Complete MAD MAX Timeline Recapped
What CIVIL WAR Is Really About
What 28 DAYS LATER Is Really About
The History of Horror Movies
What THE EXORCIST Is Really About
Every SPIDER-MAN Movie Recapped
What TALK TO ME Is Really About
What INCEPTION Is Really About
What SUCCESSION Is Really About
What EVIL DEAD Is Really About
What ALIEN Is Really About
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What BATMAN Is Really About
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Important Announcement
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What JOHN WICK Is Really About
@ElizabethWilliamsBushey 3 сағат бұрын
I think Margot (Erin) got waved to safety by the rich woman as a motherly gesture, ultimately. Sort of a positive reflection of her husband’s ickiness.
@FiJi-vn1zc 3 сағат бұрын
To be in the matrix this robot gotta take ownership of everything first right?🤣
@CammieRacing 3 сағат бұрын
10:24 when you mention data privacy, thank you so much for not segwaying into a sponsor for a VPN!
@josephnofil3780 5 сағат бұрын
34:07 Best line in the entire franchise
@FiJi-vn1zc 5 сағат бұрын
Terminator first they kill all humans . matrix they have won the war know they have people in machines dreaming like dummys😂
@lobdsk 5 сағат бұрын
Thanks nerds now I get it
@HatakeLucas 5 сағат бұрын
I allways liked terminator Genesis
@Ihatetechnology 6 сағат бұрын
Unfortunately the minute you start marring the idea of civil war with civil unrest people laugh and make jokes like America doesn't have extremists.
@MrColimon25 6 сағат бұрын
The original planet of the apes is dark af.
@AJ-jq3hm 8 сағат бұрын
I'm betting if Americans remake this, they'll do it with a strong ugly black woman playing Martha, and a non binary Asian playing Jonas.
@Venera-14 9 сағат бұрын
I like how when he's talking about apes he talks like an ape
@tr7198 10 сағат бұрын
Whats funny is with the dumming down of humanity and cancel culture in 100 years from now people are going to believe this to be true
@tr7198 10 сағат бұрын
It's a question of why do we believe that apes would refer to themselves as apes. For the same reasoning do we believe they would need to speak to achieve intelligence in communication with each other. Much less a human language. Humans assume way too much. Ai as well why do we keep trying to recreate man I think we have enough human beings. Why not make robotic forms to cover areas of human short coming. Narrow areas or spaces under obtainable to man.
@brettb7221 10 сағат бұрын
The one thing that never made sense to me is that the time machine was destroyed after the resistance sent someone back. How did the 3rd and 4th person get sent back in the 2nd movie if the machine was destroyed?
@weatherlou 11 сағат бұрын
Interesting to see an analysis of a movie I’ve never seen…😊
@KenanVonKaiser 15 сағат бұрын
@cascadianrangers728 18 сағат бұрын
Oh I thought it was about killing all humans :(
@alanpiper3711 18 сағат бұрын
The newest entry in the series, absent from this video is the best one of all!!!!
@Devinisapimp2019 18 сағат бұрын
If you write good characters they will drive the story for you
@zouce 19 сағат бұрын
what pisses me off the most is that humans are also apes. So to not kill apes means to not kill humans either.
@user-dj3kt4pn8e 19 сағат бұрын
one of the greatest cinema character ever wrote!
@WaveDaSeaWing 20 сағат бұрын
Im commenting this before to say i dont know a thing bout Planet of the Apes so im watching this ima do an edit after finishing dis video Edit after watching Modern part : Dayum that was fire bro
@somethingclever8916 21 сағат бұрын
I saw it once. It was entertaining but not enough to watch again. I didnt think it was that deep
@javarielewis7257 Күн бұрын
5:33 yo can see the wire attached to the guy lol
@davidcole2814 Күн бұрын
Well done! 👍👍
@memedealer5044 Күн бұрын
The good terminator in T3 is actually a T-850
@thearturosbrisbane Күн бұрын
Well done! Awesome stuff 👌👍
@WallyZamwa Күн бұрын
I don't mean to seem cynical, but even as a child I realized quickly that it was earth all along. The apes speaks ENGLISH. They ride on horses. Use guns. You mean to tell me 3 astronauts couldn't figure that out?
@Sol-Cutta Күн бұрын
Rod 'twilight zone' serling wrote first planet script, it was rewritten by another guy then filmed.
@JohnDoe-de3km Күн бұрын
In the meantime, humans are inventing AI for real
@kwebb121765 Күн бұрын
It surprises me that Apes and 2001 were released in the same year, yet Apes received an Oscar for its ape make-up, and not 2001, which seemed to me to have much more realistic make-up.
@Cinnabar_and_Chalcanthite Күн бұрын
Ironic, trying to escape racism, seeming to embrace evolution, they create a caste based system once more founded upon skin color. Gorillas are generally very passive and gentle unless being threatened. It's Chimpanzees, the ones the most like us that are incredibly violent and dangerous, no matter how many diapers, pretty dresses and flowers we put on them. Of course, there are the hated, supremacist pale, blond/red corrupt politicians/ departmental heads as seen from Western, outdated racist value systems. I didn't realize how much Hollywood has been pushing their agenda on us, manipulating political factions for as long as it has until I see this and think of all the 70's and 60's shows I grew up idolizing. Hate humans and human behavior/destructive tendencies while filling the pockets of oil and special interests, lobbyists, etc. Virtue signaling at it's finest.
@jcrc1717 Күн бұрын
What changed was the creators failing to let the show end as intended.
@Yutii-The-Yutyrannus Күн бұрын
I hate the fact that you’re calling the fauna of skull island by the completely wrong names. Like, the giant water buffalo is not a goat bro. Aside from that, good video.
@ChristopherKindred-es3be Күн бұрын
I haven't heard the director say that CIVIL WAR is apolitical. The plot does not attempt to blame one side or the other. While the President becomes an autocrat, the film does not make it clear that he did so PRIOR to the war. When APOCALYPSE NOW was released, it was a statement about the horrors of war. And yet, it was a contemporary retelling of HEART OF DARKNESS, a colonial era story written by Joseph Conrad, about a soldier sent to Africa to assassinate a crazed Colonel Kurtz. The journalists in CIVIL WAR embark on a journey together to document the action. But they are ambitious and motivated to get the hardest story available. Creating a state where journalists are murdered makes for high stakes drama. Story-telling 101. It is definitely a callback to old school journalism, where news was news and not news commentary. I admit, I long for the days of Walter Cronkite struggling not to be impressed by the first moon landing or show his pain at the sheer numbers of soldiers dying in Vietnam. There are precious few outlets for fair news reporting.They're out there,,,all three or four of them. But they're not on cable. I saw CIVIL WAR two times. I looked for Easter eggs and other clues that suggested why this war was happening... What started it. There are none that I can easily find.. There is much to explain recent events that setup how these particular forces are moving of the fact that division and frustration have led to conflict. But CIVIL WAR does a good job of avoiding laying blame politically or socially. Still, to say apolitical is a misnomer. There is political action in the film, but it is neutered by a plot focused on truth and not spin. The whole THEY'RE SHOOTING AT US, WE'RE SHOOT AT THEM vibe may make the key point of the entire film; namely, that any civil war in America would be terrible. A civil war in the States would quickly devolve into an u directed fight for survival, resulting in people along the same sociopolitical lines killing each other out of fear or betrayal or a fight for resources. American civil war is maddness! We may never get there, hopefully. But if we get close, my hope is that we decide that the UNITED in United States is something more valuable and worthy to pursue than whether or not our candidate is in office.
@nandha2464 Күн бұрын
Pls do more recaps dont stop
@vdb000 Күн бұрын
anyone notice in the 2011 remake theres news reports of a spaceship taking off into space and towards the end theres newspapers of it missing, and now with the franchise continuing I think the next movie is gonna be about the missing spaceship landing and be the remake of the original 1968 and the one with mark walbherg but we don’t talk ab that one😂 hopefully in the remake they do it better.
@josephestrada982 23 сағат бұрын
@EastyEnt3 Күн бұрын
I do things like this with all movies that a sequel or a prequel lol this is great
@morlockmeat Күн бұрын
Ya just can't beat a gorilla smoking a cigar...🦍 I remember when this movie came out and it was considered shocking and disturbing.
@paulzenco6182 Күн бұрын
Zombies. Next question.
@oucquan2436 Күн бұрын
funny how the human got a devolution into primate and slowly evolve back with agriculture and farming like the early human, and the ape just went on and repeat the same human mistake with religion
@Mexmex1975 Күн бұрын
You did not explain anything. You narrated the storyline from the best to the worst sequels ever.
@arnecruz Күн бұрын
Nobody cares about Furiosa. Mad Max made Mel Gibson a star. Furiosa wasbinteresting because she was introduced in a movie entitled Mad Max. Not Furiosa. Furiosa is trash.
@basedonme Күн бұрын
Idk how i should feel after watching the whole series
@gavalon01 Күн бұрын
I’m convinced that the Max in Fury Road is one of the children he rescued and that he became max in honour of his saviour.
@WaveDaSeaWing Күн бұрын
“Mommy its a Gangster!” “Im not a gangster kid” “But your BLA-“
@subz3ro43 Күн бұрын
Good thing he isn’t real if he was I wouldn’t work
@SBrundle Күн бұрын
A common mistake-the ape society didn’t evolve from normal apes. They’re humans who *devolved*, presumably due to atomic fallout.
@leadfoot1879 Күн бұрын
Push me...shove you! Oh yeah, says who?
@leadfoot1879 Күн бұрын
I remember the Night Rider!