@mumei31 54 минут бұрын
It makes a lot of sense, stitching is always important in Elden Ring. The Godskin apostle maybe have more reason to be literally clad in the flesh of gods they've sewn together. Maybe they sought to attain their own form of godhood, only to fail because they didn't sew the God's skin directly into their flesh. Sewing is oddly important in Elden Ring, even Marika's people who was turned into the jar people were kind of "stiched together." Melding and becoming one entity in the jar, as a way to attain godhood
@RagnaRantz 3 сағат бұрын
Dude NICE! This cat Zayf is genuinely going for *deep* dives (2B completely honest, never paid much attention to Melania’s dream; & the ties here? Awesome) I was already sold, must of jst forgot-but subbed. Easily subbed 👍👍👍 (& far as what I think? I believe you nailed it; & hoping u the best on this platform)
@jfranks1295 3 сағат бұрын
The other symbol of fighting of the outer gods, braiding. It is a huge visual theme throughout the DLC. Wether Miquela’s hair and clothing, hornsent architecture and ring twirling incantations, Marika/Golden Order, and even many of the talismans. The braiding is described ( I forget which source item) as being a divine way of warding off the outer gods influence, to paraphrase. The braiding pattern and the sewing have to have some kind of connection.
@SeanHoltzman 4 сағат бұрын
Gonna put a chain of stuff together here to separate thoughts and be able to potentially edit errors via phone 😂 Often, pain used to be used ritually to enhance focus, as the human chemistry allows pain to trigger Seratonin which while also being used in the body to communicate pain, can also artificially induce a boost in adrenaline, and a boost in testosterone, all of which trigger the human body towards a "focussed state (ignoring external stimuli)" and creates Tunnel Vision. Only through regular application and learning how to regulate through this "stress response" while remaining externally aware, cognisant, and meditative do we find people are able to overcome almost any odds thrown at them. This is artificially induced in many zerious historical martial arts, military training, and interestingly in ancient spiritual and religious practices.
@SeanHoltzman 3 сағат бұрын
Much like the Kabala and religious practices of Daoism & Buddhism, Catholicism, and many other practices like stoicism (albeit historically was turned into propaganda by Rome, likely applicable in ER too knowing Miyazaki) esceticism (a hugely important practice in ER) we find the idea of you must challenge and learn to control yourself above your base instincts and nurture, allowing you to surpass the Animal (beastmen/were-self/insert-cultural tale here) inside you. This is consodered necessary for determining status and allowing Cohesion among self, among groups, and among belonging. Herbert writes in Dune about the test of the Gom Jabbar, Jabbar being Arabic for "Compeller." A testing ritual based of North African and Middle Eastern ancient traditions much like sticking your hand into a venomous animal's cage like a Scorpion or Cobra, and being able to control yourself and understand the animal at the same time to avoid YOUR emotional and biochemical reactions taking over and preventing the animal attacking and killing you in the process. Herbert writes a saying ill paraphrase from the character Reverand Mother Gaius Hellen Mohiam, a Bene Gesserit (kind shepards) often depicted as crones capable of speaking through time with their ancestors and having the perspective of higher beings, during the testing of Paul Atreides: 'the Gom Jabbar only kills Animals, not Humans. Those who have beaten their baser instincts. Those that wont incessantly and instantly gnaw their own legs off to escape the trap a hunter set for them, and instead will lay in wait feigning death for the moment the hunter arrives, and will kill him the moment he removes the trap from the leg, solving your current problem and the problem for your species.' The fact the Gom Jabar is coloquially named "The High Handed Enemy" - hoping the analogues and nods arent lost on those reading - is an interesting point of reference. From Dune Muadhib roughly translates to "he who teaches the ways," with the Kwisatz Haderach - the one chosen to thread the proverbial Needle of Fate through all possible futures, a path to bind humanity together indestructibly forever, immune to dehumanizing or alien influence, known as the Secher Jbyir: the Golden Path.
@SeanHoltzman 3 сағат бұрын
Its important to note that we know Enir Elim, and the Shadowlands are based HEAVILY on the Middle East, so we should look to other Middle Eastern religions for where Miyazaki will pull from. Much of these and Dune's portrayed beliefs are heavily taken from ProtoJudaic Spiritualities, the same ones that we know Miyazaki studied and loves as much as he loves the history of Catholicism, Rome, etc. So it should come as no surprise that pre- and Post Islam faiths in the Middle East used Gold to ward off Jinn - powerful spiritual influencers known for their whispering manipulation - who were also heavily connected with Snakes (For Evil, especially venomous ones) and these were the snakes taken and used to test people with for their Humanity and to prove freedom from Jinn Influence. One snake in particular, the Sinai Desert Cobra was a Jet/Void black snake most often deeply connected with Jinn. Often Gold was also used to ward Jinn away, or tools of such were used to perform Exorcisms of Jinn possession. You had practices of large pits filled with coals you would need to walk across to burn away the spirit through, handling the pain to prove the Jinn wasnt in control any longer. Crucibles and much metalworking was considered extremely potent at keeping such beings away, using things they couldnt stand/handle to stave them off. Many such of the traditions became hard rules to follow to purge external influences. There were also some populations in the Middle East who had copper-colored hair and whose peoples often had green or more amber eyes and post-Islam were considered as having Jinn Blood, Jinn now being atttributed as beings of "Smokeless Fire," rather than humans made of "Dirt and Clay." A LOT of which imagery is there in the Shadowlands, but much we also see in those afflicted and needing Golden Needlework, being possessed by spirits and the idea of killing the Smokeless Fire of the Flame of Frenzy fits VERY well here
@qualiswilliams7403 6 сағат бұрын
Midra looks remarkably similar to gold mask right here 🤔 the gold mask itself does someone resemble the frenzy flame head
@claralopez1433 6 сағат бұрын
Maybe the needle is a reference to the Norns weaving the web of fate with golden thread and using water from Urðarbrunnr to prevent Yggdrasil from rotting? Elden Ring seems to borrow a lot from Norse mythology.
@YamaXI 7 сағат бұрын
Hold up, if Miquella was able to discard parts of himself and essentially become ethereal, wouldn’t Malenia be able to achieve the same? They’re both empyreans with much of the same potential.
@gizkma2303 8 сағат бұрын
Gold seems to be synonymous with order in Elden Ring. So it makes sense to me that it would impede the advances of the Frenzied Flame, a force of chaos. And I guess the God of Rot is also a force of chaos, which is why gold staves off its influence?
@tiberiuspierce6165 8 сағат бұрын
Radagon's Rune. Is HIS joining Marika what warded off the influence of the Greater Will?
@Cookieushehdhhdhd 8 сағат бұрын
Melania was asleep when we found her, so when Melania served her purpose St. Trina put her to sleep to relieve his sister’s suffering. As its stated sleep is mercy
@BlueAsterismSolstice 9 сағат бұрын
I know a bit further on this subject. Godrick also took artifacts of the Godskin's Blackflame incantations, including a seal and prayerbook. It's a little up for debate as to what else there was, but Kenneth tells us more in detail of Godrick's failed assault of Leyndell and loss to Malenia. I am confident that the chest that sends us to Leyndell in the Weeping Peninsula, guarded by Godrick's men, is quite related to that. Even more so when you realize the bridge up the elevator from the Roundtable Hold is broken with a golem there, and a sending gate that goes to Malenia's Divine Tower. But in the original story trailer, we see this bridge went to a tower that's no longer there in the part of Godrick's men assaulting the city.
@AbdoHany9 9 сағат бұрын
but if Miquella's needle is used as a sewing needle,, it wont stop progression of scarlet rot when Millicent for example uses it just by putting it in her flesh,,, or Malenia herself when she had to break the needle in her shoulder to unleash the scarlet rot in Caelid,, vs Radahn. the theory is fun but I think it's missing alot of stuff,, nice effort tho !
@joshuawilson9005 10 сағат бұрын
Midra is a child of marika
@ChaosUnleashed265 11 сағат бұрын
Its a shame that they are already moving on. They could've easily expanded the game with 2 more dlcs. 1 tracking down the gloam eyed queen and the other restoring Godwyn.
@TheEvilHumanist 11 сағат бұрын
Interesting take. I felt that the story of Miquella stitching Melania together was already implied and loosely explained. It was obvious that what Midra was impaled with was doing the same thing as the unalloyed gold was for Melania and resisting the outer god. What’s more interesting it the idea that the Hornsent also had discovered a way to resist the outer gods. Perhaps the question is: “who did it first? Was it purely coincidental or did one take the technology/magic from the other. Being that the Hornsent were mostly crushed by Marika’s progeny it makes me wonder if this is where Miquella figured this out. The Hornsent being “sent by the horn” or in other words sent by the horns of the crucible. Cool stuff! Great video!
@PixelOverload 11 сағат бұрын
The stitching on Midra is a bit odd though, there's no clear evidence of the threads _outside_ the skin, the "stitching" looks to all be _underneath_ the skin. It almost looks more like it grew out his sinew...
@sgooopy0901 11 сағат бұрын
omg i’m literally losing my mind elden ring elden ring
@ironwolf3319 11 сағат бұрын
"Connecting Thread" I see what you did there.
@Goku-zu3rk 11 сағат бұрын
What starts with M and ends with a? Coincidence? I think not.
@ericcooke2661 13 сағат бұрын
If you go by the hypothesis that Melina is the Gloam Eyed Queen, then you can get an interesting event sequence. First, Melina like Messer was Merika's enforcer. Messer enforced the people while Melina hunted gods using Destined Death. She got a following, the nobles and windmill village, some evidence points to the Virgin Maidens being effigies of her. Something happened and she bonded with the Frenzied Flame. This explains why she knows about it and warns you against it. In her frenzy, Merika is forced to put her down, leaving her burned and bodiless. The Nobles flee and seek sanctuary with the Carians, which is why they are found in Volcano Manor, gaurding Ranni's body, and guarding the sword in Radahn's tower. This affront is seen as an insult, ao Radagon marches South to dispose of Caria.
@Sensei-Hanzo 13 сағат бұрын
Hmm, I don't think I'm convinced. Millicent pretty explicitly states that she uses the needle by inserting it into her flesh: "Since inserting the needle, the scarlet rot has ceased to writhe." "With the needle buried in my flesh, I've started to recall, but dimly..." "I pause to even tell you, but... I took out the needle myself." Furthermore, as you said, the gold plating on Malenia's skin is "woven", not "sewn", and weaving doesn't typically employ a needle. The individual "threads" of the weave are quite big and I could easily see those being done by hand. And even if you were to say that the needle served two purposes-both to be inserted into the flesh and to weave gold into the skin-then the needle would need to be comically large to handle threads of that size.
@Brinkalski 13 сағат бұрын
Radagon did the same thing with the Erdtree and the Elden Ring
@wallyslow 13 сағат бұрын
soooo Boc is also a god?
@OK25000 13 сағат бұрын
Great video! It made me think how fia and godwyn in some way mirror the mythological tale of Osiris and Isisi.
@ryanbartley3152 13 сағат бұрын
Makes me wonder how needle knight Leda gets her name. Is it because of her shared pursuit with Miquella to rid the world of the burdens of all the gods?
@Uhhhhhhhhh_7 14 сағат бұрын
Something I've noticed since the dlc dropped the npcs that are twins the older one is called the younger one 2 examples rennala and rellana rellana being the elder of the 2 and being called the younger the same happening is with malenia and miqella
@TheBigHatLegion 14 сағат бұрын
Given the dual/formerly dual nature of Miquella and St Trina, Trina being associated with Slumber, if Miq/Trina were able to influence her dreams while they left, or if there was an absence of influence after they left. Thoughts?
@DiabloDelMer1 14 сағат бұрын
Something I realize could vaguely add to this is that the formless mother enacts her influence through open wounds. In a way, all the outer gods get into a person through damage of the body. Open wounds; infection; growths of horns; destruction of the mind. Even Miquelle could be argued to seduce through an overwhelming domination of the mind, if you wanna stretch definitions. With the benefit of hindsight, stitching yourself closed of all possible divine damages seems an almost laughably obvious solution to the divine problem.
@DiabloDelMer1 14 сағат бұрын
Oh, also the way both Ranni and Miquelle were able to escape the influence of the Greater Will was by divesting themselves of their fleshy forms. The only way to be beyond the touch of a God is to be without malleable flesh, it seems.
@giorgiocotogno3903 15 сағат бұрын
Nanaya's edging Midra 'til the climax. Change my mind
@Lukes_Arcade 15 сағат бұрын
I’ve always read malenia and millicent’s needle as being a contraceptive (like an in-uterine-device). I spent some time looking at Malenia’s woven fabric a while back and one similar thing was a woven “towing sock” used to treat thumb fractures (like a Chinese finger trap). Generally fabric and surgery are great symbols of humans imposing order and control
@Undriel 15 сағат бұрын
There you said it. The "fabric of reality". The threads Marika pulls from the corpse in SOTE trailer are quite literally threads that she weaves into her own tapestry, a new reality operating onto this new set of rules. Miquella "spoke of the beginning" so the trailer also reveals he knows about these threads, thus he crafts needles. Tailoring is so incredibly underrated and surprising at the same time. So, if you look closely, the Golden Tailoring Tools are obtained at the Church of Vows. Another part of the game where Vows are important is Miquella's memory. Makes me think Miquella might have gotten his needles involved when wishing for Radahn to be his consort, rewriting Radahn's reality and thus sealing his destiny.
@nietzscheappeal 15 сағат бұрын
Odd takeaway I'll admit, but the first close-up of Midra in this video is the first time I've noticed that he is also missing his left eye, in the same configuration of missing eyes as the Golden Lineage. And while it does look like it could just be due to the fact that the left half of his forehead is kinda sagging over his eye, the fact that the result is God-Eyes feels significant. There was also that theory a while back about how Midra could have been Marika's dad, which this makes seem a bit more likely. So the use of Needles to stave off Outer Gods could be a bit of a family tradition, how cute.
@geckomog2590 15 сағат бұрын
I noticed the gold wrappings on malenia but I didn't realize they were gold, they're so grey I thought they were just bandages?
@metalmaniac1415 15 сағат бұрын
Miquella's needle and the repaired unallowed gold needle both have outward facing barbs similar to the stake impaling MIdra, albeit smaller. They could just be there to make it hard to remove or to make it so it doesn't fall out on its own but I wanna believe that there's some sort of sympathetic magic going on because it's cooler that way. Miquella had to mimic the form of the stake to get the forstalling efect
@alpha00zero 15 сағат бұрын
There's also Miquella's needle design having the "spiral" design seen in a lot of Hornsent structure and religious imagery, pertaining to divinity, which the spike piercing thru Midra also turned into a spiraling needle as well. So something done with this coiling design maybe helps in that regard. Another thing to point out is Radagon's tailoring skills. His sigils all have the same stitching pattern and the Carians used it in conjunction to their own sigil to form the barriers around the academy. Maybe the interwoven pattern of stitching also helps ward off influence, which may have helped the Golden Order to spread without having Outer Gods snatch their followers. That kind of pattern is similar to the one on Malenia's body.
@loptr9581 15 сағат бұрын
The idea that Miquella literally used the needles to sew Malenia’s unalloyed gold into her is even more compelling when it seems like he spun a cocoon for himself like a silkworm
@adamshepherd3158 15 сағат бұрын
Hmmm, interesting theory but I think the needles are inserted and left there. Millicent says she took hers out to give to Malenia.
@KamadakeX 15 сағат бұрын
I think you are definitely on to something here, and it makes sense thematically, not just for Elden Ring, but for all of From's Soul series. Every game has some sort of power or authority that is trying to "stitch" their world together, in order to maintain power or rule. There's always an era of prosperity that we never get to experience, because we are dropped in after the world has fallen into disrepair, and we are tasked to "fix" it or decide its fate. But in every game, the method of saving the world is flawed, in that no matter how many times we "stitch" it back together, the solution will be superficial and eventually, those threads will unravel again. And every time that happens, it becomes more apparent that the world is sick and broken, while becoming harder and harder to put back together. Much like a frayed, rotting tapestry.
@Jb24-o8w 15 сағат бұрын
In the story trailer Radahn also has his grey rotted face instead of his regular skin colored non rot face and I’ve never seen anyone talk abt it
@danield.r.5039 16 сағат бұрын
"Well, thou art of passing skill. Warrior blood must truly run in thy veins, Tarnished." are we the offspring of Hoarah Loux and Marika ? (always felt that barbarian girl was kinda like a sister to me)
@seanjohnson663 16 сағат бұрын
The flower pattern on the armor on her right arm also resembles the stitching and I always thought the sword inpaled in Mira resembled the patterns in the elden beast
@ZeroPhoenixTheLastBladeTheory 16 сағат бұрын
Kinda looks like midra has a face growing on his back - the spine a crooked nose, two yellow eyes, one just below thr stitching, mouth a gash judt before the spine and the hip connect. Evoking the fire giant god reversed?
@warpstorm1988 16 сағат бұрын
I hadn’t clocked the Midras stitching but I did think it was too much of a coincidence that Miquella’s Needle is a refined version of the weapon holding the Frenzied Flame back, and I wonder if Miquella knew about it? I also don’t think Miquella sought to fight off the Outer Gods purely for the good of his sister but as part of his own plan for ascension. Two outer gods had a claim on his “promised consort” by the time Miquella’s plan was enacted; the God of Rot and the Formless Mother and I don’t see Miquella as the type to share…
@Leo_Zackular_Art 16 сағат бұрын
Gold is super resistant to corrosion, so for FromSoftware to use it as a means to fend off scarlet rot is a great concept
@soupdumpling8919 16 сағат бұрын
Not super important but the zoom in on her belt made me realize Malenia has a belt like the Jar Shaman's bracelet around their legs and could likely be a gift from her mother as a token of her Shaman heritage :'(
@darkestwilightt 16 сағат бұрын
@TheLyricalCleric 16 сағат бұрын
I was of the opinion that Miquella’s needle was like an acupuncture needle quelling the influence of outer gods, but now I’m wondering more about just how “needle”-like some of these are. Like Midra’s greatsword of damnation, I was originally thinking it was some sort of punishment for frenzy, but now I’m thinking it’s a needle to keep frenzy at bay. Also how the people in front of Midra’s manse have their heads cut off but still retain the glowing yellow barb where their heads once were. Considering that the runes that grant life appear to be in the head (the glowing eyes of skulls in the overworld), it makes sense that taking the head and leaving in the barbs would essentially “kill” the person who otherwise could not die. It would root them to the spot and make them inert.
@DanielGarcia-rx3kt 16 сағат бұрын
I actually think FromSoftware using a Needle specifically is a reference to the way they used Needles in Dark Souls 3 in the Cathedral of the Deep. The places with needles has none of the overgrown tree roots whereas the place without needles was overgrown. Taking this into account, perhaps that's the reason for using needles. Perhaps the primordial form of humanoids are trees just like the Hollows turning back into trees on the Wall of Lothric which is why the Needles can be used to hair the encroachment of a foreign entity. It's also likely why the statues in Elfael of an adult Miquella have a huge needle on them: to destroy any influence against his Haligtree. Also, unalloyed gold means it is not, and in this case cannot, be contaminated by other Orders hence why Miquella found interest in it and attempted to make divine trees with it at the Minor Erdtree Church in the Outskirts of Leyndell.
@ThatCho 16 сағат бұрын
This video blew my mind. I just assumed the needle was an injection. This is a more grotesque reality.
@Bjuren 16 сағат бұрын
ohhhh this changes the context of the story trailer and marika..... Marika is removing golden rune stitches from someone (or something) and using them to ascend to godhood.