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When Did Assassin's Creed Get Bad?
@ocben2184 20 сағат бұрын
Because of this video I just found out you fight dragons in this game. WTF 😂
@ocben2184 20 сағат бұрын
The problem with the game is that it has too much content, it tried to do everything in the game industry.
@jordangould4763 20 сағат бұрын
For me personally a big turn off for me on later games was after they removed the mini map. I really liked being able to fly around and all that but the loss of the mini map just made so many things feel way more labourious.
@yaboydarrell 21 сағат бұрын
Helix credits
@haevsn3847 Күн бұрын
I started on ac III so I can't complain I thoroughly enjoyed that game and have since played every ac after.
@vizenbre1658 Күн бұрын
Honestly, what the series needs is 5-10 years on the shelf and brought back as a hard reboot
@704pat Күн бұрын
It's post syndicate for me.
@apocryphicdeath Күн бұрын
Bro they took the *hoplon OUT* of a game where you play as a *Spartan.* Literally inexcusable dev behavior.
@Shattered-Realm Күн бұрын
Origins was decent. Odessey was more refined weaker story but more of the same. Valhalla was basically odessey cloned both suffered from too much bloat but Valhalla just rammed in LGBT down your throat every quest line. There was one mission where you had to find out who killed someone else. I eliminated the butch lesbian character as a suspect just because of all the prior LGBT quests previously rammed down my thoat and lo and behold she was innocent. Now we get to AC Japan and I'm not even going to buy it. A black assassin in Feudal Japan right..... why not give him a rainbow colored outfit while they're at it. Look it's ASSASSIN'S CREED about ASSASSINS. Assassin's need to blend in. I'm white, and given the choice I'd play it as an Asian assassin for immersion. Basically what these new assassins creed game lack is any connection to characters. The regions are disjointed with random "main enemies" in each locale and random "good guys" that you'll never see again. You'll do the quest line for a region that will take 2-3 hours then all the side objectives will take another 10 (completely repetitive in each region) and you'll never see these people again. They need to focus the story down have fewer characters that you interact with more often that travel with you and interact with said regions. and liberating a region should give you tangible rewards like acquiring new meaningful combat abilities not just a few skill points that barely matter and amount to basically a slight stat boost. More difficult regions should be story "soflocked" ie if you go in you are going to be in for a super bad time but not because the enemy level is arbitrarily high and they one shot you. Each region should actually have unique resources and quests that can only be found in that region and what you do there should affect neighboring regions
@Maya777R Күн бұрын
With Black Flag - hated both the gameplay and the story. But then I liked Unity, Origins and Valhalla
@chuckbass7276 Күн бұрын
I can not for the life off me understand why someone would choose to play as a woman in these games.. It makes no sense
@mg2030 Күн бұрын
AC3 is the best AC game KNOWN TO MAN
@Baalenci0 Күн бұрын
I feel like syndicate was the start of its downfall
@kingpotato120 Күн бұрын
Black flag was that last good AC game this isn't my opinion this is a fact.
@DarthRevan905 Күн бұрын
Enjoyed the game till it glitched out and forced me to restart everything to continue….
@zr03f0rt7 Күн бұрын
Rogue was the peak should have been the last one.
@Kino_pup Күн бұрын
I much preferred the older fighting system. As long as the combat is level based.. I refuse to play.
@bradleydias425 2 күн бұрын
AC 2 just needs to be updated with brotherhoods combat
@LennyTheHopeless 2 күн бұрын
When the stories started becoming less and less like assassins. At some point the story of Assassins Creed should've ended and they should've just made an original story not using the AC name. But that doesn't sell games...
@jplosts 2 күн бұрын
Easy... it startimg getting weaker after black flag but still cool, and origins set the deoarture into generic witcher rpg wannabe
@canyon5696 2 күн бұрын
My ONLY beef with Origins and Odyssey was no 1 hit kills on "higher level" enemies no matter how stealthy your attack was. An unsuspecting knife through your neck or arrow to the brain is still a knife through your neck and arrow in your brain, no matter how tough you are. Vallhalla introduced stamina which I felt had no place in AC, didnt even touch it.
@bilbobeuli 2 күн бұрын
AC1 is still THE best Assassin’s Creed game, and I will hold that opinion until I’m dead. Also, it’s still one of the best looking games ever created.
@Im_helpless 2 күн бұрын
syndicate is the peak of ac, went downhill and never stopped falling since syndicate came out
@504godzilla 2 күн бұрын
Bayek was not afraid to express his emotions. His joy, his sorrow, his rage. You're feeling all of that with him in the moment. Bayek has the fatherly aspect about him
@seanbumstead1250 2 күн бұрын
It never has gotten bad
@vendettamedianl 2 күн бұрын
After Black Flag, though really when they didn't replace Desmond with someone new to continue the modern day narrative. Unity was also a major shift in the game towards the negative.
@TheKillerham5ter 2 күн бұрын
AC went from the rich stories and interesting characters to boring general ubisoft open world checklist collectathon games.
@Kai_SaundMTB 2 күн бұрын
This guy🤣
@crashboy0 2 күн бұрын
This is a hard question to answer. It was a series of things and it wasn't at the same time for all people. The first cracks showed when AC Revelations came out. While that game gave us a nice conclusion to both Ezio and Altair it was apparent that the game was a rushed project done in 1 year. Then AC3 came out and the major issue people had with that game was the bugs at launch and a lot of people disliked Connor as he was not as strong of a character as Ezio who was still a fan favorite after 3 consecutive games with him as the protagonist. Black Flag was a fantastic game but it was also the first game to not feature a trained assassin which a big portion of the fans disliked. Unitiy was a good game but it never got over the stigma of one the worst launches ever. It was so tremendously buggy at launch that it took years for fans to appreciate what the game was. It was also the first AC game with "time savers" which didn't help it at all. AC Syndicate was a decent game but not a game changer and it didn't compare well to some of the past games as a whole. It was here where the AC fatigue started. AC became a yearly franchise no different than COD and for some people it was just to much AC in such a short period of time. The time savers and season pass stuff was of no help either. After 2 years and a much needed brake came Origins. A completely different type of game which brought in a lot of new fans but it also alienated a lot of the old school fans. I remember that some people said that if Origins didn't have AC in the title nobody would even know this is a AC game. The same could be said about Odyssey and Valhala. So now ubisoft is stuck in this position where some people want the old type games, some want the newer RPG stuff, some people just hate Ubisoft and won't like anything related to AC simply because it is made by Ubisoft.
@drewjames2237 2 күн бұрын
It started when they went to PS4/Xbox one. It alienated a lot of the og audience. And the nail in the coffin was rpg style gameplay Edit: oh as well as killing Juno in a comic instead of actual gameplay
@Blathnaid_AOC 2 күн бұрын
Revalations. Maybe people will say black flag but no. That's a good pirate game not assassin creed. Once Etzio died it was over everything after is crap.
@vindex7309 2 күн бұрын
Black Flag was the last great AC. Even then, Brotherhood is the most agreed last great AC.
@flowerknight4879 3 күн бұрын
Right after Black Flag next question
@Snake-x1t 3 күн бұрын
I don't love game remakes. I mostly despise them.
@carlsiouxfalls 3 күн бұрын
"Splitting the fanbase" is a key phrase to the imminent downfall of a franchise. Look at Star Wars and how The Last Jedi truly split the fanbase. There was plenty of good and bad Star Wars content before then but something so divisive shattered it. For me, it was Odyssey that finally killed my enjoyment of Assassin's Creed. It wasn't so much the gameplay or the characters, but just the bloat and the never-ending "support" of DLC. I like single-player games and with the massive amount of DLC this just had too much "live-serviceness" to enjoy by the time I was done with it. So while AC had its ups and downs, it was Odyssey that was my personal breaking point.
@BlackWolf-bi3ro 3 күн бұрын
Man I loved Valhalla
@jenni5104 3 күн бұрын
I love Valhalla personally. It's a game for me!
@deejmal4932 3 күн бұрын
AC3 was dreadful and you didn’t highlight this enough bro.
@sosaysjay 3 күн бұрын
I’ve got a full hour long video talking about AC3
@Tomn8er 3 күн бұрын
Personally the newer games of Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla were my faves. Loved the revamped combat, RPG elements, large open worlds and of course the beautiful environments. AC IV was great as well for similar reasons. Absolutely don't miss those tedious tailing missions and some of the overly linear gameplay elements of previous titles like AC III. Went back to play through the Ezio trilogy but gave up somewhere in Brotherhood. It just doesn't feel as fun or refined as the more modern entries, and unlike many others, I don't have any nostalgia goggles for these games, so objectively they feel like a step back in most ways.
@wikia9278 3 күн бұрын
48:27 the pandemic is not over, covid is disabling thousands everyday and no one is immune to long covid. video is okay but this part is intolerable
@sosaysjay 3 күн бұрын
I made this video in 2022, when most of the population was still wearing masks outside. I never say anything about the longevity of the pandemic, only that there being a pandemic is why I was able to commit so much time to AC Valhalla.
@swn32 3 күн бұрын
Hey, this might come as a shock, but least number of people rating Syndicate their favorite isn't the same as being least liked. It's entirely possible for a most of the people to consider it their second or third favorite.
@sosaysjay 3 күн бұрын
I mean, that doesn’t come as a shock. There is no way to define which game in the series is the least liked in an objective way, and I never claim here that Syndicate is the least liked because that would be a wild thing to say within the current discourse around the franchise. Just that it isn’t talked about often and is talked about less fondly year by year in online communities
@Giltredjohnson53 3 күн бұрын
Ac1,brotherhood and unity are the 3 games I felt like all got different things RIGHT, they all had their flaws but if you take the positives from all 3 you have the perfect ac game
@roryjamieson8439 3 күн бұрын
Assasins Creed 2 cannot be beaten in my opinion. Atmosphere, soundtrack, storytelling, gameplay all great. And Ezio is a fantastic character that stands out amongst a lot of the others.
@ytk2983 4 күн бұрын
Modern day: Desmond's death. As game: Release of Unity and the first taste of people will buy it even when it's broken & microtransactions. Then switch to "RPG", no Assassins, too much fantasy elements, stealth & parkour gets dumbed down, dialogue choices, two protagonist bs.
@-Zikade- 4 күн бұрын
20:59 onwards. Well, to be fair, if multiple enemies pull out guns while you're flailing around with a sword I think you SHOULD get f*cked (think of that famous Indiana Jones scene lmao). What, you want to be able to deflect bullets like some weeb and make guns pointless? I'd say aggroing 15 enemies and then having multiple of them shoot at your ass is the game telling you to stop trying to fight the whole city and try play an assassin. Though snark aside I think I can still understand the criticism. It's not that guns can kick your ass, it's _how_ they do it and how they affect combat flow. E.g. pretty asinine how they basically encourage you to run away but then punish you for it since you can't dodge out of combat. With better mechanics guns could still be a huge threath (as they should) but in a less disruptive manner. Imo however, if multiple enemies start shooting, you shouldn't even expect to be able to melee them all willy nilly. What kind of idiot brings a sword to a gun fight anyways? Retain the threath and encourage the player to use tools and clever evasive maneuvers instead of just reducing the enemies to stormtroopers with peashooters. Running away into the crowds of citizens should be effective for obvious reasons. Well, unless the guards are dicks who don't care about collateral damage.
@Prosecute-fauci 4 күн бұрын
It’s an idea that was good and has since run it’s course. It’s not that it is bad; it’s just boring.
@PatricSjoeoe 4 күн бұрын
AC Vikings is the worst of them. I liked the free world in Origins and Odyssey, but I miss the Desmond story
@gregpenismith1248 4 күн бұрын
It has always been bad. From the very first game.
@mattilanviripaja592 4 күн бұрын
People so busy to hate the story they forgot why tlou2 was one of the best games. Or mostly they didn't even played the game more than 2 hours because are so weak that cant handle one dead.
@silaskraft645 4 күн бұрын
For me it is AC Odyssey. It is the first AC game i stopped playing before the end. I really don't like the soulless and boring MC's in Odyssey and Valhalla. I don't have anything against a female protagonist but make her only female and write her as a woman and not a man with tits...