I Tried a New Top Secret CGM
Dexcom G7 Secrets, Finally Exposed!
25 Superfoods That Fixed My Diabetes
@kakdelauze 14 сағат бұрын
00:00:00 Советы по улучшению чувствительности к инсулину • Повышение чувствительности к инсулину является ключевым фактором в снижении уровня сахара в крови. • Чувствительность к инсулину - это показатель, который показывает, насколько организм устойчив к инсулину. • Инсулин - это гормон, который снижает уровень сахара в крови. 00:01:33 Снижение стресса и физические упражнения • Стресс может повысить уровень сахара в крови, поэтому важно снизить уровень стресса. • Физические упражнения способствуют переносу сахара из крови в мышцы и снижению уровня сахара в крови. • Аэробные нагрузки, такие как бег, плавание или езда на велосипеде, снижают уровень сахара в крови, а анаэробные нагрузки, такие как силовые тренировки, могут временно повысить его. 00:04:12 Сон и клетчатка • Недостаток сна может повысить резистентность к инсулину. • Добавление клетчатки в рацион замедляет пищеварение и снижает скачок уровня сахара в крови после приема пищи. 00:06:51 Избегание обработанных продуктов • Избегание обработанных продуктов, особенно с добавлением сахара и искусственных ингредиентов, может улучшить чувствительность к инсулину в долгосрочной перспективе. • Использование приложения Clinio для составления индивидуального плана питания может помочь в переходе на домашнюю диету. 00:09:38 Употребление низкоуглеводной пищи • Употребление низкоуглеводной пищи не улучшит чувствительность к инсулину, а может привести к обратному эффекту. • Употребление низкоуглеводной пищи с высоким содержанием жиров может привести к резистентности к инсулину. 00:10:26 Прерывистое голодание • Прерывистое голодание может увеличить шансы на долгую жизнь и снизить резистентность к инсулину. • Рекомендуется практиковать ограниченный по времени прием пищи (16:8) - есть в течение 8 часов, остальное время поститься. 00:11:20 Регулярная проверка уровня сахара в крови • Регулярная проверка уровня сахара в крови помогает понять, как продукты, физические упражнения, стресс и другие факторы влияют на чувствительность к инсулину. 00:12:04 Волшебная пилюля для снижения чувствительности к инсулину • Существуют природные вещества, которые могут помочь снизить чувствительность к инсулину, но автор не рекомендует их использовать. • Вместо этого автор советует есть больше суперпродуктов для лечения диабета
@kakdelauze 14 сағат бұрын
00:00:00 Влияние фруктов на уровень сахара в крови • Автор купил 20 самых популярных фруктов и проверил их влияние на уровень сахара в крови. • Бананы, яблоки, виноград, клубника, апельсины, арбуз и авокадо были протестированы. 00:05:09 Рекомендации по употреблению фруктов • Автор рекомендует употреблять фрукты из зеленого ведерка без ограничений, но следить за количеством углеводов и дозой инсулина. • Фрукты из желтого ведерка можно есть в умеренных количествах, а из красного ведерка - только в небольших порциях. 00:08:43 Авокадо и его влияние на уровень сахара в крови • Авокадо содержит мало углеводов и много клетчатки, что делает его полезным для уровня сахара в крови. • Автор рекомендует есть авокадо без ограничений, но учитывать его высокую калорийность. 00:09:31 Черника, малина, персики • Черника содержит 14 углеводов на 100 граммов, гликемический индекс 53. • Малина содержит 10 углеводов на 100 граммов, гликемический индекс 28. • Персики содержат 15 углеводов на 100 граммов, гликемический индекс 42. 00:13:22 Дыня, мандарины • Дыня содержит 8 углеводов на 100 граммов, гликемический индекс 65. • Мандарины содержат 14 углеводов на 100 граммов, гликемический индекс 47. 00:16:14 Ананас, сливы, вишня • Ананас содержит 13 углеводов на 100 граммов, гликемический индекс 59. • Сливы содержат 10 углеводов на 100 граммов, гликемический индекс 39. • Вишня содержит 15 углеводов на 100 граммов (сладкая) или 10 углеводов на 100 граммов (кислая), гликемический индекс 62 или 22 соответственно. 00:18:12 Ежевика • Ежевика содержит 10 углеводов на 100 граммов, 5 чистых углеводов, гликемический индекс 22. 00:18:45 Гликемический индекс и уровень сахара в крови • Гликемический индекс ежевики составляет 25, что соответствует предпочтению автора - менее 40. • Уровень сахара в крови после употребления ежевики не сильно повышается. 00:20:22 Груши и киви • Гликемический индекс груш составляет 38, что соответствует рекомендациям ADA. • Уровень сахара в крови после употребления груш повышается, но не сильно. • Гликемический индекс киви составляет 53, что выше предпочтений автора. • Уровень сахара в крови после употребления киви повышается, но не сильно. 00:22:45 Манго и сушеное манго • Гликемический индекс манго составляет 55, что превышает предпочтения автора. • Уровень сахара в крови после употребления манго повышается, но не сильно. • Сушеное манго содержит больше углеводов и имеет более низкий гликемический индекс, но уровень сахара в крови повышается сильнее. 00:24:15 Абрикосы и гуава • Гликемический индекс абрикосов составляет 34, что соответствует предпочтениям автора. • Уровень сахара в крови после употребления абрикосов повышается, но не сильно. • Гликемический индекс гуавы составляет 25, что также соответствует предпочтениям автора. • Уровень сахара в крови после употребления гуавы повышается, но не сильно
@abbojectpro6164 15 сағат бұрын
Is it water proof? Can I shower or swim while wearing it? Also, how long does it take before you change it?
@iuplandkorsxcu 17 сағат бұрын
@iuplandkorsxcu 17 сағат бұрын
Your videos are packed with very important information. Thank you!
@fluffers3793 17 сағат бұрын
how do i actually stop your videos from popping out on my feed? i only viewed one randomly and next few weeks i’ve tried blocking and ask to not recommend but it just kept appearing 😭
@nothingworksworks3511 17 сағат бұрын
Carb to fiber ration is very interesting!
@nothingworksworks3511 17 сағат бұрын
Gosh, thank you. I want to lower A1c so very much, really want to get well
@NomvuyisekoMondi 19 сағат бұрын
Thanks for sharing this video
@Berre1008 20 сағат бұрын
Great tip. I just figured that out today by myself and wish I had seen your suggestion earlier!
@diocleciano5596 21 сағат бұрын
*I had very high blood sugar I only managed to improve my health when I found a WONDERFUL treatment,❤❤ if you want to know about it, I left the video in the comment reply*
@JefinerLoupez-xx2lo 21 сағат бұрын
"DlSCOVER THE NEW DM2 TREATMENT" is the name of the video
@-FernandoMoura-_- 22 сағат бұрын
*I had very high blood sugar I only managed to improve my health when I found a WONDERFUL treatment,❤❤ if you want to know about it, I left the video in the comment reply*
@Antoniodosmontes 22 сағат бұрын
DlSCOVER THE NEW DM2 TREATMENT is the name of the video
@mr.j8033 22 сағат бұрын
Guinness does not use high fructose corn syrup and taste great.
@Antoniodosmontes 22 сағат бұрын
*I had very high blood sugar I only managed to improve my health when I found a WONDERFUL treatment,❤❤ if you want to know about it, I left the video in the comment reply*
@-FernandoMoura-_- 22 сағат бұрын
DlSCOVER THE NEW DM2 TREATMENT is the name of the video
@hikarublankenship6785 Күн бұрын
One year later and it’s still only 10 days
@Antoniodosmontes Күн бұрын
*I had very high blood sugar I only managed to improve my health when I found a WONDERFUL treatment,❤❤ if you want to know about it, I left the video in the comment reply*
@-FernandoMoura-_- Күн бұрын
DlSCOVER THE NEW DM2 TREATMENT is the name of the video
@CrispyBaconYT555 Күн бұрын
Every time I’ve tried to put the pod on my stomach area it got painful and left marks afterwards and I just hated it. I only ever wear it on the back of my arms now.
@raajparkash7981 Күн бұрын
Great video better than any doctors or diabetic medical teams very clear & concise information I will subscribe to you I think by following your information diabetes type 2 can be put into remission
@Tamil.o.Official Күн бұрын
I have a Q for you Sir, can we swim with this patch? anything you can suggest
@neskaka Күн бұрын
Thanks again for all your videos and all what you do for our diabetic community. Thanks to you we are much more aware of every news... more than governmental website... thanks again
@robertomoscoso8942 Күн бұрын
Great tutorial about buying bread!!! I don't know how it is in Switzerland with the salt, but here in the US dextrose is added to it. For this reason, I avoid buying bread that has salt, even though the label says it doesn't contain sugar... the salt contains a type of sugar that's even more harmful.
@CaueAnastaciolira Күн бұрын
*I had very high blood sugar I only managed to improve my health when I found a WONDERFUL treatment,❤❤ if you want to know about it, I left the video in the comment reply*
@Joaofernandinho Күн бұрын
@Antoniodosmontes 21 сағат бұрын
"DlSCOVER THE NEW DM2 TREATMENT" is the name of the video
@corteltube Күн бұрын
Great information…thank you.
@jamesfoo8999 Күн бұрын
Another amazing video, quite objective and scientific. How does eating multiple foods affect the combined GI? Obviously if you eat foodA (10carbs) and foodB (5 carbs) you have eating 15 carbs. But does GI stack up like this too? I assume rather than adding them up it's just the highest? So foodA (10GI) and foodB (5GI) you've had max 10GI with foodA?
@vickischuring6296 Күн бұрын
Great video. Thank you for sharing your knowledge🌹
@jamesfoo8999 Күн бұрын
Very useful and great tips thank you 👍A lot of it is common sense, but you make some deeper very useful tips. Also it's nice to hear it outside of one's own head, to hammer it home a little more that these things we should really do on a regular basis, not just think about it.
@norme2681 Күн бұрын
Tom, what is the US version of myrum in the meatball dish,
@terrenceishere4215 Күн бұрын
Liked and Subscribed
@hishamalsmairat5075 Күн бұрын
Try to make your videos shorter and more concise
@erint933 Күн бұрын
Hi!😊Thank you for showing such thorough information! I'm wondering about the accuracy of checking blood sugar when soap and water are not available but someone uses an alcohol wipe (medical grade) instead? This has happened a couple times to me when I'm out shopping and I'm in the car with kids and can't go wash my hands easily. (Or if I feel an odd feeling come on quickly and don't want to go find a bathroom somewhere, but instead check my BG using an alcohol wipe to clean the finger.) Wondering your opinion, thank you!🙂
@polovazquez625 Күн бұрын
It was a long video but I loved it how you present all vegies and fruits. Now I understand much better list of good and bad food my doctor gave. Thank you for sharing
@woz832 Күн бұрын
As a female, I can confirm that care must be taken when putting sports bras on and off if you use an arm site. Regular bras are less challenging but if you’re not mindful it can pull off a sensor or site on the arm. I’ve heard about the chest/pecs area being a usable site for sensors - any feedback on placement there for sensor or pump? I often tuck my tubed pump into my sports bra when using abdomen sites but never tried a chest site. Would love to hear if others have. Also - “unipack” had me laughing 😆
@victoriajankowski1197 Күн бұрын
A note on body types, fasting long enough to get well into ketosis can reduce insulin sensitivity in heavier people. If you've switched to fat metabolism switching back into sugar metabolism can take a bit, and if your a certain amount over weight your own fat being released for mobilization can cause intracellular lipid build up causing insulin resistance. So don't break your fast with naked carbs or even fruit, start with beans or something protein rich but relatively low fat to give your system time to switch metabolisms and clear out your cells!
@PainKiller696 Күн бұрын
Noice! Keep up the great work!!
@TypeOneTalks Күн бұрын
Thank you my friend!
@AndroidSon Күн бұрын
Shave your leg under sensor!
@victoriajankowski1197 Күн бұрын
Do you think that breakfast would work using water sauté and tofu instead of eggs? My cholesterol is still an issue for me
@michelematter7996 Күн бұрын
I just switched from Freestyle Libre 2 to the Omnipod 5/Dexcom g6 set-up. Yes, the upper arm is an issue removing your bra, be it a sensor or insulin pump. Thanks for doing the research!
@TypeOneTalks Күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing!
@Glamdring196 Күн бұрын
Your number 10 is indeed my number 1 haha. Love using my arms and have been using them since the beginning, though I have migrated from the back of the arm to the outer (dealt with a really bad bleeder the one time on the back). That spot is now reserved for my cgm. Beautiful absorption and out of the way most of the time. Definitely have to be careful with sports bras and have to go a lot slower when changing. Love handles are also great, except when I wear high waisted pants and my belt line gets in the way. My inner thighs seem to be the only comfortable spot on my legs, maybe due to the fact that I use a steel needle set. There's just a lot of muscle and nerves in that area that are hard to get around and I find the absorption is also very slow for me there. Just goes to show how everyone's management is so different! Love the video!
@shahaadshaukat7024 Күн бұрын
try huawei warch 4 which is about 2k rmd chinese currency 😊
@Laljack564 Күн бұрын
I like this man. He explains things very clearly. To me 100% wheat bread is ok to eat.
@nordicgod32 2 күн бұрын
More please about dealing with body hair and adhesion. I’d use some of these sites more if I wasn’t worries about it falling off.
@TypeOneTalks 2 күн бұрын
I feel you. Thanks for the feedback!
@jonwelderbeast.438 2 күн бұрын
Why can’t we be given the best fruit within two minutes?? I just fast forward to the end, otherwise I lose the will to live, anyway!!!! 😂
@johnmarkee9219 2 күн бұрын
Never heard of sour cherries, but across the pond would that be tart cherries?
@philipchapman3002 2 күн бұрын
I’m starting the omnipod 5 early July, can you have more than one basal profile that you can switch to ? Thank you
@TypeOneTalks 2 күн бұрын
Yes. There are some options to work with this in both automode and manual mode. Please check my other Omnipod videos where I talk more about this.
@shekw 2 күн бұрын
It looks like the numbers are running opposite in the 2nd and 3rd tests.
@timmynguyen3410 2 күн бұрын
Hi Tom, Thank you for provided such a great video. I have a question for you. Do you have an experience using the Libre 3 reader by itself. When I checked on view glucose its give me a reading of a letter "HI" instead of the actual number. Do you know why?
@ron95754 2 күн бұрын
Great Review of the most favorable sites. I very much like that you cover the part about being flexible, at 75 years old, flexible becomes one of the key's. :)
@TypeOneTalks 2 күн бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it! And thank you for your feedback!
@leecrawford6812 2 күн бұрын
Hello, Lee here. Im type 2. Love your channel and find it very informative. All of these sensors seem to have big advantages but no one seems to have mentioned the cost. These things are very expensive if not freely provided by your diabetes team.
@bart1476 2 күн бұрын
Am am a professional athlete type 1. I never have used a pump because it would get knocked off. I use the libre 3 cgm because it is accurate and small and doesn't interfere with my sport.
@bart1476 2 күн бұрын
If you eat correctly and eat very few carbs, you are taking just a few units of insulin before eating and even less before the rigorous exercise I get from my sport.
@TypeOneTalks 2 күн бұрын
I’m happy to hear MDI works for you! That’s great. I prefer a pump but I fully understand your reasons! It goes to show we are all different! Thanks for watching!
@theresamelvin60 2 күн бұрын
Hi Tom been on the omnipod 5 and dexcom g6 now for 6 months and loving it my fav spots are on my legs find it so easy as I wear a patch as well makes it easier to apply❤