Eine Märchenstunde für Gross und Klein. 🌺 Viel Spass beim Hören, Träumen und Erinnern. Alles Liebe und bis zum nächsten Mal. Eure Sandra
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp7 күн бұрын
Tonight we relax into our breath ... letting go of the day that we had so far ... going into stillness ... and into an inner journey ... to an island where there is no responsibility... and there ... is a pond of stillness ... where we take a bath ... a rejuvenating and energising bath ... and then? ... we enjoy the silence ... does that sound like something you would like to experience? ... want to know more about that? ... just listen to my voice and enjoy! 🌺 Have a fantastic session and an even more wonderful week. Love, Sandra
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp10 күн бұрын
Lass mich wissen was deine Interpretation der Geschichte ist. Viel Spass beim hören, träumen, suchen und finden. Bis demnächst. Liebe Grüsse Sandra
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp12 күн бұрын
Wie fandest du die Geschichte? Was möchtest du zurücklassen? 🌺 Viel Spass beim hören, träumen, suchen und finden. Bis demnächst. Liebe Grüsse Sandra
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp14 күн бұрын
🌺Tonight we relax into our breath ... letting go of the day that we had so far ... going into stillness ... deepening the stillness even more by becoming aware that awareness is a skill ... I share 3 ways to awareness ... and all lead to stillness and your meditation practice as your deepest teacher ... and then? ... we enjoy the silence ... does that sound like something you would like to experience? ... want to know more about that? ... just listen to my voice and enjoy! 🌺 Have a fantastic session and an even more wonderful week. Love, Sandra
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp15 күн бұрын
In dieser Meditation möchte ich dich einladen eine vermeintliche Schwäche in eine Stärke zu verwandeln. 🌺 Nimm deine bevorzugte Meditationsposition ein, so dass du dich für die nächsten Minuten problemlos und mit Genuss konzentrieren kannst. Werde dir bewusst, dass du atmest … & lass los ... 🌺 Viel Spass beim Hören, Träumen und Erinnern Alles Liebe und bis zum nächsten Mal, Eure Sandra
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp21 күн бұрын
🌺 Tonight we relax into our breath ... letting go of the day that we had so far ... going into stillness ... we make a conscious choice to BE HERE NOW ... being fully present ... expanding into the present moment brings up possibilities ... and therefore, we create our future by being fully HERE AND NOW ... and then? ... we enjoy the silence ... does that sound like something you would like to experience? ... want to know more about that? ... just listen to my voice and enjoy! 🌺 Have a fantastic session and an even more wonderful week. Love, Sandra
@SandraSallerBaziFengShui22 күн бұрын
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp26 күн бұрын
🌺 Tonight we relax into our breath ... letting go of the day that we had so far ... going into stillness ... letting go of everything else ... then we inhale peace and bliss ... share that with the world ... and place ourselves into a beautiful calm and healing bubble of golden light ... and then? ... we enjoy the silence ... does that sound like something you would like to experience? ... want to know more about that? ... just listen to my voice and enjoy! 🌺 Have a fantastic session and an even more wonderful week. Love, Sandra
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp28 күн бұрын
🌺 Tonight we relax into our body ... letting go of the day that we had so far ... going into stillness ... watching our favourite lake changing over time while still remaining its own true nature ... just like us ... observing all the changes around us, while still being our own true self as well ... and then? ... we enjoy the silence ... does that sound like something you would like to experience? ... want to know more about that? ... just listen to my voice and enjoy! 🌺 Have a fantastic session and an even more wonderful week. Love, Sandra
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4ypАй бұрын
🌺 Tonight we relax into our breath ... letting go of the day that we had so far ... going into stillness ... realising that we don't have to look outside of us to find what we need or want ... as everything we seek is already within us ... we simply have to let go the barriers we have created to prevent us from all of that ... and then? ... we enjoy the silence ... does that sound like something you would like to experience? ... want to know more about that? ... just listen to my voice and enjoy! 🌺 Have a fantastic session and an even more wonderful week. Love, Sandra
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4ypАй бұрын
🌺 Tonight we relax into our breath ... letting go of the day that we had so far ... going into stillness ... letting go of everything else ... then we inhale peace and bliss ... share that with the world ... and place ourselves into a beautiful calm and healing bubble of golden light ... and then? ... we enjoy the silence ... does that sound like something you would like to experience? ... want to know more about that? ... just listen to my voice and enjoy! 🌺 Have a fantastic session and an even more wonderful week. Love, Sandra
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4ypАй бұрын
🌺 Tonight we relax into our breath and body ... letting go of the day that we had so far ... going into stillness ... reminding ourselves that every thought and every action shapes our reality ... hence we actually create our reality ... where we put our attention and energy on will manifest ... so let's create with intention and shape our lives for the best of everyone involved ... and then? ... we enjoy the silence ... does that sound like something you would like to experience? ... want to know more about that? ... just listen to my voice and enjoy! 🌺 Have a fantastic session and an even more wonderful week. Love, Sandra 🌺
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp2 ай бұрын
🌺 Tonight we relax into our breath ... letting go of the day that we had so far ... going into stillness ... listening to sounds ... acknowledging the importance of clear and flowing communication ... balancing our throat chakra to lovingly speak our truth ... and then? ... we enjoy the silence ... does that sound like something you would like to experience? ... want to know more about that? ... just listen to my voice and enjoy! 🌺 Have a fantastic session and an even more wonderful week. Love, Sandra
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp2 ай бұрын
🌺Tonight we relax into our breath ... letting go of the day that we had so far ... going into stillness ... reminding ourselves of our connection with Mother Earth... becoming aware of our inner strength ... of the natural state of feeling safe and secure ... something we all crave to feel ... ankering that feeling into our system ... and then? ... we enjoy the silence ... does that sound like something you would like to experience? ... want to know more about that? ... just listen to my voice and enjoy! 🌺Have a fantastic session and an even more wonderful week. Love, Sandra
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp2 ай бұрын
Tonight we relax into our breath ... letting go of the day that we had so far ... going into stillness ... becoming aware of how our attachment to a possible outcome can seriously prevent us from happiness or success ... how we sometimes create our reality from an outdated belief, which made that attachment ... and how to let that go and create new ... and then? ... enjoy the silence ... does that sound like something you would like to experience? ... want to know more about that? ... just listen to my voice and enjoy!! Let's get started.
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp3 ай бұрын
Tonight we relax into our body ... letting go of the day that we had so far ... going into stillness ... relax & connect into our body ... starting a mindful journey into calm while becoming more and more aware of the present moment ... and then? ... we enjoy the silence ... does that sound like something you would like to experience? ... want to know more about that? ... just listen to my voice and enjoy! 🌺 Have a fantastic session and an even more wonderful week. Love, Sandra
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp3 ай бұрын
Tonight we relax into our breath ... letting go of the day that we had so far ... going into stillness ... recalling an argument, a discussion or simply a situation where we wished we handled it differently ... observing the situation ... watching it like a movie ... noticing what really happened ... and recognising a way to actually change our future ... through our changed future reaction ... and then? ... enjoy the silence ... does that sound like something you would like to experience? ... want to know more about that? ... just listen to my voice and enjoy!! Let's get started.
@Miss_Inglink3 ай бұрын
...oder salopp: "Mach' dir keine Gedanken über ungelegte Eier!" wie meine Freundin zu sagen pflegt😅
@Miss_Inglink3 ай бұрын
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp3 ай бұрын
Vielen herzlichen Dank ... schön, dass es dir gefällt. Liebe Grüsse, Sandra
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp3 ай бұрын
Tonight we relax into our breath ... letting go of the day that we had so far ... going into stillness ... and as we are watching our breath, we also become aware of how we sometimes create obstacles just with our thoughts ... so, how can we let that go? ... follow me ... and then? ... enjoy the silence ... does that sound like something you would like to experience? ... want to know more about that? ... just listen to my voice and enjoy! 🌺 Have a fantastic session and an even more wonderful week. Love, Sandra
@deniseh.46113 ай бұрын
Es war sehr sehr schön, vielen Dank🙏🌞
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp3 ай бұрын
@deniseh.4611 vielen herzlichen Dank ... das bedeutet mir sehr viel ... hab einen wunderschönen Tag und lieben Gruss, Sandra 🙏💖
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp3 ай бұрын
Der Meister eines Tempels hatte einen jungen Schützling bei sich aufgenommen. Dieser Junge beobachtete den Alltag des Tempels genau ... 🌺 Viel Spass beim hören, träumen, suchen und finden. Bis demnächst. Liebe Grüsse Sandra
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp3 ай бұрын
🌺 Tonight we relax into our breath ... letting go of the day that we had so far ... going into stillness ... creating a beautiful space around us ... for us and the whole planet ... then we create a field of love and joy within us ... letting go of all that is not serving us anymore ... and then? ... we enjoy the silence ... does that sound like something you would like to experience? ... want to know more about that? ... just listen to my voice and enjoy! 🌺 Have a fantastic session and an even more wonderful week. Love, Sandra
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp4 ай бұрын
Mit Hilfe dieser Achtsamkeits-Übung werden wir eine Pause vom Standardmodus einlegen. Wir werden dem gegenwärtigen Moment und all den Gedanken und vielleicht sogar Sorgen durch Ablenkung entfliehen. Und vielleicht möchtest du am Ende gleich in einen heilenden, erfrischenden Schlaf übergehen. Geniesse es. 🌺 🌺 Viel Spass beim Hören, Träumen und Erinnern Alles Liebe und bis zum nächsten Mal, Eure Sandra
@HeikeRebettge4 ай бұрын
Der hatte sicher auch einen Hairdresser für 300 Euro am Tage.
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp4 ай бұрын
🤣🤣🤣Gaaaanz bestimmt ...
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp4 ай бұрын
Vor vielen Jahren lebte ein Kaiser, der so ungeheuer viel auf neue Kleider hielt, daß er all sein Geld dafür ausgab, um recht geputzt zu sein. Er kümmerte sich nicht um seine Soldaten, kümmerte sich nicht um das Theater und liebte es nicht, spazieren zu fahren, außer um seine neuen Kleider zu zeigen ... 🌺 Märchenstunde für Gross und Klein 🌺 Viel Spass beim Hören, Träumen und Erinnern. Alles Liebe und bis zum nächsten Mal. Eure Sandra
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp4 ай бұрын
Die Teetasse - eine Zen Geschichte (mit Kommentar) 🌺 Ein Gelehrter besuchte einen Meister mit der Absicht, etwas über Zen zu erfahren … 🌺 Viel Spass beim hören, träumen, suchen und finden. Bis demnächst. Liebe Grüsse Sandra
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp4 ай бұрын
Tonight we relax into our breath ... letting go of the day that we had so far ... going into stillness ... realising that the main reason why we are feeling stuck is that we have lost the connection to the here and now ... in the here and now I never feel stuck ... right here, right now - all is good ... and then? ... we enjoy the silence ... does that sound like something you would like to experience? ... want to know more about that? ... just listen to my voice and enjoy! 🌺 Have a fantastic session and an even more wonderful week. Love, Sandra
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp4 ай бұрын
Dies ist eine Atemtechnik die du zum leichteren einschlafen oder in einer stressigen Situation anwenden kannst. 🌺 Wenn du dich unruhig fühlst, dann setz oder leg dich hin (ich persönlich bevorzuge es aufrecht zu sitzen) und spüre deinen Atem. Einfach so wie er ist. Lass alles was während deines Tages passiert ist draussen ausserhalb dieses Raumes in dem du dich befindest. Lass es vor der Türe. Lass alles andere los und lass die Ruhe zu dir kommen. 🌺 🌺Viel Spass und bis zum nächsten Mal. Alles Liebe, Sandra
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp4 ай бұрын
🌺 Genieße die Fahrt, die Landschaft, den wiegenden Rhythmus des Zuges. Genieße genau diesen Moment, jetzt. Genieße die Ruhe. Dein wahres Ziel. Der einzige Moment, in dem das Glück lebt. Der einzige Moment, in dem Zufriedenheit lebt. Wo Du hingehörst. Genieße es! 🌺 Viel Spass beim Hören, Träumen und Erinnern. Alles Liebe und bis zum nächsten Mal. Eure Sandra
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp4 ай бұрын
Die Zwerchfellatmung ist eine großartige Technik, die sowohl zur Entspannung als auch zur Schmerzbehandlung eingesetzt wird. Du kannst dich entweder aufrecht in Meditationshaltung hinsetzen oder dich auf den Rücken auf den Boden legen. Auf dem Boden liegend ist für den Anfang erst einmal einfacher. Leg deine Hände auf deine Vorderseite. Eine Hand auf das Brustbein und die andere auf den Bauch, so wie du es abgebildet siehst. Diese Technik kann zu einer großen Hilfe werden, um Anspannung aus Situationen und deinem Körper zu nehmen, indem du dein Zwerchfell für die Atmung stärker beanspruchst als deine Nackenmuskulatur. Genieße die Entspannung. Viel Spaß beim Üben. 🌺
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp4 ай бұрын
🌺Tonight we relax into our breath ... letting go of the day that we had so far ... going into stillness ... becoming aware of how we sometimes project into the future or cling onto the past ... and the only time when miracles happen actually is the here and now ... because NOW is our time ... and then? ... we enjoy the silence ... does that sound like something you would like to experience? ... want to know more about that? ... just listen to my voice and enjoy! 🌺 Have a fantastic session and an even more wonderful week. Love, Sandra
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp4 ай бұрын
Ich freu mich sehr dass du hier bist. 🌺 Mach es dir gemütlich. 🌺 Und jetzt. Werde dir bewusst, dass du atmest. 🌺 Spüre den Atem. So wie er ist. Wir verändern nichts. Beobachte wie du atmest. Atem geschieht. Lass es geschehen. Während unserer Zeit hier in der Meditation gibt es keine Vergangenheit, keine Zukunft, nichts wofür du Verantwortung übernehmen müsstest. Hier darfst du einfach nur sein. 🌺 Du bist genug, warst es schon immer, und wirst es sicherlich auch immer sein. Lass diese Erkenntnis liebevoll einsinken und mach es zu deinem Mantra. 🌺 Viel Spass beim Hören, Träumen und Erinnern. Alles Liebe und bis zum nächsten Mal. Eure Sandra
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp4 ай бұрын
Tonight we relax into our breath ... letting go of the day that we had so far ... going into stillness ... letting go of everything else ... before we take a ride on a train into the here and now ... the only time where happiness and contentment exist ... noticing how liberating letting go and moving on can be ... and then? ... we enjoy the silence ... does that sound like something you would like to experience? ... want to know more about that? ... just listen to my voice and enjoy! 🌺 Have a fantastic session and an even more wonderful week. Love, Sandra
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp4 ай бұрын
Welches Märchen oder welche Geschichte möchtest du als nächstes hören? Märchenstunde für Gross und Klein 🌺 Viel Spass beim Hören, Träumen und Erinnern Alles Liebe und bis zum nächsten Mal, Eure Sandra
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp5 ай бұрын
Was wäre, wenn wir ganz grundsätzlich davon ausgehen würden, dass alles gut ist und genau richtig läuft? Was würde das an deiner Sichtweise der Dinge, Menschen und Erlebnissen in deinem Leben ändern? Dies ist deine Stille, deine Perspektive. Und du kannst sie jederzeit ändern. Du hast die Wahl … jederzeit. 🌺 Willkommen zu dieser Meditation mit mir - Sandra - damit du dich besser entspannen kannst. Loslassen und wohlfühlen, das ist mein Motto hier. 🌺 Viel Spass und bis zum nächsten Mal. Alles Liebe, Sandra
@HalleyStar12345 ай бұрын
Excellent meditation excellent pacing and tone I was A clinica. L hypnotherapist and I taught meditation years ago.You are fabulous and wonderful find God bless you❤❤❤
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp5 ай бұрын
@donnak5058 Thank you so much ... that is so wonderful to hear ... I am glad you find that ... very grateful for your comment ... 💖💖💖... have a fabulous day. Big hugs, Sandra 🙏
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp5 ай бұрын
Tonight we relax into our breath ... letting go of the day that we had so far ... going into stillness ... relaxing our body ... and visiting our favourite beach and island ... the one where there is no memory of the past ... no concerns about the future ... and no responsibility ... and then? ... we enjoy the silence ... does that sound like something you would like to experience? ... want to know more about that? ... just listen to my voice and enjoy! 🌺Have a fantastic session and an even more wonderful week. Love, Sandra🌺
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp5 ай бұрын
Schön, dass du hier bist. Diese Meditation, auch Goldlichtmeditation genannt, ist darauf ausgelegt, Bewusstsein und innere Ruhe zu entwickeln. Sie wird verwendet, um unter anderem eine leuchtende Aura zu entwickeln, eine Aura des Schutzes und der Gesundheit, eine heilende Präsenz. 🌺 In dieser Meditation verwenden wir Elemente des QiGong. QiGong ist die Kunst, den Energiefluss im Körper mithilfe des Geistes zu steuern. Lass dich einfach darauf ein und geniesse die Innere Ruhe und Erholung, die du spüren wirst. 🌺 Ich wünsche dir eine wunderschöne Meditation. Und bis zum nächsten Mal. Alles Liebe, Sandra
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp5 ай бұрын
🌺 Tonight we relax into our breath ... letting go of the day that we had so far ... going into stillness ... letting go of everything else ... finding our way to imperfect perfection, where happiness lives ... and then? ... we enjoy the silence ... does that sound like something you would like to experience? ... want to know more about that? ... just listen to my voice and enjoy! 🌺 Have a fantastic session and an even more wonderful week. Love, Sandra 🌺
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp5 ай бұрын
Hallo und Willkommen, ich freue mich sehr, dass du hier bist, zu dieser Meditation mit mir - Sandra. Geniesse deinen Tag. Lass die Klarheit und Ruhe zu dir kommen. Wie wenn der Schnee in einer geschüttelten Schneekugel sich langsam wieder setzt und das volle Bild sichtbar wird. 🌺 Viel Spass und schön dass du hier bist. Alles Liebe, Sandra
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp5 ай бұрын
Tonight we relax into our breath ... letting go of the day that we had so far ... going into stillness ... and to a place of serenity... before we bring our attention to our 5 Yin Organs, which are our storage organs, our batteries so to speak ... and energise them with some beautiful light visualisation ... and then? ... we enjoy the silence ... does that sound like something you would like to experience? ... want to know more about that? ... just listen to my voice and enjoy!
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp5 ай бұрын
Hallo und Willkommen ich freue mich sehr, dass du hier bist, zu dieser Meditation mit mir - Sandra - damit du dich besser entspannen kannst. Lass alles los. Genieße die Ruhe und Klarheit. Genieße Deinen Tag. 🌺 Viel Spass und schön dass du hier bist. Alles Liebe, Sandra 🌺
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp5 ай бұрын
Tonight we relax into our breath ... letting go of the day that we had so far ... going into stillness ... reminding ourselves of all the beauty in nature ... calling them in and letting go of toxins and negativity ... then ... visualising ourselves being protected, energised and nourished by an egg of healing golden light ... resting in that beautiful energy ... and then? ... we enjoy the silence ... does that sound like something you would like to experience? ... want to know more about that? ... just listen to my voice and enjoy! 🌺 Have a fantastic session and an even more wonderful week. Love, Sandra 🌺
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp6 ай бұрын
Hallo und Willkommen zu dieser Meditation mit mir - Sandra - die dir mehr Klarheit geben wird, und mehr Ruhe in deinem Kopf. Loslassen und Wohlfühlen. Viel Spass und schön dass du hier bist. Alles Liebe, Sandra
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp6 ай бұрын
Hallo und Willkommen zu dieser Meditation mit mir - Sandra - damit du dich besser entspannen kannst. Loslassen und wohlfühlen, das ist mein Motto hier. 🌺 Viel Spass und schön dass du hier bist. Alles Liebe, Sandra
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp6 ай бұрын
🌺 Tonight we relax into our breath ... letting go of the day that we had so far ... going into stillness ... reminding us how important it is to fill our own cup first ... before we share our loving kindness and our compassion with and for others ... and then? ... we enjoy the silence ... does that sound like something you would like to experience? ... want to know more about that? ... just listen to my voice and enjoy! 🌺
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp6 ай бұрын
🌺Tonight we relax into our breath ... letting go of the day that we had so far ... going into stillness ... speaking the Metta (Compassion) sentences for ourselves ... being kind to ourselves ... reminding ourselves of our basic needs ... and then? ... we enjoy the silence ... does that sound like something you would like to experience? ... want to know more about that? ... just listen to my voice and enjoy! 🌺
@MondayMindfulnessMembers-sr4yp6 ай бұрын
🌺 Tonight we relax into our breath ... letting go of the day that we had so far ... going into stillness ... letting our awareness wander around our body ... using that to come into the moment ... to come into even deeper stillness ... and then? ... we enjoy the silence ... does that sound like something you would like to experience? ... want to know more about that? ... just listen to my voice and enjoy! 🌺