Hi; please understand that I am not being critical. I remember in my younger years when I ran big Stihls; I ran my chains rather loose as well. I believe back in the day we called those bars hardnose and/or 'Stellite' tip. Sprocket nose bars were considered too fragile for serious logging. Nowadays; it seems like that's all I can find is sprocketnose bars for my little; (24" and under), battery operated saws.
@MathieusChainsawCarvings6 ай бұрын
no worries, it didnt feel like critisism, its all good! I have 1 20-something inch hardnose bar as well i bought for milling setup at the time so i could attach the guide closer to the tip of the bar. this bar also came with the instruction to run the chain a tad looser then what one normally would do. Ive had sprocket tip bars break/jam on me in the past, generally the thinner gauge stuff doesnt hold up well in rough conditions/wood on tension that kinda thing. At least seems like that for me. that being said i dont always buy the quality ones since i really dont use m all that often. I do think oregon still has some hardnose bars with a regular radius on the tip as well, if you goole "Oregon ArmorTip Plus Hardnose" something should come up. the one i have is from the brand Longer, basicly something cheaper from china. But it does the job! Im pretty sure this also has a stellite tip. sounds familiar anyway.
@John-cj3ve6 ай бұрын
I know different people have different ideas on chain tightness. I was just wondering why YOU had the chain so loose.
@MathieusChainsawCarvings6 ай бұрын
Hi, when one runs the chain on a carving bar without a sprocket in the tip of the bar (hardnose) it does need to be less tight, Also because the smaller radius on the tip the risk of it flying off is a lot lower as well. once u throttle the gas u will also see the chain tighten up into the groove. Over tightening it on a bar like that would reduce the lifespan by a great deal. when i use a normal bar like in the start of the video i do run it more tight else it would throw the chain. Hope i explained it alright. Greets!
@BroomieG7 ай бұрын
good stuff
@MathieusChainsawCarvings7 ай бұрын
Thanks man <3
@jaantyktrade70527 ай бұрын
jsuper robote robisz dzieki!!!!
@fraudsarentfriends47177 ай бұрын
I definitely prefer corded electrics, if I need to do remote work. I can always use a generator.
@MathieusChainsawCarvings7 ай бұрын
To each his own, i like corded tools too but i hate rolling out extension cords haha.. i prefer battery chainsaws for practicallity but bigger jobs ill grab a gas powered chainsaw, or both!..batterys are expensive :). once they are empty they might as well be a fancy paperweight. battery powered chainsaws have come a long way though but i still have the need to fire up a gas chainsaw every so often as well :). Thanks for sharing your point of view. Take care
@John-cj3ve6 ай бұрын
I just got back into chainsaws; and I'm battery all the way. From my 6" mini; to my 24" EGO CSX5000. But you're right about the batteries. Luckily I have enough to keep them running; for the length of time an old man can continually run a 23lb chainsaw.😅
@fraudsarentfriends47176 ай бұрын
@@MathieusChainsawCarvings I hate having to charge batteries every time I need to do something. Cords I can manage.
@jaantyktrade70528 ай бұрын
super dzięki1!!!
@MathieusChainsawCarvings8 ай бұрын
Thank you! i am glad you liked it!
@wood-psyche8 ай бұрын
Cool stream, I missed some but now I can see missed parts. Nice saw work, hope all is good w/you!🌝
@MathieusChainsawCarvings8 ай бұрын
Hey Thanks for checking it out! i didnt notice the stream ended until a while later. still some technical stuff to figure out but it kinda worked. i was using some 2nd party streaming software and im pretty sure i messed up some resolution settings. im no longer sick at least and we are getting some nice warm weather again as well later this week! Hope you are good too and again thanks for stopping by :D
@lorenzoderobertis811610 ай бұрын
Peccato non esista più!
@MathieusChainsawCarvings11 ай бұрын
always great to get a commision to carve something random, fun, something i wouldnt carve otherwise. tis german that ordered this can suck a duck though. raus mit der klaus.
@MathieusChainsawCarvings11 ай бұрын
@huntingandstuff9489 Жыл бұрын
Interesting vice. I've never seen one like that before
@MathieusChainsawCarvings Жыл бұрын
Its called a yawhorse. Very convenient for carving and quick to set up.. I have 2 of them to work on long timbers as well.
@SoeCarpeDiem Жыл бұрын
Oh I love your style of music! Be careful with your hair, with the chainsaw it's not forgiving 😱... Magnificent, as always ! I also like your skeleton head!! Bravo ! ☺
@MathieusChainsawCarvings Жыл бұрын
Hey Sophie. Thanks for dropping by xD. I suppose you are right about the hair lol. Was thinking this when editing myself. No harm no foul right. Glad you enjoyed the carving and the selected music as well. Can be tricky to find nice music for use on youtube, think the trashmen fit the vid well enough. Hope to see you again on the next one!
@wood-psyche Жыл бұрын
Seeing your new video, nice surprise! Always a different animal, very cool. Couldn’t help but notice the wicked looking 💀 in the background. Thanks for the upload!🌝
@MathieusChainsawCarvings Жыл бұрын
Hey. Glad you like it. Didnt come out too bad for a quick carving, and first attempt ofc. Havent been carving much but i think i still know how to do it hehe. I like the skull a lot too. The crow on top as well. Probably one of my favorite pieces to date!
@BassOfMolag Жыл бұрын
Good to see you back, Mathieu. Nice carving, man.
@MathieusChainsawCarvings Жыл бұрын
Thanks man. I managed to squeeze out one carving during my vacation. Hope to get back to uploading abit more regularly this year
@michaelwhiteoldtimer7648 Жыл бұрын
Very nice, you sure have a talent for carving
@MathieusChainsawCarvings Жыл бұрын
Thanks i do my best. Congrats on your grandchild. Didnt realise you were uploading videos! Take care and all the best!
@maryjensen5112 Жыл бұрын
very Cool :) can't wait to see more of your work
@MathieusChainsawCarvings Жыл бұрын
Thank you for checking out my vids. Hope to upload somewhat more regularly again this year!
@pietklusser1896 Жыл бұрын
Mathieu, mooi om weer een creatie van jou te zien. Wat is hij (IJSVOGEL?) toch mooi geworden. Ik vind deze kleine vogels nog mooier als die grote.🤩 Het zal ook wel moeilijker te maken zijn als een grotere denk ik.🤔 Weer een schitterend resultaat. KLASSE.🙂
@MathieusChainsawCarvings Жыл бұрын
Dankjewel Piet, ik hoop dat je een fijne kerst en een goede jaarwisseling hebt gehad! Het moet inderdaad een ijsvogel voorstellen, eerste poging, ben er best tevreden over. De kleine beeldjes zijn de proporties vaak iets belangrijker, met een redelijk lomp gereedschap is het ook iets voorzichtiger te werk gaan. Ik wil hem wellicht wat blauw kleuren, vandaar dat ik hem (nog) niet in de olie/wax heb gezet. Ik heb de juiste kleur pigmenten wel liggen in elk geval, de oranje borst krijgt ie dan vanzelf wel door de houtkleur al mee. denk dat je dan wel mooi meteen ziet wat het is. Mits ik het netjes voor elkaar krijg uiteraard :D. Pigmnten in de olie wil vaak wel wat uitlopen maar ik vind het een mooier effect dan de houtnerven onder een laag verf verstoppen! Maar goed ik wou even snel weer eens iets maken voordat de vakantie weer voorbij was. Nu met opleiding bezig, vandaar dat de videos/beelden er even niet van komen. de donkere/natte tijd helpt ook niet echt mee dan. Wou eigenlijk graag eens de struisvogel afwerken maar dat blijft toch een beetje een beeld waar ik tegenaan blijf hikken. Uiteindelijk komt die wel af natuurlijk! Niet iets wat je moet forceren, zeker niet in de vakantie! Zal nog wel wat puzzelen blijven om regelmatig een beeld/video te maken maar uiteindelijk komt dat altijd weer goed! zeker als het weer en met name de lichturen weer omhoog gaan. tot die tijd gewoon wat meer kleine snelle projectjes doen had ik besloten! Sorry voor de enorme lap tekst haha, in elk geval weer erg bedankt voor het kijken en dat je ook ondanks mijn afwezigheid nog steeds mijn kanaal/creaties volgt, dat waardeer ik enorm! Beste wensen nog voor 2024! en tot de volgende!😃
@pietklusser1896 Жыл бұрын
Mathieu, Ook voor jou en je naasten en heel gelukkig 2024. Nou ik vind de antwoorden op een commentaar altijd wel leuk. Ik vond het mooi dat je ook in de winter toch nog bezig bent met je hobby figuren zagen/maken. Het is toch een hele opgave om met kunstlicht / kou een project te maken. Ik ben benieuwd hoe de ijsvogel er uit ziet als hij "af" is. Trouwens, welke opleiding ben je aan het volgen?? Tot de volgende video, of misschien plaats je wel foto's op het kanaal als de tijd ontbreekt.🤔 Doe rustig aan en veel succes.
@N8Nefarious Жыл бұрын
@MathieusChainsawCarvings Жыл бұрын
Thank you kindly Sir!
@BassOfMolag Жыл бұрын
I think those little guys may have found their new God.
@BassOfMolag Жыл бұрын
Sweet weaponry, Mathieu. 😎
@MathieusChainsawCarvings Жыл бұрын
cheers man, one day ill craft a bigger one like a meter long or something would be nice haha. i pretty much copied this off a scale model i had. i got it with one of the total war pc games. included with a collectors edition of the game. total war 2 rome if im not mistaken. still have the original catapult as well ofcourse!
@rusticmania6531 Жыл бұрын
Looking good can’t wait to see the finished piece
@johnbroadbent1609 Жыл бұрын
Cool carve..can't wait to see it when it's finished.