@FilipKepa-eb9hi 37 минут бұрын
The KONE M Rectangular buttons are Insane. The ENTRIE Lifts looks Timeless.
@TheLiftDragon 17 минут бұрын
Absolutely! Love the design, still looks very modern to me. A lot more appealing than many newer designs imo.
@Aawsomeguy 49 минут бұрын
Very smooth elevator going up the down the shaft.
@TheLiftDragon 18 минут бұрын
Indeed, this lift still runs super smooth, feels a lot better than many newer lifts.
@leonpano 3 сағат бұрын
brushed DC generator and motor brushes get used by the time(ac motors do not have this issue, who makes brushed ac motor?) idk if want to keep relay logic, it is possible to replace dc generator with a full bridge ratifier(convert ac to dc, but maybe it needs a transformer(for step down?, idk how much volt is dc generator outputting) and capacitor(for stabilize voltage))
@TheLiftDragon 2 сағат бұрын
AC motors with brushed do exist, but they are called slip ring motors and the purpose of this is to reduce startup current by switching resistors in parallel with the rotor windings, which are shorted as soon as the motor reaches nominal rpm. And no, a DC generator of a Ward-Leonhard drive system can NOT be replaced with a solid state rectifier. The generator does output a variable voltage depending on the field current, it acts as an amplifier. In oder to drive a DC motor, a H-bridge circuit is needed. In fact, two of them, a big one for the armature current and a small one for the field current as this is a motor with separate supplies.
@TheDiveO 5 сағат бұрын
4:40 ... Dark Star vibes
@TheDiveO 5 сағат бұрын
Those glory days when Schindlers were able to move the whole building up and down around the cabin!
@TheLiftDragon 4 сағат бұрын
Absolutely, these things were solid and built to last!
@TheliftDragon-schindler5500 8 сағат бұрын
Tuoill cool
@hiddnheiziger Күн бұрын
Technik die ewig und unendlich hält!
@TheLiftDragon 12 сағат бұрын
Absolut! Über 65 Jahre in Betrieb, das schafft keine heutige Anlage mehr.
@JulesMauuary-Maetz Күн бұрын
Schindler Varidoor doors?
@TheLiftDragon 11 сағат бұрын
Sematic SDS, older version.
@CatBot007 Күн бұрын
I'm assuming it's for more surface area to grab the ropes and they weren't able to just add more ropes?
@TheLiftDragon 12 сағат бұрын
You mean as to why the MX10 is at an angle? Basically yes but also this way of mounting an MX10 for a motor room install is standardised by Kone.
@RandomerFellow Күн бұрын
A piece of art!
@TheLiftDragon Күн бұрын
It indeed is!
@Xenium_Q Күн бұрын
DC motor?
@TheLiftDragon Күн бұрын
3 phase AC
@Xenium_Q Күн бұрын
Thanks. I asked because I hear no squeal.
@ElevatorExploration Күн бұрын
Great, you were also able to see and film this elevator, it's really magnificent.
@TheLiftDragon Күн бұрын
Yes, I'm glad I could film it and that it still exists. So you were here too?
@ElevatorExploration Күн бұрын
@@TheLiftDragon Indeed I was able to see it because @schweizerischeaufzugevonad1968 showed it to me some time ago.
@Swissvator Күн бұрын
Der Rufknopf mit den Stockwerkanzeige hab ich noch nie gesehen!
@TheLiftDragon Күн бұрын
Jap, das ist sehr selten. Gab es als Zusatzoption vor allem für Warenlifte, haben aber nur wenige auch ausgewählt.
@fw6797 Күн бұрын
prachtig , hopelijk blijft hij nog jaren probleemloos draaien 👍
@TheLiftDragon Күн бұрын
Yes indeed, I hope so too. Thank you!
@liftboy92 Күн бұрын
Just a quick note: AFAIK "Schmersal Aufzüge" and the component manufacturer were different companies. A bit like Aldi Süd and Aldi Nord. They came from the same family, but they weren't excactly working together. But I just head that thru the grapevine.
@TheLiftDragon 12 сағат бұрын
Oh, that's interesting to hear, didn't know that. Maybe that's something one could investigate into, I'll have to see.
@x_aquatix_x Күн бұрын
man that motor sounds and looks like a sewing machine, thats cool.
@TheLiftDragon Күн бұрын
Ja echt, hat was. Die alten Mascinen machen oft echt nice sounds.
@BenDeSwert666 Күн бұрын
Pre-opening on swing doors, in the '50s! That's very impressive!
@ElevatorExploration Күн бұрын
In Switzerland, most elevators with period swing doors have a pre-opening feature.
@TheLiftDragon Күн бұрын
Indeed is. I've seen this on many other Schindlers too though. It's a kinda weird DIY circuit, no standard safety relay schematic like mandatory nowadays. The centrifugal switch plays a role in this: it must be closed (slow speed) in order for advanced door opening to work.
@TheliftDragon-schindler5500 Күн бұрын
@SeanBZA Күн бұрын
Only know of one diagonal door lift by me, in an old building. Still has trellis doors.
@TheLiftDragon Күн бұрын
There are quite some lifts around here with diagonal or even three doors. But they're often rather well hidden.
@galaxywolf511 Күн бұрын
Woah, that looks so cool, I wish i could see it in person :<
@TheLiftDragon Күн бұрын
Indeed, this is some pretty nice machinery here. Seems sadly you live a bit far away from here in order to see this lift in person. But that's why I make these videos after all, so that everybody can see it.
@Avidiy Күн бұрын
It is VERY rare to see an onld lift still in working conditions! Great you found one Dual motors! Wow I love them, but why are there 2? One for full, speed and one for low speed? 4:09 what are these? 4:15 what is this and what is it used for? 4:25 what is this used for? And what is it (in front of the brake motor
@Avidiy Күн бұрын
5:15 what is this in the back of the motor?
@Avidiy Күн бұрын
5:21 and that is a slip ring motor right?
@Avidiy Күн бұрын
5:26 what does this assembly do
@liftboy92 Күн бұрын
Okay. Trying to help here. :-) 4:09 - Those are Schindler Timers, used to do delay some switching. Mr.MattandMrChay recently did a video how the work. 4:15 - Those appear to be motor resistors and the switches apply them in any use case. I suppose its used for limiting the current at start up. 4:25 - This is a 3-phase switch, started by the brake motor. It completes the path to the engine, and is there to avoid starting the motor without an open brake. 5:15 - Thats a speed switch, used to switch the motor between star and delta configuation. This is explained too, in Mr.Matts last video. (I'll link it) 5:21 - Yes, appers so to me. 5:26 - If you mean the plate: Thats the same contraption as seen in 4:25 just from the side. Later at 5:28 you see the Schindler selector wheel, which is controling the stops and the direction of the elevator. Link to the video is here: kzbin.info/www/bejne/aZmpo6ywlqyngMUsi=SceHgR0GQJoRhCOy
@Avidiy Күн бұрын
@@liftboy92 THANK YOU SOO MUCH This Helped me am LOT I appreciate that
@mikepurdy1738 2 күн бұрын
What's that about 1.6?
@TheLiftDragon Күн бұрын
@sathyaak 2 күн бұрын
Omg ur videos r sooooo gud❤❤❤❤
@TheLiftDragon 2 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@sathyaak 2 күн бұрын
Is this mrl or machine room
@TheLiftDragon 2 күн бұрын
Obviously MRL, even put it in the title.
@jorge3m 3 күн бұрын
Noysiest break ever.
@TheLiftDragon 2 күн бұрын
It's pretty loud and should be readjusted but I have heard worse.
@jorge3m 2 күн бұрын
All of them are noisy. Did you adjust that allready?
@mushroomcraft 3 күн бұрын
That motor sounds really nice. The motor doesn't look well supported though, I can't imagine a full speed emergency stop sounding good. Don't see why they couldn't just put the motor in a motor room, they already have a room for the controller
@TheLiftDragon 2 күн бұрын
The motor is supported absolutely well enough. The PMS420 machines are always flange-mounted and the large cast piece to which the motor is bolted then rests on the motor support structure. The motor overhanging towards the shaft center is even compensated by the ropes resting on the sheave, pulling down the other side. A motor room would have meant a lot of extra costs here. 2.5m/s needs a lot of overrun, which is given here, because the whole top floor is the overrun space. If you were to put in a ceiling below the motor, it would have to be high enough for there still to be enough overrun. This would result in the now generated motor room space having a very low ceiling, which is not allowed. Therefore, the ceiling would have to be raised higher locally, resulting in a lot of extra building costs. So this MRL solution makes perfect sense. The room with the controllers inside is on the plant room floor of the building, it is an area that can be used for storage and it connects the roof exist to the staircase.
@Aufzug25 3 күн бұрын
ich bin heute im aufzug steckengeblieben
@TheLiftDragon 2 күн бұрын
Das ist blöd.
@Aufzug25 3 күн бұрын
du bist der erste der deutscher aufzug filmt und hast mehr abonnent als elevatorfan ich bin stolz auf dich
@TheLiftDragon 2 күн бұрын
Ich filme zwar hauptsächlich Anlagen aus der Schweiz, aber ja, ich bin auch immer mal wieder in Deutschland unterwegs. Stimmt, jetzt wo dus sagst, ich hab ihn offenbar überholt. Es steckt ja auch ne Menge Arbeit in den Videos, das braucht viel Zeit und ist ein riesen Aufwand. Ich meinte, ich habe nach wie vor den einzige Kanal im deutschsprachigen Raum, der alle präsentierten Anlagen so detailliert zeigt. Da sieht man natürlich gerne, wenn sich die Leute dafür auch interessieren.
@Aufzug25 2 күн бұрын
@@TheLiftDragon aber sowas bitte mach weiter so und so kriegst du mehr abos
@Aufzug25 2 күн бұрын
gestern hattest du 4280 abos
@Josky13 3 күн бұрын
5 min 30 ils sont bizarre les câbles de traction, déjà ils vibrent beaucoup comme si il y avait une différence de tension et en plus ils sont recouvert d'un floconage blanc comme de l'amiante ??? en plus il y a un bruit toc toc toc comme un corbeau de régulateur de vitesse qui frotte. Les machines sont sales, idem pour le toit de cabine pas fier de montrer des équipements dans cet état En plus tu filmes sur le toit de la cabine en grande vitesse en montée, comme si les ascenseurs ne se retrouvent jamais en fin de course haut dans le plafond, pas très clean au niveau sécurité.
@a4andrei 3 күн бұрын
I always wondered why different rope and pulley configurations are used. I can assume it has to do with how the weight is distributed, and here we see quite a complex implementation. The counterweight has two sheeves, not sure why.
@TheLiftDragon 3 күн бұрын
The roping configurations are the most effective way to either favour speed or capacity of a lift. There are many different options, but the simplest to being called "1:1" or "2:1". With 1:1, the rope is connected directly to the lift car at one end and to the counterweight at the other end. Therefore, the traction sheave will spin with the same speed as the lift moves and it also needs to handle the full tangential force resulting in the weight difference between cab and counterweight. This is used for smaller lifts and or very fast lifts. The next step would be the above mentioned 2:1 roping. The ropes are now fixed in the shaft ceiling, go down to the cab over a pulley, back up to the traction sheave, down over a pulley on the counterweight side and then they're fixed in the shaft head again. This system results in the lift only moving at half the speed of the traction sheave and the motor only needs half the torque because the other half of the weight is now supported by the fixed end of the cable. Or: As we still can use the full load / torque range of the motor, we can now double the capacity. So long story short: Going from 1:1 to 2:1 without changing anything about the motor and gearbox results in a lift with half the speed but double the capacity. Now, what you see here on this lift is called 4:1, with there being 4 ropes on each side. This means that compared to 1:1 we have 4x the capacity and 1/4 of the speed. There is some technical data of the lift in the video description - but to illustrate it with numbers: The traction sheave has a circumferential speed of 2.5m/s, resulting in the lift moving at 0.63m/s, which is 1/4 of 2.5. To sum it up: This type of roping reduces load on the gearbox because the weight of the lift car, cargo and counterweight is shared between multiple fixed points, it reduces the amount/size of ropes needed but increases their length and it affects the gearbox reduction ratio (more speed but less torque is needed).
@galaxywolf511 4 күн бұрын
Woah, that looks so cool 😮
@TheLiftDragon 4 күн бұрын
@trashandbusch 4 күн бұрын
Is not MCS 411 controller using VF drive?
@TheLiftDragon 4 күн бұрын
No, the 131HT motors here are DC motors and there's no variable frequency with DC. The MCS411 uses a drive called HSDD (High speed direct drive) manufactured by Magnetek for Otis. This is a solid state drive which outputs the DC voltages for the armature and field windings of the motors. Similar to a VFD but no variable frequency.
@aerodynamiks 4 күн бұрын
that is a very beefy guide rollers
@TheLiftDragon 4 күн бұрын
Indeed, these are heavy duty.
@nicholas-ecvac 4 күн бұрын
@@TheLiftDragonand this is why schindlers are high quality
@Bluepeter62 4 күн бұрын
Schindler's Lift 👍🏻
@mushroomcraft 4 күн бұрын
Ah it doesn't use AC and DC. I saw a 1989 TMS 200 which used AC at full speed, and DC for inspection and levelling. I don't know if that's just because it's a lower tier model, and VF drives were expensive, or if they switched to using VF drives in the 90s.
@TheLiftDragon 4 күн бұрын
The TMS600 afaik came with 3 possible drive systems: The standard VFD you see here, the SCD, which is a solid state DC drive for high speed gearless machines and in the early days a phase-fired controller similar to what you have seen on the TMS200. From what I know, the TMS200 was discontinued in favour of the 600 before the switch from PFCs to VFDs happened but I could be wrong. A classic phase-fired controller however works differently from what you have seen on the TMS200. The normal working principle can only be used for pole-changing motors with 2 speeds. The mains are fed into the fast windings through the thyristors, which chop off the start of the sine wave depending on the firing angle (0° - 180°, with 0° being nothing and 180° being the full sine wave). Then there is another set of thyristors that only generates DC, which is fed into two of the three terminals of the slow winding. This is used for DC braking. To properly control the lift, a mix of both is used. DC only will not move the lift and AC only is not able to slow down the motor from nominal rpm. There even are systems like the Dynatron MV drive for Miconic V, which in addition to the thyristors for AC uses a separate eddy current brake on the motor instead of DC injection. Also motors for Dyn MV are not pole changers, as the separate brake mitigates the need for the slow speed winding. Now to your TMS200 drive. According to the motor data plate, the motor only has one set of windings, which is very weird for a thyristor drive. It almost behaves like a single speed lift. I must admit that this is some strange system I have never seen before and I also haven't seen pfc implemented like this by any other manufacturer. All other phase-fired drives I know of (Schindler Dynatron S, RST ARC, Ascentronic, ZAdyn 1df, Loher Dynalift...) work in the way I described above. I mean the approach of Kone is not too bad because it only needs one winding instead of two, which saves costs. It works similar to the way that Dynatron 2 stops the lift, by just disconnecting AC power and then braking the lift to a stop by other means. In case of Dyn 2 that would be the eddy current brake, which also runs on DC, but that is a dedicated portion of the motor, needs much less current and the braking process is silent.
@mushroomcraft 3 күн бұрын
@@TheLiftDragon Very interesting, never thought they would use eddy currents to slow down a lift. I love learning about how old lifts work, with new lifts, it's all the same. -_- Didn't realize the TMS I saw was a rarer model, I thought it would be really common, as clearly it's a cheap model.
@mushroomcraft 4 күн бұрын
Touch screen destination dispatch in 2006??? Ok looking at it again, the refresh rate of the screens is quite bad, so it makes sense. Very futuristic for the time though! Really weird that there is a room that the cables pass through and that the governor is kept in. Would make more sense to make the shaft higher instead. Also that counter weight is very thicc!
@TheLiftDragon 4 күн бұрын
Yes indeed, they are original from 2006. The lifts were built with destination dispatch from the beginning and the displays run on some super old embedded Windows.
@mushroomcraft 4 күн бұрын
Rare to see a building fitted with a good speedy lift these days. I'd expect them to put Gen 2s
@TheLiftDragon 4 күн бұрын
New buildings in my area mostly have ok lifts. A lot is Schindler of course, the 3000 are not worth mentioning (they're often used as cheap replacements for small innerdoorless lifts) but everything that is a bit taller will get something 1.6m/s, be it a Gen2 or 5000 or MonoSpace. Preferably even a generic because the build quality is just better than any of the aforementioned. I've even seen things like a group of 2 Gen2s, 1.6m/s, in a new residential building with only 5 floors above ground + 3 basements. They have advanced door opening, so they run really efficiently. Nothing to complain about.
@mushroomcraft 4 күн бұрын
@@TheLiftDragon We have to live with 16 floors of 1m/s Lester Controls mods, and 11 floors of the cheapest Gen 2s in my city! Developers love to cheap out on the lifts in the UK, and the council love getting crappy companies to modernise their lifts. They got Stannah to modernise a Otis 2000 from 2001. I've seen a 1.6 - 1.8m/s lift for a building with 32 floors + ground level in London.
@TheLiftDragon 4 күн бұрын
​@@mushroomcraft Oof, that is really painful. Tbh I'm also under the impression that most building owners go rather cheap on residential lifts here - but that is not comparable of course. 1.6m/s is the norm for 15-20 floors residential, above that it's usually 2m/s. In a posh new residential tower, 30 floors, we even got 3.5m/s Gen2 streams with the ACD4 controller (that is for the Asian market, not the usual GECB-EN) and compass - these things are pretty epic. It's kinda funny how Otis really covers the full range from the very best to the very worst tings. Another thing worth mentioning is probably the Dynatron 2 drive system by Schindler, which offers perfect levelling. It goes up to 1.75m/s with a conventional AC geared machine and it was a lot cheaper than a DC gearless drive, so almost all tall buildings from the 70s and 80s got this. Don't get me wrong, the system is a genius feat of engineering and was the first one ever to do direct levelling, but the lower cost and super fast single floor trips lead to it being installed in buildings where a faster DC system would have been more suitable. So now many tall buildings that would have needed 2.5m/s are now stuck with 1.75m/s lifts, the speed has not been changed after modernisation.
@mathewst3979 5 күн бұрын
this is the kind of content i need in my life
@Aufzug25 5 күн бұрын
kannst du extra nach mannheim fahren und den aufzug bei collini center filmen mit steuerung und schacht? es hat 30 stockwerken TKE Aufzug
@TheLiftDragon 5 күн бұрын
Mannheim wäre am Weg, wenn ich wieder weiter nördlich nach Deutschland fahre. Extra nur nach Mannheim fahre ich sicher nicht. Vielleicht ergibt sich mal was, wenn ich auf Durchreise bin, aber das kann ich nicht garantieren. Die Anlagen voll zu dokumentieren ist nämlich immer ein riesen Aufwand.
@ElevatorExploration 5 күн бұрын
Here is a nice installation of four elevators. I notice that the motors have the particularity of having the rotor rotating around the stator which is not very common for high speed motors.
@TheLiftDragon 5 күн бұрын
Indeed, these machines here are outrunners, where the rotor is built around the stator. Not very common but I really like that design.
@BulacanUMNChannel34 5 күн бұрын
Airraid siren
@mrmattandmrchay 5 күн бұрын
5:40 wow, massive holes into the shaft
@TheLiftDragon 5 күн бұрын
Indeed, these are huge. Great for filming but not really up to modern work safety standards. ^^
@jpdegulne4662 5 күн бұрын
@TheLiftDragon 5 күн бұрын
@jbsimmons54 5 күн бұрын
First time I have _not_ seen floor buttons _inside_ an elevator!
@TheLiftDragon 5 күн бұрын
This is actually more common than you might think. Nowadays, it is very common in big office buildings. On larger groups of lifts with many floors, this system can dispatch the lifts much more efficiently than a conventional up/down call system. It also has benefits if not all lifts of the group serve all floors. If you want to go to the basement for example, but only one lift of the group goes there, it will send you this very lift. With a conventional system you would just have to hope to get the right one.
@snack-onkel 5 күн бұрын
Top Aufzug - Top Bilder - Top Video 👍
@TheLiftDragon 5 күн бұрын
Besten Dank!
@Swissvator 6 күн бұрын
Die Aufzügen sind ja echt schnell!!!
@TheLiftDragon 6 күн бұрын
Jap, die Anlagen hier sind wirklich schnell unterwegs. Findet man in der Schweiz leider nicht zu oft.
@Swissvator 5 күн бұрын
@@TheLiftDragon Ja die schnellsten sind glaube ich die im CityWest Hotel in Chur. Bis jetzt hab ich noch keine schnellere gesehen.
@TheLiftDragon 5 күн бұрын
@@Swissvator Wir haben in der Schweiz viele schnellere Anlagen, man muss nur wissen wo. 2.5m/s habe ich jetzt schon zig mal gesehen,d as ist für mich auch nicht mehr so besonders. Wir haben einige Installationen mit 3.5m/s in der Schweiz. Der Prime Tower müsste ausm Hinterkopf iwie 4 oder 5 m/s haben, Die Anlagen aufm Jungfraujoch haben 6.3 und in den Roche Türmen gibt es 7. Aber letzter kann man natürlich nicht filmen. Das schnellste, was ich bisher dokumentieren konnte, ist 6.3m/s, aber nicht in der Schweiz. Hierzulande hab ich bisher 3.5m/s gefilmt, zwei komplett verschiedene Anlagen sogar. Im Gegensatz zu Deutschland haben wir halt viel später angefangen, hohe Bürogebäude zu bauen, deswegen ist es bei uns auch schwieriger mit hohen, schnellen Anlagen. Wohngebäude haben generell halt langsamere Sachen drin. Schindler 5500 mit 2.5m/s z.B. gibts aber echt überall, sogar einige mit 3m/s. Aber das ist halt alles dasselbe. Es ist zwar schnell, aber irgendwie doch langweilig.
@simonspeksnijder4455 6 күн бұрын
Double wrapped traction cables, I like that as it gives more grip.
@TheLiftDragon 6 күн бұрын
Indeed, I like that too. Though one must also take into account that the traction sheaves here have circular grooves instead of trapezoidal ones like on most geared machines. Circular groves produce less traction than trapezoidal ones.
@fw6797 6 күн бұрын
mooie installatie weer , dank voor het maken van de video 👍
@TheLiftDragon 6 күн бұрын
You're welcome!
@Biasca1 6 күн бұрын
Ein toller Schnell(auf)zug! Gutes Video!
@TheLiftDragon 6 күн бұрын
@igorangelkovski3760 6 күн бұрын
I'd love to have been able to see these lifts/motor room in their original form do you know more details about them before they got modernized? Were they also running as a set of 4?
@TheLiftDragon 6 күн бұрын
Me too, an original set of high-speed lifts from 1960 would be an insane relic of the time. I know of some such installs from Otis that still exist in the US, but all the European companies like Kone, Schindler and TKE (back then Rheinstahl, as mentioned in the video) also had their own high-speed drive systems. But due to the rarity of older tall buildings in Europe in general, these installs are now super rare and mostly modernised. What can be said is that the lifts here must have originally been DC gearless. That's the only way to reach the speed they have, assuming they were this fast (or at least >=2.5m/s) from the beginning. It is very likely that the MG sets for the DC voltage were placed on the low floor below the the motors, where the governors are. Controllers must have been relay, cause to my knowledge, Schindler and Schlieren were the only ones installing advanced transistor technology at that time. A group of 4 lifts is probably the most likely scenario here, but that I can't tell. Could also have been 2 groups of 2 but that's just a guess. 2006 is almost 20 years ago now and trying to figure out what was before then is really hard. In hindsight I should have had a closer look into all the documentation on site, maybe there would have been some more information. But especially in Germany this is always a gamble. Sometimes there's a huge amount of paperwork containing everything one could wish for, including drawings of the shaft and motor room. And on other occasions there is, well, nothing but a few schematics.
@igorangelkovski3760 4 күн бұрын
I fully understand, thanks a lot for your time trying to address my question In my country (Macedonia, part of former Yugoslavia) there were mid to high-rise lifts made under license from Schindler and Rheinshtall with various types of drives, but they have been all modernised since many have been beyond repair, mostly due to poor maintenance. I'm refering to lifts made up until the early 1990s. Some simpler 2 speed drives still live on in apartment buildings to this day. I can't wrap my head around the fact that 2006 is almost 20 years ago😅 Time flies so fast
@TheLiftDragon 4 күн бұрын
@@igorangelkovski3760 You're welcome! That's interesting to here. I know of Daka-Schindler, so lifts built by Daka under license of Schindler. But it's the same story there with only very few remaining that have the faster, more advanced thyristor drives. Also yes, time is just flying by like crazy. And then I'm trying to somehow capture the old relics of lift engineering that are still around before they're gone, which is getting more and more difficult over time.
@igorangelkovski3760 3 күн бұрын
I greatly appreciate your efforts to create and upload these videos. Keep up the great work!