Meditation and Mindfulness to Handle Life
Stuck in the Same Loop Year After Year
Ignorance is Bliss
16 сағат бұрын
I'm Not Depressed, I'm Just a Realist
19 сағат бұрын
Is Enlightenment Possible
Күн бұрын
Is it Time to Check Out?
Күн бұрын
Nothing Matters in Life
Күн бұрын
My Thoughts on Censorship
14 күн бұрын
Life is Mainly Pain and Suffering
Why is Humanity so Stupid
14 күн бұрын
Why I Can't Trust Anyone Anymore
Life is Only About Getting Things Done
Staying Sane in an Insane World
21 күн бұрын
The World is Getting Angrier
21 күн бұрын
Old Age is Not for Sissies
Why I Won't Work 9-5 Ever Again!
What Does the Truth Mean to You?
@marcK599. 23 минут бұрын
There is a god
@eighteenin78 50 минут бұрын
Maybe we have taken it for granted how lucky we have had it until recently. I am not saying everyone has had it good, but generally speaking... times have been good. I used to live near High Park. Which park are you in?
@klarad3978 3 сағат бұрын
Every living thing on the entire planet is constantly fluctuating between suffering and brief moments of respite. And then death. It is what it is.
@steffenseibertt4496 4 сағат бұрын
I'm sorry, but I've rarely seen such a whiner. Life is a gift and if you are not able to enjoy it and show gratitude, it is your own fault. Everyone can find a job that they enjoy; there are almost endless ways to earn money. Life is beautiful and there is a lot to discover and experience. The art of doing things that you enjoy, facing your fears, gaining new experiences and, above all, not letting negative people influence you.
@FreedomNick-ye2hh 2 сағат бұрын
Oh here comes the "life is a gift" troll LMAO 😂 Your stick stuck in the matrix plus I've heard it all before so your comment is nothing new. Thanks for stopping by.
@idxstudios 5 сағат бұрын
musad had involvment
@idxstudios 5 сағат бұрын
Stand down orders all day long...they knew..pushed the patriots act...
@idxstudios 5 сағат бұрын
There are pictures of large covered containers being removed from the pentagon after the fact. Sec of defense rumsfeld was assisting removing the debris. Chenney rumsfeld where the key players
@idxstudios 5 сағат бұрын
Drones existed in the 60s
@MidWestWaters345 6 сағат бұрын
My only question is why do people die. Why is there an end? And how does this bring value or why do we say life i sacred and if life is sacred than how so? Im looking for a reason to continue therein.
@RayT70 6 сағат бұрын
Brother, what you are describing is the curse of atheism. When the truth is rejected, all you are left with are lies. It's bleak.
@Ashlee-hh6di 6 сағат бұрын
Oh no, rich people have it easy. I say that bc yes they may have their own problems, BUT they have money to feed themselves, get their health taken care of; MONEY solves a lot of problems. Ill take the issues that having money comes with over my issues due to not having money-any day of the week.
@Ashlee-hh6di 6 сағат бұрын
I am MISERABLE. I think of crossing over DAILY. I have a husband, daughter, and dog that would be devastated if I left. However, it’s becoming increasingly more painful to be here on this GD planet and i feel as though I’m getting closer to ending it. I CANT successfully work a 9-5, I am going more into debt, will be homeless if my husband finally decides he can’t do it enough to actually quit (as I have), I just can’t…..And yeah, now and for some time, have believed there is no benevolent god. There’s too much darkness and pain and suffering for anyone to care about us. Even if we ARE sovereign beings that created this universe, fuck that. I’m not to the point of giving up entirely yet, but I am SO close. I hurt, I cry, and I think about taking myself over every goddamn day. More and more KZbin’s videos are popping up expressing this same sentiment… I would love for all of us to stop working and stop shopping, shut the world down on OUR terms, not their terms. But there’s no way in fucking hell I could start something like that. Im not OK today (as evidenced by this furious diatribe) and I dont know if I ever will be.
@994pt4 7 сағат бұрын
Because they have no fking imagination. Do they realize how much incredible art, poetry, literature, philosophy, film, etc exists in this world. How much nature. How much language. How much physical exercise. NO? What do they want?...another cheap FKING DISTRACTION from the corporate machine? People are not enjoying their human experience because they lack imagination, wonder, self-discipline, etc....they are SOULESS!
@edrepard 7 сағат бұрын
10 guys have more wealth than the bottom 90 so keep voting for tax breaks for these ghouls.
@joeme 7 сағат бұрын
As long as those that get the tax breaks are paying for the election us regular folks are screwed. The UAW gave us the blueprint . . . Huge profits. Huge bone us money. Huge dividend payments. Got to give that away, now if we can just get rid of the burden of labor PAYROLL we could open another bank account!! Go ahead, pull the party lever to syndicate the poop show you are all crying about.
@Indrid__Cold 8 сағат бұрын
The next reality after death may be even worse. Maybe reincarnation is the answer and you get to be born as a legless dwarf who then is horribly burned in a fire and disfigured so badly no one wants to look at him. Or you come back as a rhesus monkey that is tortured in a lab to see how much pain it can endure. Or maybe you are reborn as a billionaire who has a brainstem stroke resulting in locked-in syndrome. The bottom line is there are always those in worse circumstances. We each deal with our own little hell.
@Indrid__Cold 8 сағат бұрын
The universe is deterministic. It's godless, and neutral, and defined only by physical laws.
@doesnotFempute 9 сағат бұрын
ok, I'm really not being snarky, just trying to understand. You can subscribe to the concept that we live in a simulation or matrix, but not the idea of a Creator? Or is it just the concept of organized religion as it currently exists, with which you can't get on board? You don't need to conform to anyone else's idea of spirituality in order to form your own relationship with your higher power - whether you believe that to be a diety, just "the universe," or whatever else you feel led to. But if you begin building that relationship and you start asking questions, you will get answers. You will begin to see signs and gifts everywhere you go. You will feel the undeniable proof that we all exist for a purpose. Your existential dread will dissipate. I've worked in the mortuary field, at a high volume facility, for years. I've seen a lot of things that nobody should ever have to experience. If anyone should be contemplating the idea of ultimate nothingness and futility of life, it's my coworkers and I. But our experience has brought us all closer to spirituality. I was not raised religious at all. But I am now, because no can no longer deny our Creator. There are no coincidences. I hope you start feeling better soon, my friend.
@FelixLanzalaco 9 сағат бұрын
the strange thing is after 20 years of following conspiracy theorists and various redpill people. They never shed any truth on anything. None of their predictions came true. And they couldnt lay out anything in a logical and falsifibale method for forensic or scientific analysis. They liked the sound of the dark narrative they heard. I mean it was a grudging liking but they took it rather than anything else or just admit life is fairly random and uncaring and no-one is in control. At the end of the day they liked the sound of their own dark narrative. But the question is why, why did they want this narrative over all others ? Is it something about them ? And as you start your journey into this territory in public you are going to find people asking this of you. Why do you want this type of narrative ? Why dont you use scientific analysis to figure if what you think is true or not in regard to conspiracy thinking. The answer is because you darent set out any objective method that risks finding out its not true. You got to your 40s and slowly adopted this frame of mind, its you now, so nothing is going to stop it now. It has meaning because you made it yours. So its a choice, a hard path you arent going to stray from.. and then the question is what is it about you personally that chooses it over all others ? You will find that conspiracy theories dont stand up to any scientific scrutiny (aside from the handful of real ones we uncovered), but adopting them is not about objective analysis... Its a belief that one makes true for oneself, its a path about the meaning of control and power itself, control and power one craves and cannot attain. But you need that control to be true.. so its a path one adopts that accords to something unsatisfied in ones inner self.
@misantropiabr 9 сағат бұрын
You are special, you are going to the island.
@misantropiabr 9 сағат бұрын
I brought 2 to this world and i regret.
@misantropiabr 10 сағат бұрын
A Sony Ps5 costs around 5kBRL ( arround 900 USD)in Brazil. Minimun wage over here arround 300 USD per month, for the most salary is less than 500 USD per month Enjoy slave day.
@misantropiabr 10 сағат бұрын
Shit wage everywhere . Hi from brazil. Enjoy labour day.
@FreedomNick-ye2hh 2 сағат бұрын
Seja bem-vindo!
@misantropiabr 10 сағат бұрын
Hi from brazil, in absolut numbers i think we are First in murder. It can be for anything for example for steal of an old Android phone on streets. We are First in consume tax rate as well.
@kevinc2821 10 сағат бұрын
Your classes were cancelled? Lucky
@JenM.-sp4ll 11 сағат бұрын
Weird. It says there are 17 comments but only 9 are showing up. I'm a comments person. I love reading people's comments and commenting sometimes.
@FreedomNick-ye2hh 2 сағат бұрын
I can see them all. I never delete the comments.
@TheImportantQuestion-cc4ow 11 сағат бұрын
I’m living proof that everything you say is wrong.
@FreedomNick-ye2hh 2 сағат бұрын
Ok, care to elaborate?
@TheImportantQuestion-cc4ow Сағат бұрын
@@FreedomNick-ye2hh Sure, later tonight. I’m busy having fun right now. Check back in an hour. Unless you decide to “end it all” Then I’ll contact you by Ouija Board. Funny thing, “Thinking outside of the box” was a hoot coming from a guy speaking from a coffin. Gotta get cat food. Be back.
@TheImportantQuestion-cc4ow 40 минут бұрын
@@FreedomNick-ye2hh O.K. back home from the carnival. How may I be of assistance? In your opinion.😂
@TheImportantQuestion-cc4ow 38 минут бұрын
Step it up kid. I’m old. This may be my final act of “good will”. Let’s go!
@TheImportantQuestion-cc4ow 33 минут бұрын
@@FreedomNick-ye2hh C’mon kid, first question. Ask it.
@LetterBeeze 12 сағат бұрын
What if? What if God really isn't here because the melinial reign has already happened? What if we are currently living in Satans little season? It would make everything make sense
@patpatterson9719 12 сағат бұрын
By the way if you have the means to support one and the compassion and loving your heart think about adopting a dog from a shelter or a rescue. It will change your life. They are such loving wonderful companions. I get endless joy from my little rescue dog.
@patpatterson9719 12 сағат бұрын
Oh man I'm so sorry to hear you don't believe in God. All of this is foretold in The book of Revelations. From physical phenomena like the drying up of Euphrates, wars and rumors of wars, and the branding poverty you're discussing. There's so much more to existence than the material things in front of your face. I hope you find the Lord Jesus it's amazing the peace I have even in this dystopian fallen insane world.
@misantropiabr 13 сағат бұрын
In one way or another people dont stay around if you got no money .
@misantropiabr 13 сағат бұрын
Money is never enough, better give up this mice run.
@misantropiabr 13 сағат бұрын
Life sucks, If you are not suffering, Just wait time comes.
@lynfoster7870 14 сағат бұрын
Satan control our world for a time because he tell the creator he can do a better job so the creator say show me
@ERNIE555 8 сағат бұрын
So if anyone questions your ability to be a good mother , you let your kids get raped and tortured to proof a point. Kind of sick
@lynfoster7870 14 сағат бұрын
Our heavenly Father we know that Satan has done a great job but your word exposed him so that we would never be deceived help us to have boldness when we come before thee because of what the blood of Jesus done for us by your grace help us to join the great worshipers like Job and Abraham we pray in Jesus name amen
@lynfoster7870 14 сағат бұрын
We were made to worship Jehovah God the Bible is our manual if u buy a car u get a manual
@esther.f.g 14 сағат бұрын
could you make a video with the alternative media sources that you watch? thank you
@FreedomNick-ye2hh 2 сағат бұрын
Thanks for the suggestion. I will take it into consideration.
@pigsinpyjamas9410 14 сағат бұрын
A few years ago I became bored with the commercialisation of holidays. (New year, Valentine day, summer holiday, Halloween, bonfire night, Christmas, repeat). Then you have to do a soul sucking job to pay for it all and appear ‘normal’. I’m bored of the same loop but not sure how to escape.
@FreedomNick-ye2hh 2 сағат бұрын
Amen to that!
@garibaldi54 15 сағат бұрын
Oh dear, thought this was a philosophy channel turns out its just another nutty conspiracy theorist. You realise how many 1000's of people would have to be involved to pull off an event on this scale? I guess its lucky that every single one of them who were approached was cool with being involved in killing 1000's of people and not a single one of them tried to whistle blow? Take a shot every time you say "I've heard" or "Apparently 'they' say..." Lol I look forward to your next videos on chemtrails, lizard people and flat earth.
@ladyville3 15 сағат бұрын
Why do I keep seeing these depressing shit on my timelines? So making other people depressed is a good thing? Kinda damn selfish.
@doesnotFempute 9 сағат бұрын
venting our frustrations is better than bottling it up. I spent most of my life with crushing depression, crippling anxiety and debilitating existential dread. I have been lifted from that. We should help lift others.
@FreedomNick-ye2hh 2 сағат бұрын
No one is forcing you to watch the videos on my channel. Good bye!
@video3ish 15 сағат бұрын
Never speak for others. You’re depressed / sad whatever & you think everyone else is. It’s not half empty for everyone.
@FreedomNick-ye2hh 2 сағат бұрын
If you say so 😂
@coyotehowl1177 18 сағат бұрын
I understand your perspective. You can change your perspective - remember that comparison is the thief of joy. We are overly exposed to a preconceived world perspective via social media/internet and it makes us all anxious. Turn it off. Did you know that the happiest people statistically are those in third world countries with basic human experiences based on family and survival. Human beings have created a false reality that makes us all unhappy. For me, I have hope and it makes life wonderful, and I have plenty of trials and struggles with depression and illness but underneath it all is hope. Even Jesus Christ went through trials: Isaiah 53 1 He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted. We all have a story and we need to remember that we have the ability to control our reactions to our life
@carl156 18 сағат бұрын
@ShrineOfLife 18 сағат бұрын
yeah man, a simple living german here, I can totally agree to the sight on the things in life and earth that you have been stating. we never had a " contract for happiness " and we never had a promise to a good life on an all so happy earth. this is not a time to feel happy or to party when you have a clear view on the things that happens around us. on the things that unravel, yet to come. so its not depression, it is the state of mind, that will keep your head from exploding, when the sh*t is finally going down. when the unprepared finally come to realize, that something really bad is going on and that their blindness made them no do thing nessecary. we will see a lot of suicides in the days come by. lot of HAPPY PEOPLE, which had to much fear and lazyness to watch the things and prepare acording to this. mate, your state of mind and your state of soul is the only thing we can have in times like these. it was the only video I ve ever seen from you, but it speaks truth and gives a lot of insight in the way you think and feel. keep it up, you and me and many others, we are not alone. we do not fear. god with us. best of luck and best regards from rural bavaria hideout in southern german. we will survive and we will prosper ( in a whole different way! )
@drewdudy 18 сағат бұрын
Good video a lot of great examples in one video that proves it was a set up. Wow first time I'm hearing about that just pull it interview..great find! If you or anybody reading this doesn't already know. watch the documentary, " 911 loose change". It made my buddy who thought i was crazy, Actually side with me finally and agree that it was inside job. This very good interesting documentary has a lot of eye witnesses last testimonies. They were later silenced, and are no longer with us.
@suedemutant8196 19 сағат бұрын
Bless the algorithm. Was just thinking about this 😁
@AG-re5vw 19 сағат бұрын
The answers are all there but you have rejected the answers. To know God, to love Him and to serve Him. Your response: I don't believe in God. But here's a hint: by not accepting there is a God, you are like a rat on a consumer treadmill. At the same time, you are avoiding duties that would ensue once you figure out the point of life. For instance, you could be fighting to end child trafficking with the last bucks you earn in a month. Are you going to be 60 and still wondering what the point of life is? Or are you going to have many achievements to your credit?
@frankjamesbonarrigo7162 20 сағат бұрын
As to the insurance on the twin towers, his head of security was “the man who knew”. FBI agent who specialized in counter-terrorism, John P. O'Neill . Watch the frontline doc on him. He was warning about Bin Laden for years. He died in the towers that day.
@frankjamesbonarrigo7162 20 сағат бұрын
The bang bang could have been the floors collapsing, I don’t believe all this conspiracy, I do believe people high up knew something was coming and let it happen so they could have war and control
@frankjamesbonarrigo7162 20 сағат бұрын
I remember news reports about building 7 being a controlled demolition due to structural damage. Also there was another lane crash a month later
@tenminutetokyo2643 20 сағат бұрын
Because the powers that be do not want you to be happy. They want you poor, afraid, and dependent on them. The entire system is manipulated from the top down to keep it this way.
@frankjamesbonarrigo7162 20 сағат бұрын
I was 25, so young, gorgeous day, Changed the world forever