Yoruichi Deserved Better
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@Fanimati0n 2 күн бұрын
the thing abt Chuuya is that he CAN'T be in too much stuff. if he's around a lot, then you start developing plot holes. "why didn't Chuuya just stop the Moby Dick?" for example. If he's in the story too much, then it would realistically just become "The Chuuya and Dazai Show (ft some other guys)"
@frobsonsdesenhos 4 күн бұрын
It's not that serious buddy
@LevRiv 7 күн бұрын
“The plans are not complex in a way that flips things” oh boy, I’m sure season 5 was quite the dollar coaster then
@nikkisixx4923 10 күн бұрын
I think Kubo put orihime and Ichigo together just to spite people forcing him and threatening him to write what THEY wanted and not what he wanted, because Kubo once said “I don’t write that well when people pressure me to write” something along those lines.
@SophieHatterLeFay 11 күн бұрын
No but the worst is that the ending has the bad guy go "I'm gonna come back when you're at your happiest", then Ichigo proceeded to get married and have a kid, and the bad guy just lay there like, I got nothing. But the moment he sees Rukia again after a decade, the bad guy immediately pops back up like "my time has finally come". Like, what even is this. If you tell me Ichihime is the end couple, then I can only assume there's some hardcore emotional infidelity going on ichigos head?????
@frobsonsdesenhos 4 күн бұрын
Huh? What are you even on lol?
@evobrand1210 12 күн бұрын
How dare you not mention Chuuya turning Dazai into a human beyblade!
@johnnystardust9918 13 күн бұрын
I need the song used at the beginning of this video!
@The_BlOb 13 күн бұрын
I don't ship Ichigo with Rukiya. But this was a really good and interesting video essay to watch about the topic Also, I believe that love goes beyond romance. You love your friends too, it doesn't have to be inherently sexual or passionate in that sense. Ichigo and Rukiya are soulmates the same way as, say, Naruto and Sasuke are. They're really good friends and their friendship is more precious and deep/meaningful than any romantic or sexual relationship between them could be. I respect Kubo insanely for not going the romance route between Ichigo and Rukiya, despite how popular of an option it might have been. It only goes to further the pure nature of Ichigo and Rukiya's friendship / friendly (platonic) love, in my opinion.
@Horny_4_Da_Monies 14 күн бұрын
This video was interesting to watch.
@dazaimaru5799 15 күн бұрын
I also wasn't a fan of the canon AU stuff...
@lordmark4966 16 күн бұрын
so basically women are into gay features in men and dont make noticeable actions to help the situation? :/ hmmm
@tyforestreacts 18 күн бұрын
I actually feel pretty bad for both Ichihime and Renruki, as they only got the crumbs of what made Ichiruki so popular. Not to mention that every canon Ichihime moment is one-sided and Renruki will forever be plagued by Renji’s introduction. Neither are bad ships, but DAMN, they got overshadowed HARD.
@zekesilverstone3475 21 күн бұрын
the "talk" they had on episode 8 while running downstairs? the moment when they said their goodbyes because Ichigo was losing his power? the moment Ichigo was crying in the rain in the fullbringer saga because he lost his power AGAIN and in the exact second Rukia appears the rain INSTANTLY stops? nah that ship HAD to happen, i still belive this was just a mandela effect and i got sent to a different reality bruh bc there's no way.
@GabeKis-fz8tn 24 күн бұрын
With that not finished sentence I had a theory that Reki realised at that moment both how selfish he was for begin so jealous of Langa and how much afraid he was that Langa will ending up like his old best friend from childhood. I think he was trying to say "Do you know how much I would miss you if you would leave me too" But there was so much going on I get that thay needed time. But its kinda bugs me, why Rekis friend end this friendship with Reki ater he got injured and quit skateing. Was he afraid that sk8board is the only thing that keeps them together or was it sometimg more. I mean Reki has weird flashbacks and had a nightmare where we saw Langa cracking his neck on the ground so this might symbolise what happend. And judging by that neckbraise, that guy probably ended up paralised. And the only reason why Reki Is felling so bad about not begin great skater, its because, he accually is great, but hes afraid of getting hurt. So much so that be bacomes defensive. Hes not a pro master but hes not bad either, but there are stuff that seems to block his potentiall. If season 2 ever comes out we have to see more of Reki trying to deal with himself. And maybe see what really happend to his childhood friend after all this time.
@patrickstables3493 25 күн бұрын
I was surprisied they be married...but...no...they took other partner....what!!!...😂😂😂😂
@carloskingdomh 24 күн бұрын
if you paid attention to the series you shouldnt be surprised
@cplusplus5144 26 күн бұрын
Is saved nearly every arc, and have a win to lose ratio the same or worse than Renji and Toshiro, while her two biggest "wins" were assists by her brother Whole character revolves around male characters that's fine tho cause she beats up the male mc Was demoted to side character early in the series and her relevance drops hard after Soul Society arc Had no female friends other than Orihime Is subjected to couple fan service scenes one that's a bordline rape joke that is one of her most popular moments in the tybw arc.. Ichigo was never a "black sun" he was always a black moon you would know if you read bleach and not wattpad fanfics and ruka was drawn as a star numerous times. So basically female gaze = mad when my nearly plot irrelevant female deuteragonist samurai girlboss self insert doesn't get with my husbando. Ichigo marrying someone that he loves and won't kick and punch him every other day like his dad is great. Thank you Kubo for not putting your male mc in a relationship that contains domestic violence for the laughs and cheap display of girl power.
@7N_GA 26 күн бұрын
13:56 that's a lot of gays
@v12_biturbo63 27 күн бұрын
Excellently done, you got a sub in me! However, I disagree with your view that Kubo interpreted the series through the male gaze, because of the emergent implications on human social interaction. It means that as humans we have no locus for consensus and we potentially misunderstand most interactions. I vehemently refuse to believe that something that was so masterfully crafted was done by accident. It's the equivalent of falling on paint and leaving a perfect replica of the Mona Lisa in your wake, or worse, painting the Mona Lisa and saying you did it by accident or that you were attempting to paint a house. Kubo sabbotaged Bleach or he's a lousy writer.
@carloskingdomh 24 күн бұрын
yeah neither of those he is a great writer and just because you cant see ichigo and rukia had nothing more than a solid friendship doesnt mean he sabotaged it, that just means he knows life way more than you do
@MarkGittens-hs9pw 18 күн бұрын
Stop shaming the author for something you wanted
@v12_biturbo63 18 күн бұрын
@@MarkGittens-hs9pw What the hell does this even mean? In School we analyse set reading works. Stories are meant to be discussed and I'm allowed to point out a weakness in an author's work.
@hayam168 28 күн бұрын
it made me so mad when chuuya was saving the agency and kunikida jumped out of the helicopter chuuya (gravity manipulator) stood there and watched😭
@yours_eve2001 Ай бұрын
i was on a site watching anime and i was watching "banana fish", which is BL and in the recommendations for other similar anime next to it, they had many bl anime and also " 91 days" . So yeah.
@sinongaba Ай бұрын
If Noelle and Asta doesn't end up together, it's a confirmation that mangakas are trolling us!
@carloskingdomh 24 күн бұрын
kubo didnt trolled us
@oceanapearl3503 Ай бұрын
@RUdigitized Ай бұрын
Leave it to a girl to read hidden intent into a thousand details you would never notice if someone didn’t point out to you explicitly in a KZbin essay
@Red_XIII_Cox_Enjoyer Ай бұрын
I like this video.
@terrarionaqu5262 Ай бұрын
by this logic ichihime is also the female gaze you are just bias about it
@aidanjack3094 Ай бұрын
Ichigo has always been a role model for me when it comes to relationships I always admired when I was younger how hard ichigo fought to save someone that he for all sakes didn’t know even loved him. He just did it to see her smile there was no “I love you” at the end no passionate kiss it was just simply to see her happy again. It makes me laugh how the last girl I was talking to I did the same exact thing for watching your video made me realize some part of me probably just wanted to feel how ichigo felt in that moment. And let me tell you seeing that smile after knowing they were so sad is truly amazing. In the end I never dated my “Rukia” she went for someone else. But still seeing that smile made all the work worth it. Even as a guy I’ve always appreciated the female gaze so much more than the male gaze.
@terrarionaqu5262 Ай бұрын
ichigo never saw rukia that way
@lpsivy Ай бұрын
I just finished Storm Bringer today…LORD HAVE MERCY WHY MUST MY FAVORITE CHARACTER SUFFER AND GO THROUGH SO MUCH TRAUMA!? 😭 I already knew I was in for trauma reading this light novel, but I was not prepared for ALL THAT! 😩 The fact the detective wanted to show Chuuya the light, but died before he could?! THE FACT CHUUYA WANTED TO SEE THE LIGHT! Adam being Chuuya’s father figure, Dazai starting all this just to prove Chuuya’s human? What Verlaine did to Chuuya was abusive and cruel and there’s no excuse for it, but in the end he did what he did, because he genuinely cared about Chuuya. All Verlaine knew from Pan was abuse and being used as a spy for the government. So he projected his feelings onto Chuuya, and believed Chuuya was only being used by those around him as well. Verlaine never knew the difference between control and genuine love. Even Chuuya can understand this which is why he still somewhat cares for Verlaine despite everything he did. That Chuuya knows he likely could’ve gone down the same path Verlaine went. Chuuya seeing his ACTUAL PARENTS and leaving them saying the mafia is his family now? PLS CHUUYA DESERVES TO SEE HIS REAL PARENTS! I want to believe Chuuya will end up okay and happy in the end, but even if he does, it’s gonna be a long and painful road to get there. 10/10 would let traumatize me again! 🥹😭👍❤️
@forrest7870 Ай бұрын
Whats the Bleach OST at the start
@Taiga-16 Ай бұрын
Bro... If Ichika and Kazui don't end up together imma lose it lol
@terrarionaqu5262 Ай бұрын
lmao you are just a pathetic shipper
@Taiga-16 Ай бұрын
This video broke me 💔
@terrarionaqu5262 Ай бұрын
cause you realized you are wrong?
@officalcords Ай бұрын
This video helped me on a deeper level
@officalcords Ай бұрын
Proshipping does not mean what you think people use it to ship brother sister
@terrarionaqu5262 Ай бұрын
its not good to accept delusions
@officalcords Ай бұрын
@@terrarionaqu5262 female gaze and things of that nature
@purple_ray88 Ай бұрын
the commentary of this video is so redundant omg. people arent THAT stupid you dont have to keep hammering in the same points like 5 times in differnet phrasings.
@ladynooir_ns2288 Ай бұрын
Chuuya's development already happened:/ But it was only on the LNs
@ladynooir_ns2288 Ай бұрын
Assagiri knew Chuuya was going to be popular
@drksideofthewal Ай бұрын
23:20 To add onto this, for anyone who might say that's too much to read into a hand movement... even a few frames of animation take untold hours of drawing, and a lot of money. If anything, it has to be more well thought out than dialogue which can simply be dubbed, as we all know. Nothing you see on screen is without intent.
@Kay-ol1ye Ай бұрын
I was hoping they'd got together. But Kubo has to ship Orihime with Ichigo, like that betch only causes troubles. Atleast Rukia is quite powerful
@terrarionaqu5262 Ай бұрын
orihime is also powerful and last i saw rukia also caused problems dont be a hypocrite
@frobsonsdesenhos 4 күн бұрын
Rukia literally lost most of her fights lol what are you on?
@Kay-ol1ye 3 күн бұрын
Rukia would mop the floor with Orihime. What are both y'all on? Did you not see Bleach?
@frobsonsdesenhos 3 күн бұрын
​@@Kay-ol1ye what's the correlation lol?
@ajschrist Ай бұрын
@Serocco Ай бұрын
I loved IchiRuki back then. But I'm not gonna talk about it. Instead I have some harsh critiques of the female gaze as a concept. Namely, the female gaze is just a bunch of gender stereotypes repackaged under fake progressive lenses. Women historically are socialized to not speak out, to not express how we really feel, so we were forced to speak in code, speak without being obvious. We had to be subtle. Great example - we would say "Sure, Honey" when the male members of our social lives told us to vote one candidate, then vote who we actually wanted and never let them know about it. In fact when we do speak out and express ourselves, we're called hysterical, we're called crazy, we're called overly emotional. I don't need to explain why this was all nonsense. So when people like Soloway talks about how female gaze is nonsexual in nature and more based on emotion, that unfortunately typecasts female perspective as emotional, reactive, and "oh she doesn't want sex but he does" in a way that makes me feel gross.
@kurisuchiinu1206 Ай бұрын
Not to mention they have a movie together as in Ichigo saving Rukia again and being the only one who remembers her name, besides Kon and a few others... Fade to Black which literally made me think they're canon (sadly the movie isn't considered a canon I think?)
@terrarionaqu5262 Ай бұрын
that movie is filler and means nothing
@Mellojoseph Ай бұрын
Great video! I always felt like the end game should have been Ichigo and Rukia, then Uryu and Orihime!
@terrarionaqu5262 Ай бұрын
then you are pathetic as heck
@MouaffakKoubeisy Ай бұрын
Amazing FKN video
@terrarionaqu5262 Ай бұрын
it was a bad video
@justlikejulia2669 2 ай бұрын
Not sure if you're a manga reader, but shit has gotten inSANE since Season 5 Finale... Those who are now questioning if they should watch it, *watch it* because I can promise you it'll be worth your time. There's a lot more to the finale and it doesn't end as easy as you'd think.
@Blackmamba_yellowfit 2 ай бұрын
I can’t tell you how pissed I was when Rukia did not end up with this man. I was so confused smh
@terrarionaqu5262 Ай бұрын
then that tells me you didnt read the manga, or didnt paid attention to it
@Blackmamba_yellowfit Ай бұрын
@@terrarionaqu5262 I didn’t read the manga. The anime was definitely deceptive.
@terrarionaqu5262 Ай бұрын
@@Blackmamba_yellowfit yeah cause it added scenes that werent in the manga that even kubo was mad about, sorry but thats on you ichihime is the better pairing
@terrarionaqu5262 Ай бұрын
@@Blackmamba_yellowfit cause it added scenes that even the author was mad about, its on you if you see it this way, ichigo and orihime is the one that was developed
@Blackmamba_yellowfit Ай бұрын
@@terrarionaqu5262 lol ok but would you agree that in the anime Ichigo and Rukia made more sense? Not manga just the anime.
@Harvey46 2 ай бұрын
The ending was sad but hey at least angelo and nero made their amends
@rictusempra3388 2 ай бұрын
To this day I still think the best kind of love in fiction (and out of fiction) is the type where the two characters are equal but different, the type that challenges each other to continue to be the best versions of themselves, the type to smack some sense into each other and to bring hope to each other when all hope seems lost, the type that the two are individuals but they come to a mutual understanding of each other. Ichigo x Rukia's soul-bond is a great representation of this kind of relationship. Another one, dare I say, is Naruto x Sasuke :D But it's almost impossible to have Japanese authors end their stories in these pairings in a mainstream shonen manga, especially the second one.
@chawli2782 Ай бұрын
you described ichigo and orihime
@anajubs1230 2 ай бұрын
Asagiri: well we have this guys, redhead, short.. haha.. yeah he just was made to show that Dazai had a past.. he's not important let's focus on the Agency members.. no.. not Chuuya he's just a guy... Stop.. STOP YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW HIS STORY HE'S JUST A RANDOM GUY!! Shit.. now I have to create a past for him... Hd was supposed to be a random guy!
@redfox5493 2 ай бұрын
Ichihime for life
@fadumomohamed2342 2 ай бұрын
I always thought of them as platonic soul mates, I don't know, It had more emotion to have them have their two seperate journey's influence each other, and then there is the fact that Rukia will live much longer than ichigo I think this was the best move.