what they've done restores some faith in humanity.
@JszubwzbzwhNsznjzejze-x6h Күн бұрын
Animals lives dont matter 😂😂😂
@BlessingsfromBridget Күн бұрын
I think the hardest thing about being vegan is dating. I went on a date with a guy who tried to convince me to eat eggs. He didn’t respect me at all.
@BlessingsfromBridget Күн бұрын
Cleveland has some amazing vegan restaurants. It’s the closet big city to me.
@BlessingsfromBridget Күн бұрын
Yay for Cleveland - the closest big city to me. Come back to Cleveland Ed. I would love to meet you. Cleveland has an awesome vegan festival called Cleveland VegFest
@LittleNyxFlower Күн бұрын
I processed my 9 year old steer. Is a post on the reddit. And she spokr aboht bringing him up and then is looking forward to walking on him as a rug. I cant
@LittleNyxFlower Күн бұрын
A hug lmao. Those are killing cones
@jixqca Күн бұрын
well im definitely going vegetarian now, if not vegan. that said, it's so hard to exist and survive in todays society without somehow supporting an industry that does horrific things. i cant buy plastic products because of pollution, but the deforestation that comes from switching to cardboard is also horrible. i cant buy food without wondering if the brand is unethical, and i cant buy new clothes without checking the company doesn't use sweatshops. it's hard not to feel helpless
@salvothegermanshepherd4399 Күн бұрын
Typical vegan that doesn't understand anything about ethics. All farm animals would be put down and the fields used to grow crops, those fields would be sprayed with herbicides, then pesticides and finally herbicides again so they can harvest the crops and once that has been done the field that once contained farm animals and wildlife would be dead and lifeless, it's only use would be ro grow poisoned vegetables. These people are actually stupid.
@SamStandish-o2z Күн бұрын
Sure!but nothing vegan!¡
@duygugunes3251 Күн бұрын
@zucchini_flowers 2 күн бұрын
But ag subsidies don't contribute that much to the price reduction of meat. Not sure why this point is being emphasized so much, in the US they contribute to less than 5% of the income of the ag industry. How could they be contributing to more than 5% of the product's price? I do think that meat substitutes are marked up, but comparing existing plant foods to meat shouldn't be blamed on subsidies, but really on the "efficiency" of CAFO operations. Please reply to his comment with counterpoints and evidence otherwise, because I don't want to be misinformed but thru my own research on this topic I don't see modern subsidies really playing a huge part in meat's cheapness, at least in the US.
@SadistSmurf3x6 2 күн бұрын
50 fish found? I'm thinking 50 fish nuggets.
@Blickos456 2 күн бұрын
guys humans can't even eat insects and absorb any nutrition properly from them, Yall are stupid if you think eating insects is the next big thing.
@Watch-h5h 2 күн бұрын
Neil is the perfect example of showing how is his intelligence by talking too much. His critical thinking skill is questionable while he thinks he is smart by memorizing about physics topic.
@janeen3753 2 күн бұрын
I’m vegan, but vegans say more emissions are factory farming, others say main emissions are factories, cars, and a smaller percentage is natural gas. Very sad about trumps action on the complete other side. There are converters that could convert cars to electric starting at $2,000.
@aprilwilkinson7593 2 күн бұрын
Cannibalism in the first one minute of the interview is wild :')
@Theoverthinker81 2 күн бұрын
The chemicals and harvesting methods used in vagan food still kills animals. Transport and distribution also kills animals, and the manufacturers of the machines used in the entire system kills more animals.
@clarecurtis36 2 күн бұрын
Love you Ed!!!
@michelranger2285 2 күн бұрын
Maybe its time to be a breatharian......
@KatSanders-Smith 2 күн бұрын
😂 I think this just became one of my favourite things EVER 🙌✨
@ArdenSloan-bk3xy 2 күн бұрын
I know you're bating, but given that more and more vegans go carnivore but no carnivores really seem to be going vegan, I'd say vegans days are numbered.
@SamStandish-o2z 2 күн бұрын
Why am i not a "vegan"? because i prefer to eat FOOD!the real thing!NOT grass!
@eduardorivera3870 2 күн бұрын
Thank you! Never thought of it that way as avegan, interesting, I always said that was better too, now i know thank you!
@SamStandish-o2z 2 күн бұрын
I dont have to justify myself especially to a posterchild for abortion!!
@rockdisappeared9203 2 күн бұрын
You know what, after having a shower, using my full animal fat soaps and really mulling it over, it comes down to gender. It’s because SHE’S a SHE and SHE can do something that you, _a man,_ cannot. So you’re demonizing her for it because you can’t get yourself to do anything like harvesting chickens. You know what that what makes you? Little. You’re a little man. A VERY little man. And I wasn’t talking about physically, although it is coincidentally that as well because you’re malnourished from your diet. 😅
@rockdisappeared9203 2 күн бұрын
Ed, why are you so pro-corporations? Please explain that. Please explain why you want them to live in a middle class house in the city, going to the store purchasing all of their meat and fruits and vegetables produced by the corporations and harvested much too soon before things are ripe, rather than producing their own food sustainably? Why do you like corporations over real hardworking people trying desperately to not live in the rat race of the city? I mean you have to realize that farming agriculture in the USA is owned by corporations. If there’s a recall for something you’re eating, you’re at their mercy. You really need to stop demonizing a very sustainable way of life because you’re lay zaahee. It’s far better to actually not be so lazy and grow your own food and harvest your own food, meat and plants. You know exactly what’s going into your food and how it’s being kept AND harvested. Are you just that jealous? Is that what this boils down to? You’re actually jealous of everything they have. I bet it’s that. Honestly, if they can live like that, if anybody can live like that they should be living like that. But what would you know? You’re British. You wouldn’t know the first thing about the American dream LOL. 😊