The Armor of God is Stupid
6 ай бұрын
I Speedrun the Arguments for God
@joshuah4952 2 сағат бұрын
Regarding the "morality that Thomas Jefferson said is self-evident": Thomas Jefferson owned slaves. "I didn't make up the fact that you ought not mutilate your children." Bold stance from someone whose god ordered his followers to cut off part of their infant sons' genitals.
@cullen6015 2 сағат бұрын
Have you check out the Sumerian texts? I've been watching this other channel and they're basically saying that beings came from outer space came to earth to mine Gold to save their planets atmosphere. And that humans were genetically created from a hominid on this planet. And that we mined the Gold for the Anunnaki. And we were basically their slaves.
@zuglymonster 4 сағат бұрын
Was he sarcastic when he said he tried his best because I'm really not understanding how it was not answering seriously to say "if God was real I'd tell him that I tried my best to be a good person" I understand you were a Christian at this time but I'm curious as to what you wanted him to answer I tried my best to live as a good person seems like a reasonable answer to me
@ProphetofZod 4 сағат бұрын
@@zuglymonster “Sarcastic” was probably the wrong way to put it. I remember he smiled and chuckled a little bit. It seemed like he was being playful about it, but he might have been trying to keep light about an uncomfortable question. What I expected him to answer is a good question. His answer was perfectly reasonable, and I think that’s a lot of what bothered me. If I had an expectation for a better answer, it would probably have been for him to say he was a Christian, which was obviously naive and unreasonable.
@thefunpolice 8 сағат бұрын
Been watching your vids for years. This one was truly superb.
@ItRemindMeOfHome 9 сағат бұрын
The lack of basic empathy is startlingly common among apologists it seems
@venenareligioest410 17 сағат бұрын
Followers of ALL religions make the same false claims, they claim to KNOW things which they cannot possibly KNOW! They claim to KNOW that there is a god, they arrogantly claim to KNOW the mind of god. They claim to KNOW there is a heaven and a hell, but are unable to provide evidence for any of this.
@MrDanAng1 18 сағат бұрын
8:04 Yeah she just parrotting applogist talking points. And the way she does it, I doubt she even understand half of them. "Second law of thermodynamics". What about the first law... god creating something out of nothing break that one just as much as "a glob popping out of nothing".
@belterglj 21 сағат бұрын
I too had an atheist professor. He wasn't the god's not dead caricature, but it seemed a little iffy that he used a bit of class time to explain some basic reasons to doubt god exists. I remember that since a lot of people think miracles don't happen anymore, he asked why we would think they used to happen. It was relevant to the class which was social science, and from a social science paradigm, religion is a great way to manipulate people. Now I agree with every thing he said about religion.
@RobertJones-jn1ux 21 сағат бұрын
One you all will belive
@TheRatsintheWalls 23 сағат бұрын
Wow, this is, by far, the worst questions-for-atheists video I have ever seen.
@daveshugart2195 23 сағат бұрын
You think highly of yourself. Lol
@sethhornaday5943 Күн бұрын
Frank is un hinged
@duanejohnson9798 Күн бұрын
Maybe the title should have been top 10 unfalseabile reasons to believe in a mythological creature. 😊. Or unbelievable.
@dortemadsen2166 Күн бұрын
Thank you for making this series even if it didn't get as many views as your other videos. I was never in or around churches like this and although I know this messaging is happening it was informative to see an example of how it is done and the manipulation at play.
@ianbabineau5340 Күн бұрын
Perhaps you’ve changed your views, but I would suggest that his response to your question was less rude and sarcastic than the question itself (it’s fine young University students often do rude things towards professors out of ignorance, it’s part of growing up). The questioner implied he was too stupid/foolish to believe and might be deserving of eternal torture and damnation. That’s definitely ruder than his response sounded (I wasn’t there though, so perhaps he was being worse than I imagine).
@christopherestrada2474 Күн бұрын
Well if you were to conflate God with Life, then there would be nothing wrong with saying God knocked the domino over. It’s like saying Life knocked the domino over. It’s very vague and doesn’t specify but it’s true regardless. So yes, it’s a God of the Gaps. But God of the Gaps is still true, because it affirms that it did indeed happen at all.
@emmanuelpiscicelli6232 Күн бұрын
The lost are Christians.
@JasonHenderson Күн бұрын
Well, the apostle Paul also thought the world was going to end like next week. He believed he was going to live to see Jesus return. He was doing a sprint, not a marathon.
@ariebrons7976 Күн бұрын
16:51 Hence they go on massive anti-college campaigns.
@ariebrons7976 Күн бұрын
Oh prophet, hereby my experience with other religions, A couple months ago you also asked about how it feels to have a minority religion. May this answer both: At school I've had one instance of religious discrimmination; A teacher called me an ethno-nationalist. (Due to the religious tensions in my mother's country of origin). I never had any Christian missionaries as teachers in school; But my Christian neighbours would constantly try to convert me. Using the slimiest tricks in the book. Even going so far as to invite me to parties, and pull out a bible. SURPRISE BIBLE STUDY! As you can see, I am pretty open to learn. But people should be abundantly clear that they want to teach some religion. Surprise bible studies are harmfull, because I come in unprepared; And get verry upset when tricked into a bible study. Usually I tell the host whether he/she ever considered converting to Islam. And start screaming. People get very upset about it, and sometimes break the friendship right there. I also constantly have to purge my mind from Christian ideas that have hit the mainstream. I.E holy texts are moral texts. Which is a heretical vieuw in my religion, we are moral relativists.
@user-dn3qf3nf3y Күн бұрын
Sadhguru says about Prophet Zod: He's stealing my spotlight on KZbin now. 😂😂😂😂😂
@user-dn3qf3nf3y Күн бұрын
Another cult leader oh great! It's like those thing's in the Promenade Deck they just keep coming. 😂😂😂😂
@user-dn3qf3nf3y Күн бұрын
Rabbi Tovia Singer says to prophet Zod: Who is this guy? If he's so rich with his video's on KZbin how come I've never heard of him?
@user-dn3qf3nf3y Күн бұрын
You want evidence which you can't get. 😂😂😂😂
@user-dn3qf3nf3y Күн бұрын
Prophet Zod: What am i doing here why do i fight here?' idiot why ask yourself something that you already know the answer to. 😂😂😂😂😂
@user-dn3qf3nf3y Күн бұрын
Jesus: Should we bring the atheist's on up here to heaven yet? Jesus asks Chuck. Answer: No says Chuck that wouldn't be a very smart thing to do.
@user-dn3qf3nf3y Күн бұрын
Prophet Zod is making a movie called, God Is Dead 4 while Matt Dillahunty is making a movie called God Is Dead 3 movie. 😂😂😂😂😂
@user-dn3qf3nf3y Күн бұрын
Somebody is whispering in Prophet Zod's ear. You will surely not die says the serpent 🐍. Snakes. Typical. 😂😂😂😂😂
@user-dn3qf3nf3y Күн бұрын
But if there is something else that is behind it making people doubt becoming atheist's then it would be similar to what is written on in 1 Kings 22:23 verse
@user-dn3qf3nf3y Күн бұрын
But somebody is obviously behind the BS and it's gotta cut out. Are they taking and being doubtful based on whatever they have been told by anyone? No. They have not but it doesn't mean that you can rule out it being a possibility
@user-dn3qf3nf3y Күн бұрын
I think atheist's are just not sure because oh maybe they have been not told it but have believed it because they don't know who or what they are really being told or influenced by
@user-dn3qf3nf3y Күн бұрын
The Bible mentions something that is behind what the other's who don't know don't believe so they keep doing that then they'll never learn anything. No not until it's to late right? 😂😂😂😂😂
@user-dn3qf3nf3y Күн бұрын
The Bible mentions something that is behind what the other's who don't know don't believe so they keep doing that then they'll never learn anything. No not until it's to late right? 😂😂😂😂😂
@user-dn3qf3nf3y Күн бұрын
As for the Bible......
@user-dn3qf3nf3y Күн бұрын
The BS about it is not learning about it if it is really there. No wonder why atheist's people have doubts! Are they full of BS? No they just don't know is all like how i did at first i just didn't know not until i took and learned what i didn't know
@timothymulholland7905 Күн бұрын
This is the guy Ken Ham put in charge of AIG. He's slicker and more refined, but still stuck in the 1920s.
@DustinKillyact Күн бұрын
I was born in the usa to a father from Iran which everyone world wide would hate the god from iran so it was just more obvious to me if his god was probably not real then all gods were obviously not real
@LelaShines4 Күн бұрын
He’s TOTALLY going to reveal the proof but he can’t do it when everyone’s looking at him (he’s shy) ☺️ and plus, everyone left their ovens on! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Love the channel, thank you for all the great videos. 👏🏼
@moonytheloony6516 Күн бұрын
Is that a younger picture of Zod in the thumbnail? If so, even back then one using their critically thinking noggin could tell that Zod was destined to be a James Bond villain....and Superman's greatest nemesis...all in one. Yet again I'm inclined to say that it's great to have an actual face with Zod's voice. As much as I can respect his reasons for "static face" this means much more because now we have the face of a human being looking right at us and I think this matters a bit more, so even though I've applauded this change prior....i still applaud it and i appreciate it. This is a good channel owned and operated by a good man trying to educate, to inform, to help and that is what patriotism truly is...promoting the general welfare.
@user-dn3qf3nf3y Күн бұрын
Jesus/Superman says: No Prophet Zod is my enemy.' 😂😂😂I 😂
@brunogalati8408 Күн бұрын
OK if there god why is is the world full of unhappiness then why is there death in the world then if there god and there is millions unanswered prayers if your god is all loving how come he don't help people then why he hiding all the time you cant see him to see if he real
@authenticallysuperficial9874 Күн бұрын
Stupid opening
@jimscanoe Күн бұрын
The Xtian g∅d is a pile of steaming bullshit designed to bring in as much tax-free money as the *Sky Daddy* scam can bring in.
@erichodge567 2 күн бұрын
I remember watching the original Inspiring Philosophy video some months ago and thinking, "This is so cringe..."
@steveferguson698 2 күн бұрын
The Devil has certainly provided millions and millions... maybe billions ($) to the worlds entertainment industry..which of course includes religion
@elzo_smid 2 күн бұрын
The fine tuning argument is indeed nonsense for so many reasons. One more reason is that we do not know if and how many other universes preceded this one. Maybe there were millions of universes before this one, exploding en collapsing because they were less fine tuned. we don't know.
@markdoldon8852 2 күн бұрын
That parody gets a 100% in my books, Zod.
@thomask9272 2 күн бұрын
I never had an overly atheist professor in college, but in the Spanish department where I got one of my majors, there were a lot of white professors who would poopoo the Church then talk about how much they loved Aztec religion. 😂
@destinationshypnosis 2 күн бұрын
Loving this series for how much I'm learning about being raised in a "bubble." I was Xtn from childhood until my 60s, but raised in a multicultural, multilingual community. I'm gaining so much empathy through this series for others who didn't get that exposure to people with wildly different beliefs and a "no big deal" attitude about it.
@FGuilt 2 күн бұрын
The Catholics used to maintain their interpretation authority by just using Latin and not letting the unwashed masses read the book themselves. Now? The church floods social media with these confident men claiming to be right. Religion never changes.